Personal development arguments. Arguments for composing the Unified State Exam – large collection

Option 30. Analysis of the text from the collection Tsybulko 2018. Arguments.


Not long ago I had the good fortune to speak with a man who... early childhood saw Pushkin. Nothing remained in his memory except that it was blond, vertically challenged, ugly, fidgety and very embarrassed by the attention that society showed him. I assure you that I looked at this man as if he were a miracle. Years will pass fifty - sixty, and those people who saw Tolstoy during his life (may God prolong his days!) will also look at it as a miracle. And therefore I consider it not superfluous to tell about how in the spring of one thousand nine hundred and five I saw Tolstoy.
Sergei Yakovlevich Elpatievsky warned me that Tolstoy was leaving Yalta tomorrow morning. I remember clearly wonderful morning, cheerful wind, the sea - restless, sparkling - and the steamer "St. Nicholas", where I boarded an hour before Lev Nikolaevich's arrival. He arrived in a two-horse carriage with the top raised. The carriage stopped. And then an old man’s foot in a high wader boot appeared from the carriage, looking for footrests, then slowly, like an old man, he walked out. He was wearing a short drape coat, high boots, and a second-hand bowler hat. And this costume, together with gray and green hair and a long flowing beard, made a funny and touching impression. He looked like an old Jew, one of those that are so often found in southwestern Russia.
I was introduced to him. I cannot say what color his eyes are, because I was very confused at that moment, and also because I attach almost no importance to eye color. I remember shaking his big, cold, stiff, old hand. I remember the surprise that struck me: instead of a huge, venerable old man, like Michelangelo’s Moses, I saw an old man of average height, careful and precise in his movements. I remember his tired, senile, thin voice. In general, he gave the impression of a very old and sick man. But I had already seen how these calm eyes, faded with time, with small sharp pupils, unconsciously, out of habit, absorbed the deft running of the sailors, and the lifting of the winch, and the crowd on the pier, and the sky, and the sun, and the sea, and, it seems that the souls of all of us who were on the ship at that time.
There was a lot here interesting point: Doctor Volkov, who arrived with Tolstoy, was accepted thanks to his shaggy hair and flat hairstyle for Maxim Gorky, and the entire steamship crowd poured behind him. At this time, Tolstoy, as if rejoicing at the momentary freedom, walked to the bow of the ship, to where settlers, Armenians, Tatars, pregnant women, workers, shabby deacons huddle, and I saw a wonderful sight: people who had no no idea about him. He walked like a true king, who knows that he cannot but be given the way. At that moment I remembered a fragment of a church song: “Behold, the king of glory comes.” And I also could not help but remember the sweet story of my mother, an old, convinced Muscovite, about how Tolstoy was walking somewhere along one of the Moscow alleys, on a fine winter evening, and how everyone coming towards him took off their hats and caps in front of him, as a sign voluntary worship. And I realized with amazing clarity that the only form of power permissible for a person is the power of a creative genius, voluntarily accepted, sweet, magical power.
Then another five minutes passed. New acquaintances of Lev Nikolaevich arrived, and I saw a new Tolstoy - Tolstoy, who was a little flirtatious. He suddenly became thirty years old: a firm voice, clear eyes, secular manners. With great taste and very restraint, he told the following anecdote:

You know, I was sick the other day. Some deputation arrived, it seems, from the Tambov province, but I could not receive them in my room, and they introduced themselves to me, passing in front of the window... and so... Maybe you remember in my "Fruits of Enlightenment" fat lady? Maybe you read it? So she comes up and says: “Dear Lev Nikolaevich, let me thank you for those immortal works, with which you have delighted Russian literature..." I can already see from her eyes that she has not read anything of mine. I ask: "What did you especially like?" She is silent. Someone whispers from behind her: " ", "Childhood and adolescence"... She blushes, her eyes run around in confusion and, finally, she babbles in complete embarrassment: "Oh yes... The childhood of an adolescent... The military world... and others..."
At this time some Englishmen came, and here I again saw the new Tolstoy, a self-possessed, correct, European aristocrat, very calm, flaunting his impeccable English pronunciation.
This is the impression I received from this man within ten to fifteen minutes. It seems to me that if I had followed him for several years, he would have been just as elusive.
But I realized in these few minutes that one of the most joyful and bright thoughts is to live in the time when this amazing person. That it is high and valuable to feel like you are also a human being. That we can be proud that we think and feel with him in the same beautiful Russian language. That the man who created the lovely girl Natasha, and the curly-haired Vaska Denisov, and the old gelding Kholstomer, and the bitch Milka, and Fru-Fru, and the coldly impudent Dolokhov, and the “round” Platon Karataev, who resurrected Napoleon for us again, with his trembling thigh, and Masons, and soldiers, and Cossacks, together with the charming Uncle Broshka, who smelled so comfortably of a little blood, a little tobacco and chikhir - that this diverse man, mysterious power making us cry, and rejoice, and be touched - is the true, joyfully recognized ruler. And that his power - similar to the creative power of God - will remain forever, will remain even when neither us, nor our children, nor grandchildren are in the world.
That's approximately all that I managed to think and feel between the second and third bells, while the heavy, clumsy cargo steamer "St. Nicholas" pulled away from the Yalta pier.
I remember another small, funny and touching detail.
As I ran down the gangplank, I met the captain of the ship, a complete stranger to me.
I asked:
- Do you know who you are taking?
And then I saw how his face immediately lit up in a strong, joyful smile, and, quickly shaking my hand (since he had no time), he shouted:
- Of course, Tolstoy!
And this name was like some kind of magical unifying word, equally understandable at all longitudes and latitudes of the globe.
Of course, Leo Tolstoy!
With all the fullness of my loving and grateful soul, I wish him many years of health, have a wonderful life. Let him, like a good owner who has grown a luxurious garden for the benefit and joy of all mankind, contemplate the golden fruits of his hands for a long, long time in his royal sunset.
A.I. Kuprin

Approximate range of problems:

1. The problem of attitude towards outstanding personalities, idols. (How do people relate to outstanding personalities, their idols?)

Author's position: People appreciate outstanding personalities, their idols, pay them attention, admire their talent, express their gratitude to them, look at them as if they were a miracle, are proud that outstanding people are their contemporaries and compatriots.

2. The problem of the power of talent. (What is the power of talent?)

3. The problem of the discrepancy between our ideas about a person and reality. (Do our ideas about a person always correspond to reality?)

Author's position: Our ideas about a person may not correspond to reality: the narrator, who expected to meet the venerable old man L.N. Tolstoy “saw an old man of average height,” careful and precise in his movements.”

4. The problem of life's difficulties talented people. (Is it easy to be a talented person?)

5. The problem of the relationship between a person’s external appearance and his inner world. (Does a person’s appearance always reflect him? inner world?)

Author's position: A person’s appearance does not always reflect his inner world: an outwardly helpless person can have enormous inner strength, which is not always immediately noticeable.

6. The problem of the role of personality L.N. Tolstoy in our culture. (What is the role of the personality of L.N. Tolstoy in our culture? What distinguished the personality of L.N. Tolstoy?)

Author's position: L.N. Tolstoy was a very observant, self-possessed, courteous person, he was a “true king”, respectful the people around him had recognized master words that created bright artistic images. His contribution to Russian literature is difficult to overestimate.

1. Problem emotional experiences, heartache, suffering rises in the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The hero of this work, Rodion Raskolnikov, experiences the deepest mental anguish, the source of which was his own worldview, a theory invented by him and carefully tested. Raskolnikov's mental struggle is growing, becoming more intense and confusing, it goes in many directions, and each leads to a dead end. The spiritual resurrection of the hero is planned only in Siberia at hard labor.
2. The problem of the “humiliated and insulted”, the problem of poverty, extreme poverty rises in the novel Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The Marmeladov family is depicted in deep poverty. Loss of work, illness, and the inability to support his wife and children lead Semyon Marmeladov to drunkenness. Dostoevsky sees the reasons for the fall of man in his weakness, inability to withstand the blows of fate, as well as in the lack of support from others. The Marmeladov family is doomed to death.
3. The problem of the emergence of philosophical pseudo-theories rises in the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Main character Rodion Raskolnikov in his article expressed the principle of separation of people. the main idea his idea is that people, according to the law of nature, are divided into two categories: lower, ordinary and people themselves, that is, those who have the gift or talent to say a new word. This theory is criminal. Raskolnikov paid a heavy price for his erroneous beliefs. He tested his theory on himself: physically he killed another, and spiritually he killed himself.
4. The problem of good and evil rises in the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The hero of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov, is unusually kind and humane: he passionately loves his sister and mother, takes pity on the Marmeladovs and helps them, and does not remain indifferent to the fate of the drunk girl on the boulevard. At the same time, he exhibits extreme selfishness, individualism and cruelty. Raskolnikov creates an anti-human theory of “two classes of people”, in which he determines who lives and who dies. Hero, loving people, suffering for their pain, commits a villainous murder. Good and evil coexist in Raskolnikov's soul.
5. Problem disrespectful attitude to old age and the elderly, the problem of loneliness comes up in the story K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". This work is dedicated to the problem callous attitude to lonely elderly people, to their joyless life. How could it happen that the girl Nastya, who cares about others, does not find time to visit my own mother? The author of the story thinks about this question. A feeling of irreparable guilt, unbearable heaviness settles forever in the soul main character.
6. The problem of loneliness comes up in the story Having lost her loved one and her children, Matryona is left completely alone. It would seem that a person in such a situation should become embittered, turn away, hide from others. But the heroine finds a way to feel people need. She works tirelessly, helping her sisters and neighbors with housework. Work relieves Matryona from loneliness.
7. The problem of the significant role of the word in human life has always worried creative, caring people. Poet V. Shefner in the poem “The Word” wrote: “with a word you can kill, with a word you can save, with a word you can lead regiments…” He dedicated his work to the enormous energy of the word, urging people to remember this and be more kind to others.
8. The problem of education younger generation through the active work of a person’s inner world, his mental strength rises in the story V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons". The formation of the personality of the main character, a teenager, occurs during difficult war years. The example of the teacher’s actions plays a huge role, her personal qualities: spiritual generosity and sincere participation in the boy’s fate. All this gives rise to a thirst for knowledge, moral fortitude, self-esteem are those personality qualities that can raise the cultural and moral level of a person of the new generation and develop his individuality.
9. The problem of sacrifice comes up in the story A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin's Dvor". The main character is open to others, pure man. Matryona had no love, all the children died, her husband disappeared in the war. So she works hard and cares about those around her. But sincere sacrifice brought the heroine to death. People could not understand her inner world, her soul. They used her help for their own purposes without even showing respect. Of course, the author is right when he says that without such a righteous man “the village does not stand.”
10. The problem of honor, duty and dignity rises in the novel A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Old Guard officer Andrei Grinev views the concept of honor in his own way, believing that its essence is in faithful service to “the one to whom you pledge allegiance.” Grinev the son, taking into account his father’s instructions, tries to follow folk wisdom“Take care of your honor from a young age.” He never once betrayed the oath given to the empress, and, choosing between life in lies and betrayal and death, he prefers the second.
11. Personification love of life, perseverance and patience became "unknown flower" from story of the same name A. Platonova. The hero of the fairy tale was a small flower that grew in a vacant lot between stone and clay, lived, overcoming adversity, accumulated dew at night so as not to die of thirst, dozed when it was especially difficult, stood firm during the day and smelled fragrant. An example of his amazing vitality awakens special feelings in the children who come to the wasteland - mercy, participation, desire to help those who need it. A short life unknown flower gives birth to a dream, a dream of such a close, real transformation of the world.
12. The problem of vitality and unbending will fully revealed in the story M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Neither the bitter losses of loved ones, nor injuries, nor captivity and deprivations of the war years could break the will of the main character Andrei Sokolov. The work of the Don writer is imbued with life-affirming pathos. Having challenged fate, the hero wins, because love for his neighbor and hope for finding happiness reappear in his life. spiritual harmony and faith in a bright future.
13. The problem of true and false patriotism revealed in the novel Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". According to the author, true patriots are peasants who burn hay so that the enemy does not get it, Moscow residents who leave their homes so as not to remain under the rule of impostors, soldiers who calmly, simply and confidently do their job. A false patriotic atmosphere reigns in the salons of Anna Pavlovna Scherer and Helen Bezukhova, where “great efforts had to be made to realize the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people were.” The world continued to live by its own interests even in a moment of national disaster.
14. The problem of good and evil, morality and recklessness lies at the heart of the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The heroine of the work, Helen Bezukhova, is the embodiment external beauty and at the same time strange stillness, fossilization. She resembles a beautiful but soulless statue. Pierre Bezukhov is struck by her inner rudeness. “I’m not such a fool as to have children,” she says blasphemous words. Helen is good in appearance, but she is the personification of immorality and depravity.
15. The problem of family, motherhood, the special purpose of women revealed in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The world of the family, according to the writer, is the basis human society, and the owner of it is a woman. Princess Marya and Natasha Rostova are wonderful mothers and wives. The harmony of their families lies in the fact that husband and wife seem to complement and enrich each other and form one whole. Temporary misunderstandings and mild conflicts are resolved here through reconciliation. Tolstoy's heroines selflessly love their loved ones, their family.
16. The problem of patriotism rises in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Thus, the hero of the work, Petya Rostov, went to war very young and did not regret his life for the sake of the fatherland. Natasha Rostova is ready to give up all her valuables just because she wants to help the wounded. The writer and characters draw with love and respect guerrilla warfare. Tikhon Shcherbaty passionately hates the invaders, calling the French “peace-makers.” Tolstoy's thought about the deep patriotism of the Russian people is the leading one in the novel. With obvious sympathy and pride for his people, the writer tells us about their ardent patriotism and selfless devotion.
17. The problem of finding the meaning of life rises in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The closest and dearest to the author are only those heroes who are in constant moral search, whose souls are working on the problem of choice, on solving the eternal question of the meaning of life. Pierre Bezukhov always sought a solution to this issue. He looked for it in philanthropy, in Freemasonry, in absent-mindedness social life, in wine, in the heroic feat of self-sacrifice, in romantic love to Natasha. As a result, he comes to the conclusion: the purpose of life is to bring “independent” and “active” people into society against social and political evil.
18. The problem of degradation of the human personality reveals I.A. Goncharov in the novel “Oblomov”. Apathy, laziness, absence life goal and interest in life, indifference to oneself are the main character traits of his hero, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. A large sofa, a comfortable robe, and soft shoes determine the character of the hero’s life. Trying to get rid of these symbolic details, Oblomov after a while returns to his favorite way of life.
19. The problem of the active, hardworking man ready for self-sacrifice, is revealed in the image of Stolz, the hero novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". For this hero, the meaning of life is in work, he is unusually efficient, enterprising, this active person, strong man, able to stand up for himself and cope with all difficulties. Goncharov admires his ebullient energy.
20. The problem of the special character of the Russian woman ( new woman, women's equality) reveals itself in the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The woman’s extraordinary character traits are embodied in the image of Olga Ilyinskaya, the main character of the work. This is the desire for active work, lack of affectation, simplicity, naturalness, dissatisfaction with oneself and life. An active, passionate nature, Olga did a lot to re-educate Oblomov, to save him from laziness and apathy. This girl is among the best heroines of Russian literature.
21. The problem of confrontation between two generations rises in the novel According to the writer, the “children” accept as an inheritance from their “fathers” all of their spiritual experience. But they should not slavishly copy their “fathers”; on the contrary, they need to creatively rethink them life principles. In an era of social upheaval, such a reassessment of values ​​occurs much more harshly. Hence the misunderstanding between “fathers” and “children”. Turgenev presented the conflict of two generations in his novel.
22. The problem of man versus society, the problem of loneliness rises in the novel I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main character Bazarov is opposed to everyone acting persons. He is a person from a different environment, and this is manifested in his views, words, in his relationships with his parents, friend, and girlfriend. The reader immediately feels that the person in front of him is lonely, since he belongs to a world different from the world of those around him.
23. The problem of nihilism (denial of all principles and authorities) rises in the novel I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Nihilists act deliberately, based on the principle of usefulness of activity for society. They deny social order, religion, autocracy. This denial is perceived by new people as activity, not chatter. Turgenev understood Bazarov's nihilism as revolutionary.
24. The problem of human loneliness in society rises in the novel I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main character of the work, Evgeny Bazarov, is a homeless wanderer, striving for an unattainable goal. Living alone is a conscious choice of the hero, making him the chosen one. Bazarov - extraordinary strong personality, internally free, but lonely.
25. Problem of overcoming life's adversities rises in the story The hero of the work, Ivan Flyagin, possessing enormous physical strength, is distinguished by amazing moral strength and desperate courage. He is characterized by extraordinary stamina, resistance to adversity, and vitality. Heroism and inner immeasurable strength help him stay alive and unharmed.
26. The problem of love for the fatherland, the ability to see the beauty of the homeland rises in the story Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer". To be ready to courageously defend your fatherland, you must be able to see and appreciate its beauty. Ivan Flyagin, the main character of the work, is given this in full. He fondly remembers the Kursk night, even in captivity he admires the steppe and admires all living creatures. For him, all this is the Fatherland, worthy of charm.
27. The problem of the true price of the individual, the lack of spirituality of society rises in the story The main character of the work is a millionaire who long years worked tirelessly to become like rich people. Having achieved this, he revels in his position and wealth, but treats the poor with contempt. Bunin speaks ironically about the gentleman from San Francisco and leaves him without a name, emphasizing his critical attitude towards the lack of spirituality of bourgeois society.
28. The problem of dividing society into rich and poor touched upon in the story I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco". The main action of the work takes place on a huge steamship, not accidentally named after the legendary lost civilization"Atlantis". On the upper decks there is a calm, well-fed and idle life of the “upper” society. It is contrasted with the hellish labor in the “basements”, the unbearable tension in the “giant furnaces”. Bunin creates a picture of heaven and hell. 29. The problem of tragic love comes up in the story A.I. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet» . The soul of Kuprin's hero Zheltkov is full of love. But this unrequited love, undivided. "Hallowed be your name“, - the lover repeats in his letters. However, the object of his ardent passion, Princess Vera, realizes her mistake too late. Selfless love Zheltkova will awaken the heroine’s soul and make her suffer from the realization of a bitter loss.
30. The idol problem Russian writers also touch on human life. So the hero of the novel I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" Sitnikov considers himself a student of Bazarov. He tries, just like his idol, to be free and daring. However, his imitation looks comical. For Sitnikov, Bazarov’s nihilism is a way to overcome his complexes. He is dog-like devoted to his idol, but he openly despises him.

Problem attitudes towards poets and their work. (How do people feel about poets and their work?)

Author's position: people are not always able to appreciate poets and their work; sometimes they condemn and reject creative personality, at the same time, poets like Yesenin deserve genuine respect.

    1. Yu. Nagibin “Intercessor” (Tale in monologues). The author of the first monologue of the story, Leonty Vasilyevich Dubelt, speaks about the attitude of his contemporaries towards Pushkin’s work, which was manifested in their behavior after the death of the poet: “The light was divided into two unequal parts. The majority condemns Pushkin and justifies Dantes..., while the minority mourns Pushkin and curses his murderer.” However, the most important thing is that “the death of Pushkin suddenly revealed that there is not only light..., but such a strange, imperceptible and unmentioned formation in Russia as the people... Not serfs, not stinkers, not servants,...not lowlifes, not philistines, but the people. Otherwise, how can you call those thousands and thousands that besieged Pushkin’s house during the days of his agony, and then one by one said goodbye to the deceased, kissing his hand?” Why did the mass of the poor become a people, although there was no revolution? Apparently national identity was awakened by the word. In a word of genius.
    Dubelt believes that the state rests on people like him, zealous servants of power, and history proves that the poetic word actually has power.

  • 2. A.A. Akhmatova. Poem "Requiem". The poem “Requiem” by A. Akhmatova, by its very appearance, testifies to the attitude of society towards the poet. In the years Stalin's repressions people were afraid even of their thoughts, not to mention their words, and only despair could make them want justice at any cost. A woman who stood with A. Akhmatova in the prison queues asked the poet to describe everything that people who came there to find out about the fate of their loved ones experienced:
    • They rose as if to early mass,
    • They walked through the wild capital,
    • There we met, more lifeless dead,
    • The sun is lower and the Neva is foggy,
    • And hope still sings in the distance.

    Akhmatova truthfully told about what was happening in the words of the very mothers, wives, sisters with whom she stood in line:

    • For them I wove a wide cover
    • From the poor, they have overheard words.

    Precious lines were saved thanks to A. Akhmatova’s friends, who kept them in their memory for many years. These words are evidence of the crimes of those who were confident in their impunity, these words are an eternal monument to those innocently convicted and those who fought for their acquittal.

  • 3. A.A.Blok. Poem "Twelve". Poem “Twelve” by A.A. Blok is evidence of the ambiguous attitude of readers towards the poet. The author himself considered this work to be the best, but not everyone shared this point of view. So, I. Bunin spoke evilly about the poem, and Vyach was outraged by it. Ivanova, and Z. Gippius. Writers with prejudices about the revolution did not notice the real merits of the work. But A.M. Remizov admired “the music of street words and expressions.” The street itself “adopted Blok’s poem,” “the posters were full of lines close to the slogan.” A. Blok was worried about the fate of the revolution, because he saw that something alien was mixed with its flame. “The Twelve” is not only an attempt to convey the essence of what is happening to Russia and its people, but also a prophetic prediction of the future. Each reader of the poem understood its meaning in his own way, hence the diversity of views and assessments.
  • Updated: August 7, 2017
  • By: Mironova Marina Viktorovna
  • People who don't read books are depriving themselves of the wisdom of previous generations.
  • Literary works teach a person to think, analyze, and look for hidden meanings
  • The ideological influence of a book can last throughout a person’s life.
  • By reading, a person becomes smarter and more intelligent
  • You can find solace in books even in the most difficult times.
  • Books are a collection of all human wisdom accumulated over many centuries
  • Without books, humanity is doomed to destruction


A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. For Tatyana Larina, the main character of the work, books are a completely special world. The girl reads a lot of novels and, in her fantasies, sees herself as their heroine. She imagines life as it is presented in her favorite books. When Tatyana falls in love with Evgeny Onegin, she begins to look for traits in him that are common to the heroes of her favorite works. When Evgeny leaves the village, the girl studies his library, learning more and more about this man from the books.

Ray Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451" The importance of books in a person’s life cannot be overestimated. In Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel, we see a world devoid of literary works. By destroying books, humanity destroyed its historical memory and my freedom, I forgot how to think and delve into the essence of things. Replacement literary works There have become completely stupid TV shows, talking screens with “relatives”. People themselves did not understand how they turned into creatures unable to think or grasp the essence of what they read. Their brains are accustomed to accepting light, entertaining information. People seriously decided that books bring only evil and that there is no need to read them. By losing the books, humanity doomed itself to destruction by allowing itself to be controlled.

F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. The Bible had a huge influence on the life of Rodion Raskolnikov, the main character of the work. Sonya Marmeladova reads an episode to the hero, the meaning of which will be important for him later life. The passage telling about the resurrection of Lazarus conveys the idea of ​​​​the all-encompassing mercy of God and the forgiveness of sinners: sincere repentance leads to the rebirth of the soul. While in prison, Rodion Raskolnikov reads the Bible. The book helps the hero take the path of spiritual resurrection.

Jack London "Martin Eden". Reading books helped Martin Eden transform from a poorly educated sailor to the smartest person of its time. The hero spared no time and effort in reading: at the same time he read and studied grammar, admired beautiful poems, and studied the works of Herbert Spencer. With the help of books, Martin Eden received a comprehensive education without spending time at school and university. While reading, the hero regretted that there was so little time in the day. The life story of Martin Eden confirms that books are a huge store of knowledge for mankind, in which one can find the answer to any question.

K. Paustovsky “The Storyteller”. As New Year's gift the boy receives a book with fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen. Fairy tales captivate the child so much that he forgets about the holiday and the fun. While reading, he falls asleep under the tree, and in a dream he sees the author himself. The boy thanks the writer for opening the way to the world of fairy tales. The hero is sure that it was fairy tales that taught him to believe in miracles and the power of good.

To draw two squares with different sides, such as 2 and 3, we needed to write two different helper algorithms. But what if you need to draw many different squares with different side lengths? Don’t write your own algorithm for everyone! It turns out that algorithms can have arguments; you can create an algorithm for drawing a square with an arbitrary side length.

You have already encountered the concept of argument in mathematics. In mathematics, a function argument is an independent variable whose values ​​determine the function's values.
For example, the function f(x) = x 2 +1 has one argument. For different values ​​of the argument we will get different meanings functions - for x=2 we get f(x)=5, for x=3 we get f(x)=10, etc.

The auxiliary algorithm we need (which draws a square of a certain length) can be written as follows:

alg square(arg thing)
. lower the pen
. move by vector(0,a)
. move by vector(a,0)
. move by vector(0,-a)
. move by vector(-a,0)
. raise the pen

The notation “alg square(arg thing a)” means that the “square” algorithm has one argument (arg) “a”, which can be an arbitrary real (real) number.
In order to call this algorithm, you need to write, for example, “square(2)” - we get a square with side 2 or “square(3)” - we get a square with side 3, etc.
“a” will receive a specific value only during program execution during the corresponding auxiliary algorithm. And everywhere instead of “a” this number will be substituted by the computer.

The program for drawing this picture could be like this:

use Draftsman
alg squares
. move to a point(1,1)
. square(2)
. move to a point(4,1)
. square(3)
. move to a point(8,1)
. square(4)
. move to a point(13,1)
. square(5)
. move to a point(0,0)
alg square(arg thing)
. lower the pen
. move by vector(0,a)
. move by vector(a,0)
. move by vector(0,-a)
. move by vector(-a,0)
. raise the pen

Let's teach the Draftsman new commands. Let one of the commands be called “ line(arg things x1,y1,x2,y2)» – to draw a line from point (x1,y1) to point (x2,y2).

. move to a point(x1,y1)
. lower the pen
. move to a point(x2,y2)
. raise the pen

Let the second command be called “ rectangle(arg things x1,y1,x2,y2)" to draw a rectangle. Point (x1,y1) is one point of the diagonal AC of the rectangle, point (x2,y2) is the opposite. Before writing the algorithm, you need to understand what the coordinates of the other two points are equal to.

An auxiliary algorithm could be like this:

. move to a point(x1,y1)
. lower the pen
. move to a point(x2,y1)
. move to a point(x2,y2)
. move to a point(x1,y2)
. move to a point(x1,y1)
. raise the pen

Now using these commands we will draw a house:

use Draftsman
alg house
. rectangle(2,1,8,5)
. rectangle(3,2,5,4)
. rectangle(6,1,7,4)
. line(1,4,5,8)
. line(5,8,9,4)
alg line(arg things x1, y1, x2, y2)
. move to a point(x1,y1)
. lower the pen
. move to a point(x2,y2)
. raise the pen
alg rectangle(arg things x1, y1, x2, y2)
. move to a point(x1,y1)
. lower the pen
. move to a point(x2,y1)
. move to a point(x2,y2)
. move to a point(x1,y2)
. move to a point(x1,y1)
. raise the pen

Note: naturally, simultaneously with these commands we can also use standard draftsman commands (move to a point, move to a vector...).

Task 1. Using the auxiliary algorithms line and rectangle, create a drawing.

Task 2. Try to rewrite the line and rectangle algorithms so that drawing is carried out by the command to shift by vector.

Task 3. Create an algorithm “rectangle (arg things x, y, a, b)” that draws a rectangle with side lengths a and b, starting from ending at point (x, y).

Task 4. Draw yourself what the Draftsman will draw by following the algorithm:

use Draftsman
alg spiral
. move to a point(3,3)
. lower the pen
. turn(1); turn(3); turn(5); turn(7); turn (9)
. raise the pen
alg turn(arg thing)
. move by vector(a, 0)
. move by vector(0, -a)
. move by vector(-a-1.0)
. move by vector(0, a+1)