Arguments: the problem of historical memory. Arguments from works

Many writers turn to the theme of war in their works. On the pages of stories, novels and essays they preserve the memory of the great feat of Soviet soldiers, of the cost at which they won victory. For example, Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man” introduces the reader to a simple driver - Andrei Sokolov. During the war, Sokolov lost his family. His wife and children died, his house was destroyed. However, he continued to fight. He was captured, but managed to escape. And after the war, he found the strength to adopt an orphaned boy, Vanyushka. “The Fate of Man” is a work of fiction, but it is based on real events. I am sure that there were many similar stories during those four terrible years. And literature allows us to understand the state of people who went through these tests in order to appreciate their feat even more.

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When they say “The Great Patriotic War,” a picture of battles and fierce battles appears before me; pain – physical from wounds, and mental, which torments people who lost their loved ones at that time. But what does war mean for modern society? How do today's people feel about veterans, about the memory of great battles and about universal heroes? This is exactly what L. Matros makes the reader think about with his text.
Speaking about this problem, the author regretfully admits that the war years are fading into the distance from the memory of modern times and “in the external attributes of everyday life, everything that reminds of it is gradually disappearing.” And he is right, because a new generation is growing up, which, alas, is not interested in “problems of the past”; they are much more interested in thinking about today. Increasingly, we are faced with a situation where for the modern generation the Great Patriotic War is becoming just an echo from the past, which is mentioned in history textbooks. It is not for nothing that Sailor considers the theme of victory to be especially relevant today, because the Great Victory showed “how powerful and invincible the people of the Earth are when they are guided by the wisdom of finding ways to unite the forces of good and humanism against evil and misanthropy.”
I completely share the author’s view, his pain is close to me. I also believe that the topic of folk memory is very relevant at the present time, when in the world we are faced with a lot of troubles every day. Based on this, I believe that it is impossible to raise a full-fledged person without teaching him to respect his ancestors and the history of the country
The Great Patriotic War created an entire poetic anthology of the era. The importance of people's memory has been emphasized more than once in the works of talented writers. In this way they showed us that these events are sacred for the entire people. We must remember those who died and treat veterans with respect.
Let us recall, at least, “Obelisk” by Vasil Bykov, where the feat of the teacher, shot by the Nazis, was not forgotten.
Also, for example, one can recall Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”.
Speaking about this work, one cannot ignore such concepts as courage, honor, courage and courage. It was these qualities that the main character of the story possessed. Sashka. Although this hero is still very young, he takes his profession very seriously.
The events of those years leave no one indifferent. And it is very valuable that over time we do not turn into mankurt slaves from the famous legend, who do not remember our past.
The main thing is to remember the truly great words of A.S. Pushkin: “Respect for the past is the trait that distinguishes education from savagery.”

In modern society, many people forget about the heroism of the people who died during the war years. It is precisely this problem of preserving the memory of those killed in the war that Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov considered in the text proposed for analysis.

In order to most accurately analyze the problem, the author writes about two heroes who are unlike each other, but have the same attitude towards those killed in the war. One of them treats historical memory with care due to his education: “For Prudnikov, who once before the war studied at the history department of Moscow State University, this discovery seemed extremely important.”

Another - due to his character: “He was a great-hearted man, despite his rudeness, a favorite of the entire battery and a good artilleryman.” After Captain Nikolaenko realizes that the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is being shelled, he gives the order to hold off the fire. This moment teaches the reader to honor and preserve the memory of those killed in the war.

I think that the author’s position is formulated in sentences No. 35-38: “This is not just a grave. This is, how to say, a national monument... Well, a symbol of all those who died for the Motherland.” Konstantin Mikhailovich argues that every person, in any situation, is obliged to remember those who died for their Motherland. After all, this is the main value in our life.

And without knowledge about our past we have no future.

For example, in the work of B.L. Vasilyev's "Exhibit No." the careful preservation of the memory of the deceased soldier is manifested in the behavior of the main character Anna Fedotovna. Her son died in the first years of the Great Patriotic War. All that remains of him are a few letters from the front, which the old woman values ​​and cherishes. One day, pioneers come to an elderly woman with a request to give letters to the historical museum. Anna Fedotovna refuses because these things connect her with her son and remind her of him. For the heroine, the highest value is preserving the memory of her dead soldier.

Another example is the work of V. A. Zakrutkin “Mother of Man”. The main character Maria treats with trepidation the memory of those killed in the war. Returning to the plundered village, the woman first tried to bury all the dead: both her own and her enemies. There were no shovels, so she dug graves with her hands. Maria considered it inhumane not to bury the dead. For several months, the heroine searched for the bodies of her husband and son, who were killed before her eyes. At the end of the work, the woman found their remains and buried them. She carefully preserved the memory of those killed in the war.

Thus, every person should remember the feat and heroism of those who defended their Motherland, their people. The memory of the dead is a sacred value at all times. We have an obligation to preserve it.

In this material, we focused the reader’s attention on the main problems raised in the texts on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. Arguments illustrating these problems are found under the appropriate headings. You can also download a table with all these examples at the end of the article.

  1. IN stories by V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera" The author touches on a very important problem for the whole society of preserving natural heritage. The writer notes that without knowledge of the past it is impossible to build a worthy future. Nature is also memory, our history. Thus, the death of the island of Matera and the small village of the same name caused the loss of memory of the wonderful days of life in this area, its former inhabitants... Unfortunately, only the older generation, for example, the main character Daria Pinigina, understood that Matera is not just an island, it is a connection with the past, the memory of ancestors. When Matera disappeared under the waters of the raging Angara, and the last inhabitant left this place, the memory died.
  2. History of heroes science fiction story American writer Ray Bradbury "A Sound of Thunder" is also a confirmation that nature is part of our common history. Nature, time and memory - all these concepts are intertwined together, and this is emphasized by the science fiction writer. The death of a small creature, a butterfly, caused the death of the future of the whole world. Interference with the wildlife of the prehistoric past was very costly for the inhabitants of planet Earth. Thus, the issue of preserving natural heritage in Ray Bradbury's story "A Sound of Thunder" is raised to make people think about the value of the environment because it is inextricably linked with the history of mankind.

Preservation of cultural heritage

  1. In the book of a Soviet and Russian philologist and culturologist D.S. Likhachev “Letters about the good and the beautiful” the problem of preserving cultural heritage is revealed. The author makes his readers think about what cultural monuments mean to people. The Doctor of Philological Sciences reminds us that, unlike natural objects, architectural structures are not capable of self-healing. He encourages everyone to take an active part in preserving the memory frozen in clay and plaster. In his opinion, no one should reject the culture of the past, since it is the foundation of our future. This statement should convince every caring person to try to solve the problem of preserving cultural heritage posed by D.S. Likhachev.
  2. IN novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" one of the main characters, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, is confident that culture is irreplaceable in people's lives. The author is trying to convey through this hero the idea of ​​​​the importance of cultural heritage not only to the nihilist Evgeniy Bazarov, but also to all readers. Without the healing influence of art, Evgeny, for example, could not understand himself and realize in time that he was a romantic and also needed warmth and affection. It is the spiritual sphere that helps us to know ourselves, so we cannot deny it. Music, fine arts, literature make a person noble and morally beautiful, therefore it is necessary to take care of the preservation of cultural monuments.

Memory problem in family relationships

  1. In the story by K.N. Paustovsky "Telegram" Nastya forgot about her mother for many years, did not come, did not visit. She justified herself by being busy every day, but no matter could compare in importance to her own mother. The story of the main character is given by the author as an edification to the reader: the care and love of parents should not be forgotten by children, because one day it will be too late to repay them in kind. This happened with Nastya. Only after the death of her mother did the girl realize that she had devoted very little time to the one who protected her sleep at the crib.
  2. The words of parents and their instructions are sometimes remembered by children for many years and even for life. Yes, the main character stories by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Pyotr Grinev, very clearly understood for himself the simple truth of his father, “take care of your honor from a young age.” Thanks to his parents and their instructions, the hero never gave up, did not blame anyone for his problems, and accepted defeats with honor and dignity if life demanded it. The memory of his parents was something sacred for Pyotr Grinev. He respected their opinion, tried to justify their trust in himself, which later helped him become happy and free.

The problem of historical memory

  1. In the novel by B. L. Vasiliev “Not on the lists” The main character had not yet registered at the combat post when the bloody Second World War began. He invested all his young strength in the defense of the Brest Fortress, during which everyone died. Even when left alone, he never ceased to terrify the invaders with his nightly forays. When Pluzhnikov was caught, the enemies saluted him, as the Soviet soldier amazed them with his courage. But the title of the novel tells us that many such nameless heroes were lost in the hustle and bustle of the days when they simply did not have time to be added to the next list. But how much have they, unrecognized and forgotten, done for us? In order for us to at least preserve this in our memory, the author dedicated an entire work to the feat of Nikolai Pluzhnikov, which thereby became a monument to military glory on a mass grave.
  2. In Aldous Huxley's dystopia "Brave New World" describes a society that denies its history. As we see, their ideal life, unclouded by memories, has become only a cloying and meaningless semblance of real life. They have no feelings and emotions, family and marriage, friendship and other values ​​that define personality. All new people are dummies, existing according to the laws of reflexes and instincts, primitive creatures. Against their background, the Savage stands out favorably, whose upbringing was built on connections with the achievements and defeats of past eras. That is why his individuality is undeniable. Only historical memory, expressed in the continuity of generations, allows us to develop harmoniously.

War is the most terrible, most terrible word that exists in the world. Just his pronunciation gives you goosebumps and makes you feel uneasy.

Wars claim thousands of lives. They destroy everything around. They bring hunger. Reading about past wars, we understand how much the people who stood for us to the death did for us. Nobody asked them if they wanted to fight. They were presented with a fact, forced. And, putting all their strength, they won.

There are very few veterans left these days. One day, the guys and I were lucky enough to visit a veteran. We went to him as part of the school program. He was the only one left in our city.

It was a man. You can say - grandfather. He greeted us warmly and smiled. At that moment I almost burst into tears. And when he talked about the fact that he only has a sister who lives in another country and that his wife died several years ago, I couldn’t hold back. You know, this grandfather's standard of living is worse than many of us. And that's wrong. People who defended our present should live happily and not need anything. And our veteran doesn’t even have water in his house. He has to go to the well and collect it in buckets. Then drag it into the house.

No one can help an elderly person who needs help. Is this fair?

He told a lot of interesting and frightening things at the same time. You won't find this in history books. Arriving home, each of us was impressed. We took a different look at the war, at the people who went through it. And that's what I want to say. We must remember and honor all those who had to find out what it is. We must give them our respect. We must help and say thank you every day for the fact that we have a future. That we see a blue sky above our heads, and not black from smoke.

The memory of accomplished feats should always live. People simply have to carry it through generations without missing anything. After all, every word, every action is incredibly important. Their courage is worthy of perpetuation. Memorable places should not be forgotten!

We must remember all the heroes who saved us. Our country. Our lives.

Essay 2

Who among the people does not shudder when they hear the word “war”? It was not for nothing that my grandmother agreed to everything - as long as there was no war, about which she learned a lot from her grandmother’s stories. Any war, even a modern one, with its “targeted” strikes, means suffering, blood and death. What can we say about our most terrible pain and greatest joy - the Great Patriotic War. Victory certainly brought joy. But we still had to live to see it, both at the front and in the rear. Sweat, blood, death and hope - this is the quintessence of war.

My great-great-grandfather went to the front with the Moscow militia and went missing near Vyazma. As I now found out, he had “armor” - that’s what they call a deferment from military service. Yakov Emelyanovich was a professional baker and was needed in the rear, but he took off this “armor” and went to the front. Poorly armed and inept militias died, but detained the Germans rushing to Moscow. At the cost of their lives and the many years of suffering of their relatives. His wife Anna Ivanovna had been waiting for him for twenty-five years. She hoped that he was not killed, but in captivity or in an invalid's home. She hoped, waited and raised five children. I waited and hoped.

We must bow at the waist to the people who invented and organized the “Immortal Regiment” campaign. This is a real memory of the war, and not an overly cheerful propaganda imitation of it. I, with my whole family and a portrait of my great-great-grandfather, took part in the march of a small part of this “regiment” twice on May 9th. I saw sincere sadness and interest of people carrying portraits of their front-line relatives. They remember them. They remember their feat, are sad and at the same time filled with pride for them - the defenders of their Fatherland. As long as the idea and practice of this popular movement is alive, the memory of the war will be alive.

Calls are often made to stop bringing up the past and think only about today. They say that soon there will be no one left alive, even those born during the war, and not just those who went through it. But the memory of the war is also needed because it is not necessary for the dead, it is needed for the living. So that someone would not be able to try again to realize their crazy ideas by starting a global war.

Memory of the war (3rd option)

Any event is somehow preserved in the memory of many people, leaving a peculiar trace in it, which consists of images, approximate outlines, and of course the feelings that a person experienced during that event. The memory of this event can be passed down from generation to generation, or it can simply remain forgotten and useless information, but this does not always happen, as, for example, happens with bad memories, and, unfortunately, bad things are remembered much better than anything else. more.

Any war will serve as an example. War in itself is a terrible event, which always leads to a chain of enormous death, destruction, and grief. War is an event that is forever reflected in the minds of many generations, since the memory of the war also carries a guiding message. After all, if a person remembers the war, remembers the horrors it brought to a peaceful land, then he will try to never allow war to happen again, and will do everything so that war does not exist anymore, this is the advantage of remembering terrible events - they force remember that this should never be repeated.

War also affects many other things, not just the people themselves. War is a process engulfed in horror, a process that will forever leave a mark on the land, which unfortunately witnessed bloodshed. War monuments, mass graves, bomb craters, torn out pieces of earth from explosions will forever remain on this land. Nothing can erase this event from history. But this is not bad, because the next generations will remember this, remember the exploits that were accomplished before them, this will motivate them to go further, to create a world where there is no more war and pain, where there is no cruelty, and where there is no bloodshed, they will create a better world, remembering the old terrible one.

In conclusion, we can say that any memory is important. Any memory, any event that, one way or another, left its mark on history has enormous value, but the most valuable memories in world culture will be memories of wars. Because war is the most terrible thing invented by man. Memories of those horrors that we must try not to repeat again. And therefore, the next generations will remember those who had the opportunity to participate in the war, those who learned from their own experience all its horrors and disgusting things that happened at that undoubtedly terrible time.

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