Voronsky Alexander Konstantinovich works. The problem of human moral fortitude



Translation from Latin by A. V. Artyushkov


Terence's comedy "Brothers" begins. Greek, Mevavdra. Presented at the funeral games in honor of Lucius Aemilius Paulus, (which) were given by Quintus Fabius Maximus and Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus. Played by Lucius Ambivius Turpion. The melodies were composed by Flaccus, a slave of Claudius, all on Sarranian flutes. The sixth was composed for the consulate of Marcus Cornelius Cethegus and Lucius Anncius Gallus.


Demea had two sons; he gave

Zskhin to Mikion, brother, as a son,

Left Ctesiphon. The one in the harpist

Fell in love and hid it from my old father

His love is Aeschines; all the rumors about that love

In the end he took it upon himself

He took the harpist away from the pimp. Poor

He dishonored the citizen by giving his word

Marry her. It's hard to bear everything

10 And Demea gets angry. Soon

The truth was revealed; Aeschines marries her,

And Ctesiphon owns that harpist.

Mikion, old man

Demea, his brother

Sannion, pimp

Aeschines, son of Demea, adopted by Mikion

Parmenon |

) slaves of Mikion

Ctesiphon, brother of Aeschines

Sostrata, mother of Pamphyla, future wife of Aeschines

Kantara, old woman, nurse of Sostrata

Geta, slave of Sostrata

Hegion, old man, relative of Sostrata

Pamphila, girl, daughter of Sostrata

Dromon, slave of Mikion

When the poet noticed that envious people

They watch his creation with malice

Why are opponents ready to blaspheme?

The comedy we want to play

He decided to testify about himself.

You will be judges over him in this case,

He deserves praise or blame.

There is Difilov's comedy,

Its title is "",

And in the adaptation of Plautus “Common Death”.

In the tone of Greek comedy there is a young man,

He takes the girl from the pimp

10 At the beginning of the play; this item is untouched

In the comedy "Adelphoe", transferred in full

From word to word; this new one

We are currently producing a comedy.

Having found out everything, judge what is here, is it theft?

Or are we just borrowing one place,

Carelessly bypassed. What do they say

Envious people, as if they were noble people

And they share his writing work,

To them this seems like the strongest abuse,

For those people, he is attractive,

Which are attractive to all of you,

And to the whole city: after all, to their help

20 Whether in war, or in peace, or in important matters,

Forgetting pride, everyone ran to their turn.

First the old people will come out and tell a part,

The other part will be shown in action,

May your impartiality increase

Desire to work as a writer.

Act one


(speaks towards the house)

Old man! Hey, listen! This night from dinner

Aeschines did not return, and neither did those slaves

who followed him. Yes, true

Proverb: when you leave home

Or maybe you’ll linger somewhere,

It’s better to let it come true for you,

30 What will he say or think to himself?

My wife is angry with you,

Than what gentle parents think.

If you stay late, your wife will decide: you fell in love, they say,

Or fell in love with him. He drinks himself

He amuses. It's good for him alone

And she feels so bad. I'm here - son didn't come back

No matter what I’m worried about! No matter what I change my mind!

I wouldn't catch a cold! I wouldn't fall somewhere

Yes, I didn’t break anything! Oh oh!

It will really come to a person’s head

To acquire what oneself

It will become more expensive! And besides, he is not my son,

40 And my brother; and he according to his inclinations

He was different from me from his youth.

I city ​​life loved the cozy

Leisure and what is considered happiness.

Was not married. He is the opposite in everything.

In the village he always lived in severe stinginess,

Married, two sons were born; I'm one of them

He adopted Aeschines, the eldest,

How I raised my own from infancy,

He loved and cared for him, my complete joy lies in him.

This alone is dear to me. And so that he

He had the same attitude towards me

50 I try carefully, I give it to him,

I make concessions and exercise my rights

Fatherly not in everything; and taught my son

I finally don’t want him to hide it from me

Of your actions, as others do

Secretly from elders in the hobbies of youth.

Who is used to lying and dares to deceive his father

If he goes, he will lead others the more boldly.

Shame and a sense of honor make it much easier for us

To restrain children than with fear, I believe.

But my brother does not agree with me on anything here.

60 He often comes to me shouting:

“Why are you, Mikion, destroying our little one?

Why does he drink and fall in love? Why do you yourself

Are you providing him with money for all this?

It encourages panache! How ridiculous you are!"

And he himself is harsh to the point of injustice.

And he is very mistaken, in my opinion,

And stronger, which only rests on strength,

Than that which is created by friendliness.

My beliefs and rules:

He who fulfills his duty under pressure is

70 He is afraid until he is afraid,

So that they don’t find out; if it appears

He has hope that everything will be hidden,

He will return to his old inclinations again.

But the one whom you attract with goodness to you,

He pays in kind, does everything from the heart:

Whether you are here or not, it will be the same.

It is a father's duty to teach his children quickly

Do everything not out of fear - with good will.

This is where the father and the despot differ.

And whoever can’t do it, let him confess,

That he doesn’t know how to manage children at all.

A! He is the one I was talking about just now.

Indeed! He's a bit too gloomy!

I'm sure he'll start scolding, as always,

80 Demea, I am glad to see you healthy.

Demea, Mikion

Oh, by the way, I’m just looking for you.

Why are you gloomy?

Here's the question! What about Aeschines?

I would ask. Gloomy...

Here! I knew it. And what

He did?

Did! No shame at all

He has no fear, and the law is his

Not written. Well, what was done there before,

Let's leave it. I just did something recently!

He broke down the doors and entered a stranger's house

He broke in and beat up the owner himself

90 And the household to death and the mistress

He took mine away. Everyone shouts: outrageous

Deed! On the way they told me

And how many! On everyone's lips. In the end,

If he takes an example, he sees his brother in action

In the village, thrifty and modest!

Behind this - no, that’s not what happens at all,

What do I tell him, Mikion, to you?

I say: you let it spoil

There's nothing more unfair

Uneducated people: only they

They think it is right what they do.

Why are you doing this?

And besides, Demea,

100 You are judging this completely incorrectly.

There is no scandal, believe me, for a young man

Walk, party and even break down doors.

After all, if you and I didn’t do this,

Poverty didn't help us. What are you boasting about?

Yes, because he did it only because of poverty!

Not fair! Whether there is any reason for us to do this,

We would do; and be a man yourself,

Now you should let your son behave like this,

For now, it’s more convenient in youth,

The later, in the years less fit,

110 When, having waited, he throws you out.

No, you're driving me crazy!

Is there no scandal in such matters for small people?

Listen, so as not to repeat too often

You gave me your son to adopt,

He became mine and, if he sins in any way,

That's right in front of me. Most

This is where I cry. Walking, carousing, choking

All at my expense. Falling in love? Until then for me

Convenient, he will receive money from me,

And it may very well become uncomfortable,

They will show him the door. Did you break down the doors?

120 Will correct. Did you tear your dress? It will be fixed.

Yes, thank God, there are still funds for that

And it’s still not a burden to me. So, it turns out

Leave it, or let's arbitrate

Whatever you want, I'll prove you wrong

Much more here than I am.

Trouble! Learn

Those who know how to be fathers have fatherhood.

By nature you are, by spirit I am more like a father.

In spirit? You?

Don't continue, or I'll leave.

Listen to the same thing so many times!

I care about this.

And me. Let's

130 We will share the concern. May that son be yours

This one is for me. Take care of both

Taking back means demanding what was given.

So I guess.

Well! If so, let it be

It shakes, it wastes, it dies! I don't care!

And if even a word after...

You're angry

Don't you believe it? I don't demand

The old man Mikion has no children of his own, so he adopted Aeschines, the son of his brother Demea. Mikion raised his adopted son in reasonable freedom and trust. Demei reproached Ego for this.

In the evening, Mekion, worried, waits for his son. He tells himself that there is no stronger excitement than parental...

The singer Bacchides is the concubine of Sannion, he is a selfish pimp and is afraid of Aeschines. Ctesiphon, the son of Demea, falls in love with her.

Aeschines grew up smart and noble, but sometimes he also likes to have fun. He takes on some of his brother's sins without fear of ruining his reputation. This brotherly love is amazing.

Mikion has a devoted slave, Ser. He actively helped in the education of Aeschines and Ctesiphon. Sire, is always ready to help his masters. Takes part in the “taming” of the pimp Sannion.

Aeschines has a girl, Pamphilus, whom he has dishonored, and she is about to give birth. The young man does not refuse his father's duty and is ready to take on full responsibility. But Pamphila’s family, having heard about the imaginary sins of Aeschines, which he took upon himself to cover up his brother, forbids him to come to the bride’s house.

Mikion wants to test his son's feelings. He talks about a groom from Miletus who wants to take Pamphyla. The girl is already in her ninth month. And Aeschines is still delaying marriage. Aeschines is upset by this news. His father calms him down and says that Pamphila’s family was told that he took away his brother’s sins, and they believed.

Demea understands that his brother, by raising Aeschines with kindness and respect, has achieved more than he did with severity and prohibitions, and begins to change. Becomes more tolerant and kind even to slaves. He orders the fence between the houses to be demolished in order to have a big wedding. And the bride would not have to, in her position, walk from house to house.

Mikion buys Bacchida from a selfish pimp and leaves her to live with him. For all their merits, he gives freedom to Sir and his wife.

Comedy teaches that everything hidden usually becomes apparent, and a lot can be achieved with kindness and love.

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Terence - Brothers. Picture for the story

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Translation from Latin by A. V. Artyushkov


Terence's comedy "Brothers" begins. Greek, Mevavdra. Presented at the funeral games in honor of Lucius Aemilius Paulus, (which) were given by Quintus Fabius Maximus and Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus. Played by Lucius Ambivius Turpion. The melodies were composed by Flaccus, a slave of Claudius, all on Sarranian flutes. The sixth was composed for the consulate of Marcus Cornelius Cethegus and Lucius Anncius Gallus.


Demea had two sons; he gave

Zskhin to Mikion, brother, as a son,

Left Ctesiphon. The one in the harpist

Fell in love and hid it from my old father

His love is Aeschines; all the rumors about that love

In the end he took it upon himself

He took the harpist away from the pimp. Poor

He dishonored the citizen by giving his word

Marry her. It's hard to bear everything

10 And Demea gets angry. Soon

The truth was revealed; Aeschines marries her,

And Ctesiphon owns that harpist.

Mikion, old man

Demea, his brother

Sannion, pimp

Aeschines, son of Demea, adopted by Mikion

Parmenon |

) slaves of Mikion

Ctesiphon, brother of Aeschines

Sostrata, mother of Pamphyla, future wife of Aeschines

Kantara, old woman, nurse of Sostrata

Geta, slave of Sostrata

Hegion, old man, relative of Sostrata

Pamphila, girl, daughter of Sostrata

Dromon, slave of Mikion

When the poet noticed that envious people

They watch his creation with malice

Why are opponents ready to blaspheme?

The comedy we want to play

He decided to testify about himself.

You will be judges over him in this case,

He deserves praise or blame.

There is Difilov's comedy,

Its title is "",

And in the adaptation of Plautus “Common Death”.

In the tone of Greek comedy there is a young man,

He takes the girl from the pimp

10 At the beginning of the play; this item is untouched

In the comedy "Adelphoe", transferred in full

From word to word; this new one

We are currently producing a comedy.

Having found out everything, judge what is here, is it theft?

Or are we just borrowing one place,

Carelessly bypassed. What do they say

Envious people, as if they were noble people

And they share his writing work,

To them this seems like the strongest abuse,

For those people, he is attractive,

Which are attractive to all of you,

And to the whole city: after all, to their help

20 Whether in war, or in peace, or in important matters,

Forgetting pride, everyone ran to their turn.

First the old people will come out and tell a part,

The other part will be shown in action,

May your impartiality increase

Desire to work as a writer.

Act one


(speaks towards the house)

Old man! Hey, listen! This night from dinner

Aeschines did not return, and neither did those slaves

who followed him. Yes, true

Proverb: when you leave home

Or maybe you’ll linger somewhere,

It’s better to let it come true for you,

30 What will he say or think to himself?

My wife is angry with you,

Than what gentle parents think.

If you stay late, your wife will decide: you fell in love, they say,

Or fell in love with him. He drinks himself

He amuses. It's good for him alone

And she feels so bad. I'm here - son didn't come back

No matter what I’m worried about! No matter what I change my mind!

I wouldn't catch a cold! I wouldn't fall somewhere

Yes, I didn’t break anything! Oh oh!

It will really come to a person’s head

To acquire what oneself

It will become more expensive! And besides, he is not my son,

40 And my brother; and he according to his inclinations

He was different from me from his youth.

I loved cozy city life,

Leisure and what is considered happiness.

Was not married. He is the opposite in everything.

In the village he always lived in severe stinginess,

Married, two sons were born; I'm one of them

He adopted Aeschines, the eldest,

How I raised my own from infancy,

He loved and cared for him, my complete joy lies in him.

This alone is dear to me. And so that he

He had the same attitude towards me

50 I try carefully, I give it to him,

I make concessions and exercise my rights

Fatherly not in everything; and taught my son

I finally don’t want him to hide it from me

Of your actions, as others do

Secretly from elders in the hobbies of youth.

Who is used to lying and dares to deceive his father

If he goes, he will lead others the more boldly.

Shame and a sense of honor make it much easier for us

To restrain children than with fear, I believe.

But my brother does not agree with me on anything here.

60 He often comes to me shouting:

“Why are you, Mikion, destroying our little one?

Why does he drink and fall in love? Why do you yourself

Are you providing him with money for all this?

It encourages panache! How ridiculous you are!"

And he himself is harsh to the point of injustice.

And he is very mistaken, in my opinion,

And stronger, which only rests on strength,

Than that which is created by friendliness.

My beliefs and rules:

He who fulfills his duty under pressure is

70 He is afraid until he is afraid,

So that they don’t find out; if it appears

He has hope that everything will be hidden,

He will return to his old inclinations again.

But the one whom you attract with goodness to you,

He pays in kind, does everything from the heart:

Whether you are here or not, it will be the same.

It is a father's duty to teach his children quickly

Do everything not out of fear - with good will.

This is where the father and the despot differ.

And whoever can’t do it, let him confess,

That he doesn’t know how to manage children at all.

A! He is the one I was talking about just now.

Indeed! He's a bit too gloomy!

I'm sure he'll start scolding, as always,

80 Demea, I am glad to see you healthy.

Demea, Mikion

Oh, by the way, I’m just looking for you.

Why are you gloomy?

Here's the question! What about Aeschines?

I would ask. Gloomy...

Here! I knew it. And what

He did?

Did! No shame at all

He has no fear, and the law is his

Not written. Well, what was done there before,


Translation from Latin by A. V. Artyushkov


Terence's comedy "Brothers" begins. Greek, Mevavdra. Presented at the funeral games in honor of Lucius Aemilius Paulus, (which) were given by Quintus Fabius Maximus and Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus. Played by Lucius Ambivius Turpion. The melodies were composed by Flaccus, a slave of Claudius, all on Sarranian flutes. The sixth was composed for the consulate of Marcus Cornelius Cethegus and Lucius Anncius Gallus.


Demea had two sons; he gave

Zskhin to Mikion, brother, as a son,

Left Ctesiphon. The one in the harpist

Fell in love and hid it from my old father

His love is Aeschines; all the rumors about that love

In the end he took it upon himself

He took the harpist away from the pimp. Poor

He dishonored the citizen by giving his word

Marry her. It's hard to bear everything

10 And Demea gets angry. Soon

The truth was revealed; Aeschines marries her,

And Ctesiphon owns that harpist.

Mikion, old man

Demea, his brother

Sannion, pimp

Aeschines, son of Demea, adopted by Mikion

Parmenon |

) slaves of Mikion

Ctesiphon, brother of Aeschines

Sostrata, mother of Pamphyla, future wife of Aeschines

Kantara, old woman, nurse of Sostrata

Geta, slave of Sostrata

Hegion, old man, relative of Sostrata

Pamphila, girl, daughter of Sostrata

Dromon, slave of Mikion

When the poet noticed that envious people

They watch his creation with malice

Why are opponents ready to blaspheme?

The comedy we want to play

He decided to testify about himself.

You will be judges over him in this case,

He deserves praise or blame.

There is Difilov's comedy,

Its title is "",

And in the adaptation of Plautus “Common Death”.

In the tone of Greek comedy there is a young man,

He takes the girl from the pimp

10 At the beginning of the play; this item is untouched

In the comedy "Adelphoe", transferred in full

From word to word; this new one

We are currently producing a comedy.

Having found out everything, judge what is here, is it theft?

Or are we just borrowing one place,

Carelessly bypassed. What do they say

Envious people, as if they were noble people

And they share his writing work,

To them this seems like the strongest abuse,

For those people, he is attractive,

Which are attractive to all of you,

And to the whole city: after all, to their help

20 Whether in war, or in peace, or in important matters,

Forgetting pride, everyone ran to their turn.

First the old people will come out and tell a part,

The other part will be shown in action,

May your impartiality increase

Desire to work as a writer.

Act one


(speaks towards the house)

Old man! Hey, listen! This night from dinner

Aeschines did not return, and neither did those slaves

who followed him. Yes, true

Proverb: when you leave home

Or maybe you’ll linger somewhere,

It’s better to let it come true for you,

30 What will he say or think to himself?

My wife is angry with you,

Than what gentle parents think.

If you stay late, your wife will decide: you fell in love, they say,

Or fell in love with him. He drinks himself

He amuses. It's good for him alone

And she feels so bad. I'm here - son didn't come back

No matter what I’m worried about! No matter what I change my mind!

I wouldn't catch a cold! I wouldn't fall somewhere

Yes, I didn’t break anything! Oh oh!

It will really come to a person’s head

To acquire what oneself

It will become more expensive! And besides, he is not my son,

40 And my brother; and he according to his inclinations

He was different from me from his youth.

I loved cozy city life,

Leisure and what is considered happiness.

Was not married. He is the opposite in everything.

In the village he always lived in severe stinginess,

Married, two sons were born; I'm one of them

He adopted Aeschines, the eldest,

How I raised my own from infancy,

He loved and cared for him, my complete joy lies in him.

This alone is dear to me. And so that he

He had the same attitude towards me

50 I try carefully, I give it to him,

I make concessions and exercise my rights

Fatherly not in everything; and taught my son

I finally don’t want him to hide it from me

Of your actions, as others do

Secretly from elders in the hobbies of youth.

Who is used to lying and dares to deceive his father

If he goes, he will lead others the more boldly.

Shame and a sense of honor make it much easier for us

To restrain children than with fear, I believe.

But my brother does not agree with me on anything here.

60 He often comes to me shouting:

“Why are you, Mikion, destroying our little one?

Why does he drink and fall in love? Why do you yourself

Are you providing him with money for all this?

It encourages panache! How ridiculous you are!"

And he himself is harsh to the point of injustice.

And he is very mistaken, in my opinion,

And stronger, which only rests on strength,

Than that which is created by friendliness.


Translation from Latin by A. V. Artyushkov


Terence's comedy "Brothers" begins. Greek, Mevavdra. Presented at the funeral games in honor of Lucius Aemilius Paulus, (which) were given by Quintus Fabius Maximus and Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus. Played by Lucius Ambivius Turpion. The melodies were composed by Flaccus, a slave of Claudius, all on Sarranian flutes. The sixth was composed for the consulate of Marcus Cornelius Cethegus and Lucius Anncius Gallus.


Demea had two sons; he gave

Zskhin to Mikion, brother, as a son,

Left Ctesiphon. The one in the harpist

Fell in love and hid it from my old father

His love is Aeschines; all the rumors about that love

In the end he took it upon himself

He took the harpist away from the pimp. Poor

He dishonored the citizen by giving his word

Marry her. It's hard to bear everything

10 And Demea gets angry. Soon

The truth was revealed; Aeschines marries her,

And Ctesiphon owns that harpist.

Mikion, old man

Demea, his brother

Sannion, pimp

Aeschines, son of Demea, adopted by Mikion

Parmenon |

) slaves of Mikion

Ctesiphon, brother of Aeschines

Sostrata, mother of Pamphyla, future wife of Aeschines

Kantara, old woman, nurse of Sostrata

Geta, slave of Sostrata

Hegion, old man, relative of Sostrata

Pamphila, girl, daughter of Sostrata

Dromon, slave of Mikion

When the poet noticed that envious people

They watch his creation with malice

Why are opponents ready to blaspheme?

The comedy we want to play

He decided to testify about himself.

You will be judges over him in this case,

He deserves praise or blame.

There is Difilov's comedy,

Its title is "",

And in the adaptation of Plautus “Common Death”.

In the tone of Greek comedy there is a young man,

He takes the girl from the pimp

10 At the beginning of the play; this item is untouched

In the comedy "Adelphoe", transferred in full

From word to word; this new one

We are currently producing a comedy.

Having found out everything, judge what is here, is it theft?

Or are we just borrowing one place,

Carelessly bypassed. What do they say

Envious people, as if they were noble people

And they share his writing work,

To them this seems like the strongest abuse,

For those people, he is attractive,

Which are attractive to all of you,

And to the whole city: after all, to their help

20 Whether in war, or in peace, or in important matters,

Forgetting pride, everyone ran to their turn.

First the old people will come out and tell a part,

The other part will be shown in action,

May your impartiality increase

Desire to work as a writer.

Act one


(speaks towards the house)

Old man! Hey, listen! This night from dinner

Aeschines did not return, and neither did those slaves

who followed him. Yes, true

Proverb: when you leave home

Or maybe you’ll linger somewhere,

It’s better to let it come true for you,

30 What will he say or think to himself?

My wife is angry with you,

Than what gentle parents think.

If you stay late, your wife will decide: you fell in love, they say,

Or fell in love with him. He drinks himself

He amuses. It's good for him alone

And she feels so bad. I'm here - son didn't come back

No matter what I’m worried about! No matter what I change my mind!

I wouldn't catch a cold! I wouldn't fall somewhere

Yes, I didn’t break anything! Oh oh!

It will really come to a person’s head

To acquire what oneself

It will become more expensive! And besides, he is not my son,

40 And my brother; and he according to his inclinations

He was different from me from his youth.

I loved cozy city life,

Leisure and what is considered happiness.

Was not married. He is the opposite in everything.

In the village he always lived in severe stinginess,

Married, two sons were born; I'm one of them

He adopted Aeschines, the eldest,

How I raised my own from infancy,

He loved and cared for him, my complete joy lies in him.

This alone is dear to me. And so that he

He had the same attitude towards me

50 I try carefully, I give it to him,

I make concessions and exercise my rights

Fatherly not in everything; and taught my son

I finally don’t want him to hide it from me

Of your actions, as others do

Secretly from elders in the hobbies of youth.

Who is used to lying and dares to deceive his father

If he goes, he will lead others the more boldly.

Shame and a sense of honor make it much easier for us

To restrain children than with fear, I believe.

But my brother does not agree with me on anything here.

60 He often comes to me shouting:

“Why are you, Mikion, destroying our little one?

Why does he drink and fall in love? Why do you yourself

Are you providing him with money for all this?

It encourages panache! How ridiculous you are!"

And he himself is harsh to the point of injustice.

And he is very mistaken, in my opinion,

And stronger, which only rests on strength,

Than that which is created by friendliness.

My beliefs and rules:

He who fulfills his duty under pressure is

70 He is afraid until he is afraid,

So that they don’t find out; if it appears

He has hope that everything will be hidden,

He will return to his old inclinations again.

But the one whom you attract with goodness to you,

He pays in kind, does everything from the heart:

Whether you are here or not, it will be the same.

It is a father's duty to teach his children quickly

Do everything not out of fear - with good will.

This is where the father and the despot differ.

And whoever can’t do it, let him confess,

That he doesn’t know how to manage children at all.

A! He is the one I was talking about just now.

Indeed! He's a bit too gloomy!

I'm sure he'll start scolding, as always,

80 Demea, I am glad to see you healthy.

Demea, Mikion

Oh, by the way, I’m just looking for you.

Why are you gloomy?

Here's the question! What about Aeschines?

I would ask. Gloomy...

Here! I knew it. And what

He did?

Did! No shame at all

He has no fear, and the law is his

Not written. Well, what was done there before,

Let's leave it. I just did something recently!

He broke down the doors and entered a stranger's house