Florida Chanturia nationality. New women of Sergei Shnurov: first interview with Vasilisa and Florida

    A girl named Florida Chanturia became most famous only after she joined a musical group called Leningrad. Florida, along with another girl, replaced Alice Vox.

    The girl recently turned twenty-six years old - her date of birth was March 30, 1990. Currently lives in St. Petersburg.

    Florida has a musical education and has been associated with music for a long time and does not have much experience. Before the group, I joined a cafe and was even part of another music group.

    At twenty-six years old, the girl is not yet married and has no children. There is no other information about her personal life yet.

    Florida Chanturia is the new soloist of the Leningrad group, which began to rise its rating so rapidly after the release of Louboutin’s song.

    Florida came to the group as a replacement for the departed Alina Vox.

    She was born on March 30, 1990 in St. Petersburg, was not married and has no children. Before that, she was a member of the group Marmalade.

    Florida Chanturia is the new soloist of the Leningrad group. Florida was born in St. Petersburg on March 25, 1990, and is currently 26 years old. She graduated from the State University of Culture and Arts in St. Petersburg. Before the Leningrad group, she was a soloist in the Marmelad group. Florida has no children and is currently single.

    Florida Chanturia comes from Bashkortostan. She was born in 1990 on March 30th in the city of Beloretsk. The girl is now a soloist in a group called Leningrad. Florida replaced the previously fired Alisa Vox.

    Florida is currently single and has never been married. The girl also has no children. Previously, she was part of a group called Marmalade.

    Florida Chanturia, 26 years old (March 30, 90) - born and raised in Bashkortostan, the city of Beloretsk.

    Florida is the new lead singer of the Leningrad group, but not the only vocalist. The girl came to the group to replace the fired Alisa Vox.

    Florida Chanturia graduated from the pop and jazz department of the St. Petersburg State University of Arts and Culture (arts).

    Florida does not yet have her own family.

    When I first heard who came to replace Alisa Vox-Burmistrova, who became known to tens of millions of people after singing a song about Louboutins, I thought that these were nicknames: one was Florida, the other was Vasilisa, painfully uncommon names. If we see Vasilisa on the screen every day (Volodina, in the Let's Get Married program!), then we have never seen Florida, not a state in the USA, but a girl's name.

    Florida from Leningrad has a Georgian surname - Chanturia, but she herself is from Bashkortostan, from Beloretsk.

    The girl is only 26 years old, but they say she already has enormous experience as a singer (and when do people have time?). Not married, and never was until now.

    One of the 2 new vocalists of the Leningrad group, first presented in a new capacity at a concert on March 24, 2016 at the Moscow club Stadium Live, Florida Chanturia was born on March 30, 1990, i.e. She is currently 25 years old.

    Florida is a graduate of the pop and jazz department of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts (St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts).

    Florida is known for her work at the Gelsomino Cafe (Ginza Project).

    Before the Leningrad group, Florida Chanturia was the vocalist of the cover group MARMELAD party band, performing cover versions of both new songs and time-tested hits. Florida's performance with the group can be seen here:

    Florida Chanturia was born and raised in the Southern Urals - the city of Beloretsk.

    Graduated from the pop and jazz department of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts.

    She worked in different cities, but settled in St. Petersburg.

    She sang in the St. Petersburg cafe Gelsomino...

    This year, Florida Chanturia joined the Leningrad group together with Vasilisa Starshova.

    For the first time in the 18-year history of Leningrad, two girls were included in the composition.

    Florida Chanturia is not a pseudonym, but the real name of the singer.

    Florida is single and has no children.

    Florida Chanturia was presented as one of the soloists of the Leningrad group instead of Alisa Vox - Burmistrova, who left the group.

    She is 25 years old (born March 30, 1990). Hometown - St. Petersburg. She is a professional singer, graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts.

    Lives in St. Petersburg, was the lead singer of the Marmalade group, which performed at weddings and corporate events.

    Not married, no children.

    Florida Chanturia is the new soloist of the scandalous group Leningrad.

    The girl is from Leningrad. She has a higher musical education. Florida studied at the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Art. She graduated from the pop and jazz department.

    Florida already has experience in various projects, including MARMELAD party band.

    Florida is not the only new girl on the team. Another participant named Vasilisa came with her.

    Photo of Florida (right) and Vasilisa (left):

Fans of the Leningrad group are getting used to the new lineup - the bright and lively Vasilisa Starshova left the team in the summer. And this is in the midst of a huge 20th anniversary tour. First she said she was sick, and then she admitted on Instagram:

“Yes, I no longer sing in Leningrad. I’m doing well, I’m happy, healthy, not tired, I have plenty of strength and energy. Thank you everyone for your kind words, excitement and support. Well, in the near future... wait for it.”

Vasilisa did not explain the reason for her departure. But now with all his posts on Instagram he is trying to prove to fans that life does not stop after Leningrad.

Shnurov also remained silent for a long time, but when fans on social networks bombarded him with questions “Where is Vasya?”, he replied that the girl was tired.

Who will understand the motives of women? I’m probably tired,” Sergei wrote.

It’s a pity,” the fans lamented.

Regretting the past is the most unproductive activity,” Shnurov put an end to the conversation.

Now Florida Chanturia is responsible for the female component of the group. Shnurov took her to Leningrad along with Vasilisa.

In the group's latest video for the song "CHPH" Florida played the main role. However, many Leningrad fans believe that she is far from Vasilisa’s charisma:

“Without your energy, without your youthful enthusiasm and without your voice, the sound of the Leningrad group is rather poor.” “Florida is boring. She has no fire! Squeezed! And somehow too distant!”

So why are the Leningrad soloists fleeing the group? Let us remind you that the first girl in the team was red-haired Yulia Kogan. She joined the team in 2007 as a backing vocalist, but a year later the project disbanded. In 2010, Leningrad was revived, and Kogan was taken to the team as a soloist. Julia performed until the fall of 2012, and then went on maternity leave. In 2013, Kogan finally left the team.

At first, Julia’s departure was explained by the birth of her daughter. But later it turned out that Shnurov and Kogan stopped getting along with each other and the leader of Leningrad showed the girl the door.

A year later, Julia took up a solo career, released an album, and became a TV presenter. Now Kogan’s popularity rating is far from the time she worked with Shnurov. She still tours, but no longer attracts stadiums like before. And on Kogan’s posters there is always a note “ex-vocalist of the Leningrad group.”

In November 2012, new backing vocalist Alisa Vox starred in the video “Gulf of Finland” along with Kogan, who later took Yulia’s place.

Vox lasted in Leningrad for three years. During this time, she sang such hits as “37th”, “Prayer”, “Bag” and, of course, the legendary “Exhibit”, the video for which blew up the Internet. But suddenly, at the peak of her popularity, Alice leaves the team.

“I decided to leave the Leningrad group and am launching my solo project! - she announced on Instagram. “Working with Sergei Shnurov gave me a huge experience of stage life, I am eternally grateful to him for the opportunity to develop and improve.”

In a year and a half of solo sailing, Alisa released a solo album and shot several videos, none of which reached 500 thousand views.

Shnurov explained Alisa Vox’s departure from Leningrad simply: she became a star.

“At my own whim, I turn average singers into stars,” he wrote on Instagram. - I come up with an image, material, and promote it. I decide how to present them so that they will be loved. Well, not exactly theirs, the image, of course... The audience loves the image we created and really don’t want the end. But it is inevitable. The Heroines of the myth, invented by me and created by the team, quite quickly and naively begin to believe in their own Divine nature. But we don’t know how to deal with Goddesses. We are burning pots here..."

Photo Sergey Nikolaev

Nor did Sergei’s husband have any special love for Alice. Once Vox posted a photo from the Sobaka.ru magazine awards, where she was invited as a presenter. The girl thanked the publication for a good evening and received a scolding from Matilda Shnurova in the comments. The rocker's wife accused the singer of ingratitude.

“Alice, it’s surprising that there was no thank you either for the Ice Palace, where 12 thousand spectators watched you, or for the sold-out Moscow concerts. Most of your subscribers here are fans of the Leningrad group.”

By the way, many fans believe that Matilda plays an important role in the fate of the group’s soloists. Not long ago, Sergei posted a joint photo of his wife and Florida on Instagram. And judging by it, the current soloist of “Leningrad” has no problems with the boss’s wife yet.

However, Florida does not seem to need to relax.

When can we expect a new female representative as a soloist? - they asked Sergei on Instagram.

Always,” answered Shnurov. - There are about 5 billion women in the world. We need to see everyone.

No one from the Leningrad group leaves on their own! - Shnurov’s friend, as well as a former Leningrad participant, Stas Baretsky, said in an interview with World of News. - The soloists messed up and were removed from the team. But they pretended to leave on their own with their heads held high.

36 years old, participated in Leningrad from 2007 to 2013

Kogan graduated from the Theater Academy and also worked in a confectionery production. The first helped her become a professional singer, the second taught her to express herself firmly and without embarrassment - both skills were useful to the artist in the group.


Shnurov glorified the red-haired Yulia, and he resigned her when she decided to engage in her own promotion. The musician did not like that Yulia agreed to become the host of a talk show on the Yu channel, and he decided to break up with his colleague.

After leaving the group, Kogan tried to repeat what she did in Leningrad, but listeners accused the singer of self-plagiarism and predicted her imminent oblivion. Unfortunately, the skeptics were right.

Alice Vox

29 years old, participated in Leningrad from 2012 to 2016

Blonde Alice replaced red-haired Kogan in her post. During her 4 years of participation in the group, she recorded such hits as “Patriot”, “I cry and cry” and, of course, “Exhibit”. Last spring, something went wrong: the lead singer unexpectedly left the band.

Alice's departure from the group was surrounded by many rumors. Some said that Shnurov fired her for exacerbating the “star fever”; others believed that the musician’s wife Matilda was jealous of the girl, but she sharply denied this version. “My husband did not have an affair with Alice! And jealousy cannot be the reason for an artist leaving the group. People generally say a lot of things,” Matilda told LifeNews.

As a result, Shnurov confirmed that he decided to fire the soloist because of her growing appetites: “I didn’t promise anything to anyone. At my own whim, I turn average singers into stars. I come up with an image, material, and promote it. I decide how to present them so that they will be loved. Through the efforts of our team, we create a mythical heroine out of nothing. And it is precisely because we do our job well that complaints and discontent arise. The Heroines of the myth, invented by me and created by the team, quite quickly and naively begin to believe in their own Divine nature. But we don’t know how to deal with Goddesses. We’re burning pots here.”

A month after her high-profile departure, Vox presented her solo work - the synth-pop track “Hold.” Shnurov’s review of the song was brief: “They drove the woman away in time.”

For a whole year, Alisa collected her thoughts, and in April she showed her second independent work - a video for the song “Inexplicable.” From the moment she left the group until today, the artist’s life has changed dramatically. She not only broke up with Leningrad, but also filed for divorce from photographer Dmitry Burmistrov. And, as you might guess, in the new song the girl wanted to express her emotions about this. However, most viewers considered this work to be some kind of misunderstanding.

But Alice Vox’s control shot, which finished off the singer’s former fans, was the video for the song “Baby” - an overt government order aimed at fighting the opposition. More precisely, with the youngest participants in anti-government rallies.

The video was ridiculed for inept propaganda, and the Dozhd TV channel managed to find out who was really behind the “Baby” video. Citing sources close to the Kremlin, journalists reported that the song about schoolchildren was ordered by a former employee of the presidential administration, Nikita Ivanov. He came up with the concept for the song and video. For the performance, Alice’s team received 2 million rubles.

Vasilisa and Florida

Soloists of the group since 2016

The sizzling brunette and the curly blonde performed with the group for the first time at a concert at the Moscow club Stadium Live Leningrad a year ago. It is known about Vasilisa that 4 years ago she successfully performed at the New Wave competition. And Florida Chanturia graduated from the pop and jazz department of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture. It’s interesting that 23-year-old Vasilisa was invited to the group by Alisa Vox herself - before that, the singer “warmed up” Leningrad concerts a couple of times, and the band’s musicians knew the girl.

Vasilisa Starshova (22), who replaced Alisa Vox (30) last year, announced yesterday that she was leaving "" - she did not even perform at the anniversary concert on July 13. Her partner Florida Chanturia (27) competed alone. On this occasion, we remember all the girls of the group.

Yulia Kogan (2007-2012)

That same red-haired beast, Yulia (36) came to Leningrad in 2007 as a backing vocalist and performed with (44) and Co. for two years - until the group broke up due to creative differences. Leningrad did not give concerts and did not record songs. Then Julia joined the team of the St. Petersburg group St. Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review. And in 2011, “Leningrad” got together again, and Yulia again came to Shnur.

Together they released the album “Henna”, and after that Julia left forever - she had to leave the project due to pregnancy. At the beginning of 2013, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Lisa, from photographer Anton But.

Alisa Vox (2012-2016)

Alisa came to Leningrad to replace Kogan - the blonde easily passed the audition, her voice was amazing. The singer's popularity was brought to her by the scandalous song "Exhibit" (the one about Louboutins). But soon after the release of the track and video, Vox left the team. Alisa said that she left voluntarily and on her own, but sources claimed: Shnurov could no longer tolerate the behavior of the “starred” Vox and kicked her out of the group. And just a day after Alice left, he wrote on Instagram: “I didn’t promise anything to anyone. At my own whim, I turn average singers into stars. I come up with an image, material, and promote it. The Heroines of the myth, invented by me and created by the team, quite quickly and naively begin to believe in their Divine nature. But we don’t know how to deal with Goddesses. We’re burning pots here.”

After Leningrad, Vox launched, which the audience did not like. After the release of Alisa’s debut video for the song “Hold”, Shnur said, “He kicked me out correctly,” and recently Vox released a video for the song “Baby” (yes, this is where “the mistakes on the poster are four in a nutshell” and “learn from mistakes It’s never too late, if your heart wants change, then start with yourself”). They say (and not without reason) that the song and video are an order from the Kremlin. And the price was even announced - 35 thousand dollars. The video has more dislikes than likes, and Vox’s reputation cannot be restored.

Vasilisa Starshova (2016 – 2017)

Vasilisa replaced Alisa - fans of the group saw her for the first time at a concert on March 24, 2017. Then Shnur said: “Everyone asks me - where is Alice? In my opinion, this is a stupid question, since it is obvious that she is not here. But we will answer with a song.” And the group sang a very obscene song with a general message: “go to hell.” Starshova did not stay in Leningrad for long and yesterday announced her departure on Instagram. “Guys, you’re healthy! Things are like this. Yes, I no longer sing in Leningrad. “I’m doing well, I’m happy, healthy, not tired, I have plenty of strength and energy.” So we expect solo work from Vasilisa!

Florida Chanturia (2016 – present)

Florida got into the group along with Vasilisa. She graduated from the University of Culture and Arts with a degree in pop-jazz vocals and after that she went to work as a singer in karaoke bars. One day, an acquaintance of hers called the girl and said that he had given the number to the guys from Leningrad. They called and invited her to audition. Florida, by the way, is her real name!

Photos from concerts and video filming began to appear.

Childhood and youth

The fiery brunette, who managed to fall in love with Leningrad fans, was born on March 30, 1990. She is a native of Bashkortostan. The girl’s homeland was the small town of Beloretsk. The parents named their daughter an unusual name, which to some seems inappropriate to Russian realities.

However, Florida is not a pseudonym. Just like the sonorous surname Chanturia. The girl's mother liked this name from the moment she accidentally met the child of one of the passengers on the cruise ship on which she was sailing. She kept the idea of ​​giving such a name to her daughter.

Little Florida was interested in creativity from a young age. In parallel with receiving school education, the girl studied at a music school. Having received a certificate of completion of educational institutions, she moved to St. Petersburg.

The aspiring singer wanted to do what she loved - vocals, so she entered the University of Culture and Arts and became a student in the jazz and pop department. Luck smiled on the girl soon enough. Today the beauty shines on stage, attracting thousands of spectators.


Florida's career began successfully. After graduating from university, she became a soloist in a musical cover band called “MARMELAD party band.” The group performed compositions by Russian and foreign pop stars, as well as their own songs.

Florida Chanturia and the group "MARMELAD party band"

The singer was lucky with her choice of performance venue. She was invited to the famous St. Petersburg restaurant “Gelsomino Cafe,” owned by the Ginza Project family. The public here is always attentive to the music performed in the establishment and the artists performing at events.

Florida actively conquered the show business of the Northern capital. She was invited to perform at karaoke bars and private events. The girl attended numerous castings, dreaming of reaching a new professional level. Such an opportunity presented itself.

In 2016, the lead singer of the Leningrad group decided to leave the group of her own free will. Having replaced, she, together with a team of musicians led by Shnurov, released the clips “Patriot”, filmed in the “Healthy Lifestyle” hospital, and which blew up the “Exhibit” charts.

Having started with backing vocals in the team, Alisa eventually took one of the main roles and decided to start a solo career. The vacant place attracted those who wanted to perform on the same stage with Shnur.

Florida Chanturia was among those who knew all the team's songs by heart: working in karaoke did not allow them to be ignored. The world of show business is a small place, and Florida’s friend recommended her to the Leningrad musician for an audition. So the girl ended up at the casting, which became significant in her biography. It is curious that at the beginning of their careers, Alisa Vox and Florida Chanturia worked together at the Plywood karaoke bar.

Based on the results of the auditions, Florida shared the leading position with singer Vasilisa Starshova. The two girls became part of a musical group. Such an event happened for the first time in the history of the rock band. Chanturia had to introduce her mother to the conditions of her new job.

The woman did not immediately become imbued with the work of “Leningrad,” but after a while she appreciated her daughter’s professional growth. The singer’s first performance in her new status took place in Moscow at the Stadium Life venue. It was preceded by 3 rehearsals, which helped to get ready before meeting the audience.

Florida had to contend with the bias of fans who outlived two women in their favorite all-male team. The audience's trust had to be earned. Together with Vasilisa, they were subjected to a serious wave of criticism. The girls managed to cope with the test.

Song "Kolshchik" by Florida Chanturia and the group "Leningrad"

This was facilitated by the release of singles: “Kolshchik”, “Candidate”, “Ecstasy” and “Voyage”. The tour in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Leningrad group, beloved by Russians, became indicative for the vocalists and their audience. The concert at the Otkritie Arena stadium attracted a record number of guests.

In 2017, Vasilisa Starshova left the group, and Florida Chanturia deservedly basked in the glory. At the time of signing the contract with Leningrad, the girl was 25 years old. An excellent age for conquering new heights and rapidly developing a career in a shocking Russian rock band. Today, as part of the group, Florida fills stadiums, appears in music videos and receives thunderous ovations at concerts.

Personal life

Florida Chanturia is an active user of social networks. The beauty regularly publishes photos with colleagues, pictures from tours and travels, but prefers to leave her personal life behind the scenes. All that fans know is that the beauty has no children and is not yet married.

Florida often gives interviews, but also leaves personal questions without a specific answer. She concentrates completely on her work.

When asked about her solo career, the girl laughs it off, assuring that she always dreams of performing in Leningrad. The singer says she is not planning an independent solo project. Florida has a lot of fans.

A bright and feminine girl attracts glances and collects praise from users. Although among them there are statements from haters, this does not stop the singer from working hard for the benefit and development of the team. She proudly talks about her participation in the group and dedicates posts to Sergei Shnurov.

Florida Chanturia now

The first video of the new soloist of “Leningrad” was the video “Ch.P.H.” The song “Kolshchik,” in which the heroine invites the tattoo artist to prick her eyebrows, brought Florida approving reviews from the public and critics.

After Vasilisa Starshova left, fans had no doubt that the girl was in the right place.

In 2018, Sergey Shnurov invited Anna Zolotova, Victoria Kuzmina and Maria Olkhova to the team. The girls perform as Florida's support, backing vocals and occasionally on their own. With this composition, the team presented a video for the song “Not Paris”.

Song “Not Paris” by Florida Chanturia and the group “Leningrad”

Florida takes advantage of every chance to develop. The long-legged beauty, whose height is 176 cm and weight 54 kg, could easily become a model for the covers of glossy magazines, but she preferred music. The girl opened her own studio in St. Petersburg, calling it “Leningradost”. Vocal lessons are taught here for amateurs and professionals.