Statuses about passion. Statuses about mental pain in the soul and heart

But she was happy and knew almost no tears... Through pain and screaming: I AM STRONG, she whispered: I’m tired...

There is no greater pain than the pain of a broken heart...

Pain is a state of mind, you can get used to it.

In life there is always something missing for complete happiness, sometimes a stool, sometimes a rope, sometimes soap.

Seeing someone else's pain makes it easier to bear your own.

It's clear, you're drunk. - I didn’t get drunk, I tried to drown out the pain!

There will always be people who will hurt you. You need to continue to trust people, just be a little more careful.

Do you want to hurt me? What's the point? I will smile, look condescendingly and turn away... and it will hurt you.

Life is a smile, even when tears are streaming down your face.

Live through pain, Love through tears, laugh even if it hurts...

Why does a person need a heart? It only brings pain!!!

When we say that we are afraid of death, we think first of all about pain, its usual predecessor.

Darling, I brought you so much pain... where should I put it?

Love is like a tick in the heart... you have to tear it out along with the pieces, experiencing hellish pain...

People sooner or later get tired of pain...

People are too cruel and obsessed with their own problems to understand the pain of others.

I was crushed by my own love... As much as I loved, it hurt so much.

A tender pain will forever remain in my heart.

It is not words that cause pain, but the impudence and arrogance that offends us.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other.

There is no such pain, there is no such suffering, physical or mental, that time would not weaken and death would not heal.

She's not like everyone else! She has pain in her heart, which she can skillfully hide... Her smile is always bright and will never be false!

Try to escape the rain if it's inside.

Why are there people who brought the happiest moments and the greatest pain into your life at the same time? Now, remembering you, there is a smile on my lips, tears in my eyes...

It's hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember joy. Happiness leaves no memorable scars. Peace teaches us so little.

Learn to forgive and let go so as not to increase the pain...

What could be worse than death? - The pain of the closest and dearest person!

What does not hurt is not life, what does not pass is not happiness.

Feelings are broken and the heart is ground into dust, all that remains is pain and some kind of stupid fear.

I'm trying to learn to hide terrible pain behind a sincere smile...

I smile to hide the pain. I laugh to hide my tears. And I dream to forget!

Pain and suffering cannot be driven away by groaning, and groaning will not make us feel easy.

The reason for the suffering of abandoned people is not necessarily love. Very often it’s just wounded pride.

She values ​​life too much to suffer because of someone... She values ​​freedom too much to belong to someone...

You can endure hunger, cope with cold. But there is something that is really hard to bear: the suffering of loved ones through your fault.

“I will not do anything for my personal happiness until I stop suffering from the fact that I look bad in someone’s eyes.”

Are you suffering from some kind of bullshit? I will help, load you with my...

One who has not suffered is not capable of compassion.

Love does not exist to make us happy. I think it was created to show us how strong we are in suffering and patience.

He who loves more suffers more.

A person simply cannot suffer longer than he can suffer: having exhausted our capabilities, we voluntarily or unwittingly switch to other things, and this is the greatest of blessings!

Even if no one noticed your suffering, don’t worry, God saw everything!!!

I'm scared to be happy, because every time I'm happy, something goes wrong, and then the pain comes!

I decided not to suffer anymore because of him! I decided to forget everything and start a new life!!! But where to start???

At first it’s scary, then you get used to it, to everything.

We build our own destiny. But as soon as we weaken control, she will turn her back to us and everything will be in vain, only pain...

There is no such pain, there is no such suffering, physical or mental, that time would not weaken and death would not heal.

Only thanks to love can a person understand how hopeless and hopeless... one can be unhappy.

There are three rings in a marriage. The first wedding ring, the second wedding ring, the third ring of misery. ...

Suffering gives rise to hatred... And makes it possible to experience pain...

I? Will I suffer? Oh, I beg you, I can only suffer x... her)))

It is much easier to suffer than to change. To be happy you need courage.

“Sick relationships” need to be stopped, despite the protests of the heart...

I always suffer as if they were paying me money for it.

Of course, you have to suffer sometimes... but just a little bit!)) and only so that you have something to assent to your friends about over a glass of coffee...

Do you know how hard it is to fall asleep with a stone on your heart and a lump in your throat? One is pressing, and the second is preventing you from breathing.

People cry over the fictions of poets, but look at real suffering calmly and indifferently.

I want to live so that I can think and suffer...

Most people at heart respect their suffering and even experience pleasure from it: unhappy love satisfies their need for strong sensations.

They say the hardest thing is to lose a loved one, but the hardest thing is to understand that life is even better without him!

Those who suffer the most are those who have not learned to give and sacrifice, but only demand and wait...

Why suffer about what was, why suffer about what is, suffering about what will be.

The most unbearable of human torments is powerless pity: seeing a close person, or even a distant but innocent one, suffering, wanting to help him and knowing that nothing can be done to help him.

Real suffering lies in what you are. And you are removed from existence.

Jealousy is the most cruel force that can kill two... with one blow...

I know that the tears will end and the flood will be replaced by a desert-emptiness, but time will pass and the emptiness will be filled with new life, new impressions, new desires.

There is an opinion that suffering cleanses the soul... But this is not true. Suffering plunges the soul into darkness.

Unfortunately, the past cannot be returned, and at this moment We understand that some things happen only once in a lifetime...

The pain does not go away, and time does not heal... It is we who pretend that we have forgotten everything and get used to the pain...

I heard that you can be cleansed through suffering.

True love is always mutual, unrequited love is just suffering...

Suffering because things don’t turn out the way we imagined is not only a futile exercise, but also a sign of infantilism.

Those who suffered will not forget.

You can't LOVE while on your KNEES! Every time you fall down, it’s better to pray for worthy solitude...

Yes, I feel bad, but this is not a reason to cause suffering to others.

All my life I have suffered from thinking well of people.

People suffer not from the nasty things that life throws at them, but from the belief that they don’t deserve it...

I suffer from wounds inflicted by my own weapons.

People... always torment the most those they love the most.

Sometimes love can become a real test, bringing pain, anxiety and constant suffering. But if she is real, then you can withstand anything.

Suffering is the price to pay for happiness. Or prepayment.

Don't be too sympathetic to people who are unhappy. If someone is unhappy, help, but don't sympathize. Don't give him the idea that suffering is something worthwhile.

It is not pain or suffering that is most terrible. The worst thing is humiliation.

Even though I feel bad, this is not a reason to cause suffering to others.

If a person’s eyes have not seen tears, they cannot be beautiful, if the soul has not suffered, it does not understand the pain of others, and a person can be beautiful only when he has a heart, and not a stone instead of it...

It is not life that torments us, but our thoughts about it.

Why spend so much energy and precious time on hatred, when you can enjoy loving another person, forgetting the offender, causing him double pain with your indifference?!

We all suffer from stupidity: fools from our own, smart people from someone else’s.

Suffering is a motivation for action.

Make me suffer. Ignore. Be quiet. Get lost. Let him search. Let him wait. Change it. Lie. Let him not sleep at night. Have fun. Let him be hurt.

I know with HIM I won’t think about anyone else... but with no one else... I won’t be able to forget HIM!

The more people suffer, the less they complain. At the end they become completely silent.

It’s never too late to understand that you really need this person... It’s a thousand times better than suffering later and thinking that you’ve already lost him...

I hate lies in people! I am indignant and suffer when they give it with a smile, so that at first you can’t tell!

Suffering only makes the strong stronger, but it makes the weak even weaker.

If you suffer from the injustice of a bad person, forgive him, otherwise there will be two bad people.

He who brushes aside the pain of the past meets the happiness of the present.

Nothing happens by default. Any new happiness or even just peace must be suffered and earned. By default, a person only rolls down.

Don't trust those who haven't suffered - they don't know the truth of life!

Everyone wants to suffer due to lack of privacy. Nobody wants to suffer because they have no brain.

Every living thing turns away from suffering, every living thing values ​​its life; So understand yourself in every living being - do not kill and do not cause death!

The sparkle of the eyes bursts into the soul, sincerely understanding everything... Spare me from this torment.

How many imaginary sufferings, how few imaginary joys!

Learn to enjoy life, it will teach you to suffer itself...

For the experiences that we create within ourselves, we have to pay with the most precious thing - health.

Laziness is a lack of inspiration!

A person does not feel physical pain... when it is drowned out by mental pain...

Suffering is good. It hardens you, like plunging into an ice hole. Getting stuck in suffering is harmful. No one can live in an ice hole.

And I'm still looking for a cure for you...

Empty days... Empty nights, empty life... Empty eyes, empty heart... and soul, when EVERYTHING is there, but You are not there...

Waiting turns the soul inside out and sprinkles salt...

Love and sympathy are different things... Many people confuse them, mistaking sympathy for love. That’s why they suffer because of those people whom they really didn’t love...

When a person’s soul cries, his guardian angel also cries...

The amount of happiness in many cases depends on the depth of suffering.

Teach me not to believe in love... No, not in a FEELING, but simply in a man’s words...

Simply by making the other person your concern, you will leave all your suffering behind.

The path to church is through suffering, when it seems that no one and nothing can help you...

It only takes one person to end all suffering.

All suffering and pain is contained in the story of what happened, not in the event itself.

Only those who know how to suffer proudly, without complaints and tears, know how to love deeply and strongly.

Anyone can make you suffer. Just find someone who will be worth your suffering...

If you don't want to suffer from love, don't love.

I’ll suffer a little more, just a little, really, and then I’ll start a new life! I promise.

I'm tired of hoping, waiting and suffering... I need to live my life and stop dreaming...

You shouldn’t and shouldn’t blame yesterday, live today and don’t be afraid of changes, if fate has presented you with a reward, accept this gift of suffering in return.

Statuses about suffering and about suffering

Don't be afraid of suffering. You have a strong soul, and therefore you suffer more than others and try in every possible way to avoid it. But suffering leads to heights and the whole world becomes better thanks to it. (I. Efremov)

Joy and laughter can hide behind a rude, cruel and insensitive nature. But behind the suffering lies only suffering. There is no truth that can be compared with suffering, sometimes it seems to me that suffering is the only truth. There is an extraordinary powerful reality in suffering. (Oscar Wilde)

Real suffering comes when you notice how a bitter memory loses its bitterness.
(A. Camus)

People who have suffered a lot, but who have been cured of their suffering by habit or oblivion, have an amazing ability to be bored; this happens because suffering, while making our life unbearable, at the same time fills it with such strong experiences that they make its emptiness imperceptible. (Andre Maurois)

An excess of suffering, like an excess of happiness, causes violent feelings that do not last long. The human heart cannot withstand their excessive sharpness for long. (Victor Hugo)

The unfortunate fate of many people is a consequence of the choice they did not make. They are neither alive nor dead. Life turns out to be a burden, a pointless pursuit, and deeds are only a means of protection from the torments of existence in the kingdom of shadows. (Erich Fromm)

Suffering is like an iron plow that sculptors inserted inside a clay mass: it supports, it is strength. (Honore de Balzac)

Grief is the most useful, most calming nest of a person in this world, because no one can destroy this nest. (Fazil Iskander)

Suffering and joy rub against each other. When they rub against each other without a trace, happiness will be born. Such happiness will be indestructible. (Hong Zicheng)

There is no greater suffering than remembering happy days in times of misfortune. (Dante Alighieri)

Suffering! What a great and unappreciated phenomenon! To him we owe everything that is good in us, everything that gives value to life; We owe him mercy, courage, all virtues. (Anatole France)

The world moves forward because of those who suffer. (Lev Tolstoy)

Through suffering and grief it is destined for us to obtain grains of wisdom that cannot be acquired in books. (Nikolay Gogol)

Sadness is the other side of joy. (Gilbert Chesterton)

Suffering fills the soul and consciousness of a person entirely, regardless of whether this suffering is great or small. (Viktor Frankl)

Every person believes that the suffering that befell him is the greatest. (Herman Hesse)

Anyone who has not been raised by suffering remains a child forever. One who has not suffered is not capable of compassion. (Niccolò Tommaseo)

They say that misfortune is a good school; May be. But happiness is the best university. (Alexander Pushkin)

Only after living below do you learn how dangerous it is to climb up. Only after being in the dark will you know how bright the sunlight is. Only by keeping calm will you learn how much energy those who are on the move spend. Only by nurturing silence do you understand how futile verbosity is. (Hong Zicheng)

For the most part, people are more inclined to suffer than to fight to eliminate the cause of suffering. (Thomas Jefferson)

Mockery of other people's suffering should not be forgiven (Anton Chekhov)

It is better to endure some pain in order to enjoy greater pleasures; It is useful to abstain from certain pleasures in order not to endure more severe suffering. (Epicurus)

True peace of mind is achieved by making peace with the worst. (Lin – Yutan)

In this world, our most reliable entertainment is anxiety and suffering. (Anatole France)

Small sufferings drive us crazy, but great ones bring us back to ourselves. (Richter)

Suffering is a stimulus for our activity, and, above all, in it we feel our life; without it there would be a state of lifelessness. (I. Kant)

No one can escape the valley of tears, but the pain will be less if we stop considering ourselves the protagonist of our own drama. (Leonard Cohen)

Thinking that someone else can make you happy or unhappy is simply ridiculous.

Stomach ulcers do not come from what you eat, but from what eats you. (Marie Montague)

If we can still love those who made us suffer, then our love only becomes stronger. (Author unknown)

A courageous person usually suffers without complaining, but a weak person complains without suffering. (Pierre Buast)

The poor squashed insect suffers just like a dying giant. (Shakespeare)

Yes, I feel bad, but this is not a reason to cause suffering to others. (Aeschylus)

A man is good because he has suffered. From suffering he received everything, even his genius. (France)

If you suffer, accept the suffering, because it will not disappear just because you pretend that it does not exist. If you rejoice, accept the joy, even if you are afraid that someday it will disappear. (Paulo Coelho)

Don't be afraid of suffering. You have a strong soul, and therefore you suffer more than others and try in every possible way to avoid it. But suffering leads to heights and the whole world becomes better thanks to it. (Ivan Efremov)

All suffering is evil. It may be necessary, but its fundamental essence does not change. (John Fowles)

Every conditioned existence is suffering. Every suffering has a reason. The cause of suffering can be eliminated. There is a path leading to complete relief from suffering. (Buddha)

How nice it is to fall into hopeless despair. This gives you the right to sulk at the whole world. (Sartre)

In earthly life, our sufferings are not excessively long or excessively great, because a person either overcomes them by force of habit, or succumbs under their weight, and then they come to an end. (James Joyce)

Illness is not a misfortune, but a lesson and a visit from God; the sick St. Seraphim was visited by the Mother of God; and we, if we humbly endure the disease, are visited by higher powers. (Optina elders)

“Only great pain leads the spirit to final freedom, only it allows us to reach the depths of our being. And the one for whom it was fatal can proudly say about himself - I know more about life!” (Friedrich Nietzsche)

The suffering of the wounded is not alleviated by the fact that the wound was inflicted on him with good intentions. (Pascal)

Suffering is like thunderclouds: from afar they appear black, but above us they appear barely gray. (Jean Paul)

Having experienced suffering myself, I have learned to alleviate the suffering of others. (Publius Virgil)

The inevitability of troubles should not turn our lives into waiting for them. (Krieger)

My passion will light a fire in you. Beware.

A man who is possessed by passion is dangerous. Like a drug addict, looking for a new fix. Like a maniac looking for a victim. The mind is paralyzed at such moments. Heart too.

A woman who keeps her distance actually wants passion more than others. So that, despite her temper, someone strong and arrogant squeezed her in a hot embrace.

Youth does not want to create, wait, endure, it needs passion now.

Best status:
If passion takes over you again and again, then you are not able to control the situation. You are not the master of life.

If you have connected your life with the wrong person, passion in bed will help you stay together for some time.

Two different lives merge into one in a fit of passion.

Those who enjoy the senses are able to see the whole palette of colors, even on a stormy day.

Truly strong people are not those who shun their passions, but those who are able to master them.

It all starts with innocent flirting. And there is attraction and sweat between them, like an electric discharge. She no longer controls her body. Just like magnets. How can you then justify your weakness?

She swore at me, slapped her in the face, screamed that I didn’t want to, but you pressed her to the wall, grabbed your hands and kissed her, despite everything...

Passions give intelligence to the stupidest people and make the smartest people stupid. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

Two passions are weaker than one. Karol Bunsch

The fire of desire burns in my blood, my soul is wounded by you... Torment me! Your torment is sweeter to me than honey and wine!

Sometimes we wait for intense passions, as in a love story, and sometimes one kiss is enough to feel all the tenderness and even passion...

- I heard you fell in love. - Heard? Did I scream that loud?

She loves replaces love for her...

Passions are the only speakers whose arguments are always convincing.

I paint death with paints, but you are unlikely to see its patterns... I know how pleasant it is for you to look when you see the pain in my eyes...

This is such a strange love - it’s not a game if your lips are bleeding...

Master your passions, which rule if not obeyed.

There is no passion higher than love, and no lower than aggravation.

Life is an amazing thing. She destroys you. Breaks. He's mocking. And then he gives you Love.

Hug me like Romeo Juliet! Do you remember how it was with them? -I only read “Kashtanka”! Do you want me to bite you?

His kisses become more and more passionate... he presses himself closer and closer to you... and you say: “Well, don’t... I have to go home...” And at this moment you are thinking hard about how tomorrow you will explain to your mother that you didn’t come home today. =)))

Who told you that I hate you? I just love you in S&M style!)

He covered my mouth with his hand. -No girls. Forget. I love you.

Passion taught man to think. – Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

And you will go crazy from my eyes, I promise.

There is no sin heavier than passion. - Lao Tzu

We walk through the city together, holding each other’s hands, and remain silent. Then he will say that I’m a fool, kiss, hug... Now I know for sure... I love...

She has devilish scarlet lips, her skin is mocha color. She will drive you crazy with her crazy life!

What nasty things they do for fun!

Virtue does not consist in the absence of passions, but in the control of them.

Base pleasures... I want to fall into them and wallow a little.

Don't switch and don't switch off while enjoying yourself.

You should not allow yourself all kinds of pleasures, but only those in which there is nothing bad.

Don't smoke cigarettes - smoke his breath, don't get drunk from wine - get drunk from his kisses, don't get high from drugs - get high from his touches!

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion. - Galileo Galilei

Passion never has power, it only comes from calculation.

Feelings at the tips of the lips... Thin fingers barely reach... Grains of sand from stars fell from the sky... Animals made of white snow...

We fight not because he is bad, but because I am bored.

Usually this passion (voluptuousness) is denoted by the word Love, meaning by it an indefinite attraction of one sex to another, as natural as hunger. – Thomas Hobbes

It is to passions that reason owes its most brilliant conquests.

It’s a pity that you can’t add a person to your wish list on VKontakte...

People are blinded by passion. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Young people do not know well what beauty is: they only know passion.

If a great passion takes possession of us for the second time in life, we, unfortunately, no longer have the same faith in its immortality.

Love is the only passion that is paid with the same coin that it mints.

The strength of one passion must be judged by the strength of another, which was sacrificed for its sake.

True passion, like a stream rushing down a mountain, knows no obstacles.

There is no sin heavier than passion.

No passion in the world can compare with the passionate desire to edit someone else's manuscript.

No, we didn’t lie down, we fell

Never seek pleasure, but always be ready to find pleasure in everything.

Any passion that possesses a person, as it were, opens direct access to him. – Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Absence weakens a slight infatuation, but intensifies a greater passion, just as the wind extinguishes a candle, but fans the fire.

Passion (...) yields not to reasoning, but to violence. Aristotle

The world will be saved not by beauty, but by the pleasure we get from it.

A person must be accessible to passions, but also have the power to control them.

There is a continuous change of passions in the human heart, and the extinction of one of them almost always means the triumph of the other.

There is no greater happiness in life than to languish with violent passion!

A person who is captured by his passions cannot be free.

Only those who have subjugated them can live by passions.

We never strive passionately for what we strive for only with our minds.

Voluptuousness is rotting of the soul. – Valentin Sventsitsky

All passions are good when we control them. Everyone is bad when we obey them.

We desire nothing more passionately than what we are not entitled to.

the passion of the weak... - Francis Bacon

Your subscriber is outside...” - Hmmm... Mine?! Well, okay, that's all I wanted to know..=).

Don't mistake pleasure for happiness. It's like different breeds of dogs.

True great passion is quite rare these days. This is the privilege of people who have nothing better to do. – Oscar Wilde

Stupid... But so happy... She doesn’t understand that she’s ruining her life again...

There is no surer way to kindle passion in another than to keep the cold yourself.

It is easier to live with a passionate woman than with a boring one. True, they are sometimes strangled, but rarely abandoned. - Bernard Show

Nothing great in the world is accomplished without passion.

If a great passion takes possession of us for the second time in life, we, unfortunately, no longer have the same faith in its immortality...

Any passion that possesses a person, as it were, opens direct access to him.

No passion bewitches a person like love or envy.

One has only to see his eyes...

Everyone is attracted by their own passion. Virgil (Publius Virgil Maro)

When two unbearable creatures find each other, the lives of the others become unbearable.

You shouldn’t traumatize the delicate female psyche with your extremes, otherwise someone will somehow traumatize you like that...

The strength of all our passions depends on how cold or hot our blood is. – Francois La Rochefoucauld

You know, even on the keyboard the word “love” reminds me of a triangle.

We've been together for a year now, and I still get goosebumps when he takes my hand.

Everyone is attracted by their own passion. – Publius Virgil

If the advice of passion is bolder than the advice of reason, then passion gives more strength to carry it out than reason. – Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues