Two frosts are the main idea. Russian folk tale Two Frosts.docx - Project of a literary reading lesson "Two Frosts"

"Two Frosts" - Russian folk tale. Her main idea is this: frost and cold do not bother him who does not like to be lazy, but is used to working. And for those who are idle, it is always cold and icy.

Two brothers - Red-nose frost and Blue-nose frost, have fun walking through the fields and forests at night and whipping up frost and cold. There is not a soul around; however, by morning people begin to take to the streets, everyone has their own affairs and worries.

While waiting for people to leave, two frost brothers decide to argue among themselves and determine which of them can freeze a person more powerfully. For this purpose, they go to the field and wait for travelers. Finally, a peasant rides out onto the road in a sleigh driven by a horse. That peasant was getting ready to go into the forest and chop wood. Following him, a master's cart drives out, and a gentleman, dressed in a fur coat, sits there. The Frost brothers agree among themselves that Blue Nose will go to freeze the master, and Red Nose will go to the peasant. Whoever does it better wins.

Blue Nose ran to do his job, climbed under the master’s fur coat and began to envelop him in cold. And the master sits, freezing, but cannot do anything. It only shakes. Blue-nose froze the master very much, almost to death.

And Red Nose tried to freeze the peasant, but it didn’t work out that way. The peasants began to move, trample and run; He ran so much that he even sweated. He came to the forest and started chopping wood, he became so hot that he even took off his sheepskin coat. And Red Nose climbed into this sheepskin coat and began to freeze it. The sheepskin coat became covered with a crust of snow, but the peasant was not taken aback: he took a whip and began to beat his sheepskin coat with it to knock out the frost. Red-nose crawled out of his sheepskin coat barely alive.

So he lost the argument. And all because the peasant did not sit too long, but moved and took care of business.

Features of folk tales

As a rule, folk tales were written for children. They contained a simple meaning, which was supposed to be instructive and teach children goodness, and also be able to distinguish good from bad.

Examples classical ideas folk tales:

  • whoever is lazy and does nothing achieves nothing;
  • if you do good to someone, then you yourself are left with good;
  • there is no need to do harm to anyone; but the one who did it must be forgiven.

Two frosts were running across the field, everyone was frolicking and freezing each other. But they were tired of this game, they wanted to freeze people. They ran out into an empty forest. They hear a gentleman riding on one side, a simple man on the other. The man is dressed simply and lightly, holes in his clothes are visible somewhere, and the gentleman is dressed decently and warmly, covered in furs. Frost Blue Nose was younger than Frost Crimson Nose. Blue Nose decided to freeze the man, he thought it would be easier for him to freeze him, and Crimson Nose went to freeze the master. After some time they meet, Crimson Nose boasted that he was able to freeze the master very much, and Blue Nose complained that he could not freeze the man, and they also beat him, that he was left with bruised sides.

MBOU Secondary School No. 8, Lobnya

School seminar

"Modern pedagogical technologies

teaching literary reading

in primary school"

Public lesson

According to literary reading

on this topic:

"Fairy Tale. Two Frosts"

Prepared by:

Tishchenko O.N.teacher

primary classes

2016-2017 academic year G.

Lesson literary reading was conducted in 2D class in December 2016.

According to the calendar and thematic planning, the topic of the lesson is “Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”.. Textbook by Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G. and others. 2nd grade educational complex “School of Russia”

Lesson type: lesson in discovering new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson : using development technology techniques critical thinking stimulating thinking and creative activity students, teach thoughtful reading.

Planned results:

  1. Subject
  • Students will become familiar with the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”;
  • learn to read consciously and in order to satisfy interest and gain reading experience.
  • be aware of the author’s and one’s own attitude towards the characters;
  • find the main idea formulated in the text.

Cognitive UUD

  • find the necessary information to complete educational tasks;
  • construct a speech utterance orally;
  • teach the basics of semantic reading, highlight essential information from texts of different types.

- communicative UUD

  • listen and engage in dialogue, formulate own opinion and position;
  • participate in collective discussion;
  • build productive interaction and cooperation with classmates and the teacher.

Regulatory UUD

  • accept and save the learning task;
  • highlight the necessary (essential) information from the text;
  • evaluate the correctness of actions and make necessary adjustments to execution.


  • form a motivational basis educational activities, educational and cognitive interest in new educational material;
  • development of ethical feelings as regulators of moral behavior;
  • develop the ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities.


  • textbook
  • marker boards
  • multimedia presentation

The given lesson achieved the stated goal and objectives.

A friendly atmosphere, a positive attitude to the lesson, and a selection of tasks helped each child in the lesson to advance in their development.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment. SLIDE No. 1

“The bell rang for our lesson. Good morning children! I'm glad to see you. May this morning bring us the joy of communication and fill our hearts with noble feelings. So, we are ready for the reading lesson. Let’s start our lesson” The motto of our lesson: If you miss a minute, you’ll lose an hour SLIDE No. 2

II. Checking homework.

At home, the children had to memorize S. Yesenin’s poem “Birch”. Now we will listen to some of you.


III. Setting the lesson goal.Today we will continue our acquaintance with works about winter. Do you hear the magic bell ringing? ( magical music bell) He invites us to a fairy tale. SLIDE №4


"Through the dense forest
Blizzard field
The winter holiday is coming to you.
What kind of holiday?
Let's say together:
This is a holiday - New Year!

Music plays and the Snow Maiden appears

Hello guys, do you recognize me? I came to you from fairy forest. And what is New Year without a fairy tale? Raise your hands who loves fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales? What is a fairy tale?

A fairy tale is fictional story, which tells us existence through heroes. A fairy tale is a fictional plot, necessarily with happy ending! Guess the riddle: SLIDE No. 5

Everything turned white overnight.

And there is a miracle in our apartment!

Outside the window the yard disappeared -

A magical forest grew there



What kind of master is this?

Applied to glass

And leaves and grass

And thickets of roses?


Poets talk about frost as if it were a living creature. Until the mighty frost comes, winter will not come. He will appear - he will build bridges on rivers, he will drive birds and animals into nests and holes. It will force a person to walk faster, clap his mittens, stamp his feet and say, “Oh, it’s frosty!” Guess what our fairy tale is called?

Please tell me how this fairy tale differs from others literary works? SLIDE No. 12

Children's answers:

Animals and plants can speak in fairy tales, and unusual adventures happen to them.

Who writes fairy tales?

Children's answers:

What are the names of the fairy tales that people have written?

Children's answers:

These tales are called folk tales.

What are the names of the fairy tales that writers wrote?

Children's answers:

I now invite you to a fairytale forest, close your eyes and... Two.three... Here, listen to what a delightful “Waltz of Snow Flakes” was composed by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

(Children listen to P.I. Tchaikovsky’s waltz) SLIDE No. 13

What did you imagine while listening to this music?

And together with the snow flakes they descended to the ground

IV. Learning new material.

1. Vocabulary work.

Before I read you a fairy tale, let's find out the meaning of some words.

A bell is a metal ball with a piece of metal inside that rings when shaken;

Woodcutter - a person who chops wood;

Merchant - a rich man living in the city, owner trading store;

A peasant is a poor man living in a village who works the land.

This is how this magic is spoken about in the fairy tale.

2. Listening to a recording of the fairy tale “Two Frosts” SLIDE No. 20

  1. Initial check of understanding.

-Tell me, who are the characters in this fairy tale?

Children's answers:

Two Frosts: merchant, peasant.

Who is this merchant? Peasant?

Did you like this fairy tale? Why?

Children's answers:

Because the frost did not freeze the peasant, but the merchant. After all, the peasant worked, but the merchant did not.

What's magical about this fairy tale?

Children's answers:

Frosts talk, run, jump.

Did you manage to freeze the peasant? And the merchant? Why?

Children's answers:

The peasant could not be frozen because he was working, but the merchant sat and did nothing, just wrapped himself in a fur coat.

Now we will read the fairy tale again.

Secondary reading of the fairy tale.

Let's read the fairy tale again. – Pay attention to the words that help you understand that this is a Russian folk tale?

"By clean field, through a dense forest."

“They whistled, they clicked, they ran.”

“Even though I lost my legs, my sides still hurt.”

Repetitions: “Two frosts, two brothers”, “beat-beat”, “beat-beat”, “bear coat”, “fox hat”, “wolf boots”.

Did the main characters manage to freeze people?

What kind of fun did the Frosts come up with? Let's find and read these lines.

And my assistants will start reading.

3 students in caps come out and read the beginning of a fairy tale

How did Moroz decide to play a joke?
- What did the Frosts do?

What do you think?

Who was Frost - Blue Nose - going to freeze?

Who was going to be frozen by Frost - Red Nose?

(Before the words “They whistled, clicked, ran..” Let’s read what happened next?
- What did they hear?

- What did you agree on?

Two Frosts made a choice: the elder decided to freeze the merchant, the younger - the woodcutter, because he was wearing a torn sheepskin coat, a thin hat, and holey mittens.

But how they did it, you will read to us after reading it yourself.


I am Frost Red Nose

I am Frost Blue Nose (point to yourself, bow)

Brothers are related to each other

We are daring Frosts (squats down)

We will cover the earth with snow (imitate movements)

Let's build a bridge across the river

Take care of your cheeks and nose (point to nose and cheeks)

If it's frosty outside. (Rub)

We want to have fun

Measure your strength. (throw snowballs)

Driving road - “zzh” is read as a long soft “zh”

Whistled - unpronounceable consonant sound "t"

And now we read first syllable by syllable, and then in whole words







Now let's start reading.

(Chain reading)

Conversation on reading:

How did two frosts decide to have fun?

Children's answers:

Freeze people.

SLIDE No. 23

Where is the merchant going?

In town

Where is the peasant going?

To the forest for firewood..

6Selective reading.

Read How Frost - Blue Nose tried to freeze the merchant.

Look at the illustration. p. 199 How is the merchant dressed?In a bear fur coat, a fox hat, and wolf boots.

So why did Frost freeze him?

Slide No. 24

Read How Frost - Red Nose tried to freeze a peasant.

Did he manage to do this?

Look at the illustration. P.201

How is the peasant dressed? In a torn sheepskin coat

How the peasant behaved when he felt cold7

Children's answers:

He started hitting his sheepskin coat with a log.

Why did he do this?

It was freezing cold.

So why couldn’t Frost freeze him?

who won the argument? Why? Blue-nose frost, because an ax warms you better than a fur coat.

What proverb ends the fairy tale?

How do you understand it? What is it about? (About hard work)

Pair work test


What Russian folk tale did you get acquainted with?

Who is the story about?

What did our two Frosts teach?

Which the main idea fairy tales? (A person who works is not afraid of any trouble.)


Assignment p.202 question 5, retelling

Topic: Tale “Two Frosts”

Target: Introduce Russian folk tales. Develop expressive reading, the ability to convey the intonation and character of the characters. Develop the ability to highlight the main thing and characterize the characters. Cultivate hard work.

During the classes.

  1. Organizational moment.

Our lesson motto: If you miss a minute, you'll lose timec.

  1. Checking homework.

— At home, the guys had to memorize S. Yesenin’s poem “Birch.” Now we will listen to all of you.

III. Setting a lesson goal. Today we will continue our acquaintance with works about winter. Do you hear the magic bell ringing? (magical bell music) He invites us into a fairy tale.

"Through the dense forest
Blizzard field
The winter holiday is coming to you.
What kind of holiday?
Let's say together:
It's a holiday - New Year!

There is music on the board as well - Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden came to us from the fairy forest. And what is New Year without a fairy tale? Raise your hands who loves fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales? What is a fairy tale?

A fairy tale is a fictional story that tells us life through heroes. A fairy tale is a fictional story, always with a happy ending!

Guess the riddle:

Everything turned white overnight.

And there is a miracle in our apartment!

Outside the window the yard disappeared -

A magical forest grew there (Pattern)

What kind of master is this?

Applied to glass

And leaves and grass

And thickets of roses? (Freezing.)

Poets talk about frost as if it were a living creature. Until the mighty frost comes, winter will not come. He will appear - he will build bridges on rivers, he will drive birds and animals into nests and holes. It will force a person to walk faster, clap his mittens, stamp his feet and say, “Oh, it’s frosty!”

Tell me, please, how does a fairy tale differ from other literary works?

(In fairy tales, animals and plants can speak, and unusual adventures happen to them.)

What are the names of the fairy tales that people have written?

What are the names of the fairy tales that writers wrote?

  1. Learning new material.

1. Vocabulary work.

Before I read you a fairy tale, let's find out the meaning of some words.

  • A bell is a metal ball with a piece of metal inside that rings when shaken;
  • Woodcutter - a person who chops wood;
  • A merchant is a rich man living in the city, the owner of a trading shop;
  • A peasant is a poor man living in a village who works the land.

- This is how this magic is spoken about in the fairy tale.

  1. Listening to a recording of the fairy tale “Two Frosts”
  1. Initial check of understanding.

-Tell me, who are the characters in this fairy tale?

Who is this merchant? Peasant?

Did you like this fairy tale? Why?

What's magical about this fairy tale?

Did you manage to freeze the peasant? And the merchant? Why?

Now we will read the fairy tale again.

3. Secondary reading of the fairy tale.

Let's read the fairy tale again. – Pay attention to the words that help you understand that this is a Russian folk tale?

“Through an open field, through a dense forest.”

“They whistled, they clicked, they ran.”

“Even though I lost my legs, my sides still hurt.”

Repetitions: “Two frosts, two siblings”, “beat-beat”, “beat-beat”, “bear coat”, “fox hat”, “wolf boots”.

Did the main characters manage to freeze people?

What kind of fun did the Frosts come up with? Let's find and read these lines.

(Two Frosts made a choice: the elder decided to freeze the merchant, the younger - the woodcutter, because he was wearing a torn sheepskin coat, a thin hat, and holey mittens.)

- But you will read to us after reading on your own how they did it.


I am Frost Red Nose

I am Frost Blue Nose (point to yourself, bow)

Brothers are related to each other

We are daring Frosts (squats down)

We will cover the earth with snow (imitate movements)

Let's build a bridge across the river

Take care of your cheeks and nose (point to nose and cheeks)

If it's frosty outside. (Rub)

We want to have fun

Measure your strength. (throw snowballs)

  1. Reading by chain

Conversation on reading:

How did two frosts decide to have fun?

Where is the merchant going?

Where is the peasant going?

  1. Selective reading.

- Read How Frost - Blue Nose tried to freeze the merchant.

- Did he manage to do it?

— Look at the illustration. p. 199 How is the merchant dressed? In a bear fur coat, a fox hat, and wolf boots.

- So why did Frost freeze him?

- Read How Frost - Red Nose tried to freeze the peasant.

- Did he manage to do it?

- Look at the illustration. P.201

How is the peasant dressed? In a torn sheepskin coat

How the peasant behaved when he felt cold7

Why did he do this?

- So why couldn’t Frost freeze him?

who won the argument? Why? Blue-nose frost, because an ax warms you better than a fur coat.

What proverb ends the fairy tale?

How do you understand it? What is it about? (About hard work)

Pair work test

RESULT OF THE LESSON— What Russian folk tale did you get acquainted with?

—Who is the story about? -What did our two Frosts teach?

What is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale? (A person who works is not afraid of any trouble.)

Homework With. 198 - 202 retelling

Russian folk tale "Two Frosts".

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new material.

The purpose of the lesson: analyze the work, understand main meaning works.

Planned results.

· introduce the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”;

· practice expressive reading skills;

· consolidate the ability to analyze the actions of heroes, express one’s attitude towards the heroes of a fairy tale;

· develop the ability to highlight the main thing in a read text;

· practice the skills of drawing up a picture plan for a fairy tale;

· Contribute to the development of hard work.

Cognitive UUD:

· consciously and voluntarily construct messages in oral form, including those of a creative nature.

Regulatory UUD:

· choose actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

Communication UUD:

· be active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive problems,

· to ask questions,

· construct statements that are understandable to your partner.

Personal UUD:

Compare the actions of characters in literary works with your own actions,

· comprehend the actions of the heroes.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer, projector.

During the classes:

1. Org moment.

I wish everyone success in the lesson, friendly and fruitful work.

2. Checking the salary.

Let's start the lesson by checking the d/z.

Open the textbook on p. 195, read expressively S. Yesenin’s poem “Winter Sings and Calls...”

What paintings winter nature introduced? (clouds are floating above the forest,

a blizzard sweeps across the yard,

the sparrows are huddled against the window, frozen)

Read the first 3 lines. How do you understand them? (winter, cold wind circles in

forest, makes the pine trees sway)

Which interesting word invented by the poet? (ringing: ringing of 100 pines)

Read the next 3 lines. Which poetic device used here? (personification)

What is personification? (when objects of inanimate nature are depicted as living beings: winter - echoes, lulls; the clouds are floating - dreary)

Finish the poem. And here the poet uses what figure of speech? (metaphor)

What is a metaphor? ( use of words in figuratively, based on similarity, comparison).

The snowstorm in the yard is similar to what? (with silk carpet, but cold).

3. Updating knowledge.

Who helps winter spread carpets on the ground, build bridges across rivers in winter, paint on windows? (freezing)

Poets talk about Frost as a living being. He will appear and hang lace in the forest. Beware forest dwellers! Frost is harsh and formidable! It will make a person walk faster, pat his mittens, and stamp his feet. It’s not for nothing that they say “The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand!”; “The frost is strong!”

4. Setting the topic and goals of the lesson.

A 2 Frosts - great power! Who guessed what fairy tale the lesson will be about?

Before we start working with a fairy tale, let's remember what a fairy tale is? There is a scientific interpretation of this word. From the options I have given, choose the correct statement.

· science fiction work;

· a work about fictional events, often involving magical powers, in which good always triumphs over evil.

A fairy tale always teaches people something. It is not for nothing that many fairy tales have the ending “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson".

And what lesson you will learn from the fairy tale “Two Frosts”, you will say later.

5. Learning new material.

A) Getting to know the work. Reading a fairy tale with an announcer .

Now let’s listen to an audio recording of the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts” and at the same time follow the speaker’s reading from the textbook. To do this, open p. 198, get ready to read. (we listen and watch at the same time)

B). Vocabulary work .

While listening, I came across words whose meaning I would like to clarify. Read it. What's happened…

Bell(picture): a metal ball with a piece of metal inside that rings when shaken;

Woodcutter(picture): a man chopping wood;

Merchant- a rich person living in the city, owner of a trading post or store;

Peasant– a poor man living in a village works the land;

Cringe– hide your face and hands from the cold.

6. Gymnastics for the eyes

7. Analysis of the content of the tale.

- Let's return to the fairy tale.

Why this fairy tale Russian traditional? (invented and passed down from generation to generation by the people;

· Russian words: the profession of a merchant is known back in ancient Rus' almost 1000 years ago. This word appeared in the Russian language after the Baptism of Rus'.

· The merchant and the peasant are wearing fur coats. Russia has long been considered a fur power. Merchants wore expensive fur coats: bear, arctic fox, sable; and peasants - cheaper ones: from hare and sheep). It is these Russian words that indicate that this is RNS.

Who are the main characters of the work? (two brothers: Frost Blue Nose, Frost Red Nose)

What did the brothers decide to do? (have fun, freeze people)

Who did you meet on the road? (merchant and peasant)

Where was the merchant going? (in town)

Where was the peasant going? (to the forest for firewood)

Find in the text and read what the merchant was wearing? (He is wearing a bear fur coat and wolf boots)

What did the peasant look like? Read it. (the short fur coat is old and torn, the hat is thin, the mittens are full of holes.)

Who do you think was easier to freeze and why? ( Judging by their clothes?) (easier than a peasant, because he was dressed very poorly).

What happened when the brothers met again in the evening? (the opposite happened: the merchant froze, not the peasant)

8. Drawing up a picture plan.

Let's try to compose picture plan to this fairy tale. What events took place here? (Meeting of 2 Frosts.

Frost The blue nose freezes the merchant.

Frost The red nose freezes the peasant.

“An ax warms better than a fur coat”)

- We work in groups.

- There are drawings on your tables. Why are there 4 of them? (4 parts)

1. Which drawing will we choose for part 1? Explain what should be drawn on it? (forest, road, M-SN, M - KN). On the board rice. 1

Number it like I do .

What will be discussed here? (about how 2 Frosts, two Brothers met and decided to have fun)

Find in the text and read the passage that matches the first part.

Title part 1. ( meeting of 2 Frosts)

2. - Which drawing will we choose for part 2? (Forest, road, merchant's sleigh, M-SN) On the board rice. 2

What will part 2 be about? (M - CH freezes the merchant)

Find and read part 2 of the fairy tale.

What should we title this part? (Frost - The blue nose freezes the merchant)

Do in conclusion: Why did the merchant freeze? ( he didn't move).

3. – Select a pattern for part 3. It shows: ( forest. road. peasant's sleigh, M-KN) On the board rice. 3

What will Part 3 be about? (M-KN freezes the peasant)

Find and read it.

Do conclusion: Did he manage to freeze the poor man? Why? ( the peasant worked all the time)

4. - Find and read what the older brother answered to the younger brother in response to the fact that the peasant defeated Frost? ( an ax warms better than a fur coat)?

Prove that these words express the main idea of ​​the fairy tale?

Look at the drawing you have left. What do you think? (just fits this passage). This is part 4. On the board rice. 4

What should we title it?

Conclusion: You and I have come up with a picture plan that will help retell this fairy tale.

9. Creative retelling.

How many of you would like to try to retell part 3?

10. Physical exercise.

Along the path, along the path
We jump on the right leg.

(Jumps on the right leg)
And along this path
We jump on our left leg.

(Jumps on the left leg)
Let's run along the path
We'll run to the lawn.

(Running in place)

On the lawn, on the lawn
We'll jump like bunnies

(Jumping in place)
Stop. Let's rest a little
And we'll walk home.

11. Work in groups.

- Now we will work in groups. Let's remember the rules friendly work. Each group has its own name.

Group 1: “Analysts”

Who is an analyst? (A person who knows how to analyze.)

I propose to analyze the qualities inherent in the merchant and peasant, and draw a conclusion: what did they lead to in the end.

Take the envelope. Fill out the table by pasting the appropriate qualities into the correct column. You will also find a set of qualities in the envelope. Get started.

Group 2: “New storytellers”

Open the envelope. Look at the highlighted words. Replace these words with modern ones.

Group 3: “Researchers”

- Open the envelope.

Connect the parts of the proverb, highlight with a marker those that fit this tale.

Checking group work.

· Group 1, describe the merchant,... peasant.

The result is a model for describing the characters.

Conclusion: What warms you up better, work or a merchant's fur coat?

· 2nd group. Read the resulting passage.

Conclusion: Expressive words decorate a fairy tale, make it brighter and more interesting.

· Group 3: 1 person stands up and reads out selected proverbs.

Which of the following proverbs expresses the main idea of ​​the fairy tale?( An ax warms better than a fur coat)

Lesson summary:

Let's return to the statement “A fairy tale is a lie, but it contains a hint for good fellows and a lesson.”

What lesson did this fairy tale teach us? (no fur coat will warm a lazy person)


Look at the slide. Select and continue any sentence:

· Which hero would you like to be in?

· What lesson was learned from the fairy tale?


Stand up if you think you did well in the lesson.

And now those children for whom it was difficult. What was causing the difficulty? (answer questions, draw conclusions)

Teacher evaluation.


Group 1: p. 198 – 201, prepare a retelling according to plan.

Group 2: p. 198 – 201, prepare reading by role.

>>Literature 2nd grade >>Literature: The fairy tale “Two Frosts”

Lesson 38


Target: teach to see the imprisonment in fairy tales folk wisdom, intelligence, ingenuity.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

Physical education minute

III. Learning new material.

1. Message of the topic, goals.

Guys, what time of year is it now? ( Winter)

Invisible, carefully
He comes to me
And he draws like an artist
He patterns on the window.
This is a maple, and this is a willow,
Here is the palm tree in front of me.
How beautifully he draws
Just white paint!

Answer: Freezing

That's right, frost. Yes, not one frost, but two frosts - Frost - Blue Nose and Frost - Red Nose.

Poets talk about frost as if it were a living creature. Until he comes, winter will not come. When he appears, he will build bridges on rivers, drive birds and animals into nests and holes. It will make a person walk faster, clap his mittens and say: “Oh, it’s frosty!” (in chorus)

This is how this magic is spoken about in the fairy tale. Open your textbooks p.198. Read the title.

Today we will get acquainted with the fairy tale “Two Frosts”

2. Work on the fairy tale “Two Frosts”.

1) Reading a fairy tale by the teacher.
2) Statements of children.
3) Comparison of two Frosts (selective reading).

– What is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale?
– How do you understand the words: “An ax warms better than a fur coat”?
- Did you like the fairy tale?
- Name it characters fairy tales.
- Can this fairy tale be called magical? What's magical about it?
- How did Morozy decide to play a joke?
- Who was Frost - Blue Nose going to freeze?
- Whom was Frost - Red Nose going to freeze?

4) Correlating the content of the fairy tale with the proverb.

– What other proverbs can be chosen for this fairy tale?

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.
In a winter coat and frosts are a joke.
Winter freezes the idler.

Read How Frost - Blue Nose tried to freeze the merchant.
- Did he manage to do it?
- Look at the illustration. How is the merchant dressed?
- So why did Frost freeze him?

Read How Frost - Red Nose tried to freeze a peasant.
- Did he manage to do it?
- Look at the illustration. How is the peasant dressed?
- So why couldn’t Frost freeze him?

Read what proverb ends the fairy tale. How do you understand it? What is it about? (About hard work)

5) Vocabulary work

- And before reading, we will practice reading complex words.


Bell– a metal ball with a piece of metal inside that rings when shaken;
Woodcutter- a man chopping wood;
Merchant- a rich man living in the city, owner of a trading shop;
Peasant- a poor man living in a village works the land.

IV. Lesson summary.

What Russian folk tale did you get acquainted with?
-Who is the story about?
- What is the main idea of ​​the fairy tale? (A person who works is not afraid of any trouble.)

Homework: prepare an expressive reading of the fairy tale “Two Frosts”.

Literary reading. 1-2 grades: lesson plans according to the "School of Russia" program. Publishing house "Teacher", 2011. Contents - N.V. Lobodina, S.V. Savinova and others.