Proverbs about friendly work for children. Proverbs and sayings about collectivism and popular opinion

  • Good brotherhood is more valuable than any wealth.
  • The rain won’t turn a twig, but a stream and a log will carry away (A. Suvorov).
  • Hurry up to make friends with the craft - it’s easier to live in a team.
  • All for one - one for all.
  • Only the team has a good field.
  • When working collectively, every penny will be returned in hryvnia.
  • The food tastes better at a communal table.
  • You, thunderstorm, threaten, and we - hold on to each other!
  • You can’t break a broom, but along the rod you will break the whole broom.
  • Even a wolf does not take a willing herd.
  • Hold on to each other - don’t be afraid of anything.
  • One is scared, everyone is not.
  • One bee doesn't make much honey.
  • One firebrand in a field, no matter how long it grows, will inevitably die out (L. Tolstoy).
  • The association is a hero.
  • One will die at the porridge.
  • From all sides they gathered into a battalion.
  • A team great strength.
  • Without a team, life is unhappy.
  • There is no limit to human power if that power is a collective.
  • All seven of them will go, and they will take Siberia.
  • We will fight the devil with a council.
  • He can break a straw and a fly, but he cannot crush a sheaf and a horse.
  • You can’t lift a stone alone, but you can move a city with peace.
  • One is grieving, and the artel is fighting.
  • A family is fighting, and one is grieving.
  • One finger is not a fist.
  • The rocks are being moved by common forces. (osset)
  • By gathering your fingers into one fist, you can hit hard. (Mari)
  • Many heads - many minds. (Latvian)
  • Don’t take on a big task alone: ​​you’ll break your back. (Chuvash)
  • What is difficult for one person is easy together. (belor)
  • What one person cannot do, two can do. (Azerbian)
  • A hundred minds are better than one. (Adyghe)
  • Ten fingers are stronger than one. (Buryat)
  • What is difficult for one person is easy for a team. (belor)
  • He who is with everyone has arrows, but the one who is alone loses his bow. (Nogaisk)
  • What one cannot do, the team will do. (Latvian)
  • He who is alone is bound, he who is with everyone is free. (Nogaisk)
  • Alone we are weak, together we are strong. (Tuvinsk)
  • Multitude is strength. (Estonian)
  • A hundred people are helpless if they are divided. (Uzb)
  • A person is held together by a person, like a fence is held together by stakes. (Abkhaz)
  • Alone, you can only fight a mess. (Karelian)
  • He who is not with people is as if he was not born. (Darginsk)
  • It is difficult to break a whole panicle. (Komi)
  • The hair gives strength to the rope, although it is very thin. (Uzb)
  • From small streams big rivers are formed. (Komi)
  • Drop by drop forms a lake, pouring downpours form a stream. (Dargin, Karakalpak)
  • Where there is a majority, there is strength. (Turkm)
  • If two nuts come together, they can break your head. (Tatar)

A selection of proverbs about work and friendship.

    If you hold on to each other, you won’t be afraid of anything.

    You will quarrel in smoke, then you will burn with shame.

    In a willing herd, even a wolf is not afraid.

    You have fun, eat and drink - so any friend is good, but on the day of grief only a close soul is good.

    A thing is good when it is new, but a friend is good when it is old.

    Together, troubles are easier to bear.

    Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.

    All for one, one for all.

    Every house has a good owner.

    Where friendship is strong, things go well.

    For a dear friend and an earring.

    A good joke does not ruin a friendship.

    If you lose something, you will gain it again; if you lose a friend, you will never get it back.

    Good brotherhood is dearer than wealth.

    A friend is a valuable treasure, but no one is happy about an enemy.

    An untested friend is like an uncracked nut.

    Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

    Make friends with those who are better than yourself.

    Being together is not burdensome, but apart at least throw it away.

    A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Friends are known in misfortune.

    If there are pies, there are friends; if there are no pies, there are no friends.

    There are many acquaintances, but few friends.

    And a wise man needs advice.

    Everyone is their own best friend.

    When the pot is boiling, there is no shortage of friends.

    A strong friendship cannot be cut with an axe.

    He who is a direct friend is a dear brother.

    Anyone who has become separated from friends and comrades has no one to count on in times of trouble.

    Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy.

    It is better to listen to a friend's reproaches than to lose him.

    Better a smart enemy than a stupid friend.

    They love someone who does not offend anyone.

    People's friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than any wealth.

    Don't leave your friend in misfortune.

    There is no tree without branches, no glory without comrades and friends.

    Not into service, but into friendship.

    Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

    An unfaithful friend is a dangerous enemy.

    If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

    Anyone can offend, but there is no one to feel sorry for.

    There is safety in numbers.

    One finger is not a fist.

    One bee will not bring much honey.

    You can't get along with someone who likes to scold.

    Make friends with those whose eyes are blind, turn away from those who are blind in soul.

    WITH good friend You will move mountains, with bad things you will experience grief.

    Die yourself, but help your comrade.

    An old friend is better than two new ones.

    A comrade will throw himself into the fire for a comrade.

    Anyone who seeks friends without faults will only find friends with disappointment.

    Anyone who hopes that his friends will choose his interests over theirs will suffer.

    He who reproaches his friends for trifles makes enemies.

    You, thunderstorm, threaten, and we hold on to each other.

    Do not trust the smile of an enemy, do not suspect malice in a friend.

    What you don’t want for yourself, don’t do to others.

    Man is man's friend and brother.

    Without labor, bread will never be born.

    Without skill, strength has nothing to do with it.

    If you try, everything can work out.

    Heroes are born in work.

    Everything has its time.

    Everyone is the smith of his own happiness.

    Every person is recognized by his work.

    Where the song flows, life is easier there.

    The eyes were chosen, the hands did.

    To plow deeper means to chew more bread.

    Sometimes the work is bitter, but the bread is sweet.

    Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.

    Prepare the sleigh in the spring and the wheels in the fall.

    The master's work is afraid.

    The work is set by man, and is glorified by man.

    Time for business is time for fun.

    A day earlier you sow, a week earlier you will harvest.

    Proof by deeds is the best proof by words.

    The house is not big, but it doesn’t allow you to lie down.

    Handle every task skillfully.

    No one will thank you for wasted work.

    The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

    Fertilize the soil in advance.

    The earth loves care.

    Grain to grain will make a bag.

    To the ear of the ear - to the homeland of the sheaf.

    The end is the crown of the matter.

    Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

    Mow, mow, while there is dew. Dew away - and we're home.

    Beautiful is he who acts beautifully.

    The shore is cool, but the fish is good.

    Those who are ahead in work have an order on their chest.

    He who loves to work cannot sit idle.

    Those who are not afraid of work will thrive in it.

    He who is glad to work will be rich in bread.

    Strike while the iron is hot.

    Summer is a bounty, and winter is a bounty.

    Less is more.

    On good field and the wheat is good.

    It is not the pot that cooks, but the cook.

    It is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place.

    It is not the oven that feeds, but the hands.

    It's not work that dries, but care.

    The arc is not bent when it is harnessed.

    Do not exalt yourself with anyone's praises.

    Pasha is not lazy if you want to live happily.

    While the iron is at work, rust will not take it.

    Order is the soul of every business.

    Consistency is the key to success.

    Wheat is fat - and harvesting is not boring.

    Working hands never experience boredom.

    The hand squints, the back carries over.

    The fish is in the water, and the berries are in the grass.

    Try it on seven times and cut it once.

    There are so many masters, so many styles.

    The advice is good, but the work is better.

    Patience and a little effort.

    Patience destroys mountains.

    He is not afraid of anything who knows how to work honestly.

    He who knows how to work is not afraid of work.

    Work hard, don't be lazy.

    Lean in, then up.

    Every tool of a skilled craftsman is sharp.

    The work in the hands of the worker is on fire.

    A good team has a horse in its body.

    The skill will always find use.

    A zealous mouse will chew through the board.

    Boast not about what you can do, but about what you have already done.

    A good foreman is a good team.

    A good gardener is a good gooseberry.

    Annushka is good if her mother and grandmother praise her.

    The field is good with a friendly team.

    A good housewife will cook fish soup from a rooster.

    Good iron does not rust.

    The day is short for a good owner.

    A good blacksmith can forge a frog.

    Well lubricated - good and went.

    Work well - bread will be born.

    If there is bread, there will be lunch.

    Even if you throw it into the dirt, a diamond is still a diamond.

    What had a beginning will have an end.

    What is done today, there is no concern for tomorrow.

Proverbs and sayings about work

God loves work.

The earth loves work.

Not all work is good.

Pray to God, and work yourself!

Patience and a little effort.

As are the works, so are the fruits.

To live without anything is to smoke the sky.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Without labor there is no good.

Not a pot pleaser, but a cook.

Whatever we work for, we will eat. (*How)

Business before pleasure.

For his work he was imprisoned.

It was in a bag, now it is in a pot.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

If you have patience, there will be skill.

Labor money lives forever.

Work with your mind, not your back.

It was sown as small as a basket, and it grew a little.

The sun paints the earth, and man's labor.

Take on what you're good for.

It is not the oven that feeds, but the hands.

Sweat down your back and bread on the table.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

We work so hard that we don’t have time to wipe our noses.

IN work time- tongue locked.

Apparently a master at work.

Where there is work, there is happiness.

Diligence and work will take their toll.

Sitting on the stove - you won’t see any bread.

Life is measured not by years, but by works.

One chops, seven blow their fists.

He who grinds bakes bread.

If you don't hit the pipe, a quail won't fly.

Puff, puff, through the mountains, don’t sleep until dawn!

Nothing comes without work.

Without taking up an ax, you cannot cut down a hut.

An earned loaf is better than a stolen loaf.

Whoever is first in work, to him glory is everywhere. (Soviet)

Our happiest person is a hardworking person. (Soviet)

There is a lot of work, but little gain*. (*profit, prosperity)

You will be full from your labors, but you will not be rich.

He who is not afraid of work shuns laziness.

Labor money is always strong.

Don't be lazy behind the plow - you'll end up with a pie.

Honor is not given to wealth, but to work! (Soviet)

Don't pray, but work. (Soviet)

Two are plowing, and seven are waving their arms.

Without getting your hands wet, you can't wash.

People honor those who love work. (Soviet)

Look at a tree by its fruits, and a man by his works.

Happiness is no wonder there, where people do not work lazily.

You have to bend down to drink from the stream.

You cannot make stone chambers with righteous labors.

If you don’t regret your efforts, you will get 200 poods per hectare. (Soviet)

Labor money lies tightly, someone else’s money sticks out like an edge.

Proverbs about the work of other peoples of Russia and the world

What is labor - the hands know. (Abkhazian)

A day without work is a lost day. (Mordovian)

Sleep is sweet for a fool, but hard work is dear to a wise man. (Estonian)

You can’t plow yourself, the plow won’t plow. (Udmurt)

Poverty is reduced by work. (Urdu, Hindi)

Strength is tempered in work. (Udmurt)

The reaping sickle always shines. (Mordovian)

Hands work, head commands. (Udmurt)

Work and well-being go together. (Greek)

And do someone else’s work as if it were your own. (Korean)

The sources of well-being are hard work and tranquility. (Indian)

How to eat - so everyone, how to work - so no one. (Latvian)

Whoever finds the source of labor will find wealth itself. (Kazakh)

Whoever does not urge labor, he urges him. (Estonian)

He who works will not remain hungry. (Armenian)

Metal is on fire, man is learned through work. (Tajik)

He who works hard lives long. (Ossetian)

The wolf did not catch a single sheep while lying down. (German)

Without the pain of labor there will be no joy. (Kazakh)

Labor makes a person beautiful. (Udmurt)

By working, you learn a lot. (Altai)

Your hands will not be taken away from work. (Udmurt)

You can't even catch a hare without work. (Tatar)

Where they work, they live in contentment. (Udmurt)

Maple is difficult to chop, but its juice is sweet to drink. (Udmurt)

You are not rich from work, but you will be hunchbacked. (Latvian)

The plow and the ax will not leave you hungry. (Udmurt)

A person’s hard work can be seen through the window. (Udmurt)

To fly, you need to flap your wings. (Korean)

Work hard, and then demand it. (Kazakh)

Footprints hardworking man noticeable everywhere. (Evenki)

A bird is recognized in flight, a person - in his work. (Armenian)

If you want to eat butter, dig more into the soil. (Udmurt)

Even an egg can be made to stand with labor. (Korean)

Work according to the sun's liking is brighter. (Udmurt)

Hasty work goes awry. (Mari)

You need to go to the field every morning; the floor needs revenge every morning. (Chinese kaya)

A hardworking person will take on anything and everything will shine. (Azerbaijani)

Labor needs a good progress. (Udmurt)

Hard work and perseverance turn into gold. (lak)

A hard-working person's feet are always hot. (Komi)

A wise man speaks, a fool does. (Latvian)

A good weaver weaves a carpet on the fence. (Lithuanian)

A good blacksmith will not hit your finger, a skilled seamstress will not tangle the thread. (Tuvan)

A man without craft is like a tree without fruit. (Tajik)

A person is recognized not by his speeches, but by his deeds. (Chuvash)

The harder you work, the easier you will die. (Latvian)

To live well, you must love work. (Ukrainian)

What you learned in childhood is how you will earn your bread. (Udmurt)

Don’t strive to shine as a star, strive to work like an ant. (Udmurt)

Without your own work, you won’t spend a century on your father’s goods. (Udmurt)

The wise man trusts in his work, the fool in his hopes. (Arabic)

Houses are built not with a tongue, but with an axe. (Budinkas are made not with language, but with juice) (Ukrainian)

We are all part of a team project. That project where a person takes the lead, causing some participants to realize that their initiative is not welcome, while a select few ride on the backs of others.

With experiences like these, it's no wonder why so many people are traumatized by the nightmares of past group projects.

And yet, something incredible happens when interaction happens exactly the way it's supposed to. Everything changes when everyone on the team is fully invested in the common goal and task. You work faster, find mistakes more easily, and make changes better.

Eventually, you reach a point where you are confident that every person on your team is working as hard as you are—and your job satisfaction and productivity increases exponentially.

To inspire your team, we've collected some of our favorite quotes about the power of collaboration.

31 sayings about the power of interaction and cooperation

  1. “You can only do so much alone; there is so much we can do together.” – Helen Keller
  2. “If everyone moves forward together, success will take care of itself.” – Henry Ford
  3. “Many ideas become better when they are transferred to other heads than where they originated.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
  4. “If I see further, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.” – Isaac Newton
  5. “Nobody can whistle a symphony. It takes the whole orchestra to play it.” – H.E. Luccock
  6. “Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision. Ability to direct individual achievements to organizational goals. This is the fuel that allows ordinary people achieve extraordinary results.” –Andrew Carnegie
  7. “The long history of humanity (and animals too) has shown that those who learned to cooperate and improvise more effectively won.” – Charles Darwin
  8. “Coming together is a beginning, being together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford
  9. “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan
  10. “The strength of the team is each member. The strength of each participant is the team.” – Phil Jackson
  11. “The best collaboration comes from people working independently, in harmony, towards the same goal.” – James Cash Penney
  12. “Politeness is poison to cooperation.” – Edwin Land
  13. “Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler
  14. “In fact, change is almost impossible without full cooperation, cooperation and unanimity.” – Simon Mainwaring
  15. “Engagement starts with building trust. AND the only way to do this is to overcome our need for invulnerability.” – Patrick Lencioni
  16. “You should be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, recognize their successes, and support them in their endeavors. When we all help each other, everyone wins.” – Jim Stovall
  17. “How a team plays as a unit determines its success. You can have the most large group world stars, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth ten cents.” - Babe Ruth
  18. “There is no such person who would make himself. You achieve your goals only with the help of others.” –George Shinn
  19. “The truth, without exaggeration, is that you can succeed best and fastest by helping others succeed.” – Napolean Hill
  20. “The whole is not the same as the sum of the parts.” – Kurt Koffka
  21. “A group becomes a team when each member is confident enough in himself and his contributions to praise the skills of others.” – Norman Shidle
  22. “The relationship of “we” to “I” - best indicator team development.” – Lewis B. Ergen
  23. “Individual commitment to a common effort is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” – Vince Lombardi
  24. “One piece of log creates a small flame that is enough to warm you. Add a few more pieces and you'll have a huge fire, big enough to warm your entire circle of friends; Needless to say, individuality matters, but interaction explodes.” – Jin Kwon
  25. “No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you play a solo game, you will always lose to the team.” –Reid Hoffman
  26. “Stay away from people who try to diminish your aspirations. Little people always do this, but the truly great ones make you feel like you can become great too.” – Mark Twain
  27. “If you want to lift yourself, lift someone else.” – Booker T. Washington
  28. “Everything great in business is never done by one person; it’s made by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs
  29. “Alone we are one drop. Together we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro
  30. “Collaboration is the complete belief that no one can get there unless everyone gets there.” – Virginia Burden
  31. “None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things with great love, and together we can do something wonderful." –Mother Teresa

The artel is strong with its ataman.

You fight in a team, but you grieve alone.

The artel cauldron is boiling thicker.

It’s good to beat an enemy with an artel.

Without an asset there is no team.

Without a team, life is unhappy.

Without a shepherd, sheep are not a flock.

Take it together - it won't be too heavy.

A commander without command is an orphan.

Be big and listen to the smaller ones.

They drag seven people up the mountain, but they push one down the mountain.

Porridge is also better eaten in a herd.

There is strength in unity.

There is great strength in the team.

There is no other person's work in the team.

In a fist, all fingers are equal.

In the forest the forest is not level, in the world there are people.

To live in the world is worldly and to create.

The people are like in a cloud: in a thunderstorm everything will come out.

There is no sense in our regiment: whoever stood up first and took a stick is the corporal.

Alone, even a piece is not nice.

Alone we are weak, together we are strong.

Living alone makes your heart feel cold.

You can’t overcome a bump alone, but with a team you can even cross a mountain just fine.

You can’t overcome a bump alone, but with an artel you can’t even cross the mountains in no time.

Alone, you can only fight a mess.

Even a bird cannot be born from one feather.

You can't fit all the buttons into one loop.

In a willing herd, the wolf is not scary.

People live in cramped conditions, but die in resentment.

In crowded but not mad.

You can’t break a broom, but you can break the whole broom along the rod.

You can’t break a broom, but you can break the whole twig.

Together, grief is easier to bear.

Together it’s boring, but being apart is sickening.

Together it’s cramped, but being apart is sickening.

If people come together, the lake will overflow

The hair gives strength to the rope, although it is very thin.

All for the towline - you’ll move faster.

All for one - one for all.

To please everyone is to make a fool of yourself.

All seven of them will go, and they will take Siberia.

Where there is a majority, there is strength.

Where it is menacing, it is different.

Where there are two, there is not one.

Where it’s crowded is where we belong.

Where it’s crowded, it’s fair; Where it’s different, it’s tearful.

Where the world has a hand, there is my head

Two fight in the field, and one grieves on the stove.

Two firebrands burn brighter together.

Two - not one, we won't give offense.

Two do not wait for one.

Trees are planted by ancestors, and their shade is used by descendants.

Ten fingers are stronger than one.

Good brotherhood is more valuable than any wealth.

The rain won't turn a twig, but a stream and a log will carry away

Hold on to each other - don’t be afraid of anything.

Don't judge others, look at yourself.

Together - not burdensome, but apart - at least drop it.

Together, it’s not too heavy, but one person will die in front of the porridge.

Being together is not burdensome, but being apart is okay.

Friendly magpies will drag away the goose.

A friendly herd of wolves is not afraid.

A friendly herd is not afraid of wolves.

No one is afraid of friendly people.

If all the people breathe, there will be wind.

If two nuts come together, they can break your head.

If people unite, they will be able to tie the lion.

If you spit on the team, it will dry itself, if the team spits on you, you will drown!

We live close together, but our business is local (common).

Don’t take on a big task alone: ​​you’ll break your back.

The food tastes better at a communal table.

And the sparrow does not live without people.

And all people, and every person on his own.

And there would be room for everyone, if it weren’t crowded.

And the forest makes more noise when there are a lot of trees.

And the fingers on the hands are not equal.

Big rivers are formed from small streams.

Join the world, but don’t lag behind the world.

Each generation paves the way for the next.

As you hear, so will you respond.

Like a biryuk huddled in a hole.

Like a bear in a den.

As the elders decide, that’s how the suburbs will become.

A drop in the ocean is not noticeable.

Drop by drop forms a lake, pouring downpours form a stream.

When there are many hands, the work gets done.

He who is not with people is as if he was not born.

He who is not with us is against us.

He who is alone is bound, he who is with everyone is free.

He who is with everyone has arrows, but the one who is alone loses his bow.

He blasphemes people, but kills himself.

The world will stand up for itself.

The world will gasp, and the forest will dry up.

The world doesn't give a damn, so does the sea.

Worldly tears are great.

Many heads - many minds.

A lot of people, but few people.

Multitude is strength.

Ants and bees live in teams and their work is competitive.

Two anchors hold the ship stronger.

There is no judgment on the world.

The unity of the people is like the wings of a bird.

Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll end up in it yourself.

If you don’t find it in yourself, you won’t find it in the countryside.

The light is not worth the light alone.

It’s not like fear together: just stick around alone.

It is not without reason that they say that the need of the collective is afraid.

There are no bad teams, only bad leaders.

There is no limit to human power if that power is a collective.

General agreement strengthens the house.

A shared piece of bread is tastier and more satisfying, and tea is sweeter than honey.

The rocks are being moved by common forces.

The association is a hero.

There is safety in numbers.

If you make one mistake, you will make more mistakes.

One is grieving, and the artel is fighting.

One grieves at home, but two fight in the field.

You can’t lift a stone alone, but you can move a city with peace.

You can’t move a stone alone, but with a team you can lift a mountain.

One will die at the porridge.

One finger is not a fist.

One is expensive, you don’t even need forty.

One firebrand in the field, no matter how much fire there is, will inevitably go out

One bee doesn't make much honey.

One bee will make a little honey.

One hand cannot wash itself in the sea.

You can't cover the whole field with one horse.

You can't cover the whole field with one horse.

You can't tie a knot with one hand.

One is scared, but the orphan doesn’t care.

One is scared, everyone is not.

From a thunderstorm, not separately, but in a heap.

Sing together and talk separately.

A sea drop by drop, a haystack by a blade of grass, a heap by grain.

When working collectively, every penny will be returned in hryvnia.

Bees don't live alone.

Streams will merge - rivers, people will unite - strength.

They sat nearby and sang different songs.

A thread from the world - a naked shirt; from the world for a penny - a caftan for the sergeant.

Be friends with the craft, live in a team.

Hurry up to make friends with the craft - it’s easier to live in a team.

I don’t criticize myself, and I don’t praise people either.

The world is not without good people.

There are seven in the family, and there are eight big ones in it.

Seventy clerks, one private, and even that one is not his own.

A family is fighting, and one is grieving.

Listen, rowan, what the forest says!

From all sides they gathered into a battalion.

From everyone, a little bit - a pie for the hungry.

We'll fight the devil with a cathedral

By gathering your fingers into one fist, you can hit hard

Consent is stronger than stone walls.

Even a wolf does not take a willing herd.

Consent is stronger than stone walls.

The sun will not darken, the people will not break.

A straw can be broken by a fly, but a sheaf cannot be crushed by a horse.

He can break a straw and a fly, but he cannot crush a sheaf and a horse.

A straw can be broken by a fly, but a sheaf cannot be crushed by a horse.

When united, even the weak are powerful.

One hundred heads - one hundred minds.

A hundred minds are better than one.

A hundred people are helpless if they are divided.

That's good, no one cares.

One is not good, the other is not handsome, look at yourself, what are you like? (

I should have looked where the swarm flew.

You, thunderstorm, threaten, and we - hold on to each other!

The team has great strength.

The team has great strength.

Our commander has neither a hat nor a uniform.

If you set your mind to mind, you will get ten times more.

A mind is good, but two are better.

Only the team has a good field.

Even though it’s covered in soot, it’s not worse than others.

At least wash the spoons, but be in peace.

At least from behind, but in the same herd.

Thin grass is out of the field.

It is difficult to break a whole panicle.

What one cannot do, the team will do.

A person is held together by a person, like a fence is held together by stakes.

Man is supported by man, like a tree by a stone.

What lives in people will not blow us.

What is there - together, what is not - in half.

What is together, what is not, in half.

What one person cannot do, two can do.

What one person cannot do is easy for a team.

What is not easy for one person, is handy for a team.

What is difficult for one person is easy for a team to achieve.

What is difficult for one person is easy for a team.

What is difficult for one person is easy together.

The American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce succeeded, who, entering a trance, observed visions from long-vanished worlds. According to him words, “The Atlanteans used crystals for worldly and spiritual purposes.” In his revelations, Cayce saw Big hall in the temple of Poseidon... pyramids crowned with large crystals of rock crystal, which served as antennas for receiving the life-giving energy of the Cosmos. Marine mystery In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown went on vacation to the island of Bahrie, located near the Bahamas. ...

The famous Sherwood Forest. There is one interesting acoustic anomaly observed on this hill with three stones: anything said here word can be heard hundreds of meters away. Most Russians associate Sherwood Forest primarily with the legendary... the territory of Britain since the time of Alfred the Great (9th century), Hanger Hill was chosen as the venue for the Thing - in such a place words the speaker is heard by all those gathered, no matter how far they stand. And even after the descendants of the Vikings...

There was an elephant carcass 32 miles from the North Sea port, no one in the zoological fraternity was particularly surprised. However, imagine half a dozen Scottish trawlers: for them word"surprise" sounded too soft!

They began to consider time as an obligatory dimension associated with the three spatial dimensions that we now know. Others words, the entire scientific community has rejected the idea of ​​time as a mere circumstance or as something ideological... cosmic intertwined, but many people claim to be able to see a dimension in which past and future coexist. Others words, sometimes these sensations can play the role of such “observers”, which we talked about above. How would it be...

Remaining to this day unsolved mysteries. In these temples, dungeons and pyramids the great doctrine of Word-Light, about the divine Verb, imprisoned by Moses in a golden ark, and transformed by Christ into a living light. Truth... which once illuminated the depths of nature and the abysses of the heavens for initiates, has gone out forever in abandoned crypts. Realized word Hermes, said to Asclepius: “Oh, Egypt, Egypt! Your existence will cease and will remain from you for future generations...

A person trains his brain, which in this process improves to solve purely applied problems. Or perhaps Leo Tolstoy was right when he wrote: “... in a word one person conveys his thoughts to another, and through art people convey their feelings to each other.” 5. SUPERSTITION There is no rational meaning in superstitions. But they themselves...

Quite a long time ago, but the well-known “Pale Fox” brought them real fame. That's when it all started. The book did not cause much fuss among ethnographers themselves. Words no, it was an impeccable job, but for a narrow circle, nothing more. However, another work about the Dogon soon appeared. Its author was Eric Guerrier... much closer to the stars than the numerous, but, alas, too far-fetched characters of Erich von Däniken. Africa has given scientists another challenge riddle, which has not yet been resolved and, it seems, will not be resolved soon.

The team plays a huge role in the life of each of us, in the formation of the individual as a part of society. Yes, we are all different, but we are all human and simply must find each other mutual language and understanding. Only in friendship and communication in a team are they revealed best qualities of people. What role does the team play in your life? Quotes about the team are presented here:

The individual, merging with the collective, does not lose himself. On the contrary, it reaches the highest level of consciousness and improvement in the collective.

Know how to work in a team. Knowing how to work in a team means, first of all, accepting criticism correctly and not being shy about criticizing the mistakes of others. Zelinsky N. D.

The unity of people is an unbreakable fortress. Walter Scott

...The enormous spiritual power of a person is to feel like you are in a friendly team... to fight as long as there is a spark of life in you.
Nikolay Ostrovsky

Only participation in collective work allows a person to develop a correct, moral attitude towards other people - kindred love and friendship towards every worker, indignation and condemnation towards a lazy person, towards a person who shirks work. Anton Makarenko

No other force will make a person great and wise, as does the power of labor - collective, friendly, free.
Maksim Gorky

Even to fight for individual rights, it is necessary to create a collective. Tadeusz Kotarbiński

Only in a collective do there exist for each individual the means that give him the opportunity comprehensive development their inclinations, and, therefore, only in a team is personal freedom possible. Karl Marx

The team is not some faceless mass. It exists as a wealth of individuals. V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Any critical situation instantly divides the team into four approximately equal parts.

The first is that they are trying to escape. The second one falls into a stupor or pretends to be a rag. The third is hysterical, throws up her hands and looks for those to blame (usually this is everything, minus the seeker himself). And finally, the fourth is trying to do something constructive.

There is one more thing you should know about the team - it cannot exist forever.

In an ideal work team, everyone should have at least the slightest idea of ​​how their colleagues live.

The team differs from the crowd in that it does not trample those who stumble, but helps them rise. Arina Zabavina

No collective intelligence, but there may be collective madness or stupidity. Joseph Levin

If there were no points at which the interests of everyone converged, there could be no talk of any kind of society.