Forms of influence based on elements of organizational culture. Types of Organizational Cultures

(Possibility of transactions with real estate under mortgage, lease, trust, under arrest, received by rent or in guardianship)

The encumbrance of real estate is understood as a situation in which its owner is forced to act or, conversely, refuse to perform a number of actions under the influence of certain conditions and requirements. In general, an encumbrance imposes some restrictions on the ability to dispose of real estate. In other words, if any encumbrance is established over real estate, then the owner of such an object can no longer exercise his rights regarding it in full. At the same time, as a result of encumbrance, a number of rights to a real estate object may arise for persons who are not its owners.

The legislation allocates several types of real estate encumbrance, in particular this:

  • a mortgage in which the purchased property is pledged by the lender until its cost is repaid;
  • lease, in which the property does not actually belong to the tenant, but is used to make a profit;
  • arrest as a restriction of the right to use owned property;
  • annuity, which provides for lifelong maintenance in exchange for the provision of property rights;
  • guardianship and trusteeship, limiting the right to dispose of the property of certain categories of citizens;
  • an easement that grants the right to limited use of someone else’s real estate;
  • inclusion of the property in the list of cultural monuments, obliging to maintain the property in good condition;
  • trust management of real estate, which provides the right to carry out transactions with real estate in the interests of the owner.

Mortgage. Today, perhaps the most common type of encumbrance is a mortgage. Its essence, as an encumbrance, is due to the fact that until the loan issued for the purchase of housing is fully repaid, the property is considered to actually belong to the bank. He has it as collateral. However, the borrower acquires ownership of the residential property immediately after the sale and purchase transaction is completed in accordance with all the rules. The owner can dispose of the object. But his powers of disposal are limited only by the ability to register in this object, and register any other persons in it at his discretion. Transactions with an object such as leasing it, transferring it to free use and, of course, purchases and sales can only be made with the consent of the bank. The bank itself determines the procedure by which such transactions should be approved. The rights of the owner of a home purchased with a mortgage are regulated Federal law"On mortgage (real estate pledge)" No. 102-FZ dated February 16, 1998

Rent. In the residential real estate market, such a type of rights to an object as rent, which provides the possibility of lifelong maintenance, has become widespread. By concluding a transaction of such rent, the purchaser of a residential premises or house acquires the status of its owner, but at the same time the previous owner retains the right to reside in it. Instead of money for purchasing an object new owner must regularly, by virtue of this agreement, pay rent, which represents payment for medicines, products, and other payments in which the previous owner is interested. The need to pay rent, the monthly amount of which is not set less than the minimum wage, remains until the moment the annuity recipient dies. Only after this can the object be considered to be at the full disposal of the new owner. In order to rent out, sell an object or pledge it as collateral to a bank, it is necessary to obtain notarized consent from the rent recipient. The encumbrance on the property can be removed only when the new owner can provide the registration service with a death certificate of the person to whom he paid the rent. The legislative basis for lifelong maintenance with dependents based on the transfer of ownership of housing is determined by Chapter 33 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Guardianship and trusteeship, as types of encumbrance, are relevant when minors, minors or citizens deprived of legal capacity have rights to a real estate object. In this case, any transaction with the object can be completed only with the consent received from the guardianship authority. This procedure is aimed at ensuring the safety of the interests of this category of citizens. The specifics of handling the ward’s real estate are determined by the Federal Law “On Guardianship and Trusteeship” 48-FZ of April 24, 2008.

Trust management may be carried out in relation to a real estate property, if an appropriate trust agreement for the management of such property is concluded. Such an agreement is aimed at transferring an object into possession and management of another person for a certain period. The person who has received the management of the property is called the trustee. When concluding such an agreement, he has the obligation to manage the property strictly in the interests of the founder, that is, the one who provided the property. Sometimes, under a trust management agreement, the beneficiary becomes another person who has nothing to do with the transferred real estate. Trust management is subject to state registration as a type of encumbrance. This registration imposes certain difficulties in terms of the possibility of terminating this agreement. Restrictions on rights arise from the owner of the property, not from the trustee. The latter, on the contrary, has new opportunities in connection with the concluded agreement. Trust management of real estate is carried out in accordance with Chapter 53 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Rent. The encumbrance of real estate also includes a lease agreement. Rent, in accordance with Chapter 34 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is defined as an agreement under which the owner of a real estate property (lessor) transfers it to another person (tenant) for a fee for use and disposal. certain conditions. The lease agreement is subject to state registration if the lease period is more than a year. The tenant has the opportunity, with the consent of the landlord, to sublease the property, which is almost always done for the purpose of making a profit. The owner of the property loses the opportunity to use the property for his own interests and purposes. This, in fact, is the meaning of rent as an encumbrance.

Easement. Often an encumbered piece of real estate, for example, a piece of land, is under the influence of someone else's rights. The legislative basis for such an encumbrance is defined in Article 274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the corresponding right is called “easement”. In other words, an easement gives another person or persons the right to limited use of a site that has an owner. Most often, an easement over plots is established to ensure the possibility of passage or passage. An encumbrance in the form of an easement can be imposed when it becomes necessary to lay communications, water supply and other systems, if they run through someone’s private property. Buildings are also encumbered with easements. There are public easements and private types. And any property owner, if necessary, has the right to demand that neighbors establish an easement for objective needs. An easement is subject to mandatory registration. Almost always, an easement is an undesirable measure for the owner and therefore, as a rule, such an encumbrance is established by an appropriate decision of a judicial authority.

Arrest. An encumbrance on property in the form of a seizure is imposed not by its owner, but by a state body (court). The arrest simultaneously acts as a measure to secure the claim. The possibility of arresting real estate as a measure to secure a claim is defined in Article 140 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. If the debtor’s real estate is seized at the stage of legal proceedings, then the debtor will no longer be able to sell or mortgage this property. Arrest, as an interim measure, can negatively affect the outcome of a purchase and sale transaction. After all, a month may pass from the moment you submit documents for registration until the completion of this procedure. A person can owe in a month large sums money, as a result of which, at the claim of his creditors, his property, including the real estate being sold, may be under arrest. No transactions at all can be made with an object under arrest. It is for this reason that it is important to follow the rule that all payments for purchased real estate must be made only after registering the transfer of rights to it. If a transaction with seized property is carried out, the court will invalidate it. And the buyer will be forced to spend his own time, effort and money on long legal proceedings. Seizure of an object deprives its owner of the opportunity to dispose of it at will. The arrest is lifted when the reasons for its imposition are eliminated, also by a court decision (ruling), which must be received by the registration authority in a timely manner.

When searching for suitable housing to purchase, citizens often come across the concept legal purity specific property. In a general sense, it means that the new owner will be able to dispose of the purchased living space without restrictions. But sometimes real estate comes with an encumbrance, that is, a restriction of property rights. In this article, we will look at the concept of “encumbrance on an apartment”, what it is, how dangerous it is to purchase such real estate, as well as the main nuances of a purchase and sale transaction and where the encumbrance on an apartment is removed.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides property owners with certain powers that constitute the right of ownership (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 209):

  1. Possession is documentary evidence that a particular citizen owns a particular property.
  2. Use – the opportunity to live, as well as to benefit and appropriate beneficial features property.
  3. Disposition – the ability to transfer property rights in any permitted way (sale, donation, will, etc.).

An encumbrance on an apartment blocks the owner’s right to dispose of his real estate. This means that there are interests and legal rights of third parties to a specific property.

What is an encumbrance on an apartment

The imposition of an encumbrance on an apartment deprives its owner of the right to dispose of the property. You can purchase real estate with such a legal history under the following circumstances:

  1. Fraudulent activities. Real estate sellers intentionally hide the existence of property rights restrictions from the buyer. Despite the fact that checking the legal purity of the apartment is a necessary part of the transaction, the existing encumbrance often remains in the zone of classified information. And although, after discovering such a fact, you can terminate the purchase and sale agreement, there is no one to recover the money paid from.
  2. Buyer's informed consent. There are proposals on the real estate market in which sellers honestly inform potential buyers about the presence of restrictions on living space. In this case, the price is reduced by approximately 50% from the standard market price. Such apartments are attractive to those who need their own living space, but do not intend to sell it or dispose of it in any other way in the coming years.

Possible types of encumbrance

Citizens living in their own housing do not even suspect what encumbrances there are on an apartment. There are several options for restrictions that block the right to dispose of real estate at your own discretion:

  1. Mortgage. One of the most common options. After applying for a mortgage and purchasing an apartment on credit, it is pledged to the bank, which registers the encumbrance with Rosreestr. It will be removed from the apartment only after the debt to the creditor is fully repaid.
  2. Arrest. If a property appears in some court case as a disputed property or is collateral in case of default on debt obligations, it is seized until the end of the proceedings. Accordingly, all restrictions on the apartment will also be lifted only by court decision.
  3. Rent. The owner’s obligation to give up his home in exchange for lifelong care and maintenance also deprives him of the opportunity to dispose of the property. The encumbrance on the apartment in such a situation can be removed only after the death of its owner.
  4. Trust management. A trust manager is hired for the purpose of delegating part of the authority to manage a specific property. Depending on the terms of the agreement, restrictions may be lifted upon expiration of their term or after the death of the trustee.
  5. Rent. According to the agreement, the property is transferred for use to a third party. Until the expiration date of the document, the owner does not have the right to evict residents or alienate property. When concluding a long-term lease, the agreement is registered with Rosreestr, which imposes restrictions on the right of disposal of the apartment.
  6. Guardianship. Applies to minor children who own real estate. The most common situation when guardianship authorities impose restrictions is the purchase of housing using family capital. In such a situation, all family members, including children, become equal owners of the apartment. It is impossible to sell it without permission from the guardianship authorities.

Possible problems and risks

Checking real estate (apartment, house, land) for the presence of encumbrances should be carried out at the stage of preparation for the transaction. But many ignore this stage either consciously or out of ignorance. Such carelessness can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences:

  1. The need to terminate the contract for the purchase of real estate. It should be borne in mind that all costs incurred to complete the transaction (real estate valuation, documents to be submitted to the bank, etc.) are subject to compensation only in court after proof of the guilt of the real estate seller.
  2. Increased expenses. For example, to lift the restriction, you may need to pay part of the debt to the bank or a penalty for residents renting the premises. If you don’t want to lose your living space and terminate the sales contract, these expenses will have to be included in the family budget.
  3. The seller refuses the transaction. If the homeowner refuses to sell or otherwise dispose of the property after part of the funds have been used to pay off the debt, these funds will have to be returned in court.

How to remove the encumbrance from an apartment after repayment

The main condition for removing all legal restrictions from real estate is the elimination of the circumstances that caused their imposition:

  1. In the bank. Only after full payment of the bank debt can the encumbrance be removed from the apartment. To do this, you need to contact the MFC, Rosreestr or directly to credit institution(for example, at Sberbank you can remove the restriction on an apartment using a simplified scheme). You will need to draw up an application to remove all restrictions on real estate, as well as provide the necessary package of documents.

Important! In order to remove existing encumbrances from an apartment at the selected MFC branch, you will first need to obtain the original mortgage on the property from the bank.

  1. Through the court, it is possible to remove the encumbrance from an apartment if it was imposed on the basis of a judicial arrest. Most often, this is possible after the completion of the trial or on the basis of a separate petition from one of the parties.
  2. All other cases (trust management, lease, etc.) must have documentary evidence of the expiration of the validity period of the papers that are the basis for imposing restrictions or the fact of the death of the glorious actor. In such a situation, it will be possible to remove restrictions from the apartment in Rosreestr.
  3. Through State Services. Removing restrictions from an apartment through the portal is faster and more convenient than in real life. To do this, you will need to fill out all applications online and make scans of all documents that may be required to remove the encumbrance from the apartment.

How are the rights of the owner limited?

Whatever type of encumbrance imposed on the apartment is applied in a particular case, the result for the owner is not comforting: he is not able to fully enjoy his rights.

First of all, the following rights are limited:

  1. Real estate with restrictions cannot act as collateral when applying for loans, borrowings or advances. This fact has a huge negative significance, since most citizens, after purchasing a living space, do not have their own funds to carry out repairs or purchase furnishings.
  2. Impossibility of alienation. The main disadvantage of housing with legal restrictions is that it is impossible to “get rid of” it at the request of the owner.

Is it possible to register in an apartment with an encumbrance?

You can register in such housing. The owner of the apartment, as well as his children, are registered on residential square meters without additional conditions. All you need is an application to the passport office and availability necessary documents(birth certificates of children and document confirming ownership of real estate). To register a spouse or other persons, the consent of third parties related to the encumbrance imposed on the apartment will be required. For example, the bank holding the mortgage note.

Pros and cons of buying an apartment with an encumbrance

The most important advantage of purchasing such real estate is its low price. If the seller speaks frankly about the existing restrictions, the cost of square meters is reduced by almost half.

The main disadvantage is the inability to fully enjoy the right of ownership of housing (disposal of property).

To decide whether restrictions are good or bad, you need to understand what they are. If with shared ownership it is immediately obvious that for one property there is equal rights Several owners are claiming, then the encumbrance is not so simple. Encumbrance is the right to living space of third parties who are not the owners. If a potential buyer is willing to wait for a long time before the encumbrance is removed (lifetime annuity, long-term lease), then the benefit is obvious - low price.

If not, and even more so, when purchasing, you have no idea about the claims of third parties, consequences and risks cannot be avoided.

Buying an apartment with an encumbrance step by step

If a person voluntarily buys a property that is pledged to a bank, a number of obvious questions arise: how to make the property his own, how restrictions can be lifted, how to formalize the transaction and how much it will all cost. Let's consider the purchase process using the example of mortgage real estate:

  1. Search for suitable real estate. It is necessary to carefully check the property in order to realistically assess the current restrictions and options for interaction with the organization that imposed it.
  2. Negotiations on price and main aspects of the transaction.
  3. Conclusion of a preliminary agreement (this document must be shown to an experienced lawyer to obtain professional advice).
  4. Obtaining certificates and statements confirming the existence of an encumbrance.
  5. Transfer of funds and signing of the contract takes place on the same day. First, the buyer transfers the money to the bank, the debt is repaid, and then a purchase and sale agreement is concluded between the seller and the buyer.
  6. Registration of the agreement in Rosreestr.
  7. Writing an application to remove the encumbrance from the apartment ( and ).
  8. Payment of state duty for removal of encumbrance.
  9. Obtaining a certificate of no restrictions on living space (if the applicant wishes, the document can be obtained from Rosreestr or any state multifunctional center).
  10. Payment of the balance of funds to the real estate seller (the difference between the bank's debt and the sale price of the living space).
  11. Obtaining a new certificate of registration of property rights.

How to remove the encumbrance from an apartment after paying off the mortgage

To make your home free from mortgage restrictions, you need to have several important documents on hand:

  • loan agreement;
  • property mortgage;
  • a certificate from the bank confirming the closure of the loan account and the absence of claims against the borrower.

These documents can be submitted to:

  • to Rosreestr;
  • at the MFC.

You will need to write an application to remove the encumbrance from an individual’s apartment.

Important! Removing restrictions is free of charge. A state fee of 350 rubles is paid if the applicant wishes to make changes to the certificate of ownership.

If you don’t know how to find out all the information about the living space you like and not fall into a trap, use the advice of experts:

  1. For any real estate transaction, order an extract from the Unified State Register. It will reflect all encumbrances and restrictions as of the date the request was created.
  2. If the property is sold immediately after the owner assumes inheritance rights, it is better to wait additional time and buy living space without the risk of encountering “late” heirs.
  3. When purchasing shared ownership, require the seller to provide a document confirming the refusal of the remaining owners of the right of pre-emptive acquisition. This will help subsequently avoid problems such as seizure of real estate (only a court can impose such a restriction).


Before you get scared of encumbrances and restrictions, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of the proposal, determine the range of personal priorities and opportunities. Living in housing to which someone else has some rights is not easy, but getting comfortable, new housing (for example, a mortgaged apartment) at a favorable price is tempting.

Please sign up for a free consultation with our lawyer to clarify all aspects of the encumbrance of the apartment that you have found as an option for buying or selling.

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Today, the concept of “burden” is becoming more and more common. What does this mean? In simple terms, it is a kind of real estate. Based on the drawn up agreement, certain restrictions are introduced that do not allow full ownership of this or that property. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that an encumbrance can appear regardless of the owner, for example, seizure by a bank, or perhaps at his will - a pledge of an apartment or house. In any case, restrictions appear that do not allow entering into transactions, signing contracts, etc.

Types of encumbrance

There are several of them. The most common are bail or arrest. The first type is carried out with the consent of the owner, for example, you need to pay off the debt, and the apartment is given as collateral. As for the arrest, these are forced measures, and further development events depends on a court decision, as a result of which property or real estate may be fully or partially confiscated or returned with a fine, etc.

Another type of encumbrance is a lease, or more precisely, the right to use property for a period of more than one year. Trust management (TD), which includes guardianship or trusteeship, also refers to one of the types of arrest. There are other encumbrances that are imposed on property in accordance with the laws.

There is one interesting point, which few people pay attention to: when property is transferred to another person, all encumbrances remain, that is, the debts must be paid by the current owner. It is for this simple reason that when making a transaction you should know whether everything is in order in this regard. If there is an encumbrance on the apartment, then this is a reason to think about it. Let's take a closer look.

Removal of mortgage encumbrance

This procedure is performed only after the borrower fulfills the requirements of the contract and fully pays off the loan for the apartment. It is worth noting that the process often drags on for a long time, and the person gets a lot of trouble. One thing is not clear: why can you take out a loan from a bank relatively quickly, but removing the mortgage encumbrance takes much longer? In order not to overpay and not contact lawyers, do it yourself. To do this, you need to fully repay the loan and immediately request a letter from the bank stating that you have completed this. In addition, an extract from the loan account must be attached indicating that the mortgage has been fully repaid. The encumbrance will be lifted soon. if the documents will be prepared for more than one week (but not more than two), as this is required by the procedure. Next, you collect the necessary package of documents, with which you need to go to Rosreestr in order to have the encumbrance removed from you. It includes the following papers:

  • Documents for an apartment, house, etc.
  • Mortgage note (stored in the bank).
  • A document confirming the fulfillment of the contract (you will receive it from the bank).
  • Application for removal of encumbrance.
  • Passport and tax receipt.

with a burden?

As noted above, before you buy something, you should carefully study all the documents, for example, for the presence of debts, etc. Of course, there are special rules of use that impose restrictions on encumbrances on this or that property. This is the same lease, which, although it does not prohibit entering into transactions for the sale of real estate, makes some adjustments to the relevant agreement. If, for example, the owner sold an apartment that he rents to a third party, then the new owner undertakes to fulfill all the terms of the contract.

There is also such a thing as an easement. Essentially, this is the right to land plot, which is limited by contract. For example, you can lay part of communications or a road on your neighbor’s property. Just like a lease, an easement does not lose its force if the land plot is transferred from one person to another.

You have already understood a little about the concept of “encumbrance”. We explained in detail what this is. In principle, this almost always applies only to real estate. Now let's talk about trust management. This also has its own characteristics that must be taken into account.

Right of trust management

The trustee allows the trustee to make various transactions and enter into agreements (except for the sale of property). To do this, the owner draws up an agreement according to which a person can use his property. And now a few words about the encumbrances of the control system. The main one is the deposit. The main purpose of such an encumbrance is to repay the loan. If the borrower does not repay the debt on time, the ownership rights are transferred to the mortgagor. Please note that removal of an encumbrance of this kind is possible only after full or partial repayment of the debt.

Also included in the section of control is arrest - this is a ban on concluding any contracts or transactions. In this case, as noted above, everything is decided by the court. Moreover, the owner of, for example, a seized house must keep it safe until a court decision is made.

Of course, there are other various restrictions that are imposed by the state. A striking example of this is the encumbrance in the use of property for which taxes have not been paid, in other words, having a debt to the state.

Features of an encumbrance agreement

Concluding this type of transaction has several significant nuances. The fact is that the limited ones must be taken into account when drawing up the contract. As practice shows, most often a mortgage acts as an encumbrance. If for some reason a person cannot pay off the debt on his own, he puts the property up for auction. This results in the following situation. The buyer must pay a certain amount, which is set by the owner, and the remaining balance of the debt. Of course, in this case a contract with an encumbrance must be concluded. For the transaction to be successful, you will need to obtain the consent of the bank from which you took out the mortgage. If we are talking about concluding a transaction between an individual and a legal entity, then a special agreement must also be drawn up. In this case, the rights to the property are transferred to another person according to the deadlines specified in the papers. Another important point is that sellers do not always provide all restrictions (debts, etc.). To avoid falling into a trap, submit a corresponding application to Rosreestr and receive a certificate containing all the necessary information about the property being purchased.

What to look for when buying or selling property?

If you are purchasing a house or apartment, do not be lazy and take a Unified State Register certificate. Although this service will cost money, you will receive the most complete and detailed information about what restrictions there are on this property. Please note that the apartment you are purchasing may be rented. In this case, her tenant will remain there until the date specified in the contract, provided that one was drawn up. However, the tenant himself does not take any part in the process; for him everything remains as it was. The same applies to the cost of living.

Some countries have their own nuances. For example, in Germany, the tenant must give his consent to view the apartment in which he is located. It is also customary to offer the tenant to buy a home and give him some time (up to 60 days) to think about it.

As you can see, everything is quite simple here. If you are afraid of doing something wrong, then it is advisable to contact experienced lawyers who deal with real estate issues. For a fee, you will get all the information you need to know. The contracts will be drawn up correctly, and no questions will arise in the future.

A few important points

Many sellers and buyers forget that there can be a co-owner. For example, one of the spouses buys an apartment, even if entirely with his money, and in this case the property will be considered joint. Of course, when buying or selling, an agreement is drawn up indicating the owners. Even if one of the spouses is missing from the papers, the decision is made by mutual consent. If you are buying an apartment, both spouses must sign the contract. In principle, both sellers and buyers should not forget about this rule.

This type of encumbrance such as hiring has not yet been mentioned. From a legal point of view, this is something similar to a lease. The tenant of an apartment or house receives housing not only for temporary use, but also at his disposal. If the rental period is more than one year, a special agreement is drawn up. In the future, the tenant has the opportunity to sublease the apartment. But this event is accompanied by registration, which almost completely eliminates any fraud. Agree, the ambiguous nature is a burden. We already know what this concept is, but now let’s look at whether this restriction is necessary and when.

Encumbrance: good or bad?

It's difficult to say for sure. On the one hand, these are various kinds of restrictions that do not allow you to perform any actions with property and real estate, and on the other hand, this is the only working method of protecting a house or apartment from fraudsters. Of course, the presence of contracts limits in one way or another, but it is a guarantee of fulfillment of one’s obligations, for example, payment of a mortgage or debt. Sometimes the owner himself can impose an encumbrance on his property. Most often, this is an arrest that completely blocks any actions (buying, selling, renting, etc.). Such measures are taken when attackers attempt to seize real estate. By seizing an apartment, the owner will ensure its safety until the circumstances are clarified.

Use of real estate with restrictions

If you are the owner of an encumbered apartment, this does not mean that you cannot use it to earn money, that is, rent it out. In most cases, it is prohibited (its sale), but use, as a rule, is permitted, which is what we are actually talking about. It is enough to coordinate the actions with the mortgagee and obtain his written consent. As has been repeatedly noted above, you can even sell such property, but a special procedure is provided for this. We have already dealt with the concept of “burden”, what this concept implies. You also need to know that to transfer property that is under restrictions, a lot of people are involved government organizations: courts, banks, guardianship authorities, etc.

Don't forget the important rules

I would also like to say that there are situations when citizens who are registered there live in an apartment, but are not its owners. It is not recommended to purchase such property, because, as practice shows, tenants are not evicted immediately, and then they have to achieve this through the courts. If incapacitated or minor citizens live in the apartment, then you need to contact the guardianship authorities, since it will be impossible to carry out the transaction without their consent. It is very risky to purchase property using rent, since such agreements are sometimes ambiguous and contain a lot of small nuances. It is recommended to first learn how to remove the encumbrance, and only then buy or sell a home.


So we have sorted out the question that interests you. As you can see, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. This is due to the fact that there are several types of encumbrance, each of them has its own character, and that is why it is important to take into account absolutely all the details. If you are buying property, then carefully read the contract, visit Rosreestr, in general, do everything to make sure that the property is “clean”. If you are a seller, then indicate in the contract all the encumbrances imposed on the apartment, since concealing them can be fraught with negative consequences.

The following elements are distinguished in Organizational culture:

Subjective - related to the relationships and behavior of members of the organization;

Objective – reflecting the material side of its activities

Subjective elements of organizational culture:

- philosophy is a system of core values ​​that answers the question of what is most important for the organization. Philosophy reflects its perception of itself and its purpose in the totality of the most important principles of activity, quality of goals;

- myths and legends– represent a figurative and verbal reflection in the right light and in a coded form of the history of the organization, inherited values, portraits of it famous figures. Usually they exist in the form of vivid, metaphorical stories and anecdotes that constantly circulate in the company and are passed on from one generation of managers and employees to another. Most often they are associated with the creation of the company, the lives of its founding fathers, and the bright pages of its history;

- rituals- these are standard and repeated team activities, carried out at a set time and on a special occasion to influence employee behavior and employees' understanding of the organizational environment. The power of the ritual lies in its emotional and psychological impact on people

For example, many organizations have rituals:

introducing a new employee:

appointment to new position:

honoring an employee:

birthday parties:

unity, etc.

- rituals- this is a set of events (rites) that have a psychological impact on members of the organization in order to strengthen devotion to it. For example, rituals can be:

singing the anthem at the beginning of the working day (accepted in a number of Japanese companies);

holding collective morning meetings with collective reading of chants and chanting of slogans;

a special form of addressing the boss:;

procedure for meeting clients, etc.

- customs- a form of social regulation of people’s activities and relationships, adopted from the past and passed on by members of an organization from generation to generation without any changes.. Custom is an unwritten rule of behavior;

- traditions– elements of social and cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation and preserved in a certain community for a long time;

mentality - the way of thinking of members of an organization, determined by traditions, values, and consciousness of members of the organization; having a huge influence on their behavior and attitude towards their responsibilities.

Objective elements of organizational culture:




A uniform

Appearance premises, offices.

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All sources of stress can be divided into three large groups: - external factors; - factors depending on the organization; - factors on the side of the

Consequences of stress
Stress can manifest itself in different ways. Conditionally, symptoms of stress can be divided into three main groups: physiological; psychological; behavioral.

Organizational culture
Algorithm for organizing independent cognitive activity of a student. While studying the topic, the student must know the concept of organizational culture, functions, elements and structure.

The concept of organizational culture
In organizations with a long history and tradition, almost every employee can recall a story, legend or myth that is associated with the origin of the organization, its founders or its eminent person.

Functions of organizational culture
The main functions of organizational culture: - security – consists of creating a barrier against unwanted external influences. It is realized through various prohibitions, "abu", og

Organizational culture structure
Analyzing the structure of organizational culture, we can distinguish three levels: superficial, internal and deep. Getting to know the organizational culture begins

The Impact of Culture on Organizational Effectiveness
The influence of culture on organizational effectiveness is determined primarily by its compliance with the overall strategy of the organization. There are four main approaches to resolving the problem of incompatibility of art.

Interaction between cultures
It is known that the famous methods of Japanese management were not developed in Europe and the USA. As an element of organizational culture, they have indeed shown their high efficiency and ability in Japan.


“The essence of organizational culture and its elements”


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of organizational culture at an enterprise…………………………………………………………...5

1.1. Organizational culture its elements, functions, types………………….5

1.2. Study and formation of organizational culture…………………...14

1.3. Application of organizational culture in Russian small enterprises………………………………………………………………………………….20

Chapter 2. Research into the organizational culture of a small enterprise

LLC "Leskhoz"…………………………………………………………………..…..26

2.1. Organizational characteristics small enterprise………………..….26

2.2. Analysis of the organizational culture of the enterprise……………………….....27

2.3. Assessing the influence of organizational culture on the efficiency of the enterprise………………………………………………………28





An organization is a complex organism, the basis of whose life potential is organizational culture: that for which people became members of the organization; how the relationship between them is built; what stable norms and principles of life and activities of the organization they share; what they think is good and what is bad, and much more that relates to values ​​and norms. All this not only distinguishes one organization from another, but also significantly determines the success of the functioning and survival of the organization in the long term.

Since culture plays a very important role in the life of the organization, it should be the subject of close attention from management. Management not only corresponds to and is strongly influenced by organizational culture, but can in turn influence the formation and development of organizational culture. To do this, managers must be able to analyze organizational culture and influence its formation and change in the desired direction.

Organizational culture creates the “internal, spiritual core” of the company, promotes team unity, and creates in employees a sense of awareness and responsibility for their work. If the company has formed an organizational culture, its employees will be loyal to this organization, regardless of the changes occurring in life; minimizes conflict situations

Organizational culture increases the efficiency of the team and solves problems of both individual development of employees and the development of the organization as a whole. It creates the prerequisites for the formation of a stable and efficient team that clearly represents the mission of the organization.

Becoming a member of an organization, each of us gradually learns its rules and norms of behavior, as well as ideals, which can later become value and life guidelines of the individual. Undoubtedly, the culture of the organization, within which socialization and personality formation continues, bears a huge responsibility for future fate its members.

Organizational culture is not so clearly visible on the surface; it is difficult to “feel” it. If we can say that an organization has a “soul,” then this soul is the organizational culture.

The bearers of organizational culture are people. However, in organizations with an established organizational culture, it seems to be separated from people and becomes an attribute of the organization, a part of it that has an active influence on the members of the organization, modifying their behavior in accordance with the norms and values ​​that form its basis. This topic well covered in the literature.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that culture plays a very important role in the life of an organization, so it should be the subject of close attention from management. Management not only corresponds to and is strongly influenced by organizational culture, but can in turn influence the formation and development of organizational culture. To do this, managers must be able to analyze organizational culture and influence its formation and change in the desired direction.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of organizational culture at an enterprise

1.1. Organizational culture its elements, functions, types

The concept of “culture” includes subjective and objective elements.

Subjective elements include:

1. organizational values(economic, political, technological, social, etc.), i.e. properties of certain processes and phenomena that are emotionally attractive to people. This allows them to serve as models of socially approved choices and guidelines for behavior in vital situations. The value system forms the internal core of culture. There are the following types of values:

● values ​​as a social ideal (for example, justice);

● objectified values ​​(clarity of work, quality);

Values ​​include, first of all, goals, the nature of internal relationships, orientation of people’s behavior, diligence, innovation, work initiative and professional ethics etc. According to research conducted in Western companies, today values ​​such as discipline, obedience, power play an increasingly lesser role, and collectivism, customer focus, creativity, the ability to make compromises, and serve society play an increasingly lesser role.

It is believed that today it is necessary not only to rely on existing values, but also to actively form new ones. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor everything new and useful that others have in this area, and evaluate it fairly and impartially. At the same time, old values ​​cannot be completely destroyed or suppressed, especially if people have become attached to them (despite the fact that the values ​​are illogical and irrational). On the contrary, they need to be treated with care, used as a basis for the formation of new values, including appropriate mechanisms, including joint creativity.

2. core values, being combined into a system, form the philosophy of the organization. She answers the question of what is most important to her. Philosophy reflects the organization’s perception of itself and its purpose, the main directions of activity, creates the basis for developing approaches to management (style, motivational principles, information guidelines, conflict resolution procedures), organizes the activities of personnel based on general principles, facilitates the development of administration requirements, and forms general universal rules of behavior.

3. ritual is a standard, recurring event held at a specific time and on a special occasion. The most widespread rituals are honoring veterans, seeing off people for retirement, and initiating young workers.

4. ritual is a set of special events (rites) that have a psychological impact on members of the organization in order to strengthen devotion to it (employees of many Japanese companies, for example, begin their work day by singing anthems), strengthening cohesion, creating psychological comfort, and forming the necessary values ​​and beliefs.

5.legends and myths, which represent a figurative and verbal reflection in the right light and in a coded form of the history of the organization, inherited values, partners of its famous figures;

They inform (what the main boss is like, how he reacts to mistakes; can an ordinary employee become a leader, etc.), reduce uncertainty, advise, teach, direct staff behavior in the right direction, and create role models. In many Western companies, there are legends about the thrift and diligence of their founders, who managed to get rich thanks to these qualities, and their caring, fatherly attitude towards their subordinates.

6. customs is a form of social regulation of people’s activities and relationships, adopted from the past and passed on by members of the organization from generation to generation without any changes.

Values, customs, rites, rituals, norms of behavior brought from the past to the present are called traditions, which can be both positive and negative. Thus, a friendly attitude towards all employees who come to the organization can be considered as a positive tradition, and the notorious “hazing” can be considered as a negative tradition.

7. norms(social standards, specific patterns of behavior) and behavior style subjects (relationships with each other, the external environment, implementation of management actions, etc.).

8. slogans, i.e. appeals briefly reflecting her leadership tasks and ideas. Today, the mission of an organization is often formulated in the form of a slogan.

9.mentality- the way of thinking of members of an organization, determined by traditions, values, their awareness, which has a huge impact on their daily behavior and attitude towards their responsibilities.

The objective elements of culture include emblem, symbolism, trademarks, colors, staff uniforms, appearance of production facilities, offices, etc.

An organization's culture is multidimensional. Firstly, it consists of local subcultures of individual units or social groups that exist under the “roof” general culture. They can, as it were, concretize and develop the latter, they can exist peacefully alongside it, or they can contradict it (the so-called countercultures). Secondly, organizational culture includes subcultures of certain areas and forms of activity (relationships). It is legitimate, for example, to talk about the culture of entrepreneurship, the culture of management, the culture business communication, the culture of holding certain events, the culture of relationships.

Each of these subcultures has its own set of elements. Thus, the elements of management culture, which generally characterizes the level of organization of the socio-economic system, are: competence, professionalism, interpersonal communication skills, method of organizing production, performing labor functions, technology of management and information support, office work, personal work techniques.

Organizational culture is a complex and multifunctional system, therefore it should be analyzed according to the totality of functions that it performs or is capable of performing. The significance of functions may vary depending on the type of organizational culture, its goals, its development, and the influence of environmental parameters.

Organizational culture is a set of such diverse functions as:

Security function. Culture represents a kind of barrier to undesirable tendencies and negative phenomena of the external environment, neutralizes negative impact external factors. It includes a specific value system, a special climate and ways of interaction between organizational participants and thereby creates a unique image of the company, which allows it to be distinguished from other companies, economic entities and from the external environment as a whole.

Integrating function. Grafting a certain system values, organizational culture creates among employees a feeling of equality of all team members, which allows everyone to:

– better understand the company’s goals;

- acquire a favorable impression of the company in which he works;

– feel like a member of a single team and determine your responsibility to it.

Regulatory function ensures that people comply with rules and norms of behavior, contacts with the outside world, and facilitates orientation in difficult situations, reduces the possibility of unwanted conflicts. This function is considered the main one.

Communication function plays an important role in establishing contacts between people and facilitating mutual understanding. This speeds up information exchange and saves management costs.

Adaptive function facilitates the mutual adaptation of people to the organization, to each other and to external environment. It is realized through norms of behavior, rituals, and rituals common to all.

Orienting function directs the activities of participants in the required direction, gives general meaning their behavior, contributes to their understanding of events and connections between them.

Motivational function creates the necessary incentives for action. This is achieved, for example, by including in the cultural context high goals, the achievement of which, in principle, all normal people should strive to achieve.

Different cultures They give preference to various methods of motivation (goals, money, leadership, the desire for independence, creating and protecting their world, egalitarianism, improving the quality of life). For example, “new Russians” strive for stability and protection of their position.

Educational and developmental function: culture is always associated with an educational, educational effect. Firms are like large families, so managers must take care of the training and education of their employees. The result of such efforts is an increase in “human capital”, i.e. an increase in the knowledge and skills of employees that the company can use to achieve its goals. Thus, the organization expands the quantity and quality economic resources at its disposal.

Function of forming the image of the organization, that is, her image in the eyes of others. This image is the result of people’s involuntary synthesis of individual elements of the organization’s culture into an elusive whole, which nevertheless has a huge impact on both the emotional and rational attitude towards it.

Recently in Russia, company managers have realized that organizational culture is a key factor in the image of the organization. The nature and content of organizational culture depends on many factors, among which its typology occupies the most important place.

How does organizational culture affect business? The answer to this question lies in understanding what type of organizational culture prevails in the company. This will allow you to better use the advantages of each type and avoid the disadvantages.

"Culture of Power"– in a given organizational culture special role plays the leader, his personal qualities and abilities. As a source of power, a prominent place belongs to the resources at the disposal of a particular leader. Organizations with this kind of culture tend to have a rigid hierarchical structure. Recruitment and promotion up the hierarchical ladder are often carried out according to the criteria of personal loyalty. An example of power cultures can often be found in small business organizations, in companies involved in property, trade, and finance. This structure is best imagined as a web. It depends on a central source of power, power comes from the center and spreads in the form of central waves. Control is carried out centrally through persons selected for this purpose, taking into account certain rules and techniques, and a small amount of bureaucracy. Problems are resolved largely on a balance of influences rather than on a procedural or partially logical basis. Organizations with this type of culture can respond quickly to events, but are heavily dependent on decision-making by people at the center. They will seek to attract people who are politically inclined, power-oriented, risk takers, and those who do not value security highly.

"Role culture"– characterized by a strict functional distribution of roles and specialization of areas. This type of organization operates on the basis of a system of rules, procedures and performance standards, compliance with which must guarantee its effectiveness. The main source of power is not personal qualities, but the position occupied in the hierarchical structure. Such an organization is able to operate successfully in a stable environment. The epitome of role culture is the classical, strictly planned organization (better known as bureaucracy), which can be thought of as a temple. This type of organization is characterized by strict functional and specialized areas, such as the financial department and the trading department (its columns), which are coordinated by a narrow chain of command from above. The degree of formalization and standardization is high; The activities of functional areas and their interaction are regulated according to certain rules and procedures that determine the division of work and power, methods of communication and resolution of conflicts between functional areas.

A role-based culture is suitable for managers who like security and predictability, who want to achieve goals by fulfilling a role rather than making an outstanding personal contribution, and for those who are interested in the ability to skillfully apply an accepted methodology rather than the final result.

"Task Culture"this culture focused primarily on a specific project or job. The greatest efficiency is achieved by combining resources and professional employees, as well as by identifying one’s own goals with the goals of the organization, which are higher than individual ones. Influence is based on the power of a specialist, an expert, and not on the power of position or personality, and it is freely distributed throughout all levels of the organization. The advantage of this culture (its special case is an organization with a matrix structure) is that it allows you to easily adapt to sharply changing conditions of an unstable market and makes it possible to quickly respond to changes. Control comes down to the distribution of projects, employees and resources, and this is the weak point of such organizations. since conflict is possible due to uneven distribution of resources. As a rule, the Task culture is transitional and sooner or later develops into a Power culture or a role culture.

"Culture of Personality"– an organization with this type of culture brings people together not to solve some problems, but so that they can achieve their own goals. Power is based on proximity to resources, professionalism, and the ability to negotiate. Power and control are coordinating in nature. This type of culture is unusual. It is not found everywhere, however, many individuals adhere to some of its principles. In this culture, the individual is at the center; if there is some structure and organization, it exists only to serve and help the individuals in this organization, to facilitate the fulfillment of their own interests without any purpose. This culture is best thought of as a swarm of bees or a “galaxy of stars.” Obviously, few organizations can exist with this type of culture, since organizations tend to have some corporate goals that rise above the personal goals of the organization's members. Moreover, for this culture, control or even a hierarchy of management is impossible except by mutual consent. The organization is subordinate to the individual and owes its existence to this individual. An individual may leave that organization, but the organization rarely has the power to “evict” the individual. Influence is distributed equally, and the basis of power, if necessary, is usually the power of a specialist: a person does what he knows how to do well, so they listen to him.

1.2. Study and formation of organizational culture

Organizational culture is a complex social phenomenon that is formed within an organization under the influence of a number of factors. Due to its social nature, the individual is highly influenced by organizational culture. Together, the personality influences the formation and change of the organizational culture itself.

The study of such a phenomenon as organizational culture was caused by the evolutionary development of personnel management and is associated with the need to increase labor efficiency.

Organizational culture studies the theory of organization due to the fact that organizational culture is closely related to all aspects of the organization’s activities, reflects its structure, characterizes the principles of activity and the interaction of all its constituent elements. It represents the essence of the organization, and it is its features that distinguish organizations from one another. Accordingly, by studying, analyzing, describing the elements and aspects of the organization’s activities, we thereby attribute the culture of this organization to a certain type, where the structure, preferred management style, personnel policy, communication system, goals and strategies characterize the culture of this enterprise.

The study of organizational culture is closely related to the economics and sociology of labor. Like anything social phenomenon, organizational culture does not exist without human community. On the one hand, organizational culture regulates all relationships of people in a given society, which is the organization; on the other hand, it is a product of these relationships. Having formed a culture on the basis of their ideas, attitudes, and value orientations, people thereby determined the technology, method of activity and existence of the organization. Organizational culture shapes attitudes towards work, affects the degree of job satisfaction, and influences the characteristics of work organization.

Organizational culture forms long-term, sustainable motivation of personnel, focused on achieving the strategic goals of the organization, which includes integral part into strategic management. In addition, only on the basis of organizational culture can a model of the future enterprise be jointly developed.

The concept of organizational culture is one of basic concepts in management. However, only in last years organizational culture began to be recognized as the main indicator necessary for the correct understanding and management of organizational behavior. Organizational culture is understood as a system of historically established common traditions, values, symbols, beliefs, formal and informal rules of conduct for administration and staff that have stood the test of time.

The formulation of the problem of corporate culture and its systematic study began in 1982, when American researchers Terence Dean and Allan Kennedy created the concept of corporate culture as the most important factor influencing organizational behavior and corporate development. Despite the fact that the problem of corporate culture has been posed relatively recently, its origins have attracted the attention of researchers for a long time. The reasons for this lie in some discrepancy between the expected results embedded in the strategy and tactics of change and those actually obtained in the organization. The definition of corporate culture given by

G.Yu. Bazarov does not clearly indicate the source of corporate culture. Corporate culture is a complex set of assumptions that are accepted without evidence by all members of a particular organization and set the general framework for behavior accepted by most of the organization. Corporate culture is manifested in the philosophy and ideology of management, value orientations, beliefs, expectations, and norms of behavior. Corporate culture regulates human behavior and makes it possible to predict his reactions in critical situations.

Let's highlight three main theoretical approaches to the study of organizational culture:

1. Holistic or systemic (represents organizational culture as a set of system elements that are in a certain relationship);

2. Symbolic (sees organizational culture from the perspective of external and internal attributes, symbols, slogans, etc.);

3. Cognitive (considers organizational culture as a manifestation of certain knowledge, as a set of rules and standards of behavior, etc.).

Initially, the culture was formed under the influence of geographical and natural climatic factors. The first mention of culture dates back to antiquity, where it was identified with education. During the Renaissance, culture was understood as active creativity in man, which served as the basis for his harmonious, sublime development. IN modern sense This term was first used by the German lawyer and historiographer S. Pufendora (1632–1694).

The formation and change of organizational culture occurs under the influence of many factors. One of the recognized experts in the field of organizational culture, Edgar Schein, believes: that there are five primary and five secondary factors that determine the formation of organizational culture. In accordance with his concept, the following factors are primary.

Points of focus for senior management. Usually, what managers pay serious attention to, what they often talk about as being important for the organization, gradually turns into the subject of attention and concern of employees and is included in the number of norms on the basis of which the criterion basis for the behavior of people in the organization is formed.

Management's reaction to critical situations arising in the organization. When critical situations arise in an organization, employees of the organization experience a heightened sense of anxiety. Therefore, the way management approaches resolving the problems of a crisis situation, what it gives preference to, finds its further manifestation in the formation of a system of values ​​and beliefs that become reality for members of the organization.

Attitude to work and behavioral style of managers. Due to the fact that managers occupy a special position in the organization and the attention of employees is drawn to them, their style of behavior and their attitude towards work acquire the character of a standard for behavior in the organization. Employees of an organization consciously or unconsciously adjust their actions to the rhythm of the manager’s work, duplicate his approach to performing his duties and thereby, as it were, form stable norms of behavior in the organization.

Criteria base for employee incentives. On the formation of organizational culture big influence determines the criteria by which employees are rewarded. Members of the organization, having realized what they are receiving reward or punishment for, quickly form an idea for themselves about what is good and what is bad in this organization. Having mastered this, they become carriers of certain values, thereby consolidating a certain organizational culture.

Criteria for selection, appointment, promotion and dismissal from the organization. Just as in the case of rewards, the criteria used by management when selecting for work in the organization, when promoting employees and their dismissal, have a very strong influence on what values ​​\u200b\u200bwill be shared by employees of the organization, and therefore play a significant role in the formation organizational culture.

The group of secondary factors in accordance with Schein’s concept includes the following factors:

Organization structure. Depending on how the organization is designed, how tasks and functions are distributed between departments and individual employees, how widely delegation of authority is practiced, members of the organization develop a certain idea of ​​​​the extent to which they enjoy the trust of management, the extent to which the organization there is a spirit of freedom and employee initiative is valued.

Information transmission system and organizational procedures. In an organization, employee behavior is constantly regulated by various procedures and norms. People communicate in a certain way and according to certain schemes, fill out certain circulars and reporting forms, with a certain frequency and in a certain form, report on the work done. All these procedural moments, due to their regularity and repetition, create a certain climate in the organization, which deeply penetrates the behavior of its members.

External and internal design and decoration of the premises in which the organization is located. The design of the premises, the principles used for accommodating employees, the style of decoration, and the like create among members of the organization a certain idea of ​​its style, their position in the organization and, ultimately, the values ​​inherent in the organization.

Myths and stories about important events and persons who have played and are playing a key role in the life of the organization. Legends and stories existing in the organization about how the organization was created, what outstanding events took place in its history, which people and how had a strong influence on its development, contribute to the fact that the system of stable ideas about the spirit of the organization is preserved over time and brought to members of the organization in a bright emotional form.

Formalized statements about the philosophy and meaning of the organization’s existence. Statements about the philosophy and goals of the organization, formulated in the form of the principles of the organization, a set of its values, commandments that must be followed in order to preserve and maintain the spirit of the organization, if they are properly communicated to all its members, contribute to the formation of organizational culture, adequate to the mission of the organization.

Each of the ten primary and secondary factors in shaping organizational culture requires the use of certain techniques to achieve success in consciously shaping and changing organizational culture. During the strategy execution stage, significant effort is devoted to aligning the organizational culture with the chosen strategy. However, it should be emphasized that while the organizational structure can be changed relatively easily, changing the organizational culture is a very difficult and sometimes impossible task. Therefore, at the level of the strategy definition stage, which precedes the stage of its implementation, it is necessary to take into account as much as possible what difficulties with changing the organizational culture may arise when implementing the strategy, and try to choose a strategy that does not require the implementation of obviously impossible actions to change the organizational culture.

1.3. Application of organizational culture in Russian small enterprises

Research into the organizational culture of an enterprise is determined by the importance and applicability of the results obtained in practice. By focusing on one of the shortcomings of organizational culture, it is possible that changes will appear in the relationships of the team and the economic performance of the enterprise at some point in time. After which new diagnostics and new organizational solutions will be required.

Modeling, as another option for studying organizational culture, will allow us to anticipate and change problematic situations. In this case, managing the development of an enterprise will be reduced to preventing its occurrence.

At the initial stage, modeling strategies identify key processes that play an important role in the phenomenon at a given time and spatial scale. Then a more simplified model of the phenomenon is built, where fewer factors are taken into account. This happens until the simplest model emerges. Once such a model is studied and understood, it is possible to move to a higher level. Consequently, the chain of modeling complex systems is the construction of a hierarchy simple models and combining them into a single structure.

To study the organizational culture of a small enterprise, the most practical algorithm is to model social systems. It presupposes a certain ordering of actions:

Definition of the modeling problem;

Construction of a structural model;

Selecting essential elements and determining the functional relationship between these elements.

The purpose of modeling is to describe organizational culture as an environment where social, economic, and organizational elements of a small business operate. The necessary elements for the functioning of organizational culture as an environment include:

Stimulating work as a means of influencing the environment on individual elements of organizational culture;

Satisfaction with working conditions as an individual perception of the environment;

Responsibility of employees as an indicator of team cohesion and the reaction of individuals to the environment of organizational culture;

Awareness of employees, which characterizes the interchange of individual elements with the environment, openness and diversity of interaction channels;

The moral and psychological climate in the team, which is a qualitative summary indicator of the organizational culture environment;

Relationships with superiors, which characterizes the organization of the hierarchy in the enterprise;

Awareness of oneself in the organization, which characterizes the degree of inclusion of an individual in the environment of organizational culture.

Satisfaction of the leader and team members with the content, process, and result of interaction are among the subjective criteria of organizational culture. And the objective criteria are:

Mutual understanding, expressed in a small number of erroneous interpretations of the behavior of other participants in the interaction;

Number of goals achieved compared to planned ( quantification- by percentage of achievements, qualitative assessment - by achievement of priority goals).

To obtain the numerical value of the level of development of organizational culture for each of the surveyed enterprises, the average was calculated for each of the seven indicators.

The survey included 17 small businesses with employees ranging from 12 to 43, and the total number of respondents was 428 people. The subjects of the study have been engaged in the field of trade and services for 8 to 12 years, and have been working for many years with a relatively constant staff.

The survey was conducted among employees of small businesses who have worked together for at least 6 months, since for more than short term It is almost impossible for stable relationships and connections to emerge. The results of processing the survey showed the sufficiency of the questionnaire items to describe the organizational culture of a small enterprise.

The majority of employees surveyed 42.5% have been working for “about 5 years”; 28.4% have 2-3 years of experience; “more than 5 years” - 16% and only 12% have been working for the “first year”. From the methods of personnel management it follows that staff turnover is 10% of the number of employees. Consequently, small businesses have the same conditions for hiring employees in the labor market as other enterprises.

The incentive to work at your own enterprise varies depending on the length of service: a good team, normal working conditions, reasonable wages, or the lack of other work. But what more people works at the enterprise, the more important the team in which he is located becomes for him. Analyzing the opinion about the team, in one small business enterprise the type of organizational culture is adopted and employees are guided by it only after three years of work. Depending on the length of service, the percentage of orientation towards the organizational structure of the interviewed employees is:

About a year – 31%;

2-3 years – 68%;

About 5 years – 77%;

More than 5 years – 86%.

Taking a more detailed look at work incentives, the following priorities can be identified: monetary remuneration - 54%; importance of the work performed - 23%; high trust of the manager - 10%; opportunity to demonstrate one's abilities - 8%; team opinion - 5%. Experienced specialists have social needs, while young employees have material needs. As a result of these answers, it follows that the influence of organizational culture on employee performance is hidden. But the dominant motive is still material reward.

In small businesses there is also an untapped motivational resource that can be used to improve labor efficiency. As a way to improve productivity, pay employees more. But changing financial motivation alone will not lead to a significant change in employee productivity, since they are more focused on the organizational structure.

Loyalty to the enterprise is formed by satisfaction with the content of the work, a feeling of attention and care from management, career satisfaction and confidence in the feasibility of working at this enterprise. Employees of enterprises when asked “Is your work interesting?” 70.4% answered yes and 19.6% no. Only 11.7% consider whether the company strives to create a high quality of life for employees; and they feel constant attention to themselves as a person - 17.6%.

The socio-psychological climate in small businesses evaluates the management style of its leader, which can be either democratic, liberal or directive. At the same time, the directive style comes from the top management and prevails over other styles.

An employee identifies himself with an enterprise if he has information about the state of affairs at the enterprise, about the prospects of problems that are significant to him, if the goals of the organization and his own are united, if he is proud of the very factor of work in this organization and considers the assessment of his work fair.

The involvement of employees in the activities of the enterprise is formed by a sense of self-esteem, which is based on satisfaction with achievements and their work, as well as a high level of responsibility and effective motivation of work. Inefficiency in the workplace and poor job selection indicate that employees do not like the job. But the basis for activities in small businesses is the team and the culture that it forms.

The optimality of a culture is determined by the characteristics of its state, which is determined by the ability of its constituent subcultures to combine and synthesize the type of interaction that supports the viability of the organization. The organizational culture of a small enterprise can be formed and consistent if its environmental components are equally developed and complement each other.

The criteria for an optimal model of organizational culture are:

Consistency of values ​​shared by team members;

Conformity of shared values real behavior;

Conscious ranking of action priorities in favor of enterprise values;

Focus on stabilizing activities;

Subordination of activities to pre-drawn plans;

Expressed cooperation between individual members and between groups;

Staff loyalty to organizational changes.

Thus, organizational culture is a new way for an enterprise to master its economic activity. By studying the organizational structure, one can learn only those fragments that are observed at the level of behavior. The basis for studying the parameters of the organizational culture environment are reviews and opinions of staff, clients, their specific behavior, success criteria, time spent at the enterprise, compliance with rules, and goal orientation.

Chapter 2. Research of the organizational culture of a small enterprise LLC "Leskhoz"

2.1. Organizational characteristics of a small enterprise

Limited Liability Company "Leskhoz" (hereinafter referred to as Leskhoz LLC). Location and legal address: 45760, Verkhneuralsk st. Yuzhnaya no. 21/a.

Leskhoz LLC has been operating on the market relatively recently - since the end of 2006. The main activity of the organization is wholesale trade in industrial goods, timber, sanitary equipment. In 2007 The company was engaged in wholesale supplies of materials and equipment to construction organizations, provided services for the selection of materials, the production of basic calculations of the need for them, as well as the selection of the most effective and economical construction products.

However, at the beginning of 2010, the meeting of the founders of the Company, together with the director, decided to change the main type of activity of the organization, as well as change the constituent documents in connection with the entry of another participant into the company. After making the decision I left new edition The Charter of Lestorg-Service LLC, which identified two founders, a new type of activity (production of dry construction mixtures), as well as an authorized capital of 20,000 rubles.

2.2. Analysis of the organizational culture of the enterprise

The small size of Leskhoz LLC indicates the increased role of organizational culture as a factor in the effectiveness of the enterprise management system.

One of the options for conducting research on organizational culture is to survey the organization’s management. This method was used at the enterprise under study, Leskhoz LLC. When conducting this survey, the following tasks were set:

Obtain data on what information about the organizational culture the management of the enterprise has;

Obtain objective information about the positive and negative aspects of the organizational culture at a given enterprise;

Suggest ways to more effectively manage organizational culture.

Eight people, both management personnel and performers, took part in the study as part of the course work. A characteristic feature of the survey was the constructive, balanced attitude of management to the questions posed, along with their confidence in the usefulness and necessity of the unusual event.

The survey results indicate that the company's management is aware of the presence of organizational culture as a factor in increasing the efficiency of the enterprise's management system, has a correct understanding of the reasons for its occurrence and formation, and also considers it necessary to improve it.

2.3. Assessing the influence of organizational culture on the efficiency of an enterprise

A survey conducted at Leskhoz LLC showed that the management of organizational culture in this organization has the following positive sides:

Business management believes that organizational culture can help a formal organization achieve its goals;

Before making any management decision, the vast majority of respondents calculate the possibility of a negative impact on other team members and make decisions in accordance with this;

The enterprise has a club for executives; conferences and meetings are held for them on various issues. The management’s attitude towards performers is somewhat “softer” than towards the management personnel of the enterprise;

The team of Leskhoz LLC believes that just because the loyalty of the “middle management” manager could not be achieved, there is no need to replace him. This problem has not yet arisen in management practice. However, if the loyalty of a “middle management” manager to his subordinates interferes with the activities of the enterprise, the management of the organization will consider it necessary to replace him.

The enterprise team believes that transferring employees from one place of work to another (both on a territorial and hierarchical scale) is one of the methods for effectively managing organizational culture. This method is used at the enterprise. Thus, sellers periodically perform the functions of the chief accountant in his absence, filling out the relevant documentation, and mastering the automated accounting system.

The negative aspects of managing organizational culture in Leskhoz LLC are:

There are no public events held or planned at the enterprise under study. The organization's management believes that there is no need for this and will only distract people from their own affairs;

To make any decision, some of the respondents answered that they do not involve members of the organization in discussing these issues, others involve them when they consider it necessary for themselves;

The enterprise staff believes that the placement of offices will not affect the behavior of members of the organization and, accordingly, does not apply this method management at the enterprise - all management personnel, with the exception of the director, are housed in one office;

The organization's management knows the natural leaders of informal groups in the enterprise, but does not apply any methods of cooperation with them;

The management of the enterprise LLC "Leskhoz" considers it possible, through the flexible use of various channels for transmitting information, to strengthen its influence on the formation of organizational culture, however, channels of informal transmission of information are not used to influence the organizational culture.

Features of the organizational culture of Leskhoz LLC include the formation of microgroups in the team, including:

Participants and active users of the Internet site "Odnoklassniki";

A group formed by accounting employees and salespeople (examples of informal events - visiting the fitness room, holding holidays together, exchanging books).

Thus, in Leskhoz LLC, the management of organizational culture is not of a regular nature; it is formed spontaneously as a result of informal interaction between employees and communications regarding the performance of job duties.

The analysis showed that there are practically no elements of informal organizational culture in Leskhoz LLC.

This does not meet the requirements of the new management paradigm, leads to a decrease in the efficiency of enterprise management, and reduces the level of interest of employees in achieving the ultimate goals of the organization. To improve management efficiency, we will formulate basic recommendations for improving the organizational culture of Leskhoz LLC. We summarize the recommendations in Table 1.

"Table 1"

Characteristics of organizational culture attributes recommended by Leskhoz LLC


1. Values ​​and norms

Management needs to prioritize employee motivation. The provision of a relatively flexible work schedule observed in Leskhoz LLC, subject to a decrease in the level of material incentives, can lead to the dismissal of management employees

2. Process of employee development and learning

Improving the skills of salespeople in the use of automated accounting and analysis programs, participation of employees in seminars, fairs and exhibitions, subscription to specialized literature

3. Work ethic and motivation

It is advisable to recommend that employees of Leskhoz LLC pay more attention to the cleanliness of the workplace

4. Awareness of yourself and your place in the organization

Organization of management based on a team approach and broad delegation of authority, where each member of the team has the right to express their point of view on the problem of the organization

5. Communication system and language of communication

Expanding the boundaries of use oral speech in order to reduce document flow in management practice

"Continuation of Table 1"

6. Relationships between people

Directed efforts by management to form constructively interacting informal groups, taking into account the groups identified during the survey

7. Belief in something and disposition towards something

Belief in leadership, success, one’s own strengths, mutual assistance, ethical behavior, justice, etc.; attitude towards colleagues and clients

8. Appearance, clothing and presentation of yourself at work

Taking into account the opinions of employees when ordering uniforms, compliance business style managerial clothing

9. What and how people eat, habits and traditions in this area

It would be advisable for the management of the enterprise to consider the issue of organizing shared meals for employees at lunchtime in a nearby canteen

10. Awareness of time, attitude towards it and its use

Increasing the accuracy of compliance with time schedules, measures to combat delays

When developing measures to form the organizational culture of Leskhoz LLC, it was planned that in the management system it would perform following functions:

Security function. Consists of creating a barrier that protects the organization from unwanted external influences;

Integrating function. Forms a sense of belonging to the organization, pride in it, and the desire of outsiders to join it. This makes it easier to solve personnel problems;

Regulatory function. Supports necessary rules and norms of behavior of members of the organization, their relationships, contacts with the outside world, which guarantees its stability and reduces the possibility of unwanted conflicts;

Adaptive function. Facilitates the mutual adaptation of people to each other and to the organization. It is implemented through general norms of behavior, rituals, ceremonies, with the help of which the education of employees is also carried out. By participating in joint events and adhering to the same ways of behavior, employees of Leskhoz LLC better find contact with each other;

Orienting function. Directs the activities of the organization and its participants in the required direction and is associated with the organization’s formation of a development strategy;

Motivational function. Creates the necessary incentives for the effective operation of the organization and its participants;

The function of forming the image of the organization, i.e. her image in the eyes of others. This image is the result of people’s involuntary synthesis of individual elements of organizational culture into an elusive whole, which nevertheless has a huge impact on both the emotional and rational attitude towards it.

Thus, the importance of organizational culture for Leskhoz LLC is enormous. Organizational culture combines the values ​​and norms inherent in the organization, management style and procedures, concepts of mechanical and social development. Organizational culture sets the limits within which confident decision-making is possible at each hierarchical level, the possibility of using the resources of the organization as a whole, provides direction for development and regulates management activities, and promotes the identification of its members with the organization. The proposed measures are aimed primarily at reducing the level of staff turnover against the backdrop of a decrease in the level of wages for employees of Leskhoz LLC during the crisis.

Let us determine the economic efficiency of measures to form the organizational culture of Leskhoz LLC. A decrease in the level of staff turnover will lead to an increase in labor productivity as a result of the absence of downtime of production equipment due to incomplete utilization of production capacity. As a result of reducing the level of staff turnover, it is planned to increase the labor productivity of employees of Leskhoz LLC to 5,000 thousand rubles. /person Let's determine the growth of labor productivity in relative terms compared to 2010:

DPT = (5000 thousand rubles / person - 4818 thousand rubles / person) / 4818 thousand rubles. /person =

A comparison of labor productivity levels before and after improving the organizational culture of the enterprise is illustrated in Fig. 1.

Fig.1. - Labor productivity of employees of Leskhoz LLC before and after the implementation of project proposals

Thus, as a result of improving the organizational culture of Leskhoz LLC, it is planned to increase labor productivity by 4%.

Based on the calculated data, we will estimate the average annual effect caused to the enterprise by staff turnover:

R h 2010 = DPT abs * CR, (9)

where CR is the number of employees of Leskhoz LLC in 2010,

and DPT abs is the change in labor productivity in absolute terms.

R h 2010 =11 people. * (5,000 thousand rubles / person - 4,818 thousand rubles / person) = 2,002 thousand rubles.

Thus, as a result of staff turnover, Leskhoz LLC loses 2 million rubles. proceeds from sales.

A reduction in staff turnover and a resulting increase in labor productivity will increase the level of sales revenue by 2011 thousand rubles.

To summarize, we note that in conditions of the enterprise’s restrictions in the use of means of material incentives for employees, it is extremely important to consider increasing the level of organizational culture as a factor in reducing staff turnover, and, consequently, a factor in increasing the efficiency of personnel management.

Organizational culture is a system of formal and informal rules and norms of activity, customs and traditions, individual and group interests, behavioral characteristics of employees at a given enterprise, differing in style of behavior, indicators of satisfaction with working conditions, level of mutual cooperation, identification of employees with the enterprise and its development goals .

The concept of organizational culture was developed in the early 1980s. It was formed under the influence of the following scientific movements: research in the field of strategic management, organization theory and research on individual and group behavior In the organisation. These directions contain elements theoretical foundations organizational culture.

IN course work The management system of LLC "Leskhoz" was considered. Limited Liability Company "Leskhoz" has been operating on the market relatively recently - since the end of 2006. The main activity of the organization is wholesale trade in industrial goods, timber, sanitary equipment. Today, Leskhoz LLC is engaged in the production of dry construction mixtures.

The qualitative indicators of the use of resources of Leskhoz LLC are improving due to increased efficiency in the use of labor resources (labor productivity of workers increased from 4181 thousand rubles to 4818 thousand rubles), however, there is a significant slowdown in the turnover of working capital.

The financial condition of the enterprise is characterized by relative stability. However, the financial autonomy ratio of Leskhoz LLC and the current liquidity ratio do not meet the standard.

The management system of Leskhoz LLC is characterized by high efficiency. The organizational structure of management is linear-functional. However, a decrease in the volume of management expenses, consisting mainly of costs for remuneration of the enterprise's managers, can lead to an increase in the turnover of the enterprise's management personnel, a decrease in the level of their interest in achieving the goals of the activities of Leskhoz LLC and other negative manifestations.

In conditions of the enterprise's restrictions in the use of means of material incentives for employees, it is extremely important to consider increasing the level of organizational culture as a factor in reducing staff turnover, and, consequently, a factor in increasing the efficiency of personnel management.

Reducing staff turnover and, as a result, increasing labor productivity to the level of 5,000 thousand rubles. /person will increase the level of sales revenue by 2011 thousand rubles.


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Vesnin, V.R. Management: Textbook. / V. R. Vesnin. - M.: Publishing house "Tk Welby". 2004, p. 99.

Zaitsev, L.A. Sokolova M.I. Organizational behavior: Textbook / L.G. Zaitsev, M.I. Sokolova. - M.: Economist, 2006, P. 65.

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Milner B.Z. Organization theory: Textbook.-4th ed., revised. And additional - M.: Publishing house "INFRA-M", 2006., P. 51.

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