An old mansion. The new owner will save the wooden mansion “Golovin’s Dachas” on Vyborgskaya Embankment Museum of an ancient mansion on the embankment

An abandoned mansion with windows overlooking the Neva, an unfinished five-star hotel, which is called cursed, a former restaurant where a film with Alisa Freundlich was filmed, and an estate with an apple orchard hidden behind the houses - “ Paper" chose ten empty St. Petersburg buildings with ancient marble fireplaces, stained glass windows and statues.

Betling Mansion and Chelishchev Mansion

The 18th-century buildings on the banks of the Neva were rebuilt several times and changed owners. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Swedish Embassy was located in the Betling mansion. In the 30s, the houses were combined and the Electromechanical College was placed there. The buildings have preserved the house church, a staircase with wooden balusters, a Swedish system elevator, etched glass and a marble fireplace.

Hotel "Northern Crown"

An abandoned five-star hotel with five restaurants, a swimming pool and a sports complex began to be built in 1988. Due to conflicts between customers and contractors, the opening dates were constantly shifted, and as a result, construction was frozen. In 1995, when Metropolitan John died at a presentation on the occasion of its imminent opening, the hotel began to be called a “bad place.” At the end of 2018, demolition of the building began.

Ernest Igel's mansion

In the middle of the 19th century, a wooden one-story dacha of Prince Vyazemsky stood on this site. In 1894, the French merchant Igel acquired it and opened the Ernest or Ernest's Dacha restaurant there. After the revolution, the building housed the House of Proletarian Culture, as well as the Metalist club. The film “Everyday Life and Holidays of Serafima Glyukina” with Alisa Freundlich in the title role was filmed in the interiors of the mansion.

Mikhailovka Estate

The 19th-century palace and park ensemble Mikhailovskaya Dacha belonged to Grand Duke Mikhail, son of Nicholas I. In addition to the palace, the complex included kitchen and stable buildings, as well as numerous garden verandas, statues and fountains. From 1919 to 1941, the labor school-colony “Red Dawns” operated in the estate. In 2006, the complex was transferred to St. Petersburg State University for the GSOM campus. The palace building has been preserved.

Demidov Estate

The Palace of Demidov Entrepreneurs was built in the mid-18th century. Its main feature is the veranda with a rounded metal staircase overlooking the apple orchard. According to rumors, in the basement of the building under the Demidovs there was the first bowling alley in Russia. In 1830, the palace was handed over to the English Club; during Soviet times, the Iceberg Central Design Bureau, which designed nuclear icebreakers, was located there.

Ekval's Mansion

The two-story mansion was built by architect Fedor Lidval in 1901 for Karl Ekval, the owner of the Iron Foundry and Mechanical Plant. The abandoned mansion is interesting because it is one of the few wooden buildings in the Art Nouveau style remaining in St. Petersburg. The walls of the building are decorated with floral patterns and textured plaster. The mansion is hidden behind a concrete fence.

Wege Mansion

The mansion at the ultramarine plant of the famous industrialist Georgiy Vega was built in 1890 by an unknown architect. The building is an example of the eclectic style. The mansion is in disrepair, but the stucco moldings, stained glass windows, as well as wall paintings and caryatids have been preserved inside. The mansion is located on the territory of the Pigment plant.

Brusnitsyns' mansion

Since 1844, the mansion belonged to Nikolai Brusnitsyn, the founder of the Brusnitsyn tannery. The building has preserved the White Hall with a chandelier and a marble fireplace, a Moorish-style smoking room, and a billiard room. The legend of the “mirror of Dracula” is associated with the mansion. Allegedly, it hung in one of the Venetian palazzos where the ashes of Count Dracula were kept. Tours have been temporarily suspended since February.

The exhibition, which runs from today, presents models of retro cars from private collections of collectors from different cities of Russia.

The main part of the exhibition is from the collection of Arkhangelsk resident Denis Prikhodko, who became its organizer and inspirer.

Large-scale copies of cars, at one time, appeared as souvenirs, but gradually became items of collections. Naturally, keen collectors want to get their hands on the most valuable pieces that are limited edition or out of production. Or better yet, both at the same time.

More than a hundred models of the domestic and foreign automobile industry are presented at the exhibition. Among them are the first Russian production car “Russo-Balt” of 1910, the famous Soviet cars “Pobeda”, “Volga”, “Chaika” and others, leading European brands Bugatti, Volkswagen, Porsche, Mercedes, Alfa Romeo, Jaguar, Citroen and others . A significant part of the exhibition is dedicated to cars from the American automobile industry of the 1930s–1950s.

Each model has an interesting story behind it, which will be told during the excursions. For example, the exhibition organizer Denis Prikhodko told us the history of the name of the Pobeda car, produced in the USSR in the 1940-50s. Remember from Marshak: “Pobeda, Muscovites, bicycles are racing in flocks...”

There is a version that they wanted to call the car “Motherland,” but when at the end of the war Stalin was shown a sample of the future production car, he asked: “And how much will we sell the Motherland?” Then the car was renamed, and the new version was personally approved by the head of state. Maybe this is a legend, since the designers that year, of course, were thinking about the imminent Victory over Nazi Germany.

As for the car models of famous people, the pink Cadillac will undoubtedly arouse interest. The USA, as you know, gave the world Elvis Presley. Loving son Elvis gave his mother a luxurious pink Cadillac. Since then, people began to say about sons who dearly love their mothers that “he dreams of buying a pink Cadillac for his mother.” If you remember, this episode was reflected in the cult film “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.”

In addition, the exhibition includes a model of one of the cars of the movie star Marilyn Monroe - a 1955 Ford Thunderbird, which is said to have been fast and reminiscent of its owner’s unrestrained character, as well as a car from the Volkswagen concern, popular among hippies, which became the “face” of the freestyle era of the 1960s. -X.

According to Denis Prikhodko, it is not easy to purchase models in Arkhangelsk - they are sold in toy departments, and children are more interested in modern cars because they see them on the roads. True, now the Internet is at the service of collectors, through which you can purchase a model, exchange them on special sites, or even order a copy in the required scale.

When asked which model is the collector’s favorite, Denis replied that there are no favorites - it’s like children, everyone is loved. Each retro model has its own history of a real car, its own ups and downs of manufacturing companies, its own engineering inventions and discoveries.

Mansion on the embankment, Arkhangelsk: reviews

Many branded car brands no longer exist at all; they remain only as rarities among collectors, in scale models or in newsreels and feature films.

The museum display cases of the Mansion logically show a chain of automobile brands, including disappeared manufacturing concerns.

But among car manufacturers, the Arkhangelsk collector singles out the merits of Henry Ford, who was one of the first to think of producing truly popular Ford-T cars, while European concerns focused on wealthy people.

“The domestic automobile industry in the first half of the 20th century developed, among other things, in its own unique way,” says the collector. – At the same time, Soviet engineers successfully collaborated with global corporations. And as a result of cooperation, for example, with the Americans and their sale of the 1931 Ford license, the domestic GAZ A-1 appeared. One of the objectives of the exhibition, I believe, is to show the integration of the domestic automobile industry into the context of the world history of the automotive industry...”

The collector himself, according to him, has nothing to do with the automotive industry. And when asked where this hobby comes from, he reasonably remarked: “Because it’s interesting...”

At the exhibition “The Kingdom of Luxury on Wheels” there is an interactive zone where you can assemble a model of an antique car from wood with your own hands, make a collage and take a photo as a souvenir. The exhibition will probably be of interest to visitors of all ages who are interested in the history of cars.

Many people dream of having a house in the village, and for good reason. Clean air, indescribable beauty of local landscapes. Your own garden, vegetable garden. Wonderful forests, fields, lakes in the area. There is always something to do in the village.

It's time for the summer holidays. Most city children will go to their grandmothers in the village. Any adult wants to be in the place of his son or daughter and spend the whole summer in a quiet village surrounded by greenery.

And what a joy for a grandmother: her beloved grandchildren are coming! It's good to have a house in the village. “Here we are, dear ones,” the grandparents greet their beloved ones with pies and pancakes.

Without even having time to rest, the kids are running in all directions. The village has everything for happiness. Here is an unusual pond, located where no one will find it unless you know its location.

Hotels near the Old Mansion on the Embankment in Arkhangelsk

Everything around the pond is overgrown with trees and bushes, it’s even difficult to get close. The old path is overgrown. But within a day, the nimble children had trodden the path to the treasured pond. How they waited for the holidays so they could finally swim and catch minnows.

The village was surrounded by birch groves. It’s still too early to pick mushrooms, you need to wait until August, but there are plenty of berries of all kinds: strawberries, stone fruits, forest raspberries and currants. While the boys are fishing, the girls are walking through the berries with songs and jokes.

Evening is approaching. Tired but happy children head home. After all, there is so much to do tomorrow.

The next day begins with roosters crowing. Now the grandmother is feeding her grandchildren fresh milk. After having breakfast, they do not immediately run about their business. There are more important concerns at home. I need to help my grandfather with the housework, feed the ducks and geese, and run to the well for water. Help grandma around the house. While she prepares dinner, her granddaughters will clean up the mess.

They will not forget to look into the old chest where they keep their drawings, crafts, and toys that they left here a year ago. Memories will come flooding back, how I didn’t want to go home that summer, but they will immediately disappear without a trace. After all, we just arrived and are already a year older. Things are done, you can run off to new adventures.

They’ll go to the local kids and together, as a large crowd, they’ll come up with something they like. Children are very attracted to the abandoned windmill, which has miraculously survived to this day. It's not in working order, but the kids have no use for it.

So many different games are invented at this mill. Children of different ages gather here, from five years old to thirteen. They don’t argue with each other, they have no time for that.

So summer flies by unnoticed. The grandchildren don’t want to leave their grandmother, but they don’t get upset. They know that they will definitely return next summer. It’s great when there is a house in the village where they are waiting for you.

(1 votes, average: 1,00 out of 5)

The museum is located in an architectural monument of the 18th century. The building was built in 1786 according to a standard residential building design. The fate of this building was not easy: it burned down several times, it was rebuilt, corrected, and reconstructed several times. It was never used for its intended purpose.

Mansion on the embankment

Initially, the Bank office was located here, then the Exchange Office, the Commercial Bank, then the city customs office.

In 1964, the building was transferred to the Museum of Fine Arts (since 1994 - the State Museum Association "Artistic Culture of the Russian North").
For several years, an exhibition of ancient Russian art was housed here, then the museum’s funds.

Since the early 80s, the Mansion has been under restoration. On September 9, 1998, after the completion of restoration work, the museum opened the exhibition “Portrait in an Ancient Interior” in the renovated halls, which makes it possible to trace the change in artistic styles in the development of the interior of the late 18th - early 20th centuries.

The five halls of the mansion - a portrait room and a men's study, a blue living room, a boudoir and a dining room take us back to a bygone time. Furniture, paintings, mirrors, porcelain fill the house with the spirit of previous eras and return us to the once leisurely conscious city life.

3D tour

Excursion services are provided by purchasing an excursion voucher and entrance tickets for each person in the group at the museum ticket office. The excursion voucher is valid only if you have an entrance ticket.

Entrance fee to the permanent exhibition
Full ticket
100 rub. per person
Discount ticket
60 rub. per person
Visitors upon presentation of a “Tourist Passport” 80 rub. per person
Thematic excursion
1 academic hour, group up to 25 people
750 rub. from the group
Sightseeing tour of the museum
2 academic hours, group up to 25 people
1500 rub. from the group
Creative workshop with excursion

60 rub. per person

Master Class

60 rub. per person

Interactive lesson

50 rub. per person

Game program

60 rub. per person

(1 academic hour, group up to 25 people, schoolchildren, students)
Sightseeing tour in English
(1 academic hour, group up to 25 people, adults)
Price does not include entrance ticket

Thematic excursion prepared at the request of the customer (order period at least 2 weeks in advance)

20% of the cost of thematic excursion

Excursion services outside the museum's opening hours at the request of the customer

Lecture (2 academic hours)

Full ticket

Lecture (2 academic hours)

Discount ticket

CLASSES without purchasing an entrance ticket

Field lesson (creative workshop or interactive lesson)

140 rub. per person

Visiting lecture (schoolchildren, students) 1 academic hour 75 rub. per person
Lesson “Art workshop “Painting” 75 rub. per person

Visiting conditions for foreign citizens

Excursion services are provided by purchasing an excursion voucher and entrance tickets for each person in the group at the museum’s ticket office. The excursion package is valid only with an entrance ticket.

Ancient mansion on the Embankment

Description of the house: basic vocabulary

What does home mean to each of us? A place to sleep and shower? Or maybe the smell of vanilla buns is associated with a warm homely atmosphere? We all have a place where we grew up and a dream of an ideal home. Therefore, if you are asked to tell a few words about your home, then you should become familiar with the vocabulary on this topic.

Before talking about furniture, you can start nicely with distant or introductory phrases. This will help you construct a logical statement while still intriguing your listener. All the vocabulary on this topic is quite extensive, but not complicated. Let's start with the big, general stuff, and finish with the small details.

Types of houses

Some people like high-rise buildings, while others prefer private country houses. This is a matter of taste and personal preference. And now we’ll tell you what all this is called in English.

The English call an apartment building or multi-storey building apartment building / block of flats. Each apartment (flat or apartment) is on a certain floor (floor) in a separate entrance (porch). Some of them have balcony, some are under the most roof. A required element is a window ( windows), looking into which you can see a drainpipe ( gutter). Well, any home cannot do without doors, which cannot be said about the basement ( basement) and stairs ( staircase/stairs).

Unlike our country, the British and Americans are a little more picky about the names of houses. One family lives in Detached house, it is private property. A similar style, but slightly different in purpose, is duplex (semidetached house). This two-story building consists of two apartments and different entrances. They have one common wall. The Cottage is a more luxurious country house with a garden. Well, very wealthy people live in mansions. Many families have a vacation house, which we used to call a dacha, the American version of a bungalow or ranch. A room with not just many floors and apartments, but a lot, is today called a skyscraper (skyscrapers or multi-storied buildings). If the houses are located in a row and connected to each other (very popular in America), then in English we will call them terraced house or row house. Although many cannot afford to live in the listed types, so they live in barracks (hut).

Favorite room

Each of us has places in the house that we love more, in which we feel more comfortable and calm. They usually prepare food in the kitchen, although some have a dining room where they like to eat. In the evening, the family gathers in the living room, where they discuss pressing problems. It is better to relax in the bedroom. Opening the front door, you find yourself in the entrance hall, then in the corridor. Today, it is rare that there are no modern amenities: a bathroom and a toilet. But not everyone has a closet where they store supplies for the winter or other non-essential items.

Everyone strives to make their home convenient and comfortable (comfortable - about the atmosphere / convenient - about amenities). That is why houses are equipped with modern conveniences, such as chute, central heating, cold and hot running water, electricity, telephone. Some of them have air conditioning.

Create comfort

Furniture items that make our existence easier help make our lives comfortable. What do you have in your bedroom, kitchen or living room? Find all the expressions in the table.

TV set TV carpet carpet
computer computer chandelier chandelier
freezer freezer coffee table coffee table
plug socket plug cupboard kitchen cabinet
DVD player video player curtain curtains
refrigerator/fridge fridge desk desk
stereo system stereo system desk lamp desk lamp
socket socket dining table dinner table
armchair armchair drawer dresser
sofa/coach sofa dressing table dressing table
wall unit wall dishwasher Dishwasher
built-in furniture Built in furniture gas cooker gas stove
bookshelf shelf mirror mirror
sofa-bed sofa bed puff ottoman
bookcase bookshelf plant pot a flower pot
piano piano microwave microwave
cushion small pillow sink/basin sink
bedside table bedside table wardrobe wardrobe
put-out sofa pull-out sofa hall-stand hanger

Some useful expressions

To describe that something is located somewhere, the phrase there is / there are is used in English. If we want to show the position relative to the sides, then use the expression to be located on the right/ on smb’s right/ to the right of smth. We place some items at hand (to be at hand).

Ancient mansion

If you are attracted to life in a metropolis or the very center of the city, then say it this way: to live in the town centre/ downtown. And if you like fresh air, then move to the suburbs (in the suburbs) or to the outskirts (on the outskirts).

Home, sweet home. - -Home Sweet Home.

An Englishman's home is castle. - My home is my castle.

Make yourself at home. - Make yourself at home.

It's home from home. “It’s as good here as at home.”

It's not in my backyard. - My hut is on the edge.

Men make houses, women make homes. - Men build walls, and women create comfort.

There is no place like home. “There’s no place like home.”

East or West home is best. - Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Have you figured out what your house is called in English? Have you chosen your favorite room and furnished it with beautiful and cozy furniture? Then all this should be seasoned with a proverb, which will add brightness and richness. By connecting individual words and expressions, you get a logical text. You will find examples of such topics in the articles “Description of a house in English”, “Description of an apartment”, “Description of a room”. You will definitely need them.

It turns out that in the capital you can not only enjoy the splendor of ancient houses and mansions that seem closed from the common people from the outside, but also get inside. And there!.. Let's trample these paths.

SMIRNOV'S MANSION: Masks of sinners, the courtroom and the owner's escape

Tverskoy Blvd., 18.

Legend: the son of vodka maker Smirnov, Peter, rebuilt this mansion at the end of the 19th century (by ordering the work from Fyodor Shekhtel himself!) for his mistress.

Life truth: the “mistress” had been Smirnov’s legal wife for several years. They even had three children. Two more will appear in this mansion. Fate, alas, is destined for them...

Main characters: masks of sinners on the wall in the fireplace room, which Shekhtel designed in the form of... a temple. You walk in, look up - bam! - and everything reminds you that you are a sinner! Well, it was not for nothing that it was in this hall that the Soviet government, seemingly alien to mysticism, having expropriated the mansion, immediately set up a Revolutionary Tribunal.

In the next room, where the “closet” door leads, you will understand why you cannot go out onto the balcony floating above Tverskoy Boulevard. And finally, you will freeze with delight in the Egyptian Hall, made in the form of a temple of art. Balls were planned here, but in 1910 Smirnov died of the flu, and the widow began renting out the hall for card games...

Zigzag of fate after the revolution II: Smirnova fled abroad, leaving her children, hoping to take them out later. But only one daughter will make it to her mother in France alive... And after the tribunal, the mansion will be occupied by the prosecutor's office and the court.

: Now the house is rented for all sorts of events - for example, a fashion show. They say that Pugacheva celebrated one of her birthdays here. You can also come on a tour with the projects “Moscow that doesn’t exist”, “Travel Store”. From 800 rub.

MANSION OF THE OLD BELIEVER NOSOV: The miracle house appeared thanks to a family scandal

st. Elektrozavodskaya, 12.

Legend: the mansion was built due to the fact that the merchant Vasily Nosov, who had a cloth factory (under the USSR - the Wool Research Institute), did not want to live under the same roof with his son’s fiancee, who came from a family of other Old Believers - the Ryabushinskys.

Life truth: Yes, Nosov did not like the Ryabushinskys. Firstly, for the strict conduct of business: for those, the plant was a BUSINESS, but for Nosov it was a FAMILY. He celebrated holidays with the workers, treated them, and took care of their families. Secondly, the Nosovs and Ryabushinskys belonged to different Old Believers. And so, when the son of Vasily Dmitrievich fell in love with Euphemia Ryabushinskaya, the stubborn merchant left the old house to the newlyweds, and he called the then famous architect Lev Kekushev to build him a separate home! And he, at the beginning of the 20th century, erected a wooden example of Art Nouveau, so intricate and wavy that roofers, for example, still cannot figure out how to repair this geometrically broken roof with endlessly uneven eaves...

Main characters:“female” and “male” halves of the mansion. Nosov settled here with one of his daughters: she and the servants were upstairs, he was downstairs. And Kekushev took this into account: for the “female half” he created air fireplaces, for the “male half” - powerful ones, with character to match the owner, who doused himself with cold water until he was 70 years old!

Zigzag of fate after the revolution: The Nosovs were evicted, and the house was given over to a hostel for workers at the Wool Research Institute. The mansion was becoming sad and crumbling before our eyes. Restoration began in the 90s. The merchant's descendants brought here pre-revolutionary family belongings and photographs - so in the mansion you get the impression that you are visiting, and the owners came out for a minute.

How to get to an ancient mansion in Moscow: to events of the Russian Library for Youth (its branch is here). Or with the projects “Moscow, which does not exist” and “Moskvahod” (then they will also give you a tour). From 650 rub.

PASHKOV HOUSE: Oath of the emperors and the “well of Grozny” in the courtyard

Vozdvizhenka, 3/5, building 1.

Legend: the architect Vasily Bazhenov, whom Catherine II had just removed from the restructuring of the Kremlin, was offended by the empress and built the house with its back to the Kremlin.

Life truth: in fact, it was necessary to build an entrance to the house, but it was unthinkable to build one from the Kremlin side: the mansion was built on a hill! That’s why the entrance to it was from Starovagankovsky Lane. But the garden facade, which we see from the Mokhovaya side, is so good that after the fire of 1812, this house was the first to be restored at the expense of the treasury (!). It was here, on the balcony, that the Prussian emperor, the father of the future wife of Nicholas I, was brought in 1818, when he wanted to look at post-fire Moscow. He looked at the simultaneous greatness and devastation, fell to his knees and, together with his sons, immediately swore not to fight with Russia. The place of this “oath of the emperors” can be seen from the inside by approaching the huge windows of the hall. In which, according to another legend, Natasha Rostova danced. But this is not true. By the way, the owner of the house, the son of Peter the Great’s orderly, Pyotr Pashkov, who was selling vodka, never danced here either. The War of 1812 and that same fire interfered...

Main characters: In addition to the splendor of the interiors, there is also a recently discovered megawell in the courtyard. They were looking for the famous library of Ivan the Terrible in it. Not found. According to another version, the well leads to a dungeon that connects Vagankovsky Hill with the Kremlin.

Excursionists are allowed to go down a steep flight of stairs, but you won’t be able to stay for long: as soon as the light from above stops falling on the narrow steps, you’ll want to go back as soon as possible, and God be with him, with Grozny... It’s better to return to the Pashkov House and sit in a real library - Rumyantsevskaya, - where Tolstoy went for 40 years and where they let you look through huge old books!

How to get to an ancient mansion in Moscow: excursions are conducted by the company “Step by Step” and, of course, the owner of the Pashkov House - the Russian Library (popularly known as Leninka). From 500 rub.

The building of the Ancient Mansion is located in Arkhangelsk. It was built in 1786. The fate of this house was not easy: it burned down several times, was rebuilt several times, corrected, reconstructed, and was never used for its intended purpose. At first there was a Bank office here, then a Exchange office, a Commercial Bank and, finally, a city customs office.

In 1964, the building was transferred to the Museum of Fine Arts. For several years, an exhibition of ancient Russian art was located here, and later - museum collections. Since the early 1980s, the Mansion has been restored. The opening of the museum took place in September 1998. The first exhibition – “Portrait in an ancient interior” – provided an opportunity to see the transformation of artistic styles in the interior of the late 18th – early 20th centuries. The formation of the ensemble, which, in addition to portraiture, includes furniture, mirrors, and porcelain, made it possible to create a special atmosphere in which works of fine art seem to awaken when they find themselves in an environment close to them. The house has a permanent exhibition “Portrait in an ancient interior”.

Since the Mansion on the Embankment was never in the possession of a specific family, the authors of the exhibition decided not to reproduce the original interior. But on the other hand, the museum’s funds contained furnishings and household items from the 18th – early 20th centuries. Therefore, it was decided to restore the living environment, into which the museum exhibits would fit organically.

The Portrait Gallery of the Old Mansion features works that come from local institutions and old houses. Among them you can see a portrait of I.K. Bazhenin (a person related to Arkhangelsk) and royal portraits: Peter the Great, Elizaveta Petrovna, Pavel Petrovich (II half of the 18th century). The portrait gallery characterized the owner’s taste and was the subject of his pride and vanity.

The owner's office was one of the main rooms of the noble house and represented, in a way, its intellectual and economic center. The main place in the cabinet exhibition is occupied by portraits of Arkhangelsk governors of the 18th century: T.I. Tutolmina, P.P. Konovnitsyn and others. The interior recreates the decoration of an office from the late 18th – early 19th centuries.

In the living room of the Old Mansion you can feel the atmosphere of a town house from the first quarter of the 19th century. The living room of the 19th century was a place where they read and empathized out loud, did handicrafts, “explained themselves,” and played music. Of course, it is difficult to imagine a living room without a piano. In addition, marble sculpture and bronze items occupy the main place in the interior decoration. The heart of the living room is her portraits, which at the beginning of the 19th century served as an indicator of her standard of living and position in society. Most often, the portraits were anonymous: not only the author, but also the people depicted in them are unknown. A group of such portraits was placed above the sofa.

The house contains a room with a women's boudoir (mid-19th century), where the mistress of the house took a break from social duties, read, did handicrafts, and carried out the obligatory correspondence, as evidenced by the elegant bureau-secretary. Also here you can see a dressing table and a table for needlework. The picturesque paintings of this room convey a variety of moods, in tune with the world of a woman. Here you can see romantic paintings by Aivazovsky, Sudkovsky, Bogolyubov, a sentimental idyll of a Western artist in the Rococo style, “Family Scene” by the artist Charles van den Dele and, of course, portraits of children. The pearl of the women's boudoir is “Portrait of an Unknown Woman,” donated to Arkhangelsk by the Russian Museum in 1929, and it came to the museum from the artist’s studio.

The final hall of the Mansion is the dining room. It was usually a bright, comfortable room. The main place in the interior is occupied by the extendable “centipede” table, around which all family members gathered. It was necessary in the dining room to have glass cabinets in which various items made of porcelain, glass, and earthenware were displayed. A special place in the decoration was given to porcelain. At the end of the 19th century, it was not just an object of collecting and representation, but was a necessary part of table setting. On the wall you can see “Portrait of a Woman in a White Dress” by A.I. Vakhrameev, portrait of N.D. Vidyakina by an unknown artist.

The old mansion on the Embankment lives a bright, active life. Thematic exhibitions and excursions are regularly organized here, arousing genuine interest among local residents and tourists. In the halls of the mansion you can hear chamber music, balls for children, social events, receptions and presentations are held.