Business casual style. Business casual style: a new word in office fashion

At first glance, with his relaxation, combination of various things and disdain for deliberate neatness and gloss, it has nothing to do with strict office style. However, a special trend within this style has long been formed, which is called casual business.

Application of business casual style

This style symbolizes the release from the strict rules of the office dress code. He appeared as an alternative to business suits. In many, even the most strict, corporations, on Fridays, the bosses give indulgence to their employees and allow them to change boring suit trousers or skirts for comfortable jeans. This style marks the onset of the weekend and the long-awaited vacation.

Many companies, where the requirements for the appearance of employees are not so strict, have long adopted the business casual style as a daily form of clothing. It does not violate the rules of decency, allows you to receive even demanding partners in your office and, at the same time, gives more space for employees to express themselves and makes them feel more comfortable.

This style is also in demand by university students, as it combines a demonstration of individuality and respect for traditions. educational institution. Students in schools that have not yet introduced uniforms can also look quite appropriate in business casual attire.

Business casual style for women

It is easy to guess that the basis of the business casual dress code is jeans of various shapes and colors, jackets or blazers. Despite the fact that there are no clear requirements for the style and design of jeans, you should still avoid models with torn legs, decorated with rhinestones and sequins, as well as frilly silhouettes (for example, options with a low step line). A jacket, unlike the daily greys, blacks and navy blue suits, can be dyed enough bright colors, you should only avoid unnatural, acidic tones.

Autumn - the beginning of working days

As much as we would not like it, but sooner or later, summer ends, and workdays begin. Polo shirts, shorts and summer jeans we are forced to leave in favor office clothes. This article is for those who do not fully belong to the corporate world, but, nevertheless, are serious about work and their working style of clothing. For employees of the financial and legal sectors who exist in a strict dress code, this article will also be of interest, since no one has canceled business casual on Fridays.

The rise of business casual

Business casual has emerged relatively recently with the growth in popularity and the opportunity to make good money in media / IT and various startups. In fact, this is a business style in which you can add your creativity, mood and charisma. In this article, the site will tell you how to properly maintain a balance between a business suit and casual style, as well as about the basic things that a business should definitely include. casual style.

1. Blazer

Basically, you only need three blazers for the office: navy blue, gray tweed for cooler weather, and a beige cotton blazer for warmer weather.
The main thing is that all three elements should have high armholes, be fitted, slightly shorter than an office jacket:

Key options:

2. Pants

The ideal business casual trousers are chinos. We recommend no arrows, tapered, navy blue, grey, beige or brown. You can also use black or gray flannel pants as trousers, and you need to buy models that are sold separately from the suit. If you decide to add jeans to your business casual style, then we advise you to choose dark blue, without scuffs and holes, narrowed and slightly short so that they look harmoniously with classic shoes.

Key options:

3. Sweaters

Opt for breathable materials such as merino wool and cotton. For cold weather, we recommend sheepskin six and cashmere. As for the shape, they will look perfect V-shaped sweaters and cardigans, they can be combined with a shirt. A turtleneck sweater will look great with a blazer.

Key options:

4. Shirts

5. Ties

As a rule, in an office where the dress code is business casual, a tie is completely optional. But we still recommend wearing it on a special occasion. important events: at presentations, meetings with investors, etc. A tie will complete your style and emphasize your serious and fighting spirit. If you only need one, then we recommend buying the navy blue silk, which goes perfectly with almost everything.
If you are still ready to heed our advice and buy at least three, then we recommend the following ties: gray wool, dark blue in white stripe, black / gray dots and dark red.

6. Shoes

Our advice is to go for everything classic: slim black derbies, brown oxfords, burgundy loafers, brown brogues or high boots. You can even wear sneakers on some days, but you should choose black or brown, and always made of leather.
Remember that people only value you based on how well your shoes fit, especially in business, so don't skimp on good couple and be sure to take good care of it.

7. Accessories

We leave the decision on accessories to you, but we advise you to assess your surroundings, your business partners, how they will react to this before adding an extravagant scarf, a bright clip for a tie or shirt collar. If there is not much space for creativity, then it is better to stop at a good watch.

Today "Beautiful and Successful" will talk about how create business image while remaining yourself. What we do not invent, so that every morning, going to the office, to look according to the dress code and at the same time original and unusual. There is an official loophole in the world rules of business style, which allows, within reason, of course, to wear your favorite things. Meet: , a style that will allow you to look businesslike and at the same time feel comfortable.

So, many are familiar with the strict rules and restrictions of business style. But not everyone knows that there are several "sub-styles"business-style in clothes:

  • formal or strict business style
  • business with elements of glamor
  • business casual (business casual)

The last one is also called informal business style, involves the wearing of individual items classical style, freely combined both with each other and with elements from other styles.

This style also allows you to use in the wardrobe wider range of colors, as well as apply fabrics that are not allowed in strict business, for example, corduroy, knitwear and even denim. In the elements of clothing related to this style, there are also details from other styles, most often sports, military, safari and, of course, casual - zippers, patch pockets, etc.

In addition, true fans of business casual distinguish multiple levels of this style - depending on the number of "informal" elements, as well as the situation for which the wardrobe is selected.

The least businesslike is the so-called exclusive level, which even allows the wearing of club jackets and blazers.

We owe the appearance of this style to people of such professions, like programmers and IT people. It was they who at one time refused to wear anything other than their favorite jeans to the offices of large corporations. After that "convenient-business" style everyone preferred more people from different areas activities. Among the most famous fans of this style are Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

Wardrobe items that business casual allows

  • straight jeans (but not low waisted)
  • monochromatic, but different colors tops
  • a dress with a belt or a classic sundress with a bright scarf
  • knitted cardigan with a calm dress
  • a sweater worn over a shirt and paired with jeans
  • jacket with short sleeve or rolled up sleeves
  • straight or tapered fabric polo trousers
  • knee-length skirt or shorts, capri (summer business casual options -)
  • knitted or cotton T-shirt
  • opaque lace

Business casual limits

No matter how democratic this style is, it is quite easy to cross the boundaries here.

Therefore, the site will list several points to pay attention to, choosing wardrobe elements for a “strictly free” look.

  • Under a strict ban there are still bright prints, deep necklines, an open stomach, a strapless top or a see-through blouse, torn clothes, colorful stripes and too tight-fitting things, sneakers, slippers.
  • Concerning shoes, business-casual allows you to go to the office in shoes made of suede and soft leather and even ballet flats. When choosing such less strict shoes, avoid a lot of unnecessary details, especially shiny ones, such as rhinestones.
  • Choose bag medium size, high quality leather. By the way, fans of business casual tend to make things made of leather look a little worn.
  • In your image it can also be one rich bright accessory that draws attention to itself.

  • In business-casual no place for the latest fashion. After all, the style is primarily business, which means that your clothes should not distract colleagues from work.
  • Is yours wardrobe must match the position which you occupy. For example, if the boss can afford to wear a club jacket to a presentation, then you need to focus on how your colleagues dress, not the boss.
  • Business casual rules apply only to clothes and accessories– your make-up should still be restrained, and the amount of perfume should be moderate.
  • Clothing should never be casual. On the contrary, in this style it is necessary to emphasize neatness, neatness and neatness. This, as in a strict business style, applies to manicure and hair condition.

Business casual style will help you at any time of your active day look appropriate to the situation and feel comfortable with it.

And a pair of bright earrings or other evening accessories, “pulled” out of your purse at the right time, will make you ready for a party or meeting with friends right after the end of the working day.

Author - Ekaterina Maksimova, website - Beautiful and Successful

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Style is a very broad and multifaceted concept. Speaking of style, we mean the unity of several basic characteristics - both aesthetic and practical. It is often problematic to draw a clear line between two different stylistic directions - they can intersect. One can only highlight the general and most outstanding qualities that determine whether the image belongs to one or.

Today the site Stylish Trick will tell you in more detail about what features distinguish

The main features of business casual style

business style casual you can also meet under the name smart casual - in principle, this is the same thing.

Business casual style owes its birth to the features modern image life. Today, a person wants to be everywhere and everywhere and do everything in the world. And at the same time - to feel comfortable, but look decent.

In itself, the phrase business casual sounds somewhat contradictory. Business is a “business”, “commercial activity”. Casual is "sloppy", "everyday". Thus, business casual style is a conglomeration of elements of a classic look with everyday loose details of clothing.

Today business casual style is officially recognized in many organizations. It allows employees to feel quite relaxed and comfortable in the workplace, but with a sense of proportion.

Some firms recognize business casual only on Friday: employees mark the beginning of the weekend with their appearance.

But those who have to communicate with people, serve customers, conduct negotiations and interviews, it is unsuitable to look sloppy and loose. Jeansday does not suggest that workers should become dock workers.

What ensembles will match the style of business casual? classic jeansblack or dark blue, top or some bright blouse, jacket and pumps - here typical image business casual style.

If you are invited on a date after work, or you and your colleagues are going to celebrate the end of the working week in the nearest bar, all you need to do is take off your jacket, put on brighter makeup and add some spectacular jewelry to the ensemble.

Business casual style frees men from ties. It is permissible to wear T-shirts or turtlenecks under the jacket. Also in a classic way in this style there will be a thin V-neck jumper worn over the shirt.

The image in business casual style excludes both the emphasized eroticism of the image and hypertrophied asexuality. Mini-skirts and dresses with a deep neckline, as well as shapeless huge sweaters and hoodie trousers, equally contradict him.

Comfort also does not imply sloppiness. If you do not put on a strict business suit, this does not mean at all that you can come with a peeled manicure or with a torn off button.

As for shoes, the most suitable options would be comfortable pumps on a low stable heel, moccasins, boots on flat sole. Slippers, slates, overly elegant sandals, rough boots with corrugated soles - this is all from another opera.

When choosing clothes for the office, you should not show colleagues that you have tattoos or piercings.

Jewelry and accessories should be concise and solid. Business casual style especially favors neckerchiefs and scarves. In general, functional accessories are preferred over purely decorative ones.

When choosing clothes in business casual style, be guided primarily by the canons good taste. Remember that a too laconic outfit is always better than an overdressed one. And don't forget that work is always work, and if you want to earn (or keep) a reputation as a professional, match it with your appearance.

This is not prudish for you. This is a great opportunity to change tight office trousers into spacious ones. Business casual is common name relaxed style for business people, tired of strict office rules, when you can look businesslike, but in clothes that do not constrain the party visitor with excessive severity and the fear of spilling red wine on an expensive tie.

Why is a dress code needed?

"Understanding the intricacies of the dress code and being able to choose the right suit for the occasion is critical in the business world," says Darlene Price, president of Well Said Corporation. - "The appearance of employees must comply with company standards. This means, among other things, proper appearance when meeting with a client, at presentations and other events where a person represents not so much a person as a business, of which he is a part.

According to Price, in her 20 years in leadership positions of the most common cause absence career development a qualified employee was his or her inability to dress and appearing in the office in inappropriate suits.

"Many smart, educated, skilled and capable employees - both men and women - are in lower positions than they could be, or are laid off simply because their appearance does not correspond to the higher status that they could well claim. "They look "cheaper" than their professional abilities are actually worth. And although clothing does not impair business qualities in any way, the suit directly affects how others perceive the representative of the company. And therefore, the likelihood of getting a certain position," says Price .

A separate problem is that most people do not understand the modern dress code. Even in something as simple as business casual.

What is business casual?

Until now, there is no clear definition for this style. "The dress code depends on several factors: the direction of the company, its size, the number of employees, the number of meetings between representatives of the firm and clients, the geographical region and climate, the culture of the country and the company, as well as the average age of the firm's employees," states Price.

She also explains: "Most companies define business casual as 'a professional, businesslike look that allows for looser, more casual elements of clothing.'" A very exhaustive description.

The "business casual" style usually includes trousers, a dress shirt, an open collar blouse, or a polo shirt. A tie is not required, but possible. A sports jacket is an optional addition to the suit (depending on the season). For women, skirts or dresses that are knee-length or below are acceptable. The style allows you to wear knitted sweaters and jumpers. Shoes must cover most feet. The right choice there will be loafers or dress shoes.