Skinhead hairstyle. Skinheads

Healthy indifference - it is sincere, it has healthy karma and it corresponds to human nature.

PS: can be used as a signature

  • Those who don't care are a more subtle matter.
    Pofigists are a very common species.
    Sometimes he doesn't give a damn, but he is capable of genius.
  • Who don't care who are they?
    1) Don't care - the highest degree of optimism
    2) To be a don’t care, you have to be born one. It is customary to dissuade those who want to become an asshole from such a step, because it is better to be a good asshole/sheist/pagan than a bad indifference
    Not caring is a way of psychological protection from many problems. First of all, from those that you cannot influence. In conditions modern world this is the most effective method, since excessive emotions interfere with a sober assessment of the situation or simply ruin your nerves. In the future, the philosophy of not giving a damn may touch upon other issues absolutely of different nature. In general, people who don’t care are those people who simply don’t give a damn about most things, especially those that are imposed by many stupid moral standards instilled in them from childhood. (With)
  • continuation
    3) The essence of not giving a damn is to put in the minimum amount of effort to get the maximum effect (or not make any effort at all, but still get results); skip the stage of the process of solving a certain problem and immediately get the result.
    In other words, an indifference person is the golden mean between “indifferent-egoist” and “not giving a fuck.”

    4) Strive first of all to preserve the benefits that you already have, and only secondarily to acquire new benefits.
    Solve existing problems in such a way that you do not create new ones for yourself, or at least so that there are more problems being solved than those being created.
    Don’t create unnecessary troubles for yourself by worrying about problems that you cannot solve or those that your conscience allows you to leave behind (do they have one?).

  • Ending

    5) Many people think that people who don’t give a damn just “ lazy people", but this is not so. They simply save their strength and nerves for more significant and important things for them, a real person who doesn’t give a damn never pretends to be a clown and does not try to show what is not in him, he is either hidden or just the way he is there really is. (to be hidden? hmm “whoever needs it will understand and open you (c)”).

    6) What is not done, everything is done for the better, so you should not worry and burden yourself about what has already been done and what happened (the past should not become a ghost of the present).

  • Irka! I knew that you couldn’t pass by!)))
  • Not only did she not pass by, but she also entered with her humor!!!
    The father had three sons: greedy, cunning and indifferent. And he had three magic pipes: gold, silver and cast iron. And then my father died and did not have time to write down who should own which pipe.
    The greedy son immediately grabbed the golden trumpet. He opened the valve on it and a genie of oil came out of the pipe. And he made his greedy son an oligarch.
    The cunning son did not argue and took the silver pipe. He opened the valve on it and a gas genie came out of the pipe. And he made his cunning son prime minister.
    And the third son doesn’t care. And he said that he didn’t care about the cast iron pipe either. And the first two sons rushed to tear it from each other with their teeth. And the cast iron pipe burst. And the sewer genie came out of her. And he drowned both sons in shit. And he didn’t drown the third one, because he wouldn’t have cared about that either.
    Moral: in times of change, those who survive best are not those who fuss the most, but those who give a damn the most.
