Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin: Great care must be taken for the working man. Mark the numbers of the phrases where mistakes were made in management; you need to show great care to children. You need to show great care to children.

R The management of the Central and regional markets have repeatedly filed complaints with higher organizations.

J The spring sun creates a festive mood.

R Exactly at nine o'clock in the evening thirty salvos of festive fireworks sounded.

J A student hairdresser is looking for a model for a haircut.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

J The boy dreamed of becoming a geologist.

R In the May days, the press always wrote about the victory over Germany.

J There is no desire more natural than the desire for knowledge.

R Several new schools have opened in the capital this year.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Errors in coordination were made in the following sentences:

R I'll never see you again.

J He was admitted to hospital after calling an ambulance.

R You and your brother will do this work.

J Those who love to learn are never idle.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Errors in coordination were made in the following sentences:

R We entered a room covered with wallpaper.

R I spent two whole days preparing for the exam.

R One day, while leaving the stadium, we were stopped.

J Bodybuilder required.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Errors in coordination were made in the following sentences:

J School is an institution where children study.

R Having fixed the pencil, it broke again.

R Young people willingly listen to modern music.

R It seems that the cloud has turned into a monster looking at you from above.

Topic 15. Management standards “Basic level”

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

In phrases indicate the need, note the importance, dwell on it, keep in mind about it, state about it there was a mistake called...

J wrong word order

J incorrect agreement

R incorrect control

J incorrect connection

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

The controlled word is not in the case required by the main word in sentences:

R Students pay attention to the lecture notes.

J One who is cruel to animals cannot be kind.

J Nature appeared to us as a homeland, the motherland turned into a fatherland.

R According to the order of the rector, the head of the department went on a business trip.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

In sentences We rejoice..., We are devoted... dependent words must be put in... case.

R dative

J instrumental

J genitive

J prepositional

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Pretext from must be used in phrases:

J leave... factory

J return... Ural

R come... Ukraine

R exit... park

R leave... school

R come... university

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Derivative prepositions according to, in spite of, in defiance of, thanks to control... the case of a dependent word.

J instrumental

J prepositional

R dative

J genitive

"Average level"

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Errors in choosing the case form of a noun were made in the following sentences:

R We rejoice at our academic success.

J The time will come when the Russian language will begin to be studied along all meridians of the globe.

J People stop thinking when they stop reading.

R People lived very poorly, they didn’t even have salt in the house.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Errors in the choice of preposition and case form of the noun were made in the following sentences:

R These facts indicate that students do not read at all.

R Shyness and self-doubt have long been overcome.

J I miss my parents very much.

J Anyone who has been to the north in summer will forever remember the white nights.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Errors in the choice of preposition and case form of the noun were made in the following sentences:

R The poet sings about love and devotion to the Motherland.

R Great care should be taken towards children and the elderly.

J Good style is in the heart.

J Incorrect use of words entails errors in the field of thought.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Nouns return, expiration(term), arrival, end, arrival and so on. after a preposition By must be in... case.

J instrumental

R prepositional

J genitive

J dative

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Management errors were made in the following sentences:

J An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete.

R Lately things have been better with discipline.

R After graduating from school, I can enter any university.

R How was your life after arriving here?

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

R Seryozha threw himself into bed, covering himself with a pillow.

J Knowledge is such baggage that is never superfluous.

J Our task is to take care of nature conservation.

R Some students are slow to complete general assignments.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Management errors were made in the following sentences:

R It turned out that these claims were not based on anything.

R Meetings and collection of material arouse students’ interest in the city’s past.

J In autumn, heavy clusters of rowan cover the trees, bending their branches.

J Education does not consist in the amount of knowledge, but in the full understanding and skillful application of everything that you know.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Management errors were made in the following sentences:

R The writer clearly showed those qualities that do not adorn a person.

J Here the city will be founded in spite of its arrogant neighbor.

R The young hockey players were disappointed with the result of the game.

J I am always glad to notice the difference between Onegin and me.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Management errors were made in the following sentences:

J One day Swan, Cancer and Pike began to carry a cart with luggage.

R All students participated in cross-country skiing.

R The young man thought about how the teacher would treat him.

J A smart book will teach you a lot: kindness, honesty, nobility.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Management errors were made in the following sentences:

J If a thought cannot be expressed in simple words, then it is insignificant and must be discarded.

J You need to strive high and back up your aspirations with hard work.

R According to the rector’s order, my session was extended.

R I will talk about the difficulties later.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Management errors were made in the following sentences:

R Pay attention to your health.

J The abuse of scientific language turns into a science of words what should be a science of facts.

J The less a person knows, the less he doubts.

    Task (( 1 )) TK 1.

Pretext thanks to inappropriate in sentences:

R The walk did not take place due to heavy rain.

J Thanks to the resourcefulness of the commander, the regiment won.

J Thanks to the teacher’s help, I began to write correctly.

R Due to the river flooding, crossing to the other side is impossible.

1. We must wish schoolchildren new successes in their studies so that we can rejoice in these successes.

2. Some students are slow in completing general assignments.

3. Shyness and self-doubt have long been overcome.

4. Meetings and collection of materials arouse students’ interest in the city’s past.

5. And then it turned out that these claims were not based on anything.

6. The young hockey players were disappointed with the result of the first meeting.

7. The poet sings of devotion to the Motherland.

8. Great care must be taken towards children.

9. The writer clearly showed those qualities that do not adorn a person.

10. Seryozha threw himself into bed, covering himself with a pillow.

11. These facts indicate that schoolchildren have completely stopped reading.

12. The young man was thinking about how he would be treated at the new school.

13. The whole class took part in cross-country skiing.

14. Feathered friends arrived from distant countries.

15. I will talk about the difficulties later.

16. The discussion participants supported their proposals with examples.

17. The students were taught this at school.

18. It has been repeatedly emphasized that a straightforward approach to the subject impoverishes the results of the study.

19. So, for example, in the story by Eugene Ionesco, the life of the village is described,

20. The reader asks to explain the role of literature.

Place the noun in the correct case, adding a preposition if necessary.

1. Be surprised (ability).

3. Reconcile (disadvantages).

4. Greet (the winners).

5. Congratulate (good luck).

6. Meet (hero).

7. Avoid (answer).

8. Be convinced (right).

9. Admire (painting).

10. Engage (work).

Insert suitable prepositions; Put the words in brackets into the correct form.

1. ... (resourcefulness) of the regiment commander won.

2. ... (flood) the river, the crossing to the other bank did not take place.

3. In winter... (severe cold) classes in schools were interrupted for several days.

4. The walk did not take place... (heavy rain).

5. ... (advice) from the teacher, the wall newspaper has become more interesting.

6. ... (expectation) the fish was caught well.

7. Take medications... (doctor's prescription).

8. ... (expectations) our team did not take a prize.

9. The first stage of residential buildings was put into operation... (graph).

10. Wet cleaning of the premises should be carried out daily... (director’s order).

Find sentences in which there is an error in the use of gerunds and participial phrases.

1. By translating a poem into another language, it loses its beauty.

2. Once on the coast, we collected shells.

3. While completing the task, students turned to reference literature.

4. Smiling, the baby walked quickly down the street.

5. Having arrived in Pskov, I liked the second day of our excursion.

6. Having opened the collection of works, I was immediately interested in the story.

7. Having entered the trolleybus and having driven a little, the controllers entered it.

8. By placing punctuation marks incorrectly, the sentence may lose its meaning.

10. When traveling, I always keep a diary.

11. Having rested, thoughts come to mind better.

12. Having received a high mark for my essay, I was simply happy.

13. Entering the tram, I sat down in an empty seat:

14. Having fixed the pencil, it broke again.

15. After resting a little, I began to think about a new route.

Determine the nature of errors made in complex sentences.

A. The word order is broken.

B. Necessary words may be missing.

B. Direct speech is incorrectly converted into indirect speech.

D. Stringing of subordinate clauses is allowed.

D. Agreement is broken.

1. His characters, who are described throughout the entire work, whom you get used to and begin to like, suddenly die at the end.

2. Here everyone can do what they like best, closer and more accessible.

3. I associate a sad time with loneliness, when a person closes himself in his own little world and has no one to talk to and no one to pour out his soul to.

4. School is where children study.

5. The wolf asked the fox to give me some fish.

Correct errors in complex sentences.

1. People are changing, their minds already have thoughts about happiness.

2. Because of the misfortunes of the people, the clergy suffers - they cannot take the last penny from the poor..

3. Imagine the surprise of the public when they saw Salvini’s white hands again.

4. It is true what they say that the Russian peasant has a wide, boundless soul - they work tirelessly, drink until they die.

5. Children who are asked a lot are usually very nervous.


Determine which language level the following speech errors belong to. A. Orthoepic. B. Lexical. B. Morphological. G. Syntactic.

1. I feel sorry for this animal.

2. On weekends, my class and I hang out and go to the movies.

3. Suddenly screams, whistles and stomping were heard.

4. At the end of both days of this event there is a concert for children.

5. This is a novel free from all boundaries and norms of literary style.

6. I was all damp from the rain.

7. The young people were happy and excited.

8. I just can’t overcome the language barrier.

9. In this matter, the decision of the entire class has a positive role.

10. Each of us would not mind having fun by sledding, skiing, or skating.

77. Choose a) equal options, b) semantic options, c) stylistic options, d) normative-chronological options.

1. Lower - lower reaches.

2. Doors - doors.

3. Hippopotamus - hippopotamus.

4. Knees - knees.

6. Waving - waving.

7. Rust - rust.

8. Exhibit - exhibit.

9. Curtain - curtain.

10. Giraffe - giraffe.

11. Kr e dit-cred And T.

12. Fake - artificial.

13. Currents - currents.

14. To be reputed to be a merry fellow is to be reputed to be a merry fellow.

15. Now - now.

16. Linguistics - linguistics.

17. Volumes - volumes.

18. Fl e ytovy - flutes O vy.

19. In the forest - in the forest.

20. Moves - moves.

21. D e vichiy - dev And chiy.

22. Conductor - conductress

23. Drink fruit juice - drink fruit juice.

24. Passes - passes.

25. Pr And bite - prick at With.

26. Artificial - artificial.

27. Head - head.

28. AND skra - sparks A.

29. Horses - horses.

30. I saw - I saw.

31. Dahlia - dahlia.

32. R A course - cancer at rs.

33. Commander's order - order of the commander.

34. Directors - directors.

35. Camps - camps.

36. Left hand - shuitsa.

37. Thief - thief.

38. Extend - extend.

39. In the garden - in the garden.

40. Language And- language s ki.

78. Classify the proposed options, determining their type and language level.

I. Orthoepic.

II. Lexical.

III. Morphological.

IV. Syntactic.

A. Equal.

B. Semantic.

B. Stylistic.

G. Normative-chronological.

1. AND rice - ir And With.

2. Teachers are teachers.

3 Eyes - eyes.

4. Sables - sables.

5. Hall - hall.

6. Rzh A rusty e t.

7. Walk in the evenings - walk in the evenings.

8. K O MPA - computer A With.

9. Forehead - brow.

10. Ukr A Insky - Ukrainian And nsky.

79. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Mark the sentences where a) the form of the gerund is chosen incorrectly, b) there is a mixture of direct and indirect speech.

1. Walking along the corridor, Deforge felt that he was being pushed into the room.

2. Arriving in Jurmala, we really liked the beach.

3. While going for a walk, an adventure happened to us.

4. Arriving in the city, it was still dark.

5. By answering questions, a text is already obtained.

6. The conductor said that let's go back.

7. The girl told her mother that I wasn’t going anywhere.

8. My son said that I cannot study when the fatherland is in danger.

9. Finding himself in the dark, the wind blew on the boy.

10. Having climbed the mountain, picturesque surroundings opened up before the tourists.

A. Pleonasm.

B. Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it.

D. Spelling error.

D. Mixing of paronyms.

1. Dubrovsky knew what mortal danger he was exposed to.

2. His first debut was successful.

3. While still at school, he was already hanging out with students.

4. Mom’s face was hidden by a thick veil.

5. Our craftsmen will install A blinds of any size.

Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Determine the type of errors you found.

A. Use of vernacular.

B. Violation of the orthoepic norm.

B. Error in determining the gender of a noun.

D. Error in the use of pronouns.

D. Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it.

1. Use the catalog to find the necessary literature.

2. Valentin cuts off ties with friends.

3. A classmate called us to her.

4. I presented the paid check.

5. I rowed with oars for a long time, which is why a callus appeared on my hand.

Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Determine the type of errors you found.

A. Use of jargon.

B. Violation of lexical compatibility.

B. Error in the formation of the case form.

Explain grammatical errors.

1. He loved and was passionate about reading. (same)

3. Entering the room, he looked at everyone.

4. The children wore Panama hats. (put it on)

5. Upon completion of the experiment, scientists will publish an analytical report. (upon completion)

6. Many of those who knew Chekhov recalled his fierce hatred of self-aggrandizement and arrogance. (to self-aggrandizement)

7. One of the Russian customs valued by many old Muscovites was oral storytelling. (Russian customs) ?

8. The great power of love between Orpheus and Eurydice is described in the book “Myths of Ancient Hellas”, compiled

9. The train arrived according to schedule.

10. One of the Russian writers who described Russian life in detail was Ivan Bunin.

11. I wrote to my friend that I miss her very much. (I miss her)

12. He is not far from the truth in his statements.

13. Spring was early in Rostov.

14. Classes went according to schedule. (according to the timetable)

16. Pay for travel on time. (pay for travel)

17. It seems that the cloud has turned into a monster looking at you from above. (looking)

18. Shakespeare, Gogol, Dostoevsky created not only types of people, but also types of the era.

19. Great care must be taken towards children. (child care)

20. Sad thoughts are associated with loneliness, when a person closes himself in his own little world and has no one to talk to. (the 2nd subordinate clause cannot refer to loneliness (if parallel) and cannot refer to the little world (if sequential))

21. Even in ancient times, amber was used as decoration, which is even mentioned by Homer in the poem “Odyssey”.

22. One of the functional styles, which has a special scope of application - art, is called artistic.

23. Thanks to various stylistic inclusions in artistic speech, an ironic or humorous nature of the narrative is created.

24. Everyone who came to Volgograd came to Mamayev Kurgan.

25. Teachers drew attention to the problems of primary education.

26. In the village they were interested in and believed everything unusual.

27. While in Moscow, I really missed Taganrog. (I missed Taganrog)

28.New materials about the Unified State Exam have appeared in the Education magazine. (in the magazine "Education")

29.My parents asked me if I wanted to go to university. (incorrectly formed subordinate clause)

30. Everyone who knows Chekhov’s work admires him.

31.The magazine “Sovremennik” publishes modern journalistic works. (Contemporary - modern)

32. After finishing school, I will go to college. (after finishing school)

33. When they asked him what your favorite character in the novel was, he said that he didn’t know yet. (incorrectly formed subordinate clause)

34.The library issued eight hundred and one books.

35. Grandmother loved her only grandson and worried about him.

36. These facts indicate that young people have completely stopped reading the classics. (the facts indicate that)

37. In the summer I will go to my grandfather’s village. (I'll go to my grandfather)

38. I returned from Rostov late in the evening. (from Rostov)

39. Contrary to the forecasts of meteorologists, it started to rain.

40. This was a fact obvious to him.