The color combination is bright green. Green color in clothes: stylish combinations and bright shades.

Choosing colors that go well with green is pretty easy. After all, nature itself tells them to us. Green is the color of tree crowns, grassy carpets, and crisp, ripe apples. It is associated in many people with youth, freshness, hope and tranquility. To properly and effectively add it to your wardrobe, you need to know what colors go well with green.

A very bright and fresh look is obtained, which combines green and white. It can be a green dress with white accessories, or vice versa, white with green, strict white suit with a green handbag, belt, shoes and a neckerchief, a heavily green coat, complemented by a white beret and handbag, etc. By the way, this combination can be taken into account for men.

IN summer time the whole world around us tells us a combination of green and yellow. True, in this case still, you should choose more muted shades of both colors so as not to look like a clown. So, for example, a dirty yellow belt or a shoe of the same shade is perfect for olive trousers.

What colors go with green, photos of perfect combinations

The trendy combination is green and purple. It is these colors that modern fashionistas choose this season. By the way, in this case, both colors can be very bright. Thanks to such a seemingly strict combination, you can make any image more stylish, effective and harmonious, even a business one. True, it is best if the advantage in this case is on the side of the green color.

As for black and green, this is a completely universal combination. It is suitable even for a festive or evening look. So, for example, a green floor-length dress is perfectly complemented by black shoes, a belt of the same color, a bag and various miniature jewelry. And for everyday bow, the combination of black and green will be very useful. At the same time, any color can have a quantitative advantage in this combination. In both cases, the image will look harmonious.

In general, knowing what colors go with green is important for every fashionista. Moreover, there are a huge number of such combinations.

You can complement the green outfit even with bright red accessories. Only in this case it is important to remember that there should be several times less red in the image than green. For example, one small detail.

And to find your own most spectacular and profitable combinations, do not be afraid to experiment.

Traditionally considered the color of harmony, closeness to nature, tranquility and striving for balance. It is also commonly believed that green symbolizes youth and youth, but in fact it depends on the shade and on the particular piece of clothing in which this color is used.

People who prefer green in their clothes are usually calm, cheerful and open. Ingenuous people dress in green, who know how to enjoy life and appreciate it. There is a popular belief that the color green awakens in a person hidden talents, ability and wisdom, so lovers of green clothes often have a spiritual focus.

Thinking about spring or summer, imagining a fresh lawn or forest, we see green more than all other colors - the color of life, hope.

Shades of green and their orientation

Green color in clothing, psychology defines it as far from unambiguous, since it has many shades. And many people tend to prefer one or another shade of green, depending on various factors. And when the kit folds up special combination colors in clothes, green and its use in this set also has some meaning.

So, green has several basic shades:

  • green-yellow (light, grassy, ​​sunny shade, awakening positive emotions and promoting interest and openness to the world);
  • green-blue (or green-blue; a shade close to cold contributes to calm, peace, clarity of thought);
  • bright emerald green (a juicy bright shade that indicates not only a person’s openness, but also a desire to stand out, as well as a desire for luxury).
The combination of green with others

People wear green clothes in different ways: it happens that the whole outfit is green, but more often you can see a combination of green in clothes with things of other colors.