The meaning of the combination of letters on the state sign. Combination

Names have been given great importance since ancient times. It was believed that it has a great influence on the character and destiny of a person. By deciphering the first letter of your name, you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself.

Each person can use the strengths of his name, thus influencing his destiny, character, abilities and passions. Therefore, our ancestors approached the choice of name with special care. Experts on the site present to your attention the decoding of the first letters of the name, which will help you determine your own path in life and set the right priorities to achieve well-being.


It means fortitude and the desire for success in all areas of life. Owners of names starting with this letter are hardworking and persistent, but in their feelings they are rarely capable of tenderness and attention. They demonstrate leadership qualities and are focused on achieving results. Experts on the site recommend that you pay attention to spiritual development, which will help restrain.


The letter reflects the desire for material wealth. People with names starting with this letter find it difficult to build personal relationships, despite a sincere feeling of love. Frequent disappointments and a passion for extreme sports give these people a flexible character, but they are often deprived of true happiness in life, which is replaced by hard work, which often develops into workaholism.


Holders of the letter “B” are romantic natures. They are able to quickly establish contact with people and are well versed in philosophy and psychology. In love they are often fickle and capricious, requiring increased attention to their person. Hobbies most often extend to the creative field, since owners of this letter in their name are not inclined to climb the career ladder. Experts on the site recommend using skills in running your own business or business, which will bring not only prosperity, but also moral satisfaction.


This letter reflects the desire for self-education, experimentation and achievement of success in the chosen industry. People with this letter in their name often suffer from a lack of tact, which is why they often change partners in love relationships. Esotericists note their psychic abilities. The site team recommends using this gift and developing it.


These people often have difficult characters. Their narcissism and selfishness are paradoxically combined with kindness and responsiveness. They are responsible at work, but do not strive to obtain important positions. They are often capricious in love and need a person who is able to manage relationships and accept the contradictory nature of their partner.


The sociability and friendliness of these people is combined with impulsiveness and energy. They are capable of decisive action, but often take action first and then think about the consequences. The richness of their inner world allows these people to lead a bright and colorful lifestyle, which at first glance is not noticeable to their surroundings.


These people are distinguished by their proud character, luck and assertiveness. They are able to go towards their goal, despite obstacles and difficulties, but they are vulnerable and extremely dependent on the opinions of loved ones. Website experts recommend paying less attention to the opinions of others and increasing your personal space. This will make it easier for you to achieve what you want and not be stopped by the influence of your environment.


These individuals are capable of achieving great success in technical professions. However, compliance often plays a cruel joke on them, and their talents are used for selfish purposes. Experts on the site recommend that people with this letter in their name develop self-esteem and not follow the lead of people who want to take advantage of your kindness and responsiveness.


These people have insight and a lively mind. Romantics by nature, for a long time they cannot find a suitable partner who would have the same ingenuous character. It is often said about such people that they are not of this world, because of their penchant for fantasy and spiritual kindness. However, they show extraordinary intelligence in their work and are capable of achieving great success.


These are strong personalities who are able to attract people's attention due to their charm. They are able to achieve their goals by any means. They are used to getting their way, so they have exceptional patience and are able to hide for a long time before the decisive breakthrough.



People with this letter in their name have excellent ability to solve complex problems and problematic situations. However, they are shy and have difficulty getting along with their surroundings. They often give preference to a quiet and calm life, and in love they are able to make any sacrifices.


The owners of this letter have a persistent character and intelligence. It is not difficult for them to achieve success in their profession, but astrologers note their intransigence. To change their lives for the better, they need to learn to make compromises - this will help maintain warm friendships and family relationships.


The letter “O” conceals energy and responsiveness, stubbornness and kindness. However, often the character of people with this letter in their name reveals stubbornness, with the help of which they can achieve great heights in their careers. Most often, owners of names starting with this letter are monogamous and conservative.


These people are gambling, which often provokes them to act rashly. In love, they most often choose one partner for life, but they can hardly keep their family together if they have to share everyday difficulties. Astrologers recommend that these people learn to plan their affairs so as not to remain in distress because of another gambling adventure.


These people are responsible and patient. They have their own, unshakable outlook on life and confidence in their rightness. The letter “P” gives them optimism, so when they fail, they do not lose heart and are ready for new achievements. In love, they look for a partner capable of support and devotion.


These are bright personalities with prudence and prudence. They have excellent logical thinking, and in life they are used to achieving everything through hard work and diligence. In personal relationships, they are often overly sentimental and prone to long searches for their destiny. Experts on the site recommend that people with this letter use numerological calculations to choose a life partner.


People with this letter in their name are distinguished by their passion and fiery nature. They are ready to make self-sacrifice, even if it is not necessary. They do not tolerate an idle life and are ready for exploits. Astrologers recommend that they learn to take care of themselves.


This letter is responsible for humanism, a well-developed imagination and keen intuition. In love, these people are fickle and prefer to change partners often so as not to lose their own freedom. For such individuals, the goal in life becomes the struggle for justice and well-being.


This letter gives people friendliness and resilience. Often these people find themselves in the center of attention and generously use their position to benefit. The site’s experts recommend that you learn to appreciate the desires and opinions of others so as not to be left alone.


People whose name starts with the letter "X" have good manners and upbringing. It is important to them how they look in the eyes of others, so they try to achieve high results in their chosen activity.


This letter gives people leadership qualities, arrogance and fear of loneliness. They are capable of achieving success in commercial activities, but due to their difficult nature they can spoil their own reputation. These people are distinguished by their inability to be alone.


Owners of names starting with this letter are distinguished by a strong connection with loved ones. They are purposeful and are accustomed to achieving their goal consistently and leisurely, to provide help to those in need selflessly and solely out of good intentions. In love, they look for a partner capable of mutual warm feelings.


This letter gives people modesty bordering on vulnerability. Such individuals should pay more attention to their well-being due to frequent mood swings. In love they prefer comfort and try to predict their partner’s desires.


Owners of names with this letter are distinguished by their ability to find the fastest and easiest path to their goal. They may occupy leadership positions. In love, they choose partners who will support their aspirations and share the full range of emotions, but do not allow him to be a leader.

A word made up of letters combines their total semantic and emotional connotation. And of all the words, our name is especially important to us. Getting used to the name, the child, as it were, adjusts the vibrations of his “I” to the vibration of the name. This means that a name can influence our character.

Determine the meaning of letters

Description of the meanings of the letters of the name

A- letter meaning
It symbolizes the start, the beginning in the broadest sense, as well as renewal, rebirth. It goes well with other sounds and does not create difficulties in pronunciation. The sound “A” in a person’s name inspires him with cheerfulness and gives him strength to fight difficulties.

B- letter meaning
It means constancy, a rational approach, “breakthrough” abilities, and the desire for material security. However, some prudence inherent in people whose name contains the letter “B” is compensated by the desire for spiritual communication. This sound does not cause a negative perception, but it is better if a name starting with “B” is combined with an easy-to-pronounce middle name.

IN- letter meaning
He talks about sociability, the ability to live in harmony with nature and people, but also about some laziness. A person with a name starting with this letter is endowed with great spirituality, a desire for sublime feelings, for everything beautiful. The sound does not create unpleasant associations and is universal in terms of combination with other sounds.

G- letter meaning
Predetermines the desire for knowledge, practicality, the ability to correctly assess the situation and quickly respond to what is happening. But “G” also means touchiness, vulnerability and subtle mental organization. This sound does not create difficulties in the perception of the name.

D- letter meaning
It speaks not only of a penchant for reflection, comprehensive consideration of both philosophical and everyday problems, and a willingness to help, but also of stubbornness, pride and independence, and as a result, a tendency to make mistakes and not always correctly assess one’s strengths and capabilities. The hard-sounding “D” does not combine well with all sounds and causes wariness in the mind, which leads to difficulties in relationships.

E- letter meaning
Symbolizes the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, as well as diplomatic abilities, insight and some talkativeness. This letter suggests the possibility of nervous breakdowns due to difficult relationships with loved ones. “E” speaks of easy adaptability, sexuality, often suppressed by complexes. Subconsciously, the sound is perceived calmly, without irritation.

Yo- letter meaning
People who have the letter “ё” in their last name/first name find it very difficult to control themselves; they are extremely emotional and passionate, and, among other things, they constantly strive for self-expression. As you can understand, they don’t take up energy. In cases where the “ё” is stressed in names (Artem, Alena), their owners spend a certain amount of effort on self-control. To achieve higher goals, their owners can calm down their inherent (“e”) cruelty. In general, you shouldn’t be afraid of this letter.

AND- letter meaning
People whose first names/surnames begin with this letter cling to life in the literal sense of the word and, succumbing to the impulse, swim further after life, without understanding the road. In this regard, it is very easy for them to lose what they have acquired, but they do not complain about life, but live as it turns out. They are not sure about something. One can argue with their content, but their inner world, albeit hidden, is too rich. During their lives they experience much more than other peers. “F” - passion, fountain, a huge release of emotions.

Z- letter meaning
Symbolizes the desire to isolate yourself from the outside world, high intuition, developed imagination, painful sensitivity. But at the same time it also means devotion, goodwill, and religiosity. The perception is twofold: for some this sound irritates, for others it has a beneficial effect.

AND- letter meaning
Gives a person whose name contains this letter sophistication, romance, and sentimentality. Some detachment and uncertainty contained in this letter “I” prevents you from making quick decisions and slows down your reaction. “I” conveys diplomacy to the character as a defensive reaction to rudeness and pressure from the outside. The sound has a calming effect on the human consciousness and does not cause irritation.

TO- letter meaning
Symbolizes endurance, insight, secrecy in matters of personal life, as well as the desire for power. The excessive pride of people named with “K” prevents them from implementing their plans. Many people come to religion from spiritual rebellion. The sound is hard, “prickly”, when sounded it is alarming and causes tension.

L- letter meaning
Gives nature artistry, rich imagination, and literary abilities. A tendency towards laziness and contemplation makes it difficult to find your life purpose. But the desire for material wealth spurs and encourages action. “L” speaks of highly developed family feelings. And yet, the owner of a name that contains the letter “L” can be tactless and easily enter into conflict. Maybe that’s why the soft-sounding “L” evokes ambiguous associations in our perception.

M- letter meaning
Speaks of caring, willingness to help, some shyness, gentleness. Greed is the most common vice to which a person with the letter "M" in his name is susceptible. Only by suppressing the desire to hoard in himself will he be able to realize his rich spiritual potential. The sound “M” in a name is perceived positively by others.

N- letter meaning
It means protest, an internal attitude not to accept everything that happens indiscriminately, the ability to “filter” the information received, discard what is unimportant and leave the main thing. “N” speaks of a high ability to work and at the same time an aversion to useless work. This sound does not irritate others, but you will have to have a long discussion with this person on any topic. Such people always have their own opinion and know how to defend it.

ABOUT- letter meaning
It gives the owner of a name that contains this letter developed intuition, the ability to experience deep feelings, as well as set clear goals and achieve them. The presence of this letter in the name speaks of a constant desire for improvement and self-realization, a desire to use one’s abilities and capabilities as fully as possible. If for some reason the solution to a life problem reaches a dead end, then such people become unbalanced and nervous. Many people with the letter “O” in their name are prone to alcohol, drug addiction, and in extreme situations they easily succumb to panic. This sound does not evoke positive emotions in everyone; many are alarmed.

P- letter meaning
Determines such personality qualities as self-confidence and a penchant for philosophical reflection. Those with the letter “P” in their names are brave, persistent people who react emotionally to everything that happens. They know how to defend their views, but try to avoid conflicts. The sound does not create unpleasant sensations and encourages intimate conversation and trust.

R- letter meaning
Symbolizes determination, high efficiency, and the ability to correctly analyze the situation. Very often a person with this letter in his name is harsh and intemperate in his statements. It is difficult for him to climb the career ladder, and therefore he sometimes looks for an opportunity to realize himself in free creativity. The nature is broad, but unpredictable in a fit of emotions. “R” is a sharp sound; sensitive people may find it unpleasant, especially if it is pronounced firmly - Victor, Karp, Arthur.

WITH- letter meaning
It speaks primarily of the desire for stability and material security. But it also indicates imbalance, frequent mood swings, capriciousness, and excessive demands on oneself and others. Life promises such people many challenges, but their innate common sense and positive attitude help them overcome adversity quite easily. The sound of the letter "S" does not cause irritation.

T- letter meaning
Speaks of a sensitive, creatively gifted nature, with well-developed intuition, but arrogant and ambitious. A name with the letter "T" makes a person envious and vindictive; these people do not tolerate competition. For women, this letter inspires confidence in the irresistibility of their own charms and often turns them into coquettes. By pronouncing the sound “T”, we seem to encounter an invisible barrier. This makes many people feel uncomfortable.

U- letter meaning
It means a developed imagination, generosity, goodwill and sometimes excessive straightforwardness. A person with this letter in his name is neat and pedantic, prudent and thrifty. The sound “U”, which is rarely found in names, is perceived fresh and original by ear.

F- letter meaning
He talks about the need to be first, to shine in high society, to enjoy all the blessings of life, to always be in the center of attention, but the inconsistency of character prevents the simple-minded owner of a name with the letter “F” from realizing even half of his plans. Nevertheless, he is flexible and diplomatic. He thinks through his every action down to the smallest detail. The sound is perceived positively by ear.

X- letter meaning
It speaks of the desire to win universal recognition, and therefore of adherence to the laws and moral principles accepted in society. Meanwhile, stubbornness and high self-esteem prevent the owner of the letter “X” from correctly assessing their relationships with others, and a predisposition to depression leads to nervous breakdowns. Sound often causes irritation.

C- letter meaning
The name symbolizes a leader, a purposeful person, speaks of an extraordinary personality, especially gifted in the field of exact sciences. As a rule, owners of names with “C” have difficult relationships with their parents. This sound has a “subjugating” effect on the subconscious of others, requiring recognition of superiority.

H- letter meaning
Symbolizes a sense of duty, loyalty to principles, and a caring attitude towards others. The sound has a beneficial effect on the subconscious, being associated with the words “daughter”, “part”, honor”, ​​“honesty”.

Sh- letter meaning
Speaks of calm and stability, a subtle sense of humor, and an analytical mind. People with “sizzling” names are gifted in the field of fine arts, have good artistic abilities, have an innate sense of tact, and will never hurt someone else’s pride. They love to travel, preferring to travel by car, as they are soothed by the rustling of tires. The sound “Ш” is perceived positively by others, associating it with baby babble, when the child does not yet pronounce all the sounds.

SCH- letter meaning
At best, this letter is associated with patronage and generosity. At worst, it causes damage and infringes on the owner. Unfortunately, all their complexes are poured out on other people who are innocent of anything. They are the ones who need Cinderellas to mock them. Also, a whirlpool is associated with this letter and it indicates constant worries and pretentiousness, dissatisfaction with everything and everyone. From such people you can expect anything, including a stab in the back, but this letter also indicates intelligence and generosity.

Kommersant- letter meaning
In theory, people who have “ъ” in their last name/first name should be strong in nature. In fact, everything is somewhat different, they are too soft and sympathetic people, most often blindly believing the people around them. Those, in turn, take advantage of this, exerting a negative influence on them and achieving their own. A great advantage of people whose last name/first name includes “ъ” is the ability to smooth out the rough edges of relationships.

Y- letter meaning
Attraction, enormous mass and heaviness flow from the sound of a given letter. Fortunately, we don’t have first and last names starting with “s”, but there are both last names and first names where it is present. Most often it is percussive, which may be why when we hear “dobrynka”, it seems to us that there is so much goodness that there is nowhere to hide from it. At best, this letter symbolizes something impenetrable and huge. Despite the fact that Martyns love to think and weigh everything, the speed at which they complete any tasks, at a minimum, leaves much to be desired. They are practical and down to earth, have great potential, but achieve everything at a truly snail's pace.

b- letter meaning
It means softness and even some spinelessness of nature, increased vulnerability, but at the same time kindness and altruism. People with a soft sign in their name have a rare talent for avoiding quarrels and conflicts; often they have no enemies or ill-wishers at all. “b” has a beneficial effect on the subconscious and is associated with the words “family” and “love”.

E- letter meaning
It speaks of well-developed intuition, curiosity, and the ability to identify the most important thing from a set of disparate facts. The letter "E" in a name makes people temperamental, energetic, and sexy. They make good businessmen and journalists. The sound “E” is perceived by others as an encouraging exclamation and is therefore liked.

YU- letter meaning
Symbolizes stubbornness and perseverance, explosive temperament, unpredictability, the desire to stand out from the crowd, to become the center of attention. These people tend to be narcissistic. In their personal lives they are not very lucky; they may not have mutual understanding and harmony in the family. The sound is perceived differently by ear.

I- letter meaning
Symbolizes a sense of superiority, speaks of narcissism, the desire to win universal love, respect and recognition. Its bearers sometimes irritate others with excessive ambitions. Nevertheless, “I” is pleasantly associated with endearing forms of names and, in general, has a positive effect on the ear.

To solve one abstract problem, I needed a list of all impossible two-letter letter combinations in the Russian language - that is, combinations of letters that never appear side by side in words. Surely someone somewhere had already compiled it, but I couldn’t find it in its pure form on the Internet (there are references from miassman here and in a couple more places). I had to compose it myself.

Based on the “Complete Paradigm. Morphology" by M. Hagen, which, in turn, is based on the "Complete accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak." You can download it here:

All proper names are excluded from consideration - all kinds of Siauliai, Kutsbueli, Ylychi and other Chang'e, as well as all sorts of beteers, aecilopes and sodiumphenolates.

In addition, for practical reasons, extremely rarely used concepts such as “kriya yoga” are excluded: the letter combination “ya” is found only in it alone, and there is no point in taking into account “ya” as existing only for the sake of this word alone.

The following happened.

There is no such letter in the Russian language that combines with absolutely all other letters.

The most evil letter, which, like an inert gas, practically does not want to be combined with anyone, is, of course, the solid sign Ъ: before it there can only be BVDZZNSTH (the last letters of the prefixes), and after that, even less: EЁYUYA, i.e. .only iotated vowels.

Few letters can also appear before the soft sign b: for obvious reasons, there cannot be vowels and signs before it, but all consonants can, except Y, K, X and Ts. But after it can not There are only seven letters: A, Y, U, Kommersant, Y, for some reason L and the second soft sign.


Of the vowels in first place in a letter combination, the most finicky are E and E. Moreover, E requires that only a consonant follow it (for some reason it does not like F), and does not tolerate vowels.

In second place in the letter combination, the most difficult ones are to use Y (it can only come after consonants, and not all of them) and E (there is a complex relationship here).


In the first place of the letter combination is the most finicky - Ш: only 13 letters can come after it.

In second place, the hardest thing to use is Y: it can only be combined with 11 letters.


The following cannot be doubled: E, J, Sh, Shch, E, Y, L, E

Letters at the beginning and end of words

As you know, words cannot begin with b, b and y.
There cannot be a b at the end of a word.

Letters that don't go together regardless of order

b s A, I, J, K, L, M, O, P, R, U, F, C, Ch, Sh, Shch, S, b, E
Аы, Аь, ГЪ, ЭЭ, Ёы, ЁЭ, ЁЯ, Иж, ЖФ, ЖЧ, ЖШ, ЖШЧ, ЗП, ЗШЧ, Иь, Оы, Уы, Уь, ФЦ, ХШЧ, ЦШ, ЦЭ, ЦШЧ, ЧЭ, ШШ, ы, ыe

Below is a complete table of letter combinations in Russian words. The first letter of the letter combination is “set aside” vertically, and the second one horizontally.

I repeat: some of these letter combinations are still possible, but they can occur either in proper names (and derivatives from them), or it will be something very specific. Or padonkaffskoe.

If I find the entire paradigm for the Ukrainian language, I will do a similar study for it.

  • § 7. Not at the beginning of the root after vowels (in words of foreign origin) both the letter e and e are written. Their choice depends on the preceding vowel.
  • § 8. Not at the beginning of the root after consonants, the letter e is written to convey the vowel e and at the same time to indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant in the following cases.
  • § 9. In other cases, the letter e is written not at the beginning of the root after the consonants.
  • § 10. In the following cases, the letter e is written to convey the combination j followed by the vowel e:
  • § 11. The letter is written:
  • § 12. The letter ы is used to convey the vowel ы and at the same time to indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant:
  • § 14. After zh, sh, h, sch the letter i is written (and s is not written), for example: fat, saffron milk cap, interpublishing, say, sew, reeds, clean, rays, shield, look.
  • § 15. After q the letter i or s is written.
  • § 17. After zh, sh, h, shch to convey the stressed vowel e, the letter e is written, for example: tin, swing, rustle, ginseng, chirp, same (name of the letter), on the boundary, about a candle, soul, sling; Zhenya, Jack, Shannon.
  • § 18. After zh, ch, sh, shch, the letter o or e is written to convey the stressed vowel o.
  • § 19. In all other cases, to convey the stressed vowel o after zh, ch, sh, sh, the letter e is written, namely:
  • § 25. The letter e is written after the letters zh, ch, sh, c only in the following special cases.
  • § 27. The separative ъ is written after the consonants before the letters i, yu, ё, e, conveying combinations [j] with vowels, in the following cases.
  • § 29. The letter ь is written to indicate the softness of a paired consonant at the end of words, for example: dove, leave, notebook, dirt, pity, seven, horse, kitchens, apple trees, embankment, beast, paint, drink, shipyard.
  • § 30. To indicate the softness of a paired consonant before consonants, the letter ь is written in the following cases.
  • § 31. The letter ь is written (regardless of pronunciation) in the following grammatical forms:
  • § 32. After zh, sh, ch, shch, the letter b is written according to tradition in the following grammatical forms:
  • § 33. General rule. The writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels is established by checking other words and forms, where in that
  • § 35. There are roots in which the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.
  • § 43. Suffixes with unverifiable unstressed vowels.
  • § 46. -Ev-, -iv-, -liv-, -chiv- (in adjectives). It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives with the suffixes -ev-, on the one hand, and -iv-, -liv-, -chiv, on the other.
  • § 51. -Ink-, -enk-, -ank- (-Yank-). It is necessary to distinguish between nouns in -Inca and in -enka (with unstressed vowels before n).
  • § 55. -Insk-, -ensk-. It is necessary to distinguish between the suffixes of the adjectives -insk- and -ensk- (with the letters i and e in place of the unstressed vowel).
  • § 58. -Usch- (-yush-), -ash- (-box-). In the suffixes of active present participles the same vowels are written as in the 3rd person plural forms. Parts of the same verbs (see § 74):
  • § 64. Unstressed fluent vowels are represented by the letters e, o or and according to the following rules (below, after each example, a form or word is given in parentheses where there is no fluent vowel).
  • § 66. Instead of the connecting vowels o and e in some categories of compound words, vowels are written that coincide with the case and other endings of words, the stems of which are contained in the previous part of the word:
  • § 69. The following endings contain vowels that are not checked by the stressed position.
  • § 70. Nouns with some suffixes have features in the writing of unstressed endings.
  • § 71. Case forms of nouns in -i, -i, -i.
  • § 76. The writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels before the suffix - the infinitive is determined by the following rule.
  • § 78. There are special constructions with particles not and neither.
  • § 86. Letter combinations tch, dch (including stch, zdch) are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word if the previous part of the word ends in t or d, and the subsequent one begins with h, for example:
  • § 88. The letter combinations сч, зч, zhch, shch are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word if the previous part of the word ends in s, z or zh, sh, and the subsequent one begins with h, for example:
  • § 89. The letter combinations сш, сж, зш, зж are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word if the previous part ends with a consonant s or z, and the subsequent part begins with sh or zh, for example:
  • § 95. Double n and double s are written at the junction of a generating stem and a suffix, if the stem ends and the suffix begins with the same consonant n or s:
  • § 103. Short forms of complex adjectives, the second parts of which coincide with participles in -nny, are written with n or nn depending on the meaning. Adjectives expressing characteristics
  • § 106. Double consonants are written in the roots of Russian (not borrowed) words in the following cases.
  • § 88. The letter combinations сч, зч, zhch, shch are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word if the previous part of the word ends in s, z or zh, sh, and the subsequent one begins with h, for example:

    at the junction of the prefix and the root: dishonor, exhausted, uncover, comb, read; the same in words where the prefix stands out weakly: happiness (and happy, unhappy), count, count, score, scores, too much;

    at the junction of the root and the suffix: loader (from load, load), narrator (story), carver (cut), peddler (deliver), nasoschik (pump), defector (run across), obtyachchik (tightening); man (cf. husband, male), Voronezhchina (Voronezh region), Odeschina (Odessa region); arrogant (to be arrogant), intrusive (to impose); banded (strip, strip), cobbled (beam, bar), ocellated (eye, peephole), freckled (freckles); sharper (sharp, where -k is a suffix), nosche (socky), shaking (shaky).

    It should be borne in mind that in nouns after the consonants s, z, zh the suffixes -schik, -shchin(a) are not written, but -chik, -chin(a): cf. welder, washer, but carver, peddler, defector; Oryol region, Smolensk region, but Odessa region, Voronezh region. The letter combination сш occurs only at the junction of a prefix and a root, for example: split, pluck.

    Note. The letter u is written at the end of the root in words and forms with alternations sk - sch, st - sch, for example: I am looking for (cf. search), forgive, forgiven, forgive (cf. forgive), waxed (wax), plank (board) , flatter (flat), thicker (thick), simpler (simple), biting (from biting when cutting off the consonant to; cf. biting, § 86). However, in the word sandy (from sand, sand), the sound ь is conveyed by a combination of letters сч. The same is true in the word thousand (from thousand).

    § 89. The letter combinations сш, сж, зш, зж are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word if the previous part ends with a consonant s or z, and the subsequent part begins with sh or zh, for example:

    at the junction of the prefix and the root: seamless (from seam), sew, compress, get rid of, ignite, break apart, unclench (the choice of the letter s or z in the prefixes without-, iz-, voz-, raz- is determined by the rule of § 82);

    at the junction of the root and the suffix: higher (cf. high), lower (low, low), growing (growing, growing), gnawing (gnawing, gnawing), mired (poured, bog down).

    The combination zs is written at the junction of the root with the suffix -sk- in words such as, for example, Abkhazian (from Abkhaz, Abkhazia), French (French).

    § 90. Letter combinations, shs, ne, shchs are written (in accordance with pronunciation) at the junction of the root with the suffix -sk- in adjectives formed from proper names (personal and geographical), as well as from ethnic names, for example: Parisian (from Paris), Riga (Riga), Kaluga (Kaluga), Volzhsky (Volga), Prague (Prague), Norwegian (Norway), Kirzhansky (Kirzhach), Uglichsky (Uglich), Greenwich (Greenwich), Bydgoschek (Bydgoshch), Galich (Galich), Mitskevich (Mitskevich), Czech (Czechs), Chuvash (Chuvash), Ulchek (Ulchi); the same in the words masculine (along with the obsolete variant masculine) and collegiate. However, in other suffixal adjectives in -Sky, formed from common nouns, after hissing consonants it is written (in accordance with pronunciation) -esk-, for example: spousal (from spouses), page (page), youthful (young man), merchant (merchant) ), reclusive (recluse), trickster (trickster), comradely (comrade).

    Letters ch and sh before n and t

    § 91. In words formed from the stems ch, k, ts, before suffixes starting with the consonant n (suffixes -n-, -nik, -nits-), the letter ch is written, which in most cases corresponds to the sound in pronunciation h, for example: stove, stove-maker (from the stove), harvest (cleaning), colorful (paint), source (source), sandbox (sand), poultry house (bird), final (end). However, in some of these words, the letter h usually corresponds to the sound sh in pronunciation. These include: bakery,

    bakery (noun), baker (from bun); viper (viper); mustard, mustard plaster (mustard); bachelorette party (maiden); piece(piece); tray, hawker (tray); milkman, thrush (milk); spectacle, eyeglass case (glasses); pepper shaker (pepper, only in combination - damn pepper shaker); night owl, midnight (midnight); trousersless (trousers); laundry, laundry (n.) (laundress); trifling (trifle); candlestick (candle); cordial (heart, only in combination cordial friend and as a noun cordial in the meaning of “poor thing”); birdhouse, birdhouse (starling); boring, boring (boredom, bored); hat (hat, only in combinations to come to a hat analysis, hat acquaintance); scrambled egg (egg); two-student, three-student, four-student, five-student (two, three, four, five). The same is true in the word of course, which is related in origin to the word end, and in the word deliberately.

    It is written h, and is usually pronounced sh also: before n - in female patronymics such as Savvichna, Nikitichna, Ilyinichna, Kuzminichna; before t - in the word that, in the derivatives nothing and almost (but in something and insignificant it is pronounced h).

    In several words derived from the stems on k, before the suffix n, not only is the letter sh pronounced, but also the letter sh is written: gorodoshny, gorodoshnik (from gorodki), durashny (fool), rayoshny, rayoshnik (rayok). The same is true in the words rushnik, dvurushnik, meticulous, where the suffix in modern language no longer stands out, and for fun (albeit on purpose). The combination pc is written in the particle nishto “unless” and in the adverb nishto “pretty well; rightly so,” which are related in origin to the word that.

    Note 1. The combination shn is regularly written: 1) before suffixes starting with n, in words formed from words with a stem in x, for example: scrofulous (from scrofula), hectic (turmoil), oreshnik (nut); 2) in the suffixes -shn(y), -shnik, attached to indeclinable nouns with a vowel, for example: lotoshny, lotoshnik (from loto), kinoshny, kinoshnik, dominoshny, dominoshnik; 3) in adjectives na-shny, formed from adverbs: yesterday, tomorrow, today, always, present, there, present, ancient (see § 56).

    Note 2. It is written shch, and is usually pronounced sh in the word assistant (from help). The word all-night vigil (from night - the Church Slavonic form of the word night) is also written with the letter ш, although it can be pronounced sh.

    The letter g at the end of th(s)

    § 92. In gen. p.un. including adjectives, participles and pronominal words of the masculine and neuter gender, the letter g is written according to tradition at the end of the -th (-his), although it is pronounced in, for example: good, good, big, blue, fourth, read, him, what, that , this, all, one, mine. The same in the adverb nothing (“pretty good”), in the words nothing, doing nothing, today (and today), total; however, in the word Nichevok (the name of the literary group) the letter v is written.

    Note. In the word segoletki (singulars segoletok and segoletka) g is not only written, but also pronounced.

    Double consonants

    Double consonants at the junction of significant parts of a word

    § 93. Double consonants are written at the junction of a prefix and a root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant letter, for example: lawless, heartless, introduce, restore, freeze, wear out, wipe off (but cf. wipe off where the prefix is o-), support, threshold, pre-diploma, pour out, scatter, ring out, intersedelnik, counter-revolution, post-totalitarian.

    Note. The spellings differ, on the one hand, of words with the root -chet- (calculation, calculated, prudent; calculate, pay off), and on the other hand, words with the root -chit- (calculate - count).

    § 94. Double consonants are written at the junction of the constituent parts of complex abbreviated words, if one part ends and the other begins with the same consonant, for example: chief physician, state property, Mossovet, pommastera.