Age of Katya Reshetnikova and Max. Max Nesterovich and Katya Reshetnikova: “Dancing is our life!”

Ekaterina Reshetnikova was very active from early childhood. She showed dancing abilities and flexibility. It was for this reason that her parents enrolled her in the Novosibirsk dance school. There Katerina chose the direction of sports aerobics.

At the age of 13, Katya already had her first adult category in sports aerobics. She became an active participant in competitions and competitions, occupying leadership positions. Then she moved on to the international level in fitness competitions.

Katya didn’t think about her future; it was difficult for her to choose between dancing and sports. After finishing school, Katya went to study at the Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Physical Education.

Starting in 2003, she set out to conquer Moscow. During the first two years of independent life in the capital, she became a participant in the “Dance Floor Star” project from MTV. From that moment on, the girl became popular in the country.

Her talent was noted by Sergei Mandrik, the host of the project, who influenced the fact that Katya was invited to an internship in the “Street Jazz” team under the leadership of Mandrik. A couple of months later she became a soloist in the group, and after that she became a teacher at a dance school.

Since 2006, she began working on the largest show in the country, “Star Factory”, season 6. Then he began working as a teacher in the Tutsi group, as well as with T. Ovsienko. She managed to work in such projects as “Two Stars”, “Old and New Songs about the Main Thing”, “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”.

Reshetnikova’s list of achievements includes work in the videos of Irakli, T. Rodriguez, Bianca and other modern pop stars.

As they say, a talented person is talented in everything. This statement can easily be applied to Katya. She is not only a dancer and choreographer, but also a director of the concert programs “Silver”, Bianca, and Yolka.

Katerina works in the dance team “Loony Band”, works at a dance school called “54 Dance Studio”, in the mega-popular project “Dancing” on the TNT channel.

She has established herself as a very responsible choreographer, with whom it is absolutely useless to argue. She has an oratorical gift, plus a special timbre of her voice. She can win any argument, leaving no chance for her opponent.

Since Katerina is a perfectionist, it is difficult for ordinary people to work with her. But the result of her work is always amazing. Her special approach to business can be noted in everything.

Katerina notes that she hates working with harmful and lazy people who give up quickly. Music gives her inspiration.

As for her personal life, on April 7, 2016, Katya married Maxim Nesterovich, who won the show “Dancing” on TNT for the second season.

Katya has a bright appearance and a wonderful figure; she has many photos together with her charges and her husband Max Nesterovich. A few photos from the wedding.

Yesterday, on Valentine's Day, we presented several But, you must admit, there can never be too much romance. And so we continue. About one of the brightest dance and love stories of the past year - Elvira Shigapova.

In one of the programs of the 2nd season of the popular show DANCES on TNT, viewers learned that project participant Maxim Nesterovich had been dating the choreographer of Miguel’s team, Ekaterina Reshetnikova, for a long time. And immediately after Max was declared the winner, fans of his work were in for a new surprise - he proposed marriage to Katya. This public declaration of love probably caused more delight among the audience than even the fact that the guy won the show.

We had the opportunity to find out the details of how the relationship of this bright, charismatic and incredibly beautiful couple developed.

- Maxim, how long have you been together with Katya? How did you meet?
- We've been together for 10 years. We met at the Street Jazz dance school, which was incredibly popular at the time.

- Did your union become a kind of impetus for your development as dancers? What have you learned from each other?
- Of course he did! We are still constantly learning. We are like springboards for each other. Sometimes I stimulate Katya to do something, sometimes she motivates me. In this regard, we have a very good creative union. When necessary, we support each other and push each other forward.

- Both of you are quite famous and sought-after choreographers. How do you help each other? Does it often happen that you have to dissuade someone else from certain projects? Or, on the contrary, convince them that they need to accept the offer. Give examples?
- There are many such examples. They are at every step. There were cases when I dissuaded Katya from participating in some productions and projects, and it happened the other way around. We often sat down and discussed whether we should participate in this or that business or not. We made joint decisions. And you won’t believe it, we usually fall into the top 10 in our decisions! “Everything that is done is for the better!” - this is a phrase about us. It always turned out that instead of a project that was abandoned, a new, interesting one appeared. So we can say that we have developed intuition in this regard.

- How did Katya react to your participation in the DANCING project on TNT as a participant?
- This was exactly the case when Katya was categorically against it. But she didn't dissuade me. She was understandable, and her arguments were compelling. Having agreed to take part in the project as a dancer, I practically abandoned all my achievements, I reset myself to zero. And I risked my reputation as a choreographer too much. After all, in case of failure, I could lose almost everything, some kind of trust... But I still took a risk. When I won, Katya admitted that she didn’t believe in it until recently.

- Is your joint and very emotional number in the show “DANCES” based on Yuliana Karaulova’s song “Out-of-Orbit” the first such personal story? Or have you already shown your relationship to the whole country in dance?
- Yes, this is the first personal story. Our history. Of course, we often had to do joint numbers, for example, in the Yolka concert. But then we simply transferred her feelings and emotions to the dance. That is, it was not personal experiences. Here we showed ourselves. By the way, this story continued: Katya and I starred in Yuliana Karaulova’s video for the song “Out-of-Orbit”.

- Katya is one of the teachers of the dance school “PROTANCES”, which recently opened. Do you also have plans to take up teaching?

- I also participate in the life of this dance school. Most recently I gave two large master classes for everyone. There were a lot of people, I didn't even expect. More master classes are planned in the future.

Max Nesterovich and Katya Reshetnikova became famous thanks to the “Dancing” project, which airs on the TNT channel. After the end of the second season, it became clear that the guys had been in love with each other for a long time. At the finale of the show, Maxim proposed to Reshetnikova right in front of the amazed audience. She answered without hesitation: “Yes.” How their relationship developed after the project, we learn from the article.

Dating history

Max Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova have known each other for more than 9 years. But their relationship did not begin immediately.

The first meeting took place rather banally in the dance hall. The girl first drew attention to Maxim's payta. It was bright and memorable, with red and blue stripes.

But the guy took a liking to two beauties who were rehearsing their routines. It was Reshetnikova and her friend, by the way, also Katya. A friendship began between the guys that lasted for several years.

After time has passed, the lovers declare that their meeting was an accident and, in theory, could not have taken place at all. Maxim studied in the gym only during the day, and Katya - in the evenings.

But at some point the guy realized that his preparation was not enough, and asked the coach for additional hours in the gym. He agreed and sent him to Reshetnikova’s group. As it turned out later, the coach practically fulfilled the function of Cupid.

First difficulties

Max Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova did not immediately realize that they had fallen in love with each other. There was a strong friendship between them, in which there was room for jokes, bright stories, and shared recreation.

But after a while the guy looked at Katya differently. He realized that this was the girl he had been looking for for a long time. This happened at the “Star Factory”, where young people helped the participants discover their dancing abilities and staged bright numbers.

It seemed to many that Max Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova were an ideal couple. But few people knew that real passions were raging between the guys. Quarrels in the couple occurred due to creative misunderstanding between lovers. The scandals were so strong and emotional that young people had to choose between work and relationships.

There was no talk of quitting dancing; Max Nesterovich and Ekaterina Reshetnikova decided to create their own Loony Band project.

Relations between the couple normalized and moved to a new stage, the guys began to live together.

Love or PR?

The charismatic guy immediately earned the love of TV viewers. Nesterovich repeatedly became the voting leader.

In his profiles, the young man stated that he had a girlfriend for a long time. Fans easily obtained information that she was Ekaterina Reshetnikova.

Many viewers immediately suspected Max of deception. There were rumors that he created a fictitious couple in order to win the competition. This situation put pressure, strained and destabilized Nesterovich’s internal state.

Mentor Miguel helped me cope with the problem. He invited the guys to choreograph the act themselves and present it to the public. The guys chose the soundtrack “Out of Orbit”. The dance turned out to be romantic, heartfelt, and soulful.

After the performance, not only the TV viewers cried, but also the mentor himself. Fans have no doubt that Reshetnikova and Nesterovich truly love each other.

Unusual marriage proposal

The project was moving toward the finale, and there were two clear leaders in the show: Nesterovich and Orlov. Everyone understood that the struggle would be serious. And so it happened.

Max Nesterovich proposed to Katya Reshetnikova after the presenter announced that he became the winner of the second season of the “Dancing” project. For his beloved it was a real surprise.

She went on stage, but for a long time could not say anything. As a result, Katya was supported by the audience, and she answered “Yes.”

Wedding in casual style

The wedding of Maxim Nesterovich and Katya Reshetnikova took place without unnecessary pathos. The celebration took place on April 7, 2016 at the Savelosky registry office.

The bride chose to wear a cream dress, which was decorated with a large bow and a long train. But Katya refused the traditional veil. According to her, this element of the bride is a relic of the past.

The groom chose a casual style for the wedding. Max appeared in a classic black suit. Only his pants were shortened and his shoes were on his bare feet.

This outfit divided fans into two camps. Some said it was completely in bad taste. Others, on the contrary, liked the guy’s stylish image.

Only the couple's closest friends were present at the ceremony. And they celebrated the wedding in a small restaurant, where the newlyweds had a fun time.

Have the lovers separated?

Recently, information has increasingly appeared in the press that Max Nesterovich and Katya Reshetnikova have broken up. Fans were prompted to this idea by the fact that the lovers have not posted joint photos on their social networks for a long time.

But the guys do not confirm this information, saying that these are just rumors. They are still happy, working on a joint project and thinking about children.

Shocking, incendiary, unusual - all these epithets perfectly characterize Katya Reshetnikova. You can treat this woman in completely different ways: with or without sympathy, with understanding or with condemnation, but you certainly won’t be able to forget her even with a strong desire. And Savchenko on a leash is clear proof of this. The audience is increasingly interested in Reshetnikova, having forgotten even about the handsome handsome Alexei Karpenko, not to mention the other participants in the show.

Biography of Katya Reshetnikova from “Dancing”

How old is Katya Reshetnikova from “Dancing”? The answer to this question is of interest to the entire audience of the show and fans of the choreographer himself. Well, you can find out the answer in a very trivial way - by reading the biography of the famous Katya Reshetnikova from “Dancing”.

So, Ekaterina Alexandrovna was born on November 1, 1982 in the Russian city of Novosibirsk. By the way, Miguel and Katya are the same age. Ekaterina began to seriously engage in aerobics in her childhood, earning her first adult rank early. Already at the age of 13, Reshetnikova began to build her career in the field of choreography and sports. Over time, Katya took part in two international conventions dedicated to fitness.

After graduating from high school, Ekaterina entered the physical education department, preferring, of course. In 2003, having received the coveted specialist diploma, Reshetnikova headed to Moscow to conquer the city with her talents.

Beginning of a choreographer's career

The first success overtook Ekaterina Alexandrovna after participating in the “Star of the Dance Floor” program, developed by the MTV channel in 2005. This was the first large-scale dance show in Russia, and it could not have happened without the brilliant Reshetnikova. Almost 4,000 people took part in the casting. But the jury selected only 80 people who continued to fight for the title of the best dancer in Russia and a prize of $10,000. Of course, a young choreographer from Novosibirsk was among the finalists, and one of the leaders of the project, Sergei Mandrik, noticed the extraordinary talent and fiery dances of Katya Reshetnikova and invited her to his Street Jazz group. In the same year, Katya accepts Mandrik’s tempting offer and takes the place of a dance school teacher, as well as a participant in the show ballet.

Well, who became the winner of the “Dance Floor Star” show? Another bright participant in the project is Ilshan Shabaev. An interesting fact is the intertwining of the destinies of the winner of the project and Katya Reshetnikova - the famous choreographers met several times in the past.

Creative activity

2006 became an extremely fruitful period in the creative biography of Ekaterina Alexandrovna. At this time, Katya took the place of a teacher-tutor on the famous project “Star Factory 6”, which was broadcast by Channel One. By the way, in the fifth season of this show, the today famous choreographer Miguel, whose mentor was then Garik Rudnik, showed himself.

In addition, during the same period, Reshetnikova was a coach in a TNT channel project called “Another Life.” The essence of this show was for the participants to find themselves for a short time in realities completely opposite to their usual lives: for example, a butcher tried himself as a stylist, a doctor took the place of a glossy photographer. Each of the project participants was provided with their own leader, who was a specialist in the chosen field of activity. Katya Reshetnikova became just such a leader.

And in May of the same year, Reshetnikova became a choreographer for the then popular group “Tutsi” and Tatyana Ovsienko. Even then, Katya Reshetnikova’s dances left no one indifferent.

Among other things, Katya managed to take part in such projects as “Song of the Year”, “Europe+ Live”, “Five Stars”, “Hipsters Show”, “Slavic Bazaar”, “Muz TV Award”, “Golden Gramophone” , “Two Stars”, as well as “Old and New Songs about the Main Thing”. All this made Reshetnikova a real star, whose image was remembered by all spectators and participants.

Creative achievements

In addition, throughout her career, Katya Reshetnikova actively starred in music videos. She has worked in numerous projects:

It is worth clarifying that in Reshetnikova’s video works she not only danced. In some of the clips, Catherine occupied more prominent and serious places. For example, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna was a concert director and choreographer for the Serebro group, a tutor for a flash mob called Bosco sport, which took place in the capital, and a stage director for Europe+ for 2 years in a row. In addition, Katya was lucky enough to be the choreographer of the first Yolka concert, held at the Olimpiysky, as well as the director of presentation work on the albums of the famous Bianca.

But the list of Reshetnikova’s career achievements does not end there. Thus, Katya participated in directing and choreographic productions of many projects:

  • the show “Universal Artist” under the auspices of Channel One;
  • “Big Change” from the NTV channel;
  • New Year's program "Red Nick" in the Olympic Concert Hall;
  • Christmas Diva Meetings.

Work in the project “One to One!”

Reshetnikova’s activities in the “One to One” program deserve special attention. This is a transformation project in which participants tried on the images of the most famous stars of the past and present, performing immortal hits on the big stage. On this project, Katya was the choreographer-director, working shoulder to shoulder with Miguel, who took the place of the show director. By the way, it was on this project that Ekaterina met Yulia Samoilenko, who played an important role in Reshetnikova’s life. Here Julia danced in show ballet.

Katya's activities now

Now the age of Katya Reshetnikova from “Dancing” is 35 years old. And at this age, Katya has something to brag about. After all, she has many interesting achievements and exciting events behind her. How many years has Katya Reshetnikova from “Dancing” been involved in choreography? At her age, Ekaterina has devoted more than 20 years to dancing and does not even plan to stop her professional activities.

Now Reshetnikova devotes almost all her time to activities in the Loony Band, being at the same time its creator. The history of this team begins in 2010, which marked the beginning of a kind of free swimming for Katya. Together with Maxim Nesterovich and his spouses, she organized a dance group. True, at first things did not work out in the group, but after several more professional choreographers joined them, everything went according to plan. Although the original name and concept of the group was completely different. Now Loony Band is not just a dance group, but a real creative group. Therefore, in addition to the choreographers themselves, the team includes a sound engineer, photographer and public relations specialist.

In addition to her main job, Katya gives lessons at the dance school 54 Dance studio.

Personal life of Reshetnikova

The dance of Nesterovich and Katya Reshetnikova to Karaulova’s song “Out-of-Orbit” was truly remembered by absolutely all viewers of the “Dancing” show. This performance was not just intriguing, but truly exciting. The dance of Katya Reshetnikova and Max Nesterovich became the most discussed event of the entire show. Perhaps it was this performance that brought Max the much-desired victory. After all, one of the best numbers in the final of the project, according to the jury and the audience, was the dance of Katya Reshetnikova and Max Nesterovich.

In 2016, after several years of relationship, Katya Reshetnikova and Maxim Nesterovich got married. For reference, Maxim became famous thanks to his participation in the show “Battle of the Seasons” and victory in the second season of the project, where he worked under the guidance of his future wife. Now the newlyweds are very happy and work together in their own dance group.

The third season of the show “DANCING” is already on air on TNT. The performances for Miguel’s team will now be choreographed not only by Ekaterina Reshetnikova, but also by her husband, the winner of the second season of the project, Maxim Nesterovich. In December, during the final gala concert, Max proposed to Katya. They got married in the spring. Having formalized the relationship, the guys started thinking about their own home. They invested the three million they won on the show into a townhouse in the Moscow region.

“Of course, we took out a mortgage,” Katya admitted to StarHit. “In addition, our parents helped us. Before choosing our dream home, we searched dozens of sites on the Internet and went to several viewings. We decided: this one is perfect.”

The couple will move to their new home only in a few months, while renovations are underway there at an accelerated pace. “We wanted our home to be cozy, so we chose the country Provence style,” continues Ekaterina. – We didn’t invite designers, we flipped through the websites ourselves and found what we liked. We bought furniture at the end of summer, we were very lucky - at this time there are good discounts everywhere, some orders have already been delivered, some will be delivered in September. The kitchen isn't ready yet, but I'm sure it will be my favorite place. I imagine how I will cook Max’s favorite dishes – in pots. He has taken a liking to our stairs and can stand for a long time and look out the window.”

Despite the fact that the townhouse has not yet been built, the guys have already received their first guests. Colleagues from the “DANCE” project were among the first to visit their house.

“Antokha Panufnik and Miguel came to us,” said Max. “Katya is working so much on the third season that I feel that soon a whole crowd will be at our house to visit and rehearse.”

According to the couple, peace and mutual understanding reign in their home. Despite the fact that Katya and Max spend a lot of time together, they do not have any serious arguments. Reshetnikova claims that they never argued about everyday issues. “We can argue because of the dog’s upbringing, Katya is a mother hen, she tries to protect the dog even from mosquitoes,” said Nesterovich.