It lies in the details. What does the saying "the devil is in the details" mean? Why details are so important

"With their charter, they don't go to someone else's monastery"

This saying was not formed yesterday, and presumably it contains experience previous generations! based on observation and common sense!

Let's see what is really the essence of this folk wisdom!

Russians say this proverb when someone interferes in someone else's business or does not want to obey the rules that other people have accepted.

The monasteries contributed to the formation and spread of the Russian people. They appeared as small settlements in the forests, people were drawn to them. Monasteries became centers Orthodox culture(there were icons, church utensils, books) and large farms. Life in monasteries was subject to monastic charters (codes of rules). No outsider, not even the king, could change the charter of the monastery.

So why do some people think that they have every right to interfere in a "foreign monastery"?

I asked myself this question and did a little and elementary research. Just in the search engine I typed a question asked by this topic and the following page appeared in my eyes

I especially liked the statement of a certain archangel_546 , this nickname suggests that you can still go with your charter to someone else's monastery, but on condition that you have a lot of weapons.

One cannot but agree, but what if we are talking O family happiness? About your happiness loved one? Brother, sister, girlfriend... is it possible in this case to talk about "weapons" is it necessary to destroy the happiness of an already formed couple with your "weapon"?

Here is another very curious statement found on the Internet:

R. Krivenko, psychologist: Pointing out mistakes and giving advice is not the best The best way make friends and get the favor of the authorities. If you don’t know, didn’t hear, didn’t see how it’s customary to do something in this company, be sure to ask your colleagues - this will help to avoid a negative attitude towards you on their part.

resource address

The statement of this psychologist very logically explains and talks about the tactics of action!

Just amaze people who just come in new team, to a new place of work and begin, or rather try, to download their rights and build everyone. Excuse me, dear ones, but don’t you want to first see how the organization lives in general, understand its rules and foundations, determine your place, role and sphere of influence in it, and then “create your own charter”, if you can at all? Or are you so arrogant that you decided to go over the heads of those who have been here for a long time and know more than you?

There is also a version that the charter, initially it was not morality .. but just handwriting, and since books and all kinds of papers were copied by hand, changing the “handwriting” was not possible!

Thank you for attention!

I look forward to your comments! This topic is very relevant to me!

in a foreign place they obey the rules, orders, customs, etc. established there. The Turk demanded a drink from the sbitennik, and this one poured him a thick tokay from his baklag. - and the order was given to stir up all the corners of the home cellar. Lazhechnikov, Ice House. - You’re bored, Tula, but there’s nothing to do: you know the proverb that you don’t go to a strange monastery with your charter. Kokorev, Samovar. - And you, my friend, should not interfere in your own business. They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter. The girl was guilty, and I punished her. She is mine, and I do what I want with her. Saltykov-Shchedrin, old Poshekhonskaya. - I would prefer a glass of vodka ... - he remarked in indecision. - Oh, what are you like: vodka will not leave us, Pavel Ivanovich ... they do not follow their own rules. Mamin-Siberian, Simply. - Eh, you don’t eat anything! Our custom is this: no one cares for anyone, everyone looks after himself. But as an exception ... - And he put so much food on Serafimovich's plate that he waved his hands in fright. - Nothing, nothing! They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter. And we have one charter: to the last crumb. R. Khigerovich, The Writer's Way. - Please don't take it somehow ... that ... in a bad way. Every nation has its own custom, and, as they say, they don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter. Korolenko, Without language.
- Are you drinking? - Interrupted Nozhina Boreiko, pouring vodka into glasses. - I drink, but only in glasses. - Do not poke your nose into a strange monastery with your charter! There are no glasses at Zaliternaya and in the factory, so I ask, - and the lieutenant handed the correspondent a glass. Stepanov, Port Arthur. After all, you do not believe in a monastic god, to which you have reached your mind at spiritualistic sessions; you look condescendingly on church rites, don’t go to Mass and Vigil, sleep until noon… why do you come here? No matter how. Chekhov, Princess. - Just a minute, - said Serdyuk authoritatively. - They don't establish their own laws in a foreign monastery. The order we have is this: you entered - you can’t leave without permission. Popov, Steel boiled.
- IN pre-revolutionary Russia numerous monasteries had their charters “to know and judge their people themselves and in everything, besides murder and red-handed robbery. See Michelson, vol. 1, p. 163; Snegirev, Prince. 3, p. 43.
- Snegirev: They don’t go to a strange monastery with their charter; Dal: Do not go to a strange monastery with your charter; Mikhelson: They don't go to a strange monastery with their charter; Rybnikova: They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter.

And again we plunge into the past, because this expression came to us from there. Once upon a time there were a lot of monasteries in Rus', and each of them had its own rules that were observed only in it, its own charter of conduct and even a judicial charter, according to which a person was tried for his sins.

Charter. The common Slavic word from the verb setti (put, put). Literally - "established".

The monks often moved from monastery to monastery, and sometimes it was very difficult for them, because, having got used to one rule, they had to obey others, and you cannot bring your charter here.

Therefore, no one doubts that this expression comes from the monks.

Its meaning is simply:

In any environment, society, whether it be a team, a family, a country, there are rules, foundations, habits and norms of behavior. People are used to living this way and not otherwise, and no matter how much you like something, you have no right to set your own rules on the fly. What is normal for you may be unacceptable for them and vice versa. So keep your rules to yourself and look at others.

There are many other sayings in Russian that reinforce this wisdom:

Examples from literary text:

- “Claims for one's own rightness cannot be an excuse for imposing one's order on others. A Russian proverb advises not to meddle with your charter in someone else's monastery ”(Gerasimov“ From Wilson to Reagan ”)

They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter (do not go).

  • - Fight your own with your own, but don’t mess with someone else’s! See YOUR -...
  • - See WORLD - quarrel -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See YOUR -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - They don’t go to a strange monastery with their charter. Wed You, my friend, should not have interfered in your own business, you don’t go to a strange monastery with your charter. Saltykov. Poshekhonskaya antiquity. 8...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See COURT -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Live everyone with your good and your hump! See YOUR -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - He lives a different age. He eats someone else's age ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - With his hump, his house and his mind ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See UM -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Irkut. About ripples on the water surface, going in places, in spots. SRNG 14, 331...
  • - who. Novg. Oh a lot talking person. NOSE 5, 6...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

  • - Sib. About the forest fire. FSS, 131...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Razg. Establish your own rules in a foreign society, company. BMS 1998, 386; BTS, 1401...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 statutory ...

    Synonym dictionary

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5. About the Korean monastery and someone else's charter

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9.4.3. To a strange monastery with your own striptease Through the prism of adventurism. A. Smir Not only the laws adopted in a foreign country, but also the customs are in many ways strikingly different from what we are used to. Sometimes it is not knowing the basic, basic norms of behavior that makes us in a foreign world

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    2 they don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter


    cf. do in Rome as the Romans do; when in Rome, live as Romans live; when you go to Rome, do as Rome does; every land has its laugh (= law), and every corn has its chaff

    Are you drinking? Boreyko interrupted Nozhin, pouring vodka into glasses. - I drink, but only in glasses. - Do not poke your nose into someone else's monastery with your charter! There are no glasses at Zaliternaya and in the factory, so I ask ... (A. Stepanov, Port Arthur)- "D"you drink?" asked Boreiko, interrupting him and filling a tumbler with vodka. "Yes, but only in a small glass," said the correspondent. Tn Rome do as the Romans do," retorted Boreiko. "Tumblers are the rule at Zaliternaya, so you"ll drink out of a tumbler."

    3 They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter

    Adapt yourself to the customs and manners of those you live among or are closely associated with. See What nation you live in, stick to that custom (B), Don’t carry your custom to someone else’s house (C), Live with wolves, howl like wolves (C)

    cf: Follow the customs, or fly the country (Br. ). When at Rome, live as the Romans live (Br.). When in Rome, do as the Romans /do/ (Am., Br.). When you are at Rome, do as Rome /does/ (Am., Br.)

    4 they don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter

    Set phrase: a man "s house is his castle, every land has its laugh (law), and every corn has its chaff, one mustn" t venture into others "home with a charter of (one" s) own, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, when in Rome, live as the Romans do

    5 they don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter

    1) General subject:

    2) Set phrase: when at rome, do as the romans do (literally: When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do)

    6 they don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter

    when in Rome do as the Romans do

    7 they don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter

    when you go to Rome, do as Rome does
    do in Rome as the Romans do
    when in Rome live as Romans live
    every land has its laugh (law), and every corn has its chaff

    8 They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter.

    phrases. Do not come in the stranger monastery with your own Charter.


    10 WALK


See also other dictionaries:

    they don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter- Wed. You, my friend, should not have interfered in your own business, you don’t go to a strange monastery with your charter. Saltykov. Poshekhonskaya antiquity. 8. Wed. Europe with Europe, we in Russia also have our own meaning, and there is even such a proverb: with our own, they say, ... ...

    They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own charter.- (do not go). See DECORITY CUSTOM... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter- They don’t go to a strange monastery with their charter. Wed You, my friend, should not have interfered in your own business, you don’t go to a strange monastery with your charter. Saltykov. Poshekhonskaya antiquity. 8. Wed. Europe is Europe, we also have our own in Russia ... ...

    MONASTERY- (Greek monasterion, from monos solitary). Dormitory of brothers and sisters who have taken monasticism, monastery. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. MONASTERY Greek. monasterion, from monos, solitary. The building in... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    MONASTERY- MONASTERY, me, husband. 1. A religious community of monks or nuns, which is a separate church economic organization. Male m. Female m. 2. Territory, temple and all the premises of such a community. M. on the lake. Monastery fence. IN… … Dictionary Ozhegov

    stranger- adj., use very often 1. Alien you call an object that is not your property, but belongs to another person, other people. Alien apartment. | Grab someone else's umbrella by mistake. | Leave other people's things in storage. | Read others ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    MONASTERY- 1) A religious community of monks or nuns who adopt uniform rules of life (charter) and observe religious vows (special oaths, promises). 2) A complex of liturgical, residential, economic and other buildings of such a community, enclosed, as a rule ... Linguistic Dictionary

    monastery- I/; m. (Greek monast ērion - a secluded place, a hermit's cell) 1) A religious community of monks or nuns, which is a church economic organization that owns land and capital. Male, female monasteries/r. (also: colloquial; o… … Dictionary of many expressions

    monastery- I; m. [Greek. monastērion a secluded place, a hermit's cell] 1. A religious community of monks or nuns, which is a church economic organization that owns land and capital. Male, female m. (also: colloquial; about a meeting of people ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Climb into someone else's garden- To climb into someone else's garden (foreigner) to meddle in one's own business. Wed In words, I could say a lot to the Sovereign, like my assumption, like my opinion; but to write is another matter that, as they say, to climb into someone else's garden. Pisemsky. Masons. 2, 6.… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    climb into someone else's garden- (inosk.) meddle in one's own business Cf. In words, I could say a lot to the sovereign, like my assumption, like my opinion; but to write is another matter that, as they say, climb into someone else's garden. Pisemsky. Masons. 2, 6. Prince. See in a strange monastery with ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary