Alexander Sheps VKontakte official page. Biography of Alexander Sheps: model, showman or psychic? Alexander Sheps: biography

Today we will tell you about a talented young magician who previously tried himself in different areas culture: in the theater, in the modeling business, was a DJ at discos, wrote songs. But at some point the guy decided to devote his life to magic. We are talking about a magician who supposedly knows how to communicate with souls of the dead, participant in the fourteenth season of the reality show “Battle of Psychics” - Alexandra Sheps. Among other things interesting information, You will find out if Alexander Sheps, a psychic, is on VKontakte.

Biography of a psychic

Real page on social network

So, the medium Alexander Sheps really is on VKontakte. Alexander has about 430 friends and over 127 thousand subscribers. Not all network users can send personal messages to the magician, but everyone can be added to subscribers.

On VKontakte, on his wall, Alexander Sheps regularly posts new posts and photographs. The official VKontakte page is located at:

On his wall you can find videos from interesting moments from the filming of the reality show “Battle of Psychics”. In the last of them, Alexander talks a little about himself, about the fact that people are very indignant when you tell them that there is no damage to them, because they do not want to take responsibility for their actions. The medium also wishes everyone to be a thousand times more confident in themselves. Alexander Sheps surprises many with his mystery. The psychic has not published a single photo album on VKontakte that is accessible to all network users. But on Alexander’s page you can find about 90 videos. Creative videos are posted here with exciting moments from the show “Battle of Psychics,” which were edited by Alexander himself, as well as his fans.

So, now you know how to find one of the most mysterious and young participants in the fourteenth season of the reality show “Battle of Psychics.” Alexander Sheps will always be glad to see you among his subscribers on VKontakte. The official VK page exists so that you can find out more interesting information about your pet. Don't waste your time and subscribe to the psychic's page!

Our today's hero is an attractive guy and strong psychic Alexander Sheps. Do you know his biography? If not, then you will find all the necessary information about it in the article. We wish you pleasant reading!

Alexander Sheps: biography

The famous psychic was born on November 26, 1986. His hometown is Samara. The obstetricians were very surprised at the sight of the boy. As you know, babies' skin at birth has a reddish tint. But Sasha was an exception. He was white as ivory.


In what environment was Alexander Sheps brought up? The biography of our hero indicates that there were psychics in his family. A striking example is Sasha's mother, Lyudmila Sheps. In Samara she is known as a tarot reader, spiritualist and clairvoyant. Father, Oleg Grigorievich, works at the local cemetery. The man is responsible for electricity and water supply to plots of land. He does not have the same abilities as his wife and son. Therefore, he is indifferent to the world of the dead.

In addition to Alexander, the family has four children. Each of them has their own hobbies, character and life priorities. Sasha is the 4th child. They say that his younger brother also began to show extraordinary abilities. The guy dreams prophetic dreams. He can predict the future using Tarot cards. It is possible that Sheps Jr. will soon appear at the “Battle of Psychics.”


Until the 5th grade, Sasha considered himself an ordinary boy. But at the age of 13, he felt an extraordinary surge of strength and energy. He gained abilities that he didn't have before. The boy began to talk to dead people.

IN adolescence our hero became interested in gothic art. Sasha wore only black clothes, combat boots, and bracelets with spikes and skulls. He composed fantasy stories and hoped that they would someday be published.

One day the boy had a strange dream. He saw himself standing nearby with grandmother's coffin. on his index finger the ring sparkled. At that time, Sasha’s grandmother was alive. But literally a few days after the ominous dream, she was gone. Before this, the 87-year-old woman managed to give her ring to her grandson. Alexander still wears it and never takes it off.

Finding yourself

In 2003, Sheps graduated from school. He had no intention of leaving his native Samara. The guy easily entered the local academy of culture and art. After 5 years, Sasha received a university diploma. From now on he could consider himself a professional actor.

The academy graduate got a job at the Hammer Theater in Samara. The talented guy was involved in almost every performance. At first, Alexander got tiny roles. But for short term he was able to gain the trust of production directors.

The salary in the theater was absolutely not enough for the young guy. After all, Sasha did not live with his parents, but rented an apartment. Therefore, Sheps had to think about additional sources of income. He started organizing events - corporate events, weddings and club parties. Alexander signed up for DJ courses. He soon demonstrated his acquired skills. The guy performed in nightclubs. The Samara crowd knew him as DJ Alex Energy.


Alexander Sheps was so carried away by music and organizing holidays that he completely forgot about his abilities. However, he soon paid for it.

In 2007, an attempt was made on Sheps. The guy and his friend left the club, got into their car and started the engine. But he failed to move. Unknown people on motorcycles appeared from around the corner. They started shooting. The friend escaped with a slight fright. And Alexander was wounded in the neck.

It was then that Sheps realized that this was a sign. He stopped organizing events and performing as a DJ. Our hero became seriously interested in extrasensory perception. At first, Sasha began studying certain literature, then began practical training.

Participation in the “Battle of Psychics”

In just a few years, Alexander managed to develop supernatural abilities. His parents supported him in every possible way. They repeatedly advised their son to take part in the famous television program about psychics. But Sasha was not confident in his abilities.

In 2012, Sheps met the finalist of the 7th season of “Battle” Ilona Novoselova. This girl saw him as a strong sorcerer. Ilona insisted that Sasha show his abilities to the whole country.

In 2013, Sheps went to the casting of the show “Battle of Psychics” (season 14). There was a crowd of people in front of the entrance to the film set. There were about three hundred of them. A thin guy in black clothes hardly stood out among them. But it was he who was lucky enough to be among the 12 participants in the program.

Passing the tests

Each episode of the show “Battle of Psychics” is an investigation. Alexander Sheps always understood the task the program administrators set for him. He demonstrated his knowledge and skills, and also tried something new.

“The Battle of Psychics” (season 14) allowed Alexander Sheps to announce his abilities throughout the country. He managed to win over not only the viewers, but also the characters of the show.

How did Alexander Sheps pass the tests in the show “Battle of Psychics”? Simply brilliant. For example, in the third issue, our hero said that a poltergeist appears in the apartment. Looking at the homeowners, he described their deceased relatives.

Filming of the fourth episode took place in village house. Sheps coped with the test. The guy identified main reason concerns of the owners of the house. This is evil spirits. The sorcerer performed a ritual to expel the entities.

Throughout the entire “Battle” Sasha showed brilliant results. He didn't have a single mistake.


Who reached the final of the 14th season of the show “Battle of Psychics”? Alexander Sheps, Ekaterina Ryzhikova and Merlin Kerro. When the presenter of the program, Marat Basharov, announced the results of the audience voting, many simply could not believe their ears. No one doubted that the winner of the 14th season would be the sorcerer Sheps. Another surprise was that 88% of viewers (145,020 people) voted for him. Mary took second place. 9% of viewers voted for her. In a fit of feeling, Alexander wanted to give main award(“crystal hand”) to his beloved. But Marilyn refused. The girl admitted the fact that Sheps turned out to be the best of best psychics. It was that evening that the couple announced their relationship to the whole country.

Prediction for Russia from Alexander Sheps

Our hero sees not only the past, but also the future. In this regard, many Russians have a question for him: “What awaits our country in the coming years?” Now you will find out about everything.

What information does Alexander Sheps want to convey to us? The predictions for 2016 are:

Personal life

After Alexander’s appearance at the “Battle of Psychics,” unknown people began to post him online joint photos with a participant in the 7th season of the show - Ilona Novoselova. The guy claimed that they were connected exclusively by friendly and working relations.

Our hero began a real romance while participating in the “Battle of Psychics.” and Alexander Shepss liked each other at first sight. At first they were afraid to express their feelings. As part of the show, Mary and Sasha were rivals. And outside the cameras, the guy and the girl became close people. At some point, personal life and TV shows mixed together. The Estonian witch and the Samara sorcerer stopped hiding their relationship from the program participants and viewers.

At the end of filming the 14th season of “Battle of Psychics,” Sheps invited Kerro to live together. The girl agreed. Alexander has already managed to introduce his beloved to his family. The red-haired beauty was warmly received by her parents and brothers and sisters.

A few months ago, a photograph was published on one of the Internet portals with the caption “Julia Wang and Alexander Sheps are dating.” But these are just the machinations of representatives of the yellow press. The winners of seasons 14 and 15 of the “Battle of Psychics” met by chance at a social event. They exchanged a couple of phrases and took photographs for memory. Nothing more. In addition, Estonian Marilyn Kerro was also present there. She was just on the other side of the cameras.

Present tense

Today Sheps and Kerro practically never separate. Together they perform various magical rituals, receive clients and travel the world. Fans of their couple are waiting for Sasha to propose marriage to Mary. In an interview printed publications Sheps has repeatedly said that he sees Kerro as his wife and mother of his children. The couple is very happy. The guy and the girl don't want to rush into getting married. After all, a stamp in a passport is just a formality. The main thing is love and mutual understanding. And the guys have no problems with this.


We talked about where Alexander Sheps was born, studied and how he discovered his supernatural abilities. The biography of this guy is filled with mystical events. One thing can be said: he is not like everyone else. Sasha has found his soul mate. Let's wish him a happy future!

"on the TNT channel.

Biography of Alexander Sheps

Alexander Sheps born on November 26, 1986 in Samara, studied at a regular school, after which he entered the Saratov State Academy. Alexander has younger brother Oleg Sheps, who followed in the footsteps of his older brother.

Sheps Sr. was always seduced by creative activity- he worked part-time as an organizer of holidays and various celebrations in Samara, tried himself as a host of local news programs, worked as a DJ nicknamed DJ Alex Energy in Samara nightclubs, tried his hand at modeling.

Alexander Sheps: “I was a child, my grandmother took me to my grandfather’s grave. And suddenly we both heard a voice that demanded that we leave immediately. There was no one around, we got scared, ran, and lightning struck the place where we had just stood. Then I realized: there is something beyond that available to me.”

Sheps did not immediately develop an interest in everything otherworldly. For a long time was fond of gothic , I even wrote corresponding stories. A little later Alexander began to be fascinated by isotericism and magic. Having seen in this not only a passion, but also a calling, I began to develop in myself psychic abilities. Gradually, a new awareness of the world around him came to him. From that moment on, he considered helping people and self-improvement to be the meaning of his life.

Alexander Sheps: “None of the psychics ever look at themselves! But there are extreme situations when all receptors are reflexively activated. For example, once the car in which I was traveling was fired upon. During that situation - the guys who were traveling with me remember this - I shouted: “Calm down, everything will be okay!” If I had gone a little further to the left, I would have been absolutely right, but the people who attacked us would simply have been killed. Imagine: a highway, with ditches on both sides, these guys are on a motorcycle. If I had hit them, they would have smashed their heads. Yes, in fact, I would be right: they had weapons, they attacked, any examination would easily show this. But at that moment I clearly saw the outcome. And this vision, despite the panic and confusion, allowed me to drive the car and not take any actions that would later bring such irreparable consequences. Thank God, no one was even injured, everything turned out okay.”

Alexander Sheps in the show Battle of Psychics Season 14

One of the most popular television competitions for psychics is the “Battle of Psychics”. Alexander Sheps took part in the 14th season of this project and performed brilliantly. Unlike most competitors, Alexander used various techniques– Tarot cards, pendulums, artifacts, runic symbols and much more. However, according to the psychic himself, the souls of dead people who contact him help him find the correct answers to the questions posed. In the fight against strong competitors, Alexander managed to win the “Crystal Hand” - the main prize of the show.

Alexander Sheps: “I had a dream that I was walking through the forest and heard a voice: “When will you finally make up your mind?!” When I woke up, my first thought was about the “Battle of Psychics.” I don't know, maybe my brain was somehow acting hidden. After all, they called me many times and said: “Go, take part!” But I was always cool about it. And then the thought stuck in my head, and I decided to call, and then went to the casting. I didn’t go for the fight, but to help those who need this help. I watched almost all episodes of the “Battle of Psychics”. I singled out several participants for myself: Elena Golunova, Ilona Novoselova and Gibert.”

After participating and winning the “Battle,” Alexander Sheps became one of the regular participants in the show “Psychics Are Investigating” on the TNT channel. Together with other participants in the program, who became the winners and finalists of the “Battle,” Sheps, as part of this project, investigated mysterious stories. So, for example, in the show “Psychics. Battle of the Strongest" (2018) together with Swami Dashi and he went to Khanty-Mansiysk to investigate the death of eight teenagers who were burned alive in a bathhouse.

Personal life of Alexander Sheps

Alexander Sheps met with Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” program. Season 7". On the set of the program “Battle of Psychics. Season 14 » Alexander met Marilyn Kerro. Sympathy arose between them, which soon developed into a romance.

Sheps supported his lover when she took part in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. In the finale of this season, TV viewers remembered the fiery kiss of lovers on camera.

In January 2018, Kerro said that she broke up with Sheps, and in June of the same year she made Official statement: « Dear friends! I would like to inform you that Sasha and I are not a couple. I have already spoken about this on camera several times, but apparently an official statement is required. Here it is: Sasha and I are not a couple, and now I also have nothing to do with the “Magic Workshop” in Samara. It doesn't mean anything happened. Everything is fine. Each of us has our own life, and I respect Sasha very much. If I take a photo with him, this once again proves that we are not enemies. Love and kindness to everyone!!!”

Alexander Sheps— winner of the Battle of Psychics of Season 14.

White envelopes received: , .

Alexander Sheps, a young participant in the new season of the “Battle of Psychics,” attracted the attention of the public even during the qualifying tests. The clairvoyant answered without difficulty tricky questions presenters and accurately guessed the details of the events that took place.

The way Alexander behaves in front of the television camera makes it clear that this is not the first time that a psychic has been on set. And indeed, while living in Samara, Sheps has already tried on both the role of a TV presenter and the role of a DJ. An arrogant look, a delivered speech and an extravagant style of clothing - all this is part of the image of the magician, which arouses genuine interest among the audience.

Biography of Alexander Sheps

Alexander's path to magic can be called a long one. It all started with the fact that the psychic had an interest in gothic culture. It was this hobby that became the basis of the magician’s clothing style. Having tried on the profession of an actor, event organizer, screenwriter and VJ, Alexander realized that he was increasingly attracted to esotericism and magic. So, the young psychic began to develop his abilities.

Since then, Alexander Sheps decided to devote his life to helping people. In his work, he uses the help of elemental spirits, Tarot cards, inhabitants of the world of the dead and, of course, his own experience. However, due to the sharply increased excitement around his person, Alexander temporarily closed access to his contact information. His pages in in social networks already filled with requests for help in solving problems.

IN this moment Alexander Sheps is the undisputed favorite of the fourteenth season television program"The fight of extrasensories". But there are still many challenges ahead and leaders may change several times. Nevertheless, fans of the young clairvoyant look to the future with confidence and predict victory for Alexander.

Photo by Alexander Sheps

Contents [Show]

He who believes will see. Those who don't believe will never see. To be an atheist in our time is a huge courage! This means agreeing that after you there will be only, forgive the frankness, humus. The earth will take everything into itself and... That's it! That's all! You are no more, and will not be... But, as persistent practice shows, a piece of God lives in everyone, even the most inveterate atheist! Not in stone or wood, not in pictures or words, but precisely in the heart, where the brightest feelings arise...

Unfortunately, not all people see and know how to read the signs. Many are deliberately led astray by all sorts of “false teachers,” “sects,” and the like. I offer my help only to those who truly need it and to those who believe in own strength. And believe me, it doesn’t matter to me what religion, class, and other crap you are.

The main thing is that you yourself are pure in your thoughts, and believe, first of all, in yourself!

How to get an appointment with Alexander Sheps?

    You can get there through the official website, but you need to register on the site first, then answer some questions, as I understand, Alexander Sheps answers personally, which means you can also agree on an appointment, if he even leads the approx.

    Alexander Sheps has an official page, you can try to write him a message, as far as I know, his friend Olga Armasova is making an appointment with Sheps, on her page it says that the whole of January and February has already been booked, the start of registration for March and April will be announced later.

    Where does Alexander Sheps receive? His contacts?

    As far as I know, at the moment (October 2013) Sheps is not accepting appointments. And before that, he also did not accept people, as is practiced by many people endowed with psychic abilities. It is possible that after the Battle of Psychics he will open a reception.

    Well, he doesn’t have an Instagram for sure. It also says here that he makes talismans to order, practically does not communicate with clients online, more at offline meetings.

    In general, don’t bother with these highly promoted magicians, there are usually much more show-offs than real talents)

    In fact, psychic Alexander Sheps is conducting the reception. You need to go to his VKontakte page. There he informs that you can sign up with him through his close friend Olga, and gives a link to her page, where the telephone number for contact is indicated. Just keep in mind that he only has ONE VKontakte page. There are pages on Odnoklassniki or Facebook - these are scammers! Alexander Sheps himself recently wrote about this on his VKontakte page.

    You can make an appointment with Alexander by calling 8(926)?083-09-38

    His Skype is?alexandrsheps

    And the official website is here

    I think that after his victory at the battle of psychics, the queue for him will be booked for almost a year!

    Making an appointment with Sheps is very possible! This must be done through the VKontakte page - this is his only Official page in social networks. All other pages are created by scammers - be careful! is the real and only page of Alexander Sheps in VKontakte.

    His friend Olga Armasova is making an appointment (Alexander himself indicated this address on his Contact page on October 14).

    Currently recording on next year suspended until December 23 (written by Olga on her page.

    Good luck to all!

    As far as I know, Alexander Sheps, a participant in the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, is not a permanent prima in the usual sense. You can try to contact him through his page in Contact. Or try to reach him through your previous job. Let me remind you that he worked as a DJ and also as a TV presenter in Samara.

    Appointment by phone:?8(926)?083-09-38

    Recording via Skype:?alexandrsheps

    Registration by e-mail:

    The official website of A. Sheps is located here. There you can find out a little story about the magician, look at his personal photo, and also buy magical things, for example, the Eye of Gavial, which costs 45,000 rubles.. In general, Sheps is now not only a superstar, but also a businessman... haha!

    By the way, Alexander Sheps, together with his Kerro, opens in 2014 new project called Another Reality. Nobody knows what kind of project this will be, but it’s already interesting.

“Battle of Psychics” has become one of the most popular television shows over the past few years. Thanks to his work, it was possible to identify many talented people. Most of The population empathized with the participants of the show, wondering who would reach the finals and win. For example, psychics Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps became public favorites. During the course of the show, someone wins over the audience with their unusual appearance, somebody - strange behavior, some with extraordinary talents.

Each season of a television show becomes unique and memorable for something of its own. The fourteenth season of the “Battle of Psychics” was no exception. Firstly, they lengthened one episode from an hour to an hour and a half. As a result, participants had more options for their work. Various tests were proposed during the project. For example, some psychics, in the process of identifying cheaters among married couples, had to tell a lot of interesting things to people.

One of the most notable participants in the “Battle” was the psychic Alexander Sheps. He became the winner of this season. But in the end, the program managers decided to give him additional testing. As a result of which the psychic communicated with the dead. The winner of the program was invited to come to the village and find a haunted house there. Not only did Sheps accurately identify him, but he immediately went up to the second floor and began to describe the situation that had occurred. The whole point was that the ghost in the bedroom was touching the victim. The medium Alexander Sheps rendered a verdict: it was not a ghost, but an incubus. He deciphered: this is a demon in the form of a human. According to him, such entities feed on a woman’s sexual energy and greatly age her. Those ladies who do not have a permanent man are at risk. The psychic easily found the grave of the incubus and performed a special banishing ritual. Such a serious test only confirmed that the medium Alexander Sheps won fairly.

Like anyone else famous person, the life of Alexander Sheps is filled with various unique events. He was born on November 26, 1986. It is noteworthy that his mother noted the unusualness of the child from the moment of birth. Normally, when a baby appears, as a result of passing through the birth canal, it turns red. Psychic Alexander Sheps was pale then, that is, he was different from the majority. Place of birth - Samara. Already with early years The boy's parents noted: he was talking to invisible people.

By the way, it is worth noting the guy’s peculiarity - he did not take beautiful nicknames. His name is Alexander Olegovich Sheps. His height is 180 cm and weight is 70 kg. Shoe size 41, and clothing size 48.

The parents of Alexander Sheps are no strangers to extrasensory perception. The boy's mother, a famous clairvoyant and tarot reader, saw the spirit of his deceased father from an early age. But she herself does not engage in rituals, as she fears bad consequences. The boy's father is an ordinary and down-to-earth person who is afraid that living personalities in power may become interested in his son. After all, a medium can tell a lot interesting secrets. Works at the cemetery, monitoring electrical networks and water supply. He himself does not believe in communication with the dead.

It is noteworthy that already in adolescence, Alexander Sheps noticed: he could speak with otherworldly spirits. IN school age he tried to get in touch with them. When his beloved grandmother died at the age of almost ninety in the early 2000s, he began to come to her grave after school and talk to her. Interestingly, before her death, Sasha had a vision of her lying in a coffin and giving him her ring. This is what the boy still wears on his arm.

Alexander Sheps (reviews of the admission can be read below) was distinguished by his versatility of interests. Thus, during his university years he was a goth, wrote dark poetry and was interested in the aesthetics of death. Sasha was interested in art, music, and the Middle Ages. Already during this period of his life he began to clearly understand his magical abilities.

Even before the battle of the strongest appeared, Alexander Sheps knew: the word is material. He wrote in student years a story whose main character was his friend. As a result of the story, his skull was broken with a spear and he died. That friend almost died in life! It was then that the medium realized: any word is material.

In 2007, unknown people tried to kill Sasha. He and a friend were driving in a car when they were attacked. Unknown persons on motorcycles they simply started shooting at passengers. Alexander said: a vision helped save him. It was thanks to him that he protected his friend and received only a slight injury. By the way, the psychic himself does not consider this an attempt; rather, he simply fell under the hot hand of drug addicts or drunkards.

Despite his short life, Sasha went through several whirlwind romances. He was attracted to famous and extravagant women. For example, in the past he had a relationship with presenter Tatyana Bakumenko. Later he switched to her colleague, Natalya Kholodova. In general, before the civil marriage, there were rumors about an impressive list of Sasha’s mistresses.

By the way, Alexander Sheps, the 14th battle of psychics had not yet taken place, introduced acquaintance with Ilona Novoseltseva. She was also a participant in the show, albeit in the seventh season. It was she who insisted on Sasha’s participation in the program.

Today, many are thinking about how to get to an appointment with Alexander Sheps, but few are ready to meet with him...Marilyn Kerro. The couple met on the show and now live in a civil marriage. They actively maintain pages on social networks and post photos together. They practice witchcraft together and share observations with fans. The couple also travels together.

Alexander Sheps himself does not hide: he had several attempts to create serious relationship, but all to no avail. His psychic abilities made it possible to predict the deceptive behavior of girls and break up with them. And the negative experience turned him away from relationships for a long time.

It is noteworthy that the relationship between Marilyn Carro and Alexander Sheps developed during the “Battle of Psychics”, where they were rivals. Grand Prize went to the man, as she lost to him and took second place. He, in turn, tried to return it to her. Some people were sure: the relationship was just a PR stunt. But in fact, the couple continued dating after the show ended.

At the end of the battle, Alexander Sheps gave his beloved a case. Nobody knows what was inside. Some people assume it's a ring, but it could just as easily be a chain or a pendant. In any case, there are no facts about the official wedding; the couple probably got married secretly.

After the "Battle of Psychics" he began his independent activity Alexander Sheps. Reviews about the reception varied. Some were shocked, others were very dissatisfied. In any case, almost everyone recognized the psychic's talents. That's why the show's directors decided new program. In which the most prominent representatives battles, winners and finalists. They had to undergo more serious tests. This is how the program “Psychics Are Investigating” appeared. Alexander Sheps became a participant in the sixth season. Marilyn Kerro was invited to be his partner.

Together they went to the Lipetsk region, to the village of Soshki. Locals Having learned about the visit of the famous couple, they came from other regions for consultation. The work was started by Carylyn Merro. According to her customs, she began to work with blood. She also talked to the mother of the deceased boy. He crashed on the road. According to Kerro, people themselves are to blame, since there is nothing mystical about the road. People themselves invite death by attaching memorial plaques and carrying wreaths at the places where accident victims died.

When the program “Psychics Are Investigating” was filmed, Alexander Sheps came after Kerro. He was frightened by the crowd of people and asked them to remain quiet. The psychic spoke with the mother of another deceased child - a girl. Afterwards he accurately named all the dead on this road. Verdict: There is nothing mystical on the road.

Afterwards Kerro and Sheps went to the cemetery. There his beloved became ill, and Alexander himself became furious: illiterate people considered it normal to bring children under seven years old to the cemetery. According to witchcraft rituals, young children should never be taken to a cemetery. Otherwise there will be trouble. Psychics' verdict: there is no mysticism in the village, the residents themselves are to blame. They drink, smoke, lead a riotous lifestyle and invite death themselves.

Today the popularity of the psychic has reached its peak. Alexander Sheps, the price of which depends on the situation, indicates on his official website: payment according to the tariff, hourly. You can find unverified information on the Internet that the rate is one thousand rubles.

There are also negative reviews. On the Internet, some people write that Sheps’ fee is ten thousand, and the consultation lasts less than a quarter of an hour. In any case, there is no real confirmation of this information. Especially considering that Alexander Sheps is extremely active in booking appointments. It is unlikely that with such price tags there would be a queue of people interested.

The psychic positions himself as a necromancer and medium. Doesn't disdain the mantle. For this, Madame Lenormand's Tarot and runes are used. In his witchcraft practice he uses various attributes. These can be black candles, canes, pendulums. The dagger stands apart and cemetery land. According to the medium, this helps him tear the fabric between the worlds of the living and the dead.

Almost everyone knows who Alexander Sheps is. How to get an appointment with him? Extremely easy. The medium actively receives citizens by various issues. But, unfortunately, scammers are profiting from his good name. Therefore, remember: the magician conducts the reception only in person! There can be no correspondence by email or Skype. He also has only one website and one VKontakte page. Remember: the master does not take advance payment! All money is awarded upon completion of work.

If you like Alexander Sheps, reviews of the reception will help you make full picture about him. IN to a greater extent They are positive, but you can also find negative ones. It's actually simple. Some exalted individuals expect a miracle from Sheps. Although in fact, any psychic cannot radically change a person’s life until that person wants it. Plus, the long waiting line speaks for itself: the psychic knows his business.

If you have questions, Alexander Sheps will answer them. How to get to the reception, find out from its manager - Olga Armasova. In addition to calling, you can write to her on VKontakte. But think carefully about whether it’s worth pulling at such people for the sake of nonsense.

Why doesn’t the psychic himself answer fans’ questions? There simply isn't enough time. Therefore, he entrusted all organizational work to knowledgeable person, and he himself only conducts the reception.

Many people have no idea what to expect from a consultation with a psychic. Since people have extremely general idea about what is happening. Before going to a consultation, formulate your questions correctly and in detail. Especially if you care about the future. As a rule, Madame Lenormand's Tarot is used for this. Mantika - good way learn about personal relationships or careers. You can also discuss your condition with a psychic magical protection and whether it needs to be installed again.

Many people are interested in what kind of feedback Alexander Sheps receives about the reception. The big question is how true they are. After all, his field of activity is very unique. For example, he makes up runic amulets. A unique combination of ancient symbols makes it possible to make a person’s defense impenetrable and attract good luck to him. The problem is that if a bad specialist does this without knowledge about runes, big troubles can be brought upon the wearer of such a talisman. What else can runic symbols protect against? They can increase health, money, success at work, improve well-being and much more.

In addition, Alexander Sheps developed unique technique fire divination. With its help it is good to look through secret enemies.

The winners of the “Battle of Psychics” distinguished themselves in terms of searching for missing people. For many, turning to specialists becomes their last hope. So, Alexander Sheps is actively involved in such activities. His unique powers allow him to use not only the energy of the world of the living, but also the dead. There he may try to find the murdered person or dead person, talk to him.

The guy's key purpose is as a medium. Alexander Sheps talks with world of the dead. This allows you to solve many problems, especially when it comes to family reconciliation. After all, it is known for certain that generational curses- the strongest, they are practically impossible to cancel and are difficult to remove without loss. Therefore, a competent medium is very necessary.

Another activity of Alexander Sheps is the creation of amulets and amulets. Craftsmen have a great variety of techniques for creating such things. The main thing here is to take into account your strengths, abilities and desired results. What is worth noting: Sheps fundamentally does not work with dark matter and does not harm people around him, despite promises of an impressive amount of royalties.

Are there areas in which Alexander Sheps does not work? Reviews of the reception say that it does not primarily deal with health issues. Neither diagnosis, nor counseling, much less treatment. It is important to take this into account before contacting him about this.

He also does not practice any dark magic. No love spells, no damage, no curses and the like. Many people consider this to be an indication of his low strength. In fact, a competent magician, when choosing a side of activity, does not run between two fires. Since any sorcerer understands: sooner or later you will have to pay for everything.

Unfortunately, due to his high busy schedule, Sheps does not travel with seminars around Russia. Basically he arranges them only in Moscow. Even for the presentation of his book, he did not leave the capital. Perhaps there is another snag in the energy sector in the center of the country? It's possible.

As you can see, we examined in detail the unique biography and activities of Alexander Sheps. This extraordinary young man has already shown the whole world his psychic abilities and proved their existence. Despite the fact that his story clearly pales in comparison to the stories of other participants in the “Battle of Psychics,” many people are fans of Alexander Sheps. Moreover, many positive feedback speak for themselves. Of course, there is some negativity regarding his activities. Not everyone is happy with the results of their appeal to Alexander, but this is already the case here. To draw concrete conclusions, it is best to try it yourself.

When contacting a magician, be prepared to work, as people often expect miracles from such masters. Any mantika only gives information for thought, models the situation, but the querent himself needs to work on himself and on what is happening. A competent psychic can advise the right way way out of a bad situation. In any case, remember that ultimately it all depends on the person.

Many representatives of our time respect Alexander Sheps, the winner of the Battle of Psychics. How to get an appointment with Alexander Sheps and how much it costs - this question worries many who want to get a consultation with a psychic. People try to get to his session, but this can be quite difficult. Is it even possible to get an appointment with a magician? He has a lot of admirers and admirers who strive to meet with the psychic, so a certain secrecy is completely justified.

Those who attended Alexander Sheps’s reception claim that it was not in vain that they were looking for a way to contact him, and leave positive feedback.

How to get an appointment with a psychic

  • Most people need help, but many of them do not know how to meet with a psychic and talk about what worries them. Alexander gained his popularity after the show “Battle of Psychics,” where he showed himself to be a powerful magician. There are very long queues to see him; people are ready to wait for weeks, months, years.
  • Fanatical individuals often tracked down the clairvoyant, asked unthinkable questions, thereby trying to get him to react. As a result, Alexander became wary of this phenomenon. If earlier it was possible to get an appointment with him without much difficulty, just by calling him by phone, now it is quite difficult to do this.
  • Alexander Sheps - how to get an appointment? Alexander’s team has a person who deals with these issues, Olga Armasova, the magician’s manager. She has an official page on social networks.
  • Alexander trusts her, but he himself is unable to answer those around him. To make an appointment, you need to first talk to her, tell her about exciting issues. After the conversation, Olga signs the person up for a certain time.

How can I contact a psychic?

Like many psychics, Alexander has pages on social networks VKontakte and Instagram. Again, he does not directly communicate with people; Olga Armasova does this work. How to contact Alexander Sheps - after recording, you can personally communicate with the clairvoyant, ask questions and ask for help.

Alexander does not provide consultations via the Internet. This is due to the fact that otherwise one might stumble upon scammers who pretend to be him.

If a person is really interested in Alexander Sheps, he will definitely find a way to contact him. Absolutely anyone who has made an appointment in advance can contact the magician. Alexander does not ask for advance payment for his services, because he works for results. But if a person is asked first for money, and then for help, then it means that it is scammers operating. You need to be extremely careful and prudent.

Alexander receives him in Moscow, he does not travel around the cities. Seminars are held here. It helps cure many diseases, often detecting them in the early stages. In order not to succumb to the provocations of scammers, you can follow events on social networks, on the magician’s personal VKontakte page, or you can view the official website.

You can contact Sheps’ secretary and get an appointment on the psychic’s official website.

Reviews about a psychic named Alexander Sheps from those who attended the reception were mostly positive. People are satisfied; they see him as a helper and savior, a person who helps them cope with difficult life situations.

Many try to meet him, no matter what, making an appointment well in advance. Sometimes you have to wait several months for your turn, but it's worth it.

Fans of Alexander Sheps are sure that he is a real clairvoyant who can see what is hidden from ordinary people. If you look at the reviews on his official website, you can conclude that society does not feel upset after communicating with this person.

People see Alexander as positive and kind person, who is imbued with pain and problems, tries to help as much as possible. Thanks to this man, many were able to cope with mental trauma and found peace. One session takes twenty to thirty minutes, but this time is enough to rethink reality and look at the world with different eyes.

They treat Alexander with confidence, go for help, and completely trust him. This man was able to reach the hearts of those around him because he has powerful powers.

If you have any questions or need help with the current life situation, you can consult our experts.