Who is Olga Buzova pregnant with? Buzova made an official statement about pregnancy. Is it true that Olga Buzova is pregnant.

Fans of the star couple have been waiting for this news for many years. Still would! Dom-2 host Olga Buzova and Lokomotiv midfielder Dmitry Tarasov have been married for more than four years, but still no children. But it seems that very soon the glamorous blonde will have something to please her fans. Fans of the TV personality are sure: Olga Buzova is pregnant!

Olga Buzova (summer 2016 and from recent lookbook shoots)

Photo @buzova86

The suspicions of the army of fans about the star couple are not accidental. The fact that recently the host of a popular project has noticeably gained weight is visible to the naked eye. And in almost all recent photos on Instagram, Olga Buzova poses for the camera exclusively in loose sweaters or voluminous jackets that hide her belly.

By the way, fans’ guesses about Buzova’s pregnancy are supported by her recent interview with Woman’s Day, in which, we recall, the presenter admitted that she was already ready to become a mother.

“Over the five years of our relationship, Dima and I managed to fully enjoy each other and understand that we made the right choice. Believe me, this approach is much better than quickly getting married, immediately having a child, being disappointed in a person, getting a divorce, finding someone else, and so on several times. In such situations, children suffer. I always dreamed of living my life with one man. Now Dima and I have come to the conclusion that we can give our love to someone else,” Olga said (more details).

Lately, the TV presenter has been wearing bulky sweaters.

Photo @buzova86

Olga Buzova, we recall, became famous throughout the country when she came as a participant to the television project “Dom-2”. There the girl met her future boyfriend, now showman Roman Tretyakov. The couple's relationship lasted three years. In 2006, Roman stated that he was tired of “aquarium life” and left the show. Olga remained on the project and for some time tried to build relationships with other participants.

In 2011, Olga Buzova met Lokomotiv football player Dmitry Tarasov, who was married at the time of their meeting. After some time, the athlete announced his divorce. The lovers began to meet, not hiding from the press and prying eyes.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov formalized their relationship on June 26, 2012. Registration took place at the Griboyedovsky registry office. In order to celebrate the wedding with 70 guests, the lovers rented a ship (more details).

Since then, spouses have been separated only out of necessity. Dmitry continues to develop in sports, Olga acts in films, runs her own clothing brand and even writes books.

By the way…

“The Price of Happiness”: quotes from the book by Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova spoke about what the St. Petersburg resident had to go through to achieve everything she has in her book “The Price of Happiness,” which was published in the summer of 2016. Here are some quotes from the book.

About "House-2"

“I cried at night, but every day I got up and went to where every second person hated me,” says Olga Buzova in her book. - She smiled at them and held on with all her might. I told myself: “I was able to win the love and trust of millions, and therefore I can definitely earn the respect of the 15 participants in the project.”

About pain

“I was vilely disgraced throughout the country for the sake of a cleverly twisted plot and ratings. I didn’t understand how Andrey could agree to participate in this and didn’t warn me. After three months of hard training, pain, nerves and calluses in the blood, it is indescribably disappointing to receive such a finale...”

About family

“A month later I found out that Dima was married and had a child. This offended me because I am an idealist and have always wanted to get married once and for the rest of my life...” (more details).

Olga Buzova came to her first press conference in a strict suit from Yves Saint Laurent. “I’m very excited, because today I’m announcing the creation of my own empire,” the “House-2” star began talking about her plans.


“We live in the era of Olga Buzova, in the era of blockchain, in the era of digital media,” Buzova smiled. “I am the first girl in this country to launch her own Buzcoin cryptocurrency and Buzar communication platform. I have global plans. For example, I am starting a restaurant business ", I open beauty salons. Everything Buzova touches becomes gold."

Correspondent website asked about how she plans to combine business and stage. “I’m not leaving the stage, although many spiteful critics won’t like it,” Olga said. “Moreover, I have huge plans to conquer the world music market.”

She also commented on rumors that she would soon become a mother: “I’m not pregnant - I’m making an official statement about this through your publication. Don’t believe rumors and gossip. I’ve been alone for more than a year. I’ve forgotten what sex is, so I’m directing all my unrealized energy in a different direction. And today this is work, this desire to give all of yourself to people."

“I don’t have time for my personal life, so, alas, at 32 years old I don’t have a man,” Olga continued. “And I’m not a robot, I need a person next to me. But only a man without diapers. Strong and brave. I’m even ready for the fact that he will be less successful than me, less wealthy. And this summer I will take part in a romantic show on TNT, where I will look for my love. I want and expect real sincerity, to be led by the hand, kissed. Moreover, I am the most enviable, the most popular bride in this country. And soon I will also become the richest! "

They say that Buzova developed a belly, but not at all because of the food in Buzfoot restaurants - attentive viewers noticed changes in her figure after this heartthrob returned from Love Island.

The screen is of dubious quality, but during the broadcast of this series of reality shows, many of Olya’s fans noted with hope how round their favorite heroine was in the sides. I don’t know why everyone is so waiting for Buzova’s child; she seems to live well without children. But, in the light of the TV show “Married to Buzova”, natural questions arise to any fold of the host of a TV project about love: from whom is Olga Buzova pregnant? When will she start a family?

Who's the lucky dad-to-be?

As you remember, in the third episode of the show there were 8 contenders for Olya’s hand and heart, and if you also add, according to rumors from the network, her ex-man, Roma, Vlad Kadoni (he is also credited with an affair with the singer) - how to understand who the child is from? , even if this is only a mockery of Buzova’s career exploits?

I watched her a little and didn’t notice anything special for a woman of her age; Alexandra Cherno has a much larger belly and without children. Why is Buzova suddenly predicted to give birth soon? I don’t understand this impulse from Olya’s fans. Who could become a happy future dad - I don’t see anyone except Roman Gritsenko in this role, and it would even be interesting if Olya becomes a mother.

Do you think Buzova is really pregnant or are there rumors again? Let's have fun making our own guesses!

Published 10/19/16 23:30

“House 2”, latest news 10/19/2016: Olga Buzova believes that she can cope with the role of a mother, since she already has experience communicating with young children - the nephews of Dmitry Tarasov.

Famous TV presenter 30-year-old Olga Buzova recently published in Instagram controversial photo and fans of the TV personality immediately started talking about Olga’s interesting situation.

So, first there was a photo with an IV, and later a photo from the house, where the presenter was at home surrounded by dogs. Some of the fans decided that Buzova was sick. However, more eagle-eyed followers were able to see Olga’s rounded belly in the photo intkbbee and decided that the presenter was hospitalized due to severe toxicosis.

Buzova pregnant 2016? A PHOTO from Instagram fueled rumors

“Health and goodness to everyone,” says the caption to the photo.

The rumors were fueled by a photo in which Olga Buzova poses with her friend Olga Desyatovskaya, who carefully holds the football player’s wife by the stomach.

“It feels like Olga is pregnant. If so, then congratulations!”, “Well, finally! It’s high time, we’ve been together so much,” the presenter’s followers wrote in the comments.

Currently, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov are building their house, in which, according to the TV presenter, “not only dogs” will live. Olga herself believes that she can cope with the role of a mother, since she already has experience communicating with young children - the nephews of Dmitry Tarasov.

Let us remind you that this is not the first time that rumors about Olga Buzova’s pregnancy have appeared on the Internet. So, in May, fans began to congratulate the presenter on the imminent addition to the family because of the ambiguous caption to the photo: . However, the rumors turned out to be groundless and fans stopped talking about Buzova’s possible pregnancy for some time.