Who was the professor of spells at Hogwarts school. Care of Magical Creatures

Hogwarts is a school of witchcraft and wizardry. Within its walls, young wizards and sorceresses are taught the basics of magic. Starting from the third year, additional classes are added to the main subjects, which students choose independently. Also, all young wizards pass mandatory exams that demonstrate the level of knowledge acquired.

What subjects do young wizards study at Hogwarts?

Lists of activities

In their first years of study, all students at Hogwarts study the following subjects:

  • astronomy;
  • spells;
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts;
  • potions;
  • history of magic;
  • herbology;
  • transfiguration;
  • flying on brooms.

At the end of the second year of study, students must choose two new subjects, the study of which will begin in the third year. You can choose from the following Hogwarts:

Of course, not all objects at Hogwarts are described in detail in the books. The following activities were considered the most important and difficult:

  • spells;
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts;
  • potions;
  • transfiguration.

Herbology, Divination, and Care of Magical Creatures are also often mentioned, although these subjects are not considered too difficult or important for further study after Hogwarts.


At the end of the fifth year of study, exams are taken in all subjects studied at Hogwarts - OWL (standards for teaching magic). Based on the grades they receive, students choose what they will study next. Hogwarts has a special grading system:

  • "perfect";
  • "above expected";
  • "satisfactorily";
  • "weak";
  • "disgusting";
  • "troll".

By passing the OWL, students can graduate from school. Of course, in order to master a prestigious profession, most continue their education. In the seventh year, students take the TOAD (a creepy academic brilliance assessment). The exams are assessed by a special commission, and the results are sent to students via owl mail or announced immediately after passing the exam.


One of the main subjects at Hogwarts is spells. For spells, Latin or the student's native language can be used. They are also divided into two groups:

  • verbal are those that are spoken out loud;
  • non-verbal - they are pronounced mentally, this requires great concentration.

The difficulty of this item is that all movements of the wand and words must be repeated exactly, otherwise you may not get the desired effect from the spell.

The teacher for this course is Professor Flitwick, who is also the Dean of Ravenclaw. His classes have a more relaxed atmosphere than McGonagall's and Snape's. Professor Flitwick stands out among other teachers: he is very short. In order for the students from the last desks to see him, he stands on a stack of books.

Flitwick is known for his sense of humor. He always encourages students to experiment in his lessons. He treated well not only Ravenclaws, but also students from other faculties. Thanks to his knowledge and friendly character, he enjoys well-deserved authority among students and teachers.

Defense Against the Dark Arts

One of the difficult and core subjects at Hogwarts is Defense Against the Dark Arts. In this course, students learn ways to protect themselves from dementors, boggarts, werewolves, and other dangerous creatures. This lesson also teaches how to defend against unforgivable spells and attacks from dark wizards.

Most of the classes are devoted to practice, because most teachers believe that this will allow students to master Defense Against the Dark Arts. The only exception was Dolores Umbridge, who paid attention to studying theory - she believed that children did not need practice, since no one would attack them.

It was noteworthy that no one stayed in the position of teacher of this discipline longer than a year. Here are the defenses against the Dark Arts:

  1. Professor Quirrell. Helped the Dark Lord, wanted to find philosopher's Stone. Died in the dungeon.
  2. He pretended to be a skilled wizard. Lost my memory. I ended up in St. Mungo's Hospital.
  3. Left school by at will, when everyone found out that he was a werewolf.
  4. Mad-Eye Moody. Revealed to be Barty Crouch Jr., he was exposed and subjected to the Dementor's Kiss.
  5. Dolores Umbridge. She tried to introduce a dictatorship at Hogwarts, prohibiting the use of spells during lessons. She was fired from school.
  6. Severus Snape. He became the director of the school, but left it due to hostile professors and students.
  7. Was a Death Eater, then ended up in Azkaban.

When Voldemort was defeated, the teaching position began to be occupied by one person, and Harry Potter lectured there several times a year.


Also, one of the compulsory subjects studied at Hogwarts is potions. Students study the compositions of various potions, what properties they have and how to prepare them correctly. Potions making is very difficult subject, because it is very important to follow the potion recipe, otherwise it can lead to irreparable consequences.

One of the Potions teachers was Severus Snape. There was always silence in his lessons, he was very strict with his students. Snape was sure that only a few would be able to appreciate this item. Severus had great abilities in potions, and he was also the head of Slytherin.

Another teacher of this discipline was Horace Slughorn. He held the position of teacher before Severus Snape. Horace loved to surround himself with talented young people and even created the Slug Club. After Severus Snape, Slughorn returned to this position again (after the persuasion of Dumbledore and Harry Potter).

Horace liked to surround himself with "helpful" people. The origin of the wizard was not important to him - if communication with him was beneficial, he maintained acquaintance with him. Slughorn was also talented in potions. During the Battle of Hogwarts, he proved himself to be a brave wizard.


One of the compulsory subjects at Hogwarts school is transfiguration. Here, students learn ways to transform one object into another, transition from one state to another, the disappearance and creation of new objects. This discipline is extremely difficult, requiring concentration and a certain level of magical skill.

There are two known transfiguration teachers - Albus Dumbledore, who then became the headmaster of Hogwarts, and Professor Minerva McGonagall, who replaced him. She became his deputy and head of Gryffindor. Professor McGonagall is a strict teacher, she is smart and has authority among students and other professors. Minerva is a powerful sorceress and animagus (she can turn into a cat).


In the herbology course, students study various plants and their properties. Classes take place in greenhouses. Special attention is given dangerous plants: not only their features are studied, but also ways to neutralize them.

The teacher of Herbology was Professor Sprout, who also served as Head of Hufflepuff. She is a friendly, slightly unkempt woman of small stature. The thing is that she spends a lot of time in the greenhouse with plants. Professor Sprout is an expert in herbology. It copes well with any plants. Her best student was Neville Longbottom, who later began teaching this subject.


In divination, the students studied various ways fortune telling and dream interpretation. But not all wizards took this course seriously.

Harry Potter liked this item least of all. Dumbledore made Sibyl Trelawney his teacher of divination. Although she did not have clairvoyant abilities, it was Trelawney who made that famous prophecy about Harry Potter.

Then the centaur Florenz began to conduct divinations. He shared courses with Professor Trelawney. Some thought that Florenz's classes were more interesting than Trelawney's.

Care of Magical Creatures

Care of magical creatures is not mandatory, so it is studied only from the third year. Here, students learn how to communicate with various animals and how to care for them. The teacher for this lesson is Rubeus Hagrid, the gamekeeper at Hogwarts School. He loves taking care of animals, especially dangerous species. It was one of Harry Potter's favorite objects at Hogwarts. And all because Hagrid was leading him.

The article presents short list what subjects young wizards study at Hogwarts. All teachers know their subject well, and some also have exceptional abilities, so it is not surprising that Hogwarts School has produced many famous and truly great wizards.

Everyone has heard about who Harry Potter is. And if you are familiar with the works of JK Rowling, then you probably know that the boy who survived would hardly have been able to become a hero and save the world without the help of his mentors. Do you remember which actors played the roles of Hogwarts professors? Would you like to know what Harry Potter's teachers looked like in their youth?

Alan Rickman

Alan Rickman, who brought Professor Severus Snape to life, is without a doubt the most recognizable character. His image evoked fear, hatred and pity, and towards the end of the saga, the complex range of feelings was complemented by admiration and deep respect. Of course, the actor knew how to make the audience believe in the reality of his character's existence. Unfortunately, talented artist passed away in 2016.

Imelda Staunton

Another very memorable character is Professor Umbridge, played by the charismatic Imelda Staunton. Yes, she was definitely one of the most hated teachers. But hardly anyone will deny the actress’s talent. By the way, her youth was quite crazy. At one time she even played in the opera.

Robbie Coltrane

Who doesn’t remember the huge, scary-looking, but sincere and good-natured guard Hagrid? Each of his appearances in the film instantly gave the episode a certain special charm. And he was played by Robbie Coltrane. Despite his rather serious, even frightening appearance, in his youth he looked like an elegant, gentle young man.

David Bradley

Remember the hated Argus Filch? Of course, he was not a teacher, but he made every effort to maintain discipline on the Hogwarts grounds. An old, eternally angry and irritated old man, suffering from rheumatism - that’s how we saw him. And in early years the actor looked pretty good. Yes, youth is bright, but fleeting.

Kenneth Branagh

Gilderoy Lockhart is a teacher who taught children about how to fight dark forces...but rather how he fought dark forces. A frivolous mentor with a pathological interest in himself can hardly be considered positive character. But everyone remembers Kenneth Branagh, who wonderfully played the role of a narcissistic teacher. By the way, the actor and mature age looks attractive. Needless to say that in his youth he was simply handsome? See for yourself.

Gary Oldman

Sirius Black is a very impressive character. Yes, he was not a teacher, but he was godfather Harry Potter and truly loved the boy. The role went to Gary Oldman, who without a doubt can be called an incredibly talented actor. It is easy for him to positive images, and the roles of notorious scoundrels. Critics said that it was Oldman’s performance that gave the film “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” the much-needed darkness and drama.

Maggie Smith

Professor McGonagall is a respected woman of advanced years, who for the main characters was in many ways a mother, and not just a wise, experienced mentor. Who, while watching episodes with her, didn’t think about his grandmother? Of course, time does not spare anyone, but even in adulthood the professor looked very pretty. Needless to say that in her youth she was simply beautiful?

Richard Harris

Perhaps it is impossible to finish the article without mentioning the all-seeing, all-knowing and all-understanding Professor Dumbledore. It was Richard Harris who had the honor of playing one of the most powerful magicians in history. And, by the way, he coped with his task perfectly.

Unfortunately, the actor delighted the audience with his talent only in the first two parts of the saga. Richard Harris took on the role at a very respectable age. In 2002, the cinema legend died. But in his youth he looked completely different.

Michael Gambon

Filming, of course, had to continue, so the role of Professor Dumbledore was offered to the no less famous and talented actor Michael Gambon. His task was more difficult. If in the first two parts of the film the director of Hogwarts appeared only occasionally, then in the continuation of the epic film his character was given much more time. Accordingly, Michael Gambon needed to organically fit into the team, which he did with a bang.

Unfortunately, it became known not long ago that actor career Michaela has come to an end. This is due to the development of a serious illness accompanied by memory problems. By the way, in 2009, the elderly womanizer had a son. Gambon's wife, Philippa Hart, is 25 years younger than the actor.

Hogwarts has about 13 teachers, called professors, and each specializes in their own subject. In addition, the school employs a nurse, a caretaker, a librarian and a forester. About a hundred house elves work in the kitchen and keep the castle clean.


Transfiguration is a discipline that studies the magical transformation of one object into another. Transfiguration requires a magic wand and knowledge of the corresponding formula. You can transform both living and inanimate objects, as well as parts of objects. The creation of objects out of nothing or their disappearance are special cases of transfiguration.

Transfiguration is subject to certain magical laws - in particular, Gamp's Laws of Elemental Transfiguration: according to them, there are five "principal exceptions", including food, which cannot be created from nothing.

At Hogwarts, Transfiguration is a compulsory subject from first year to fifth year, after which you must take the OWL exam. Next, you can choose a course in the sixth and seventh year of study to take the TOAD.

Transfiguration course includes practical lessons and written work.

During Harry Potter's time at Hogwarts, transfiguration was taught by Minerva McGonagall, and before her by Albus Dumbledore. It is known that the profession of a wizard-healer requires a grade of U/B on the OWL level exam in transfiguration.

Transfiguration Today magazine publishes articles on transfiguration.

Defense Against the Dark Arts

Defense against the Dark Arts is a discipline that studies defense against werewolves, vampires, dementors, boggarts and other evil spirits, as well as against forbidden spells and dark magicians.

Due to Voldemort's curse, not a single Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher could hold his position. more than a year. Voldemort imposed this curse when he himself was denied this position by Albus Dumbledore. The curse lost its power after Voldemort's death at the end of the 1997-1998 school year.

Book Uch. year Teacher Whom did he serve? What Potter Taught While Teaching Crimes while teaching Bottom line Further fate
1 1991/2 Quirinus Quirrell Voldemort He talked about the “Curse of Ghosts”, talked about methods of treating werewolf bites. Tried to kill Potter and steal the Philosopher's Stone. Died in final battle from Potter's touch
2 1992/3 Zlatopust Lokons To yourself In a demonstration duel with him, Snape taught Harry the disarming spell "Expelliarmus" Tried to erase the memories of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Lost his memory. I ended up in the hospital of St. Mungo.
3 1993/4 Remus Lupine Albus Dumbledore protection from boggarts, redcaps, swamp lanterns, creepy-crawlies, grindylows, dementors no Quit when Snape revealed that Lupine was a werewolf. He married Nymphadora Tonks and had a son. He died heroically in 1998 at the Battle of Hogwarts in book 7.
4 1994/5 Mad-Eye Moody Albus Dumbledore didn't teach no I spent many months imprisoned in a box Killed in the summer of 1997.
4 1994/5 Barty Crouch Jr. Voldemort Unforgivable Curses, resistance to the Imperius Curse Helped Harry Potter win the Triwizard Tournament in order to trap Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory by turning the cup into a portal during the third trial. Result: the murder of Cedric Diggory, the revival of Voldemort.
Imprisoned Mad-Eye Moody in a box.
Taught students the Unforgivable Curses.
Posed as Alastor Moody using polyjuice potion.
Dementor's Kiss
5 1995/6 Dolores Umbridge Cornelius Fudge didn’t teach practical skills Tormented Harry Potter.
She did not allow students to practice defense against the Dark Arts.
She was going to torture Harry Potter and his friends.
Attacked by centaurs and expelled from school in disgrace. She remained at work at the Ministry of Magic. After coming to power, Voldemort tortured and unfairly condemned Muggle-borns. After defeating him, she was sent to Azkaban for this.
6 1996/7 Severus Snape Albus Dumbledore taught students potions, then non-verbal charms, but Harry could not learn it None, but he constantly humiliated him. Expelled in disgrace from Hogwarts as the murderer of Albus Dumbledore Hated by students and teachers, he became the headmaster of Hogwarts. Killed in 1998 by the snake Nagini on the orders of Voldemort.
7 1997/8 Amycus Carrow Voldemort Harry Potter didn't study that year He taught students the dark arts. Forced some students to torture others. Was defeated by Harry Potter. Unknown


Spells discipline that studies various movements of a wand while simultaneously pronouncing one or more words; These actions, when performed correctly, give different results. The “List” contains only the necessary words; the movements of the wand are not described there.

Spells can be divided into two groups: spells that use latin words and spells in which it is used native language wizard Also, all spells can be either spoken out loud or spoken silently. For some spells, non-verbal pronunciation is a requirement.

The difficulty of the “Spells” subject lies in the fact that when casting a spell you cannot deviate one iota from the pattern. Unclear movement of the wand, slurred or incorrectly pronounced sounds magic words may lead not only to the lack of the desired effect, but also lead to catastrophic consequences.

The only one famous teacher spells is Professor Filius Flitwick.


Hermione Granger brews a polyjuice potion

Potions making is a discipline that studies the composition of magical potions, an analogue of traditional alchemy. The process is very delicate, and in order to achieve the expected effect you must strictly follow all instructions. At Hogwarts, Potions is a compulsory subject from the first to the fifth year, and after that, if the student successfully passes the OWL level exam, it is possible to choose a course in the sixth and seventh year to take the TOAD level exams.

From Harry Potter's first to fifth years, Potions was taught by Severus Snape. However, he was quite unfair to some students, taking pleasure in insulting some: Neville Longbottom and Harry Potter. Students of his department received great pleasure from attending Snape's classes while the rest of the students were often unhappy.

Before Snape, Potions was taught by Horace Slughorn, who then had to resume teaching at Hogwarts after several years of rest, at the request of Dumbledore, who allowed Snape to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts.

In Potions classes at the school of magic and magic hogwarts Various potions are studied. This is a list of some of them, as well as other potions that are mentioned in the Harry Potter books.


Astronomy is the only area of ​​study at Hogwarts that has a direct equivalent in the Muggle world. Astronomy classes are located in the Astronomy Tower, the tallest tower at Hogwarts. The purpose of the lesson is to observe the evening skies with telescopes. The only Astronomy lesson was described in book 5, during the OWL exams. It is known that Homework include the study of the names of stars, constellations and planets, as well as their locations and movements, as well as descriptions of the environments of planets and moons, and the compilation of star charts.

Teacher Aurora Sinistra.

History of magic

History of magic the discipline that studies that part human history, which is associated with the magical world.

The subject is included in the list of OWL exams.

Teacher Cuthbert Beans. Classes are very boring and consist of him monotonously reading a textbook. He was so distracted that he did not notice his own death and came to class, leaving his body in the teacher’s room.


Herbology is a discipline that studies various plants: ordinary, medicinal and downright magical. The latter, of course, are the most closely watched. Features of growth, courtship, usefulness are studied various parts and their collection. Special attention is paid to dangerous plants and methods of neutralizing them.

The Herbology teacher throughout all seven Harry Potter books is Pomona Stem, in the future Neville Longbottom.


Numerology in real life fortune telling by numbers. All that is known about numerology taught at Hogwarts is that Hermione Granger really likes this subject, and the numerology teacher, Professor Vector, is one of her favorite teachers. Optional item.

Ancient runes

Ancient runes are one of the subjects studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The subject is not compulsory and can be chosen for study starting from the third year. The teachers of this subject are not named. The only student in this course that we know of is Hermione Granger. Her brilliant success in studying this subject gave Professor Dumbledore hope that Hermione would be able to read the book of fairy tales by Beedle the Bard, bequeathed to her. In the original, fairy tales were written in runes.


Divination is a discipline at Hogwarts that studies fortune-telling, predictions, and prediction of events. Harry, Ron and Hermione's least favorite subject. The teacher, Sibyl Trelawney, makes a prediction about someone's death at the beginning of each year, but these predictions never come true. Her predictions generally do not come true and are very often associated with death or misfortune. However, she made at least two correct prophecies. Methods of prediction: crystal ball, fortune telling with cards, with coffee grounds, dream interpretation, astrology, etc. Students treat her subject with such disdain that they often invent dreams.

Since January 1980, Professor Sibyl Trelawney has taught Divination at Hogwarts. Since 1996, when Dolores Umbridge wanted to remove Sibyl from her position and install her own man, Albus Dumbledore asked the centaur Florenz to lead this subject. Since September 1996, Trelawney and Florenz have taught Divination together, splitting the courses between them.

A silver staircase leads up to her office with a sign “Professor Trelawney”, then a hatch. Trelawney's office always smells of sherry and various intoxicating herbs. Students sit on ottomans around low round tables. Centaur Florenz conducts classes on the ground floor, in a classroom where the vegetation is such that many students forget that they are not in the forest.

Divinations include:

  • fortune telling by tea leaves;
  • fortune telling with a crystal ball;
  • fortune telling;
  • fortune telling on coffee grounds;
  • deciphering dreams;
  • astrology;
  • and many others.

Care of Magical Creatures

Caring for Magical Creatures is a discipline that studies magical animals, birds, insects, their behavioral characteristics, feeding and caring for them. Included in the list of OWL exams.

Back to top Care of Magical Creatures was taught by Professor Kettleburn, who resigned in 1993. Albus Dumbledore immediately offered his place to Rubeus Hagrid, who had by that time been cleared of the long-standing charge of murder, which turned out to be false.

Sometimes Hagrid needed a replacement: either he wanted to give up the job when Rita Skeeter trumpeted in the Daily Prophet that Hagrid's mother was a giantess and hadn't shown her nose from her hut for a week, then he went with Madame Maxime on instructions from the Order of the Phoenix to look for giants and did not have time to return to the beginning of classes. In these cases, Dumbledore asked Professor Grubbly-Durg to teach the lesson.

Muggle Studies

Muggle studies is a discipline at Hogwarts that studies the behavior and life of Muggles from the point of view of wizards. The subject is not compulsory to study, it must be taken only if the student has applied to study Muggle Studies at the end of the second year, when other optional disciplines are also chosen.


  • 1990-1991 Quirinus Quirrell, became a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
  • 1991-1997 Charity Burbidge, who led the subject until July 1997 and was killed by Voldemort.
  • 1997-1998 Alecto Carrow, placed in this position by Voldemort. Under her, Muggle Studies became a compulsory subject.
  • 1998-???? It is unknown who taught Muggle studies classes after the fall of the Dark Lord.

Flight Lesson

Judging by the books, broom flying lessons are only given to first-year students, since older students already know how to do it. Broom flying lessons are taught by Madame Trick, who is also the head referee of the school Quidditch tournament. Captains conduct Quidditch practice school teams outside of school hours...


Transgression instant movement of the wizard over a limited distance. The transgression exam can only be taken by persons who have reached the age of seventeen. Hogwarts organizes for sixth-year students paid courses transgressions conducted by a special instructor from the Ministry of Magic. In 1996/7 academic year it was Wilkie Doublecross. Tuition fee 12 galleons.


Kabbalistics - This subject is mentioned in the second Harry Potter book when Neville Longbottom takes his electives. In all subsequent books there is no mention of this subject.

Where else will teachers teach you how to fly on a broom, brew a potion and move in space? Of course in! After all, the teachers here are not only great minds, but also real wizards!


Potions and Defense Teacher dark forces, part-time dean of Slytherin. By the way, he doesn’t like students from other faculties, so he never misses an opportunity to deduct points from them and impose punishment. Throughout the film, Snape is promoted - he is appointed director of Hogwarts. By the way, Severus is the only wizard, besides Voldemort, who moves through the air without.


Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts, transfiguration teacher. Be careful with pranks at the Magic Academy. Make sure that there is no tabby cat nearby - Minerva is a real animagus who can take the form of an animal.


The most powerful wizard of his time, professor of transfiguration and part-time director of Hogwarts. He entered the history of magic as the creator of twelve ways to use dragon blood.


An example of how Hogwarts teachers are not mediocre. Beans is a teacher of the history of magic all rolled into one! True, he is still a bore, only Hermione can listen to him.


Professor of spells, dean of the Ravenclaw faculty. Thanks to his non-conflict nature, he enjoys well-deserved authority among students and teachers. Despite his short stature, Flitwick is a very powerful wizard. At one time he became the champion of the dueling club! And Zlatopust Lokons claimed that Filius knows about love spells much more than any sorcerer!


Perhaps the most good-natured teacher at the Academy of Magic, teaching students the intricacies of caring for magical creatures.


Harry's first Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He is easily recognized by his purple turban, which he said was given to him by an Eastern prince. They say it contains garlic that repels vampires. One of the wizards who does not use with a magic wand, performed at the snap of your fingers.


Assistant to the Minister of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. At one time she held the post of director of Hogwarts, but failure awaited her here, sending her back to the ministry.


A teacher who will teach even the most seemingly hopeless student to fly on a broom! In addition, she is a judge of inter-faculty competitions.