Compatibility of Aquarius with other signs. Compatibility of Aquarius and Aquarius: hot lovers or warring spouses

Not everyone and it is not always clear how to build a relationship with Aquarius. Still, this sign is quite complex, and therefore you need to find a special approach to it. You can figure this out with the help of a special astrological horoscope, which will tell you all the nuances of your relationship with Aquarius. A romantic relationship with Aquarius can be a real fairy tale if you find the right approach to this astrological sign.

To briefly describe Aquarians, they are very special individuals who have a very strongly developed sense of their individuality. By the way, it was not developed out of nowhere, as you might think at first glance at them. Aquarians are smart and independent. They have their own opinion on everything, which they are never afraid to express even in public.

Aquarians most often choose extremely unusual or strange partners. For example, this could be a person in a rare profession or belonging to a subculture. Of course, such a comparison is arbitrary, but the idea is something like this. Aquarians do not care what anyone thinks about their chosen one. To some extent, people of this sign themselves are the “black sheep”. Aquarians in relationships listen only to themselves and the voice of their heart.

Sometimes some difficulties arise with representatives of this zodiac sign, since they are not naturally accustomed to compromise. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to argue with them. Therefore, Aquarians must develop such qualities as loyalty, tolerance and, to a certain extent, conformism. Otherwise, it will be difficult for your partner to work with Aquarius. And how can you build relationships without compromise?

Aquarius in relationships with other signs

Aquarians are the biggest owners and jealous of all the zodiac signs. Only Cancer can compare with them. The jealousy of Aquarius is all-consuming. And often it is she who greatly interferes in relations with them. Therefore, representatives of this sign must learn to somehow restrain their jealousy.

By the way, an Aquarius man is more accommodating and gentle in relationships than a woman of the same sign. And his life values ​​cannot but rejoice. He is ready to fulfill the original male gender role in a couple. At the same time, he should receive from his chosen one maximum warmth, affection, care and obedience in the good sense of the word. He is the head of the family. When such a man comes home, he should see a clean and tidy house, a beautiful and well-groomed woman. And dinner is even expected by default.

In return, the Aquarius man will certainly provide the family with everything they need and even more. In his opinion, patriarchy should reign at home. This is exactly the kind of relationship that the Aquarius woman agrees to. Therefore, purely theoretically, a man and a woman of this zodiac sign could make a good match for each other. But that’s not about that now.

Nevertheless, a girl born under the constellation Aquarius has her own characteristics of behavior and character. It has very great flexibility and maneuverability, so to speak. The Aquarius woman can adapt to absolutely any situation, to almost any person. This raises some doubts about her sincerity among her partner. And she herself realizes that she is not without mercantile thoughts. And yet, the stars advise Aquarius to never be in an alliance with someone just for the sake of receiving the intended benefit. This won't end well.

Even after being in a relationship for a long time, Aquarians tend to sometimes be a little outside of it. It happens that they become so secluded in their own world that their partner simply does not understand what is going on. However, he must get used to such situations in Aquarius. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just how they relax.

This is how nature created Aquarius, this is the character their astrological sign gave them. Despite some of their shortcomings, they are still amazing people. They need to be understood. It is possible that today's tips will help you become a little closer to your Aquarius.

Aquarius and Aries Relationships

Aquarius and Aries can have fun and usefully spend time, receiving mutual pleasure from communication. Aquarius, ready for change and adventurous adventures, attracts active and persistent Aries. The rich imagination of Aquarius appeals to Aries. In sexual relationships, passionate Aries shares Aquarius' desire for originality. Both signs do not seek to limit each other’s freedom, respecting their partner’s right to personal independence. The only thing that can darken the relationship is the reluctance of both to obey. If Aquarius, who respects his partner’s personality, cedes primacy to Aries and supports him in everything, happiness will not be long in coming.

The union of airy Aquarius and fiery Aries promises to be quite favorable and very interesting if Aquarius manages to reach the heart and mind of the active and impetuous lamb. These two signs are very similar: both are energetic, inquisitive and active, which affects their relationship in an extremely positive way. Their love for everything new and original allows them to fill their lives with vivid impressions, and their friendliness and sociability allow them to fill their lives with vibrant relationships and people. The relationship between them begins quite quickly, they easily find a common language. But a long, serious relationship can also reveal problems.

Representatives of these signs are quite impulsive, so disagreements are resolved violently and emotionally. In addition, both highly value their own freedom and are not always ready to compromise. Aries, who strives for leadership, can suppress Aquarius, which will certainly lead either to conflict or to Aquarius losing his individuality and becoming uninteresting to his partner. Compromise in this couple is vital. With mutual concessions and understanding, relationships develop successfully.

Aquarius and Taurus Relationships

The union of Aquarius and Taurus always causes surprise. This is a strange couple who live in some interesting mysterious world. People around them often cannot understand what keeps these people close to each other: Aquarius is extraordinary and active - Taurus is thorough and logical.

It is contradictions that firmly connect representatives of the two signs and allow them to exist comfortably as a couple. Taurus brings meaning and stability to Aquarius' life. Aquarius, in turn, helps Taurus learn the taste of freedom and feel the wind of change. Aquarians do not like to argue, so the couple easily finds a compromise on the most difficult issues.

The basis of the union of Aquarius and Taurus is spiritual kinship. Despite their different attitudes towards the material world, partners strive for common ideals and goals. It depends only on the people themselves whether their life together will be happy and fruitful or will turn into a competitive struggle.

Aquarius and Gemini Relationships

Aquarius and Gemini complement each other perfectly. Despite some minor differences of opinion, they always have interesting topics to discuss. Representatives of both signs are smart, quick-witted and resourceful; they will never be bored together.

The harmonious natures of Aquarius and Gemini are united by the ability to do without unnecessary emotions, although lively disputes between them occur quite often. Calm by nature, Aquarius keeps Gemini from frivolous actions.

A couple of two sunny zodiac signs that are almost ideally suited to each other are Gemini and Aquarius. Astrologers indicate 78% agreement in karmic and psychological parameters. An excellent number for starting cooperation, sincere friendship, or even very non-trivial family relationships. Love flares up between two signs like a devastating forest fire. At the same time, Aquarius and Gemini always maintain independence and ease in relationships.

Aquarius and Cancer Relationships

The freedom-loving Aquarius is not able to understand the possessive mood of Cancer and does not intend to constantly convince him of the sincerity of his relationship, as a result, the vulnerable Cancer feels rejected and unnecessary. Aquarius is often outraged by Cancer's demanding persistence and endless complaints.

Cancer prefers a sedentary lifestyle in a cozy home, not sharing Aquarius’ desire to change places. At the same time, for some time these signs can coexist quite peacefully; they cannot stay together for a long time and cannot tolerate long-term separation from each other.

Cancer's desire to keep Aquarius leads to the latter eventually leaving, returning to the home prison and leaving again. Cancer waits patiently all this time. Such relationships can last quite a long time.

Aquarius and Leo Relationships

The signs Aquarius and Leo are opposite each other on the astrological circle, and in life they have opposite traits that attract partners, but complicate relationships. When they first meet, it often seems to them that they are incredibly similar, but over time this illusion dissipates.

Leo, to be honest, is susceptible to flattery, while Aquarius is reserved in his assessments and is in no hurry to admire. Leo strives for power and leadership, Aquarius is not ready to obey. Aquarius is interested in the whole world, Leo is interested in his own royal persona.

Aquarius is independent of the opinions of others, Leo languishes without attention and worship. However, they can be good friends, lovers and even marriage partners. Their relationship can develop quite harmoniously, although the practical Leo does not always understand the romantic Aquarius.

Aquarius and Virgo Relationships

Aquarius perceives reality with the optimism inherent in this sign, unlike Virgo, who is able to see only negative aspects. The active nature of Aquarius strives for change, entertainment and needs communication. Virgo, on the contrary, confines itself to a narrow circle of acquaintances, avoids social events and prefers a calm course of life.

Aquarius is often attracted by external gloss, Virgo strives for sustainable results. The unifying factor is a high intellectual level, but the union is rarely strong. Virgo loves the comfort of home, Aquarius loves freedom, but he needs a home to take a break from friends, travel and other people's problems. Relationships usually end with Virgo's patience.

Aquarius and Libra Relationships

The relationship between Aquarius and Libra is developing quite successfully, since representatives of these signs do not strive for sole leadership; they are quite satisfied with equality. The sensuality of Libra fits perfectly with the romanticism of Aquarius, they successfully complement each other.

People of these signs are united by common hobbies and interests in the field of art, they love to travel, and both like to have fun in a noisy company. They have many joint ideas and plans.

Diplomatic Libra can easily cope with an attack of Aquarius' stubbornness. The union is quite successful and, if one of the partners learns to give in, it may turn out to be quite long-lasting.

Aquarius and Scorpio Relationships

Scorpio is the ruler, Aquarius is the wanderer, hence all the difficulties in relationships. Scorpio strives to subordinate the feelings and actions of Aquarius to their interests, to make sure that their partner is always nearby and fulfills all wishes. This kind of trick will definitely not work with Aquarius; people born under this zodiac sign do not accept clear boundaries and a golden cage; they draw strength from freedom. Aquarians can make concessions, but only if they see that they have also been shown leniency.

An explosive mixture - passionless and freedom-loving Aquarians together with sarcastic, possessive Scorpios. Nothing seems to keep these two opposite signs together, but that's just a popular belief. Each of the signs is quite smart and inventive, and falling in love often outgrows a long-term relationship. At the same time, it is important to remember that it is not worth fighting for love against your loved one: Scorpios are excellent in attack, but Aquarians are excellent at raising emotional shields.

How to maintain peace in the relationship of an Aquarius-Scorpio couple? The first step is tender friendship. If there is no friendly sympathy, Scorpio and Aquarius will not be together. At the same time, Aquarians are initially inclined towards benevolence, so Scorpio only needs to seize the right moment and support, provide the service necessary for Aquarius. From gratitude, affection can emerge - the basis for the further development of relationships.

Aquarius and Sagittarius Relationships

Such a union is very reminiscent of a fun and playful game, which often ends up in an emotional stream of unpredictable feelings. The combination of the elements of Air and the elements of Fire is a cycle of events, a series of ideas, a flurry of inexplicable actions. Very often, such an alliance confuses the people around. After all, how can restless Sagittarius and sensible Aquarius coexist?

Sagittarians are simply unable to live without fun; they are true optimists. A distinctive feature of Sagittarius is skepticism. So be afraid of these cunning people, because they easily combine various opposing qualities. The symbol of the sun sign is the Centaur, a male horse.

This is why Sagittarians can never be 100% happy or upset. Everything in their life is divided into two halves: half focused, half happy, half in love. Aquarians, fortunately, do not live under the influence of such a double sign. A typical Aquarius is more individual and does not tolerate hypocrisy.

Aquarius and Capricorn Relationships

Aquarius and Capricorn are equally selfish. This mutual quality prevents the free nature of Aquarius from establishing harmonious relationships with Capricorn, who strives to rule. Capricorn loves to instruct and advise, Aquarius neglects advice and is guided by his own opinion.

The serious and practical Capricorn seeks to establish strict control over the frivolous, in his own opinion, Aquarius, which is completely unacceptable for the latter. In addition, cautious Capricorn is not able to understand the adventurous ideas of Aquarius. The couple's relationship may be quite harmonious, but it will not last long. People of these signs are together only as long as they both feel lonely separately.

The union of Aquarius and Capricorn is a relationship full of freedom and carefree actions. They can attract Capricorn with sparks of novelty and originality. But, unfortunately, mutual understanding in such an alliance is doomed to quarrels and disappointment. The rational and practical nature of Capricorn can resist the ease of feelings. Such relationships can become a burden for Capricorn. It is believed that plus and minus attract each other. Likewise, the completely opposite natures of Capricorn and Aquarius can unite into a couple that is unusual for everyone.

Aquarius and Aquarius Relationships

Two Aquarians are very sympathetic to each other and are able to build long-term, strong relationships. They can spend a lot of time together because they share common interests. At the same time, they feel great at a distance - each of them has diverse interests and a wide circle of acquaintances. Aquarians are characterized by a sense of humor, ingenuity, and a desire for new discoveries.

Quarrels in this couple are quite rare, since Aquarians are always able to come to an agreement and find a compromise solution that suits both. Aquarius relationships will be strong only if they are based on friendship, mutual respect and equality.

Aquarius and Pisces Relationships

This couple can have a very close relationship. Romantic Aquarius is attracted by the equally romantic charm of Pisces. Sensual, imaginative Pisces are captivated by Aquarius' desire for lofty ideals. Pisces are ready to indulge all the desires of Aquarius, but in return, feeling the need for support, dependent Pisces will constantly demand proof of love, at least verbal.

Aquarius does not accept such demands and will try to end the relationship. These people are attracted to each other by fantasies and illusions, which in marriage can give way to an unattractive reality. In addition, Aquarius and Pisces are prevented from creating a strong union by the unconscious fear of dissolving into each other.

With fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. And the most successful union for Aquarius can be with their zodiac opposite - Leo. These signs complement each other perfectly. The shortcomings of Aquarius are frivolity and compensate for the excessive seriousness and excessive responsibility of Leo. Aquarians easily find a common language with almost any people, which cannot be said about the rather reserved and demanding Leos, who are very selective in choosing their environment. At the same time, the calmness of Leo slightly “quenches” the energy of Aquarius, directing it in the right direction. This allows representatives of the air sign to become more integral individuals and achieve a lot in life. The union of Leo and Aquarius is considered ideal from the point of view of astrology, but at the same time, the air sign is compatible with some other representatives of the zodiac circle.

Aquarius has good relationships with representatives of other air signs - Gemini and Libra. Their unity is based on similar interests. Both partners are easy to communicate, fast, and do not waste time thinking about actions. They feel good together, they understand each other perfectly. But at the same time, due to the excessive frivolity of air signs, there is rarely wealth in such families. Aquarius, Gemini and Libra can easily spend their last money on a party with friends, and then eat pasta and rice until payday. This is acceptable in youth, but in mature families, with the advent of children, such a reckless attitude towards the future is fraught with trouble. That is why marriages of Aquarius with other air signs very often break up due to everyday unsettlement, inability to save money and calculate the budget correctly. But if one of the partners has the willpower to overcome their own predispositions and learn to be more responsible, then the union will be extremely successful and long-lasting.

Relationships between Aquarius and earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - rarely go well. Earth signs are too straightforward and practical, they do not understand Aquarius at all. It is difficult for them to find a common language in all matters: in everyday life, in work, in raising children - they have different approaches to everything. The ease and sociability of Aquarius is perceived by earth signs as promiscuity. They dislike almost everything about their character. What other signs see as positive qualities are perceived as negative by Taurus, Virgo and Aquarius. This union can be successful only in one case. If Aquarius meets a Virgo born at the end of August. In this case, the earth sign will have enough qualities from the fiery Leo. And Aquarius will be able to adapt to Virgo, and Virgo will not be so critical of the actions of the air sign.

Aquarians can rarely find a common language with representatives of water signs - Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios. Their union can be very difficult. Representatives of water signs love to dominate people, and emotional Aquarians quickly fall under their influence. They suffer from love, these relationships are destructive for good-natured Aquarius. They do not have the courage to resist the attacks of water signs, and they, not feeling resistance, torment Aquarius more and more. In the end, such unions break up on the initiative of the representative of the water sign. They simply get bored with their toy and go in search of a new one. And Aquarians recover for a long time after this relationship, learning to trust people again.

Not such a rare situation. People who trust horoscopes and astrology often strive to choose a partner of the same zodiac sign to ensure complete mutual understanding on both sides. However, is everything really so rosy in the union of two Aquarius? What difficulties might they face in their relationship? Are they suitable? To answer this question, you need to know what this sign represents in both male and female forms.

Aquarius man

The Aquarius man is extremely freedom-loving and independent. He clearly knows the boundaries of his personal space and never keeps the door to his inner world wide open. Despite his charisma and sociability, he remains closed to closer emotional contacts, preferring friendly or friendly relationships. Typically, men of this sign are looking for a like-minded person and ally in a woman rather than a loving and economic wife, so it is difficult to answer the question of whether Aquarius is suitable for marriage. One might say that he is not made for a family and is unlikely to become an exemplary husband. However, it is worth noting that, having found a faithful fighting girlfriend, he is unlikely to want to part with her.

Aquarius Woman

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius is smart and original. She has clearly defined goals in life, which she confidently moves towards. Falling in love if taken by surprise can disrupt her plans, so a woman of this sign will not deliberately seek love. knows that if obsession does overtake her, it will not be easy to get out. However, having met a representative of her sign and felt sympathy for him, she, like no one else, will be able to become that same friend and like-minded person, support her partner’s endeavors and at the same time not limit his freedom.

Are Aquarians suitable for Aquarians?

Representatives of this sign quickly develop into individuals and become self-sufficient. Both representatives of the sign are in no hurry to start a serious relationship, and the thought of whether Aquarians are suitable for each other does not bother them at all. Partners can enjoy each other's company, interesting conversation and fun pastime, without burdening themselves with unnecessary responsibility. However, if an Aquarius woman seriously thinks about developing a relationship, she may have a very difficult time. Expecting from her man fatherly warmth, brotherly care, friendly support and passionate love at the same time, she risks stumbling upon a dozen demands put forward in response. In the event that an Aquarius man does not see in his partner all the qualities that he dreams of, despite all her positive sides, he will choose friendly communication and distance. Another important aspect of this sign is sociability. Both Aquarius will feel great in the company of mutual friends. They will not be closed to joint trips, friendly get-togethers and other similar events, so they will not have to suffer and struggle with each other’s taciturnity and tightness. Jealousy is also generally alien to Aquarius - they are pleased to see that their partner is in demand and is interesting to others. People of this sign will not tolerate a loser next to them, and they perceive possessiveness as a violation of the boundaries of personal space. Based on this, two Aquarians are unlikely to break up due to jealousy or lack of trust in each other in terms of fidelity - their priorities in love are completely different. Of course, such a policy only helps to strengthen the union, but it can also lead to a loss of interest between partners in each other after some time.

The sexual aspect of the relationship between two Aquarius

The source of the most vivid and sudden sexual experience that an Aquarius man can get is an Aquarius woman. Compatibility in physical love among representatives of this sign is very high, but most often the embodiment is a short flash of passion that arises in both partners at the same time. Aquarians often consider constant and regular physical relationships with one person a waste of time, so they obey their intuition and instincts. However, a permanent sexual union between two representatives of the sign is possible if the couple pays special attention to diversity and listens to each other's wishes.

Aquarius and marriage

If two representatives of the sign have been in a relationship for quite a long time, the idea of ​​starting a family will still be in the air. Are Aquarians suitable for marriage? Practice shows that, despite their love of freedom, two partners born under this sign are capable of creating a strong family. The most important aspect in the relationship between two Aquarius is maintaining the boundaries of personal space and showing respect for each other's interests. It is best if each partner implements their ideas without interfering with the work of the other and providing help and support as needed. If one of them tries to break into the inner world of his Aquarius, this can lead to quarrels and serious problems in the relationship between the spouses.

The financial side of the relationship between two Aquarius

Is it financially suitable? Young representatives of this sign are quite often dreamers who do not notice everyday problems and have their head in the clouds. If in the initial period of marriage this way of thinking is only beneficial, in the future it can lead to a painful “fall to the ground” in the form of quarrels on everyday and financial topics.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that for each individual couple there is a different answer to the question of whether Aquarius is suitable for Aquarians. A jealous attitude towards personal freedom and a dislike for affection is a tangible obstacle to love relationships. Using the example of some unions, you can clearly see that the best friend, assistant, ally and fighting girlfriend that an Aquarius man dreams of is an Aquarius woman. The love compatibility of two people of this zodiac sign depends not only on the location of the stars. The ability to find the right approach to a partner, respect him, support his ideas and initiatives, and be first and foremost a friend is the key to a happy and harmonious relationship between two Aquarius.

Rida Khasanova June 24, 2018, 19:30

The compatibility of an Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman can be completely unpredictable. Unpredictability is due to the fact that The planet Uranus rules over the sign of Aquarius, symbolizing unexpected changes. The very nature of these changes, whether it will be positive or negative, depends only on the representative of a given zodiac sign.

Compatibility Chart for Capricorn and Capricorn

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Aquarius woman: pros and cons in relationships

A huge advantage of this union, of course, is that the partners belong to the same zodiac sign. The compatibility horoscope of the Aquarius Woman and the Aquarius Man says that mutual understanding, common interests, habits and the same worldview will always be present in such relationships. They can easily find common ground.

Having a similar character, demeanor, and communication style, it will be easy for them to understand each other. Moreover, representatives of this sign are open to communication, happy to make new acquaintances, interesting conversations and are always looking for an exciting pastime.

The fact that a relationship is created between two representatives of the same sign allows them to enhance their best character traits. They're pretty understand their partner well, and also find in him a lot of what he has in himself.

Only positive love relationships develop between Aquarians. There will be a lot of communication, a lot of positivity and fun.

Possessing progressive views on life, the Aquarius man and Aquarius woman are interested in everything unusual and non-standard. Most often, their home is full of the latest technology and information, which Aquarians need like fresh air.

Will they be bored together? Never! Representatives of this sign do not stay at home. They love noisy companies, in whose team they always express themselves. Aquarians have a craving for everything new, clearly demonstrating its intolerance to the relics of the past.

The sign of Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus

The Aquarius woman and the Aquarius man approach any everyday problems with ease. They won't dramatize the situation, arranging an emotional showdown. It is easy and relaxed to communicate with them. Therefore, they treat people with the same ease, showing respect and courtesy towards them.

As for personal relationships, they are convinced that everyone has the right to live as their heart tells them, respecting the freedom of their partner.

Representatives of the Aquarius sign are devoid of dictatorial habits and despotism, they have no desire for wealth. They adhere to the ideas of equality and freedom

Together they can achieve fantastic success in communication and in the field of information, in the vast world of Internet technologies. Showing intelligence, innovative ideas and communication skills is nothing new to them; they are excellent at it. That's just in a close relationship, such a couple will lack sincerity, warmth, feelings and emotions, because it is absolutely not common for them to become emotionally attached. The inner world is not interesting to them; they live by the interests of the external world.

Are they compatible in love?

The love relationship of two Aquarius is unique, because this combination comes down to the fact that an Aquarius man can become anyone for his soulmate. If their love is promoted by success, then the couple will turn out to be ideal. Such a union will be filled with mutual understanding, unity of interests and goals. However, despite the ideal compatibility of a couple in which he is an Aquarius and she is an Aquarius, marriages between them turn out to be very strange. Just A man - Aquarius and a woman - Aquarius cannot be with each other for a long time. Despite the fact that in love they are quite active and clearly show their emotions, a long affair with one person causes discomfort for them.

A man of this sign needs a periodic emotional shake-up, so the Aquarius woman should not be surprised that her partner likes to spend some time without her.

No matter how strange it may seem, temporary separation can only strengthen such relationships, increasing the level of love compatibility between Aquarius and Aquarius

Each of the partners is deeply convinced that they are always welcome at home, so short separations become commonplace for them.

For an Aquarius man, intimacy is secondary; for him it is more important to build relationships on mutual understanding and common interests. Therefore, his significant other can be sure that his partner is faithful to her. But for this she must meet some of the demands that her man will make of her:

  • attentiveness;
  • providing support;
  • emotionality;
  • sensitivity;
  • responsibility;
  • seriousness.

The entire period of building a love relationship between these zodiac signs will be accompanied by some difficulties . Compatibility between signs may be impaired, if one of the partners cannot contain his dissatisfaction.

For Aquarius, it is important to build relationships on mutual understanding and common interests

Of course, Aquarians treat each other with respect, but sometimes quarrels can “escalate” into open swearing and even insults, which, in turn, can cause a breakup. It is quite difficult for any partner to survive such humiliation. Despite the fact that there will be strength to make peace, not a trace will remain of the former idyll.

Therefore, in order to build long and strong relationships, it is important for representatives of the sign of Aquarius not to run away as quickly as they came together. It is important to try to maintain the relationship at the proper level.

Aquarius guy and Aquarius girl in sex

The sexual attraction between an Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman is unpredictable.

On the one hand, Aquarius is indescribably delighted by the partner’s lack of complexes and lack of prejudices. He needs to feel newness in sexual relationships. After all, Aquarians like, in principle, everything unusual and non-standard. But on the other hand, harmony in bed ends quickly. This is especially typical for those couples when one of the partners demonstrates coldness and detachment and strives for independence, thereby “pushing” the needs of their other half into the background. Sometimes it is monotony that causes discord in relationships.

Despite this, the sexual relations of representatives of this zodiac sign occupy a “golden” mean. At the initial stages of a relationship, partners are able to completely satisfy each other in bed. Difficulties may arise only later.

In order for the “light” of interest not to go out, such a couple needs a constant explosion of emotions. They need to experiment from time to time

An Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman will constantly try to work on their relationship, while strengthening it with pure and sincere love.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Marriage compatibility between two Aquarians is only 30%. For a marriage between an Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman to be successful, both partners must accept that they will not change their habits. They must understand that each of them will need freedom of movement.

It is important that representatives of this sign are not prone to betrayal and are not jealous. But if betrayal occurs, neither the husband nor the wife will turn a blind eye to it. They will simply treat it philosophically and... leave.

Despite the same characters and habits, it is quite difficult for representatives of the same sign to be together, for this reason their compatibility in marriage is very low. Judging by the reviews, such couples rarely become married. Although they can try to reduce the disagreements and problems that arise. If Aquarius knows each other well, then they will definitely be able to create an ideal couple.

Representatives of the Aquarius sign are not prone to cheating and are not jealous

Is there friendship if he is an Aquarius and she is an Aquarius?

An Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman have always been and will be the most devoted and loyal friends. And this is not surprising, because they are united by common interests and hobbies, character and temperament. They are able to understand each other perfectly.

An Aquarius girl and an Aquarius guy are selflessly friends. They explore the world together, so they don't have time to get bored with each other. Such a friendly couple will attend all kinds of events, take an active part in public life and enjoy visiting each other.

The Aquarius girl tends to take care of her friends. She will always devotedly take care of her friend. And the Aquarius guy is ready to help at any time, even if it’s deep night outside. They become caring and loyal friends for each other. If circumstances arise that Aquarius friends will not be able to see each other for a long time, when they meet they will still behave like true friends.

Any of the “halves” of such a friendship can be confident in their friend. Compared to other signs, they will not exchange friends. Aquarians will make every effort to bring their spouses closer to each other and create a common company.

Aquarians have always been and will be the most devoted and loyal friends

How to win an Aquarius man?

It will be easy for an Aquarius girl to conquer an Aquarius man and build a relationship with him. “Fate” itself will be on her side. The Aquarius man tends to believe that there are moments in life that actively influence our lives. Therefore, a meeting with a beautiful representative of the same sign will become a sign of fate for him, it will be an indication that this woman was simply created for him.

In order to “warm up” a man’s interest in her person, a woman needs to show care, since the Aquarius man is selfish and loves increased attention to himself

On a subconscious level, he chooses a girl who can and will take care of him. He needs a girl who will be sincerely interested in his well-being, create everyday and psychological comfort for him.

An Aquarius man needs a lot of strength, because he simply needs to radically change the world, and he has neither time nor desire for all sorts of little things. But for the Aquarius woman, on the contrary, little things matter. She is not used to burdening herself with global problems. If she is in love, then caring for her loved one becomes natural for her. This shows her strengths.

The Aquarius man will not immediately notice the striking similarity of characters and life views, but this will become the feature when he realizes that he wants to always be with such a girl.

The Aquarius man is selfish and loves increased attention to himself

How to get the attention of an Aquarius woman?

Is it possible to make an Aquarius woman fall in love with you? It’s possible, but the Aquarius man will have to make every effort to achieve reciprocity from her. After all, not every man can get the attention of such an interesting and very unpredictable girl.

If you manage to win the heart of the beautiful Aquarius, then your goal will be completely justified. After all, next to her chosen one, the Aquarius girl will simply shine, surprising with her attractiveness and elusive character.

To get the attention of a beautiful lady, an Aquarius man needs to become her ideal friend. To do this you need:

  • learn to look in the same direction with her, because a representative of this sign needs a like-minded person; a man must become a reliable support for her, share her views and beliefs.
  • show uniqueness and independence: for an Aquarius girl, it is important that her chosen one is both self-sufficient and stands out effectively among the stronger sex.
  • show originality and constantly surprise your partner.

Not every man can get the attention of an interesting and unpredictable Aquarius girl

The union of an Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman has the right to exist. Aquarians are capable of loving sincerely and devotedly, and respecting the interests of their partner. Of course, problems in relationships between representatives of the same sign are possible, but in the case of Aquarius they are very unusual and incomprehensible to many.

For an Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman Love compatibility is very favorable, it reaches 76%. However, numbers are numbers, but, despite the love compatibility of the couple, it is completely unsuitable for marriage. In a civil marriage, their compatibility is ideal. Both members of the couple define official marriage as a kind of coercion. In particular, their compatibility lies in the fact that they are both freedom-loving individuals who do not tolerate coercion.

Such an open marriage will be satisfactory for both partners. At the same time, one should also take into account the appearance of children, because of which many conflicts will arise due to the difference in points of view of free individuals on the problems of building a family and raising children. That is, as parents, they are not an ideal couple.

Compatibility between Aquarius man and Aquarius woman

However, there are positive sides to such a union. Aquarius man and Aquarius woman By communicating closely, they recognize themselves in each other. And this is a reliable path to mutual understanding. They have the property of attraction to each other, which is especially vivid and comfortable when communicating. After all, they always have something to talk about. Their couple is not closed, she is always open to other people and is ready to make contact with others. What is missing from their life together is routine and monotony simply cannot exist. Both of them are not jealous or possessive, therefore, they will give their partner the necessary amount of freedom.

Aquarius Woman

A woman of this nature may be offended when she is judged as an object of sexual desire. She is very demanding and expects from her lover. You should not try to get into her bed the first time, she is not a prude, but you must let her know that she is not a one-night stand for you.

The Aquarius woman is a true friend who knows how to give herself to others and sympathetically delve into people's lives.

Zodiac sign man Aquarius

Aquarius Man shy and passive, he always waits for the first step from a woman. For him, passion usually comes from friendship, and friendship doesn't happen overnight.

However, the external coldness of Aquarius is deceptive - in fact, he is...

He is incapable of obeying. His attitude towards traditions is unambiguous and simple - he breaks them.

A man of this sign is attracted to the new and unusual every time, but at the core he is a faithful person, and he flirts only out of a desire for the unknown. He brings a lot of joy and is a stimulus in life for the woman who suits him.

Union of a couple

This couple is also united by joint active spending, but at the same time they will naturally experience noticeable financial difficulties, which always calls into question any union. And if they do not reconsider their attitude towards money, “dark” days will try to finish them off.