Beautiful star coloring book. How to draw a star? Ways to Draw Different Types of Stars

In this lesson we will tell and show how to draw a star pencil for beginning artists and children. To do this, you need to take a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and preferably a ruler so that the star turns out smooth and beautiful. Drawing a five-pointed star is not at all difficult; the most important thing is to complete all our tasks step by step. Let's get started.


Start drawing the star with a vertical base line that will serve as the center, the rest of the lines will depend on it.


In the second stage, you need to use a ruler and pencil to draw two arrow-shaped triangles that rest on the base line, as shown in the picture.


Now you should make two triangles of equal size on the sides of the arrow. Make sure that all ends of the star are approximately the same, otherwise the star will be uneven.


To make a five-pointed star more like a real one, draw half of each tip, as done in the picture. Then erase all unnecessary time lines and elements.


Your drawing is finished. Now, having mastered our lesson, you know how to draw a five-pointed star step by step using a pencil and ruler, and you can easily draw a new one yourself. We wish you creative success!

At first it seems that drawing a five-pointed star is very, very easy. But in fact, it turns out that without a lesson and without practice it is quite difficult - the star turns out to be sloppy and generally unsightly. In this tutorial you will find an easy way to draw a star using a pencil.

The very first step is drawing an even circle. To do this you will need a compass. If you don't have a compass, you can trace something round like a large coin (if you need a small star) or the bottom of a glass (if you need a bigger star). Don't put too much pressure on the pencil, otherwise it will be difficult to erase the lines later.

The next stage is that we need to divide the circle into five approximately equal parts. We do this by eye.

Connect the marked points with straight lines. It will be best if you use a ruler.

We erase the line of the circle - we no longer need it. We also need to erase those lines that are marked in black in the picture below - leaving only the red lines.

Mark a point in the very center of the star. From the corners we draw lines there.

We also combine the near corners with the center.

New Year 2019 is approaching and it’s time to decorate the Christmas tree. Traditionally, the top of every Christmas tree should be decorated with a star. There are ready-made tops, which are sold in a wide range in the store, but if for some reason it is not possible to purchase such a decoration, you can make a star with your own hands, simply draw it. We bring to your attention simple instructions and master classes on how to draw a star on a Christmas tree, which, with its bright and unusual appearance, will enhance the impression of any festively decorated tree.

Option #1

This method produces an ordinary, but very beautiful star for the Christmas tree. On a piece of paper you should draw a large letter A. Then its middle line should be slightly extended on both sides. After this, they should be connected to the opposite side of the bottom edge. At the end, all internal lines must be erased and painted. This method is the easiest and fastest. The result is a beautiful star pattern, which is suitable for decorating a room for the New Year 2019.

Option No. 2

You can create another, no less beautiful, type of star. First you also need to draw the letter A and complete it with lines until the desired detail is formed. After this, a point is designated in the center, and lines should be drawn to it from all corners. Unnecessary details should be removed and all the rest should be completed. It is advisable to decorate the star in bright red. The result was a beautiful three-dimensional figure.

Option No. 3

With a simple pencil you can draw another beautiful top for the Christmas tree. To do this, you need to draw an ordinary star on a sheet of paper. You should put a point in its center and connect it with simple lines to all corners. Also, for beauty, it can be shaded with straight lines over the entire surface. All that remains is to color it and the drawing is ready for the New Year 2019.

Option No. 4

By following the following instructions step by step, you can make another beautiful option yourself. On a sheet of paper you should draw an ordinary star of five lines, sequentially connecting them to each other. Then after 1 cm you need to draw the same one, only inside. All unnecessary lines should be removed and painted onto a surface 1 cm wide. A drawing of a star is ready, which is colored only around the edges. The inside can be painted in a different color or some image can be applied there.

Option #5

You can draw a many-sided star on a piece of paper. To do this, you need to draw first one, and then the second. To make it easier to work, you need to draw a circle, inside which you need to create all the lines of the toy. When everything is ready, they need to be removed. Then you should make a second star that looks out from under the first. Therefore, some parts of it are very clearly visible. Visually it may seem that this is a three-dimensional figure. You can repaint it in several harmonizing colors, which will look very beautiful. Blue and red, green and yellow combine perfectly. You can paint the edges with a different color, which will even better highlight the star for the New Year 2019.

Video instructions on how to draw a New Year's star


The star is the main element of the Christmas tree, without which the New Year 2019 will not be complete. You can not only buy it, but also make it yourself. Colored paper and cardboard make beautiful applications and crafts. Accessories in this matter will also help to decorate your work. If you decorate the drawing with paints or felt-tip pens, the picture will turn out beautiful. Work such as drawing a beautiful star on a Christmas tree is done easily and quickly. It can be either copied from a sample or made according to your own ideas. A ready-made star drawing for a Christmas tree can join the ranks.

Images of stars are an indispensable attribute of many crafts. They are used in everyday decor, to create holiday cards, in children's creativity and in many other ways. We have made a selection of star stencils for you, trying to take into account most of the options for their use.

A variety of images are at your disposal. Among them are both the most popular traditional stars and original patterns that are rare. You can increase or decrease the size of pictures using the tools of any graphics editor. You can also collect several images on one sheet to use at once. Fill it with paint or decolorize it, combine it with other popular templates - do what suits you best.

Any star stencils in this collection are available for printing and subsequent cutting out of paper. Some of them will be convenient to immediately apply to some background. In addition, you can take them as a basis and then create some kind of voluminous craft. For example, using some of these stencils you can make a star to decorate a New Year tree or a soft toy in the shape of a cute starfish. Use as patterns, templates for drawing outlines of stars on walls, a guide for creating a starry sky in a room, etc.

Some stencils are best printed. Other stars are easier to draw on paper and cut out. Whatever you're looking for, browse the entire selection to find the best option.

The stars are so distant and so alluring, mysterious and unknown... Looking at them, everyone plunges into their dreams and memories, wanting to be carried away into their personal fairy-tale world. Perhaps there is no such person who has never painted a starry sky in his life. But how to draw a star so that it is truly even and proportional, with equally sharp corners? There are several tricks that can be useful for beginning artists.

How to draw a star step by step?

How to draw a star using a compass

For the second method of creating a proportional five-pointed star, you will need a protractor, compass and ruler.

  1. Using a compass, draw a circle of the required size and draw vertical and horizontal lines through its center (the angle between them should be 90 degrees).
  2. From the upper axis, using a protractor, we plot an angle of 72 degrees on the circle and draw a ray from the center of the circle through the marked point.
  3. From the drawn ray we again plot an angle of 72 degrees along the circle and draw a segment from the center of the circle to the set point. We perform similar actions two more times.
  4. We connect the resulting points so that we get a five-pointed star. Excess lines must be erased with an eraser.

Draw a six-pointed star

How to draw a star step by step so that it looks like a sacred Jewish symbol? To do this, you will again need a compass and a little effort.

  1. Draw a circle of the required size.
  2. Without changing the solution of the compass, we place its needle on the drawn circle and make a mark, as shown in the figure.
  3. At the resulting intersection point of the circle and the “notch” we again place the compass needle and make a mark. In total we get six points.
  4. Now let's look at how to draw a star with a pencil using the resulting blank. To do this, connect the top, bottom right and bottom left points to form an equilateral triangle.
  5. Now we connect the lower, upper left and right points to form an inverted regular triangle.
  6. We erase all the auxiliary lines - the six-pointed star is ready!

Alternative method

How to draw a star with a pencil step by step if you don’t have a compass at hand? To do this, you can use another interesting method.

  1. You need to draw a regular pentagon. It contains five equal sides, the angles between which are 108 degrees each. It is convenient to construct such a figure using a protractor.
  2. We connect the vertices of the pentagon so that we get a proportional star. We erase all unnecessary auxiliary lines.

Checking the symmetry of the star's rays

To check how even the star is, simply turn the sheet with the pattern in a circle. If the rays are located asymmetrically, then this will certainly be noticeable from a new viewing angle. It should be remembered that for a regular star, the distances between its vertices must be the same. All sides of the sprocket should also be the same length.

Drawing the Star of Bethlehem

How to draw a star - a symbol of Christmas? As a rule, it is represented with eight rays.

Now you know how to draw a star with different numbers of rays. Pick up a pencil and start imagining!