But you didn't have a wedding? Musical and acting career.

Irina is a versatile person. She and the choreographer rhythmic gymnastics for the Ukrainian national team, and a singer, and a TV presenter, and even an actress. Her stage name is Ireesha; on Instagram she can be found under the nickname Ireesha_b.


Irina Olegovna Blokhina was born in Kyiv on January 15, 1983. To this day she is a citizen of Ukraine. She loves her country, although she says that Los Angeles is a second home, because this city gave her great amount opportunities for development.

Irina’s father is the famous football player Oleg Blokhin, and her mother, Irina Deryugina, is a world champion in rhythmic gymnastics.

Being versatile developed child, was actively engaged different types sports Including gymnastics.

Irina also studied music, often performed at various concerts, and took part in competitions. In 1999, she received a scholarship by winning the Guitar Center music competition.

She also tried herself in acting. She first starred in Adam Sandler's film Click: Remote Control for Life. She also starred in TV series and short films.

She studied in Los Angeles for 4 years at the Los Angeles College of Music acting school. In the USA, Irina recorded her solo albums in various directions: jazz, pop and club music.

When Irina returned to her homeland, she worked for some time at the Deryugin rhythmic gymnastics school. In 2012, when the European Football Championship was held, Irina became co-host of Alexander Denisov in the “Great Football” program.

The next step was the performance of the Euro 2012 anthem, which Irina herself wrote. “The whole world knows.”

Irina Blokhina choreographs routines for the Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics team. When the Olympics took place in Rio de Janeiro, Anna Rizatdinova received a bronze medal. Third place was won under the leadership of Irina.

Music and acting career

Irina always loved music. good music. The first inspiration was Michael Jackson. She fell in love with what he did. She considers his masterpieces simply unearthly, they provide incentive and great motivation for creativity.

The choice was between music and sports, but Irina cannot imagine her life without music. On this moment accumulated a large number of written songs that, when the time comes, will see the light of day. So far, Irina Blokhina is best known for the hymn “United by the Whole World,” written and performed by her.

Irina recorded one album, produced by Yuri Rybchinsky. The album was called "Scissors".

There were also separate songs:

  • I stay;
  • We Make This World GO;
  • Tochka.Love;
  • We know the whole world;
  • Our time to shine.


  • Secret Agent;
  • Click: With a remote control for life;
  • Two and a half people.

Personal life

The first time Irina was married to the notorious rapper Larson (Sergey Larkin). Their marriage lasted less than a year. We didn’t get along in character, as they say, but remained in good relations. When Sergei died in a car accident in 2015, Irina said she couldn't believe it. Sergei was kind and fair, he was real! And she hopes that he will continue to illuminate the world with kindness, the light of his soul through written songs.

The second marriage was arranged by the parents. The husband's father is the president of the biathlon federation - Vladimir Brynzak.

On the second day after they met, Alexey confessed his love to Irina and sent a huge bouquet of flowers with a note, which she still keeps. And in their very first meetings, when the young people were just walking and enjoying each other’s company, Alexey said that Irina was the extraordinary girl who would become his wife.

Alexey wrote poems for Irina, made surprises, prepared dinner with candles to please his chosen one.

Irina Blokhina and Alexey Brynzak got married in 2014. They had a very tense relationship, they broke up several times, then got back together and started all over again. After some time, Irina realized that Alexey was the man she would like to see as the father of her children.

Irina received a marriage proposal at a friend’s wedding. She generally characterizes her husband as a very romantic and original person who always presents amazing surprises.

Children of Irina Blokhina

In November 2014, the couple had their first daughter, Jacqueline. Initially, they wanted to name the child by a different name, but their relatives did not support their idea. The parents began to think about other options and settled on Jacqueline, and the girl did not receive this name in honor of Jacqueline Kennedy.

It is not easy to be the daughter of famous parents, on the one hand, being in their shadow, and on the other hand, living up to the high expectations of others. Irina Blokhina knows this firsthand, as well as how to cope with such pressure and find your own way to success.

Irina Aleksandrovna Blokhina (stage name abroad Ireesha) is a Ukrainian choreographer and director of rhythmic gymnastics, actress, singer and TV presenter, who over the course of several years has managed to build an impressive career in Ukrainian sports and on television.

Birth name: Irina Aleksandrovna Blokhina

Nationality: Ukrainian

Citizenship: Ukraine

Occupation: Choreographer and director of the Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics team, singer, TV presenter


Irina was born on January 15, 1983 in Kyiv in a family of USSR sports stars: famous football player Oleg Blokhin and world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Deryugina.

It is not surprising that even with youth Irisha was actively involved in sports, several types at the same time, including gymnastics.

But Irina showed her talents not only in sports: in 1999, the girl won a scholarship to music competition "Guitar Center" (Sunset Blvd) and often performed on concert stages in Ukraine.

Blokhina’s passion for the arts did not end there. She was also interested in acting and even went closer to Hollywood to learn from the masters. The girl spent several years in Los Angeles and graduated from a four-year school acting skills "Los Angeles College of Music".

In the USA, Irisha seriously took up her musical career and even released several albums. Mainly in the genre of pop, jazz and club music.

There, Blokhina tried out her acting skills, playing several episodes in art-house cinema and appearing in Adam Sandler films “Click: With a remote control for life” and in others comedy films "Two and a Half Men", "Thank You".

After returning to Ukraine, Irisha worked in "The Deryugin School of Rhythmic Gymnastics."

During the 2012 European Football Championship, Blokhina tried herself as a TV presenter in the program "Great Football" on the Ukraine TV channel together with Alexander Denisov, and also became the author and performer of the Euro 2012 anthem “The whole world knows.”

Now Irisha is the main choreographer of the Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics team and choreographs routines for our Olympic candidates. At the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, Blokhina’s ward Anna Rizatdinova won a bronze medal.

Music albums

  • “Knives” (producer Ribchinsky Yuriy Evgenovich).
  • "I stay"
  • “We Make This World GO!”, “Tochka.Love”, “We know the whole world”, “Our Time to shine”.


  • Secret Agent (2008) ... Yana; short film
  • Click: With a remote control for life (2006) Click ... Jogger
  • Two and a Half Men (TV series, 2003 – 2015) Two and a Half Men ... Woman

Personal life

Irina’s first husband was the notorious rapper Sergei Larkin (Larson), whom she divorced less than a year later. Sergei died in a car accident in 2015, and Irina said that she could not believe his death:

“I am one of those people who knew Seryozha for real, as he really is - bright and fair. He fought for kindness in the world, for justice in the life of every person. He was cheerful and good-natured. I believe, I know, I feel that he will continue to shine with the light of his soul and the kindness of his intentions for all of us.”

Irisha married Alexey Brynzak, the son of the President of the Biathlon Federation of Ukraine Vladimir Brynzak, for the second time in 2014. According to the spouses, their parents tried to bring them together, but they themselves did not want it then:

“Yes, she didn’t want to date me, and I didn’t want to date her. A friend says to me: “Why are you sitting at home, go for a walk with beautiful girl. She is blonde, Blue eyes, just from Los Angeles." I remember that I arrived at the Dnepr hotel - we agreed to meet there - and she goes with her mother and ex-husband, and I think: “Cool, first date and immediately with my mother and my mother’s husband. Nice evening!"- Alexey said.

Their love story started out difficult, but ended very romanticly:

“We dated for 4 years, then we broke up, then we made up, then we broke up. I was ready for a family a long time ago, when I met him, I always understood that Alexey was the person with whom I wanted children. But it wasn’t that time.”

The time came very soon and Alexey proposed to Irisha at a friend’s wedding in Mallorca.

“Alex is the most romantic man on the whole planet. He gives me such gifts and surprises that it surprises me more and more every time! I remember how he confessed his love to me on the second day, sending a huge bouquet of flowers, and in it a note - I still keep it. During our first meetings, Alexey said that I was exactly the girl who would one day become his wife and the mother of his children. I remember that I once found movie tickets in his things - our first joint hike, then more small notes where he wrote poetry to me. This is so touching! Sometimes I come home and there is a surprise - dozens of lit candles and a table set for dinner. Or, waking up in the morning, I see the whole bed covered in rose petals.”

In November 2014, a daughter was born into their family, who received the name Jacqueline:

“We thought about the name for a long time. Initially we wanted to call our daughter a different name, but when it was announced as a native name, no one agreed with us. They asked me to think about another option. We settled on Jacqueline - this name reflects the energy of our daughter. The daughter became Jacqueline Alekseevna Brynzak. I want to say right away that we in no way named our daughter after Jacqueline Kennedy, as many people thought.”

Irina gave birth to her daughter in Los Angeles, which is a second home for her and Alexey. In addition, the price and level of medicine turned out to be a decisive factor in this matter.

Now the baby goes to work with her mother and is actively involved in sports and music.

In honor of the 20th anniversary of “Liza,” we want to celebrate those who inspire and inspire our readers, who have become role models. This is how the idea for the project came about "Women who inspire us!"

If you like Irisha Blokhina, you can vote for her in our project!

(1983-01-15 ) (36 years)

Irina Olegovna Blokhina(ukr. Irina Olegivna Blokhina, stage name in the West Ireesha; R. January 15 ( 19830115 ) , Kyiv) - musician, actress, host of the television program “Great Football” (in 2012). Author of the words and performer of the Euro 2012 anthem “Unite the Whole World” (“Let’s Unite the Whole World”).

She was born into the family of Soviet football player Oleg Blokhin and world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Deryugina. WITH early childhood I was involved in several sports. Spent several years in the USA. There she graduated from the acting school, where she studied for four years. I recorded several music albums. In 2012, she worked as a presenter in the TV show “Great Football”.

Personal life

She is married to Alexei Brynzak. In November 2014, a daughter, Jacqueline Alekseevna Brynzak, was born into their family.

Music albums

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An excerpt characterizing Blokhin, Irina Olegovna

- How can you live for yourself? – Pierre asked heatedly. - And the son, and the sister, and the father?
“Yes, it’s still the same me, it’s not others,” said Prince Andrei, and others, neighbors, le prochain, as you and Princess Marya call it, are main source error and evil. Le prochain [Neighbor] are those, your Kyiv men, to whom you want to do good.
And he looked at Pierre with a mockingly defiant gaze. He apparently called Pierre.
“You’re kidding,” Pierre said more and more animatedly. What kind of error and evil can there be in the fact that I wanted (very little and poorly fulfilled), but wanted to do good, and at least did something? What evil can it be that unfortunate people, our men, people just like us, growing up and dying without another concept of God and truth, like ritual and meaningless prayer, will be taught in comforting beliefs future life, retribution, rewards, consolation? What evil and delusion is it that people die from illness without help, when it is so easy to help them financially, and I will give them a doctor, and a hospital, and a shelter for the old man? And isn’t it palpable, isn’t it undoubted blessing the fact that a man, a woman and a child have no rest day and night, and I will give them rest and leisure?... - said Pierre, hurrying and lisping. “And I did it, at least poorly, at least a little, but I did something for this, and not only will you not dissuade me that what I did was good, but you will also not disbelieve me, so that you yourself do not think so.” “And most importantly,” Pierre continued, “I know this, and I know it correctly, that the pleasure of doing this good is the only true happiness in life.
“Yes, if you put the question like that, then that’s a different matter,” said Prince Andrei. - I build a house, plant a garden, and you are a hospital. Both can serve as a pastime. And what is fair, what is good - leave it to the one who knows everything, and not to us, to judge. “Well, you want to argue,” he added, “come on.” “They left the table and sat on the porch, which served as a balcony.
“Well, let’s argue,” said Prince Andrei. “You say schools,” he continued, bending his finger, “teachings and so on, that is, you want to take him out of his animal state and give him moral needs,” he said, pointing to the man who took off his hat and walked past them. , but it seems to me that the only possible happiness is animal happiness, and you want to deprive it of it. I envy him, and you want to make him me, but without giving him my means. Another thing you say is to make his job easier. But in my opinion, physical labor is the same necessity for him, the same condition of his existence, as mental labor is for me and for you. You can't help but think. I go to bed at 3 o’clock, thoughts come to me, and I can’t sleep, I toss and turn, I don’t sleep until the morning because I’m thinking and I can’t help but think, just as he can’t help but plow and mow; otherwise he will go to the tavern, or he will become ill. Just as I cannot bear his terrible physical labor and die in a week, so he cannot bear my physical idleness, he will get fat and die. Third, what else did you say? – Prince Andrei bent his third finger.

Yes, yes, it has finally happened. The coach of the Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics team and her husband, Ukrainian businessman Alexey Brynzak, became parents for the second time. The new mother announced this on her official page V Instagram.

Irisha Blokhina became a mother for the second time

"Welcome to the world Gabrielle Brynzak. Born 07/18/18. From Gods hands & heart to ours (translated from in English— Welcome to this world, Gabriel Brynzak. Born 07/18/2018. From the hands of God - to our hearts),” wrote Irisha Blokhina,

Ukrainian athlete, TV presenter, actress... Irisha Blokhina has a new highlight in her track record - a happy mother of two daughters. The baby was born yesterday, July 18th. They named her Gabriel.

Irisha Blokhina became a mother for the second time / first photo of the baby

Let us remind you that not so long ago, on March 25, there was active discussion on the Internet about the news that. At night, from March 24 to 25, on the TV channel 1+1 Another episode of the program about the lives of the rich and famous has been released Worldly life. In a frank conversation with the show's host Katya Osadchaya, the future star mom shared a sweet family story.

Watch the video in which Irisha Blokhina talked about how her pregnancy is going:

Information about Irisha Bdlokhina

Irina Olegovna Blokhina is a Ukrainian musician, actress, host of the popular sports TV show Great Football (in 2012), coach of the Ukrainian rhythmic gymnastics team. She is also the author of the words and performer of the Euro 2012 anthem The whole world knows.

Irisha (the girl's stage name - editor's note) was born into the family of Soviet football player Oleg Blokhin and world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Deryugina. Since childhood, she has been involved in several sports at once. She lived in the USA for several years, where she graduated from an acting school.

Irisha Blokhina is married to Alexey Brynzak, the son of the President of the Biathlon Federation of Ukraine Vladimir Brynzak. In November 2014, the star couple had a daughter, Jacqueline. And already in March 2018, the lovers officially announced that they were expecting the birth of their second child.

Everything you need to know a real woman, definitely there is on .

We met with Irina Blokhina and Alexey Brynzak in the evening in one of the restaurants in the center of Kyiv. Ira was in a hurry to get to our meeting after rhythmic gymnastics training - all her energy is now focused on her favorite coaching job. Alexey arrived after his wife after have a long day carried out in business negotiations and meetings. Nevertheless, both looked, albeit a little tired, but cheerful and happy. After an hour and a half conversation, I understood the main thing: how useful it is sometimes to listen to your parents.

Ira, your decision getting married and having a child came as a complete surprise to many. It seems like everything happened spontaneously. Is it really?

Irisha: No, I clearly know what I want from life. The decision to start a family was not at all spontaneous for me. One day I simply asked myself a question: where is my home? After all, by that time I had lived in Los Angeles, New York, and Kiev. And I realized that my answer lies in the heart of this person ( points to Alexey). Alex and I have an extraordinary story - we have known each other for more than ten years, we have experienced a lot during this time, but we were not ready for everything. We went through so many trials that the decision to get married and have a child became obvious to us at some point. I will say this: everything happened exactly when it should have happened.

- So you have known each other for more than ten years?

Alexei: Yes, fateful meeting happened on the fifth of September. I remember August 2005, my father and I (Vladimir Brynzak, President of the Biathlon Federation of Ukraine, First Vice-President of the National Olympic Committee. - Note ed.) flew to Turkey for a rhythmic gymnastics competition. There I met Irisha’s mother and grandmother, Albina Nikolaevna and Irina Ivanovna, and they liked me very much. Our parents decided that they should definitely introduce us to each other, especially since Ira was just flying from Los Angeles to Kyiv. I also returned to hometown- Before that, he lived in the USA for many years, where he graduated from high school and entered university.

AND.: I didn’t want to get to know each other because I was against such “organized” meetings, especially at the initiative of my parents. I didn’t know then how good Alexey is (laughs), and then my mother and grandmother simply forced me to go on a date. It seemed to me that it would be much more romantic to meet your lover just on the street.

A.: By the way, I was also not happy with my parents’ idea. I just arrived from America, sat at home all day, watched TV, I was 19 years old at the time, but I behaved like a boy. My father still insisted that I meet a beautiful girl, and I obeyed him.

- So the fateful meeting did happen.

A.: Irisha came not alone, but with her mother and her then husband. Therefore, we can say that the first date was also with my future mother-in-law (laughs).

- How was the first date?

AND.: If there is love at first sight, then this was it.

A.: And I fell in love immediately. Irisha arrived for only two weeks, and we saw each other almost every day. I then told myself that I definitely had to kiss her before leaving.

AND.: But, as luck would have it, at that moment two wisdom teeth were pulled out, and my cheek was very swollen - I didn’t even think about kissing.

- Alex, admit it, did you manage to kiss Ira before leaving?

A.: Yes, I tried to make it happen in some romantic place, at sunset. We specifically went for a walk in Mariinsky Park, but nothing happened there, we were also near the People’s Friendship Arch, where beautiful view, but they didn’t kiss there either... There were almost a couple of days left before leaving, I was already starting to get nervous, and still no suitable opportunity presented itself... As a result, we kissed in the car, and I remember exactly that at that moment a very romantic song When I was playing on the radio cry, you cry performed by Ja Rule.

- It turns out that you are a romantic with a good memory?

AND.: Yes confirm! Alex is the most romantic man on the entire planet. He gives me such gifts and surprises that it surprises me more and more every time! I remember how he confessed his love to me on the second day, sending a huge bouquet of flowers, and in it a note - I still keep it. During our first meetings, Alexey said that I was the girl who would one day become his wife and the mother of his children. I remember that somehow I found movie tickets in his things - our first trip together, then also small notes where he wrote poetry to me. This is so touching! Sometimes I come home and there is a surprise - dozens of lit candles and a table set for dinner. Or, waking up in the morning, I see the whole bed covered in rose petals.

A.: Moreover, even my own father often does not understand my romantic impulses; he says: “This is all your Western upbringing.” But I believe that we need to give each other some pleasant little things or emotions every day, because we have one life.

- How did you live all these ten years? At some point, I understand, you broke up, because Ira during this time?

A.: We had already lived together in Los Angeles for four years, I was graduating from university and was planning to return to Ukraine to continue my career here, try to study family business. But Ira did not want to leave the USA - she had other plans at that time. That was the first time we separated from her for a long time. I was only twenty-three years old - I was definitely not ready for family life, and Irisha wanted this.

- How long did your breakup last?

AND.: Our breakup lasted six months, and then life brought us together again - we realized that during this time the feelings had not gone away, and we still love each other. It was difficult for me to understand why Alex was not ready to start a family with me? After all, we have such love, such passion and in general everything is so wonderful. But then I realized: no matter how much you love a person, you must let him go, everyone has their own path in life. And we broke up for the second time. I had a very hard time with the second breakup, without Alex I felt like I was in weightlessness, nothing made sense, my life was empty. By that time, my family began to put pressure on me: they say, isn’t it time to think about marriage and children? Well, you know, like all adults...

- And you decided to marry someone else? For the sake of the family and to spite Alex?

A.: This good question (smiles).

AND.: I think no. But I’m not ready now to go back to the past and discuss that marriage.

- But you, Alex, didn’t marry Ira out of spite...

A.: I’m not one of those people who act out of spite, much less get married just to prove something to someone, that’s not my thing. Moreover, at that moment I was focused on own career. By the way, I was even invited to take part in the TV project “The Bachelor,” and at some point I was close to agreeing, I really wanted to find a worthy girl. But then he refused: I compared all the girls with Ira, but none of them could even come close to her.

- What is there in Ira that you haven’t found in others?

A.: Firstly, she knows how to inspire. It's probably a family thing (laughs). With one phone call, Ira can set you up for victory, give you confidence, make you want to move forward and achieve your goal. I missed this terribly after our breakup. And secondly, she is an easy-going person. For example, we can spontaneously go on vacation somewhere to the Bahamas or the Dominican Republic. Or vice versa, we can lie in bed all day and watch movies - I’m always comfortable with her.

- Ira, we know that mom and grandmother liked Alexey right away, but what did dad say?

AND.: They found it right away mutual language, especially after a couple of bottles of wine. Dad used the old proven tactic - get him drunk and talk, and at the same time test his limit to see how he can handle it.

- What is your relationship with your dad now, do you seek advice?

AND.: Today, honestly, we communicate very little. My relationship with my dad is easy, but I would like to see each other more often, because, for example, he definitely doesn’t feel like a grandfather yet.

- Tell us, when did you want to become parents and get married?

AND.: This was our mutual decision - we realized that we had matured. By the way, Alex proposed marriage to me when I was already four months pregnant.

A.: I asked Irisha to become my wife twice, I specially ordered a ring from a jeweler. The first time was eight years ago, and the second time was at the beginning of last summer. I wanted to do this on Vladimirskaya Gorka, the place where our romantic dates took place.

AND.: I remember it was an ordinary day, he picked me up from training and suggested that I go for a walk. As usual, I'm in tracksuit- if I knew, I would dress more beautifully - I’m walking next to Alex, we’re talking about something, and then I notice that he’s very nervous, steam is starting to come out of him! He talks to me about love, and I think to myself: all that’s left is for him to get down on his knee and hand over the ring. And then it all happens: Alex gets down on one knee and says: “You know, I wasn’t ready for this step, but now I want it more than ever.” I, completely dumbfounded, answer: “Then I’ll stay and won’t leave, because my heart can’t stand the parting anymore.”

- But you didn’t have a wedding?

A.: No, we just signed at the registry office without witnesses or guests - the two of us ran in during the working day.

You say Alex proposed when you were four months pregnant. Maybe this is what pushed him?

A.: No, I wanted to propose earlier, I just had to wait several months for a ring from the jeweler, and it was at this time that Ira became pregnant. We didn't think that everything would happen so quickly - in the first month. Many people have been trying to conceive a child for years.

- Are you on family council have you decided that you will give birth in America?

AND.: Yes, our country at that time was not experiencing better times, and we decided that this was the best option. And then, I wanted my daughter to be born with the sun, and in Los Angeles in November it is sunny and warm.

- Did you have a partner birth?

AND.: Alex was with me during the contractions, but then I kicked him out. Before he could come out, I had already given birth. It was just Halloween, October 31, but I didn’t want to give birth on that day, I told the doctors that I would nurse as much as needed. Labor began just after midnight.

- Have you prepared for motherhood, attended courses, read articles on this topic?

AND.: The daughter in my belly taught me more than any book. I did not read special literature, but acted intuitively. When she was born, I already knew her, I felt unity with her.