Solomon's solution. Solomon's decision on Crimea

“Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” That's what Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said. He great classic, and his words have long become classics. But what can they mean for us, modern youth?

If we talk about clothes, then, of course, neatness and neatness are important here. But by and large, this is the same thing by which the idea of ​​us is formed. But what principles regarding clothing can be applied to make us look great, as Anton Pavlovich said about it? In addition to being careful, you should keep in mind the following: never try to be the first to dress in newfangled things and do not take off what is the latest to go out of fashion. That is, you shouldn’t be extravagant, but you shouldn’t strive to be old-fashioned either.

Soul.. You can say that this is ours inner world. Our feelings, our aspirations, our desires. You could even say that the soul is our inner self. No one knows about much of our “I” except ourselves.

But how can we make our inner world beautiful? First of all, you need to be honest with yourself. This is true in every way. If we are honest with ourselves, then we evaluate ourselves honestly. Is our action correct? Are we fair to others? Is what we are doing fair? If we give ourselves an honest self-assessment, then our soul will be beautiful.

And finally, thoughts. In part, thoughts are also connected with the soul. That is, our inner self. But thoughts are fleeting. Sometimes the wrong thought comes to mind. How should we feel about this? Thoughts are like birds. If you don't drive the birds away, they will build a nest on the roof. Likewise, if you don’t drive away wrong thoughts, they will also build a nest. Only in my head. By constantly thinking about something wrong, we already get used to this wrong way of thinking, and it becomes familiar to us. Will our thoughts be beautiful in this case? This is a very serious question.

These are the thoughts that the words of the great classic Anton Pavlovich Chekhov bring to mind.

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Updated: 2013-09-27

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The standard of beauty of the 21st century.

"...what is beauty

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

N. Zabolotsky

Man has always had a desire for beauty. What is the true beauty of a person? People have thought about this “eternal” question at all times. Each historical era gave birth to her own idea of ​​beauty. Either curvaceous figures were valued in fashion, or thin and athletic ones; sometimes pale complexion, sometimes ruddy. And this is understandable, because people have different tastes and preferences. For example, the standard of beauty Ancient Greece the sculpture of Aphrodite was considered Ancient Egypt- Queen Nefertiti, in the Middle Ages personified the ideal of a woman holy virgin Maria, in the 20th century - Marilyn Monroe, in the 21st century - Angelina Jolie.

Beauty attracts. It's easier to live for a beautiful person. Yes, that's probably true. Therefore, modern girls strive for the ideal from the covers of fashion magazines, for the unattainable parameters of 90-60-90, thereby bringing themselves to complete exhaustion. Anorexia nervosa - modern disease XXI century, which has claimed more than one life of a teenage girl. In pursuit of perfect appearance We should not forget that health directly depends on naturally achieved beauty, without violence against one’s own nature and excessive adherence to fashion trends.

Others, on the contrary, try in every possible way to disfigure themselves and thereby attract the attention of others. For example, bodybuilding. It seems to me that people with huge muscles completely forget what real men and women should look like. This so-called “beauty” also brings enormous harm to health; just remember the death of V. Turchinsky. And women lose the most important thing - the opportunity to become a mother!

Trying to embellish ourselves, we sometimes lose something more than just our individuality. For example, representatives of modern youth subcultures: punks, goths, emo, hippies, rappers. Their appearance distorted almost beyond recognition. Some have bright, catchy colors, long hair, all kinds of piercings, the cult of abomination and aggressiveness; others have the color black, the aesthetics of death, mysticism and a depressive mood. Well, for example, goths strive to be like dark cartoon characters. Pale skin, black-lined eyes and lips, dark clothes- all this appearance is ready. Is this beautiful?!

I think that beautiful person- this is not necessarily a model with perfect figure, and a person who takes care of himself, plays sports, leads healthy image life. True beauty- natural, simple and artless. Such a person does not seek to impress anyone, he is who he is.

External beauty creates only the first impression of a person: remember the proverb: “You meet someone by their clothes...” But there is also another side of beauty that is hidden from prying eyes - this is the inner world of a person, his soul, thoughts and feelings. And if the beauty of a person’s soul is combined with external beauty, then such a person can be called truly beautiful, because everything in such a person is harmonious. I think this is exactly what Anton Pavlovich Chekhov meant when he said that “everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts...” You rarely meet such people. For some reason, most often external attractiveness coexists with moral ugliness, and external ugliness with the beauty of the soul. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy once said a brilliant phrase: “You can fall in love with beauty, but you can only love the soul.” The main thing in a person, of course, is the soul, for which a standard has not yet been invented. Any beauty will fade over time. But spiritual beauty, the beauty of a lover, kind heart will never run out!!!

Sometimes you look at a beautiful person, and he emanates “cold” beauty. And if you look into your soul, there is emptiness and cold. And sometimes a person may not be beautiful, but his soul sings. People say: “The sun paints the earth, but man...” I believe that kindness paints man. And among us there are people who radiate light and warmth. Looking at them, you always want to smile. I call such people sunny. They shine for people, that is, they make those around them happy. Not everyone can become such a person. To do this, you need to have a rich soul, feel the misfortune of anyone in your heart, be able to sacrifice something without expecting praise. There are many such people near me. This is first and foremost a mother and grandmother. I am convinced that children can only become kind in a family where love and kindness reign. I have been studying at our school for 7 years and I know that the concepts of “kindness”, “responsiveness”, “attention” are close to our children. At school we are always taught that we shouldn’t wait for someone to ask for help. We need to see those who need it. Real people can always just help. This state of every person should be natural.

I cannot call a cruel person beautiful, who is capable of meanness and deception, who is rude, foul-mouthed, and has bad habits.

Thus, for me, the standard of beauty of the 21st century is a person who is outwardly pleasant, and this is not only a beautiful face, but the impression that is created from the entire appearance of a person: his face, figure, manner of dressing and manner of speaking, from his facial expressions and gestures. Also, in my opinion, for a person’s external beauty, the level of his general culture. This culture will manifest itself in everything: how a person looks, what he wears, how he behaves, what books he reads, what music he listens to, what he dreams about.

In addition, a beautiful person must be smart and educated. Intelligence for me is generally the most important quality in a person. It seems to me that if you have intelligence, then many qualities will be added. An intelligent and confident person simply cannot be ugly.

A beautiful person is a person who knows how to do good. Good is highest manifestation morality in man. To do good means to be attentive to people, to help, support, sympathize and have compassion. This is not some special heroism. That's just what people do.

It is very important for me that a person is cheerful and cheerful, that he glows with happiness and optimism. What could be more beautiful than a wide smile, eyes sparkling with joy, and a light flying gait?

In addition, a beautiful person, in my opinion, is a person who knows how to love and make friends. This is a person who is interested in living in the world, in his own country.

This should be the standard of beauty throughout the world and at all times!!!


“Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, his thoughts...”

TO to a good person like the sun,

everyone reaches out to warm themselves with its warmth.

Solovyova Marina Konstantinovna

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov... this name is familiar to every Russian person. Chekhov's stories and plays have long become an irreplaceable reading experience for many generations of Russians, which the writer so unobtrusively shares: “Everything should be beautiful in a person...”. It must, because Chekhov the teacher was never a moralizer, like Tolstoy, or an idealist regarding human nature, like Dostoevsky; he never insisted or demanded anything, and his life was always an example of resistance to the surrounding stupidity, dullness, and finally hopelessness. And we, the readers different generations, invariably, together with Ivan Ivanovich Chimsha-Gimalaysky from the story “The Man in a Case,” we sigh: “It’s impossible to live like this anymore!” - and after that, everyone decided for themselves what they would do in the future, correlating their actions with the tuning fork own conscience, quite Chekhovian; we exclaim along with Petya Trofimov and Anya from “ Cherry Orchard": "All of Russia is our garden" - Chekhov's optimism is not so much about smart and beautiful words, how much in actions. This included selfless work on Sakhalin, where he carried out a census of the island’s population, compiling about 10 thousand statistical cards, collected great amount documentary material about the work, life of Sakhalin convicts and local residents- all these observations resulted in the artistic and documentary work “Sakhalin Island”. Or in 1891-92, when he organized a collection of donations in favor of the starving Nizhny Novgorod and Voronezh provinces, where he himself traveled twice. And life in Melikhovo is not only an inspirational literary work, but also active medical practice, colossal social activity. Chekhov works here as a zemstvo doctor, seeing many patients. In addition, in Melikhovo and its environs, the writer builds three schools for peasant children, a bell tower and a fire shed, and strives to open a post office and telegraph office. But this is not enough: he organizes the planting of thousands of cherry trees, sows bare forest areas with larches, elms, maples, pines and oaks. He invariably preached love for specific living people, called to be responsive to their sorrows and to be merciful to their shortcomings. This is probably why the gentleness, sincerity and simplicity, with a complete absence of hypocrisy, posture and hypocrisy in Chekhov, made his words and actions so visible that there was a need for their continuation. He himself constantly strived for the ideal, unobtrusively drawing more and more new acquaintances with him, and even his books fulfill the same task: they call to actively transform the world for the better. Therefore, in my opinion, Chekhov is one of the few Russian writers who can and should be accepted at any age and with any illness without restrictions. Again, without violence, as we like in Russia, otherwise it will no longer be a Chekhovian dialogue, but a Chekhovian satire.

Therefore, it becomes so clear and understandable why every word in Chekhov’s stories and plays, no matter how aphoristic it may be, carries a very important semantic meaning, both obvious and hidden (the famous Chekhov subtext). It is no coincidence that Anton Pavlovich put the words stated in the title into the mouth of Doctor Astrov from the play “Uncle Vanya”. They are familiar to many, but few know the second part of the statement and to whom they refer.

Astrov. Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts. She is beautiful, there is no doubt about it, but... after all, she only eats, sleeps, walks, enchants us all with her beauty - and nothing else. She has no responsibilities, others work for her... Right? And an idle life cannot be pure.

This means that external beauty is not a guarantee of love and reverence. Doctor Astrov, enchanted appearance Elena Andreevna, the young wife of Professor Serebryakov, understands that his feelings are not love, but something else. But what? Once again, the readers themselves must answer this question, or at least think about it... Astrov strictly evaluates the Serebryakov couple:“Both - he and you - have infected us all with your idleness... Wherever you and your husband step, everywhere you bring destruction...” Chekhov's ideal of beauty is always combined with constant inspired work.

Times are changing, but human nature remains unchanged, and each era offers its own template of beauty, which the human majority considers the ideal; So in the fashion-conscious 21st century, these are standard 90*60*90. As a result, there are millions of girls and young men of the same type. What if it is impossible to achieve this standard by any means? ... anorexia, alcohol, drugs, suicide? Required a strong character, self-respect and, of course, what you love to do to get out of the vicious circle of “beauty.”

But, and one cannot argue with this, of course, each of us would like to be absolutely beautiful, but this is daily hard work, which not everyone can handle, but, fortunately, there are always such people around us amazing people, unselfishly giving us their beauty, warming our world and making it brighter. When such a person comes into your life, even for a moment, you forget about everything and feel bliss; There is an unconscious desire to stay nearby as long as possible and not get tired of it. My example is Marina Konstantinovna Solovyova. It is difficult to list all her roles: daughter, wife, mother and at the same time a manager, teacher, class teacher... and always an elegant lady with a sparkle in her eyes. Famous film stars will envy her every outfit, makeup, and hairstyle:Catherine Deneuve, Gina Lologiba, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren... And at the same time, when she enters the school, from her bright smile everything is transformed: it becomes lighter, warmer, a feeling of unconscious joy appears, and, most importantly, a feeling of self-worth, which is so important and necessary not only for students, but also for colleagues. WordsRR, students of secondary school No. 3: “Thank you Marina Konstantinovna SOLOVIOVA , which worried us more when the results of history had not yet come,” are true for every person who knows her. A sense of belonging with everyone who needs it, high degree empathy is a quality that has become rare in modern world, and, unfortunately, among our teachers, the brightest in depicting her character. Marina Konstantinovna a long time ago drew up for herself a kind of “code of honor”, ​​the laws of which she strictly follows.That’s why she always manages to do everything, is always in the center of events, not a single thing gets done without her, -

There is no other way: they look up to her. No one will ever tell you that Marina Konstantinovna did not do something or forgot something. Have you ever seen her angry or irritated? Never!!! How appropriate would be the words of the great scientist, defender ancient Russian culture, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev:“Friendliness and kindness make a person not only physically healthy, but also beautiful. A person’s face, distorted by anger, becomes ugly....”

I would like to note a special talent class teacher, because for every student of class 5A (What class?!) her word was so significant that it was always accepted as the only true and necessary one, but it was not fear little man before the great and experienced, but with sincere respect. But children are children, and therefore sometimes they bring anxiety and disappointment. I will never forget when Marina Konstantinovna told her beloved class about their offense, and they listened to her in deafening silence, with their heads down. Some of the girls began to cry. At the very cool mom her voice trembled, and at the same time she did not try to hide her offense. At that moment, I, an outside observer, was conveyed a feeling of community, amazing unity, when everyone sitting received their lesson, unobtrusively, carefully, tactfully. This was the highest aerobatics of pedagogy, which will always remain a personal, individual art. And there were many such educational moments, and Marina Konstantinovna never stood above her fifth-graders, she was always on an equal footing with them and, most importantly, next to them. For me, as a teacher, it was a wonderful school of pedagogical excellence: master classes, seminars, homework.

One can talk endlessly, describing the merits of Marina Konstantinovna, it is interesting to study with her, to work, and to relax - the fire burning in the heart of this woman warms everyone, but how it is especially necessary for gray, faceless people, busy with gray, faceless activities; he transforms their souls and hearts, and in a completely Chekhovian way calls on them to actively change their future:“If every person on a piece of his land did everything possible, how beautiful our land would become” (A.P. Chekhov).

Chekhov’s catchphrase that “everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts” is widely known. Everyone can formulate in their own words main idea of this statement, and I define it for myself this way: every person should try to ensure that not only his face and clothes are clean and beautiful, but that his thoughts, soul, and actions are just as neat.
It is difficult, very difficult to follow the wise Chekhov in our everyday life! It’s still possible to somehow take care of the face and clothes, but the soul and thoughts... They are just trying to throw out something mean and amuse our selfish nature! Either they push us to betray a friend, then they force us to scratch our hands in the hope of snatching a bigger piece, then they become dirty from contact with the abominations committed by others... What should we do, Anton Pavlovich, if I am not as wise as you? Where to get strength? But there must be salvation! Otherwise, we would all be mired in sin, become callous and cruel, and forget how to compassion and sympathize.
And salvation, in my opinion, lies in carefully reading the great works of world literature! Reading this should teach us something good, and not just entertain. Reading “Woe from Wit” by Griboedov or Pushkin’s poems, we must “try on” our feelings and thoughts goodies their works, try to make both your thoughts and your soul gradually become as subtle and beautiful.
Salvation from dirt is found in another great book - the Bible! Everything is quite clear there: lies and unclean aspirations are bad; truth and faith are right and beautiful. Of course, you need to look for some other sources that will help save your soul and thoughts from the surrounding dirt.
I understand that I am not as wise from life experience as the writer Chekhov, but my words are sincere.

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