What is the purpose of negative heroes? Positive heroes of comedy D.I.

SCH, the twenty-seventh letter of the Russian alphabet. The style goes back to the letter (“shta”) in the Cyrillic alphabet and “Ⱋ” in the Glagolitic alphabet. The letter "Ш" has no correspondence in greek alphabet. In Old Church Slavonic manuscripts it is found in the form of writing two letters “ШТ”. It had no digital meaning in the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabet. The letter “Ш” denotes a long, voiceless palatal fricative sibilant sound: “I’m looking”, “box”.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

SCH- the twenty-sixth letter of the Russian alphabet, usually denoting a combination of two consonants: a soft (palatal) spirant w" and a complex, also soft consonant h". This pronunciation sch= tch already noted by Tredyakovsky (in “Conversation about Spelling,” 1748) and Lomonosov (in “Russian Grammar,” 1755). Schletser follows them in his unfinished “Russische Sprachlehre” (1764). This pronunciation occurs very often and is now in speech educated society, less often - in popular dialects. In the latter, in place of literary sch = w"h"“double” is more often observed shh, more precisely - a long spirant shh, hard or soft (non-palatal or palatal). Solid long spirant shh found mainly in the north-eastern "okaya" dialects (Kazan, Vyatka, Nizhny Novgorod provinces), for example in tashshi(= drag), as this word is usually depicted using common Russian graphics. Soft long sh"sh"(eg. posh"w"a= grove) is observed in Moscow (not everywhere), Kaluga, some Ryazan and other “Akaya”, or southern Great Russian, dialects. In common spelling, in some words the combination w"h" represented by letters count: score, happiness, disappeared= sh"ch"ot, sh"ch"as"t"je, ish"ch"es etc. By its origin, the combination of consonants w"h", denoted by u, is different. In some cases it arose by palatalization of the combination sk before palatal vowels (searches, crackles) or before j (looking for, I'm trembling), suffix -more V fortification, axe-fort etc.), in others - from cmj (more, fist, grove), thirdly, it was transferred from Church Slavonic in numerous borrowings, like food(from t "j) folk. pica, tremble, slander(also from tj), night, cave, power, relics(from CT And gt, Wed folk night, oven, be able) etc., finally, fourthly - from the combination cch, zch by assimilation With, h next h and transfer them to w(cf. examples above score, happiness, disappeared). Like a sign, a letter sch goes back to Cyrillic, which is, as Tredyakovsky pointed out (in the work cited above), a ligature of letters combined with each other by horizontal lines. IN ancient monuments Old Church Slavonic (Old Bulgarian) writing did not yet use these ligatures, and the combination was written separately. The use of ligatures led to the established pronunciation of Church Slavonic sch = sh"h". Seeing a ligature in numerous words, like etc., where he answers Russian sh"ch", Russian literates began to read it as w"h" and in words like nusha, night, trembling etc., in which in Russian there is or should be h and which sounded in ancient Bulgarian pishta, noshta etc. On the contrary, the absence of a ligature for combination (it is not easy to create such a ligature from these two letters) has preserved in our country the correct reading of ancient Bulgarian words borrowed through Church Slavonic writing (like thirst, hope, 1 l. units h. I thirst, I suffer etc.). Glagolitic sign for sch, ts.-slav. close to the latter, which indicates their common origin. Digital value sch= 800 is available only in Glagolitic writing, while Cyrillic digital value does not have.

Encyclopedic Dictionary. Brockhaus and Efron.

Good day, my dear readers!

And for you practical material starting with the letter “Ш”, this is artistic word , And games, and options for pictures that can be used when getting to know the letter.

Letter "Ш"

Funny poems

On the comb SCH similar.

Three teeth in total? Well then!

E. Tarlapan

The pike found a treasure at the bottom,

I wish I could get a pike in my hands.

On the lawn, like a bell,

The puppy is flooded.

SCH- playing puppy

He lay down with his paws up.

G. Vieru

Letter SCH help us

Brush your teeth in the morning.

V. Stepanov

A dandy respects a brush,

The dandy cleans off the dust with a brush.

* * *

The pike swallowed the brush

The brush tickles her throat.

- Amazing thing!

What kind of fish did I eat?

The pike was good

I made friends with fish.

Cabbage soup made from sea cabbage

The pike cooked

Perch, gobies, bream

She treated me to cabbage soup.

* * *

Brushes can clean fur coats,

Brushes can clean teeth.

Brushes are not ratchets

Brushes will always help us.

There was a pike in the lake.

I took the worm off the hook.

The pike cooked cabbage soup,

She treated two ruffs.

The ruffs told everyone:

“Pike’s cabbage soup is good!”

G. Sapgir

A pike lived in the river,

Chalk water with a brush.

I cooked cabbage soup for the guests,

She treated the minnows.

S. Chernov

Pike can grab and swallow -

They don't need any other science.

B. Zakhoder

The goldfinch chirps on the birch tree,

Squinting, basking in the sun,

The nightingale singer clicks in the grove,

A calf is nibbling grass by the river...

Generous, good days these days!

I drag the pike, I drag it,

I won't miss the pike.

Tongue Twisters

Pure talk

Shcha-shcha-shcha - we are bringing home the bream.

Asch-asch-asch - we put on a raincoat.

Pike-pike-pike - I’ll look for pike in the thicket.

Shchi-schi-schi - you, little mouse, are not food.


Game "Who is attentive?"

1. Find the same sound in the words: ticks, brush, box, lizard, pike.

2. What sound do the words begin with: cabbage soup, sorrel, goldfinch, cheek, puppy?

3. Tap your pencil on your desk if you hear the sound [ sch'] in words: silk, whisper, tickle, nutcracker, honest, heron, chocolate, pinch, sliver, hat, tongs, squeak, seal, thick, heap, crackle, meet, rock, treat.

4. How many sounds [ sch’] in the saying: cabbage soup and porridge are our food?

Game "Syllable Auction"

Continue the words with syllables chu-chu.

That (- chu), pi (- I feel), Cree (- chu), Ugo (- I feel), met (- chu), nave (- I feel), that (- I feel), izve (- I feel), cru (- chu), protect (- I feel), zachi (- I feel).

Continue the words with syllables thicket.

Ro(- now), sve (- cha), pi (- now), met (- cha), ku (- cha), back (- cha), cha (- now), Yes (- cha).

Game “Say the Word”

Game "Letter Lost"

Find the lost letter:

– uka, ovo – and, comrade – and, le –, – epka.

Game "Turning Words"

Change one letter in the words: grove ( rose), puppies ( foams), search ( go), pike ( flour).

Game "Find a word in a word"

Sliver ( cheek), gap ( spruce).

Game "Syllable Lotto"

1. Read the syllables and come up with words with them: now (sorrel, spare), shche (goldfinch, puppy), schu (pike, tentacles), cabbage soup (shchi, pinch).

2. Make words from syllables:

Answer: pike, grove, cheek, puppy, goldfinch, ticks.

Game "Find the words"

1. Lesenka. 2. THROUGH LETTER

š – – – š –

š – – – – š –

š – – – – – š –

š – – – – – – š –

š – – – – – – – – š –

š – – – – – – – – – š –

Possible answer: Possible answer:

cabbage soup, shield, pike, goldfinch, thicket, thicket, bream, dragging,

sorrel, tickle. grove, relics.

Game "Complete the word"

Let's cook cabbage soup today!

Find such words

So that in everyone

There was a little cabbage soup!

Answer: look, squeak, tongs, box, pliers and etc.

Game "Typesetter"

Make words from the letters of the word comrades.

Answer: goods, cabbage soup, look, var, mouth, or, here.

Game “Several from one word”

Compose a telegram from words starting with the letters of the word pike.

Answer: “The puppy stole the keys - Andrey.”


My presentation “Letter “Ш,ш” Sound [Ш] Learning to read. Let's sing with us! » helps teachers diversify the lesson, attract children's attention to educational process, set them up for a positive attitude towards learning to read. Children's thinking is visual and figurative, so I often use children's presentations with musical accompaniment in reading lessons. Purpose of this lesson make it easier for children by memorizing the letter “Ш”, and then reading syllables, words with the letter "Ш". Something as serious as reading can be approached in a fun way. For example, we depict a letter in the form of a funny little man, sing a song about the letter, read and sign slides with the names of objects starting with the letter "Ш". On the first slides we get acquainted with the letter, read poems about the letter “Ш”, and on the next slides we learn to read whole words. The child reads and encounters unfamiliar words, the meaning of which he needs to guess with the help of illustrations. The goal is to make the reading experience enjoyable. Warehouses are highlighted on the slides: SHCHU, SHCHU, SHCHU, SHCHYO, SHCHU, SHCHU.... and words were selected that contain these warehouses. By wording we read words, “pure sayings”. tongue twisters, poetry texts. We train the skills of pronunciation of words with the letter “Ш”, We complete the task: find superfluous word, name the words with this letter, play games with words, solve riddles. . Selected poems about animals whose names begin with the letter “Ш”, small texts for reading.

The presentation will help improve the reading skills of first grade students and will the best way tell everything about this letter, maintains interest in learning.

Subject: Voiced and voiceless consonants.Sound[ ь"], letters Ш, ь

Target: introduce students to the soft consonant sound [ш’], the lettersch sch ; develop speech, memory, logical thinking.

Planned results:


1.Positive attitude towards learning, educational and cognitive interest, willingness to overcome difficulties;

4.Aesthetic feelings, incl. feeling of a precise, bright word.

Regulatory (ability to organize one’s activities):

1.Understand, accept and preserve learning task;

4. Monitor the process and results of activities, make adjustments;

Cognitive (search, receive and use information):

1.Be aware educational information;

3.Structure information, record it different ways;

4.Understand the information presented in different forms: pictorial, schematic, model; translate it into verbal form;

6. Refer to various dictionaries and reference books; find the necessary information in them;

7. Conduct analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparison, classification, generalization;


2.Participate in dialogue, in general conversation, performing accepted standards speech behavior, speech culture;

4.Enter educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates, carry out joint activities.

Interdisciplinary connections: Fine arts, mathematics.

Resources: textbook, subject pictures, magnetic board, letters and syllables, presentation.

Organization of space: individual work, work in pairs, frontal work.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

    Updating knowledge.

The teacher checks the students' readiness for the lesson.

Turn to each other, give your smiles. Give me your smile too. Thank you! Your smiles are conducive to pleasant communication.

A lot of new and interesting things await you ahead. Be attentive, active, careful.

Students get ready to work.

II. Setting goals and objectives. Explaining new material

Let's remember everything we've learned.

What sounds are there?

How are they different?

What groups can consonant sounds be divided into?

Now, let's find pairs of these sounds

What sound is missing? Why?

- Well done! Now guess the riddle.

Gobbling up rolls,
A guy is riding on a stove.
Goes straight to the palace.
Who is this fellow? (slide)

Do you know this fairy-tale hero?

Remember who Emelya caught in the ice hole?

Say the wordpike.

What is the first sound in this word?

a) how many syllables are in the word pike?;
b) what do you hear when pronouncing: noise or noise with a voice;
c) what sound do you hear after [у] in the word pike?

Who guessed what the topic of our lesson is?

Say this sound again and let's describe it

Vowel? Consonant

Deaf? Voiced?

Solid? Soft?

Doubles? Unpaired?

Game “Is the cat attentive?”

Clap your hands if you hear the sound [ш']:

pear, box, hat, puppy, brush, porridge, teapot, vegetable, chocolate.

Work from the textbook (pp. 103-104)

Analysis of the words PIKE, BREAM, CAPE, FAREWELL

Reading syllables. (Work from the textbook – p. 103)

Let's read the syllables. (in unison)

Suggested to remember:SHA And control room written with letters A And U , although the sound [ш'] is soft.

Reading syllables and words

We read in sequence.

Pike......teeth, fins.

Vegetable…..juice, salad, soup.

Reading riddles. (Work according to the textbook p. 103)

What will we work with? (With riddles)

What do we call a mystery? (Expression that needs to be solved)

You work in pairs: read one riddle to each other and guess it.

Raise your hand if you think your neighbor can read the riddle correctly and expressively to the whole class. (Two people read, write the answer on the board or hang up a card with printed words: onion, pumpkin)

What other vegetables do you know?

(Sounds are vowels and consonants)

(Vowel sounds can be sung, but consonants cannot. When we pronounce vowel sounds, the exhaled air does not meet any obstacles in the mouth)

voiceless and voiced, paired and unpaired.

Work in pairs

(d-t, z-s, g-k, w-sh, b-p, v-f)




Two syllables



- “The consonant is a dull soft sound [ш*]. Letter Ш,ш».

(on the table board)





Box, puppy, brush, vegetables.

Isolate the sound ш’ from words, establish with the help of the teacher that the sound ш’ is consonant, always soft, deaf.

Read merging syllables, establish, based on observations and the teacher’s message, what is in a syllablenow always writtenA , and in a syllableI feel always writteny, since the sound ш’ is always soft, its softness does not need to be shown with special letters.

IV. Consolidation.

Game “Say the Word”

Like our daughter’s pink ones... (Cheeks)

Today I was knocked off my feet, I lost... (Puppy)

It's raining, but don't cry, mom will buy it soon... (Cloak)

The fisherman’s hand will not tremble, because he came across... (Pike)

Game “Lost Syllables” (work in pairs)

SHCHA, SHET, SHCHU, VEL, RO, NOK, SHCHE, CHU, KA (pike, grove, puppy, sorrel, brush)

    Lesson summary

What new did you learn in the lesson?

Who is satisfied with their work in class?

Emelya left you a task, you will do it at home. I wish you success!

Thank you for the lesson.

Sound [Ш] – dull consonant sound

Evaluate your achievements.

Students evaluate their work using emoticons.


The lesson notes are intended for working with students with disabilities. It will help consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation of the sound [sch] in speech. The tasks presented in the notes greatly contribute to the development of children’s visual perception and attention. The material of the summary is presented in accordance with modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Topic: Sound [Ш], letter Ш.

Goal: To teach children to correctly pronounce the sound [u] in speech and relate
it with the corresponding letter Ш.

Tasks aimed at developing personal results:

  1. Introduce students and reinforce correct pronunciation sound [ш] in speech.
  2. Monitor your own speech and the speech of classmates.
  3. Work on improving word formation skills using games: “Name your profession”, “Make the word huge”.

Tasks aimed at developing meta-subject results:

  1. Develop logical thinking while working on a poetic text and its title.
  2. Develop visual perception and attention to the example of working with letter material: reading words among letters, reading words with building up letters.
  3. Develop sound-letter and sound-syllable analysis and synthesis through exercises on composing words from letters and syllables, isolating sounds from words.

Tasks aimed at generating substantive results:

  1. Introduce students to the writing of the letter Ш, not to confuse it with similar ones: Ts, Sh.
  2. Remember the rule for writing sha in words.

Equipment: Subject pictures: brush, shoes, boots, boots,
mirror, pictures of people's professions.

Lesson stages

  1. Organizing time
  2. Articulation gymnastics
  3. Introducing the sound [u]
  4. Work on clarifying the pronunciation of a sound, practicing it, consolidating it in speech.
  5. Physical education minute
  6. Introducing the letter Shch.
  7. Completing tasks aimed at reading and writing words with the letter Ш.
  8. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, guess the riddle. What kind of house are we talking about?
This house has red doors,
There are white animals near the doors.
And those little animals love sweets and buns. (Mouth)

Who lives in this house? (tongue, tongue)
Do articulatory gymnastics exercises with me.

It’s clean in the house near the tongue, but there’s a problem, he himself got dirty and fussed about. The tongue took the brush and began to clean itself like this: shch, shch, shch. Let's help the tongue, all together: shch, shch, shch. A goose came to visit the tongue and hissed at it: sh sh sh sh sh sh. Hiss like a goose, and now stretch your lips into a smile, while your tongue moves forward and instead of the sound [w], you hear [sch].

Take the mirrors.

So, when we pronounce the sound u, our lips are in a slight smile, the teeth are close together and visible, the tongue is wide, it is raised to the tubercles behind the upper teeth, in the middle of the tongue there is a strong air stream, which is easily felt by the palm of the hand raised to the mouth.
Let's characterize this sound. (Consonant, voiceless, soft)

The goose did not come alone, look what he brought: shoes, boots, shoes (Show pictures). What is this? (Shoes). The goose invites us to clean it. Take a brush (on everyone’s table) and brush your shoes first, while saying [sch shch], then boots: [sch shch], then boots [sch shch].

If we need a brush for shoes, what kind is it? (Shoe)
If we need a brush to clean our teeth, what kind of brush is it? (Dental)
If we need a brush for a dress, what kind is it? (dress)
- If you hear the sound sch, clap your hands: silk, nutcracker, heron, chocolate, sliver, tickle, hat, ears, shield, tongs, cat, room.
- Let's play the game “Agree and Repeat”
As-as-as-as-Tanya has a new one...(cloak)
Still-still-still-swimming in the river...(bream)
Oh-oh-oh-oh-we have delicious...(borscht)
Shchik-schik-schik - put all the things in... (box)
Shchi-schi-schi - they bite...(ticks).
- Listen to the tongue twister and tell me how many times the sound u is repeated in it?
Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner. (5)
- Who plucks the brush? (Puppies)
- How many are there? (2)
- How do they pinch the brush? (Cheek to cheek)
-Where do they pinch her? (In the corner)
- Repeat the entire tongue twister.
Puppies love to play with the ball, let's play too.

Game "Make the word huge"

Game “Who is this - name the profession” (Showing pictures)

Who trains animals?...
Working on an excavator...
Cleans shoes...
Sharpening knives...
Plays the drum...
Regulates traffic...
Makes stone masonry...
Repairing the watch...
Engaged in fencing...

What consonant sound is common to all these words?

I hear the wind carrying sounds. Collect a word from them, be careful, the wind will not carry one sound to you, which one?

[O, V, Ш, И] -….(vegetables-..o)
[Х, И, Ш, И, К]-…(predator-…н)
[SH, I, C, Y] -...(tongs-...p)
[V/, Ш, И]-...(things-...e)
[Shch, U, A]-...(pike-...k)

What consonant sound is present in all these words? ([SCH])

Listen to the poem and think about what title you would give to this poem. (The speech therapist reads the poem).

In fact, this poem is called “Helper” and was written by the famous children's poet A. L. Barto.

Do you think this title is appropriate for the poem?

What word is the word “helper” derived from?

In what sense is the word “helper” used?

Divide the word into syllables?

How many syllables are there in a word?

In which syllable is the sound [у]?

Name this syllable?

We were working and tired.
And now, guys, stand up.
They quickly raised their hands up,
To the sides
Back and forth.
Turned left, right,
Raise your shoulders together
To make work easier
Now bend forward
And touch the toe with your hand.
We sat down at our desks boldly,
We need to continue the work.

In writing, the sound [ш] is indicated by the letter Ш.

It looks like a comb. Three teeth in total? - Well then!

What two letters does the letter Ш resemble? (W, C)

Yes, this letter is as wide as the letter Ш and as tailed as the letter C.

Restore the printed letter Ш using these letters:

Look at the writing of the written letters Ш, write down the capital and lowercase letter Ш in your notebook.

What words can be made from the following letters?

a, sch, o, r - grove
sch, d, a, o, p, a - mercy
v, sch, e, a, b, l - sorrel
a, sch, p, a - food
l, o, sch, a, b, p, d - area

Write the resulting words on a line, underline the same part in these words. What did you emphasize? (Share)

Remember, guys, the rule: sha - we write with the vowel A.

Which of the words you wrote down does the diagram fit to?

Make up a sentence using these words.

There are words in front of you. Read them, starting with the very a short word and ending with the longest.
Bream, drummer, sliver, vegetable, square, defenders, predator, fist.

Now read it backwards, starting with the longest word and ending with the shortest.
- Find a word among the data that denotes many objects, used in plural. (Defenders)

Find words with the letter u among the letters of each line and write them down in your notebook. Who is first?

A V A SCH E L A T IK (slit)
K D Y S H E R I T A M O (lizard)
T O R D S I S H I R V Y (cabbage soup)

Our lesson is coming to an end. How well you understand today's topic will be determined by your answers. Continue my statements:

Today we learned to pronounce the sound...

This sound...

I can name words containing this sound...

The sound [ш] in writing is indicated by the letter ...

We write the syllable shcha with a vowel...

Today I did well...

For the next lesson I will try...