Development of a music lesson on the topic “Musical meetings of Masha and Misha” (1st grade). Main types of educational activities of schoolchildren

“Once upon a time a Sorceress appeared in that country. She liked it there so much that she wanted to get to know its residents better. And when I found out that all its inhabitants were invisible, I was very upset. But she was still a Sorceress, and a very kind one at that. And she decided to give each resident a magic dress.

Each sound received a dress unlike the others. As soon as you put it on, the sound became visible and turned into a letter. The letter could be seen, depicted, drawn, written. The sorceress was very pleased. After all, now, having read, sung or whispered it, she called the sound by name. That's how they met.

− Look at the alphabet column, where sounds are shown next to the letters (p. 29).

− What sounds are indicated in red?(Vowels.)

- Say them in chorus.

The words are written on the board:aster, donkey, bunny, snail, lemon, street, painting, oriole.

− Write down the words in which the first and last letter− vowels.

- What words did you write down?

− Remember why vowels were called vowels.

- Stand up, those whose names begin with a vowel.

− Come up with names with remaining vowels.

− Why were two colors used to indicate consonant sounds: green and blue?

− Say a few consonant sounds, indicated in green, and listen to yourself. Did you use your voice?

Conclusion: when pronouncing consonants marked green, used voice. Z indicated in green h stinky consonants. (Similarly about voiceless consonants: g blue color - g weak consonants.)

− Say all voiced consonants. Notice in which part of the sound column (mostly) the voiced consonants are located?(At the top.)

− Pronounce all voiceless consonants. In what part of the sound column (mostly) are voiceless consonants located?(In the lower part.)

Reading the textbook article (p. 30) and answering questions.

− Which hard consonants do not have a paired soft consonant?

− How is this shown on the sound bar?

The teacher demonstrates a diagram on the board - square brackets with a space in the middle and a soft symbol.

− Which soft consonants do not have a paired hard consonant?(Those with square brackets with a space in the middle.)

Game "Name the chain."

Students in a chain pronounce one pair of paired consonants according to hardness - softness. (You can play the game in rows.)

− “Consonant sounds can be paired and in terms of sonority - deafness! - declared the Sorceress.

Work according to the instructions of the textbook (p. 31).


With a dull consonant I pour into the field,

With the ringing one I ring in the open space.(Spike - voice.)

She cuts the grass with the deaf,

With a voiced sound - it eats leaves.(A braid is a goat.)

With a deaf consonant we read it,

With the voiced one we dwell in it.(Tom is a house.)

Listening to music. Experience of emotional and figurative perception of music, different in content, character and means musical expressiveness. Enrichment of musical and auditory understanding of the intonational nature of music in all the diversity of its types, genres and forms.

Singing. Self-expression of a child in singing. The embodiment of musical images when learning and performing works. Mastering vocal and choral skills to convey the musical and performing concept and improvisation.

Instrumental music playing. Collective music-making on elementary and electronic musical instruments. Participation in performance musical works. Experience of individual creative activity.

Musical and plastic movement. General overview about plastic means of expression. Individual and personal expression of the figurative content of music through plasticity. Collective forms activities in the creation of musical and plastic compositions. Dance improvisations.

Dramatization of musical works. Theatrical forms of musical and creative activity. Musical games, dramatization of songs, dances, dramatization games. Expression of the figurative content of musical works using the means of expressiveness of various arts.

Class (33 hours)

"The world of music in the world of childhood"

1 quarter"Sounds Around Us"

Topics: Sounds in Masha and Misha's house. The birth of a song. Lullaby singing clock. "Cat" songs. What does nature “sing” about?

2nd quarter – « Musical meetings Masha and Misha"

Topics: Music about various things. Sounding image of the Motherland. Hello, guest - winter.

3rd quarter – “That’s how the sounds themselves flow from the soul!”

Themes: winter fun. Musical pictures. Melodies of life. Spring tunes. “Let’s talk” in musical language.

4th quarter – « Magic power music"

Topics: composer – performer – listener. Music in the country "Multi-remote". Music lives everywhere.

The 1st grade program is aimed at developing junior schoolchildren ability to listen to the music sounding around them, to develop positive motivation and the need to “communicate” with music in different life situations: on weekdays and holidays, in connection with calendar dates, during meetings with a fairy tale, with movie or cartoon characters, etc.

The curriculum is permeated by the idea of ​​childhood and its natural connection with the music that accompanies a child’s life, the idea that you can learn to recognize different music by listening to the world around you.

Realizing main idea concept of educational complex "Perspective Primary School”, expressed by the phrase “I understand the world”, as well as the super task music education, the 1st grade program is designed as a kind of ABC of musical literacy.

In keeping with the elementary nature of the curriculum, the curriculum includes pieces of music that are distinguished by everyday truths and reflect a child's view of the world. It presents 34 songs and chants, both folk and original.

Musical-rhythmic movements, playing elementary musical instruments and music game. During classes, it is possible to replace the musical material in accordance with the interests and preferences of the students and the teacher.

In the 1st grade, a system has been built for the accumulation of general musical and artistic concepts and applied concepts related to the means of musical expression and having continuity with the 2nd grade program.

Class (34 h)

1st quarter – "Three pillars" in music: song, dance and march"

Topics: The main whale is the song. Melody is the soul of music. What is dance like? We are dancers no matter what! Everyone is marching. "Musical whales" meet together.

2nd quarter – "What does the music say"

Topics: Masha and Misha learn what music can do. Musical portraits. Imitation of voices. How does music depict movement? Musical landscapes.

3rd quarter – “Where the three pillars lead us”

Topics: “Open Sesame!” "Journey through musical countries" Opera. What is ballet? "Country Symphony". What is a concert like?

4th quarter – “What is musical speech?”

Topics: Masha and Misha are learning musical language. An entertaining musical fairy tale. Main song countries.

The 2nd grade curriculum, organically linked to the content of the 1st grade program, is also permeated by the idea of ​​connecting music with life. However, the boundaries of this connection are expanded through the penetration of students into the features of music as an art form, awareness of it as a sounding art.

By listening to music, schoolchildren learn that it evokes feelings and awakens thoughts, they empathize with the heroes of musical works, and perceive the melody as the “soul” of music. Encountering music in different life situations, second-graders observe and sensually perceive it as a special sounding phenomenon, penetrate into expressive possibilities music, reflect on figurativeness. Children learn to love and understand music, gradually mastering musical literacy.

The variety of musical forms and genres begins for second-graders with three pillars, three main areas, main areas of music. They are accessible and understandable to everyone who has encountered them many times in their lives. With the help of song, dance and march, students will easily and imperceptibly penetrate into any field of musical art, and its connection with life will become obvious and natural to them.

Entering the world great music- This an amusing trip in large and complex musical genres - opera, ballet, symphony, cantata, concert. Introduction to these areas of music should show second graders that mastery of musical language gives them the ability to penetrate the depths of any musical genre, simple or complex, and with their help to understand the world.

It is important that the program content of grade 2 is aimed at accumulating musical impressions in students, musical concepts and terms, acquisition of auditory experience. This will allow them in the next grade to move on to a more in-depth mastery of music as “the art of intoned meaning.”

Class (34 h)

“Music is the art of intoned meaning”

1st quarter – “Song, dance, march develop into singing, dancing, marching”

Themes Misha and Masha discover new qualities of music. Does melody mean songfulness? Danceability is not only about dancing. Where is marching heard? Meetings with song-dance and song-march music.

2nd quarter – "Intonation"

Topics: comparing spoken and musical speech. Grain intonation in music. How are expressive and figurative intonations related to each other?

3rd quarter – "Development of Music"

Topics: Why does music evolve? What means of musical expression help music develop? What is performance development? Development inherent in the music itself. What new things will we hear in musical fairy tale"Peter and the Wolf."

4th quarter – "Construction (form) of music"

Topics: Why are musical works one-part? When do essays have two or three parts? Rondo is interesting musical form. How are variations constructed? About the most important means of constructing music.

Thanks to the method of “looking ahead and returning to what has been covered,” students have already encountered song, dance and marching music in grades 1-2. In the 3rd grade they realize that these qualities of music are very important and play a big role in it.

The key topic of the 3rd year of study is the topic “Intonation”. It is considered in two musicological senses: in in a broad sense– as an incarnation artistic image in musical sounds; V in the narrow sense– as a melodic turn, smallest part melodies that have expressive meaning.

Class (34 h)

"Music of the World"

1st quarter – "Music of my people"

Topics: Russia - My Motherland. folk music like an encyclopedia of life. "The legends of deep antiquity." Music in the folk spirit. Fairytale images in the music of my people.

2nd quarter – “There are no uncrossable boundaries between the music of my people and the music of other peoples of my country.”

Topics: “From Moscow to the very outskirts.” Songability, dancing and marching in music different nations countries. Masha and Misha get acquainted with intonation portraits of the music of the peoples of Russia.

3rd quarter – “There are no uncrossable boundaries between the music of different peoples of the world”

Topics: Expressiveness and figurativeness of music of the peoples of the world. The uniqueness of musical intonations in the world. How does music help people become friends? What musical instruments do different peoples of the world have? How beautiful this world is!

4th quarter – “Composer – performer – listener”

Topics: The composer is the creator of beauty. Gallery of portraits of performers. Listen and you will hear!

Related information.

Music lesson 1st grade

according to the program “Music” T.V. Chelysheva, V.V. Kuznetsova

Chapter: "Musical meetings of Masha and Misha"

Lesson topic: “Music about different things”

Target: establishing natural connections between children and the music that accompanies them in life.


Organize meetings between children and their favorite characters;

Create search situations so that children figure out what music can tell about;

Draw children's attention to how they are recorded when recording musical sounds;

Planned results:

Subject results – learn what music can tell you;

Meta-subject results:

Personal :

Express your emotional attitude To musical images in word, gesture, singing;

Show an internal position when giving reasoned answers to problematic issues;

Cognitive :

Compare different musical works and find common and different features in them;

Explain features musical language various musical works;

Regulatory :

Build solutions educational tasks in accordance with the questions and tasks proposed in the textbook;

Communication :

- participate in the collective performance of songs;

Lesson type: primary assimilation of new knowledge.

Didactic support of the lesson: multimedia presentation.

Technical support lesson: piano, (laptop), screenand a projector.

Methods: activity approach

Types of student activities:

viewing the presentation



Musical material :

R. Rogers "The Sound of Music";

Tchaikovsky "Baba Yaga"

During the classes.

    Organizing time


1. Children enter the classroom to the music of the song “Musical ABC. The letter a".

2. Musical greeting:

“The bell rings - we’ll start the lesson”

    Updating knowledge

    Initial motivation.

Introductory conversation.

U.: Guys, do you know the song you walked into class to?

What do you think we'll talk about today?

That's right, today we will talk about the musical alphabet.

2. Creation of a learning-problem situation.

U.: What is the “musical alphabet”?

In general, what is the alphabet?? What does it consist of?

(That's right, from the letters )

Why do we need letters?

(Write down words)

How many letters are there in the alphabet?

(That's right, 33)

3 Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

U.: How do you think the musical alphabet differs from the ordinary alphabet?-

Maybe music also has letters that can be written down?

Perhaps they will help us see how music lives on.

III stage (main) – p immersion in the topic of the lesson

1.Formulation of the main educational task.

U.: Pay attention to the screen - the topic of the lesson is indicated on the 1st slide, and on the other slides we will see:

Where do the notes live?

What can they talk about?

Why do you think we will study all this?

That's right, so that we can sing any song purely, correctly and beautifully

2.Primary assimilation of new knowledge

Who knows what the musical letters are called?(Notes).

How many notes are there in the musical alphabet?(7).

What is the name of the musical alphabet?(Scale).

Where are notes written?(On the staff)

How to get to the music staff?(Treble clef required).

Here is the house in front of us,

And the Family of cheerful notes lives in it.

Everyone will call them:

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si, do.

Do, si, la, sol, fa, mi, re, do.

Now let's get acquainted with the voices of our notes.(Perform the scale, naming the notes).

Now we will listen to the song"Sounds of music".

Did you like the song?

We will teach it to you now. I will sing phrases to you, and you repeat them after me.

(Slide 2,3)

3.Initial check of understanding

Well done. Now, if you have been paying attention, answer my questions.

What is the music in this song about?

( Each note tells about something different: a sparrow’s bay, trees in the yard...)

Who is involved in the performance?

- (Teacher and students )

Musical physical exercise

Guys, when you and I sang a song about a musical scale, we found out that music and notes can tell us a lot. About what? Let's remember again.

What else can music tell us?

Let's listen to a musical piece by Tchaikovsky.

What kind of hero do you think is represented in it? (Baba Yaga )

How is Baba Yaga depicted? (insidious, evil, scary, harmful, etc.)

- Why do you think so? What in music helped you discover this? (music is fast, sharp, galloping, with accents)

Let's listen to it again.

Listen, Baba Yaga is barely walking, hobbling(listen further) . And now she’s grumbling, plotting something, casting a spell(listen further) . But then sharp sounds appear - it’s Baba Yaga flying away, rising higher and higher. What objects does Baba Yaga use to move around? (mortar, broom)

Now listen, she comes downstairs, swears, grumbles(listen) . And at the end of the melody composer depicts the disappearance of Baba Yaga. Musicit shows very clearly.

- Guys, what other heroes? folk tales Do you know anyone similar to Baba Yaga? (Leshy, Kikimora)

Remember, you and I listened to the musical play “Kikimora,” which was written by a Russian composer whose last name consists of two notes. Who remembers the composer's last name? (Lyadov).

Let's listen again musical theme Kikimora and compare it with music about Baba Yaga.

What in musical plays What do they have in common and how do they differ?(Music depicts evil heroes; in “Kikimora” there are two themes, and in “Baba Yaga” there is one)

- IV stage - the result of the lesson.


U.: Our lesson is coming to an end. Who was bored in class? Well, if everyone liked it, does that mean we worked “good” or “excellent”?

Let's remember what question we should answer at the end of the lesson? (what can music tell you?)

But it’s too early to draw a conclusion. In the next lesson we will continue the conversation on this topic.

2. Homework:

Draw an illustration for Tchaikovsky's play Baba Yaga and come up with a short poem.

Olga Dyupina
Lesson summary “Visiting Masha and Misha. Sound and letter Sh"

IN visiting Masha and Misha. Sound and letter"SH"

subgroup speech therapy class on literacy

V preparatory group/FFNR/

Target: Correction of phonemic disorders. Getting to know sound and letter"SH".


1. Correctional and educational:

Teach children to answer questions accurately and completely;

Exercise in sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words;

Automate sound"SH" in syllables, words, phrases.

2. Correctional and developmental:

Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;

Development logical thinking, attention;

Development of fine movements of the fingers.

3. Correctional and educational:

Formation of a positive attitude towards participation in class;

Ability to listen to peers and speech therapist;

Cultivating friendly relationships, cultivating perseverance.


sound circuits, red, blue, green circles, Su-jok balls, pictures-sheets of tasks according to the number of children, tasks with letter"SH" by the number of children.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment:

Children enter the office.

Guys, look, they came to us guests. Let's turn to guests and say hello.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

and let's smile at each other.

Today on games await us during class, assignments, meetings. We'll go to guests, where we will meet new sound, but for the journey to be successful, let’s remember what’s different letter sound(sounds we pronounce and hear, and we write and read letters).

What two groups are they divided into? sounds(vowels and consonants?

How are vowels different? sounds from consonants? (when pronouncing a vowel, the air does not meet an obstacle, it is sung; consonant the sound doesn't last, since when pronouncing it, the air encounters a barrier.)

I have red, blue, green circles on my tray. Take one circle each and name any sound corresponding to this symbol, explain what it is sound. (Those who named sit down at the tables)

2. Topic message (include a song from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear")

Guys, we found out who we are going to guests? (Music from the cartoon sounds "Masha and the Bear") That's right, we came to today guests to Masha and Misha.

Characteristic sound[w] according to articulatory characteristics.

- Which sounds Do I highlight Mashshsha and Mishshsha in the words? - That's right, that's sound [Ш].

Today on class we'll get to know you with the sound Ш and the letter, which stands for it in writing.

Let's show you how to pronounce sound"SH". Pick up the mirrors.

What do our lips do? (stretched like a tube, elongated and rounded)

What do our teeth do? (fence with a gap)

Where is the tongue? (above)

How narrow or wide is it? (tongue wide, "cup")

How do we pronounce sound"SH" with or without voice? (deaf)

Is it hard or soft? (always hard)

Is it a vowel or a consonant? (consonant)

So, sound"SH" consonant, hard, voiceless, denoted by a blue circle.

3. Games with sound Ш.

Masha and Misha invite us to play with sound Ш.

"Catch sound»

I will pronounce the words, and if you hear sound Sh clap your hands: hat, shorts, sled, cat, mask, mouse, neck, helmet, helmet.

"Repeat after me" (with a ball)

Catch the ball and repeat the phrase after me.

Sha-sha-sha - our Masha is good.

Sho-sho-sho - and sings well.

Shu-shu-shu - sings a song to the baby.

Shi-shi-shi - Masha and Misha are good.

"Suitcases" (position determination sound in words)

Masha and Misha love to travel. Let's help them pack their bags.

Arrange the pictures according to suitcases: in 1 - sound at the beginning of a word, 2 – sound in the middle of a word, 3 - sound at the end of a word(hat, teddy bear, shower, pencil, bag, baby.)

teddy bear shower hat

4. Physical education minute.

5. Games with letter Ш.

Let's become wizards and transform sound"SH" V letter"SH".

Dresses We put on the sounds,

We turn sounds into letters.

"What does it look like letter»

Watch this letter Ш. What elements does it consist of? (from 3 vertical short sticks and one horizontal long stick).

Post it letter Ш made from sticks.

Add letter Ш.

6. Working with cash registers and sound analysis.

Let's open the cash registers and find where he lives letter Ш. Place the word MASHA, MISHA on the top strip. Compose sound patterns of the words MASHA, MISHA.

7. Development fine motor skills using "Su-jok" therapy.

Misha invites you to play with prickly balls.

This Bear wants to sleep,

This Bear jumped into bed

This Bear took a nap

This one has fallen asleep a long time ago

At least this one is not sleeping yet,

But he lies quietly.

Hush, hush, don't make noise,

You won't wake up the bears.

"Solve the puzzle"

According to the latest sounds words guess the hidden word.

"Fun Train" (dividing words into syllables)

Help the passengers go on a trip, name and determine the number of syllables in each word, and find out who will travel in which carriage. Draw a line.

8. Visual gymnastics

Our eyes need a rest. We keep an eye on things.

9. "Make a proposal"

Dasha found a lump.

Masha helps her grandmother.

Mom bathes the baby in the shower.

Alyosha saw a mouse on the floor.

10. Summary classes

Well done! Today we had a good time going to guests. You completed all the tasks Masha and Misha.

With which sound did we meet today?

Which we use the letter to denote the sound Ш?

What did you like?

What was difficult?

You guys tried your best, listened carefully and answered. Medals to you from Masha and Misha.

Publications on the topic:

"A gift from Masha and Misha." Integrated speech therapy session in the preparatory group of a kindergarten“Gift from Masha and Misha” (integrated speech therapy session in the preparatory group of kindergarten)

Summary of the travel game in the first junior group “Visiting Misha the Bear” Goal: to ensure that children acquire sensory standards of color and size. Objectives Educational: - ensure that children consolidate their ability to correlate.

Summary of SOD in the preparatory group (ONR) Topic: “Masha’s doll’s birthday” (sound [Ш] and letter “Ш”) Organization educational activities children in the preparatory group (ONG). Preparing for literacy. Topic: “Doll’s birthday.

Summary of a literacy lesson “Sound [zh]. Letter Z. Capital letter in geographical names" Goals of the lessons: to introduce children to the letter Z, to teach them to recognize the letter visually, to read syllables and words with it; give an idea of ​​the rule.