Fitness cakes recipes. A sweet tooth's dream: a calorie-free fitness cake

People watching their weight should not be left without sweets, they just need to learn how to choose the right ones. By the way, when following a diet, it is better to prepare dishes yourself, this is the easiest way to monitor the calorie content of their composition. One of the most delicious and popular desserts for losing weight is a low-calorie healthy cake.

What is a fitness cake?

There really are sweets in the world that do not make you feel better. In addition, such a dessert as a fitness cake is also healthy.
You can prepare an original cake both for a festive table and for an everyday tea party. The main ingredients of the dish are nuts, eggs, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. The dish belongs to desserts that do not require baking. Fitness cake is a low-calorie treat.
Dessert composition:
powdered almonds – 50 g;
pumpkin seeds – 50 g;
coconut oil - two to three tablespoons;
egg white – 2 pcs.;
stevia (natural sugar substitute) – to taste;
agar-agar (a natural and healthy substitute for gelatin) – 1 teaspoon;
water – 20 ml;
raspberries – 1 cup;
dark chocolate – 20 g;
0% fat yogurt – 2-3 tablespoons.
The above ingredients are enough to make a cake for six servings.
Step by step recipe:
1. Pumpkin seeds are ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with almond flour. Pour melted coconut oil into the dry mixture and mix well.
2. Create a cake from the thoroughly kneaded mass and place it in a springform pan.
3. Agar-agar should be filled with water and wait ten minutes until the substance swells.
4. Add stevia to the agar-agar gelling agent and place on low heat for 3-5 minutes so that the mixture boils down.
5. Beat the cooled whites of two eggs well, adding a pinch of salt. Without stopping beating the whites, carefully pour a mixture of agar-agar and stevia into them with a thin thread. Raspberries are also added there.
6. Mousse made from egg whites, agar-agar, stevia and raspberries is poured into a mold, at the bottom of which there is already a cake layer. The cake should be placed in the refrigerator for two hours so that it hardens safely.
7. To make the glaze, melt dark chocolate in a water bath, pour in the prescribed amount of yogurt, mix well. You need to wait until the icing cools to a warm state and grease the fitness cake with it. Afterwards, the dietary confectionery product should stand in the refrigerator for another hour. The final touch will be decorating the cake with raspberries and mint leaves.
Bon appetit.

Having an ideal body is every woman's dream. But sometimes we want something “delicious” so much that we forget what the daily struggle with extra pounds has cost us. In fact, there are a lot of delicious desserts that contain a minimum of calories.

An outlet in a strict diet is a special dessert

It's no secret that excess weight is a serious obstacle in the personal lives of many people. Extra pounds mean constant dissatisfaction with your own figure, additional stress on the body and a decrease in personal self-esteem. And in order to get rid of excess weight, you have to sit down on a task that not everyone can endure. It is especially difficult for those who love sweets. But it turns out that you can combine cakes. Recipes for such desserts exist, and we offer one of them.

Combining the incompatible

The real result when losing weight comes from an integrated approach that combines regular physical activity and a proper, balanced diet. But this does not mean that you should give up desserts altogether. Healthy fitness cakes that do not contain sugar are a real find for those with a sweet tooth who want to maintain the ideal shape of their body. We are talking about vegetable desserts.

Thus, carrot fitness cake is considered an excellent option for healthy cuisine. This vegetable is generally one of the main components in dietary nutrition: it is not only used in the preparation of soups, salads and main courses. Delicious casseroles, pies and muffins, rolls and muffins are made from carrots. The menus of many coffee shops and small restaurants often include these delicious delicacies.

Making the most delicate fitness cake at home

In fact, this one is easy to prepare at home. Having mastered some recipes, any housewife can bake a delicious vegetable treat in the oven, microwave or slow cooker.

To prepare the cakes you will need:

  • 2-3 medium carrots, finely chopped;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 5 tablespoons of bran (can be replaced with oatmeal or multigrain flakes) - they must be crushed;
  • a little sweetener;
  • Cinnamon, stevia or vanilla are perfect;
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt.

Mix all ingredients. Place the resulting dough in a baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. If prepared in the microwave, the cooking time will be reduced to 10-15 minutes. Do not forget that the dishes for baking in a microwave oven must be appropriate! You can check the readiness of the cakes with a toothpick.

To prepare dietary cream, you will need:

  • the yolk of one chicken egg;
  • 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • ½ glass of milk;
  • ½ teaspoon sweetener, cinnamon or stevia.

Beat the yolk, add milk, mix thoroughly and heat over low heat or steam bath, stirring constantly. The resulting mass should thicken a little after some time. Beat the cottage cheese with sweetener, gradually pouring in the custard. The result is a mixture with a consistency similar to thick sour cream.

The finished cooled cakes are cut lengthwise into 2-3 parts. Each layer is smeared on both sides with curd-custard cream and stacked on top of each other. Nuts, fresh or dried fruits are used to decorate the fitness cake. If desired, the cake can be sprinkled with grated orange zest and cinnamon.

The prepared dessert is placed in the refrigerator for several hours so that the cakes are completely saturated with cream.

It turns out that adherents of a healthy diet are not such ascetics - they can easily afford fitness desserts in order to enjoy sweets not only without any damage, but also with maximum benefit.

Many fitness recipes contain cottage cheese at their core. And this is not surprising: the best source of calcium is difficult to find. Fresh fruits, berries, and vegetables are also actively used. Dried fruits are also held in high esteem: dried apricots, prunes. Bran and oat flakes are chosen as a flour substitute. In a word, the composition of the future dessert turns out to be simple and extremely healthy.

We deliberately selected in this section only those recipes that do not require searching for specific additives: such as protein or Fit Parad sweetener based on erythritol. Therefore, anyone who is interested in fitness desserts will find it easy to create them at home from the most ordinary products.

All fitness recipes are completely simple - this amazing cake is proof of that. And that’s exactly it: curd-curd, no typo here. Why will become clear from the further description.

For the base you will need:

  • cottage cheese – 300 g (low-fat);
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bran – 6 tbsp. l.

You will need to put in the filling:

  • cottage cheese – 400 g (also low-fat);
  • 4 egg whites;
  • 1 whole egg;
  • sugar or any substitute - to taste.

The cake is prepared like this:

  1. All recipes for cottage cheese baking recommend making it at 180 degrees. Our dessert is no exception. Therefore, you should turn on the oven in advance to warm up.
  2. To create the dough, you need to mix all the ingredients of the base with a fork until it has a crumbly consistency. Separately prepare the filling by combining all the ingredients together.
  3. Next, you should take a springform pan, line it with parchment and pour half of the prepared dough onto the bottom. Fill the middle with the filling and complete the formation of the cake with the remaining crumbs.
  4. Place the future cake in the oven for 45 minutes. After baking, you need to wait for the dessert to cool completely without removing it from the mold. Only after this can the “Cottage Cheese in a Square” cake be served.

  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • ½ cup bran;
  • ½ cup of kefir (or a little less);
  • 5 - 6 pieces of prunes (dried apricots) and candied fruits;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. honey;
  • zest of 1 lemon.

The cookies are prepared like this:

  1. Grind all ingredients except kefir in a blender. Then gradually start pouring kefir into the mixture. The main thing here is not to overdo it: you will need to stop when the dough reaches a consistency that allows you to make cookies from it.
  2. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, place future cookies on it and bake them for 40 minutes at 180 - 200 degrees.

Candy is also a dessert. In dietary nutrition, recipes for various fitness sweets are often used. One of them: a light curd delicacy reminiscent of the famous Raffaello candies. The proportion of ingredients is as follows:

  • 250 g cottage cheese (low-fat);
  • 3 tsp. fructose (or brown sugar);
  • 40 g coconut flakes.

First you need to mix cottage cheese, sugar and 3 tsp very thoroughly. coconut shavings. Then put the mixture into your palm with a teaspoon and form it into balls, which you immediately roll in coconut flakes and place on a dish. The finished dessert must be kept in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour before eating.

As you can see, healthy food recipes can be not only healthy. Enjoy your tea party with unusual and very tasty fitness desserts!

Video recipe for making oatmeal cookies without flour and sugar

Cakes can be not only tasty, but also healthy, and also not harm your figure! Everything is only the healthiest and most natural! You can't imagine anything more delicious!

1. Curd fitness cake: as much as 12 g of protein!

This is simply fantastic! Protein boost + divine taste! And it couldn't be easier to prepare. What else to say? My mouth is already watering - I’ll go eat a piece 🍰 I highly recommend it to you too 😉

Per 100 g: 126 kcal, proteins - 12 g, fats - 1 g, carbohydrates - 18 g.


For the crust:

Oatmeal - 80 g (grind with a blender or coffee grinder)

Protein - 1 pc.

Water - 3 tbsp. l

Cinnamon - to taste

For filling:

Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g

Berries (fresh or frozen) - 100 g (we have strawberries)

Protein - 1 pc.

Honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Vanillin - to taste


First, mix ground oatmeal with egg and water, add cinnamon and knead the dough, then put it in a baking dish, form sides and place in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.

Grind the cottage cheese and some of the berries in a blender, add vanillin, egg white and honey, and beat again. Pour this filling onto the cakes and place them in the oven again for 40-50 minutes. Decorate with berries.

2. Curd and poppy seed diet cake

Per 100 g: 108 kcal, proteins - 11 g, fats - 6 g, carbohydrates - 3 g.


Low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g

Eggs - 6 pcs

Milk 1% - 1 tbsp

Oat bran - 6 tbsp. l.

Poppy - 30 g

Lemon - to taste

Sweetener - to taste


Beat three eggs and three whites for 5 minutes. Until thick foam. Mix poppy seeds and bran and add to eggs, mix. Add sweetener and stir. Pour the mixture onto a small baking sheet lined with parchment paper and distribute. Place in the oven for 7-8 minutes, preheated to 200 degrees.

Take a glass of milk, 2 yolks, mix until smooth, put on low heat, stirring constantly. Grate the lemon zest, squeeze out the lemon juice, add to the cream, stirring constantly. Cook for 10 minutes. Let the cream cool slightly. And cakes.

Beat the low-fat cottage cheese with a blender, add cream and sweetener. Beat until creamy.

We cut the dough into pieces and coat it thoroughly, not sparing the cream. Let's decorate. Refrigerate overnight.

3. Delicious diet cake!

Per 100 g: 111 kcal, proteins - 12 g, fats - 2 g, carbohydrates - 12 g.


Eggs - 3 pcs

Protein - 2 pcs.

Buckwheat flour - 1 tbsp (can be replaced with oatmeal)

Water - 5 tbsp. l

Baking powder - 1/2 x/ k

Vanillin - to taste

Sweetener - to taste

For cream:

Low-fat cottage cheese - 600 g

Natural yogurt - 300 g

Water - 50 ml

Gelatin - 15 g

Sweetener - to taste


First, separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with vanilla and sweetener. Add water. Then carefully stir in the flour and baking powder into the mixture. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form and fold into the cake mixture. Place the resulting dough in a mold and bake at 180 degrees until done (about 30 minutes).

Beat cottage cheese and yogurt in a blender until smooth. Gradually add prepared gelatin to the mixture. That's the whole recipe. The basic dietary cream for the cake is ready. Add fruits, berries or cocoa to the cream, and each time you will get a new taste of dessert. We decorated with nuts!

4. Almond Vanilla Cake

Per 100 g: 113 kcal, proteins - 12 g, fats - 4 g, carbohydrates - 7 g.


For the test:

Eggs - 2 pcs

Low-fat cottage cheese - 4 tbsp. l

Oat bran - 1.5 tbsp. l

Wheat bran - 1.5 tbsp

Coffee - 1 tsp

Baking powder - 1/3 tsp

Sweetener - to taste

Cinnamon - to taste

Almond flakes - to taste


Low-fat cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. l

Milk 1% - 3 tbsp. l

Vanillin - to taste

Sweetener - to taste


Prepare the cake: mix all ingredients and place in the microwave at 750 Watts for 10 minutes. Take out, cool, cut this cake into 2 parts.

For the cream, whisk all the ingredients and coat the cakes. Sprinkle almond flakes on top to taste.

5. Curd cake with cherries - amazing tenderness and absolute benefits!

Per 100 g: 142 kcal, proteins - 8 g, fats - 2 g, carbohydrates - 25 g.


● Low-fat cottage cheese 250 g

● Frozen cherries 350 g

● Proteins 3 pcs.

● Oat flakes 200 g

● Honey 70 g


First you need to prepare the base. To do this, grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Mix them in a bowl with two egg whites and water. You will get an elastic dough. Leave it for 10 minutes so that the oatmeal swells a little. After this, place the dough in a baking dish, lightly greased with olive oil. Carefully level and form sides. Prick it again around the entire perimeter with a fork to prevent bubbles from forming, and place in an oven preheated to 175 C for 15 minutes.

While the base is baking, melt the honey. This can be done, for example, in a microwave oven. Mix frozen cherries with half the honey. (If you are afraid that the cherries will give a lot of juice when baking, and this is most likely the case, then it is better to defrost them first and squeeze them lightly.) In a separate bowl, mix the remaining honey with egg whites and cottage cheese.

Cool the finished base slightly, place the curd mass on it, and distribute it evenly. Carefully place cherries on top. Place the cake in the oven and bake for about half an hour.

6. Black forest cake: benefits in every bite!

Per 100 g: 119 kcal, proteins - 10 g, fats - 5 g, carbohydrates - 8 g.


Oat bran - 4 tbsp. l

Wheat bran - 2 tbsp. l

Cocoa - 2 tsp

Eggs - 3 pcs

Milk 1% – 100 ml

Low-fat cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. l

Baking powder - 1.5 tsp

Sweetener - to taste

For cream:

Natural yogurt - 3 tbsp. l

Low-fat cottage cheese - 50 g

Vanillin - to taste

Sweetener - to taste


Grind the bran. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

Divide the mass into 3 layers. Bake each cake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. Mold size: 24x6 cm. If you have a larger mold, divide the mass into 2 cake layers. After baking the skin, cool.

Prepare the cream: add sweetener to the curd and yogurt, mix everything. Coat the cakes with cream and leave to soak for 2-3 hours.

7. Oatmeal-yogurt cake: sweet joy for the soul and figure!

Per 100 g: 130 kcal, proteins - 8 g, fats - 5 g, carbohydrates - 13 g.


● Eggs - 2 pcs.

● Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l

● Semolina - 1/2 tbsp. l

● Baking powder - 1/2 tsp

● Water - 2 tbsp. l

● Vanillin - to taste

● Sweetener - to taste


● Natural yogurt - 7 tbsp. l

● Sweetener - to taste


Separate the yolks from the whites, mix the yolks with water, flour, vanillin, sweetener, semolina, baking powder, let stand, beat the whites separately with a pinch of salt until stiff and carefully combine with the yolks. Spread the mixture into a square, 1 cm thick, and bake for 10 minutes at 180C. Making the cream is very simple, mix everything and coat each cake. Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours and enjoy)))

Bon appetit!