Lesson summary “Visiting Masha and Misha. Sound and letter Sh


Consolidation of skills correct pronunciation sounds [M], [M’].

Introduce the letter M.


Correctional and educational:

Reinforce the skill:

- determine the position of a sound in a word;

Analysis and synthesis of the word “mother”;

Find a given sound in words,

Differentiate between hardness and softness of sound,

Strengthen the connection between the sound image and the visual (graphic);

Improve the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

Clarify the articulation of sounds [M], [M’];

Agree nouns with possessive pronouns my, my, mine, mine.

Corrective and developmental:


Auditory memory, attention, perception;

Ability to concentrate;

Auditory-speech memory, phonemic perception, facial expressions, prosodic components of speech (rhythm, stress, intonation expressiveness);

Speech breathing.

Identify a plant by smell.

Correctional and educational:

Bring up:

Ability to work in microgroups and groups;

Desire to help each other;

Interest in playing with sounds.

Vocabulary work: poet, letterer.

Preliminary work: Facial massage, watching and talking about the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”, playing “Make a Picture”, learning physical education exercises, massage with a large bead

GCD integration:"Cognition", "Socialization", " Physical development", "Safety", "Health".


Heroes of the animated series Masha and Misha, crocodile, letter reader;

6 envelopes with one part from the whole painting;

Two daisies with green and green centers blue colors, petals with subject pictures whose names contain the sounds [M], [M’];

- “magic” beads;

Bags with the aroma of lemon and fir;

Cash registers;

Sheets with letters M that are missing some elements;

Basket for chips;

Chips for reflection;

Raspberry jam.

GCD move.

Organizing time.

A) – Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, greet “Good morning.”

Good morning! I'm glad to see you! Let's warm up our palms, greet each other with our palms.

Face massage.

Performing massage together with a speech therapist

The sun woke up stroking movements

The forehead was touched

Spent rays of light

And it stroked, and stroked.

B) Listen carefully to the riddle and guess who will come to visit us today.

An animated series about a girl who gives no rest to anyone, and first of all, to her own friend. All the living creatures in the house are afraid of her! You might think that she is a real hooligan. However, she is driven not by a simple desire to do something, but by ordinary curiosity. And if it turns into something unpleasant, the girl always tries to improve the situation. She made jam and cured the wolves. The girl's friend in the cartoon is also kind. Instead of eating or scaring the girl, he tolerates her every day.

Masha and the Bear from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear".

Masha comes up with ideas every day different games. So today she wants to play with you.

Masha and Misha brought envelopes, the envelopes contain part of the whole picture, in order to collect the picture you need to unite in groups of three people.

Take each envelope for yourself, look at the picture on the envelope, go to the table on which the same picture is located.

Children unite in microgroups and assemble whole pictures from three parts.

Each microgroup shows and pronounces the name of its subject in chorus.

With all the children we determine which identical sounds are repeated in words.

III. Post topic GCD.

Have you guessed what sounds Masha and Misha are offering to play with today?

(With sounds [M], [M’]).

Children characterize the sounds “M” and “M” based on the speech therapist’s questions and the demonstration material “House of Consonants” ringing sounds"and the table "Characteristics of sounds":

Is the sound “M” a consonant or a vowel? Why?

Is the sound “M” voiced or unvoiced? Why?

Is the “M” sound hard or soft?

What color chip represents the sound “M”?

Is the sound “M” a consonant or a vowel? Why?

Is the sound “M” voiced or unvoiced? Why?

Is the sound “M” hard or soft?

What color chip do we use to indicate the sound “M”?

V. Game No. 2. "Poets"

Masha really likes to write simple sayings and wants to play poets with you.

Do you know who poets are? Poets write poetry.

For example: MA-MA-MA - I’m at home myself.

I pronounce the syllable and the last word pure talk, and you make up the whole pure talk.

ma - ma - ma - winter will come to us soon

mu - mu - mu - milk to whom


mo - mo - mo - we love popsicles

mi-mi-mi - take us into the game

VI. Game No. 3 “Daisies for Masha and Misha”

Next game, we need to collect daisies. One chamomile has a green center, the other has a blue center. Children take petals.

Assignment: Look carefully at your object, determine what sound is heard in the word “M” or “M” and place the petal to the corresponding middle.

The first team must make a flower with a center of blue color(from the petals, select those in the names that have a hard sound “M”).

The second team must make a flower with a green center (from the petals, choose those in the names that have the hard sound “Mm”).

Name the object, determine the position of the sound in the word.

VII. Physical exercise.

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We stomp our feet:

Top - top - top.

We give up:

Clap - clap - clap.

We'll spread our hands

Let's all go in circles.

VIII. Game No. 4 “Let’s teach Masha and Misha to speak correctly.”

Mastering the pronouns MY, MY, MY, MY.

One day Masha came to visit Misha, he decided to treat her with honey and said:

Drink tea with honey.

What did Misha say correctly?

Misha doesn't know how to play with words, let's teach him!

Look at your item and think about how you can say MY, MY, MY, MY about it.

Sample: My furniture.

Working with individual pictures.


Masha and Misha, no matter how sick they are, drink tea with honey. And I also know a magical remedy that you should definitely drink tea with - lemon.

There are magic bags on the tray. Take each bag for yourself, and we will determine (using our noses) where the lemon is.

We will give magic bags with lemon to Masha and Misha.

I suggest sitting down at the tables and listening to the story that happened to Masha.

One day Masha went fishing and caught a fish. Suddenly a crocodile came out of the river and said: “Masha, I will eat you.” Masha was frightened and wanted to shout: “Mom!”, but from fright she mixed up everything and shouted “Am-am.” The crocodile heard and was also scared. At first he wanted to shout “Am-am,” but from fear he also mixed up everything and he managed to say: “Mom.”

So they stood and talked. Masha said “Am-am”, and the crocodile said “mother”.

B)Manipulations with letters.

How did Masha scream? "Am - am."

Lay out these two syllables from the letters of the split alphabet.

How did the Crocodile scream? "Mother".

Rearrange the letters to make the word "mother".

How many syllables are there in MAMA?

How many vowel sounds?

How many consonants are there?

Let's label each sound with sound chips.

I roll circles with a bead,

I drive it back and forth.

I'll stroke her palm

And then I’ll squeeze it a little.

While Masha and Misha were making jam, the evil Bukvoezhka ate the elements of the letter “M” and the letter broke. Help Masha - fix her, please.

Remember how many elements a letter consists of.

Well done, you coped with all the games of our guests. If during the game it was easy for you, give Masha and Misha a gnome, and if it’s difficult - Luntik and tell me what you found difficult (chips in the basket).

A surprise from our guests - real raspberry jam!

List of references and addresses of Internet resources:

1. Nishcheva N.V.. Subgroup notes speech therapy sessions in the preparatory school group kindergarten for children with OHP.

2. Zhurova L.E., N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya“Teaching preschool children to read and write”
3.A.V.Nikitina"33 lexical topics»
4. T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina“Elimination of OHP in children preschool age»
5.E.V. Borodina“The use of modeling and symbolism in preparing preschoolers to learn literacy in a kindergarten setting”

6. http://www.radionetplus.ru/izobrazhenija/krasivye_kartinki/23165-masha-i-medved-20-kartinok.html

The work program is based on the Federal State educational standard primary general education, planned results of primary general education / educational complex “Perspective Primary School» author's program in music grades 1 - 4 T.V. Chelysheva, V.V. Kuznetsova. year 2012.


Music plays important role in development junior schoolchildren, since (along with other types of art) it organizes their knowledge of the world around them through living artistic images, and contributes to the formation of their own attitude to life.

School subject“Music” has wide possibilities in the individual and personal development of a child as a subject of culture. This is due to the multifunctionality musical arts a, which at the same time, like any other type of art, performs cognitive, transformative, communicative, evaluative and aesthetic functions in people's lives.


The viability of the “Music” program is due to the need to introduce younger schoolchildren to the art of music, which is aimed at achieving the following goals:

formation of the foundations of musical culture through the emotional perception of music;

nurturing an emotional and value-based attitude towards art, artistic taste, moral and aesthetic feelings: love for the Motherland, pride in the great achievements of the musical art of the Fatherland, respect for the history, traditions, musical culture of one’s people and other peoples of the world;

development of music perception, interest in music and musical activity, figurative and associative thinking and imagination, musical memory and hearing, singing voice, creativity V various types musical activity;

enriching knowledge about music, other forms of art and artistic creativity;

mastering practical skills in educational and creative activities (singing, listening to music, playing elementary musical instruments, musical and plastic movement and improvisation).

These goals are achieved by solving key problems that reflect the personal, cognitive, communicative, social and aesthetic development of schoolchildren.

Personal development of students is aimed at: realizing their creative potential; developing a willingness to express one’s attitude towards art; formation of motivation to artistic knowledge surrounding reality; manifestation of value and semantic orientations and spiritual and moral foundations; formation of self-awareness, self-esteem, self-respect, life optimism.

Cognitive development students is associated with: activation of creative thinking, productive imagination, reflection; the formation of a holistic understanding of music, its origins and figurative nature; knowledge of the language of music, the diversity of its forms and genres; awareness of the role of musical art in human life.

The communicative development of schoolchildren determines: the ability to listen, respect for the opinions of others; the ability to take the position of another person; willingness to engage in dialogue; participation in the discussion of significant human phenomena in life and art; productive collaboration with peers and adults.

Aesthetic development students are aimed at: introduction to aesthetic values; formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality; development of aesthetic feelings; development of the need to live according to the laws of beauty; formation of aesthetic ideals and needs; education of artistic taste; developing the desire to be beautiful in everything - in thoughts, deeds, actions, appearance.

Educational, developmental and educational tasks when teaching music are solved holistically. The teacher independently chooses teaching methods, giving special meaning a balanced combination of traditional and innovative technologies, including information and communication.


According to the basic (educational) plan of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, a total of 135 hours are allocated for the study of music in primary school, of which 33 hours in 1st grade (1 hour per week, 33 school weeks), grades 2 - 4 34 hours (1 hour per week, 34 school weeks).


Personal results of studying music are:

the presence of an emotional-value attitude towards art;

realization of creative potential in the process of collective (individual) music-making;

positive self-esteem of musical and creative capabilities.

Subject results music studies are:

sustainable interest in music and various types (or any type) of musical and creative activity;

general concept about the importance of music in human life, knowledge of the basic laws of musical art, a general understanding of musical picture peace;

elementary skills and abilities in various types of educational and creative activities.

Meta-subject results of studying music are:

developed artistic perception, ability to evaluate works different types art;

orientation in the cultural diversity of the surrounding reality;

participation in musical life class, school, city, etc.;

productive collaboration (communication, interaction, teamwork) with peers when solving various musical and creative problems;

observation of various phenomena of life and art in educational and extracurricular activities.

1st CLASS (33 Hours).

"The world of music in the world of childhood."

The 1st grade program is aimed at developing in younger schoolchildren the ability to listen to the music sounding around them, at developing positive motivation and the need to “communicate” with music in different life situations: on weekdays and holidays, in connection with calendar dates, in the process of meetings with a fairy tale, with movie or cartoon characters.

The curriculum is permeated by the idea of ​​childhood and its natural connection with music, which accompanies the life of a child, the idea that different music you can learn to recognize by listening to the world.

Realizing main idea concept of the teaching and learning complex “Prospective Primary School”, expressed by the phrase “exploring the world”, as well as the super task music education(connection of music with life), the 1st grade program is conceived as a kind of ABC of musical literacy.


section, lesson

Section name, lesson topic







1 quarter. "Sounds Around Us"

Sounds in Masha and Misha's house.

The birth of a song.


Singing clock.

"Cat" songs.

What nature “sings” about.

2nd quarter. " Musical meetings Masha and Misha"

Music of autumn.

Music is about different things.

Sounding image of the Motherland.

Hello, winter guest.

New Year's round dance.

3rd quarter. “That’s how the sounds themselves flow from the soul!”

Winter fun

Musical pictures.

Melodies of life.

Musical ABC

Spring tunes. "Before Spring"

“Let’s talk” in musical language.

4th quarter. " Magic power music"

Composer - performer - listener.

Music in the country "Multi-remote"

Music lives everywhere.

Lesson - concert.


By the end of the first year of study they will learn to know and distinguish:

facilities musical expressiveness(melody, mode, register, timbre, dynamics, tempo, rhythm);

main genres (march, song, dance);

instruments (piano, violin, flute, trumpet);

sizes (2/4, 3/4, 4/4);

Russian composers (at least 3);

foreign composers(at least 3).

Will have the opportunity to be able to:

determine the character and mood of the music, taking into account terms and figurative definitions;

distinguish by ear different (contrasting) or identical (repetitions) parts in simple two- and three-part works;

give 2 - 3 examples (title of the work, name of the author) of music of different emotional content, define its character;

give examples of march, dance, song;

name your favorite works.


Main and additional educational literature(textbooks, teaching aids, reading books).

Chelysheva T.V., Kuznetsova V.V. Music: Textbook: 1st grade. - M.: Academic book/Textbook.

Chelysheva T.V., Kuznetsova V.V. Music: Toolkit for the teacher. - M.: Academic book/Textbook.

“Music” Music reader: Methodological manual for teachers: / Comp. Chelysheva T.V., Kuznetsova V.V. - M.: Academic book/Textbook.

Phonochrestomathy k textbook“Musical art”, grades 1-2.

"The Art of Hearing" ed. D.B. Kabalevsky: / Uchitel Publishing House, 2009

Reference manuals (dictionaries, reference books).

Visual material (albums, tables, working with a projector).

Equipment and instruments necessary for the implementation of the work educational program(computer, speakers, projector).

“Once upon a time a Sorceress appeared in that country. She liked it there so much that she wanted to get to know its residents better. And when I found out that all its inhabitants were invisible, I was very upset. But she was still a Sorceress, and a very kind one at that. And she decided to give each resident a magic dress.

Each sound received a dress unlike the others. As soon as you put it on, the sound became visible and turned into a letter. The letter could be seen, depicted, drawn, written. The sorceress was very pleased. After all, now, having read, sung or whispered it, she called the sound by name. That's how they met.

− Look at the alphabet column, where sounds are shown next to the letters (p. 29).

− What sounds are indicated in red?(Vowels.)

- Say them in chorus.

The words are written on the board:aster, donkey, bunny, snail, lemon, street, painting, oriole.

− Write down the words in which the first and last letter− vowels.

- What words did you write down?

− Remember why vowels were called vowels.

- Stand up, those whose names begin with a vowel.

− Come up with names with remaining vowels.

− Why were two colors used to indicate consonant sounds: green and blue?

− Say a few consonant sounds, indicated in green, and listen to yourself. Did you use your voice?

Conclusion: when pronouncing consonants marked green, used voice. Z indicated in green h stinky consonants. (Similarly about voiceless consonants: g blue color - g weak consonants.)

− Say all voiced consonants. Notice in which part of the sound column (mostly) the voiced consonants are located?(At the top.)

− Pronounce all voiceless consonants. In what part of the sound column (mostly) are voiceless consonants located?(In the lower part.)

Reading the textbook article (p. 30) and answering questions.

− Which hard consonants do not have a paired soft consonant?

− How is this shown on the sound bar?

The teacher demonstrates a diagram on the board - square brackets with a space in the middle and a soft symbol.

− Which soft consonants do not have a paired hard consonant?(Those with square brackets with a space in the middle.)

Game "Name the chain."

Students in a chain pronounce one pair of paired consonants according to hardness - softness. (You can play the game in rows.)

− “Consonant sounds can be paired and in terms of sonority - deafness! - declared the Sorceress.

Work according to the instructions of the textbook (p. 31).


With a dull consonant I pour into the field,

With the ringing one I ring in the open space.(Spike - voice.)

She cuts the grass with the deaf,

With a voiced sound - it eats leaves.(A braid is a goat.)

With a deaf consonant we read it,

With the voiced one we dwell in it.(Tom is a house.)

Listening to music. Experience of emotional and figurative perception of music, different in content, character and means of musical expression. Enrichment of musical and auditory understanding of the intonational nature of music in all the diversity of its types, genres and forms.

Singing. Self-expression of a child in singing. Embodiment musical images when learning and performing works. Mastering vocal and choral skills to convey the musical and performing concept and improvisation.

Instrumental music playing. Collective music-making on elementary and electronic musical instruments. Participation in the performance of musical works. Experience of individual creative activity.

Musical and plastic movement. General overview about plastic means of expression. Individual and personal expression of the figurative content of music through plasticity. Collective forms activities in the creation of musical and plastic compositions. Dance improvisations.

Dramatization of musical works. Theatrical forms of musical and creative activity. Musical games, dramatization of songs, dances, dramatization games. Expression of the figurative content of musical works using the means of expressiveness of various arts.

Class (33 hours)

"The world of music in the world of childhood"

1 quarter"Sounds Around Us"

Topics: Sounds in Masha and Misha's house. The birth of a song. Lullaby singing clock. "Cat" songs. What does nature “sing” about?

2nd quarter – "Musical meetings of Masha and Misha"

Topics: Music about various things. Sounding image of the Motherland. Hello, guest - winter.

3rd quarter – “That’s how the sounds themselves flow from the soul!”

Themes: winter fun. Musical pictures. Melodies of life. Spring tunes. “Let’s talk” in musical language.

4th quarter – "The Magical Power of Music"

Topics: composer – performer – listener. Music in the country "Multi-remote". Music lives everywhere.

The 1st grade program is aimed at developing in younger schoolchildren the ability to listen attentively to the music sounding around them, at developing positive motivation and the need to “communicate” with music in different life situations: on weekdays and holidays, in connection with calendar dates, during meetings with a fairy tale , with movie or cartoon characters, etc.

The curriculum is permeated by the idea of ​​childhood and its natural connection with the music that accompanies a child’s life, the idea that you can learn to recognize different music by listening to the world around you.

Implementing the main idea of ​​the concept of the educational complex “Prospective Primary School”, expressed in the phrase “exploring the world”, as well as the super-task of music education, the 1st grade program is conceived as a kind of ABC of musical literacy.

In keeping with its ABC nature, the curriculum includes musical works, which are distinguished by everyday truths and reflect a child’s view of the world. It presents 34 songs and chants, both folk and original.

Musical-rhythmic movements, playing elementary musical instruments and music game. Substitutions are possible during the course of classes. musical material in accordance with the interests and passions of students and teachers.

In the 1st grade, a system has been built for the accumulation of general musical and artistic concepts and applied concepts related to the means of musical expression and having continuity with the 2nd grade program.

Class (34 h)

1st quarter – "Three pillars" in music: song, dance and march"

Topics: The main whale is the song. Melody is the soul of music. What is dance like? We are dancers no matter what! Everyone is marching. "Musical whales" meet together.

2nd quarter – "What does the music say"

Topics: Masha and Misha learn what music can do. Musical portraits. Imitation of voices. How does music depict movement? Musical landscapes.

3rd quarter – “Where the three pillars lead us”

Topics: “Open Sesame!” "Journey through musical countries" Opera. What is ballet? "Country Symphony". What is a concert like?

4th quarter – “What is musical speech?”

Topics: Masha and Misha are learning musical language. An entertaining musical fairy tale. Main song countries.

The 2nd grade curriculum, organically linked to the content of the 1st grade program, is also permeated by the idea of ​​connecting music with life. However, the boundaries of this connection are expanded through the penetration of students into the features of music as an art form, awareness of it as a sounding art.

By listening to music, schoolchildren learn that it evokes feelings and awakens thoughts, they empathize with the heroes of musical works, and perceive the melody as the “soul” of music. Encountering music in different life situations, second-graders observe and sensually perceive it as a special sounding phenomenon, penetrate into expressive possibilities music, reflect on figurativeness. Children learn to love and understand music, gradually mastering musical literacy.

The variety of musical forms and genres begins for second-graders with three pillars, three main areas, main areas of music. They are accessible and understandable to everyone who has encountered them many times in their lives. With the help of song, dance and march, students will easily and imperceptibly penetrate into any field of musical art, and its connection with life will become obvious and natural to them.

Entering the world great music- This an amusing trip in large and complex musical genres - opera, ballet, symphony, cantata, concert. Introduction to these areas of music should show second graders that mastery of musical language gives them the ability to penetrate into the depths of any musical genre, simple or complex, and with their help to understand the world.

It is important that the program content of grade 2 is aimed at accumulating musical impressions in students, musical concepts and terms, acquisition of auditory experience. This will allow them in the next grade to move on to a more in-depth mastery of music as “the art of intoned meaning.”

Class (34 h)

“Music is the art of intoned meaning”

1st quarter – “Song, dance, march develop into singing, dancing, marching”

Themes Misha and Masha discover new qualities of music. Does melody mean songfulness? Danceability is not only about dancing. Where is marching heard? Meetings with song-dance and song-march music.

2nd quarter – "Intonation"

Topics: comparing spoken and musical speech. Grain intonation in music. How are expressive and figurative intonations related to each other?

3rd quarter – "Development of Music"

Topics: Why does music evolve? What means of musical expression help music develop? What is performance development? Development inherent in the music itself. What new things will we hear in musical fairy tale"Peter and the Wolf."

4th quarter – "Construction (form) of music"

Topics: Why are musical works one-part? When do essays have two or three parts? Rondo is interesting musical form. How are variations constructed? About the most important means of constructing music.

Thanks to the method of “looking ahead and returning to what has been covered,” students have already encountered song, dance and marching music in grades 1-2. In the 3rd grade they realize that these qualities of music are very important and play a big role in it.

The key topic of the 3rd year of study is the topic “Intonation”. It is considered in two musicological senses: in in a broad sense– as an incarnation artistic image V musical sounds; V in the narrow sense– as a melodic turn, smallest part melodies that have expressive meaning.

Class (34 h)

"Music of the World"

1st quarter – "Music of my people"

Topics: Russia - My Motherland. folk music like an encyclopedia of life. "The legends of deep antiquity." Music in the folk spirit. Fairytale images in the music of my people.

2nd quarter – “There are no uncrossable boundaries between the music of my people and the music of other peoples of my country.”

Topics: “From Moscow to the very outskirts.” Songability, dancing and marching in music different nations countries. Masha and Misha get acquainted with intonation portraits of the music of the peoples of Russia.

3rd quarter – “There are no uncrossable boundaries between the music of different peoples of the world”

Topics: Expressiveness and figurativeness of music of the peoples of the world. The uniqueness of musical intonations in the world. How does music help people become friends? Which musical instruments do different peoples of the world have? How beautiful this world is!

4th quarter – “Composer – performer – listener”

Topics: The composer is the creator of beauty. Gallery of portraits of performers. Listen and you will hear!

Related information.