Drawing delicious gifts of generous autumn preparatory group. Summary of an integrated lesson in educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition: broadening one’s horizons”, “Communication”

Scenario UID 2017


Propaganda posters, Dunno hat, ball, book

The team takes the stage to the music

1st YuIDovets: Hello, drivers and pedestrians, adults and children, boys and girls!

Welcome to the YID team of the Nikolaev school (all together) “SIGNAL”!!!

2nd YuIDovets:What is UID?

3rd YuIDovets: Everyone knows! UID by right

From the capital to the village.
Not a game or fun
Very important matters.

4th YuIDovets:The first law of a YID activist: (together)" You know it yourself - teach someone else!

For kids and even adults,
To everyone who meets along the way,
Through a difficult crossroads
We will help you transition.

They perform a song based on a song from the cartoon “Plasticine Crow”

Song about traffic rules

One a simple fairy tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe we are the rules

We want to tell you.

We all remember them from childhood,

Or maybe not since childhood,

Or maybe from the cradle

But we will remember

One simple boy

Or maybe a girl

Decided on the road

Play a little.

But suddenly a car drives by

Or maybe not a car,

Or maybe a foreign car

Cool rushed by

The child was scared

Of course I was confused

And the ball rolled away

And right under the tram.

Don't run, don't jump,

Don't stand, don't yawn,

And on the roadway

You better not play

2nd YuIDovets: For example, pedestrians should only walk on the sidewalk, keeping to the right.

3rd YuIDovets: The pavement is seething with movement:

Cars are running, trams are rushing.

Everyone be true to the rule -

Keep Right.

4th YuIDovets: Walk on the sidewalk in large groups and you cannot stop, as this will delay the movement of other pedestrians.

1st YuIDovets: It is necessary to explain simply,

Whether you are young or old:

The road is for transport,

Sidewalk for you!

2nd YuIDovets: You should cross the street only in places where there is a pedestrian path or crossing signs.

3rd YuIDovets: Go across the street there, pedestrian,

Where the sign indicates “transition” to you!

4th YuIDovets: When crossing a two-way street, look left first, and when you reach the middle, look right.

1st YuIDovets: Where should you cross the street?

Remember this simple rule:

Look to the left first,

Look to the right later.

2nd YuIDovets: Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles; remember that vehicles cannot be stopped immediately.

3rd YuIDovets: It’s stupid to think: “Somehow

I'll pass by tram track»

Never forget,

That the tram is faster than you!

4th YuIDovets: You only need to get on and off a tram, trolleybus and bus at the stop. You need to go around a stopped tram from the front, and a bus from behind.

1st YuIDovets: When getting off the tram platform, don’t forget

Look to the right: is the path safe?

Don't go around the back of the tram,

You could get hit by an oncoming tram.

(Everyone leaves. Dunno appears, he walks, hitting the ball on the floor)

Dunno: My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue –

Can't keep up with you!

1st YuIDovets : (takes the ball from Dunno)

On the roadway, children,

Don't play these games.

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the playground.

Dunno: Well, now everything is clear to me,

I'd better go back

And I'll read a little.

(takes out a book)

1st YuIDovets: Hey, Dunno, wait!

It will end sadly

There can be a lot of trouble.

After all, the road is not a reading room

And no place for conversation!

1st YuIDovets: Do not forget,

These important rules.

2nd YuIDovets: The safety inspectorate compiled them for a reason.

Together: Observe! Teach! Follow! And know!

In books, on the radio, on the Internet!

Lots of useful and important information

Each of you will need it one day.

We trust in your wisdom

And it’s your business too

Save your lives


Final song:

The cars are in a hurry, increasing their pace every day,

But having realized the threat, the person sounds the alarm!

A special squad appears in the world,

Traffic inspectors from little guys!

YID members are walking around the planet,

I have been with the traffic police for 40 years,

Children themselves stand guard over life,

Let the green light burn for them!

There is no more worthy mission in the world,

The squads are replenished every year,

YID members are walking around the planet,

Active and responsible people!

Abstract directly organized activities drawing for children of the preparatory group

Subject: Still life “Gifts of Autumn. Fruit fairy tale"

Target: strengthening children's understanding of the varieties of painting genres.


To consolidate knowledge about the genre of painting - still life;

Give an idea of ​​the composition;

Show the role of the color background for a still life;

Learn to draw a simple composition of two or three objects in watercolor;

Learn to convey the shape, color and size of objects in a drawing;

Develop a vision of aesthetic beauty in still life.


Demonstration material: reproduction of a painting by I.F. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits”, samples of still life drawings, still life (nature);

Handouts: watercolors, sheets of white paper for watercolors in A4 format, brushes (squirrel No. 1, 2, 4), cups of water, wet wipes for each child

The course of directly organized drawing activities for children in the preparatory group

    Organizing time


Guys, remember, we looked at pictures and got acquainted with one of the genres visual arts- still life? Let's look at one of these today painting reproduction from the painting “Flowers and Fruits” by I. T. Khrutsky. These drawings were brought to our group by children from 1st grade.

What do you see in the picture? (Children's answers)

- What genre of painting does it belong to?

    Main part

Still life translated from French means “dead nature,” but this name does not define the entire essence and diversity of this genre. Looking at still lifes, we can observe wealth natural world and the world of things surrounding a person. Artists, depicting ordinary things, show their beauty and uniqueness. In still lifes, things speak about themselves, invite us to admire the beauty of their shape, texture, color, and make us feel the aroma.

What is the difference between natural fruits and flowers and those depicted in the picture?

What color are the fruits shown in the picture?

What do you see as the beauty of this combination and form?

What first caught your attention?

The teacher invites the children to find composition center paintings, pays attention to the combination of colors, i.e. color.

Visit us today

Autumn has arrived

I left some gifts, I asked you to pass them on

What if we like this treat,

Then we can draw everything without delay.

What has the generous autumn prepared for us? Look how beautiful the fruits are!

(Children look at fruits, describe their shape and color)

The teacher invites the children to make a composition of them in a vase according to the model. He says that objects in a composition can partially cover each other, for example, an apple can lie in front of a pear.

Shows children how to sketch basic details correctly with a simple pencil- when drawing a still life from life, it is important to accurately convey the position of objects and all the details. The line should be barely noticeable so that it does not show through the watercolor later.

The next stage of work is laying the tone. Without drawing details, it is applied in a general way light tone watercolor. Once dry, a more saturated one is applied to highlight the dark parts. The main thing in watercolor is that it remains transparent. Draw children's attention to the fact that when objects are illuminated, light reflections are visible on them - depending on the lighting from one side or the other. To convey the highlight in the drawing, a light tone remains in its place, a dark tone is not superimposed.

(Turn on low music, children get to work)

    Summary (reflection)

At the end, review all the drawings with the children, summarize, and come up with a name for your still life.

The teacher asks the children what they found more difficult to do, what was easier.

State budget educational institution Samara region average comprehensive school No. 4 of the city of Syzran, urban district of Syzran, Samara region, structural unit implementing educational program preschool education, - “Kindergarten” (446028, Samara region, Syzran, Korolev Ave., 7-A)

Prepared by teacher: Paramonova. E.V.

Plan - summary of direct educational activitieswith preschoolers in a preparatory school group.

Subject:"Gifts of Autumn"

Integration of educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “ Cognitive development», « Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".


"Cognitive Development"

Reinforce the general concepts of “fruit”, “berries”, “harvest”.

Give an idea about characteristic properties berries and fruits.

Continue to develop an understanding of the sequence of fetal maturation and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

"Social and communicative development"

Practice agreeing adjectives with nouns.

To develop children’s ability to express and justify their judgments. Activate children's vocabulary: fruits, berries, harvest, garden, gardener.

Develop children's ability to write a descriptive story about fruits and berries. - Continue to develop children’s ability to talk about the benefits of berries and fruits for human health.

Strengthen the ability to interact with peers during the game. "Speech development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Continue to develop the ability to convey in a drawing the characteristic shape and color of familiar fruits and berries.

Strengthen your skills in working with gouache paints.

"Physical development"

Develop motor activity, the ability to combine words with movement.

Develop fine motor skills hands

Create conditions for the perception of a literary work.

Methods and techniques:
- practical: didactic game, dynamic pause, surprise moment, examination, creation of an artistic product - drawing;
- visual: looking at illustrations, dummies (fruits, berries).

Verbal: riddles about fruits and berries, situational conversation, reading, story, question.

Materials and equipment: basket with fruits and berries, doll - bibabo grandfather Harvest, screen, dish, illustrative material, wonderful bag, game “Delicious juice”, halves of painted fruits and berries orange, apple, lemon, watermelon, pear, plum; sample with different composition arrangement of fruits and berries. Children have sheets of paper in the form of a circle with a diameter of 8 cm, brushes, gouache.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Children's activities

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


1. Dynamic pause"Apple"
Goal: to develop children’s motor activity, the ability to combine words with movement
2.Finger game “Orange”
Goal: develop fine motor skills.


Drawing "Gifts of Autumn".
Goal: to develop the ability to convey in drawing characteristics fruits and berries.

Cognitive and research

1. Game exercise “Drawing a riddle”
Goal: to develop the ability to find the other half of the whole.
2. Didactic game"Wonderful bag"
Goal: to develop the ability to find and recognize objects by touch.

3. Didactic game “What first, what then” Purpose: determining the sequence of the natural cycle (from flower to fruit). 4.Modeling problematic situation“What is in the basket?”

Goal: develop the ability to find solutions to a problem situation.

1. Travel game“Visiting Grandfather Harvest” Goal: to develop the ability to negotiate and interact with each other.


1. Guessing riddles.
Goal: develop verbally -logical thinking.
2. Compilation descriptive story according to the “Gifts of Autumn” scheme.
Goal: develop coherent speech; intensify lexicon children with words: fruits, berries, round, juicy, sweet, sour, juice.
3.Verbal game “Delicious juice.”
Purpose: to practice agreeing a noun with an adjective.
4. Conversation about fruits and berries.
Goal: to develop coherent speech, the ability to answer a question in a complete sentence.

Reading fiction(perception)

Reading of the poem by A. Igebaev “Generous Harvest”

Goal: to promote figurative perception of the poem.

Summary of a drawing lesson in a preparatory school group.

Theme: Still life “Gifts of Autumn”

Software tasks.

To consolidate knowledge about the genre of painting - still life, to give an idea of ​​composition. Show the role of the color background for a still life. Learn to draw a simple composition of three or four objects in watercolors. Introduce the concept of “highlight” and how to draw it. Learn to convey the shape, color and size of objects in a drawing. Develop a vision of aesthetic beauty in still life

Equipment and materials.

Reproductions of still lifes, still life (nature) Watercolor, sheets of white paper for watercolors in A4 format, brushes (squirrel No. 1, 2, 4), cups of water, wet wipes for each child

Progress of the lesson.


Guys, remember when we looked at paintings and got acquainted with one of the genres of fine art - still life? Let's look at one of these paintings today - a reproduction from the painting by I. T. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits”.

What do you see in the picture? (Children's answers)

This painting is called “Flowers and Fruits”. Why did the artist call it that? (Children's answers)

What genre of painting does it belong to?

Still life translated from French means “dead nature,” but this name does not define the entire essence and diversity of this genre. Looking at still lifes, we can observe the richness of the natural world and the world of things surrounding humans. Artists, depicting ordinary things, show their beauty and uniqueness. In still lifes, things speak about themselves, invite us to admire the beauty of their shape, texture, color, and make us feel the aroma.

What is the difference between natural fruits and flowers and those depicted in the picture?

What color of fruit did the artist depict?

What do you see as the beauty of this combination and form?

What first caught your attention?

Invite children to find the compositional center of the picture, pay attention to the combination of colors, i.e. color.

Visit us today

Autumn has arrived

I left some gifts, I asked you to pass them on

What if we like this treat,

Then we can draw everything without delay.

What has the generous autumn prepared for us? Look how beautiful the fruits are!

(Children look at fruits, describe their shape and color)

Invite the children to make a composition out of them in a vase. Say that objects in the composition may partially cover each other, for example, an apple may lie on the table in front of a vase.

Show children how to correctly sketch the main details with a simple pencil - when drawing a still life from life, it is important to accurately convey the position of objects and all the details. The line should be barely noticeable so that it does not show through the watercolor later.

The next stage of work is laying the tone. Without drawing details, in general, a light tone is applied in watercolor. Once dry, a more saturated one is applied to highlight the dark parts. The main thing in watercolor is that it remains transparent. Draw children's attention to the fact that when objects are illuminated, light reflections are visible on them - depending on the lighting from one side or the other. To convey the highlight in the drawing, a light tone remains in its place, a dark tone is not superimposed.

(Turn on low music, children get to work)

When finished, review all the drawings with the children and come up with a name for your still life.

Plan - outline open lesson on this topic:

Still life “Gifts of Autumn”

held for children preschool age 5-7 years.

Target: Making a still life of three objects (fruits, vegetables) in color, conveying volume using chiaroscuro.


To consolidate knowledge about the still life genre, the ability to correctly arrange objects on a sheet, convey local colors and volume using chiaroscuro.

Develop attention, the ability to analyze the shape of objects, convey spatial position.

Cultivate hard work and accuracy.

Lesson plan:

Org moment.

2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Introductory conversation.

Representative drawing.

Independent work.


Progress of the lesson:

1.- Hello guys!

I hope everyone came to class today in a good mood.

As usual, I’ll ask you: What’s your mood? (children make a gesture thumb up and shout WOOOOOO!!!)

2. Autumn is a wonderful time of year, saying goodbye to warm days, it gives us bright colors foliage, dressing the trees in beautiful outfits. And autumn also gives us rich and tasty... The harvest is correct. This is the time when people harvest and prepare for the winter. So today we will draw a still life “Gifts of Autumn” depicting fruits and vegetables.

3. But first I want to tell you a story that happened to our friends. Here they are at our stand, what are their names? Dunno and Znayka. You remember that Dunno is very inattentive, absent-minded and does not like to study, but Znayka, on the contrary, is interested in everything, reads a lot and knows a lot. So, one day Dunno was going to visit Znayka and thought: “I need to take something with me as a gift, treat Znayka with something.” He took a small basket and put an apple, a pear, a carrot in it (the teacher puts these items in the basket) and went on a visit. He came to Znayka, said hello and put an apple, a pear and a carrot on the table (I put objects on the table for a still life). This is for you, my friend, help yourself, said the satisfied Dunno. Znayka spread his hands in admiration and said:

What a wonderful still life it turned out to be.

What kind of still life, don’t you see that it’s an apple, a pear and a carrot.

I see. But if you draw them, then such a drawing will be called a still life. Now I will show you paintings by artists where still lifes are painted.

Let's take a look, guys. Let's remember what is depicted in still lifes. Reproductions from paintings with various still lifes are considered.

Still life is an image of inanimate objects that surround us in life.

Let's play a game. I'll check how you understood this. On the stand there are pictures from various items everyday life, as well as images of nature and man. Select those pictures that depict objects suitable for a still life.