The meaning of the name box is dead souls. The image and characteristics of Korobochka in the poem “Dead Souls” by Gogol

Purpose of the lesson: we study the soft sign, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter b, correct pronunciation sound;
  • teach how to write the letter b in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Elk Lioness and lion Goose Bear

Repeat: L. Write: L.
Repeat: R. Write: R.

Repeat: Rb. How to write "Рь"? If we write only the letter P, it will turn out to be “r”, but what we need is “r”.
To write “рь”, you need to write the following letter b after the letter P. This letter is called a soft sign.
Write this letter after the letter R. The letter is a soft sign indicating that you should read not “r”, but “r”.

Read what you have written:

  • If you write a soft sign after the letter L, you get “l” (Write “l”). Write: l.
  • If you write a soft sign after the letter M, you get “m” (Write “m”). Write: m.

Write: з; no.

What letter does the soft sign look like?

Consider the soft sign. Sew the letter b in the air and once in the notebook neatly in the cells with a simple pencil or a ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points, which the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

He sleeps in a hole during the long winter,
But the sun will start to warm up a little.
On the road for honey and raspberries
Sending... (bear).

They look very strange:
Dad has wavy curls,
And my mother has her hair cut.
Why is she offended?
No wonder he often gets angry
Everyone's mother... (lioness).

A tale about the letter b

Father and mother

It was spring. Two small birds were sitting on a branch in the forest. He and she.
- Sing?! Sing?! - he asks.
- Sing! Sing! - she answers.
- Sweet?! Swing?! - He’s already talking about the nest.
- Swing! Swing!
After some time they had chicks.
- Five! Five! - the father sings joyfully.
- Exactly the same! Exactly the same!! - He’s talking about how the chicks look like him.
And the children are already squealing:
- Drink! Drink! Eat! Eat!
The father brought the worm. Asks his mother:
- Give? Give?
And the children in chorus:
- Give!!. Give!!. Give!!.- and well, tear the worm into pieces.
“It’s creepy,” says the father.
The chicks grew up and flew out of the nest.
- Return? - asks the father.
“Let it, let it…” the mother answered quietly.

Riddles for children starting with the letter b

Who is coming.
Who is leaving -
Everyone leads her by the hand.

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easily.
Horns spread wide.

Sleeping or bathing
Everything doesn't take off:
Day and night on legs
Red boots.

Funny poems about the letter b for children

The letter R is upside down
- She turned around with a soft sign.
(V. Stepanov)

Let's draw a soft sign
Gently drop like this:
A droplet will soften the letter
- The word will sound soft.
(A. Shibaev)

The squirrel bent its tail
The stump had a rest.
She fluffed her tail, yes -
Became like a soft sign!
(E. Tarlapan)

Soft sign lives carefree
He goes around without a cap forever.
(L. Shibaev)

Our shadow is getting shorter and shorter,
This means the day is coming soon.
The shadow grows, moves away,
This means it will be night soon.
(V. Lunin)

The blizzard whips this way and that,
It hits you in the face with loose grain,
Very tough and prickly,
Despite the soft sign.
(Ya. Akim)

Hovering nearby
Little river,
Less than a trickle:
Not to swim
Neither dive
Legs only
Dip in a little!

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases lexicon preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills hands
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections arise in the brain, and your general ability to learning.

Literacy lesson in 1st grade on the topic "The letter b (soft sign). The use of a soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants in writing"

Dedova Irina Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes

Goals :

  1. Introduce the letter b (soft sign). Expand the meaning of the soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants in writing;
  2. Improve students' reading technique;
  3. Develop students' vocabulary

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material.

Lesson type: combined.

Teaching methods: informative, stimulating, instructive.

Teaching methods: reproductive, partially search.

Education methods: expressive presentation, conversation, creative tasks, Creation problem situations, a game.

Equipment :

  1. drawing with a soft sign,
  2. letter combinations with a soft sign;
  3. drawings depicting a horse, elk;
  4. ball;

During the classes.

  1. Org. moment.

We have an unusual lesson today. Guests came to us to see what you have learned. We turned to them and greeted them. Sit down correctly, let's start the reading lesson.

2. Updating new knowledge.

  1. 1). Review of vowels.
    - Look, guys, we've lost our letters. Let's figure out which letters ran away. Who will return them to their place?
    - Read the pairs of words:
    b...l - b...l (ball, beat) r...d - r...d (rad, row)
    - Which letters are lost? What are these letters? (vowels)
    - Compare, how do the words differ?

    Which letters in the letter indicate the hardness of a consonant sound, and which letters indicate the softness of a consonant sound?

  2. Which letters have 2 sounds?
  1. Learning new things.
    1). Let's read the letter combinations on the board:

L, b, z, m, v, s, p, d, n, t

How is the sound pronounced in these letter combinations? (softly)

What letter? Who will know?

Does not indicate sound, can only show

- This letter is a soft sign indicating the softness of the consonant sound.

4 . State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

The topic of our lesson is devoted to a very interesting and tricky letter, which is called a soft sign
The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with the letter b; find out what kind of work he does; we will learn to read words with new letter

- To find out everything about b, let's watch him.

Read the words. What do they mean?
1) Sound analysis of words chalk – stranded

How many syllables are there in words?

How many letters and how many sounds are there in words? (chalk - 3b, 3z.,

And in the word stranded - 4b, 3 stars)

Why are there fewer sounds than letters? Maybe someone knows?

L is a helper letter that cannot speak on its own, does not form a sound and cannot be read in any way, but helps all consonant letters that need it. Together with it, the consonants are read softly.

Let's make diagrams. Who wants to help me?

Chalk - stranded

How are these schemes different?(last sounds: one soft, the other hard)

How to pronounce the last sound?
- What conclusion can be drawn? (b does not produce sound).
- Why do we need such a letter that does not mean any sound?

Textbook p135 word geese - goose (analysis)

5. physical education minute« Pinocchio

  1. Guess the riddles:

He is slim and handsome

He has a thick mane. (horse)

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walks boldly and easily

Antlers spread wide (elk)

2). Reading in ABC p. 135 a story about a moose.
- Open ABC with. Let's read the story.

Who is this story about?

Let's come up with a title for the text. " Forest inhabitant"

How many sentences are there in this story? (4)

How do you understand the sentence “There are no barriers for moose”

What is it compared to? (by the wind)

What does moose eat? (herbs, salt)

The task is to find and read words with a soft sign at the end?


1).Make diagrams of words (in a notebook), do a sound-letter analysis of words

1st century - elk

2nd century – horse

b) Sound-letter analysis of the word “ELK”

- How many syllables are in a word ELK ? Horse

How many letters? - How many sounds? - Why are there fewer sounds than letters?

(Letter b does not indicate a sound, so there are more letters in a word than sounds).

Make up a sentence with the word elk

8. Consolidation of what has been learned.

On the board (one half): fever, ate, con, washed
- Add to this word uh, let’s read the words that come out,

Fry, spruce, horse, soap

How are the words different? In the first words, the consonant at the end of the word is hard, and in other words it is soft. The softness of a consonant is indicated in writing by b. How else do the words differ? They differ in meaning.

Has the meaning of the word changed? Is it important to write ь at the end?

A soft sign is a tricky sign.
He will say this about himself:
"I am a magician. I want -
I will appear and transform
Chalk used for writing at school
Stranded, dangerous at sea,
Corner in the coal, take the brother...
So, bad luck for everyone -
For those who decide to be lazy,
Without trying to learn.
So kids, don't be lazy.
And just about everyone works.
And then I can say:
You all get five

8. Game “Transforming words” (throwing the ball)

I will tell you words that denote several objects, and you will have to say a word that denotes one object.
Moose, horses, geese, bears, notebooks, doors, animals, shadows, nights.

Work in the textbook p. 136

  1. reading words in columns;
  2. reading a story, asking questions about the content by children.

Questions about the text?

9. Lesson summary.
Let's return to the tasks that were set at the beginning of the lesson.
- What new letter did you meet?
- Does it represent a sound?
- What is the role?
-Guess what word I had in mind? This word has 1 syllable, 4 letters, 3 sounds (this is a large animal - elk)

Why are there more letters? (A soft sign does not make a sound)

Why do you need a soft sign?

What words with a soft sign do you remember?
- What was especially interesting in the lesson?
- What difficulties did you experience?

ь, ь (called: soft sign) is one of the letters of most Cyrillic Slavic alphabets(in Bulgarian - 28th, in Belarusian - 29th, in Russian - 30th, and in Ukrainian - 31st (was the last, and moved to its current place in 1990); excluded from Serbian in the mid-19th century ., was not introduced into Macedonian, created following the example of the new Serbian). Bulgarian name: er malak (i.e. “small er”), common: er).

Does not indicate independent sound, is sometimes seen as a diacritic that modifies the meaning of the previous letter. It is used in the Ukrainian language in the letter combination ьо, similar to the Russian Ё, standing after consonants; in the orthography of modern Bulgarian it is used only for this purpose.

It also exists in the alphabets of a number of non-Slavic languages, where in writing it can be used in an unexpected position: for example, after vowels. It is usually considered the 31st in order in the Cyrillic alphabet and looks like ; The 32nd in a row in the Glagolitic alphabet, has the form (in the late Croatian Glagolitic alphabet this sign is replaced simply by a vertical line called “štapić” - means “rod, staff”). Has no numerical value.

In the Church and Old Slavonic alphabets it is called “er” (ts.-s.) or “ѥрь” (s.-s.), the meaning of which is not clear, but is undoubtedly connected with the names of the letters Y- “er” and Ъ - "er". The hypothesis that connects the names “er”, “ery”, “er” with the similarity of the forms of the Cyrillic letters b and P in the Glagolitic alphabet (which sometimes looks absolutely identical:) looks very plausible.

The origin of the letter style in the Glagolitic alphabet is usually explained by a modification of the letter O (); O is also associated with Cyrillic, which has a stick drawn on top (similar forms are found in the most ancient Cyrillic writings).

In ancient times it meant an ultra-short variation of the sound [i]; then this sound disappeared in all the languages ​​of the Slavs, often leaving a softening of the previous consonant, as a memory of itself, or there was a coincidence with one of the full vowels (everything is different in different languages).

In Russian, the presence of this sound is reminiscent of alternations like finger - finger, lion - lion.
When the Russian civil font was introduced, the lowercase letter ь was first made tall, by analogy with the Latin b, but this style lasted only a few years (compared to the high Ъ that prevailed before mid-18th century V.).

"b" in Slavic languages

Russian language

The soft sign in Russian is used:

To indicate the softness of most consonants, being after them (elm - elm, hornbeam - rob, lad - rook, mole - moth, blood - blood, crowbar - break, flail - chain, horse - horse, heat - fry, bit - beat, weight - all, graph - graph);

In the position before vowels, in addition, it performs the function separator; and e, yu, ё, ya (and - optional) are pronounced iotically; sometimes other vowels are also iotated (for example, broth - bu[l’јо]n);

It does not denote softness after hissing ones (this depends on the letter itself - either it is there or not), but according to tradition (even without a dividing meaning), it is used in a number of well-known categories of words:

In nouns it is feminine. kind of names and wine case units including: ink, rye, thing, cool, etc.;

In the imperative mood of a number of verbs: destroy, cut, wrinkle, hide (also in the plural: cut, etc.; in reflexive forms: cut, cut, etc.);

In a number of adverbs: backhand, wide open, away;

Verbs have the ending -sh in the 2nd person: you take, you say, you make angry, you give, etc., including their reflexive form (you will give, etc.);

A number of verbs end in an indefinite form: bake, cut, take care, etc. (the same in the reflexive form: take care, etc.);

After g, k, x, guttural is written only in borrowed words (Chianti, Alighieri, Donahue), but is not used in native Russian words (in connection with this imperative mood the verb to lie down is lyag - an exception word, according to general rule not ending in -ь);

It does not indicate softness after q and also occurs only in borrowings (for example, Zamość), sometimes it corresponds to the one falling out in colloquial speech and in foreign words (for example, revolutionary).

In principle, it is not possible to use a soft sign after vowels and й, and at the beginning of a word.

In the proposals for reforming the spelling of the Russian language, which then led to the writing reform of 1917-1918, there was also the idea of ​​​​abolishing the spelling after the hissing soft sign. But it was not accepted. This proposal also surfaced later, including in the early 1960s in discussions about simplifying spelling.

Church Slavonic language

The system of using the letter b in Church Slavonic is basically similar to the Russian language. Main differences:

Usually male nouns after soft hissing shch and ch are written not ъ, but ь (horsetail, sword);

In the endings of passive short participles in the present tense, -ь is used to distinguish it from the personal form of verbs: he is visible (visible), but - we are visible;

In adjectives and short participles after sibilants, the difference between the endings -ъ and -ь corresponds to different cases: for example, creating (nominal pad.), creating (vin. pad.);

Very often, it is allowed to write between consonants both with ь and without: created/created (analogous to Russian created), darkness/tma, etc.

The letter b in a number of cases in Church Slavonic early printed books could be replaced by an erk (superscript); at 300 recent years This is not practiced: only the letter Ъ is replaced with an erkom.

Lesson on:

“The letter b is a soft sign”

Galina Aitzhanova,

primary school teacher

Alexandrovskaya Secondary School

Kostanay region

Presentation (.ppt, 1.93 Mb)

Goal: to introduce students to writing the letter b, to develop the ability to write the letter b and words with this letter.

consolidate the concept of the letter b, which serves to indicate the softness of consonants;

develop spelling vigilance;

cultivate love for native language And native nature.

I. Psychological attitude:

So, friends, attention

The bell rang

Sit back comfortably

Let's start the lesson soon.

Look at each other as a couple and smile.

II. Updating knowledge

1. - I know that you really like to play. And I suggest playing the guessing game.

What letters are written on the cards?

What two groups can they be divided into?

Which vowel letters indicate the hardness of the previous consonant? (oh and y)

Which ones indicate softness? (and I)

Guys, there are still a few letters missing here that indicate the softness of a consonant sound. Today we will get acquainted with one of these letters, but for now it is a secret. And let's ask our guests to solve this mystery.

2. Re-enactment “Soft Sign”:

Author: Once upon a time there were letters in the ABC, different - vowels, consonants (the heroes of the dramatization enter). The letters lived - they didn’t grieve, because everyone was friends (the characters clap their hands, hold hands). And among them lived one letter, similar to half Y, with which no one was friends. She did not indicate any sound, could not speak and was silent. This letter felt very bad, lonely. One day the letters began to form words. It was theirs favorite hobby.

For example, guess the riddle:

Sleeping or bathing

Everything doesn't come off:

Day and night on legs

Red boots.

The letters began to form the word GUS (the characters in the dramatization line up in one row), resulting in the word GUS.

Something is not working out for us, say the letters.

The sound [s’] in the word is soft, but in our case it is hard.

Sound [i] says:

Let me get up,” and quickly settled down at the end of the word.

But our answer is a goose, not geese?!

How to be?

What to do? Which letter should you call for help?

The letter b is a soft sign.

Come to us, soft sign, the letters called.

The soft sign happily agreed to help the letters and quickly stood at the end of the word.

What word did you get? (goose)

It turns out how important the letter b is - a soft sign.

III. 1. Staging educational tasks:

What do you guys think is the topic of today's writing lesson? (slide 2)

Based on the topic, formulate the objectives of our lesson. Use the words written on the screen (slide 3):

Let's meet...

Let's learn...

2. Planning to achieve the goal

To achieve these goals, we will have to go through a difficult path.

Look at the screen (slide 4):

Today we are with you:

learn to write the letter soft sign

let's work with words

let's write down a proposal

let's play

let's work on our own

let's rise to the top

To make it easier for you to remember the route, there is a route sheet in front of each one. This is where you will celebrate your achievements. So, you are ready to take the first step and learn to write the letter b.

V. Work to achieve the goals:

1. Attitude to writing: you need to write carefully, beautifully,

legible By writing letters and their connections correctly, maintaining the same distance between letters and words.

2. Letter analysis:

comparison of printed and written letters

What letter is spelled similar to the letter b?

constructing letters from wire

tracing a letter with a finger on a wire

3. Preparing fingers for writing: kinesiological exercises

4. Exercise for the eyes

5. Work in copybook:

Today is the last day of winter. Santa Claus painted patterns on the windows for us all winter. Let's please him with patterns in the copybook (drawing a pattern on page 23).

6. Oral explanation of writing this letter: we begin work on the top ruler of the working line. We lower the inclined straight line down, not reaching the bottom line, and make a curve to the right. We touch the bottom line, draw the semi-oval line up, round it to the left to the middle of the line and close the oval on the straight line.

writing sample on blackboard

letter in the air

game "Photographer"

stroke reverse side sample pens in copybook

writing along the outline of letters in copybook

independent writing of 3 letters

Look carefully at the written letters, compare with the sample and choose the letter that you wrote better than others, put a dot under it. Also write three more letters correctly and beautifully.

In the route sheet at the first step, evaluate your work.

VI. Reinforcing the material learned


Read the words written on the screen: dog, elk, cow, cat (slide 5).

Compare them by value and find superfluous word.

2. - Let’s perform a sound analysis of this word:

say this word in a whisper, listen to yourself

In pairs, lay out the sound diagram of this word

analysis of the completed task:

what is the first sound in this word, second, third

check the diagram with the sample (slide 6)

Sound-letter analysis (slide 7)

Which letter gives the command to the consonant: “Read softly”?

How many sounds are in the word moose?

How many letters?

Why are there more letters than sounds?

5. Writing the word ELK in words

Which letter helped you indicate the softness of the previous consonant in writing?

6. Work on the development of coherent speech:

What do you know about this animal? (slide 8)

7. A minute of reading according to the rules: reading words with a soft sign at the end.

Which of these words fits the sound scheme of the word (slide 9)

Come up with more words that match our scheme.

8. Recording the words HORSE according to the copybook model, recording the word LYNX under dictation. Self-esteem (flashlight on the second step of the route sheet).

9. Slide 10

Tell me, what is more scary for animals in winter: cold or hunger?

How do people help wild animals survive the winter?

Reading messages to children.

10. Semantics of the word SALT: salt is a food additive, a mineral, a note in music (slide 11).


Read the sentence in the copybook: The moose licked the salt.

Name words with a soft sign.

How many words are there in a sentence?

What is the first, second, third word?

What rules do you need to remember before writing down this sentence?

Performing optional work: write down a sentence from memory or copy it from the copybook.

With the help of which letter in the letter did we show the softness of the last consonant sound?



The soft sign not only indicates the softness of the consonant, but also changes the meaning of words if it appears or disappears in words. Now we will make sure of this. Together with the soft sign, you will become wizards and will transform some words into others.

1. Didactic game"Turning Words":

A mischievous soft sign escaped from the words touch, take and turned them into new words. Name which ones. How do you understand the meaning of the word throne (slide 12)?

The soft sign runs to the words chalk, weight.

Add b to the words chalk and weight, what words you get.

What sometimes happens to words when a soft sign appears or disappears?

2. Didactic game “One - many”: moose - perch -

animals - lines -

horses - lynxes -

3. Self-esteem


Boys write down words that indicate the names of fish, girls write down words that do not indicate the names of fish.

Underline the letter at the end of the written words.

The time has come to climb the last step of our path.

Raise your hand whose flashlights are burning on the top and middle rulers.

Who is waiting for us on the last step?

Why is b smiling?

Remember the topic of our lesson and complete my sentence:

We met...

we learned...

we learned...

Poem "Soft Sign":

Soft sign - cunning sign

Don't call him anything

It's not pronounced

But the word is often asked.

Why is the house at a corner

Turned straight into coal

No fire, just like that? This letter is a soft sign!