Correct conversational speech examples. How to speak well

The ability to speak beautifully and meaningfully is not given to everyone. This is preceded by long studies, great desire and patience. If you consciously decided to find the answer to the question: “How to develop clear, beautiful, concise speech at home?” – then the tips and steps described in the article will lead you to good results and lay the foundation for public speaking.

Before starting classes, you need to know the requirements and program of action. This simple scheme will develop a beautiful and complete speech, raise you in the eyes of your friends, and make you speak accurately about any text you read. To learn how to translate thoughts into words and formulate them into beautiful expressions without much difficulty, you should follow these points.
For lessons on improving speech you need:

  • Great desire;
  • Perseverance;
  • Allocation of time and space;
  • Confidence in the final goal;
  • Support from loved ones.

The program, the points of which you will adhere to, is quite simple and interesting. Taking it as a basis, you can see its effectiveness and feasibility in a short time. This:

Classics are useful and irreplaceable

Classical literature contains beautiful and rich speech. The dialogues of the characters and their reflections contribute to the speaking of correctly constructed phrases. The verbal expressions sung by the authors reflect not only the era of time, the plot and the dynamics of development, but also the inner world, overflowing with morality and a high idea.
Any work that is a classic adds to the vocabulary. Beautiful words encourage the development of imagination; there is a desire to learn how to play with expressions built according to the rules, so that the listener receives not only useful information, but is also satisfied with the communication and does not regret the time spent.

The importance of pace

A thoughtful presentation involves content, timing, and pacing. Monotony, even with exceptionally ideal material, creates boredom, monotony and rejection. Learning to pause is no less important than the chosen topic and selected information.
Slow or fast speech is fraught with a lack of contact with the audience. Without understanding the content, the audience will simply stop responding to the performance. Then beautifully prepared information will turn into a mournful song or a complex tongue twister. Of course, over time this problem will cease to exist. The experience of speaking and feeling the public comes in the process of many days of work on oneself.

Adding flair

A dry text, full of necessary information, will be boring and uninteresting. When lively expressions, confirmed phrases of famous personalities, wise sayings and light humor are present during the conversation, the conversation will find a response from the listeners and the speech will be useful for everyone.
After several successful attempts, the annoying thought of how to quickly develop vivid speech and at the same time be sure to learn how to form phrases, speak richly and beautifully will be forgotten as unnecessary. Communication will bring emotions and satisfaction. There will be an opportunity to develop your thinking and develop your own style.

Mandatory practice

You will never achieve success in public speaking if you refuse to speak in front of strangers. The practice of speaking in public shows the shortcomings of prepared information, thoughtful speech and its quality, your ability to communicate and try to find like-minded people.

If you have a fear of public speaking– practice more often and it should go away. Also, there are special techniques and entire systems (such as Turbo-Gopher) for overcoming fears. For example, Turbo-Suslik can give: a feeling of inner freedom, ease both in communication and performances. There, of course, the results are more serious and more interesting, but this is for those who want a lot and are ready.

Learning to express what you think and feel gives strength to further development. Feedback from others revives forgotten ideas and goals. You find understanding in communication, check your life program and are reborn as a person. The ability to formulate thoughts beautifully adds confidence and significance in life.

Notebook - assistant for analysis

Train yourself after every important conversation to analyze its results. Write down your speech of condemnation or approval in a separate notebook, highlighting mistakes and successes. Don't be afraid to speak your thoughts out loud, as if you were in front of a responsible commission for improving education. Reduce and eliminate your own shortcomings.


There are little tricks for understanding how to consolidate the acquired skills and further develop your competent speech, continue to speak beautifully and meaningfully.

  • Be sure to think about every word, savoring and falling in love with it. Gradually, speech will turn into a beautiful, reimagined game in which there is text and feeling.
  • It is necessary to memorize key phrases from films, books, programs and speak in public, confirming your erudition.
  • Decipher the meaning of unknown words to learn the correct pronunciation, stress, and position in a sentence.
  • Insert the beautiful phrase you like appropriately and correctly. Otherwise, there is a danger of exposing yourself to ridicule.

Systematic, daily exercises will develop speech that any listener will enjoy. Once you receive approval, you will want to speak and perform more.
When you set an important goal - to learn to speak your native language and develop communication abilities, then, undoubtedly, new opportunities and meaning in life will open up.
Anyone can learn to convey inner feelings through beautifully spoken words if they want to create the prerequisites for life balance and creative potential. The resulting harmony between a person and the environment will make you feel happy, successful, and recognized. Go and enjoy your success.

How nice it is to listen to a person whose speech is competent and interesting at the same time. Unfortunately, there are very few such people. Most often, the vast majority are tongue-tied, cannot construct both grammatically and stylistically, and use a poor vocabulary. And if such people also have to speak in front of the public, then the latter is worthy of regret.

Components of beautiful speech

Speech technique is a combination of several components, knowing which you can gradually learn. It includes several factors. And the main one among them is diction. Speech technique would be impossible without clear pronunciation of sounds - vowels and especially consonants. It seems that speaking clearly and clearly is easy. In reality, things are exactly the opposite, and learning diction can take a lot of time.

In addition, it is very important to be able to speak convincingly and emotionally. This is how you can control and influence your audience. Expressive, lively speech can captivate people so much that they agree with all the arguments of the speaker, without wanting to.

And further. It's important to know what to say. Speech technique hides many nuances that simply need to be taken into account and kept in mind constantly.

Maybe see a speech therapist?

It may very well be that you will have to remember such a specialist, despite the fact that you have already passed the age when he is so necessary. Some people have a real mess in their mouth, and some sounds are pronounced completely wrong.

Sometimes just understanding what you are doing wrong is enough to start speaking correctly. But it often happens that it is very difficult to correct the situation, so you shouldn’t even start. History knows many examples of famous speakers who had unproduced sounds, but this did not stop them from winning over the audience.

Are we going to Russian language class?

And one more nuance. Almost each of us speaks very quickly, “eating” many words and endings. In everyday life this is normal, because dialogue reigns here - if you didn’t hear, you can ask again. Although, of course, you need to strive to be clean and beautiful. Well, even more so on the podium! After all, here one side is already listening, and sometimes it’s very difficult to figure out what the speaker wanted to say. What are we really seeing?

Correct breathing

Breathing tends to cause a lot of confusion among people. We all breathe and cannot exist without it. What's so complicated about this? However, there are difficulties, and considerable ones. The speaker is like a singer or a musician who plays a wind instrument, who simply needs the correct breathing. It is this that will help maintain the clarity of the narration, the correct intonation, and will not allow the voice to break in the wrong place.

There are several, namely: thoracic, in which the shoulders rise upward, abdominal and diaphragmatic. As a rule, women breathe from the chest, unlike men. Perhaps this is why there are fewer good speakers among the fair half of humanity. After all, this art requires diaphragmatic breathing, that is, one in which the diaphragm works.

To set it up, you need to perform simple exercises, but it is important to do it regularly. After a short period of constant and persistent exercise, which in its load is no different from physical exercise, you will notice that you will begin to breathe completely differently.

How to train breathing?

Correct speech technique includes daily exercises to develop and optimize the respiratory system. We always speak while exhaling, and it is especially important that it be long, but not lead us to exhaustion. Unlike exhalation, inhalation should be vigorous and short. Otherwise there would be long, awkward pauses between words. Although in themselves they are also simply necessary for beautiful speech, nevertheless, these intervals should not be prolonged. That is why it is necessary to perform exercises for long inhalations, and you need to ensure that the air fills the diaphragm area, and then slowly, in portions, is consumed. At the same time, there is no need to bring yourself to a state where a person has already used up all the air, but continues to speak. It doesn't look very nice. It’s better to stop and “take your breath” again.

Diction also requires training

At the same time as performing breathing exercises, do not forget about diction. She should devote a small amount of time, 10-15 minutes daily. Very soon you will notice how your speech will become clear and well understood by others. There are many different diction exercises. But first you need to soberly evaluate your speech. To do this, it will be enough to simply record your voice on a voice recorder, and then listen to the recording very carefully. It would be a good idea to ask someone else to evaluate your diction; perhaps strangers will notice something that escapes your attention and hearing.

So, pay attention to the following points:

  • Consonant sounds. What are they: correct or not, do we swallow them?
  • What soft consonants sound like.
  • How do you pronounce consonants at the junction of two words.
  • How to pronounce unstressed vowels.
  • How do consonants sound in different parts of a word?

Typically, you will notice some general trend or error. Perhaps others will hear something else while listening to the recording. All this is a frontier for the upcoming work on voice and speech in general.

Concept of articulation

In general, we can say that diction and articulation are one and the same thing. There are articulatory muscles that are involved in the process of sound formation, and they need to be trained. These muscles form the correct sounds, which is why it is important that they are strong and strong.

To strengthen them, you can and should do special exercises, which includes a set of exercises for the tongue, jaws, lips and even cheeks.

You can simply make faces, and then lightly massage your cheeks and lips. In addition, there are a lot of exercises for children with speech therapy problems. The most common of them are the “needle”, when you need to make the tongue sharp and stretch as high as possible in the nose, and the “shovel”, when the tongue is as relaxed as possible.

Search for a teacher

If you are very concerned about speaking technique, courses are the best thing you need. You can spend a long time learning to speak beautifully and correctly at home and not notice gross mistakes that nullify all your efforts. An experienced teacher and mentor will correct you in time and will not allow the mistake to take hold. The teacher’s speech technique will act as a standard and guiding star that will not let you go astray. It is the specialist who will tell you when you are quite ready to speak in front of people, and will stop you if it is too early and you still need to practice.

What and how to say?

So, even if you have been practicing diction and positioning the breathing apparatus for a long time, but you don’t know what to say, then it’s too early for you to speak. It is necessary that beautiful turns and phrases ripen in your head in time, the right words are remembered in time, and speech flows like a stream. For this purpose, you just need to read a lot and think about different topics. You need to try to find synonyms for many words and expand your vocabulary.

It is also very important to monitor the pace of speech. Many people chatter without noticing it. This makes it very difficult to fully perceive speech. We need to watch the pace at which we speak, it is not that difficult. At first you will have to pay attention to this, and then it will become a habit.


Gestures are our second language. We simply need it, but there are rules here too. There shouldn't be too many gestures. Sweeping movements are also very distracting. That's why you need to learn to control your body. There is a whole science that studies facial expressions and gestures. Even a superficial acquaintance with her will be of great benefit, because you will learn to read body language at least a little. Every gesture should be thought through. First, study and objectively analyze the movements that you often use, and then make adjustments.

It is advisable to think through all gestures in advance, rehearse in front of a mirror, and demonstrate to your best friends.

If you tell everyone: “I want to speak beautifully... Speech techniques are so complicated!”, then you are unlikely to achieve anything. Beautiful and correct speech goes hand in hand with faith in one’s strength and success. All of them are necessary for almost each of us, because success and self-confidence are one of the main components of the modern world.

Practice - and you will undoubtedly succeed!

Therefore, competent speech and the ability to control it are the most important skills of any modern person. In one of the previous articles I talked about the ability to listen and hear, and today I will give some simple tips on how to how to make your speech more literate.

2. Stop swearing

No, of course, if your main interlocutors are street punks, then you can’t do without masterfully juggling swear words. But when communicating with normal people, swearing is an indicator of a low cultural level. Few people would like to communicate with a person who cannot express their emotions in competent Russian.

3. Harsh jargon is your enemy.

Jargon and competent speech are two almost incompatible concepts. Almost - because the jargon is different. Of course, two system administrators will understand each other much faster if they use “switch” in their speech rather than “network switch,” but in other cases it is better to call things by their proper names. The semi-criminal and “padonkaff” slang is especially annoying - it’s unpleasant and uninteresting. Rid your speech of these harmful phrases. Tell it like it is: “we got there quickly, because... we were lucky - the traffic lights had a green signal,” instead of “hey, we finally got here on the green light.”

4. Brevity is the sister of talent

If you can express the essence of your thought in two sentences, then there is absolutely no need to “spread it over the tree.” Competent speech requires the ability to speak briefly and to the point. But be careful, when the situation requires detailed clarification, it is better to spend a few minutes on additional explanations than to be misunderstood. Also learn the rules of cultural communication.

5. Vary your speech depending on the situation

Your boss probably won't like it. if they call him “Vitek” in person, and a friend, in response to the address “Vyacheslav Leonidovich...” heard from you, at best, will twist his finger at his temple. Learn to speak “the same language” with your interlocutor, and communication will be more productive.

6. Stop apologizing all the time.

Many people have the habit of constructing their sentences in a pre-apologetic tone. It seems to them that this way they will quickly endear themselves to themselves. This is not true. Confident, straightforward (within moderate limits, of course) speech will have a much better effect on the interlocutor than “I’m not very comfortable asking, but maybe you’ll agree...”, etc. Be more confident and assertive.

7. Watch for returns

8. Expand your vocabulary

Read more literature (“ladies’ detective stories” and free jokes” don’t count) and try to identify any interesting turns of speech or phrases, memorize them. Also make it a rule to open a spelling dictionary at least a couple of times a week and find words there that are unknown to you or little used. But be careful with this advice - use new phrases only in the necessary context. When a person, when asked “what are you doing this evening?”, answers: “I’m taking a siesta,” it looks at least stupid (for those who don’t know, a siesta is an afternoon rest).

9. Study specialized literature

If you want not only to improve your speech literacy, but to become a truly skilled speaker, then you cannot do without good, specialized literature. Which? Personally, in this regard, I really like the materials of Radislav Gandapas - without unnecessary fluff and really to the point. I can also recommend the book “Secrets of Stylistics” from the authors I. Golub and D. Rosenthal.

The ability to express oneself competently lies not only in the lexical compatibility of words and the correct placement of stress. It is necessary to learn to highlight the main thing from a large amount of information.

Imagine that you are watching an interesting TV series that your friends have been telling you about so enthusiastically. After the tenth episode, the most interesting part begins, and the producer, as luck would have it, stretched out this moment and hid the climax behind a bunch of unnecessary details. After a few more episodes, you will stop watching and switch to a more informative film.

The same thing happens with speech. Opponents are not interested in hearing a story with a lot of minute details. The story should be concise and logically connected. Boring repels interlocutors and kills interest.

Step #2. Increase your vocabulary

Avoid using words whose meaning you do not understand. An explanatory dictionary will help you expand your knowledge of Russian speech. If the meaning of foreign words is unknown, refer to the World Wide Web. Such actions not only help to express oneself in a variety of ways, but also contribute to joining different segments of the population. After a month of regular practice, you will be able to find a common language with teachers, dancers and professors. Make it a habit to learn the meaning of 3-4 words a day. It is important to learn, understand and remember the aspects learned.

Eliminate words that do not carry any semantic meaning. These include “not the month of May.” May is a specific period called a month. It cannot be a year or an hour. Also common examples that do not represent separate information are considered to be “step back”, “raise up”, etc.

Step #4. Retell the information received

Psychologists advise standing in front of a mirror and talking to the reflection. Of course, this technique makes sense to try. But there is another way that allows a person to learn literacy. Once a week, gather your friends together (at least 4-5 people) and retell to them the knowledge you have previously acquired. Have you watched an interesting movie? Highlight the essence and try to present the plot in an interesting, concise manner, without unnecessary preludes.

Watch the audience's reaction. If listeners yawn, lower their eyes, or ask questions that are not related to the topic, they are bored. In this case, you have 2 options: independently analyze what exactly you did wrong, or contact your opponents directly. A common mistake new “retellers” make is the excessive use of pronouns instead of calling the characters by name.

Step #5. Avoid tautology

A tautology is a figure of speech when a speaker uses words that are close in meaning or have the same root. Such phrases make it difficult to understand, so they should be avoided. An example of a tautology can be considered “oil oil” or “similar analogue”. Remember, this rule is fundamental to competent speech.

To learn how to choose appropriate words, you can watch announcers on radio or TV, and then analyze their mistakes. People who have a main job should take a closer look at the remote activity of writing articles. Copywriting forces you to select words that are identical in meaning but different in pronunciation.

Step #6. read books

Classical literature is rightfully considered a model of artistic speech. Unconsciously, you will begin to adopt words and expressions from books that are ideal for a certain situation. Don't expect that 15 minutes of reading every day will make your speech literate. This process must be allocated at least 2-4 hours a day.

After a month, the information you read will make itself felt, you will no longer experience difficulties in choosing words and constructing sentences. People who learn through mastering fiction are called well-read. This happens for the reason that a person begins to express himself in words that he once learned and learned at the subconscious level.

Step #7. Watch your speech

There are a lot of slangs in the Russian language that are intended for specific situations. In an official setting and during public speaking in front of the highest strata of the population, it is necessary to use professional vocabulary. When talking with friends or “ordinary” people, you should give preference to youth slang. Regarding expressive jargon, avoid it altogether. The words “hut”, “bucks”, “car” do not intersect with literate speech in any way.

Video: how to learn to speak beautifully


Nowadays, correct speech, unfortunately, is gradually losing its meaning. It is being replaced by combinations of foreign words, neologisms and slang expressions that appeared as a result of technological progress and development in the scientific field. The more expressive, brighter and richer your language is, the higher your abilities and talents will be assessed. And then it will be easier for you to communicate with people.

How important is the ability to speak correctly?

Modern man does not pay enough attention to the development of his speech. Even in schools, the formation of correct and competent speech in children has faded into the background. The result is sad - we are losing the speech skills that our compatriots possessed. After all, they used to demonstrate all the original beauty of the Russian language to those unfamiliar with its features.

The right turns of phrase speak about a person's culture and undoubtedly contribute to creating a good first impression.

It is a noble goal to learn to speak correctly. Clear and beautiful speech will help you stand out from others, even if you don't dream of it.

It should be said that grammatically correct speech is not a talent given to a person from birth. Almost every one of us can easily start speaking correctly. The main thing is that you have the desire and free time, the opportunity to work and improve your skills.

“If you can’t control your speech, don’t expect to control your mind.” This is why correct speech is so important in everyday life.

Speech is correct and incorrect

Correct speech with a negative connotation means neglecting four types of harmful speech:

1. Lie

These are words spoken to distort the truth.

2. Rude speech

It is said when they want to hurt the feelings of the interlocutor

3. Discordant speech

Spoken with the intention of creating hostility between people.

4. Empty chatter

It is a spoken speech without any purpose at all.

Correct speech with a positive connotation is the ability to speak in a way that is open, harmonious and comfortable for you. Having mastered such speech, others will be more willing to listen to your words. They are likely to reciprocate your questions and suggestions.

For many of us, the most difficult part of practicing correct speech is our expression of humor. We are used to joking with a degree of exaggeration and sarcasm, which is incorrect in speech. People get used to such frivolous humor and stop listening carefully to what we say. By doing so, we belittle our own speech. But in fact, the world is full of irony and sarcasm. And we need to exaggerate things or be sarcastic. A good comedian is one who is able to look at ordinary things from an unusual perspective.

When we show our sense of humor efficiently and intelligently, which requires much more effort, then it will be successfully appreciated by others.

So, pay attention to what you say and why you say it.

Teaching correct speech

Nowadays, correct speech courses are being conducted in many cities. If you are puzzled by how to deliver a speech correctly, sign up for them. There you will be able to master cultural communication skills, get acquainted with the culture of correct speech and understand how to construct sentences to bring them into line with the norms of the Russian language. Both adults and children can attend such speech literacy classes. A child can improve their academic performance, increase their self-confidence, and gain respect among their peers. If your child has speech problems, then explain to him that speaking correctly is an important human virtue that helps him in life, at work and in other areas of activity.

Lessons on correct speech will help you not only improve your knowledge, but also achieve success in a certain area. A person who speaks beautifully and at the same time is understandable to others will always be heard by his interlocutors - be they business partners or.

After a couple of lessons, you will see a positive result: correct Russian speech in your communication will replace trendy words that tire the listener and do not inspire respect for the speaker. Because he uses them too often, forgetting that a good selection of competent words is the key to success in speaking in public.

1. Your answers should be concise. It’s better to answer “no,” “yes,” or “of course” than “uh-huh” or “nah.” However, a one-word answer always seems too direct, so it would be nice to add a few more words.

2. Don't mumble or speak too quickly. The manner of speaking characterizes a person no less than what he says.

3. Learn to pronounce words clearly. A person who mutters to himself does not make a very good impression. Sometimes this is an indicator of a lack of knowledge and culture.

5. Listen to how people speak, whose speech is literate and is considered a standard.

6. Welcome the use of proverbs, phraseological units, and sayings in speech.

7. Study the origins of words, thereby developing your vocabulary.

8. Reading fiction will also help you improve your speech.