Barbara Cartland - saint and sinner. Sleep and battle: Oblomov – Korchagin – Kopenkin

// / Analysis of the ending of Goethe's tragedy "Faust"

Johann Wolfgang Goethe's great work “Faust” is recognized as a masterpiece of world literature. The author worked on the tragedy for almost 40 years. Therefore, “Faust” is not just a work, but a treasure trove worldly wisdom Goethe.

The main character of the poem is Faust, a scientist who knows a lot about many sciences. However, in his self-deprecating monologue, he calls himself a “fool”, because he never learned the secrets of existence. While criticizing himself, the hero still admits that he is much smarter than most other scientists.

Goethe's hero has real prototype. He was the medieval doctor, scientist and sorcerer Faust. There is a version that Faust is not a surname, but a scientific nickname. Many legends and works of art have been created about the real magician doctor. For example, The Great Rembrandt created the engraving “Faust Summons the Spirit.”

The plot of the poem is in “”, where a deal is concluded, the object of which was the unusual scientist Faust.

At the end of the poem, the hero goes blind. Therefore, the flourishing of the city for happy people he sees only with his mind's eye.

From the moment he made a deal with mystical forces, Faust experienced many pleasures, even entered into a legal marriage with the most beautiful an antique woman Elena the Beautiful. But for real happy moment I never felt it. Epiphany comes to him unexpectedly when he suddenly realizes that the problem was his selfishness. Faust decides to build a city for people to live there happily. But by that time the hero was already old and almost completely blind. deceives his ward and only creates the appearance that he is helping to create a dream city. In fact, scary people are already circling around Faust. mythical creatures lemurs. Mephistopheles anticipates his victory in the argument. He thinks that Faust's soul will soon belong to him. However, when that “beautiful moment” comes, the soul of the main character flies to heaven, the angels take it away, saying that the soul is saved.

Why did it happen that in the final the person wins, and not mystical powers? The answer must be found in great faith author into humanity. Goethe believed that searching man, a free spirit deserves forgiveness.

In heaven the hero meets his true lover-, which was also forgiven in the first part of the poem. This relatively happy ending is an ode human essence Faust and Margaret.

The author subjects his hero to great trials, various temptations, takes him through hell, purgatory and heaven, believing that only a tested soul is capable of realizing all the secrets of existence. Goethe affirms the greatness of a man who seeks, is free in spirit and has an open heart to something new in life.

At the end of the poem, she understands why life is worth living. Helping others, not just yourself, is what is important. And so he is finally truly happy.

Faust seeks truth in the realm of beauty, bringing to life images of antiquity. He fearlessly descends into the underworld to find the ghost of the culprit there. Trojan War golden-haired Elena and marry her. The marriage of Faust and Helen is symbolic. There is no trace of her alive human love, which connected him with Margarita. Elena is just an ideal, a dream. This episode personifies the search for beauty in the world of antiquity, through which Goethe and Schiller and many of their peers went through. From the marriage of Faust and Helen, a son, Euphorion, is born. The wonderful boy is growing by leaps and bounds. He strives for achievement. The parents beg Euphorion not to risk his life, not to dare to take disastrous daring. But he cannot be contained.

* You are dreaming a peaceful dream,
* Well, he is deceptive, -
* Euphorion answers these pleas.
* He rushes to the place where the roar of battle is heard, to help to the Greek people, who rebelled against the oppressors, to help the warriors going “to sorrow, to a terrible battle.” Death awaits him:
* Let be! On their wings
*I'll rush there! I'm rushing into the fire,
* I'm eager to fight!

Goethe created the romantic image of Euphorion, thinking about Byron, the great English poet, who rushed to the feat and died in Greece, fighting for its independence. The poet of storms and battles, Euphorion crashed in a daring flight. From the underworld, his voice reached Faust and Helen, a call to his mother to unite with him. And Elena, having said goodbye to Faust, disappeared and evaporated. In Faust's hands only her dress and bedspread remained. The mirage of short-lived happiness dissipated. Antique beauty cannot serve as a stronghold in the modern world.

IN last scenes tragedy Faust is a very old man. He is a hundred years old. But neither old age, nor illness and sorrow extinguished his high aspirations. Having overcome the temptations of Mephistopheles, going through delusions, he found his place in life. At the head of an army of workers, Faust builds a gigantic dam. The colossal structure must reclaim a fertile region for human life from the sea. Faust found happiness in the ranks of the warriors of progress, the creators of the future. This is restless happiness. It is hostile to blissful calm, carefree complacency. Torment, danger, and eternal care accompany innovators and creators. Care deprived Faust of his sight. He is blind, but he sees more than those who care only about themselves. Looking into the future, he experiences the highest moment of his life. This supreme moment is beautiful and tragic. Underground spirits, lemurs, are digging a grave for Faust, and he thinks that it is the workers knocking with shovels while building a dam.

* I will create a whole region, vast, new.
* And may millions be here people live,
* Faust dreams.
* ...The years of life were not in vain...

Faust falls dead, feeling the immortality of his work. Mephistopheles rejoiced early. The seeker of truth did not become his prey. Faust's restless thought and aspirations merged with the quest of humanity, with the movement of a stream that, forever striving forward, never stops.

The lesson has been revised with the addition of video material

Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Literary game.

  • Testing knowledge of the text of the novel;
  • Formation of conscious reading; attentive attitude to details (in the work great writer nothing is random);


  • Portrait of I.A. Goncharova. Exhibition of the writer's books and publications about the writer.
  • Video film “A few days in the life of Oblomov” based on the script by N. Mikhalkov, A. Abadashyan.
  • Illustrations for the book made by students. Variants of novel cover design.

Participants. Teams of high school students in grades 10 and 11

Leading. Teacher

Jury. Composition: school director, deputy. in Educational Management, teacher of Russian language and literature.

1.Opening speech by the teacher.


I. Captains competition.

A few questions about the life and work of I. A. Goncharov

Conditions of the competition. Team captains participate in the competition. They present their teams, the name of the team, which is also evaluated by the jury. The captains are asked five questions. 20 seconds to think. Each answer is worth 3 points.

1 team.

1. What was Goncharov’s name?

2. Dates of the writer’s life? (1812-1891)

3. What literary passions were characteristic of the young man Goncharov? (Derzhavin, Fonvizin, Pushkin)

4. What position did the IA hold? at the end of your career?

5. With what novel did Goncharov enter literature? (“ An ordinary story”).

2nd team.

1. What is the current name of the city in which Goncharov was born? (Ulyanovsk).

2. Who influenced the upbringing of the future writer? (Tregubov, retired sailor)

3. What did Goncharov’s close friends call him? (Mr. de Lazy).

4. What surprised Goncharov in his acquaintances and contemporaries in his very measured life? (In 1952 he went to trip around the world on the Frigate Pallas)

5. In what year was the novel “Oblomov” published? (1849-1859).

Team 3

1. What was the name of I. A. Goncharov’s mother? (Avdotya Matveevna)

2. Where did I. A. Goncharov study? (Moscow University, Department of Literature)

3. Which of the great Russian writers, whom Goncharov worshiped, did he see at Moscow University? (Pushkin).

4. Who did Goncharov go on a trip around the world on the frigate Pallada?

(as secretary to the expedition leader).

5. Which novels did Goncharov consider as a trilogy? (An ordinary story, Oblomov, Precipice).

II. Warm-up

Conditions of the competition. Each team is asked five questions. 20 seconds to think. Each answer is worth 3 points.

1 team.

1. Where did Oblomov live in St. Petersburg? (In Gorokhovaya Street, in one of the large houses)

2. What is Oblomov’s rank? (college assessor)

3. How many years did Oblomov serve? (2 years).

4. In what position is Oblomov depicted in the first pages of the novel? (“Ilya Ilyich’s lying down...was his normal state”)?

5. Which of the novel’s heroes managed to lift Oblomov from the sofa? (Andrey Stolts)

2nd team.

1. How many years did Oblomov live in St. Petersburg? (12)

2. What are the symbols of Oblomov’s image? (robe, sofa, shoes “long, soft and wide”)

3. Where did Oblomov, while in the service, send the letter by mistake? (To Arkhangelsk instead of Astrakhan).

4. How many serf souls were Oblomov’s number? (350)

5. What word did Oblomov use to define Zahara that offended the latter? (“poisonous man”)

Team 3

1. How old is Oblomov? (32-33)

2. Which villages were part of Oblomov’s estate? (Sosnovka, Vavilovka.).

3. Which plant became a symbol of Oblomov’s love? (lilac branch)

4. What capital did Stolz make from his father’s forty thousand? (300 thousand)

5. Where Oblomov finished his life path? (on the Vyborg side)

III. “... captivating and powerfulwizard words"

(Continue text)

Conditions of the competition. Leading reads out a fragment of text to the teams and suggests one by one finishing the phrase as close as possible to the original text. Thinking time: 20 seconds. For the correct answer - 10 points.

1 team.

1. “...At that moment in the room there was heard at the same time, as if the grumbling of a dog and the hissing of a cat, when they were about to rush at each other. This is... (the clock buzzed).

2. And dead silence reigned in the house. The time for everyone's afternoon nap has arrived.

The child sees that the father, and the mother, and the old aunt, and the retinue - all ... (scattered to their corners; and who did not have it, he went to the hayloft, another to the garden, a third sought coolness in the hallway, and another, covering his face with a handkerchief from flies, he fell asleep where the heat overpowered him and a bulky lunch fell on him.)

2. Cunning is like a small coin with which... (you can’t buy much).

2nd team.

“Oblomov was not lazy, he wrote down what to take with him and what to leave at home... Oblomov’s already acquaintances, some with distrust, others with laughter, and others with some kind of fear, said: “He’s going; Imagine, Oblomov has moved!” (But Oblomov did not leave after a month or three).

2. ... the first and main concern in life in Oblomovka. Taking care of food)

Team 3

1. – Is it you, Ilya? – he reproached /Stolz/. – You push me away, and for her, for this woman!.. My God! – he almost screamed, as if from sudden pain. - This child that I just saw... Ilya, Ilya! Run away from here, let's go, let's go quickly! How you fell! This woman...what is she to you...

(“Wife!” Oblomov said calmly.

Stolz was petrified.

And this child is my son! His name is Andrey, in memory of you! - Oblomov finished at once and calmly took a breath, laying down the burden of frankness.)

2. No, my life began with ... (extinction).

IV. Give an interpretation to the words

Conditions of the competition. Teams receive cards with words that need to be interpreted. 30 seconds to think. Score – 3 points.

1 team.

1. Stingy housing (stingy, greedy).

2. I will receive drives for five horses(post horse fare).

3. Love moneylender, prude (a person who lends money at high interest rates).

2nd team.

1. Oh, darling, sybarite ( a person prone to idleness).

2. Annoying curiosity (annoying, intrusive).

3. Serve according to wine farms(wine taxation is the right to collect state revenues from the wine trade).

Team 3

1. A gentleman covered all over with sideburns, mustaches and goatee(short and narrow pointed beard).

2. Sofa upholstered in faded blue barkan stained... (thick wool fabric for upholstery).

3. To love the moneylender, prude(a hypocrite hiding behind ostentatious virtue).

V. “Each of his works is art system images under which an inspired thought is hidden” D.S. Merezhkovsky.

Portrait gallery

Conditions of the competition. The presenter reads out fragments of the text where portrait characteristics heroes of the novel. Teams must determine which characters in the novel “Oblomov” these characteristics belong to. Thinking time: 30 seconds. Score – 5 points.

1 team.

1. …old man, in a gray frock coat, with a hole under the arm from which a tuft of shirt was sticking out, in a gray vest... with a skull as bare as a knee and with immensely wide and thick gray-blond sideburns. (Servant Zakhar)

2. She was about thirty. She was very white and full in the face, so that the blush, it seemed, could not break through her cheeks. She had almost no eyebrows at all, but in their place there were two slightly swollen, glossy stripes, with sparse light stripes. The eyes are grayish-simple, like the whole facial expression; the hands are white, but hard, with large knots protruding outwards... (Agafya Matveevna).

2nd team.

1... flabby beyond his years... his body, judging by its matte finish, is too white color neck, small, plump arms, soft shoulders seemed too pampered for a man (Oblomov)

2. (She) in the strict sense was not a beauty, that is, there was no whiteness in her, no bright coloring of her cheeks and lips, and her eyes did not burn with rays of inner fire... her lips were thin and for the most part compressed: a sign of a thought continuously directed at something. (Olga Ilyinskaya)

Team 3

1.He is all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse. He is thin; he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle, but no sign of fatty roundness; complexion is even, darkish and no blush; the eyes are a little greenish, but expressive (Andrey Stolts).

2. In the circle of his acquaintances, he played the role of a large guard dog that barks at everyone, does not allow anyone to move, but at the same time will certainly grab a piece of meat on the fly, from where and wherever it flies. (Mikhey Andreevich Tarantyev, fellow countryman of Oblomov).

VI. “No one forces their heroes to live...separately, own life” /Merezhkovsky D.S./

Conditions of the competition. The presenter reads out the remark. Teams take turns trying to guess who owns these statements in what situation. Thinking time: 10 seconds. Every correct answer is 5 points.

1 team.

1. Labor is the image, content, element and purpose of life. (Stolz) (3 points)

2. Yes, godfather, until there are no more idiots in Rus' who sign papers without reading, our brother can live. (Mukhoyarov, brother of Agafya Matveevna) (5 points)

2nd team.

1. Who cursed you, Ilya? What did you do? You are kind, smart, gentle, noble... and you are dying. What ruined you? Is there no name for this evil? (Olga Ilyinskaya upon parting with Oblomov). (5 points)

2. ... everyone becomes infected from each other with some kind of painful concern, melancholy, painfully searching for something. And it would be good for the truth, good for themselves and others - no, they turn pale from the success of their comrade. (Oblomov in a dispute with Stolz about the life of light). (3 points)

Team 3

1. Light, society! ...What to look for there? Interests of the mind, heart? Just look at where the center is around which all this revolves: it’s not there, there’s nothing deep that touches the living... Here they are... scurrying around every day like flies, back and forth, but what’s the point? You will enter the hall and will not stop admiring how symmetrically the guests are seated, how quietly and thoughtfully they sit - playing cards. (Oblomov in a dispute with Stolz about the need to be in society). (3 points)

2...honest, true heart! This is his natural gold; he carried it through life unharmed. He fell from the shocks, cooled down..., losing the strength to live, but did not lose honesty and loyalty. None false note his heart did not make noise, no dirt stuck to it. No elegant lie will seduce him, and nothing will lure him onto a false path... (Andrei Stolz about Oblomov in a conversation with Olga Ilyinskaya after Oblomov’s death). (5 points)

VII. Illustration competition, book covers

TO the team presents their illustrations of the book cover and explains its concept (up to 10 points); three illustrations for different episodes of the book, telling about these episodes. Both illustrations and comments to them are evaluated (up to 5 points for each illustration, taking into account the accuracy and colorfulness of the comment).

VIII. Blitz tournament

Conditions of the competition. All teams participate simultaneously. Participants must answer as many questions as possible in 1-2 minutes. If the teams find it difficult to answer, they must say the word “Next”.

For the correct answer - 1 point.

  1. The name of the village where Stolz lived (Verkhlevo).
  2. Only one of the novel's chapters is titled. How? (Oblomov's Dream)
  3. The surname of the first guest Oblomov, a secular veil. (Volkov)
  4. The name of the second guest Oblomov, an official who rose to the rank of head of the department (Sudbinsky)
  5. Last name of the guest writer (Penkin)
  6. Symbols of Oblomov’s image (robe, sofa, shoes)
  7. Oh what life problem tried to tell Oblomov to his guests? (About the need to move out of the apartment, about the letter from the village elder)
  8. Oblomov's guest, his fellow countryman (Mikhey Andreevich Tarantyev).
  9. How many serf souls did Oblomov have? (350)
  10. What was the name of Oblomov's servant? (Zakhar)
  11. Which of Oblomov’s guests borrowed his shirt and vest and did not return it for 5 months? (Tarantiev)
  12. How long do the events described in the first part of the novel last? (1 day)
  13. To which literary direction should include the novel “Oblomov” (realism)
  14. The action of the novel “Oblomov” takes place in ... (St. Petersburg)
  15. What class did Oblomov belong to? (Nobleman)
  16. What is Oblomov's age at the beginning of the novel? (32-33)
  17. What was the name of Oblomov's son? (Andrey)
  18. What was the name of Oblomov's wife? (Agafya Matveevna)
  19. What is Oblomov's first and patronymic name? (Ilya Ilyich)
  20. What does the author call the cause of Oblomov’s death? (Oblomovism)
  21. Where Oblomov’s guests were invited on May Day (Ekaterigof)
  22. In Oblomovka they believed everything... What? (“and werewolves and the dead”)
  23. Which romance performed by Olga Ilyinskaya did Oblomov like “The Immaculate Virgin”)
  24. Who helped Oblom get rid of the debts that were imposed on him by deception? (A. Stolz helped)
  25. Who imposed debts on Oblomov? (Tarantiev)
  26. From whom did Oblomov learn that Olga got married? (from Stolz)
  27. Did Oblomov have children? (son Andrei)
  28. How and why did the final break between Olga and Oblomov occur? (due to Oblomov’s indecisiveness)

Make a syncwine.

(Variant of syncwine suggested by students:


  • Serene, kind
  • Lie down, sleep, dream
  • It started with the inability to put on stockings, it ended with the inability to live
  • Oblomovshchina)

How did Druzhinin speak about Oblomov?

(“Oblomov is a child, and not a trashy libertine, he is a sleepyhead, and not an immoral egoist or an epicurean of the times of decay. He is powerless to do good, but he is positively incapable of evil deed, pure in spirit, not perverted by worldly sophisms"

“A child by nature and according to the conditions of his development, Ilya Ilyich in many ways left behind him the purity and simplicity of a child, precious qualities in an adult, qualities that in themselves often open up to us the realm of truth and at times place the inexperienced, dreamy eccentric above the prejudices of his age , and above the whole crowd of businessmen surrounding him: "

On the board are the opinions of critics about Oblomov and Oblomovism. If you were writing an essay on the topic of the lesson, what words would you choose as the epigraph? Why?

(In addition to Druzhinin’s statements on the board, I. Annensky’s words: “What is he: a glutton? a sloth? a sissy? a contemplator? a reasoner? No: he, Oblomov, is the result of a long accumulation of heterogeneous impressions, thoughts, feelings, sympathies, doubts and self-reproaches.”

D. Merezhkovsky: “Vulgarity, triumphing over purity of heart, love, ideals - this is the main tragedy of life for Goncharov.”

V. Homework: 10th grade n write a review of a classmate’s essay based on the novel “Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov.

VI.The jury's word to sum up the results of the game. Winner's reward ceremony

VII.Final speech from the teacher