Draw an old man step by step with a pencil. Drawing a portrait of an elderly man step by step with a photo for beginners

Hi all! Today our team has prepared a new lesson for you, from which you will learn how to draw grandfather. Already have your favorite type of paper, a couple and an eraser ready? Then let's begin!

Step 1

To begin with, let us very clearly and in detail imagine the pose of our grandfather. Let him look appreciatively at the result of his labors - for example, a superbly renovated country porch next to. Grandma will probably bake him a delicious cake for this, but so far only the master himself can see the brand new steps and railings. Therefore, his posture and gaze should express a thorough examination, an attempt to look from the outside at the results of his work. The head should be slightly tilted down in order to better examine all the details of the porch, let the legs be slightly spread to the sides, and let the hands rest on the sides, giving the grandfather a characteristic appraising pose. Let's sketch out the torso, limbs and head of the grandfather, not forgetting to mark the elbow bends. We will not outline the knees, since the grandfather will be dressed in wide family shorts that go down to his felt boots, but we will designate the felt boots and gloves themselves as ovals and circles, respectively.

Step 2

The second step is to sketch out the perpendicular axes of the face - the transverse axis marks the line of the eyes, the longitudinal axis marks the vertical facial symmetry. By the way, we advise you to draw these lines, barely pressing the pencil - in the future they will be erased. Let's draw the ears, but don't forget an important anatomical rule - the eyebrows and ears should be located approximately on the same line (in general, ideally they should be located strictly on the same line, but our drawing today is more cartoonish than realistic). We outline a T-shirt tucked into high-fitted family panties with three lines, and sketch out the outlines of felt boots.

Step 3

Now let’s properly draw the grandfather’s head. We denote the nose with a potato, drawn with one line, without lifting the pencil from the paper, then a pair of eyes (this is very simple, they look like elongated diamonds, only slightly rounded) and eyebrows - they resemble quotation marks. The hairstyle should go into a shape that, together with the mustache, covers the entire lower part of the face. In the same step we turn the circles on our hands into mittens.

Step 4

At the final stage, in literally two or three strokes we sketch out the folds on the grandfather’s T-shirt and shorts, mark small dents on the felt boots and, of course, do not forget about the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes of our today’s hero. That's all, we have a very sweet and kind grandfather, congratulations on completing such an interesting drawing.

Surely you will greatly improve your step-by-step drawing technique if you practice using our samples. But if you draw your own variations of our heroes - for example, experiment with the grandfather's pose and/or change the direction of his gaze - you will become a real master! That's all for today, we wish everyone inspiration. And yes, don’t forget to call your elderly relatives - you can’t imagine how much joy it will be for them to do something that takes just a couple of minutes out of your day.

Master class with step-by-step photos on drawing for children 6-10 years old “Portrait of an elderly man”

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, teacher, Central Children's Educational Institution No. 1 "Bear Cub", Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region.
Creating educational or creative work
Teach techniques and methods for depicting wrinkles on a person’s face.
Reinforce knowledge about facial proportions
Develop practical skills in mastering dry graphic materials
Cultivate curiosity
Paper and coal

(options: charcoal and sanguine, charcoal pencil, pastel, wax crayons, gel crayons)
Preliminary work:
Introducing portraits of older people made in charcoal and other graphic materials
(pictures taken from the Internet)
Coal is probably the simplest and oldest artistic tool ever picked up by man. And artists still have not lost their interest in him. True, now he has changed a little. And they draw with it not on rocks or cave walls, but on paper. Glossy is not suitable for drawing (it will crumble). It is better to take a slightly rough one. You can use velvet paper, pastel paper, even fine sandpaper.
Working with coal is very interesting. It provides opportunities for linear drawing, shading, shading, and spot work. You can shade soft materials with special devices; you can use an eraser or your palm (finger). Coal also goes well with sanguine and chalk.
Such drawings require fixing. You can use regular hairspray for this. It is better to put exhibition works under glass.
There are two types of drawing charcoal: regular charcoal and pressed charcoal. Pressed is blacker and fattier than wood. It is made from coal powder (using the blackest varieties), using vegetable glue as a binder. Pressed coal is sold in the form of sticks, they come in three hardness levels.
When working with coal, two methods are used.
The first method is line drawing. In this case, the coal is sharpened obliquely to the edge using sandpaper. The second way is to use a lot of tone. To do this, the coal is placed flat on paper, which makes it possible to easily cover large surfaces.


We use wax crayons. Unlike charcoal, crayons do not stain your hands.

Draw an oval face. Then we refine the lower part of the face - slightly saggy cheeks and chin

The face can be divided into approximately three parts. The nose occupies the middle part. We depict it, leaving approximately the same distance for the forehead and mouth.
The shape of the nose can be any: thin, thick, with a hump. Add nostrils.

Draw oval-shaped eyes. We draw eyebrows above them. We outline the line of the lips.

Now it's up to the ears. They are about the same size as the nose. And most importantly - wrinkles. They appear in older people because the skin loses its elasticity, becomes flabby, and sags. Expression wrinkles appear where the skin is often deformed. Angry people move their eyebrows and vertical wrinkles form between the eyebrows. If a person is surprised, his eyebrows go up. This creates horizontal wrinkles. If a person often laughs or squints, he will also have wrinkles near his eyes. The older a person is, the more wrinkles there are on the face.
We draw horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, “crow’s feet” near the outer corners of the eyes. Add wrinkles under the eyes, near the nostrils and lips.

Draw a round pupil. For now, this blank portrait looks more like a portrait of a man. We flatten the face.

Take black chalk and draw hair. The first line is from ear to ear in one movement. Then - forging. And the faceless creature becomes a grandmother.

Using the corner of a chalk we draw the hair. We add a shoulder line and come up with clothes (if desired, it can be both home and formal clothes).

Glasses and earrings take their place.


We use coal

Let's try to complicate the task a little and draw a portrait of a man with his head slightly bowed to his shoulder. To do this, simply tilt the sheet and draw an oval face. We draw it a little tougher, “squarer” than the female one.

Adding a nose. We continue to hold the sheet obliquely so that the facial features are positioned correctly, without distortion.

We place the ears on the face based on the size of the nose.

We replace plain coal with pressed coal. The lines become clearer and the color more saturated.
We draw eyebrows and eyes. There are wrinkles between the eyebrows.

Add a lip line and start aging the face. This is what wrinkles around the eyes do.

Turn the sheet straight and draw the shoulders. We design and depict clothes as desired. This version includes a shirt, tie and jumper. We draw hair only above the ears.

We rub either the face or the background. You can do both.

Children's works:

Children's work MDOU (coal, sanguine)

These drawings can be made for GRANDparents' Day. This sounds much nicer than "Old Person's Day"
This is what our small exhibition in the cultural center looks like with portraits of grandparents.

With grandfather. They will be very pleased to receive such a drawing. First, you can repeat this lesson, and then adjust it to suit your own grandfather. Perhaps he doesn’t have a mustache or a cane, or maybe he always wears round glasses. These small nuances will create an exact copy.

Necessary materials:

  • colored pencils of brown, pink, blue, cyan, yellow and black;
  • regular pencil;
  • black marker;
  • eraser;
  • paper.

Drawing steps:

1. Let's sketch the grandfather in a sitting position. Let us roughly designate the proportions of the body, head, bent legs and cane.

2. Now we begin to draw the entire drawing and designate its main elements and shapes. We outline the outline of the head. Draw small ears on the sides. Let's draw two lines in the oval and start drawing the missing elements inside. For example, eyes, nose, mouth and mustache. At the top of the head we draw a small part of the hair.

3. Then let's move a little lower and work on the neck and shoulders. Let's draw clothes too. A vest with a shirt would be typical for a grandfather.

4. Draw arms and hands. Let's add a cane for grandfather to hold on to with his hands.

5. Now let's move on to the legs. Since grandfather will be sitting, his legs will have to be drawn bent, and even at an angle. He will be wearing trousers and shoes. We prepare the drawing for applying the outline and color.

6. Use an eraser to remove all unnecessary lines. We make an outline of each element. On the face we will also draw wrinkles in the form of lines on the forehead and near the eyes on the sides.

7. Use a pink pencil to decorate grandfather’s face and hands. Let's add deeper shadows with a brown pencil. But with a regular pencil we will color the hair and mustache. It should not be applied completely.

8. Now let’s decorate the vest and shoes with a brown pencil. Let's use a darker brown color on the trim.

9. The shirt will be light blue. To color it, take cyan and dark blue pencils.

10. Then we will color the trousers with a black pencil, but we will make the cane with yellow color.

This completes the step-by-step drawing of the grandfather with colored pencils.

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I was asked to make another one similar. In order not to repeat ourselves, let's call him differently, let there be a lesson on how to draw an old man. But, as you know, I always choose famous, interesting personalities for my lessons. And so, therefore, the choice fell on a man who is widely known in narrow circles and deserves, first of all, to be depicted in all history textbooks. I hope you recognize him from the photo, but if not, then read below, I’ll tell you everything in detail: George Carlin is an American comedian of Irish descent, who has been driving into the minds of mere mortals good humor, observation and a lot of hatred for stupid bullshit for half of the last century . Those who have heard his monologues will understand why the title – Old Man – is suitable for him. And besides that, he also:

  • One of the coolest old guys the world has ever known;
  • on the stage;
  • American Zadornov;
  • Evil and good dude in black;

Of course, I won’t quote his jokes. That's not what we're here for. But I advise everyone to watch or re-watch his monologues. In the meantime, your ears are busy, your hands can get creative:

How to draw an Old Man with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch a mannequin.
Step two. Let's draw the old man's beard, paint over the pupils, and add a hand.
Step three. Let's depict clothes and hair.
Step four. We remove the auxiliary lines. Add shading for realism. George's face is serious, so it's worth paying a lot of attention to the wrinkles to convey emotions:
And also try to portray other real men.

In this lesson I will talk about how to draw a portrait of an elderly man. In my work I will use the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor and a Wacoom tablet. I will also use different techniques and methods of working with paints. I hope you will find something new and interesting for yourself in this lesson.

I wanted to portray an old man who looks into the distance and thinks about his past life and youth.


For the initial stage of work, I create a file of size 640x855. The resolution can currently be set to 72 dpi. Here you can see a simple sketch I created in Photoshop. Minimum details. I pay more attention to how I want it to look.


The second thing to do is choose a color palette. For the background I chose a dark color and a little bluish. The remaining colors are for the old man's face and his clothes.


Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

For this painting I chose only standard brushes with different Pen Pressure settings.


Now I start coloring and applying base colors to the sketch. I also try different colors for the background. At this stage I have 3 layers: one for the face, the second for the clothes, and the third for the background. This is necessary so that if I don’t like something, I can change it through these layers. This is what happened. Since I've already decided on a color palette, I can start detailing the image.

The light comes from behind the old man, and a little in front. Now I'm working on the details of the face. At this stage it is better not to overdo it with details. For now I'm just laying out the basic details of my character's face.

Now we can say that the basic forms have already been defined.


I add a few more shades to the old man's face. I add some light to the cheek and clothes, and green to the hat.