The fish is looking for something deeper. The fish looks for where it is deeper, and the man looks for where the fish are.

“Fish looks for where it’s deeper, but man looks for where it’s worse”, - so they turned the Russian folk proverb The Strugatskys in their “Trainees”, referring to a person’s desire to overcome difficulties. And I will misrepresent the Strugatskys and read this phrase in my own way, in a woman’s way.

Maternal vision always works ahead of the curve to lay the straw. That is, it looks through the eyes of a possible catastrophe - it looks for weak points where both fate and people usually hit a cub who is not ready for the tests.

And their wives look at their husbands with the same look: if something doesn’t happen. Husbands kick back as best they can from increased care, but, as a rule, they get themselves into exactly the troubles that first mothers, then wives, warned about in advance.

Our whole life is full of catastrophic events that could have been avoided if we had listened in time to wise advice from the outside, that’s why each of us, at least once in our lives, has had the following flashback: “I told you so!”, involuntarily denying the right to make our own mistakes.

He is looking for a woman’s eye, what is wrong, what to find fault with, but not in order to “gnaw”, but in order to protect. Or maybe defend yourself. It’s scary for a woman to live, so she’s worried that the disaster that she’s always afraid of doesn’t happen to everyone in her area of ​​responsibility.

A woman's defenselessness is the root of her timidity, but the root of her courage is also defenselessness. She has nothing to lose except her own fears for her neighbors, which is why women are often bolder than men in times of danger. The same qualities of a woman’s soul for which a man scolds her in prosperous everyday life save him and his children in difficult circumstances. Every coin has two sides, and what seems strange or unnecessary will become understandable with a loving gaze.

IN notebook writer D. V. Grigorovich has the following entry: “The proverb says: “Fish looks where it is deeper, but man looks where it is better”; in Russia it’s not like this: “but man is where he is higher.” A very beautiful thought.

To be human, one must place both oneself and the other on a high level, read each other’s messages not in the context of the low, but in the context of the high.

All the bitterness interpersonal relationships can be removed by a high interpretation of someone else's crookedness and weakness. Only defects are hardly curable using this method, but we are not talking about them now.

Laying out a straw for your neighbor if you see that he might fall is, of course, a purely feminine attitude, but men would also benefit from such a skill (at least in dealing with children and wives).

We are used to making claims, demanding - give it! be! take it out and put it down! This is an unfriendly, consumerist approach to people. We need to help each other grow, we need to cultivate the person in each other.

This, according to Grigorovich, is also a touch of Russian identity - to seek heights and loftiness. And it is extremely important to learn to look for this high in the far from perfect neighbor who is always nearby.

The high is always only possible, given, which may not happen. The sublime is what is created by the effort to reach out, to become, to be realized. By and large, there is no such thing as high, as long as there is no one to exact it, which means that our claims to each other are a distorted form of such exaction. But it is not pretension that cultivates the high, but love.

“The person you love in me is, of course, better than me: I’m not like that.
But you love me, I will try to be better than myself...” (Mikhail Prishvin. From a letter to his wife).

A claim, as a rule, achieves the opposite effect, because it does not contain the creative, strengthening power of love. The claim presses, beats, oppresses, offends and insults - that is, it injures, and does not heal. She is indignant at the fact that a person, as an object, is inconvenient for use.

Love is always based on faith in the best in a person, but here we must distinguish between faith loving heart bordering on knowledge, and the baseless fantasies of a dreamer. The last essence waiting for cultivated fruits in an unsown field.

The fish looks for where it is deeper, and the person looks for where it is better.

  • - 1) initial value....

    Live speech. Dictionary colloquial expressions

  • - compare...
  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - not stupid, compare...

    Together. Apart. Hyphenated. Dictionary-reference book

  • - DEEPER. compare to adj. deep and adv. deep...

    Dictionary Ushakova

  • - no deeper adverb. qualities With the same or less depth...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - gl "already, compare...

    Russian orthographic dictionary

  • - The fish is looking for something deeper, and a person is looking for something better - for a better structure of his life. Wed. The soldier Oksana, in her homeless orphanhood, left her homeland and came to the Don.....

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - a kind person better than a stone bridge...
  • - See ROSE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Fish searches deeper, man looks better...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See TLEN -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See CRAFT -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see: Breathe, let's fly...

    Dictionary of Russian argot

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 to...

    Synonym dictionary

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Don't feed the fish from the pier...

//Twenty years ago, at an Egyptian resort, I was shocked by the simplicity of the advice on maintaining the balance of the universe. Those checking into the hotel were clearly warned: “Please do not feed the fish from the pier. The tourist season will end, and the fish will swim to the pier for food. And not finding food there, they will predictably die.” What I mean is that in the field of immigration law we are now witnessing the catastrophe of the fish gathered at the pier after the end of the tourist season. //

However, I note that, despite the fact that in all developed countries anti-immigrant parties are becoming popular around the world, all this will not stop the natural process. And the thing is that "Fish looks for where it is deeper, but man looks for where it is better" Some need to devour, others freedom, others security, and others a million!
And no matter what walls you put up, people will find a way to climb over them.
And this is good! This fact that people are FLOODING to the country only testifies to its attractiveness. IN North Korea for some reason thousands are not running. Their border is structured in such a way that they cannot escape from it...
I agree - you can build a fence, deport, but this will not solve the ESSENCE OF THE PROBLEM. Therefore, feed the fish, don’t feed from the pier... Never mind.
________________________________________ ____________________________________

But in this story about the Mexican Maria, another aspect interested me, which I often think about.
These are people with a medieval mentality who can live quite normally in modern society. And there are millions of them.
The author reproaches this Maria for dishonesty and a lack of logic - they say she doesn’t see cause-and-effect relationships...
And I will say that her logic is iron-concrete and she sees connections perfectly, just not like the author of the post.
It's a mentality medieval peasant. He, of course, understands that he cannot catch a fish without difficulty, BUT: his well-being does not depend so much on his direct efforts. - there was hail, rain, then drought, hurricane, frost - and the peasant was starving. So he got used to relying on the mercy of God.
So Maria - the fact that she was not deported is not the merit of the lawyers ( people like this after all, they think that lawyers only “talk”, and she herself can talk to women, and “working” means she’s the only one digging the ground), and the help of San Jose and the Holy Family. She probably attached the icon somewhere... So it helped her...

And all failures are either God’s permission, or the machinations of enemies and saboteurs, and in general bad people, for whom doing all sorts of dirty tricks is not a sin at all...

These are the Marias that make up a huge part of the population of Russia, Ukraine, and the Arab East...
What to do with SUCH people? They are the basis of all nostalgic and socialist movements, including Islamists - an appeal to emotions, hopes for miracles, faith in some kind of "justice" - this is when, instead of a hundred times deserved bullshit, they give carrots, hatred for modern world, but at the same time the desire to get into it and belong to it...

It’s like with traffic rules - how can there be completely absurd accidents? And because a huge part of people have traffic rules own safety don't connect. Hope, maybe you'll piss yourself...
Why did you run red? Was there no one there? Why did he turn around through the continuous line? And I thought... It would be better if he didn’t think...
To the man from traditional society It's unhealthy...

THE FISH IS LOOKING WHERE DEEPER,<А>MAN - WHERE IS IT BETTER. It is about someone who decides to change his life in hopes of better things; sometimes - to justify one’s actions and actions. [Polina:] I don’t understand why you want to live with an immoral woman. Farewell! [Zhadov:] God be with you, goodbye! If you can leave your husband indifferently, then goodbye! [Polina:] What is this! A fish looks for where it is deeper, and a person looks for where it is better. Ostrovsky, Profitable place. The children of ordinary Cossacks, having completed their course at the school, according to the proverb: “a fish looks where it is deeper, but a man looks where it is better,” little by little they began to become officers, nobles. Zheleznoye, Urals. Why, Akulina, did you bring yourself to such a cramped position, why did you leave your favorite place? You never know what “reasons” she will find in answer to these questions; then he will refer to the proverb: “a fish, they say, looks for where it is deeper, but a person looks for where it is better”; then he will say: “I’ll take away someone else’s trouble with my hands, but I won’t apply my mind to my own.” Kokorev, Cook. Mother,” continued Tavrilo Stepanovich, “calm down; Your son, I’ll tell you the truth, didn’t come up with this stupidly at all; Why shouldn’t he take a ride? With God, and my blessing to him on his path. The fish looks for where it is deeper, the man - where it is better; let him look at the light and show himself. Dahl, Father and son. - What kind of life is this? You’re just thinking about how to make it to payday. And so until the end of days? Oh no. The fish looks for where it is deeper, the man - where it is better. N. Sizov, Chevro Code. - Where did you work before? According to narpit, or what? - In the factory kitchen. Why did you run here? Sweeter, right? - Yes, I would try it myself... I would find out where the sun rises from... I would try, but you, my friend, preferred a quiet nest, a lady and all sorts of little things. The girl frowned touchily..- The fish is looking for where it’s deeper. Gladkov, Energy. - Ah! So you recognize only your own benefit? Well, you have principles, Anton. “I don’t have any principles, and I don’t need them,” Andzhievich answered coolly. “And what are principles anyway, if we take, of course, not mathematics?” “The fish looks where it is deeper” - this, I understand, is the principle. V. Astrov, Lights ahead.
- How will you live with different men after us? Carpenters, painters... Oh, you! This is called - from deacons to sextons... Zhigarev grumbled: - The fish is looking for - where is deeper, good fellow- which is worse. M. Gorky, In People. - Well, Parfen Andreevich, your mother and I are not an obstacle to you. This is also what your grandfather used to say - and Nikita Dyadyushkin, a famous fisherman along the local shore, - the fish, he says, looks for where it is deeper, but a man looks for where the fish are! Yu. Laptev, At Mount Nepokornaya. - Simoni: Fish is looking for where it’s deeper, and people are looking for where it’s better; Dahl: Fish searches deeper (where deeper), man is better (where l u h -sh e); Michelson: The fish looks where it is deeper, and the person where it is better; Sobolev: Fish look for where it is deeper, and man, where it is better.

THE FISH IS LOOKING WHERE DEEPER,<А> MAN - WHERE IS IT BETTER. It is about someone who decides to change their life in hopes of better things; sometimes - to justify one’s actions and actions. [Polina:] I don’t understand why you want to live with an immoral woman. Farewell! [Zhadov:] God be with you, goodbye! If you can leave your husband indifferently, then goodbye! [Polina:] What is this! A fish looks for where it is deeper, and a person looks for where it is better. Ostrovsky, Profitable place. The children of ordinary Cossacks, having completed their course at the school, according to the proverb: “a fish looks where it is deeper, but a man looks where it is better,” little by little they began to become officers, nobles. Zheleznoye, Urals. Why, Akulina, did you bring yourself to such a cramped position, why did you leave your favorite place? You never know what “reasons” she will find in answer to these questions; then he will refer to the proverb: “a fish, they say, looks for where it is deeper, but a person looks for where it is better”; then he will say: “I’ll take away someone else’s trouble with my hands, but I won’t apply my mind to my own.” Kokorev, Cook. Mother,” continued Tavrilo Stepanovich, “calm down; Your son, I’ll tell you the truth, didn’t come up with this stupidly at all; Why shouldn’t he take a ride? With God, and my blessing to him on his path. The fish looks for where it is deeper, the man - where it is better; let him look at the light and show himself. Dahl, Father and son. - What kind of life is this? You’re just thinking about how to make it to payday. And so until the end of days? Oh no. The fish looks for where it is deeper, the man - where it is better. N. Sizov, Chevro Code. - Where did you work before? According to narpit, or what? - In the factory kitchen. Why did you run here? Sweeter, right? - Yes, I would try it myself... I would find out where the sun rises from... I would try, but you, my friend, preferred a quiet nest, a lady and all sorts of little things. The girl frowned touchily..- The fish is looking for where it’s deeper. Gladkov, Energy. - Ah! So you recognize only your own benefit? Well, you have principles, Anton. “I don’t have any principles, and I don’t need them,” Andzhievich answered coolly. “And what are principles anyway, if we take, of course, not mathematics?” “The fish looks where it is deeper” - this, I understand, is the principle. V. Astrov, Lights ahead. - How will you live with different men after us? Carpenters, painters... Oh, you! This is called - from deacons to sextons... Zhigarev grumbled: - The fish is looking for - where is deeper, good fellow - which is worse. M. Gorky, In People. - Well, Parfen Andreevich, your mother and I are not an obstacle to you. This is also what your grandfather used to say - and Nikita Dyadyushkin, a famous fisherman along the local shore, - the fish, he says, looks for where it is deeper, but a man looks for where the fish are! Yu. Laptev, At Mount Nepokornaya. - Simoni: Fish is looking for where it’s deeper, and people are looking for where it’s better; Dahl: Fish searches deeper (where deeper), man is better (where l u h -sh e); Michelson: The fish looks where it is deeper, and the person where it is better; Sobolev: Fish look for where it is deeper, and man, where it is better.