What does the proverb mean: the city takes courage. Yeah, if only you could be bolder and take cities, or rather realize your best dreams, fantasies and plans

Fears and doubts usually get in the way. Moreover, doubts are the worst type of fear: fear is not perceived, but corrodes directly from the inside, depriving one of strength and preventing one from acting decisively and boldly.

There is a feeling that perfectly defeats any fear. This is a feeling of gratitude. FEAR CAN BE CONQUERED WITH GRATITUDE! Simply remembering five or more things for which you are grateful in life, and any fear will subside, and your strength will be restored. The fact of the matter is that fears and doubts eat our internal forces, so necessary for solving our daily problems, questions, tasks.

Our courage ends where we are afraid to lose and make a mistake or failure. In life there is deep meaning and nothing in it happens just like that. But at the same time, life is a game with many “trump cards in hand.” If we consider life as a game and at the same time look for the deep meaning in it, then this approach combines the simultaneous ease of perception of life and sound judgment.

Mistakes and defeats are temporary phenomena and are valuable because of their ability to teach us new things and improve ourselves. Therefore, mistakes in the game called "life" are not very great importance. Even if you lose, you can start a new game at any time. In fact, someone who sees life as a game and at the same time is busy searching for meaning will not be overly tormented by all kinds of fears.

To prevent fears and doubts from blocking great goals from you, remember ten practical advice that will help you overcome any fear:

“1.Ask yourself the question: “What happened to my past fears?” You will realize that a maximum of five percent of all your fears in the past have become reality. Think about how justified your worries are. Perhaps you are worried about trifles.

2.Write down five things that make you feel grateful. Tell yourself: “Everything has been fine so far, and I can handle this new task too.”

3. Much of what we fear may or may not happen in the future. today it has nothing to do with it. Why should we suffer today?

4. Convince yourself that this day will end well for you, and another one after it. Life consists of a sequence of individual days.

5.If the fear is too strong, talk to the winner as soon as possible. In his presence your fear will disappear. You can also think about what a person would do in a similar situation.

6. Get busy. Of course, this is not easy when you are filled with fear, but it is necessary. After all, fear weighs on us the most when we are sitting idle.

7.Never ask yourself whether you can handle the task. The question should be different: “How will I cope with it?” Whatever happens, you will find the right solution.
8. Reinforce your positive beliefs. Invent yourself fascinating story with a happy ending.
9.Listen to music that you like. The fear will disappear as if it never existed.
10. Look at your success journal. You will quickly remember what a lucky person you are, and you will have no reason to worry in vain." (From the book “The Laws of Winners” by Bodo Schaefer).
To be honest, courage “takes cities” precisely in those cases when we do not run from our doubts and fears, but perceive them as additional incentives for success. It is important to tell yourself: “If I do not feel afraid of doing new step, then this is a sign that the intended step is too small for me."

(378 words) Courage has always been revered by people, because it is the key to victory and success in any field. This is still the case; no one will reach heights if they are shy, timid and cowardly. You must have determination and fortitude to take the first step, and all subsequent ones. It’s not for nothing that people say about this quality: “The city takes courage.” This is how they express their conviction that a brave man can do anything, and with the help of his courage he can achieve any goal, even if it is the conquest of an impregnable fortress.

I will explain my statement with examples from the literature. In Pushkin's story " Captain's daughter» Petr Grinev is a true brave man. He fearlessly defends the fortress from the rebels led by Pugachev. Even when his side loses, he valiantly refuses allegiance to the enemy. Death should have overtaken him immediately, but even the leader of the peasant revolt could not ignore such courage, and saved the daredevil’s life. As you can see, this quality allowed the hero to earn the respect of honest warriors like himself. Peter did not sit on the sidelines even after this personal victory. Taking a mortal risk, he rescues his beloved woman from captivity, and again his courage “takes the city”, again the young man reaches his goal, but this time a realized peak that he really needs. He saves Mary, and for this he is ready to suffer even a shameful punishment, which he avoids thanks to the fearlessness of his bride: she conquered the strength of the empress’s heart, and she let Peter go.

The heroine from Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” behaves just as boldly and riskily. She agrees to a deal with the devil in order to hear at least something about the fate of the Master. She accepts Azazello's proposal and becomes the queen of Satan's spring ball, that is, she dooms the soul to hellish suffering after death. However, the woman renounces herself and fears for her fate, because at stake is only one message about where He is and what is wrong with Him? Her courage takes over her city: Woland, having tested the hostess of the evening, frees the Master and grants them eternal peace. Fearless Margarita also seeks revenge on those who were to blame for the fact that her loved one was declared crazy.

Thus, brave people they can take whatever they want from life, and entire cities are subject to only those who are not afraid to attack. This applies not only to war, but also to personal life, where courage helps a person to stand up for a loved one and save him. Cowards can only lose and watch as fortresses give way before true fearlessness.

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