Sound does not work on iPhone 4s. No sound on iPhone - DIY solution to the problem

iPhone headphones often cause criticism from users who notice that they are far from the most flawless products from Apple. However, not in all cases the manufacturer is to blame. We ourselves don’t notice how we make mistakes in the operation of mobile equipment, for example, talking on a headset in the rain, dropping a smartphone, etc.

Most often there is no sound in iPhone headphones for the following reasons:

  1. The headphone jack is loose. All it takes is one day to simply overdo it and press too hard on it - and, as a result, the sound in the headphones is not reproduced.
  2. The bottom train has come off. This is usually due to mechanical damage or moisture getting into the smartphone. In this and the above cases, you are unlikely to be able to solve the problem yourself. Only a professional service center will help restore the functionality of your headphones.
  3. The chip on the board is coming off. Although this is not the most common malfunction, sometimes problems with sound transmission to headphones are associated with this particular problem.
  4. The contacts were shorted due to moisture. The iPhone needs to be properly repaired by a specialist, otherwise corrosion may spread to other hardware components.
  5. Dust, dirt, debris in the headphone jack - all this can also cause the sound to disappear.

In any case, when there is no sound in the iPhone headphones and there are no obvious explanations for this, you should contact a service center. Our workshop will diagnose your device, which will show what the problem is and how it can be quickly resolved.

Recommendations on how to keep iPhone headphones in working condition

If you don’t want to be upset that there is no sound in your iPhone headphones, then handle them more carefully and carefully insert them into the special jack of your smartphone. This should be done softly and smoothly. You should not unnecessarily insert and remove the headphone plug from the socket several times in a row, as this will cause it to wear out faster. Protect your iPhone from any liquid or moisture so that it does not get into the headphone jack. Otherwise, there is a risk of significant malfunctions in the operation of the device.

If the sound in your iPhone headphones still disappears, bring the device to our workshop. We will not only fix it, but also give a guarantee for the repair.

Occasionally, this problem occurs on the iPhone when, when adjusting the volume level, a window appears on the screen with the words “call (headphones)”, but no sound comes through the device’s speakers. This is not at all related to silent mode, if one was enabled on your device. Also, this most likely has nothing to do with the breakage or malfunction of the connector. Next, we will tell you how to solve this problem.

Any headphones with a 3.5 plug will help solve the problem. The procedure is very simple and will not take much time:

Step 1: First of all, remove the case from your iPhone, if you have one.

Step 2: Then free up the headphone jack if it's occupied.

Step 3: Now use compressed air to clean the connector of dust and dirt. You can also use a straw and blow out the dirt with your mouth.

Step 4: Take cotton swab or a toothpick and peel inner part 3.5 connectors from remaining contaminants.

Step 5: Take your headphones and connect them to the jack. Make sure there is sound in the headphones, then unplug them. Repeat the procedure several times if there is no effect. Everything should work correctly.

Why is there a problem with no sound?

There may be several reasons. One of the probable ones is quirks operating system, which mistakenly does not recognize when the headphones are disconnected from the jack and the sound therefore does not switch to the speakers. In addition, over time, the 3.5 connector becomes dirty, which can also lead to unstable work. Mechanical damage caused by moisture cannot be ruled out.

Before contacting a service center, you can try to restore the lost sound on your iPhone or iPad yourself. Such attempts will not take much time and will not harm the device. Of course, they will not help in all cases, but suddenly... So, our selection of “folk” recipes for repairing sound on an iPhone.

First identify the problem
No sound from speakers or headphones?

Check for sound from the device's speaker, then try connecting headphones.

Check the sound
when receiving a call (receiving SMS)
when listening to music
in running applications.
If the sound is consistently audible through the speakers and through headphones, but there are problems with the sound, for example, in applications, then most likely it is a software glitch. Partially missing sound is most likely a software glitch.

1. Turn up the volume
Perhaps you just have the volume turned down.

Turn up the sound using the volume slider. The sound level is adjusted separately for speakers and headphones (when they are connected).

When headphones are connected, an indicator should appear that says “headphones.” If the word “headphones” appears when no headphones are connected, then there is probably a problem with the headphone jack. Try cleaning the headphone jack carefully.

2. Reboot your device
If the volume level is set correctly, but there is still no sound, then restart the device. Maybe this will help.

One of our friends independently found an original solution:
I had sound when listening to music through speakers and headphones, but the sound in applications only worked when headphones were connected.

I solved the problem like this:

I launched the application and inserted headphones. I used the keys to increase the volume and at that moment pulled the headphones out of the socket. The volume began to increase, the sound in the applications started working!

Perhaps resetting the settings will help:

Settings - General - Reset - Reset all settings

The settings will be reset to factory settings, but all information (contacts, notes, music, videos) will remain.

If you have followed the first two points of this article and there is consistently no sound from the speakers, but there is sound from the headphones, then there is a high probability that this is a physical problem.

Try pressing down on the device from the top and bottom of the speaker, tap that part lightly. If the sound appears, then this is a physical problem. You need to contact the service center.

If you are unable to identify the problem, you can try updating the device firmware.

If you have a device with a jailbreak and you installed programs from cydia, then the problems may be related to this. In this case, updating the firmware can also help.

Here's another case - this time main character- iPad
One of my friends had a problem - the sound disappeared on the iPad2, or rather not completely disappeared - AVPlayer successfully showed films with sound, and on the Internet when watching videos there was also sound, but in games and the Crystal TV application (reincarnation of the zombie box) there was complete silence.

The standard advice to restart the iPad did not help - the problem remained. In general, the patient was brought in for a detailed examination. Everything turned out to be incredibly simple - you need to carefully read the documentation!

Surely, you are familiar with the switch, which is located just above the volume rocker on the iPad. For example, I use it to block screen auto-rotation, but by default it is configured to block sound (although, as it turns out, it blocks sound somehow selectively). This is how the “problem” of missing sound on the iPad was easily solved with one swipe of a finger.

You can change the switching behavior in the iPad settings:

This short instruction may also help:

Press the Home button twice. Swipe the multitasking bar with your finger to the right. Notice the speaker icon on the left. Crossed out? Turn it on. On the right is a dynamic volume bar. In what position? Move the slider as far to the right as possible.

And finally, generalized instructions for iPhone and iPad.
If following it does not help, contact the service center; there is nothing you can do on your own.

1. Check that you have the most installed latest version software (firmware). For the first generation iPad it is 5.1.1, for iPad 2 and iPad New (iPad 3) it is 6.0
2. Check that the volume level is not set to minimum. Volume buttons are located on the side of the tablet
3. The iPad's side switch can be used to both lock the screen rotation and mute the volume, if you see a red dot, then it is likely that the sounds have been muted, in which case you need to switch it to the second position.
4. Go to Settings - Music and check that Volume Limit is not enabled
5. Go to the “Settings” - “General” - “Accessibility” menu and make sure that the “mono audio” option is not activated, otherwise disable it.
6. Go to the menu “Settings” - “General” - “Reset” - “Reset all settings”
if after resetting the settings the sound problem is still not solved, then you need to connect the tablet to the computer, create a backup copy using iTunes and restore software iPad using iTunes. (The backup copy contains your personal data, but not program and media library data, so as a result of this procedure, some data may be lost, such as music, programs)

When performing the steps described above, do not forget about backups and remember that you do them at your own peril and risk.

In some cases, after listening to music on an iOS device through headphones, the sound from the speakers completely disappears. Sometimes the device displays a volume icon that does not respond to changes in sound level. The problem is quite rare, but it does happen.

Why does my iPhone think it has headphones connected when it doesn't?

The gist is this: you listen to music on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, take out your headphones and... system notifications, sounds, ringtones are no longer played through the built-in speaker. There may be several reasons, but the most common are the following:

  • Failure occurred when removing the plug from the device.
  • You turned off the headphones while the device was performing internal operations.
  • You used headphones or a headset of poor quality.
  • Problem with the 3.5mm jack.

Software or hardware problem

In fact, not only problems with hardware, but also a failure of the operating system can lead to such an incident. As practice shows, for the vast majority of victims, the problem manifested itself precisely because of a banal mistake. What can you do in this case:

Insert and remove the plugout of the nest headphones. There is a possibility that iOS did not have time to detect that the headphones were removed. If the user suddenly pulls out the plug, the system may continue to believe that they are still connected. Sometimes it is enough to insert and remove the headphones several times for the device to start working normally again.

Connect other headphones. This can really help. If the problem is with the connected accessory. Yes, yes, especially if it costs less than 300 rubles.

The problem of poor quality accessories isn't new, but to make sure it's not just your headphones, it's a good idea to try an alternative.

Restart device. A simple reboot of your device may solve your problem. Coupled with a Chinese headset and a glitch in the OS, it is quite possible that the smartphone will not understand what happened.

Check the headphone jack. If none of the methods above helped you, then it’s time to use the deduction method. What if something got into the iPhone's 3.5mm jack? Various contaminants can lead to short-circuiting of the contacts between the headphones and the smartphone. Take a flashlight and look inside. If something does get in there, you can use a toothpick or cotton swab to clean the connector.

Remember that everyone needs moderation. Pressing with all your might and scraping against the walls is also not the best option.

Restore or update iOS. If there are no problems with either the connector or the system, you can use a more radical method.

Try updating iOS from DFU mode. There is a chance that after the update everything will fall into place. Especially if you had any system tweaks installed.


Third-party software installed from an unofficial Apple store can lead to similar consequences, especially if the user installing the jail is a beginner. In this case, you can try to remove all used tweaks. And if it doesn't help, try the previous steps.

Service center

Unfortunately, if the methods described above did not lead to the desired result, then the last thing that can be recommended is to contact an authorized service center. You should not try to disassemble the device yourself, even if you are confident in your abilities. It often happens that violations are associated with damage to the printed circuit board after exposure to moisture. Some users have reported audio problems after their iPhone has been in water or had liquids spilled on it.