A story on the topic I am Russian. A short story about Russia

Russia (Russia).

Flag of Russia Coat of Arms of Russia

Russia, the largest country in the world, located in the Northern Hemisphere, occupies most of Eurasia. It shares a border with eighteen countries, including the USA and Japan by sea.

From west to east, Russia stretches for 10 thousand kilometers, from north to south - about 4 thousand. The country has 11 time zones.

There are about 2.8 million rivers in Russia, of which the largest are the Volga, Yenisei, Lena, Ob and Amur. The most big lakes: , Ladoga, Onega and Taimyr.

In the northwestern part of Russia there are 2 of the largest European lakes - Ladoga and Onega. In addition, the country has the largest sea in the world - the Caspian, and the deepest on the planet - Baikal, its depth is 1620 meters.

Square- about 17 million km?.

Capital- city . There are 13 megacities in Russia with a population of more than a million people: Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd, Samara, Perm, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Chelyabinsk and Rostov-on-Don.
There are 1,030 cities, 2,153 urban-type settlements and an innumerable number of villages and hamlets in the country.

Population- according to the 2005 census, 143.3 million people, the bulk of whom live in the European part, only 20% of the total population lives beyond the Urals.

Russia has 21 autonomous republics, 6 territories, 49 regions, two cities federal significance, one autonomous region and ten autonomous okrugs.

Russia– one of the most multinational countries in the world - about 160 nationalities and nationalities.

Religion: Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and some other religions.

Official language : Russian.

A rectangular canvas with stripes of the same size, from top to bottom: white, blue and red.

State coat of arms of Russia depicts a double-headed eagle against the background of a red shield.

Russian anthem: music by A. Alexandrov, poetry by S. Mikhalkov.

Currency unit - ruble.

23 historical and cultural site included in the UNESCO World Heritage List: the Kremlin in Moscow along with Red Square, St. Petersburg historical Center, Novgorod monuments, wooden churches in Kizhi and many others.

Geography and Climate of Russia.

About 70% of the country is occupied by plains and lowlands. The largest are the East European plain and the West Siberian Lowland, separated by the Ural Range

The south of the country is mainly mountainous - this is the Caucasus from the very high mountain country, Elbrus, 5642 meters high, Altai and Sayan mountains. The north and east of Siberia and the Far East are occupied by the Sikhote-Alin, Verkhoyansk ridges, Chersky ridge and others.

There are many volcanoes in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands, a quarter of which are still active.

Russia is very rich in forests, almost 40% of the territory is occupied by them, 35 national parks and 84 nature reserves. The fauna is also diverse, in addition to the usual, familiar hares, wolves, foxes and bears, tigers, leopards live in Russia, and in the north there are polar bears, walruses and others.
There are 4 climatic zones passing through Russia: arctic, subarctic, temperate, in which the main part of the country is located, and subtropical.

Temperatures on average in mid-winter range from -50 °C in the coldest regions to +6 °C in the south, and in summer from +1 °C in the north to +25 °C in the south. Precipitation ranges from 150 mm per year in the driest places to 2000 mm, respectively, in the rainiest places.

Main holidays of Russia.

Night from December 31 to January 1 - New Year , the main Russian holiday. Main role Father Frost and Snow Maiden play, handing out gifts that night. The holiday is mainly family-friendly and very fun.

Jan. 7 - An Orthodox xmas . Not as popular as New Year, but still with the departure Soviet Union gain popularity.

Night from 13 to 14 January – old New Year . Unofficial, incomprehensible to foreigners due to the combination of Old and New, and yet celebrated by many.

March 8 - International Women's Day , celebrated for some reason only in the CIS. On this day, some men suddenly decide to wash the dishes after themselves.

May 1st and 2nd - holiday may Day. During the Soviet Union, it was called Workers' Solidarity Day. Unlike March 8, this is real international holiday, celebrated in many countries.

May 9 - over Nazi Germany, a holiday with tears in our eyes, Patriotic War claimed tens of millions of lives.

12 June - Russian Independence Day . Official holiday, not entirely clear to many – from whom exactly is independence.

November 4 - National Unity Day , on this day in 1612, Minin and Pozharsky called on the people to fight the Poles who occupied Moscow.

Goals and objectives:

  1. Develop students' dialogue skills.
  2. Reinforce the concept of citizenship, civic duty, patriotism.
  3. To instill in students a feeling of respect for their country, love for their Motherland.


  • tape recorder, presentations: about the beauty of Russia (based on photographs of the Arkhangelsk region, Yaroslavl, Suzdal, Vladimir, Vologda, etc.), graduate Kuznetsov D., child rescuers, Dyakov Yu.K. – WWII veteran, Ovsyankin E.I. – honorary resident of the city of Arkhangelsk;
  • a music disc with songs about Russia (“I look into the blue lakes”, “How delightful the evenings are in Russia”).

Board design: literary epigraph, exhibition of drawings and photographs of students on the topic “I am a citizen of Russia.”

Progress of the event

Teacher: The theme of our lesson is “I am a Russian,” and let the words of the Russian poet S. Yesenin be the epigraph:

“If the holy army shouts:
“Drop Rus'! Live in paradise!
I will say: “There is no need for heaven,
Give me my homeland!”

Before class time We conducted a small sociological survey which included the following question: “Where would you like to live: in Russia or in another country?” Let's look at the results:

  • Russia – 10.
  • Belarus – 1.
  • Germany – 1.
  • Japan – 1.
  • Italy – 3.
  • England – 3.
  • France – 2.

Teacher: Let's listen to those guys who want to live in the West, in other countries: Tanya Kirilyak (Italy), Ksenia Kruglova (England).

Questions for conversation:

What do you know, for example, about England?

What attracts you to her?

Do you know how England achieved its wealth?

Would it be moral to go there with everything ready?

Is it fair that someone creates wealth for centuries, while others use it?

Teacher: Of course, it’s difficult for you to answer all these questions today, but it doesn’t matter. Today we will not talk about England or Italy, but about the country in which you were born, live, study - about Russia. And I’m glad that the majority of you said that you have no intention of leaving anywhere, that “it’s better at home,” “that Russia will show itself, that they will soon run to us too.”

My great country!
You built yourself up and grew into a man in sorrows.
You sang hymns to beauty,
You loved everyone, forgave everyone,
And about you Holy Rus',
Rumor formed bright legends.
And that's why you were called a saint,
That I was striving for the eternal light,
That I raised my thoughts to God,
That she didn’t vilify anyone,
And you were eager to help everyone.
And she prayed blissfully on the crosses,
And in the goodness of others you understood,
And the crowd of adversaries won,
And ruined, she rose from the ashes,
But you didn’t get down on your knees!

Teacher: Expand the meaning of the expression: “Russia has never kneeled?

(Students' answers.)

Teacher: These are not the easiest times for our country today.

And quite a few people when talking about Russia use the words: “In this country...”.

The meaning is this: how can there be anything good “in this country”?! There is neglect, arrogance, and a sense of one’s own greatness and dignity. After all, by uttering these words, a person hints that in another country he would... Like, I’m so outstanding, but the country let us down!

Over the millennia of Russian history, the majority of people living in “this country”, both in difficult times and in Good times were proud to belong to it. A Russian person could have the most modest abilities and talents. But in certain circumstances, his special properties manifested themselves, which indicated that he was a Russian.

This is evidenced by numerous examples heroic deeds, high citizenship, patriotism, which millions of Russians showed in difficult moments for our country. Among them: doctors, teachers, military personnel, scientists, children. Students talk about different people(accompanied by presentations), examples of their citizenship:

  • military - Dyakov Yu.K.;
  • about the school graduate – Kuznetsov D.;
  • about scientists - Ovsyankin E.I.;
  • about child rescuers.

Teacher: All nations have always valued highly the qualities that, in difficult years, helped society first survive and then develop normally. These are civil, patriotic feelings that do not allow an honest, caring person to calmly look at the troubles of the country, the misfortunes of other people. They encourage us to look for ways to improve life in society and take actions aimed at this.


No feeling for the Motherland
Without a sense of humanity.
Nothing was born from heartlessness.
Love your Motherland like a miracle of infinity,
Like the wind of eternity that touches a wave.
Love your Motherland as your betrothed,
So that she doesn’t feel ashamed for you.
Love your Motherland, but not prudently,
Love your Motherland and only forever.

Teacher: Let's turn to the epigraph of our lesson. What advice did the poet S. Yesenin give to us Russians?

(Students' answers.)

Teacher: And now I invite you to listen unusual work, the epigraph to which can also be considered the words of S. Yesenin. The poem was written by the same students as you, only they lived in a slightly different time - during perestroika, back in the 90s. Well, now the story.



Once upon a time there was a boy. Like all children.
The boy loved his homeland.
Our construction is the best in the whole world.
He was sure of this.

But then everything changed
Perestroika has come to us.
Has become a powerful country
Uncultured and poor.

All products disappear:
Sugar, meat, butter, fruit.
The boy compared the facts
And I decided to go to the States.


“In the States, life is paradise -
Democracy, shit!
Live freely, without a team,
There are videos and jazz bands everywhere!

There I will become a manufacturer,
Ride like a dandy in a limousine.
I wanted to - and immediately “ah!” –
On the Hawaiian Islands.

What to do? Need it quickly
Get your passport from the minister...
The minister had a brother-in-law
I drank tea and drank coffee.

Then his sister came to him,
I brought sturgeon.
And our hero was waiting at the door,
I waited until my brother-in-law had eaten.
So he waited for two weeks,
He will come, relatives are at the door.
Here he sits one day,
Depressed by a sad thought.

And his neighbor asked -
Middle aged visitor:
“What are you, like a rat from a barge,
The one that leaked into the sea.

Listen, I'm older
I know how to save the country!”
A year has passed another one went,
Our hero has changed.
He decided by saying to himself:
“My country needs me more!”

Teacher: How do you understand the boy’s phrase: “My country needs me more!”

(Students' answers.)


Teacher: The words “humanity”, “sincerity”, “modesty”, “bashfulness”, “sense of justice”, “sense of guilt”, “honesty”, “sympathy”, “sense of duty”, “mercy”, “sense of honor” are written on the board ", "sense of responsibility".

Select from the list three feelings of a person that, in your opinion, helped the boy commit a civic act.


I have seen many countries and no worse than hers -
The whole earth is dearly loved by me.
But compare with Russia?... With her my heart,
And she is incomparable for me!

Whose cosmic soul is a bad patriot:
The whole world is the same for me...
I know why my people are strong and weak
I know the meaning of insignificant signs...

Condemning the war, condemning the pogrom,
There is violence against every nationality...

Teacher: Many Russian poets, among whom was S. Yesenin, sang love for their Motherland in their poems. In one of his poems he wrote:

“I love you, gentle Motherland!
And why, I can’t figure out...”

Teacher: Another poet, Vasiliev, also admitted his love for Russia.


I love you, my Russia,
For the clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the holy deeds,
For a voice as clear as a stream...
I love your meadows and fields,
The transparent ringing of your plains,
Willows bending towards the water,
The tops of flaming rowan trees.
I love you and your taiga,
With the thrice-sung reed,
With great Volga river,
With the mighty fast Irtysh.
I love you, I understand you deeply
Steppe the thoughtful sadness.
I love everything that I call
In one broad word “Rus”!

Teacher: It is no secret that many Russian people are leaving our country today. They have many reasons for this: no housing, no work, low wages. They are trying to find happiness in a foreign country. But the Russian people have a proverb for this case: “It’s good where we are not.” Every country has its own problems that cannot be avoided.

Student: Poem “Keep the Fire of the Hearth”:

Keep the fire of your home hearth
And don’t covet other people’s fires -
Our ancestors lived by this law
And they bequeathed to us through the centuries:
Keep the fire of your home!
Cherish a piece of your father's land,
No matter how swampy, no matter how rocky it is,
Don’t reach for clean black soil,
What others have gained before you.
Cherish a piece of your father's land!
And if the enemy decides to take away
The field cultivated by your labor,
Not according to the page they taught at school,
You will know what you stand for
You will know what you stand for.

Teacher: Did you know that many foreigners want to obtain Russian citizenship, and there are many more of them than those Russian people who are in a hurry to leave Russia.

Student: So what attracts foreigners to our country?

1. Business. For example, Russian entrepreneurs are not very keen to develop their business in Western countries. The market there is filled with everything you can think of. And the profit is not very high, since the government charges a very high tax. But Russia for many Western entrepreneurs is a bottomless and boundless market. And our taxes are low compared to the West.

2. High level of education. Russian high school students have repeatedly shown brilliant results at international olympiads in mathematics, physics, and history. Vocational education is also well established in our country. Pay attention to how many foreign students study at universities even in our city, not to mention Moscow and others.

3. Development of science. After all, it was our country that launched the first artificial satellite into space; the first person to fly into space is a citizen of our country - Yu. A. Gagarin; the first nuclear ship was launched, etc.

Thus, we can be proud of the successes of our Motherland - Russia.

Pupil: Poem “Russia – you are a great power”:

Russia, you are a great power,
Your spaces are infinitely large.
You have crowned yourself with glory for all ages.
And you have no other way.
The lake captivity crowns your forests.
A cascade of ridges in the mountains hides dreams.
The river flow cures thirst,
And the native steppe will give birth to bread.
We are proud of your cities.
From Brest to Vladivostok the path is open.
The glorious capital crowns you,
And St. Petersburg preserves history.
In your land of wealth there is an inexhaustible stream,
The path to your treasures lies for us.
How little we still know about you.
There is so much we have to study.

Teacher: Our country throughout thousand years of history fought for the right to be considered throughout the world. And today it is a powerful power whose opinion is listened to by dozens of countries. Not a single issue, not a single problem of an international nature can be resolved without the participation of Russia. But let's return to the topic of our class hour and summarize.

They say that a true patriot his Motherland, a true Russian passionately loves his Motherland. But what is the Motherland?

Student: Poem "Motherland":

If they say the word “Motherland”,
Immediately comes to mind
an old house, there are currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate,
A modest birch tree by the river
And a chamomile hillock...
And others will probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard.
The first boats are in the puddles,
Where was the skating rink recently?
And a large neighboring factory
Loud, joyful whistle.
Or the steppe is red with poppies,
Virgin gold...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!

(Z. Alexandrova)

Teacher: How do you answer this question in your questionnaires: The Motherland is my “fortress”, this is the country where I was born and live, motherland, this is the city of Arkhangelsk, Russia, my home, this is a place where it is always sincere, good and warm, where you are loved and waited for.

Teacher: When you say the word “Motherland,” what can you immediately imagine?

Answers from the questionnaires:

  • poster “The Motherland is Calling”;
  • the place where I live
  • Arkhangelsk,
  • something familiar, we will always remember her;
  • flag, Birch Grove, blue sky, rivers, forests, open spaces, daisies, birds.

Student: Poem “Where does the Motherland begin?”:

Where does the Motherland begin?
From the smiles and tears of mothers;
From the path the boys walked,
From home to school doors.

From birch trees that have stood for centuries
On a hill in my father's land,
With a desire to touch with your hands
My beloved land.

Where does our Fatherland end?
Look - you won’t see the boundaries,
In the fields the horizon expands
With a flash of distant lightning.

And at night in its blue seas
A wave lulls the stars.
There is no end - there is no end for Russia;
It is boundless, like a song.

So what are you, Motherland?
Fields in the copses of dawn.
Everything seems very familiar,
And you look and your heart burns.

And it seems: you can take a running start
Take off without fear of heights,
And a blue star from the sky
Get it for your native country.

(K. Ibryaev)

Teacher: Of course, you can notice that there is a lot of ugliness and unrest around, there is not enough housing, terrible living conditions for our citizens, there are many beggars and unemployed. What is all this, too, the Motherland? And all this must be loved?

This is very difficult questions. It is impossible to love the unrest and ill-considered decisions of the leadership of your country. But a citizen of the Fatherland, not loving all this, experiences the pain and difficulties of his Motherland as his own troubles. A real Russian will not sit idly by. He acts because he understands that without his actions nothing will change.

Your answers confirm that you are not indifferent to the fate of Russia.

Your wishes to your beloved Motherland (from the questionnaires).

I wish my Motherland:

  • to be the most educated;
  • culturally developed country;
  • a mighty power;
  • the best country, successful in everything;
  • the purest, so that she would be proud of her people;
  • progressive;
  • the strongest, richest, most protected.

I don't want:

  • the country was at war;
  • faded;
  • lagged behind other countries;
  • there was a crisis;
  • was poor;
  • was unnecessary to anyone;
  • has become a country of drug addicts, alcoholics and uneducated people.

When I grow up, I want:

  • contribute to the development of my country;
  • plant a lot of trees;
  • success for your country;
  • help the Motherland;
  • help the country become the first;
  • so that my Motherland is proud of me.

I am grateful to my Motherland for the fact that:

  • i live in Russia;
  • born here;
  • she gave me life;
  • that people in our country are trying to preserve cultural monuments;
  • she is;
  • gives me free education, decent life;
  • great attention is given to children.

And finish our Classroom hour I would like in words Ukrainian poet T. G. Shevchenko:
“Those who do not have love for their native country are crippled and poor at heart.”

Russia is a great country and only the lazy do not know the history of its origin, development and formation. It covers an area of ​​about 17 million kilometers. The country is located in the Northern Hemisphere and most of the continent of Eurasia belongs to her. Russia has common borders with eighteen countries, including by sea. At sea we border the USA and Japan.

In Russia a large number of reservoirs, rivers, lakes. If we talk about quantity, this figure will be about 2.8 million rivers. The most big rivers, flowing through the territory of Russia: Volga, Yenisei, Don, Ob ​​and Lena. And only in our country there is the most clear lake and deep on earth - Baikal. Russia has the largest sea in the world - the Caspian.

The capital of Russia is the city of Moscow, the infrastructure is developed here, the city is rich in its history.

The country has a large number of megacities. Their population exceeds one million people.

Russia is a country in which a large number of nationalities coexist peacefully. The approximate number is 160 nationalities. Each nationality professes its own religion. Therefore, in Russia you can meet Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews and many other different religions.
The country includes autonomous republics(22), edges (9).

Russian is the official language of the country.

The flag of Russia has three colors: white, blue and red. Sitting majestically on the coat of arms of Russia double headed eagle, which faces west and east.
There are places in Russia that are included in the UNESCO heritage. And there are quite a few of them. You can highlight Red Square, Monuments of Novgorod, wooden churches built in Kizhi, St. Petersburg Historical Center.

Geography of the country

Almost 70% of the country's territory is lowland. In the south of the country there are mainly mountains and the most high mountain Elbrus (5642 meters). North, east of Siberia and Far East are represented by the Verkhoyansk and Sikhote-Alin ridges. There are a large number of volcanoes in Kamchatka, some of which remain active today.

I am a citizen great country- Russia. It is the largest state in the world in terms of territory. It was created not only by the Russian people, but also by one hundred and eighty other peoples, large and small. The Russian language became a single common language for them.

Russia has existed for several centuries. Now it's called Russian Federation, and before it was the center of the Soviet Union. The Russian Empire existed even earlier.

My country is famous in the world for its natural resources: minerals, forests, for example. My state is also known for its scientific, space and military achievements. And people from all over the world read the books of Russian classic writers.

As a citizen of Russia, I have my own civil rights. No one has the right to offend me, take away my property, or humiliate my human dignity. My state is obliged to protect me if this happens and punish the offender. They say that in my country this is now difficult to achieve, but it is still possible.

In turn, I must respect my responsibilities as a citizen. You need to respect the laws of your country, otherwise visitors will not respect them either. And I must also behave humanely and culturally in relation not only to my compatriots. We need to welcome guests from other countries here kindly so that Russia is not thought badly of. It is also my responsibility to behave well abroad, so as not to disgrace my homeland there. I need to wear the title of Russian with pride, and then other people will also respect me.

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Municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school №48

140032 Malakhovka village, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region, Komsomolskaya str., 4, tel. 501-42-18, fax 501-45-00


On the topic: “I am Russian”

11th grade students

Eremina Anna

When I hear the word “Russia,” I imagine vast expanses that draw me to the horizon, snow and the inevitable sun above it, the smell of fires in the morning fog, where I can hear the rustling of blossoming apple trees, and even larger yellow sunflowers in the south of Kuban, and completely discolored, brown autumn leaves, covered with the first fragile and prickly snow, now, at this minute, near my house... And also Tyutchev and Fet, Tolstoy, Pushkin and Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky, Shishkin and for some reason Kandinsky. Gagarin's flight and the Great Patriotic War. But these are just ideas, associations. The real Russia is much richer. Russia, which goes back centuries and has been brought to our shores today by the broad passage of time. My Russia. That Russia that changes us, and we, in turn, are still able to change it. The feeling of your country is a feeling that needs to be cultivated in yourself. After all, sitting at home with a cup of coffee, it is difficult to understand the events that decide the fate of the state, and therefore your fate - everything in the world is interconnected. Coffee can be drunk in any country. And you can feel unity with your people only in your own state. One’s own country is a feeling of something big and great. This year, on May 9, I attended perhaps the most youth action dedicated to Victory Day. A thousand young people gathered on the alley in front of Sokolniki Park to express their gratitude to the liberators from fascism. The action was called: “Thank you.” The essence of the action was that people whose age ranged from 14 to 25 years old lined up in an organized manner to say “Thank you.” Veterans passed by, and we shouted words of gratitude to them. But the most stunning view was from a bird's eye view, where the entire word was visible. To see this, the veterans were invited to go up to the 17th floor near the building. No faces were visible from there, but everyone was a piece of one big gratitude. I myself felt some kind of consciousness of unity in the air, a sense of duty and joy, because we did it. We, the younger generation, said our word against the war, our word for life and peace, our thanks to our heroes.

05/09/2009 "Thank you" campaign. View from a telecopter.

But there is still small homeland where love begins big country. The place where we grew up remains in our hearts forever and influences us in many ways. My small homeland is Malakhovka, and in Malakhovka there is something that shapes us, our character – school. In the village of Malakhovka near Moscow, not far from the railway station of the same name, an ancient two-story building, architecture from the very beginning of the 20th century, rises above a ravine. It’s ancient, not old, because life is always in full swing there, there are a lot of children. The spirit of knowledge and creativity is in the air. This is a school. At first, you might think that this school is no different from the others, of which there are a great many in the country. The offices, the buffet, the library, although they do not look very old, you immediately feel how many generations have grown up, learned, and been educated here. But everything is still so alive and real that you can hardly believe that this school recently, namely in December 2008, turned 100 years old. 100 years - a whole century, an era! It would seem that the school should have ossified long ago, the classrooms should have been empty, and the teachers should have lost enthusiasm. But no, the school is alive and does not stop in its development, and at the same time there are traditions in it. Entire generations were educated in this school; teachers remember the parents of today's students. Many teachers studied at this school and then came to work here. Alumni still come to the school to visit teachers, many of whom help with events. This was the case at the school’s centenary. It was a holiday that brought everyone together: teachers, students of past years and current ones, and just residents of Malakhovka came. They came because it is impossible to remain indifferent to such a phenomenon as school. But still, at the beginning of the century the school had higher value for society. The school was an achievement of progress, social thought. I think that in creating a school important role The place itself, Malakhovka, where many cultural figures had their dachas, also played a role. Once upon a time here in summer time lived A.P. Chekhov, I.I. Levitan, taught children M.Z. Chagall. Progressive, highly educated people lived in Malakhovka; cultural and spiritual life was very high level. In order for the school to be built, the whole world raised funds in Malakhovka and sold tickets for performances held at the Malakhovsky Summer Theater, in which artists from the Maly Theater played. But money is only part of the story. It was difficult to obtain permission to open the school. Firstly, at that time there were not even schools in every city, let alone villages. Secondly, there was no way for the village residents to raise funds to build two schools (for boys and girls), and coeducational schools for children of both sexes were then unheard of. To resolve this issue, writer N.D. Teleshov and doctor M.S. Leonenko went to see the Minister of Public Education L.A. Casso. After much persuasion, Casso gave his consent. And on July 30, 1908, an order was received “on the construction of the first non-urban gymnasium in Russia for the joint education of children of both sexes” in Malakhovka. And the school turned from dreams and plans into reality.

Malakhovskaya school No. 48. Our days.

Every day, while going about our worries, we do not always remember our country and identify ourselves with it. We're just living. But if we manage to feel like something more, at least thanks to the feeling of unity with our country and people, then our life takes on a completely different meaning, a different sound. Probably, your own state is when you are not alone, there are many of you. Like every phenomenon in the world, every country has something good and bad. It's the same in Russia. The notorious statistics note in Lately an increase in drug consumption, intensification of interethnic conflicts, a decline in the level of education, a birth rate that does not outweigh the death rate. These are all the problems that the nation, the whole people, and therefore each of us have to solve, if we want the concept of “Russians” not to become just historical and disappear. But I think we can handle it. "Go Russia!" - this is the name of the article by President D.A. Medvedev, who, paying attention to many problems, cannot help but believe in the future of such a great and powerful country as Russia. But I feel like a Russian not only because I simply love Russia, that I was born here, that I feel it in many things, from my school to participation in an action that has a national character. I am also tied to Russia by some inexplicable sense of duty to my Motherland. I hope that I will carry this feeling in my soul through many years, and then the concept that I am a citizen of my country will be filled with high meaning.