When to change the clock to daylight saving time. What is rhythm mismatch

Every year, approximately 100 countries around the world change their clocks to improve their use of daylight and save energy. This transition occurs twice a year - in spring and autumn. To do this, on the last Sunday in March, clocks are moved forward an hour relative to the time in force in this time zone. And every last Sunday in October, the hands go back an hour, resuming standard time.

Will clocks be changed in 2015 in Russia?

At the end of the first spring month, many Russians are concerned about the important question “Do the clocks change to summer time this year?". According to the order of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, on March 27, 2011, Russians moved their clocks forward an hour and finally switched to constant time - “summer time”. Nevertheless, this innovation was a fiasco, because in fact this time calculation did not correspond to the geographical one. Thus, in some regions of Russia, “summer” time was ahead of standard time by an hour, and in some - by as much as two.

This discrepancy with geographical time caused many problems and inconveniences. Therefore, in 2014, it was decided to change the current time system, and on the night of October 26, in 80 of the 85 regions of the country, the clock hands were moved back an hour. Thus, Russians in last time switched to “winter” time, which has now become permanent. In other words, we are not changing the clocks in the spring of 2015.

When do clocks change in other countries?

In 2015, most countries in Europe, America and Asia will move the time forward an hour, that is, to “summer” time on the night of March 28-29. The transition to “winter” time in most countries of the world will occur on the last Sunday of October - on the night of the 24th to the 25th. What time should you change the clock at night? The official time change occurs at 3 am.

Why do they change the time on the clock?

Even in ancient civilizations it was practiced rational use daylight hours. So, for example, in Ancient Rome the day was divided into 12 parts, regardless of its duration. For this purpose, the famous Roman water clock had special marks that were different for each month of the year. So, in winter one “hour” lasted only 44 minutes, and in summer - as much as 75.

IN modern history The first to introduce “summer” time was Benjamin Franklin, who considered it an unacceptable waste to use more candles in winter. After him, J. Hudson and W. Ulliet came up with the same idea. But on a global scale, clocks were switched to “summer” time for the first time only during the First World War, which, undoubtedly, was associated with the urgent need to save energy resources.

But as recent studies by psychophysiologists have shown, a constant change in the calculation of time in a negative way affects people's health. The main danger is the disruption of natural biological rhythms. This restructuring is especially harmful for older people, in particular those suffering from cardiovascular and neurological diseases. Even a young body needs long-term adaptation to the “new” time. It is for this reason that many countries have over time abandoned the unnatural transition, and their citizens no longer worry about when, where and at what time it is necessary to change the clocks.

Residents of Russia will not have to change their clocks this time, since a year ago, according to Russian Federation switched to permanent winter time. Also not happening changing clocks to winter time 2015 in Crimea, DPR and LPR, since these regions are on this moment use Moscow time.

As has already been explained many times, this measure is being taken in order to save the country’s energy resources. After all, as we know, in winter there is very little daylight in the day, and accordingly, electricity consumption increases significantly. And changing the clock to winter time will save energy resources.

How will the transition to winter time affect our health?

At first glance, such a transition should only have a positive effect, because we have at least an hour left to get enough sleep in the morning. But no, because, as doctors say, when we switch to winter time, our body does not have time to readjust, which is why our sleep and performance are disrupted. After all, the body of each person depends on changing cycles sun rays, which means when it starts to get dark outside, our activity begins to drop, and vice versa, as soon as it dawns, our body is awake. And any changes during this period will be a strong burden on our body.

Among other things, in winter it begins to get dark earlier, so our body requires rest. However, mostly all the people are still working. This is also an additional test for our body.

How to adapt your body to the transition to winter time

In order to easily survive this period and not change your daily routine, you need to prepare for the time change in advance and then every morning you will feel more cheerful and do your work more productively and efficiently. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  • 3-4 days before the clock change, try to go to bed and, accordingly, get up a little later. During this time, you will be able to adapt to the change in regime;
  • In the morning, tightly curtain the windows so that daylight does not leak into the room, and when you wake up, make sure that there is enough light in the house;
  • try to do exercises during daylight hours, and best of all, in the very morning, but in the evening you don’t need to immediately run to the TV or computer, it’s better to take an extra walk fresh air, and at home you can devote time to your hobby.

In general, during this period it is necessary to overload yourself with unnecessary information as little as possible, this includes TV, social media, games and so on. When switching to winter time, carefully ensure that your body receives all the vitamins and microelements it needs. After all, your body needs resources to maintain immunity and the healthy functioning of all organ systems.

We are all accustomed to setting our clocks back and forth twice a year. That is why many people are interested in the question of whether clocks will be changed to winter time in Russia in 2015.

The clock was first changed in 1908 in Great Britain. Regarding our country (USSR), the Council of National Commissars first issued a decree on the transfer of points in 1930.

Until 2014, clocks in our country were changed twice a year: to winter time in October, and to summer time at the end of March.

If you look at the research of the Ministry of Health, you will notice that almost half of our population (50%) experiences some discomfort due to the clock change.

That is why in 2011 the government of our country decided not to touch the arrows anymore. In 2014, on October 26, the clocks were moved back an hour for the last time. Summer time is history, but winter time remains with us forever.

This is due to the fact that frequent time transitions lead to disruptions in the human body and also disrupt the functioning of nervous system. It should be recalled that already in the spring the Russians did not move the hands of their clocks.

That is why in the fall of 2015 there is no need to change the time. On the territory of Ukraine there is still a tradition of moving clocks back and forth twice a year.

Daylight saving time usually changes on the last Sunday in October at 4 am. So, on the territory of Ukraine, the time transition will occur on the night of October 25, 2015.

The issue of changing clocks in October 2015 became very topical, as completely contradictory information was published on the Internet. Those who regularly watch the news remember that in the fall of 2014, the last ever change of clocks to winter time was announced. The Russian government responsibly stated that there will be no more manipulations with time.

When was time change first introduced?

Initially, they began to change time in Europe. This was necessary to save resources due to the First World War. The reform was received quite well, since in winter, when daylight hours decreased, people could go longer without lighting. At the same time, in the summer the work schedule was also tailored to the needs of peasants and workers. It got dark an hour later, and dawned quite early.

In 1917, a system of summer and winter time was introduced in Russia. It was used until 2011. Then a decree abolishing the transition to an hour back and forth, signed by the current President Dmitry Medvedev, came into force. Similar initiatives have been tried before, for example, in 1991.

In 2019, there will be no switches, as the country has switched to standard time and the need for constant transitions has disappeared.

Benefits of winter time

Residents of Russia last changed their clocks in mid-autumn 2014. Then the clock hands were moved back 60 minutes - and according to the season, the time became winter. It is valid on the territory of our country and in currently. Now there are no prerequisites that a different time will be introduced or the time change will be returned twice a year, as was the case before.

From an astronomical point of view, the current calculation is closest to the natural astronomical regime of day and night. From a physiological standpoint, it is closest to human biorhythms. Therefore, it was worthwhile to focus on it from the very beginning. However, in 2011, summer daylight hours were mistakenly chosen as the final daylight regime. This had a negative impact on the health and well-being of Russians.

Why daylight saving time is not suitable for people

Changing the clocks initially meant moving the hands twice a year, but after the start of the reform it was decided to stick to the summer version. People's immunity was primarily affected by this. Doctors recorded an increase in the number of colds, and there was also a fairly serious outbreak of influenza throughout the country. This was due to a significant decrease in immunity.

The reason for this was the shortage sunlight, especially in the morning. Waking up with the first rays of the sun is a natural process for a person. Sunlight activates all body systems. It fills people with energy, puts them in a working mood and gives them vigor. If there is not enough morning sunlight, the human psyche and immunity will suffer first. Due to the reduction in daylight hours, people also experience a decrease in mood.

Experts also recommended making the start of classes in schools and other educational institutions half an hour later. Such a transfer of time will not be complete, but in the fall and winter this initiative would be useful for increasing concentration and, accordingly, increasing academic performance. Possible change in call schedule educational institutions will be the next time-related reform.

Why are doctors against seasonal time?

From a medical point of view, the current state of affairs (in 2019) is ideal. In summer, there is enough sunlight for the synthesis of vitamin D, and in winter, the start of the working day occurs at the time when it begins to get light outside.

Changing clocks can cause desynchronosis and it can take up to a month to adapt to the change to seasonal time. In addition to standard inconveniences - delays and loss of orientation in time - constant changes can cause:

  • disturbances in sleep and rest patterns in both adults and children;
  • the need to reconsider your lifestyle (even changing your comfortable biorhythm);
  • exacerbation of nervous and cardiovascular diseases in older people.

Indeed, according to statistics, the number of heart attacks and strokes in late March and October dropped significantly after the time change was abolished. For example, in 2017 the mortality rate in spring months decreased significantly. It is not yet known whether the autumn will be as successful in terms of illness and mortality, but overall the situation has become more positive.

What is rhythm mismatch

All of the negative aspects listed above are caused by a mismatch in human biological rhythms. In 2017, large-scale studies of this physiological deviation were carried out. Each person has his own specific mode of sleep and alertness in which he lives most comfortably. Residents of megacities and just people who work or study very often “break” their biorhythm and adjust it to the required activity schedule.

To date, three types of biological rhythms have been identified. All people are divided into the following groups:

  • "owls" - active in the evening and late at night, therefore they prefer to go on vacation late and get up closer to lunch time;
  • “larks” - active during daylight hours, so they prefer to wake up with sunrise and fall asleep early;
  • “pigeons” are people, for some reason, who combine both of the above groups.

The last type of people with a floating or artificially adjusted schedule are the most vulnerable from a medical point of view. Their sleep and rest patterns are most often dictated by circumstances, and therefore are not optimal. In 2019, life will become easier for such people, since they no longer need to manipulate the translation of the arrows. It is easier to endure the change of seasons and changes in daylight hours not only for “pigeons”, but also for “larks”, since winter time is the most physiological for them.

Almost all Russians have experienced the consequences of rhythm mismatch:

  • increasing irritability;
  • low performance;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased concentration;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The transition to winter/summer time is a process familiar to many countries. For many years, Russians, Ukrainians and other nations moved their clocks forward or backward twice a year. The reason for this is the desire to save government money. budget and normalize the synchronicity of human biorhythms with time periods.

Will clocks change to winter time in Russia in 2015? On October 26, 2014, the Russians moved the clocks back an hour for the last time. In the spring of 2015, this procedure was no longer repeated, because summer time was considered unacceptable due to the large gap with biological time. When do the clocks change to winter time in Russia 2015? In 2015, Russia will not switch to winter time.

Winter time is optimal for the usual lifestyle of the average person. But this is far from the only reason such a decision. The refusal to switch to daylight saving time is also dictated by:

  • disorders of the nervous system and sleep patterns due to frequent transitions;
  • children's difficulty enduring the dark hours of the morning;
  • failure in the stability of the usual way of life;
  • danger for the elderly and patients with cardiovascular diseases;
  • general negative influence such on human health.
  • Fortunately, the government has reached a consensus and henceforth the position of the hand on the clock will not be deliberately changed. Clocks no longer change to daylight saving time. In 2015, Russia will remain on winter time. However, nothing should be surprising. The State Duma loves to improve the lives of ordinary people.

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