Jackie Chan what happened to him. Filmography: films starring Jackie Chan


The genius manifests itself immediately. Even before he was born, Jackie showed how unusual he was. The mother was pregnant with him for almost 12 months until she went to the doctor, who gave her C-section. Jackie's weight at birth was 5 kilograms 400 grams.

Jackie Chan's real name is Chan Kong San. However, he says his father was something of a spy and changed the family name. And thus, Jackie's real name is Fong See Lung.

It's no secret that after birth, parents wanted to sell little Jackie the British obstetrician who delivered the baby. Jackie himself says that if he had been sold, he would now most likely live in the UK, speak English and not speak Chinese. And perhaps he would work as a doctor.

Jackie's childhood nickname was Big Nose. Once Angry school teacher broke his nose with a cane, after this incident they began to call him that.

Despite the fact that Jackie is Chinese, he cannot write or read Chinese well. In his house on bookshelves there are CDs, film magazines, video cassettes, but very few books. And all because at the Peking Opera school there were almost no classes in grammar and reading, and, if there were, the guys didn’t listen to anything and went about their own business. Already in mature age Jackie is studying Chinese and, at the same time, English.

Jackie is the only person in the Hong Kong film industry who has won the right to independence from the triads.

In 1976, Jackie had eye enlargement surgery. This happened during the filming of Drunken Master. While performing a stunt, he unsuccessfully fell from the table onto the floor and injured his eye. At the hospital they stitched him up using electricity (Jackie said, “No needles”). And when the eye healed, it turned out to be wider than the other. And then the doctor advised me to have cosmetic surgery.

Jackie's workout takes 3 hours daily and includes: running - 3-5 miles (8 kilometers), push-ups, squats, weight lifting (for each body part) and developing basic martial arts movements. However, he does not follow any diet; he eats everything. He loves fish and vegetables; he tries not to eat meat, because he knows that the next day he will have to run 20 minutes longer.

The three basic rules that Jackie adheres to in his films are as follows: play only heroes who become such by accident, under the influence unforeseen circumstances; there must be someone in the film who needs his protection: a girl, a child or old man; and most importantly, in all film adaptations he must remain himself, that is, small, nimble and funny.

Jackie always works only with his own stunt team, which he formed in 1985 after filming Police Story, when so many of the stuntmen working with him got hurt and none of them wanted to work with him anymore. Now he employs 16 stuntmen, who after 10-15 years of work become martial arts directors. Jackie is personally involved in training the healthy and paying for the treatment of the disabled and completely trusts his guys.

Jackie is an incredible workaholic. Before performing any trick, he is, of course, scared, but as soon as he hears the word: “Motor!”, he forgets about everything. And when the trick works, he is ready to sing with happiness, even if he is injured.

Jackie is not that brave. When performing stunts, he is often very scared (just remember “ Police story"). But the worst thing in Jackie’s life is hospitals, doctors, and especially injections. He is very afraid of them. He is not afraid of breaking an arm or a leg, but as soon as he thinks that after this he needs to go to the hospital, he becomes terrified. And when she gets to the hospital, Jackie doesn’t pay attention to anything. He is only interested in three things: what happened, how serious it is and what will be done with him next.

None Insurance Company does not take on the same risk as insuring Jackie Chan.

When filming films in Hong Kong, city residents send a commission to check Jackie's honesty.

There is no violence in Jackie's films, erotic scenes, swearing appears only where it is comical and there is almost no blood. He is proud of this and says that his films are watched by many children and women, so he cannot and does not want to afford this.

Jackie sleeps 4-5 hours a day.

Jackie appeared in almost 80 films as an actor, 11 as a stuntman, 15 as a director and 11 as a producer.

Jackie never tells his mother, who is over 80, that something happened to him. This was the case in 1985, when Jackie suffered his most serious injury. However, while he was in the hospital, rumors still reached his mother. Jackie tried to assure her that all the talk about the hospital was a publicity stunt, but her mother did not fall for it and asked to see the scar. “I showed her a completely different place, she believed it and still doesn’t know the truth,” Jackie laughs.

Jackie considers “Police Story” to be his best film, and “Meteor Killer” and “Kill with Intrigue” to be his worst.

The only Asian to have the honor of being sculpted for the Museum wax figures Madame Tussauds - Jackie Chan. However, he asked to be molded not in some fighting pose, but in an ordinary, friendly one. Firstly, it will be difficult for wax Jackie to stand, for example, on one leg for several centuries, and, secondly, people will be afraid to approach him.

Jackie is the owner of a modeling agency called Jackie's Angels, an animal rights activist, a partner in the Planet Hollywood restaurant chain, an honorary doctorate from several universities, a plenipotentiary of the Hong Kong Tourism Association, an organizer of charity events including an annual car race, an honorary citizen of Seoul, and an honorary citizen of Seoul. built several large ones at his own expense cultural centers in Hong Kong, participated in a demonstration against video pirates, the popular drink Bobo Tea in Hong Kong carries the Jackie Chan Product label and much, much more.

Jackie pays great attention to charity. At first, he simply donated gifts and money to boarding schools and orphanages, and then created the Jackie Chan Foundation, adopted 10 orphans, took custody of 50 Chinese children living abroad, supports several university scholarship students, paid for the treatment of several sick children cancer, funds the Jackie Chan Hospital and makes contributions to the Kung Fu Schools Foundation.

The name Jackie is associated not only with the fact that he is the only actor who performs all the stunts without doubles and does almost all the work on film set, but also that during filming he set one record, which is still held in the Guinness Book of Records. On the set of the movie Dragon Lord, Jackie had to kick a small ball at a two-inch target from a distance of 6 meters. This three-second scene required 1,600 takes and 2 days of filming.

In May 1995, Jackie received the MTV Award for Achievement in World Cinema. The unusual thing was that Jackie got the award only thanks to Quentin Tarantino, who refused to host the ceremony unless two conditions were met. Prize for creative contribution Jackie Chan will be awarded the film award, and the award will be presented to him by Quentin himself.

It's no secret to fans that Jackie Chan is not only an actor, but also a singer. He already has 10 albums to his credit. But few people know that his favorite song is “Ocean Deep”. Jackie says he likes slow songs because they give him a chance to practice his English.

IN free time Jackie enjoys hunting, fishing, bowling and gambling. Moreover, it doesn’t matter to him what it is: mahjong, billiards, dominoes or something else. The main thing is excitement and play. One day, while playing dominoes, he bet HK$120,000. This was in the seventies, and the amount was 3 months' rent for his apartment. But Jackie's greatest passion is cars.

Jackie is a good housekeeper. And today’s youth teaches this. He has no servants, he does all the housework himself, and washes his own socks and underwear. When leaving the hotel, he certainly takes the remaining soap, wraps it in a bathing cap and takes it with him.

In November 1999, Jackie gave birth to her second child, an illegitimate daughter from former Miss Asia 90 Helen Ng. Jackie publicly confessed and repented of what he had done and said that, no matter what, he loved his wife and son more than anyone in the world.

Jackie is a temperamental person. This can be seen at least from the fact that he cannot calmly talk about himself, his films and stunts. While expressing his thoughts, he actively gestures and pronounces sounds such as: “Ki-y-ya” and “Pah-pah-pah.”

Jackie Chan's favorite actor and idol is Buster Keaton. Many tricks of this American comedian he borrowed for his films. One of the most memorable is the jump from the clock tower in the movie “Project A”.

Jackie has been to Russia 2 times. The first was in January-February 1996. Here he filmed several episodes of the film “First Strike”. Filming took place on Red Square and in Krylatskoye. The second time Jackie came to Moscow was on October 16, 2000, for just a day, as part of the promotional tour for the film Shanghai Noon.

On Jackie’s first visit to Russia, he really liked our markets. They are so huge and there are a lot of interesting things on them. But what impressed him the most were the barn locks, which he bought a whole bunch of and now have in his office.

Jackie Chan does not drink not only alcohol, but also coffee. He also doesn't smoke.

Jackie has a small house by Hollywood standards in Beverly Hills, which he bought in 1998 for $3 million. The house has 4 bedrooms, 4 fireplaces, a huge garage and a swimming pool.

Jackie loves and respects her fans and admirers very much and always listens to their opinions.

Jackie's height is 172.5 centimeters.

Jackie Chan's motto: “There is no fear, there are no understudies, there are no equals.”

Jackie wants to be remembered even after he stops acting. But not as a guy who could swing a big leg, but as Buster Keaton or Fred Astaire are remembered, so that he was respected in the same way as them. And if a small reference to the name of Jackie Chan appears in some encyclopedia, that will be enough for him.

Jackie Chan's office is located at: International The Jackie Chan Group, 145, Waterloo Road, Loon Tong, Hong Kong.

Jackie, having achieved almost everything he dreamed of, wishes himself only good health. And we will join him with all our hearts.

In fact, his name is Chen Gansheng, or Chan Kongsan - the transcriptions are different. Zhen was born in Hong Kong, his parents fled there from China from political persecution: his father was a secret agent of the Kuomintang Party, and when the Communists won, he had to hide from them. There is information that my mother, in turn, sold opium - an extremely interesting family, in a word. But in Hong Kong we had to start everything from scratch, there was no money. Dad became a cook at the French embassy, ​​mom became a maid.

The son was actively involved in kung fu - his dad taught him, because the boy was running around the house like crazy, he had to spend his energy somewhere. From primary school he was expelled - he studied poorly! And the parents were generally forced to move to Canberra, Australia - for the same political reasons. There, dad actually went to work at the US Embassy, ​​also as a cook. And he left his son... in his homeland. At the Peking Opera School, which is part of the Chinese theater academy. There, besides acting, taught martial arts!

The beginning of a film career

Jackie Chan became close with the kids from school, with whom he founded the show group “Three Brothers.” He became an extra in a number of films, including some with Bruce Lee. And since Chinese opera had lost popularity and it was pointless to work in his specialty, he had to choose between physical labor and the work of a stuntman - Chan could do nothing else. But from the film stuntman a string of roles stretched out - in “ To the little tiger from Kwantung", for example, he played under the pseudonym Chan Yunlong.

Photo: Pinterest

Life in Australia

At some point he moved to his parents in order to still get an education. At Dixon College he was given a normal high school education at an accelerated pace. At the construction site where he worked part-time, he was nicknamed Jackie, as he was the partner of a more experienced builder named Jack. Life in Australia for the newly-minted Jackie was not at all pleasing, but thanks to stunt tricks, Chan got the opportunity to return to Hong Kong and start acting in serious films.

World fame

Photo: Pinterest

Jackie Chan's Stunt Team, formed in 1983, brought the actor a World Academy of Stuntman Taurus Award and a solid film team. Success in America came in the nineties, after Rumble in the Bronx. For example, the MTV Movie Awards! And “Rush Hour” with Chris Tucker became a film “for the whole world”, perhaps the highest grossing of the year. In the 2000s he returned to Hong Kong, where immensely successful films were released. In 2012, he came to the Cannes Film Festival and said that he would no longer engage in action films: it was time to start taking care of his body!

Jackie Chan and other art

He released as many as twenty albums - he sang in Mandarin, Taiwanese, Cantonese, English language and even in Japanese! He also sang official song preparation for Summer Olympic Games 2008. By the way, he wrote four autobiographical books! And, by the way, he produces clothes. And cookies. And chocolate.

Photo: Pinterest

And not so long ago he became an actor. It’s wonderful that at his age he really, having begun to “take care of his body,” allows himself the joys of life! So have a long summer!

The genius manifests itself immediately. Even before he was born, Jackie showed how unusual he was. The mother was pregnant with him for almost 12 months until she went to the doctor, who performed a caesarean section on her. Jackie's weight at birth was 5 kilograms 400 grams.

Jackie Chan's real name is Chan Kong San. However, he says his father was something of a spy and changed the family name. And thus, Jackie's real name is Fong See Lung.

It is no secret that after the birth, the parents wanted to sell little Jackie, the British obstetrician who delivered the baby. Jackie himself says that if he had been sold, he would now most likely live in the UK, speak English and not speak Chinese. And perhaps he would work as a doctor.

Jackie's childhood nickname was Big Nose. Once an angry school teacher broke his nose with a cane, after this incident they began to call him that.

Despite the fact that Jackie is Chinese, he cannot write or read Chinese well. In his house, on the bookshelves there are CDs, film magazines, videotapes, but very few books. And all because at the Peking Opera school there were almost no classes in grammar and reading, and, if there were, the guys didn’t listen to anything and went about their own business. Already in adulthood, Jackie is learning Chinese and, at the same time, English.

Jackie is the only person in the Hong Kong film industry who has won the right to independence from the triads. In 1976, Jackie had eye enlargement surgery. This happened during the filming of Drunken Master. While performing a stunt, he unsuccessfully fell from the table onto the floor and injured his eye. At the hospital they stitched him up using electricity (Jackie said, “No needles”). And when the eye healed, it turned out to be wider than the other. And then the doctor advised me to have cosmetic surgery.

Jackie's workout takes 3 hours daily and includes: running - 3-5 miles (8 kilometers), push-ups, squats, weight lifting (for each body part) and developing basic martial arts movements. However, he does not follow any diet; he eats everything. He loves fish and vegetables; he tries not to eat meat, because he knows that the next day he will have to run 20 minutes longer.

The three basic rules that Jackie adheres to in his films are the following: to play only heroes who became such by chance, under the influence of unforeseen circumstances; there must be someone in the film who needs his protection: a girl, a child or an elderly person; and most importantly, in all film adaptations he must remain himself, that is, small, nimble and funny.

Jackie always works only with his own stunt team, which he formed in 1985 after filming Police Story, when so many of the stuntmen working with him got hurt and none of them wanted to work with him anymore. Now he employs 16 stuntmen, who after 10-15 years of work become martial arts directors. Jackie is personally involved in training the healthy and paying for the treatment of the disabled and completely trusts his guys.

Jackie is an incredible workaholic. Before performing any trick, he is, of course, scared, but as soon as he hears the word: “Motor!”, he forgets about everything. And when the trick works, he is ready to sing with happiness, even if he is injured.

Jackie is not that brave. When performing stunts, he is often very scared (just remember “Police Story”). But the worst thing in Jackie’s life is hospitals, doctors, and especially injections. He is very afraid of them. He is not afraid of breaking an arm or a leg, but as soon as he thinks that after this he needs to go to the hospital, he becomes terrified. And when she gets to the hospital, Jackie doesn’t pay attention to anything. He is only interested in three things: what happened, how serious it is and what they will do with him next.

No insurance company takes on the risk of insuring Jackie Chan.

When filming films in Hong Kong, city residents send a commission to check Jackie's honesty. In Jackie's films there is no violence, no erotic scenes, swearing appears only where it is comical and there is almost no blood. He is proud of this and says that his films are watched by many children and women, so he cannot and does not want to afford this.

Jackie sleeps 4-5 hours a day.

Jackie appeared in almost 80 films as an actor, 11 as a stuntman, 15 as a director and 11 as a producer.

Jackie never tells his mother, who is over 80, that something happened to him. This was the case in 1985, when Jackie suffered his most serious injury. However, while he was in the hospital, rumors still reached his mother. Jackie tried to assure her that all the talk about the hospital was a publicity stunt, but her mother did not fall for it and asked to see the spam. “I showed her a completely different place, she believed it and still doesn’t know the truth,” Jackie laughs.

Jackie considers “Police Story” to be his best film, and “Meteor Killer” and “Kill with Intrigue” to be his worst.

The only Asian to have the honor of being sculpted for Madame Tussauds Wax Museum is Jackie Chan. However, he asked to be molded not in some fighting pose, but in an ordinary, friendly one. Firstly, it will be difficult for wax Jackie to stand, for example, on one leg for several centuries, and, secondly, people will be afraid to approach him.

Jackie is the owner of a modeling agency called Jackie's Angels, an animal activist, a partner in the Planet Hollywood restaurant chain, an honorary doctorate from several universities, a plenipotentiary of the Hong Kong Tourism Association, an organizer of charity events, including an annual car race, an honorary a citizen of Seoul, he built several large cultural centers in Hong Kong at his own expense, participated in demonstrations against video pirates, the popular drink in Hong Kong “Bobo Tea” bears the label “Jackie Chan Product” and much, much more.

Jackie pays great attention to charity. At first, he simply donated gifts and money to boarding schools and orphanages, and then created the Jackie Chan Foundation, adopted 10 orphans, took custody of 50 Chinese children living abroad, supports several university scholarship students, paid for the treatment of several sick children cancer, funds the Jackie Chan Hospital and makes contributions to the Kung Fu Schools Foundation.

The name Jackie is associated not only with the fact that he is the only actor who performs all the stunts without doubles and does almost all the work on the set, but also with the fact that during filming he set one record, which is still held in the Guinness Book of Records . On the set of the movie Dragon Lord, Jackie had to kick a small ball at a two-inch target from a distance of 6 meters. This three-second scene required 1,600 takes and 2 days of filming.

In May 1995, Jackie received the MTV Award for Achievement in World Cinema. The unusual thing was that Jackie got the award only thanks to Quentin Tarantino, who refused to host the ceremony unless two conditions were met. The Award for Creative Contribution to Cinematography will be awarded to Jackie Chan, and the award will be presented to him by Quentin himself.

It's no secret to fans that Jackie Chan is not only an actor, but also a singer. He already has 10 albums to his credit. But few people know that his favorite song is “Ocean Deep”. Jackie says he likes slow songs because they give him a chance to practice his English.

In her free time, Jackie enjoys hunting, fishing, bowling and gambling. Moreover, it doesn’t matter to him what it is: mahjong, billiards, dominoes or something else. The main thing is excitement and play. One day, while playing dominoes, he bet 120,000 Hong Kong dollars. This was in the seventies, and the amount was 3 months' rent for his apartment. But Jackie's greatest passion is cars.

Jackie is a good housekeeper. And today’s youth teaches this. He has no servants, he does all the housework himself, and washes his own socks and underwear. When leaving the hotel, he certainly takes the remaining soap, wraps it in a bathing cap and takes it with him.

In November 1999, Jackie had a second child - an illegitimate daughter from former “Miss Asia - 90″ Helen Ng. Jackie publicly confessed and repented of what he had done and said that, no matter what, he loved his wife and son more than anyone in the world.

Jackie is a temperamental person. This can be seen at least from the fact that he cannot calmly talk about himself, his films and stunts. While expressing his thoughts, he actively gestures and pronounces sounds such as: “Ki-y-ya” and “Pah-pah-pah.”

Jackie Chan's favorite actor and idol is Buster Keaton. He borrowed many of this American comedian's tricks for his films. One of the most memorable is the jump from the clock tower in the movie “Project A”.

Jackie has been to Russia 2 times. The first was in January-February 1996. Here he filmed several episodes of the film “First Strike”. Filming took place on Red Square and in Krylatskoye. The second time Jackie came to Moscow was on October 16, 2000, for just a day, as part of the promotional tour for the film Shanghai Noon.

On Jackie’s first visit to Russia, he really liked our markets. They are so huge and there are a lot of interesting things on them. But what impressed him the most were the barn locks, which he bought a whole bunch of and now have in his office.

Jackie Chan does not drink not only alcohol, but also coffee. He also doesn't smoke.

Jackie has a small house by Hollywood standards in Beverly Hills, which he bought in 1998 for $3 million. The house has 4 bedrooms, 4 fireplaces, a huge garage and a swimming pool.

Jackie loves and respects her fans and admirers very much and always listens to their opinions.

Jackie's height is 172.5 centimeters.

Jackie Chan's motto: “There is no fear, there are no understudies, there are no equals.”

Jackie wants to be remembered even after he stops acting. But not as a guy who could swing a big leg, but as Buster Keaton or Fred Astaire are remembered, so that he was respected in the same way as them. And if a small reference to the name of Jackie Chan appears in some encyclopedia, that will be enough for him.

Jackie Chan's office is located at: International The Jackie Chan Group, 145, Waterloo Road, Loon Tong, Hong Kong.

Jackie, having achieved almost everything he dreamed of, wishes himself only good health. And we will join him with all our hearts...

The genius manifests itself immediately. Even before he was born, Jackie showed how unusual he was. The mother was pregnant with him for almost 12 months until she went to the doctor, who performed a caesarean section on her. Jackie's weight at birth was 5 kilograms 400 grams.

Jackie Chan's real name is Chan Kong San. However, he says his father was something of a spy and changed the family name. And thus, Jackie's real name is Fong See Lung.

It is no secret that after the birth, the parents wanted to sell little Jackie, the British obstetrician who delivered the baby. Jackie himself says that if he had been sold, he would now most likely live in the UK, speak English and not speak Chinese. And perhaps he would work as a doctor.

Jackie's childhood nickname was Big Nose. Once an angry school teacher broke his nose with a cane, after this incident they began to call him that.

Despite the fact that Jackie is Chinese, he cannot write or read Chinese well. In his house, on the bookshelves there are CDs, film magazines, videotapes, but very few books. And all because at the Peking Opera school there were almost no classes in grammar and reading, and, if there were, the guys didn’t listen to anything and went about their own business. Already in adulthood, Jackie learns Chinese and, at the same time, English.

Jackie is the only person in the Hong Kong film industry who won the right to independence from the triads.
In 1976, Jackie had eye enlargement surgery. This happened during the filming of Drunken Master. While performing a stunt, he unsuccessfully fell from the table onto the floor and injured his eye. At the hospital they stitched him up using electricity (Jackie said, “No needles”). And when the eye healed, it turned out to be wider than the other. And then the doctor advised me to have cosmetic surgery.

Jackie's workout takes 3 hours daily and includes: running - 3-5 miles (8 kilometers), push-ups, squats, weight lifting (for each body part) and developing basic martial arts movements. However, he does not follow any diet; he eats everything. He loves fish and vegetables; he tries not to eat meat, because he knows that the next day he will have to run 20 minutes longer.

The three basic rules that Jackie adheres to in his films are the following: to play only heroes who became such by chance, under the influence of unforeseen circumstances; there must be someone in the film who needs his protection: a girl, a child or an elderly person; and most importantly, in all film adaptations he must remain himself, that is, small, nimble and funny.

Jackie always works only with his own stunt team, which he formed in 1985 after filming Police Story, when so many of the stuntmen working with him got hurt and none of them wanted to work with him anymore. Now he employs 16 stuntmen, who after 10-15 years of work become martial arts directors. Jackie is personally involved in training the healthy and paying for the treatment of the disabled and completely trusts his guys.

Jackie is an incredible workaholic. Before performing any trick, he is, of course, scared, but as soon as he hears the word: “Motor!”, he forgets about everything. And when the trick works, he is ready to sing with happiness, even if he is injured.

Jackie is not that brave. When performing stunts, he is often very scared (just remember “Police Story”). But the worst thing in Jackie’s life is hospitals, doctors, and especially injections. He is very afraid of them. He is not afraid of breaking an arm or a leg, but as soon as he thinks that after this he needs to go to the hospital, he becomes terrified. And when she gets to the hospital, Jackie doesn’t pay attention to anything. He is only interested in three things: what happened, how serious it is and what they will do with him next.

No insurance company takes on the risk of insuring Jackie Chan.

When filming films in Hong Kong, city residents send a commission to check Jackie's honesty.
In Jackie's films there is no violence, no erotic scenes, swearing appears only where it is comical and there is almost no blood. He is proud of this and says that his films are watched by many children and women, so he cannot and does not want to afford this.

Jackie sleeps 4-5 hours a day.

Jackie appeared in almost 80 films as an actor, 11 as a stuntman, 15 as a director and 11 as a producer.

Jackie never tells his mother, who is over 80, that something happened to him. This was the case in 1985, when Jackie suffered his most serious injury. However, while he was in the hospital, rumors still reached his mother. Jackie tried to assure her that all the talk about the hospital was a publicity stunt, but her mother did not fall for it and asked to see the spam. “I showed her a completely different place, she believed it and still doesn’t know the truth,” Jackie laughs.

Jackie considers “Police Story” to be his best film, and “Meteor Killer” and “Kill with Intrigue” to be his worst.

The only Asian to have the honor of being sculpted for Madame Tussauds Wax Museum is Jackie Chan. However, he asked to be molded not in some fighting pose, but in an ordinary, friendly one. Firstly, it will be difficult for wax Jackie to stand, for example, on one leg for several centuries, and, secondly, people will be afraid to approach him.

Jackie is the owner of a modeling agency called Jackie's Angels, an animal activist, a partner in the Planet Hollywood restaurant chain, an honorary doctorate from several universities, a plenipotentiary of the Hong Kong Tourism Association, an organizer of charity events, including an annual car race, an honorary a citizen of Seoul, he built several large cultural centers in Hong Kong at his own expense, participated in demonstrations against video pirates, the popular drink in Hong Kong “Bobo Tea” bears the label “Jackie Chan Product” and much, much more.

Jackie pays great attention to charity. At first, he simply donated gifts and money to boarding schools and orphanages, and then created the Jackie Chan Foundation, adopted 10 orphans, took custody of 50 Chinese children living abroad, supports several university scholarship students, paid for the treatment of several sick children cancer, funds the Jackie Chan Hospital and makes contributions to the Kung Fu Schools Foundation.

The name Jackie is associated not only with the fact that he is the only actor who performs all the stunts without doubles and does almost all the work on the set, but also with the fact that during filming he set one record, which is still held in the Guinness Book of Records . On the set of the movie Dragon Lord, Jackie had to kick a small ball at a two-inch target from a distance of 6 meters. This three-second scene required 1,600 takes and 2 days of filming.

In May 1995, Jackie received the MTV Award for Achievement in World Cinema. The unusual thing was that Jackie got the award only thanks to Quentin Tarantino, who refused to host the ceremony unless two conditions were met. The Award for Creative Contribution to Cinematography will be awarded to Jackie Chan, and the award will be presented to him by Quentin himself.

It's no secret to fans that Jackie Chan is not only an actor, but also a singer. He already has 10 albums to his credit. But few people know that his favorite song is “Ocean Deep”. Jackie says he likes slow songs because they give him a chance to practice his English.

In her free time, Jackie enjoys hunting, fishing, bowling and gambling. Moreover, it doesn’t matter to him what it is: mahjong, billiards, dominoes or something else. The main thing is excitement and play. One day, while playing dominoes, he bet 120,000 Hong Kong dollars. This was in the seventies, and the amount was 3 months' rent for his apartment. But Jackie's greatest passion is cars.

Jackie is a good housekeeper. And today’s youth teaches this. He has no servants, he does all the housework himself, and washes his own socks and underwear. When leaving the hotel, he certainly takes the remaining soap, wraps it in a bathing cap and takes it with him.

In November 1999, Jackie had a second child - an illegitimate daughter from former “Miss Asia - 90” Helen Ng. Jackie publicly confessed and repented of what he had done and said that, no matter what, he loved his wife and son more than anyone in the world.

Jackie is a temperamental person. This can be seen at least from the fact that he cannot calmly talk about himself, his films and stunts. While expressing his thoughts, he actively gestures and pronounces sounds such as: “Ki-y-ya” and “Pah-pah-pah.”

Jackie Chan's favorite actor and idol is Buster Keaton. He borrowed many of this American comedian's tricks for his films. One of the most memorable is the jump from the clock tower in the movie “Project A”.

Jackie has been to Russia 2 times. The first was in January-February 1996. Here he filmed several episodes of the film “First Strike”. Filming took place on Red Square and in Krylatskoye. The second time Jackie came to Moscow was on October 16, 2000, for just a day, as part of the promotional tour for the film Shanghai Noon.

On Jackie’s first visit to Russia, he really liked our markets. They are so huge and there are a lot of interesting things on them. But what impressed him the most were the barn locks, which he bought a whole bunch of and now have in his office.

Jackie Chan does not drink not only alcohol, but also coffee. He also doesn't smoke.

Jackie has a small house by Hollywood standards in Beverly Hills, which he bought in 1998 for $3 million. The house has 4 bedrooms, 4 fireplaces, a huge garage and a swimming pool.

Jackie loves and respects her fans and admirers very much and always listens to their opinions.

Jackie's height is 172.5 centimeters.

Jackie Chan's motto: “There is no fear, there are no understudies, there are no equals.”

Jackie wants to be remembered even after he stops acting. But not as a guy who could swing a big leg, but as Buster Keaton or Fred Astaire are remembered, so that he was respected in the same way as them. And if a small reference to the name of Jackie Chan appears in some encyclopedia, that will be enough for him.

Jackie Chan's office is located at: International The Jackie Chan Group, 145, Waterloo Road, Loon Tong, Hong Kong.

Jackie, having achieved almost everything he dreamed of, wishes himself only good health. And we will join him with all our hearts...

It seems that this nice fellow includes the most different talents, which you can imagine, not to mention natural charisma and always a positive attitude. But where did it all begin? Has Jackie Chan always been as successful as he is now? Did he have connections to general recognition or did he achieve everything on his own? Let's look at an interesting and rich life path world famous "good guy".

Height, weight, age. How old is Jackie Chan

No one will argue that Jackie Chan is in excellent shape, otherwise he simply would not be able to perform all the tricks for which he became famous throughout the world. But if we talk more specifically about height, weight, age. How old is Jackie Chan? You can answer that his height is 174 centimeters and his weight is 62 kilograms.

That is, the Chinese actor is thin and fit, always athletic and fit. It’s hard to believe, but now the star is already 63 years old, because he seems forever young. His unsurpassed acting talent, athletic skills and natural charm simply “doomed” him to fame and success in the world of cinema and show business.

Biography of Jackie Chan

The actor's real name is Chen Gansheng, which means "born in Hong Kong", and he received the name Jackie when he was friends with the Australians. The fact is that at the construction site where she worked future star, another young man also worked, whose name was Jack. In order not to worry too much about names, they decided to call the new guy “Little Jack”, in other words it sounds like Chan or Jackie. This is how a Chinese guy with a fancy name turned into Jackie Chan.

The future actor's childhood was not very easy, primarily because he grew up in poor family. It would seem that the poor boy would never be able to make it into the world, but fate decreed otherwise. Until the age of six, he went to a regular school in Hong Kong, and only then moved to a school at the Peking Opera, where he was taught some stage skills, as well as the ability to control his body on stage. Jackie was also interested in kung fu from an early age.

Chan went to cinema for the first time at the age of eight. He first appeared in the crowd, and already, being in adolescence, he again became an extra, but this time performing stunts. He even had the opportunity to duplicate the legendary Bruce Lee, whom the young guy treated very reverently, with undisguised delight.

It must be said that initially Jackie Chan got into films as a stuntman, as a rule, he received cameo roles, or they were very small. He confidently possessed acrobatics skills, his plastic movements delighted those around him, and his stage skills also did not let him down. Therefore, in the seventies they began to offer him serious roles. After some time, the actor began to direct films on his own, mainly of an entertaining nature.

Filmography: films starring Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan's filmography is enormous. In every film where he appeared, he created an unforgettable atmosphere that immediately sank into the souls of the audience. The actor’s breakthrough film can be called “The Drunken Master,” where he played a careless and slack hero, but kind and brave. In the eighties he starred in a number of films called “ Lucky stars”, however, there he assigned himself a supporting role. Three years later he creates own group stuntmen, this happens on the set of “Project A”. He continues to work with these guys in the future. With each film in the early nineties, the actor tried to break into the American market.

I would like to note that Chan completely refuses to play villains. But he was offered to do this at least twice, and the fees were decent. Real popularity awaited the actor in the mid-nineties, when the film “Rumble in the Bronx” was released, followed by a number of successful films with his participation.

At the same time, Jackie receives good money for his work, which he could not even dream of as a child. So the boy is from the poor Chinese family started spinning with millions. I would also like to add that the actor performs as a pop singer, and sings in different languages. He began his singing career in the mid-eighties, during which time he released twenty albums and sang more than a hundred songs.

Personal life of Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan's personal life is stable and constant. For several years now, he has been married to a Taiwanese actress named Lin Fengjiao. Many sources list the wedding date as “December 1, 1982,” but the written autobiography says 1983. They have a son growing up in their marriage, and Jackie Chan has illegitimate daughter, born from a relationship with an actress named Elaine Wu Qili.

According to many sources, Jackie Chan did not show special attention to the girl, apparently, he decided that he didn’t need it, but no one knows for sure. In any case, he had his own motives for this, which he did not voice to the press.

Jackie Chan family

Jackie Chan's family is small but strong; it consists of himself, his actress wife and his son, who was born in the early eighties. He also, as mentioned above, has an illegitimate daughter. In fact, for some reason, Jackie Chan's personal life has rarely received much press coverage.

Jackie Chan once said in an interview that one of his fifteen-year-old fans committed suicide when she found out that he got married. Realizing that he was responsible for such incidents, the actor decided to carefully hide his family secrets. But still, he has had a family for a long time, and he looks quite happy next to his family. That, however, did not stop him from “playing” his daughter on the side.

Jackie Chan's children

Jackie Chan's children are his son, who grew up in a legal marriage, and he also has a daughter from a temporary relationship with another actress. It must be said that the girl was born in 1999, that is, when the actor was legally married. It is difficult to say about the reason for the act, but one way or another, the Hollywood actor had no intention of leaving the family.

They even wrote in the press that he did not show much attention to the newborn girl. It is unknown what kind of relationship he now has with his illegitimate daughter. But it is known that for his family, Chan does everything possible to ensure that his relatives are happy and loved by him, and this is the main thing for him.

Jackie Chan's son - Chan Zuming

Jackie Chan's son Chan Zuming was born into the family in 1982, but some sources point to 1984. For Jackie Chan, this turned out to be his only son, and the legal heir, given that he still has a daughter. Today, Jackie Chan's son is already an adult, but it is difficult to say to what extent he will repeat the success of his father.

Of course, with parents like his, all doors to show business are open, but we know very little about him. Perhaps in China they know more about the guy; he acts in film or works in show business. One way or another, he is with his father good relations, inherited from him strong will and persistent character.

Jackie Chan's daughter - Etta Wu Zholin

Jackie Chan's daughter Etta Wu Zholin became the actor's second child, but, however, she is illegitimate. A girl was born in 1999, when Jackie was in a relationship with actress Elaine Wu Tsili. It is unknown how the celebrity felt after he found out that he would become a father again unplanned.

At one time, the press wrote that Jackie Chan did not show much attention or interest in his daughter. We know little about the girl; she lives with her mother, and perhaps does not even communicate with her father. But, as we know, the truth is somewhere in the middle, so no one can say for sure what it really is.

Jackie Chan's common-law wife - Lin Fengjiao

Jackie Chan's common-law wife Lin Fengjiao is the legal wife of Jackie Chan. They got married in the early eighties. Taiwanese actress, she completely shares creative path star husband. They had a son in their marriage, and considering that Chan has an illegitimate daughter, it turns out that for some time they might have been at odds.

But in the end they are still together, their family can become a real example of a long married life. We know little about this actress, but it is possible that she is popular in her country. Of course, first of all, she is the wife of everyone’s favorite actor Jackie Chan, and this is her main achievement.

Photos of Jackie Chan before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Jackie Chan before and after plastic surgery are searched on the Internet by many, because the actor was injured a lot of times. But did he turn to a plastic surgeon after that? Most likely, the situation is such that the celebrity turned to an ordinary surgeon many times, because there is not a single intact bone in his body.

But going to see a doctor to prolong youth or get a facelift is doubtful. After all, Jackie Chan does not need this at all; he is in excellent shape, even in his seventh decade. So the great actor does not use plastic surgery, although he is already remembered on the surgeon’s table, because he has been there more than once.

Instagram and Wikipedia Jackie Chan

There is a lot of information about Jackie Chan on the Internet, starting from his childhood and talking about his creative path. One of the most important sources is the Wikipedia page (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chan,_Jackie), where general facts O Hollywood actor. But if you want to know even more about Jackie Chan, then you should turn to social networks for help.

The Hollywood star actively uses Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/eyeofjackiechan/?hl=ru), maintains a personal page there, where she posts photos and shares news from her life. It cannot be otherwise, because he must tell his fans about himself, who are interested in his every step. Jackie Chan's Instagram and Wikipedia will always help you get a little closer to the talented actor.