How to write a business plan for an insurance company or agency? Opening an insurance company as a business.

Insurance today is considered one of the most promising and fastest growing areas of Russian business. The generally accepted classification includes three main types of insurance: personal, property and liability. Auto insurance should be highlighted in a special category, which attracts more and more entrepreneurs every year.

The interest shown by enterprising people in this type of activity is understandable - the number of cars is steadily growing, and at the same time the share of vehicles purchased on the primary market is growing. Most people who buy a new car prefer to protect themselves from the risk of damage or theft of property by concluding a CASCO agreement. In addition, motor third party liability insurance (MTPL), recognized as mandatory in our country since 2003, does not lose its relevance today. Learning how to open an auto insurance office and what types of work patterns exist in this industry will help you establish your own business with good prospects.

In a broad sense, insurance is a special type of relationship between two entities, one of which, the policyholder, is interested in protecting himself, his property and his liability from the occurrence of all kinds of adverse events. For this purpose, he enters into an agreement with the insurer, which necessarily specifies the object of insurance, the amount of the insurance premium, as well as the amount and procedure for making payments.

The insurer, in turn, having a certain capital, assumes obligations to compensate for damage to the policyholder upon the occurrence of an insured event within the framework established by the contract and current legislation. The goal of any insurer, as an entrepreneur, is to make a profit, and the effectiveness of such a business directly depends on the number of transactions concluded. You can ensure the financial stability of your enterprise only by creating a sufficient insurance fund.

Important! You must understand that insurance in general, and car insurance in particular, is a rather risky activity, since the occurrence of an insured event, and therefore the need to make payments several times higher than insurance premiums, does not depend in any way on the entrepreneur providing such services.

As for the objects of activity, auto insurance as a business provides for 2 fundamentally different areas:

  • CASCO property insurance is voluntary, the object is the car itself, it is insured against possible damage, as well as theft;
  • compulsory liability insurance OSAGO - the object is recognized as the property interests of the car owner, which are associated with obligations arising as a result of harm to the health and life of third parties, as well as their property (in other words, in the event of an accident that occurred through the fault of the insurer, possible damage to the participants in such an accident is compensated insurance company within the framework specified in the contract).

As domestic practice shows, it is inappropriate to work in only one direction. The fact is that compulsory motor liability insurance is strictly regulated by government authorities; tariffs for this type of insurance are set exclusively by the Government of the Russian Federation. The insurance entrepreneur cannot influence the final cost of the policy. According to experts, a business designed only for the sale of MTPL insurance is obviously unprofitable.

In turn, CASCO opens up good opportunities for the insurer to earn money, as it involves independent management of tariffs and adjustment factors. However, due to its high cost, and also because it is not mandatory, CASCO is in much less demand among car owners.

The optimal solution for a car insurance business is to combine both directions, as well as provide additional paid services, for example:

  • assessment and examination;
  • assistance in case of road accidents;
  • life insurance;
  • providing technical assistance in case of an accident.

All these items can be included in the cost of insurance.

Having gained a general understanding of auto insurance, let’s look at issues related to organizing a business.

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If you are aiming to create your own business selling auto insurance products, you can follow one of the paths presented below. The choice will depend primarily on what starting capital you have, as well as on the scale of the enterprise you want to build.

Option 1. Creation of an insurance company

This option is the most expensive and time-consuming. When opening an insurance organization, you must be guided by the requirements of Russian legislation, namely:

  • Chapter 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Law “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation”;
  • Federal Law No. 40-FZ “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners.”

According to the above regulatory documents, the insurance company must have the status of a legal entity, that is, in order to obtain a work permit, it is necessary from the tax service.

In addition, such a company will need a license to carry out insurance activities. Since 2013, the licensing authority has been the Insurance Market Department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. To obtain a license, it is necessary to provide the licensing authority with documents indicating that the organization has an insurance reserve sufficient to conduct its activities. The main requirement is the presence of fully paid authorized capital in the amount of at least 120 million rubles.

Important! It is not allowed to contribute borrowed funds and pledged property to the authorized capital.

The requirements for a licensee in the case of auto insurance also include:

  • minimum work experience in the field of CASCO and OSAGO insurance – 2 years;
  • the presence of an authorized representative in each of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • access to an automated compulsory insurance system;
  • membership in a professional association, which is the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA), etc.

The law also establishes requirements for the insurance portfolio of such organizations. The amount of insurance premiums (contributions) that fall on MTPL and CASCO insurance in the total volume should not exceed 50%. That is, a company cannot only engage in vehicle and civil liability insurance; the scope of its services must be much broader to ensure financial stability.

It follows from everything that in order to open your own insurance company, you need to have large start-up capital and significant experience in the insurance industry. But along with this option, there are other, more affordable ways to make money on car insurance.

Option 2. Working as an agency

This is a simplified option for carrying out insurance activities and, in fact, it represents an intermediary scheme. That is, you do not need to create a legal entity and obtain the appropriate license. You can work as an individual entrepreneur and represent the interests of several existing insurance companies at once.

How to open a car insurance office? To do this you need to follow a few relatively simple steps:

  • select the companies with which you will cooperate and make a request to conclude an agency agreement;
  • pass interviews and prove your usefulness to representatives of insurance organizations, conclude contracts and, if necessary, undergo training (requirements for agents may vary);
  • rent and equip office space with Internet access;
  • organize advertising of your services.

The profit of such a business will consist of an agency fee, provided as a percentage or a certain amount from each issued policy. Your effectiveness will depend entirely on your communication skills, activity and professionalism. More clients - more insurance issued - more profit.

The amount of monetary remuneration for agents is not usually disclosed openly; it can be clarified with representatives of a particular insurance company in person. If you believe the reviews of already operating agencies, earnings range from 10 to 30% of the cost of the policy.

The advantages of this format of work compared to opening your own insurance company include the fact that the entrepreneur risks virtually nothing. If an insured event occurs, cash payments are made by the insurer whose product was sold to the client.

Important! The insurance agent is responsible for maintaining the insurer's trade secret data, non-disclosure of personal data of clients (policyholders), as well as for the safety of funds received from policyholders and the proper use of insurance policy forms.

Opening an insurance agency according to the specified scheme is the most common option for a car insurance business, which does not require significant financial investments at the start, and at the same time, allows you to earn good money.

More details about the principles of operation of the insurance agency are described in the following video:

Option 3. Brokerage activities

Another option to build in the auto insurance industry is to become a broker. A broker is a classic intermediary. His difference from an agent is that he cannot represent one of the parties to the insurance contract. He has the right to act in the interests of one party or another as an independent insurance subject.

Thus, when carrying out brokerage activities, an entrepreneur on contractual terms can receive monetary compensation either from the insurer or from the policyholder (only from one party) for performing certain functions. Most often, it is policyholders who resort to the services of brokers, the most popular of which are:

  • consulting in choosing an insurance company;
  • assistance in drawing up a contract;
  • selection of the optimal insurance product;
  • support and amendments to the contract, etc.

The services of such intermediary enterprises are usually paid in the form of a set fee.

MS Word Volume: 34 pages

Business plan

Reviews (36)

A professional will help you pay attention to the obstacles and benefits of this popular trend. Life, property, and health insurance is a serious matter, and competition in this industry is great. You should consider in advance how exactly your company will be able to attract potential customers. Any insurance organization must clearly calculate in advance the benefits and the ability to provide its clients with insurance payments on time.

The proposed document is also suitable for organizing an insurance broker; it will help you navigate the modern legislative framework, as well as articles of the law that are focused on insurance. Also, special attention should be paid to attracting customers, that is, a clearly thought-out marketing position. Selection of personnel is also of no small importance, because the number of concluded contracts also depends on the ability of a professional to achieve a positive result in communication with a potential client.

Having studied the information on organizing an insurance agency, you can be convinced that sometimes it is profitable to establish a branch of an insurance company in order to become a subsidiary of an already popular and well-known insurance company with a well-known brand. This initiative is promising, especially if you use various property, life, and business insurance schemes, that is, you provide clients with the opportunity to choose the most acceptable options for an insurance contract.

Competition in the insurance business is one of the highest in the services market. But, despite this depressing fact, an entrepreneur who decides to build an insurance business has every chance of success. The main thing is to choose the right niche for your activity and competently approach the opening of your own insurance company. The introduction of new insurance services in this industry, such as insurance of financial risks during shared construction, insurance of title to real estate, allows newcomers to this business to count on a successful outcome.

The main difficulty for those who are planning to open an insurance company from scratch is the presence of a solid authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is 20 million rubles. If you expect to provide life insurance services, then this amount should be even higher. It should also be taken into account that when registering a legal entity, the charter is allowed to indicate only one type of activity - insurance itself (or several of its types).

Profits in an insurance company depend on how efficiently your insurance agents work. Entrepreneurs planning to open an insurance business should remember that an insurance agent is the core of your company. And there should be a lot of such people in your insurance company. During the first year of work, you need to recruit at least a hundred smart employees, preferably experienced and qualified specialists. It is clear that professionals are not lying around on the street, and you will have to either lure them from competing companies or look for them through advertisements. The last option is to recruit inexperienced employees and actively train them.

There can be any options for the insurance business - you can open your own insurance store or car insurance company, the main thing is that the level of service in your company is high. But in order for your potential clients to know about this, you need to promote the company. For example, if you decide to open your own car insurance, then you need to promote the services among the appropriate audience - at car markets, car showrooms, and in places where cars are registered. Accordingly, to find clients who want to issue a financial guarantee, that is, buy a liability insurance policy, you need to look in completely different places.

Organization of work with clients in an insurance company is also of no small importance. In order to avoid serious litigation later, it is necessary to develop a competent agency agreement when working for an insurance company. If you want to avoid annoying mistakes and open your own insurance company, a company that will function effectively in the insurance market, be sure to use a professional insurance company business plan. Relying on it, you will be able to understand many of the intricacies of conducting such a difficult business.

Reviews for an insurance company business plan (36)

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    Insurance company business plan

    I needed a business plan for an insurance company to prepare individual assignments for undergraduate students studying in the field of Insurance. Students in the discipline "Fundamentals of Small Business Operations" must acquire the skills of drawing up a business plan. From the downloaded example, I used the given proportions to form the income and expenditure parts of the financial plan, as well as set tariffs and the size of the insurance fund. Students will develop their own version of a business plan for different regions. I will definitely provide links to the sources used. Perhaps in real life they will ask for a service - preparing a business plan in BiPlan. Thank you that I had an example close enough to real conditions, which is what is required for practice-oriented training.

    Natalia, thank you for your detailed review! We are glad that our work helps future entrepreneurs master the science of planning. This is very important for starting your own business. And thank you for working so closely with students, this is very important!

    Insurance company business plan

    Standing on your feet in the face of fierce competition is not an easy task. Your business plan helped me understand how to act in such a situation, due to which I can beat my competitor and stand out from other companies. I am very grateful to you for all the advice.

    Olga, thank you for your gratitude. Indeed, there is fierce competition in the insurance business, but it is more than possible to work successfully in this market. We hope that our advice will bring tangible results. I wish you success.

    Insurance company business plan

    An old idea is starting to come true. Your business plan helped me understand some issues. I hope that I was able to perform all the calculations correctly; I tried to rely on the advice of your specialists. Let's see how events develop further.

    Vyacheslav, we are glad that we were able to support you. Now a lot depends on you and your diligence, we are confident that you will succeed and realize your idea. Good luck to you.

In stock Insurance company business plan 5 12

The domestic insurance market is quite well developed. Therefore, when drawing up, a novice entrepreneur must take into account that he will have to compete with venerable companies that have been working in this field for a long time and have created a positive reputation.

The insurance business is a labor-intensive process that has a lot of both legal and economic details, and in addition, risks. Therefore, in order to take its place in the insurance market, a young company must analyze in detail its capabilities and prospects at the stage of planning its business.

Key features of an insurance company’s business plan for providing insurance agent services

Insurance business planning

In an unstable market economy, as well as rapidly changing living conditions in general, more and more people and organizations are resorting to the services of insurance agents. Therefore, the insurance business can be confidently called a profitable business.

However, it is important to understand that this type of activity will require special education and experience in the insurance industry from you or your partner, large investments and time costs (it may take a year to obtain a license alone). There are many complexities and nuances in the insurance business, but this is not a reason to abandon this business idea. Most of the problems of organizing such a business can be solved with proper preparation insurance company business plan.



Main types of work of an insurance agent

The insurance business, as we have already noted, is not an easy business. When drawing up, it is extremely important to understand this activity as a whole and understand its specifics.

So, an insurance company is an organization engaged in concluding insurance contracts and their further servicing. Types of insurance: personal, property, liability and financial risks insurance.

When forming your business project, it is important to determine what specific insurance services are in demand in a particular region, to develop your own individual marketing tactics to firmly occupy a place in the market, focused on a specific segment.

With a wide range of services provided, but without a correct analysis of the target audience, its needs, in other words, without a well-developed business plan yours Insurance Company may not justify a large investment at all.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. Amount of investment to launch an insurance company providing insurance agent services

1.3. Results of work

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of an insurance company for the provision of insurance agent services

5.4. Spending Plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of an insurance company in providing insurance agent services

7 – Conclusions

The business plan of an insurance company for the provision of insurance agent services is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

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A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


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Oleg Alexandrovich, Sarov city

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An extremely correct business plan. He helped our printing house obtain a loan from Sberbank necessary to expand production (21 million rubles) for a period of 4 years.

Sergey V.V., Nizhny Novgorod region

Feedback on an insurance company's business plan for providing insurance agent services

After working as an insurance agent for several years, I finally decided to create my own company. Despite the fact that I know the entire structure of the business from the inside, I encountered a number of problems when drawing up my own financial model. One of them is carrying out competent calculations to attract third-party investments. Ready from Plan Pro allowed me to solve this problem in a short time. A clear, transparent budget structure, analysis of the payback period presented in the business plan helped me find external investors (5 million rubles), organize my business and receive a net monthly income of 420,000 rubles.

Tsvetaeva V.A. General Director of Insurance Company "Garantia", Oryol region.

Development of a business plan for an insurance organization

Features of building a business plan for selling insurance services

The market for insurance services in Russia is not so large, but this is its danger: it is extremely difficult to compete with companies that have proven themselves for a long time. And if you also take into account that the range of services offered will be approximately the same, then the main task insurance company business plan consists of developing a unique selling proposition and ways to build a positive reputation.

A special feature of this business is the large initial capital. The main initial costs will be the costs of legal registration of the project, obtaining licenses, etc.

The payback of a given enterprise depends on many factors, for example, a well-developed target audience and the selected range of services, the region where the company is located, etc. Therefore, in order to avoid becoming a victim of investment traps, it is better to calculate your budget and predict income at the development stage insurance agent business plan. This will help you avoid risks and earn a decent income in the future.

Basic questions of an insurance company business plan

Any endeavor needs planning, and the insurance business is no exception. In order to formulate an effective economic model for an enterprise, it is necessary to consider in detail a number of key issues. In we will analyze:

— market conditions and corresponding marketing

— legal registration of business

— capital investments

— selection of employees

- budget and payback

Market analysis and marketing

Features of a business plan for selling insurance services there will be a fact of a detailed analysis of the relevant market in a particular region. That is, it is important to track which services are most in demand, but are not widespread on the market. Experts note that today the insurance services that are in greatest demand include:

  • Property loss insurance
  • Life insurance, health insurance, etc.

Since the level of competition will be quite high in any case, the main task insurance company business plan will develop a marketing strategy. First, you need to clearly define your market advantages, for example, the best prices, unique offers and bonuses, an individual approach to clients, highly qualified employees, etc.

However, all these components cannot guarantee you a flow of customers and, accordingly, income. In this case, it is extremely necessary to use a whole set of business promotion methods:

  • Advertising in the media, social networks
  • Website promotion
  • Distributing leaflets
  • The practice of concluding contracts with organizations that receive a certain percentage if they offer compulsory insurance along with their services (banks, car dealerships, large trading companies)
  • The practice of interacting with government and commercial enterprises that encourage their employees to enter into an insurance contract is not free of charge, of course.

Legal registration of business

When compiling insurance company business plan You must immediately decide on the choice of legal form for your business activity. Suitable forms of ownership in this case would be LLC, CJSC, OJSC.

The company's charter documents will need to indicate all types of services provided.

The position of general director in this type of business can only be held by a person with a professional education. To confirm this fact you will need: copies of your passport, TIN, diploma, work book.

The existence of the authorized capital will also have to be documented.

In addition, it is important to take into account that the activities of insurance services are subject to mandatory licensing. And here you will also need a package of documents:

  • Insurance company business plan
  • Constituent documents
  • Insurance documents

All of the above legal nuances will require considerable costs, so taking them into account insurance agent business plan required.

Investment Analysis

When forming the expenditure portion of your initial budget in insurance company business plan The following components should be taken into account:

  • costs of legal registration of business, licenses and related taxes
  • cost of renting or purchasing office space
  • costs of office furniture, office equipment, stationery
  • staff salaries
  • advertising budget
  • other expenses, including airbag

The total investment amount will be approximately 5 - 50 million rubles. It is important to understand that this figure is approximate and depends on many factors, for example, the range of services provided and the scale of the agency as a whole. The most accurate indicators can only be provided to you by an individual business plan yours insurance company.

Thus, all calculations are directly related to the individual financial program of a single company, so it is difficult to accurately predict specific investment figures. However, our company can assist you in forming your business project. To do this, you can download a ready-made business plan of an insurance company for the provision of insurance agent services with settlements. The economic model of the project will allow you to most accurately determine the size of the investment and correctly calculate the expected profit.

Calculation of the budget of an insurance organization

IN business plan activities insurance agent an analysis of the firm's financial movements should be included.

At the initial stage, the main expense items will be: legal costs, rent or purchase of premises with appropriate maintenance, employee wages, advertising costs.

Predict the amount of income in the example insurance company business plan difficult, since it is necessary to take into account many specific factors (demand for insurance in a particular region, scale of the organization, etc.).


The company's staff can be divided into two groups: office managers and insurance agents themselves.

When compiling insurance company business plan It is important to accurately formulate the requirements for insurance agents. These must be people with higher professional education and preferably with work experience. However, the option of hiring newcomers with the prospect of training is not excluded.

Wages can be either fixed or piecework. Experts advise combining these options, which will become an additional incentive for employees.

The number of employees will vary depending on the size of the planned company.

Business ROI calculations

Organizing the provision of insurance agent services is a matter that requires large investments, therefore insurance company business plan must have a payback period calculation.

Forecasting revenue from insurance activities, which for the xxx period will amount to xxx thousand rubles. carried out taking into account all the individual characteristics of the company (scale, services provided, marketing, etc.). However, an approximate figure can be calculated based on the average prices for insurance services in Russia, which for the period xxx amounted to xxx rubles.

The financial model is a separate file in MS Excel format - essentially it is
a separate product designed for business planning and calculation of all its
indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.
There are no macros in the financial model. All formulas are transparent and accessible to

In the process of working on a business plan, we review dozens of different sources
information. This includes data from equipment suppliers, industry portals, interviews with market experts, and official statistics - such systematic data analysis provides a complete picture of all project parameters: prices, equipment costs, premises costs, costs, etc. .

Download a ready-made business plan for an insurance company with financial calculations and an Excel financial model

Thus, working in the insurance industry is associated with certain investment risks, which are important to avoid at the planning stage. Competent development of a business plan will allow you to consider in detail the economic features, correctly prepare calculations, and decide on legal issues.

To save your energy and time, you can download a ready-made sample insurance company business plan with calculations. The financial model presented in the sample will help you better navigate your project and build your own financial model. In addition, we offer to develop for you an individual turnkey business plan, taking into account the characteristics of your company.

The insurance business is a complex, but very promising and profitable business. Competent development insurance company business plan– a guarantee of the safety and success of your activities.

The idea of ​​starting an insurance business requires a careful approach if you want to earn real income. First of all, keep in mind that the business plan of an insurance company should be based on the fact that it is necessary to conduct a full market analysis of existing insurance services in advance.

Important points in organizing an insurance company:

  • - the authorized capital of the establishment of a legal entity must be at least 120 million rubles;
  • - only a citizen of the Russian Federation who meets certain requirements can manage a company;
  • - insurance activities are permitted only after obtaining a license; in order to obtain permits for a type of activity, insurance rules developed for a specific company will be required;
  • - to obtain permission to carry out activities, it is necessary to have a central office of the company.

Decide what type of insurance you will engage in; the amount of authorized capital will depend on this. For life insurance, a capital of 240 million rubles will be required, and for reinsurance, at least 480 million.

Main organizational stages.

The Russian market is already crowded with insurance companies. A detailed study of the market will make it possible to find a less filled niche. It would be wiser to choose one of the types of insurance, or services that are just gaining popularity among consumers.

As an idea, you can use, for example, a lightning strike during a thunderstorm or a meteorite fall.

When you have chosen the type of insurance you will engage in, you should decide on the scale of your company’s work: city, region, entire country. The formation of the staffing table will depend on this.

There is another way to determine the scope of activity. Choose a specialization, for example, in water transport.

Without attracting third-party investments, you will not be able to implement your business plan. It is for this reason that such a document should be as detailed and understandable as possible for future co-founders.

Be aware that registering a legal entity is a fairly lengthy process. You will also need a license from the Ministry of Finance, which can take from four to twelve months to obtain.

The most important.

In the insurance business, an important factor is the stable and justified motivation of the organizers and their like-minded people to achieve a specific level of sales.

Probably, more important than the authorized capital, there will be competently selected personnel capable of self-motivation and seeing a real perspective before failure. Even in the first stages, pay attention to the psychological aspect.

Your investors should be prepared in advance for a long-term placement of their capital and not a quick return on it.

For reference.

The number of insurance agencies in Russia has decreased by twenty percent. According to data as of the end of January this year in the unified state. The register of insurance entities included 459 insurance agencies, 14 of which are reinsurance agencies.

Moreover, 10 mutual storage societies are listed in the unified state register. The leader in this type of business was the Rosgosstrakh company (registered: Malakhovka village, Lyuberetsky district, Moscow region), which occupies more than 12% of the entire share of the Russian insurance market; last year's receipts in the form of insurance premiums to this company amounted to 97,431,792 ruble

Opening your own insurance company is one of the most labor-intensive and expensive types of business. To open a full-fledged company, you need at least 20 million rubles, a general director with a higher specialized education and experience in the insurance industry. In addition, obtaining a license takes about a year. Opening an insurance company is associated with great risks, since the level of competition in the insurance market is very high.

Insurance Business Basics

An insurance company is one of the subjects of the insurance market that provides services for concluding insurance contracts and organizing the process of insurance payments.

The main types of services that such companies can provide:

  1. Personal – life and health insurance, tourism, accidents.
  2. Property insurance – cars, housing, jewelry.
  3. Liability Insurance – compensation for discrepancies between promises and results in the production of goods.
  4. Insurance of specific and financial risks – political risks, failure to fulfill financial obligations.

The more services a company provides, the higher its income.

What types of insurance are most profitable?

When compiling a list of basic services, it is necessary to focus on the demand for certain services. The most popular:

  • OSAGO services.
  • CASCO services.
  • Health insurance.
  • Life insurance.
  • Real estate insurance.

To provide OSAGO and CASCO services, you must obtain a license from the Federal Service for Financial Markets. The license cost is about 120,000 rubles.

Enterprise registration

Suppose you already have authorized capital and you are going to open your own insurance company. In this case, you will need a number of documents:

  1. You must register as a legal entity. In this case, you can choose the following forms of ownership: OJSC, LLC.
  2. Draw up and approve the organization’s charter, which specifies all types of services provided: types of insurance, assessment and examination in the field of insurance.
  3. Documentary confirmation of the authorized capital.
  4. License issued by the Ministry of Finance. To obtain a license, you must provide the following package of documents: ; insurance documents (rules developed by you, estimated tariffs, actuarial calculations); business plan ().
  5. Documents of the General Director: copy of passport; copy of TIN(); a copy of a diploma of higher specialized education; a copy of the work book to confirm his qualifications.

5 years of general director experience. In addition, the manager's background is checked - whether there are any criminal records, reports to the police, etc.

  1. Receipt for payment of state duty.

Within 6-12 months, the process of verifying the submitted documents and obtaining a license takes place. Then the company is entered into the Unified State Register of Insurance Organizations. Only after this you can start providing insurance services.

Selection of premises

An important factor is the choice of premises. At the initial stage, you can get by with one small room with an area of ​​about 50 square meters. It can be located either in the center or not far from it, but not on the periphery. It is important that potential clients can reach you quickly.

Once your business begins to generate income, you can think about expanding your office network. In this case, you will need one large office with an area of ​​about 600 sq. m. downtown. Several more small offices in different areas of the city.

Each department should be decorated in a business style. Clients must understand that they have come to a truly serious company.

If you want to save money on premises, at first you can provide insurance services by visiting the client’s home or workplace. But at the same time, you should still have a room equipped in which you will store contracts, documents and simply carry out various telephone conversations.