Who is a choleric person description. Even in difficult and unforeseen circumstances I do not lose my composure

Psychology as a science has a huge number of different characteristics by which people can be divided into certain groups. In this article I would like to explain who a choleric person is and how this person differs from other people.

About types of temperament

Initially, it should be noted that this article will discuss one type of temperament. However, first you still need to understand who a choleric person, a sanguine person, a phlegmatic person, a melancholic person are, and how these people differ from each other:

  1. Sanguine. This is an active person who easily reacts to changes in reality, is not afraid of obstacles, but still tries to avoid them.
  2. Phlegmatic person. Such a person is calm. Before doing something, he will think several times. The process of his activity is slow and carefully thought out.
  3. Melancholic. These are often shy people who are afraid of obstacles and do not like innovation. They do their work efficiently and well, but on the condition that everything happens in an environment that is familiar to them.

Who a choleric person is and how such a person differs will be discussed further.


First you also need to understand the main term that will be used in the article. In this case it is choleric. The definition of this concept was given a very long time ago, around 400 BC. e., scientist and doctor Hippocrates. Even then, he divided all people into 4 large categories according to the type of temperament. How were the names chosen? So, translated, the word “chole” means “yellow bile,” i.e., it was with this definition that Hippocrates wanted to say that these are very impulsive individuals who are characterized by rapid changes of mood.

A few general words

You can quite easily understand what type of temperament a person belongs to. You just need to look at how he reacts to various problematic situations. If we are talking about choleric people, then they are not afraid of obstacles. Moreover, they simply sweep them out of their way. It is from this that we can draw a brief conclusion about who a choleric person is: he is a person with a strong character. Such people can endure heavy mental stress, but, unfortunately, most often they are unbalanced individuals. They are too emotional and hot-tempered.


You can also first consider the external features of a choleric person. After all, such people can most often be distinguished even by eye. How are they different?

  1. These people are mostly thin. They have long limbs, the muscles are mostly thin.
  2. Cholerics will also have a narrow chest, back, and pelvis.
  3. The skull will be slightly elongated, the parietal part will be pointed.
  4. The facial features of choleric people are clearly expressed; cheekbones are often very prominent.
  5. All movements of such people are fast, active, sharp. The gait is swift.

Emotional background of a choleric person

Let us further consider how the “choleric” type of temperament differs. It is also worth noting that such people have a special emotional background. As mentioned above, choleric people often experience mood swings. In addition, such people do not know how to hide their emotions at all, although they prefer to keep their own experiences secret, without revealing them to others (unlike sanguine people). In communication, people with this type of temperament are always active; they will not remain silent or simply listen. They must always and everywhere be aware of events.

It is also important to note that choleric people have amazing self-control in a situation if they have to face problems. They don't panic or despair. All difficulties are accepted steadfastly and without further ado. Cholerics believe that if desired, one can find a way out of any situation.

When understanding who a choleric person is, it should also be noted that such people often overestimate their capabilities (in addition, they often have inflated self-esteem, although outwardly they try to hide it). This leads to the fact that some things may not be completed. However, choleric people are such that they will still, even later, try to finish what is unfinished. How else can you receive the praise and approval of others? And this is extremely important for a choleric person.

Positive aspects of the character of choleric people

The “choleric” character type, however, like all others, has its positive aspects:

  • A huge plus is that choleric people are mostly optimists. They easily face troubles and look into the future with confidence and without fear.
  • These are very energetic and proactive people. Therefore, they make good workers. That's only if you don't take into account excessive emotionality.
  • It should be noted that a characteristic of a choleric person is not excessive suspiciousness. Such people are not used to inventing or thinking things up for themselves; they are straightforward. Anything they don't like is said to their faces. However, it should be noted that many people consider this character trait to be negative.
  • Cholerics cannot stand still. They must constantly be in motion, in development. That is why such people learn a lot and can do a lot of interesting things.
  • These are stress-resistant people. They easily cope with difficult tasks.
  • These are loyal people. You can trust them with your secret without fear, knowing that they will keep it.

Negative aspects of the character of a choleric person

What else might be interesting about the “choleric” temperament type? Characteristics of the negative aspects of the character of these people is what also needs to be discussed:

  • Often such people, in an effort to receive praise, can become workaholics. Sometimes it even turns into obsession.
  • People of this type of temperament are irritable. The thing is that they are very active and fast. And it makes them nervous if the other person is slower, shy or indecisive. In addition, we must remember that a choleric person loves to be agreed with his opinion. Otherwise, he may be sarcastic or even slightly offend his interlocutor.
  • Thoroughness is not a characteristic of a choleric person. These people are mostly superficial. For them, the result is important, not the process itself. That is why they often do not go into detail when doing a certain task.
  • Cholerics do not know how to sympathize. They believe that everyone is to blame for their own grief. Moreover, these are people prone to violence. They are very vindictive and do not forgive insults. The retaliatory strike may not be struck immediately, but it will still happen.
  • People of this type of temperament are cunning. They will do anything to get someone else to do their job.

Friendship and relationships

Let us further examine the “choleric” temperament type. The characteristics of such people in relation to connections with other people is what I would like to talk about further. Initially, it should be noted that these people really love attention. Therefore, there are always a lot of people around them. They try to communicate with everyone and have friendly relations. However, such people do not have too many real friends.

But at the same time they want to be friends with a choleric person. And even despite the difficult character and mood swings. And all because such people are reliable and loyal friends. They will never abandon a friend in difficult times or refuse help. They are always ready to lend their shoulder. Friends also respect choleric people for their optimism and positive attitude. Such people are always able to provide psychological support. And for many this is sometimes more important than financial assistance.

What can you say about your relationship with your significant other? If a loved one is ready to always play a supporting role and follow an active choleric person, the union will be as successful as possible.

  • The compatibility of “choleric and choleric” is not very successful. Such people always run the risk of being in conflict with each other. After all, both will try to pull the blanket over themselves. In addition, frequent scandals are possible. From this we can draw a simple conclusion that the compatibility of “choleric and choleric” is not very successful.
  • Compatibility between choleric and sanguine people. This union will not be as hot as the previous one. However, there will be quite a lot of pitfalls here. Such individuals will also conflict over the distribution of roles in the family. But if the division does occur, and both members of the couple are happy with it, then such a marriage will be good and long-lasting.
  • Compatibility between choleric and phlegmatic. It's safe to say that this is an ideal union. A calm phlegmatic person will tolerate the mood swings of his partner without much difficulty. And the choleric person, in turn, next to his beloved will find the peace and warmth he lacks.
  • Compatibility between choleric and melancholic. This union is difficult to imagine. After all, a choleric person will be very irritated by the self-doubt and slowness of a melancholic person. In addition, he will simply be killed on the spot by the pessimism of his other half. Constant conflicts will begin on the part of the choleric person, to which the melancholic person will react with tears. Such a marriage is most often short-lived.

Choice of profession

Cholerics have a very lively mind, they easily resist troubles. This is why they make excellent leaders. They always try to be aware of everything that is happening and have no problem making several important decisions at the same time. But it should still be noted that a choleric director will turn out to be authoritarian and strict. There will be no concessions or discounts for employees. And few people like this.

It is also important to note that choleric people love change. That is why the ideal vacancies for them are those that involve business travel or frequent movement.

Choleric people can also engage in creativity if they like it. Their potential in this industry is revealed to the maximum, and they manage to direct their emotions and excess energy in the right direction.

People with this type of temperament work well with both people and papers or numbers. That is why we can make a simple conclusion that almost any profession will suit them.

Life of a choleric person

It is worth noting that the design of a home for a choleric person should also be special. Such people must have everything at hand. That is why a choleric person’s room should have many drawers and shelves. If we talk about color, calm colors are suitable for the room of an active and impulsive person. So, pastel colors and any light shades are perfect. Warm and bright colors such as orange or red should be avoided.

A few words about children

What is he like, a choleric child? How are these babies different? This type of temperament can be recognized in your baby from early childhood. These are very persistent guys who always achieve their goals. At first it may be crying or screaming until exhaustion, later - subtle manipulation. These are very energetic kids who cannot stay in one place for a long time. Their games are always moving and active. Drawing or looking at pictures in books is not an activity for them. Such children tolerate discomfort worse than others, so they are most often considered capricious.

It is important to note that these kids can flirt in such a way that they simply do not hear their elders. In addition, they often do not compromise, since they consider their opinion to be the only correct one. They try to complete all the parents’ orders as quickly as possible, without taking into account the quality of the work.

The actions of such children are most often thoughtless. That is why these kids often have problems at school and with their peers. They generally study well, because everything is interesting to them. In addition, we must remember that choleric children must be praised. They simply need it.

Rules for raising choleric children

It is also worth noting that the design of the home for a choleric child should be correct. As mentioned above, everything that surrounds the baby should be pastel and soft colors. This can balance the unstable emotional background of such a child. You should not hide the toys of a choleric child; he should have them all at hand. These kids just need it. And of course, it is important to follow the following simple rules for raising children with this type of temperament:

  • Choleric children should not be criticized often. They can make comments, but only away from prying eyes and ears. But there should be a lot of praise. These kids desperately need it.
  • Children with this type of temperament need to be given quite a lot of attention. They love to be played with. At the same time, we must remember that we need to ensure that such children do not switch their attention too often.
  • The following smoothly follows from the previous rule: choleric children must be taught to finish what they start. We need to do everything to ensure that they concentrate on one thing for as long as possible. They also need to develop perseverance. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for them at school or kindergarten.
  • To better discipline such children, you need to think through a whole set of rituals. Only by adhering to them can you normalize your baby’s day and at least teach him a little order.

As a conclusion, I would like to say that it is very important to know who choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic are and how such people differ from each other. After all, this way you can much better find a common language with different personalities.

And choleric. For communication It can be useful to know a person's temperament.

Thanks to this, you can turn the conversation in the right direction or predict the interlocutor’s reaction. So who is a choleric person? What are its characteristics (women and men)?

Choleric - what is it in psychology?

What does it mean if a person is choleric? In psychology, “choleric” is one of four types of temperament, the classification of which Hippocrates also suggested.

In short, a choleric person is a person who is characterized by high degree of mental activity, sharpness, energy of action, swiftness, impetuosity, fast pace and force of movements.

Description of the psychological portrait

Among the main signs and traits Choleric can be distinguished as follows:

What does the word "choleric" mean? Find out from the video:

Features of the choleric type of temperament

The peculiarity of the choleric temperament is vivid expression and high intensity of emotional experiences, which proceed very quickly. This is expressed in hot temper and quick-wittedness.

The choleric person violently and deeply experiences all the emotions that completely capture him: both joy and sadness.

Choleric type of temperament also has great mobility, with sharp and rapid movements. Such people have great energy and activity.

What is not a characteristic of a choleric person? A choleric person is never assiduous, calm, restrained, or patient.

About the features of the choleric type of temperament in this video:

Person's character


Choleric man is a leader at work and the head of the family at home.

At work, he distinguishes himself from others and is sometimes even arrogant, but this often leads him to leadership positions.

Such a person as if created to give orders and management. This is a rather tough boss who is not particularly worried about the opinions of his subordinates.

As for the family, here too he occupies the main position. He makes all the decisions. He is demanding of other family members and believes that no one can disobey him.

A choleric man often has emotional breakdowns. At the same time, he does not really like to show feelings, as he considers it a weakness.

He purposeful in everything what is he doing. If he liked a girl, sooner or later he would achieve her, if he wanted a promotion, he would get it. His determination and tenacity manifests itself towards whatever he wants.


Choleric woman is a strong, purposeful and ambitious person. She learns everything easily and has no problem taking initiative if she considers it necessary.

Shows leadership qualities both at work and in the family circle.

Rarely a housewife, because she doesn’t like it when life passes her by.

Often she is not distinguished by femininity, preferring short haircuts, comfortable clothes and shoes. Doesn't follow fashion, but may well have a sense of style.


U choleric children temperament manifests itself almost from the cradle. They stand out for their active behavior and ability to take on any occasion.

Such a child can cry for hours in a store, begging for what he wants. He does not tolerate any discomfort well, immediately pouting his lips and shedding tears.

Choleric children very energetic, are distinguished by pronounced emotions. They are strong and their movements are swift. If a choleric child wants something, he will do everything possible on the way to his goal and will not rest until he achieves his goal.

Tips for raising a choleric child:

Personality qualities

So, The following qualities of a choleric person can be distinguished:

What kind of work is suitable?

Best of luck Cholerics achieve success in professions in which it is important to be able to win over oneself and establish connections with others.

Monotonous activities and work that require perseverance are absolutely not suitable for him, as he quickly gets tired of this.

Although a choleric person learns quickly, if he needs to go deeper into some subject or skill, then Difficulties may arise.

In order for a choleric person to remain at the peak of their performance, it is necessary to constantly maintain interest in work and emotional reinforcement.

Choleric can be called stress-resistant, so he does well in leadership positions.

Among professions, which are suitable for choleric people, can be called the following:

  • designer;
  • Sales Manager;
  • advertising agent;
  • presenter on television and radio stations;
  • PR specialist;
  • the reporter;
  • guide-translator;
  • insurance agent;
  • director;
  • guide;
  • and many others.

Cholerics can open their own business; they often make good and successful entrepreneurs.

In addition, it is best to choose such professions where efficiency does not depend on the amount of time worked, but from the results obtained. It is much easier for choleric people to work not according to a set schedule, but according to their own.

Thus, a choleric person has a better chance of building a career in professions that involve people and communicating with them than with technology and documents.

Temperament of a choleric person and choice of profession:

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important quality of choleric people is energy.

Sometimes it even borders on obsession, if some matter fascinates them especially strongly.

They know how to make decisions quickly, which is useful in critical or difficult situations. The positive features include the fact that they are not vindictive and quickly move away even after the conflict.

Cholerics are often rude, irritable. They can conflict on any issue. They strive for dominance in everything, demanding almost unquestioning obedience and submission. They don't like it when they do something differently than they said.

Definition and characteristics

Choleric extrovert focused on the world around him, constantly strives to be the center of attention. They are sociable and open to everything new. They love big companies, events and constant movement.

Let's begin with introvert- this is a person who is primarily focused on his inner world, he rarely shows emotions, and is often closed and uncommunicative.

Already from this description it becomes obvious that a choleric person and an introvert are two opposite poles. Such people are extremely rare.

Typically they differ strong mood swings- today they feel good in a big company, and tomorrow they will prefer a cozy evening at home with a book.

How to behave and how to communicate?

It is necessary to constantly remember that choleric people straightforward and always immediately express what is on their mind.

But at the same time, this may not necessarily be their permanent opinion.

Most likely, this is simply a reaction to a specific situation combined with his mood at the current moment. Therefore at another moment you may even hear a contradictory statement. Therefore, when communicating with a choleric person, you need to make allowances for his emotionality and changeability.

If your goal is to be on good terms with the choleric person, you need to focus your efforts on don't piss him off and don't contradict him. Because otherwise he can throw out all the negative emotions on you.

Moreover, within 5 minutes he will move away and forget about the fact that he insulted you. So if you are particularly touchy, then the slight irritability of a choleric person can cause deep wounds to you.

If your subordinate at work is choleric, then you must understand that he already has a lot of energy, so There is no need to put pressure on him and constantly spur him on. It’s better to try to diversify his activities, to captivate him with some interesting task.

Impulsive, passionate, hot-tempered, unbalanced, reacting quickly to a situation - this is how one can characterize a person whose predominant temperament type is choleric. Despite the fact that such people often have to “blow off steam,” they can be restrained and reasonable.

Character traits

A choleric person is an unbalanced but strong type; he can cope with significant mental stress, but such a person has an increased level of irritability and instability. Representatives of this type are easy to get excited about, they are aggressive, they often splash out emotions on others, but if you meet them halfway, they can quickly calm down and cool down. Innate leadership qualities contribute to the fact that choleric people strive to be winners in everything, it is important for them to attract attention to themselves, they are in constant motion. You can notice a choleric person by their expressive facial expressions and sharp, feverish gestures; they often chatter and consider attack to be the best defense.

Simple test

There is a simple procedure for determining the type of temperament a choleric person has, just note your inherent qualities from the following.

  1. Active.
  2. Angry.
  3. Initiator.
  4. Stubborn.
  5. Leader.
  6. Noisy.
  7. Dominant.
  8. Hardy.
  9. Rival.
  10. Forgetful.
  11. Vigorous.
  12. Active.
  13. Intolerant.
  14. Excitable.
  15. Impulsive.
  16. Impatient.
  17. Hot-tempered.
  18. Restless.
  19. Aggressive.

Don’t expect a complete match, because often one person has traits from at least two temperaments. If you have more than half of these qualities, then the choleric temperament type is predominant.


By nature, choleric people are sociable and make contact easily, but at the same time they want to remain leaders.

Choleric child

A choleric child is often capricious, trying to get what he wants; he often becomes the center of the family, and the rest of its members revolve around him. Despite this, such children become grateful for the slightest attention; they are responsive and affectionate when they are happy with everything. Such a child tends to violently express any reactions to surrounding events; he will be delighted to go to the circus, and the reaction to any prohibition will be screaming and crying. In group games, he prefers to be the leader. In adolescence, hyperactive expression of emotions will take over, so an aggressive teenager-hooligan can be considered a typical choleric person.

Choleric woman

Ambitious, strong, strong-willed, this is how you can describe a choleric woman. She is not afraid of everything new, which she easily learns, and loves to lead, regardless of whether she is in the family or at work. She will not make an ideal housewife; such women rarely sit at home, they strive to conquer heights and are ready to take on any interesting work. Next to a choleric woman there should be a pliable, calm, patient and softer man; a phlegmatic type of temperament will be an ideal husband, since only he can withstand such high activity.

Choleric man

A choleric man will dominate the family and will not allow his wife to command him. He is a representative of the stronger sex and behaves accordingly, taking care of the well-being and safety of the family. A choleric father can become a despot; he will demand unquestioning obedience from his children, but he is also characterized by sensitivity, love and care.

A choleric man can become a tyrant in the family, then the child will suffer the most. You won't be able to change your character, but you can try to correct it.

A representative of this type needs followers whom he can command, so at school such individuals often gather a large company around them, which is ready to follow and obey. They are not prone to loneliness, so they are sociable and often have many friends. Thanks to their organization and quick reaction, choleric men quickly move up the career ladder and often become successful in business.

Choleric extrovert

An extrovert can be characterized by the predominant process of excitation over inhibition. And choleric people are typical unstable extroverts, since they are focused on the outside world, always strive to be in the center of attention, therefore they are extremely sociable, but at the same time uncompromising and often splash out their negative emotions on others.

Choleric introvert

An introvert is a secretive person, he is not inclined to share his experiences and thoughts with others, and does not openly show emotions. Such people avoid large and noisy companies and are never the first to make contact. Based on this characteristic, we can assume that an introvert and a choleric person are something so incompatible that it is extremely rare to meet such a person.

Pros of temperament

A choleric person always pre-analyzes the situation before inserting his “two cents” and this can be attributed to the advantages of this type. This type of temperament is disruptive; it can even be called an innovator, since excessive activity makes one strive for more. Such individuals are able to quickly make important decisions due to their high concentration of attention. A creative approach to work makes it possible to expand activities.

Cons of temperament

As for the disadvantages of this type, such people often do not finish the things they start, since it is difficult to do one thing for a long time, and their range of interests is wide. The choleric person is active, but being in constant motion, he often gets tired and sometimes does not understand this, because of this emotional breakdowns occur.

Among the four types of temperament, the most active (along with sanguine) is choleric. A representative of this type is characterized by a predominance of excitation over inhibition, which manifests itself in an immediate reaction to external influences. A choleric person actively and sometimes thoughtlessly seizes on new exciting things, but can lose interest in them very quickly.

How does a choleric person perform a task? He quickly describes everything in detail, draws up a step-by-step strategy and gets down to business so that the work is done on time or earlier.

Positive character traits

  1. High activity. A choleric person is able to work tirelessly on any project until he brings it to perfection or finds a more attractive occupation. Tenacious, persistent, goal-oriented; able to work much longer than the usual 8 hours.
  2. Responsibility. Makes decisions independently; is responsible for his words and actions.
  3. Optimism. Looks at the world positively. Thanks to this quality, choleric people have a wide circle of contacts, attracting people to themselves.
  4. Decisive, self-confident.
  5. Independence. Does not expect anyone else to do the work for him and does not seek to delegate authority.
  6. Possesses truly masculine qualities - courage, courage, willpower (this also applies to representatives of the fair sex).
  7. Self-control.

Difficulties, losses, problems do not unsettle a choleric person, but on the contrary motivate him, forcing him to look for ways to solve problems.

Negative character traits

  1. Reactivity. It happens that a choleric person who has been working on one project for a long time loses interest in it and grabs onto another. This is due to the fact that a person with a choleric temperament makes decisions spontaneously, thoughtlessly (unlike, for example, a phlegmatic person), which he soon regrets.
  2. Not inclined to show humanity. A choleric person is unlikely to sympathize with those who feel sad. He is incapable of deep empathy, avoids tears, and in relationships does not pay attention to the little things that matter to his partner. Rarely forgives and can be vindictive.
  3. Irritability. If a choleric person happens to work side by side with measured and slow people, he is ready to raise his voice, rush, express hostility and show disrespect towards them. Accustomed to doing everything quickly, the choleric person gets irritated by people who are less active than him.

The main feature of a choleric person is inconstancy and unpredictability. Yesterday he was sociable, today he is silent; last month I worked on one global project, this month I switched to another. It is impossible to know how he will behave at the moment.

Features of work for choleric people

How do choleric people realize themselves? The first job requirement is live communication with people. The more people, the better. Secondly, there must be an opportunity for career growth (cholerics achieve phenomenal success in business). Thirdly, frequent business trips and regular changes of places are acceptable. Monotonous work is contraindicated for a person with a choleric temperament.

Choleric man

The unconditional head of the family, a leader in business and a born boss. A tendency to isolate oneself from other people and excessive arrogance are the main qualities that make choleric people the heads of large corporations, army commanders or world-famous politicians. A choleric man does not care about the opinions of his subordinates, because he was created to manage and give orders. Everyone is familiar with these people - Peter I, computer tycoon Bill Gates, commander Alexander Suvorov, billionaire Donald Trump. They had (have) a choleric type of temperament.

In the family such a man is the head. He is also demanding at home, as in business; if anyone dares to disobey him, the consequences will be terrifying. A woman whose husband is choleric should know: her husband will never change his character. Rather, she will tolerate the peculiarities of his character. Also, the wife of a choleric person needs to be prepared for her husband’s emotional breakdowns, rudeness without subsequent apologies, and expressions of sympathy. A choleric person considers such emotions to be a sign of weakness and categorically does not welcome them.

If a choleric man offers to date a young girl, sooner or later he gets his way. He will move mountains, ask more than once, shower him with gifts, push out competitors and achieve his goal. The perseverance and determination of a choleric person are amazing qualities that make a girl feel like she is behind a stone wall.

Choleric woman

The characteristics of the temperament in question also apply to the weaker sex. In a nutshell, a choleric woman is a “general in a skirt.” She is ambitious, strong, has goals and is able to provide for herself, is proactive, and easy to learn. The saying of A.P. Chekhov has reached the present day: “A choleric woman is a devil in a skirt, a crocodile.” Likes to command subordinates and family members. The future husband of a choleric woman must be ready to obey her unquestioningly. She is not one of those housewives who likes to sit still while life passes by. Unknown heights attract a woman, and she is ready to seize any interesting opportunity, which she often does. Among famous women, Oprah Winfrey was (are) choleric, and among Russian women - Liya Akhedzhakova, Yana Churikova.

Representatives of the fair sex with a choleric temperament do not particularly like skirts and dresses, preferring the comfort of pants and business suits with trousers. They can have short haircuts (“boy-style”) and ignore trends in women’s fashion; They don’t care about expensive accessories like rings with rhinestones. For them, the main thing is action, not femininity.

A calm, patient man with a phlegmatic or melancholic temperament is ideal for a choleric woman - only he can get along with such an active lady.

As for the relationship between two choleric people, they in 99% of cases doomed to failure. A mutual desire to dominate each other, quarrelsomeness, and regular quarrels with raised voices are obligatory companions for a family consisting of two choleric people.

Each type of temperament has its pros and cons, and choleric is no exception. Without them as great leaders, the world would be incomplete. It is choleric people who see the goal in front of them more clearly than others, regardless of obstacles they go towards it and thereby set the whole world in motion.

Today, many people study their temperament and are interested in the characteristics of other characters. Choleric is one of four possible temperaments, which is characterized by phenomenal speed of mental reactions. A choleric person is not inclined to think about something for a long time, especially since he is not inclined to analyze current events. He is used to rushing forward through life at great speed, sometimes not noticing the feelings and moods of those around him.

It is worth remembering that it is extremely rare that the properties of a particular temperament are found in life in their pure form. Most often, there is a mixed type of temperament, when significant characteristics are combined with each other and find expression in specific people. Let's consider the most important characteristics of a choleric person.

Attitude to life

A striking feature of a choleric person is a certain irrepressibility. The choleric person himself is very active and prefers to act passionately and recklessly. He is subject to various impressions, strives for novelty and constant change of impressions. For the most part, a choleric person takes life lightly and does not take anything seriously. He seems to be playing with fate and therefore enthusiastically embarks on dangerous adventures. Adventure beckons him, calling him along. The choleric person joyfully experiences everything that opens up to his gaze: he is an innovator and always strives forward. He goes through life as if all the most interesting things are happening now. The choleric person is not inclined to put off important matters and is not ready to endure various inconveniences, even if they are necessary for further success. A choleric person generally spreads himself too thin, so he is unable to concentrate on one task and finish the job he has started. This type of temperament is quite confident in himself and his abilities, but he tends to underestimate those around him, often considering them slow and unintelligent. Often a choleric person shows aggressiveness, he has a lot of energy, but he does not know how to use it correctly and usefully for the benefit even of himself.

Attitude towards yourself and others

In society, a choleric person tends to take on leadership positions. He is a leader by nature, and therefore cannot obey anyone. He needs to decide everything himself. He often justifies his own shortcomings by the unworthy behavior of other people, believes that he is right and therefore other people should definitely listen to him. In many cases he shows extreme self-confidence and can become a rather harsh dictator. He loves power and strives to have it.

Emotional condition

Choleric is a strong but unbalanced type. The emotions of a choleric person are constantly changing, one state replaces another. He doesn't stay on anything for long. This characteristic of temperament allows him to see the approach of a dangerous situation several steps ahead, so he can prepare for troubles and meet them fully armed. Cholerics are not inclined to calculate steps several steps ahead, but they do it on the fly. The choleric person sees the big picture as a whole, but does not notice the particulars. It is difficult for him to delve into details, imagine some particulars and analyze the current situation. It is much easier for a choleric person to perform some action again than to strain and try to understand other people. He has little developed sensitivity towards those who are nearby. For the most part, he thinks and cares only about his own well-being.

Thus, a choleric person is a type of temperament that is not inclined to care about the future. He lives one day at a time and tries to get all kinds of benefits from life. Its main characteristics are determination, courage, toughness, firmness, and stunning speed of reaction. Such a person will not disappear anywhere and will quickly be able to adapt to any situation.