Anastasia Spiridonova is in contact with the official group. Lyrics (words) by Anastasia Spiridonova

On Channel One.

Anastasia Spiridonova born in the city of Velikie Luki. She graduated from the local vocal studio “Terminal”. Then she became a student in the jazz vocal department at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins.

The creative path of Anastasia Spiridonova / Anastasiya Spiridonova

Anastasia Spiridonova created her own group “Los Devchatos”, as part of which she appeared on the STS channel, in the show “STS lights up a superstar”. Besides, Anastasia Spiridonova is a member of the Jazz Parking project and, together with her stage colleagues, performs gospel music.

In 2012 Anastasia Spiridonova joined the participants of the music show "Voice" on Channel One. The girl performed the song “Simply the best” by Tina Turner, which earned her universal respect. Three mentors turned to her at once. Only Pelageya remained indifferent. Anastasia Spiridonova ended up on Leonid Agutin’s team, but later apologized to Alexander Gradsky .

On the eve of the performance, the girl said that she would go to the first mentor who would turn to her. The first was Alexander Gradsky, but in the end Anastasia Spiridonova preferred his colleague:

Leonid is close to me in spirit, I feel him, I like his music, it’s mine.

Her bandmate, Anastasia Chevazhevskaya, also appeared on the show "Voice". She joined Dima Bilan's team, but left the stage after the second musical "duel". Among other things, the participant was in the last months of pregnancy.

Anastasia Spiridonova was among the finalists of the “Voice” project. She won musical duels with Zlat Khabibullin (composition “Drop It”), Idelia Mukhametzyanova (“Hurt”), and also performed the singles “I’m outta love” and “All by myself” during the broadcast.

On the eve of the second semi-final Anastasia Spiridonova got very sick. She couldn’t even rehearse - neither antibiotics nor the help of a phoniatrist helped her. But, despite her poor health, she coped well with her repertoire. The audience gave a standing ovation Anastasia Spiridonova, and Leonid Agutin gave her 60% of his vote.

Anastasia Spiridonova won the duel with Edward Khacharyan with a margin of seven percent of the vote.

Spectators do not see how rehearsals take place. Yesterday I couldn't sing. There was hysterics at the rehearsal. The most important thing that needs to be shown, I can’t. I’m not just sick, my ligaments don’t close, the air flows without sound. And with this song... You either have to sing it or not even try. You just don't have the right. This morning and this afternoon I couldn't sing it. I went to today’s performance and was already thinking through the words that I had to say when I left the project. A miracle happened.

Anastasia Spiridonova reached the finals along with Dina Garipova, Elmira Kalimullina and Margarita Pozoyan. In the final, as a result of audience voting, Nastya ended up in third place, losing to Dina and Elmira.

In September 2014, Anastasia was invited to participate in the show “Three Chords,” hosted by Maxim Averin. The program airs on Channel One and covers all styles of Russian music. Each issue is thematic. Together with Anastasia Spiridonova, Irina Dubtsova, Dmitry Kharatyan, Alexander Marshall and others take part in the show. But Anastasia withstands the competition of Russian pop masters with dignity and remains in a leading position.

The young singer also starred in the television project “Big Race,” the 10th season of which started in September 2014.

The bright red-haired singer Anastasia Spiridonova, with just her appearance on stage, already attracts gazes with fascination, and when she starts singing, listeners forget about everything, dissolving in her voice. The singer gained popularity and fame from her participation in major rating projects “Voice” and “Three Chords”. In both programs, the talented contestant was, without exaggeration, one of the brightest and most memorable participants, which was reflected in the final result: in the first, the singer received an honorable third place, and in the second, a resounding victory. Naturally, TV viewers could not help but be interested personal life of Anastasia Spiridonova. And it is precisely this curiosity that we will try to satisfy in this article.

The biography of Anastasia Spiridonova began 29 years ago in Kazakhstan (Karaganda), where the future singer lived with her parents and sisters until she was 10 years old. Then the whole family moved to the Russian city of Velikiye Luki. Singing occupied the girl from childhood. At the same 10-year-old age, the young artist had her first successful solo performance at a city competition. In Russia, Anastasia Spiridonova continued her musical education, first at the Terminal vocal studio in Velikiye Luki, and then at Gnesinka in Moscow. The determination and independence inherent in the girl’s character allowed her not only to break away from her family at a very tender age, but also not to get lost in a big metropolis, steadily building a singing career. Actually, thanks to these character qualities, we are now studying the biography of Anastasia Spiridonova. Otherwise, she would have remained one of those many who simply love to sing and do it for the soul during feasts or in the bath. On the way to fame, the singer had to work hard: her biography includes 8 years of work experience in restaurants and singing in the group “Los Devchatos”. Of course, there were some disappointments. For example, after the group did not pass the qualifying rounds for “New Wave” and “Eurovision”.

Now Anastasia Spiridonova’s singing career is on the rise, while her personal life has faded into the background. And this is not the singer’s choice; fate itself placed her in such conditions. Apparently, men began to be scared off by the singer’s increased popularity. And the girl herself has a rather strict behavior. And lately she even finds special pleasure in being alone. The fact is that in her life there were already two serious romances that could have ended in a wedding if the singer’s chosen ones had proposed marriage in time. The last relationship lasted more than five years. They coincided in time with the “Voice” project. The lovers lived together, so now Anastasia Spiridonova takes advantage of the moment to enjoy harmony in solitude. The singer honestly admitted to reporters that she would not show off her new lover when he appears in her life, because she does not like to flaunt too personal details. For the same reason, almost no one saw her former man, with the exception, of course, of close friends and acquaintances.

Winter (feat. Sound Media Kids)
Ursa Lullaby
Easy to breathe
Love (and Sergei Volchkov)
We're burning ourselves out
Jump into the clouds
My homeland (& DJ Fenix)
Happy New Year baby
I run to him
I choose you

Anastasia Spiridonova - biography

Anastasia Spiridonova was born in Kazakhstan on January 20, 1985. Later, the girl's family moved to a city called Velikiye Luki. Here Nastya graduated from a vocal studio called “Terminal”. Afterwards she studied at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnessins at the department of jazz vocals.


Anastasia Spiridonova as an artist turned out to be very active and, undoubtedly, talented. She herself formed her own group called “Los Devchatos”. This group includes two more performers, including another participant in the “Voice” project - Anastasia Chevazhevskaya. The style of Los Devchatos is quite difficult to define, since the girls do not adhere to boundaries when writing their songs. The main thing, as they themselves say, is emotion. Positive. It's important to sing what you really like. Therefore, today's direction of Los Devchatos is rhythmic soul, blues with elements of gospel and pop music. In 2007, the team participated in the musical television project “STS Lights up a Superstar.” In 2013, the group ceased to exist. Victoria Zhuk is currently the vocalist of the group. Anastasia Chevazhevskaya and Anastasia Spiridonova began solo projects.

Since 2013 – contract with the Producer Center “VSM production”.

Since September 2014, she has been a participant in the television project “Three Chords”. Also, in 2014, the premiere of the single “I Choose You” took place.

In April 2015, Nastya presented the song “Sun”.

Speeches at official international events:
- at the solemn ceremony “One Year Before the XXII Olympic Games in Sochi-2014” with Grigory Leps (2013),
- at the opening ceremony of the World Athletics Championships (2013),
- in Brussels at a meeting of the heads of the International University Sports Federation, where Krasnoyarsk (2013) was chosen as the capital of the Winter Universiade 2019.

Anastasia Spiridonova. Born on January 20, 1986 in Karaganda (Kazakhstan). Russian singer.

She lived in Kazakhstan until she was 10 years old, then the whole family moved to Russia - to the city of Velikiye Luki. Nastya graduated from school there, after which she came to Moscow.

She developed a desire to make music when she came to Russia. Her friend, with whom she played in KVN, went to a vocal studio. “We were preparing numbers, she heard me sing and invited me to try myself with them. I auditioned and began to sing. After 2 months, my teacher entered me into a children’s city competition, in which I took first place. I was 10 years old ". Then I had to sing Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, and the second number was Tanya Bulanova's “Mama" - a very touching song. When I performed it, I burst into tears, fell to my knees - the whole audience was crying... This was my first performance. The victory inspired me , and I decided to continue,” she recalled.

In the city of Velikiye Luki, Nastya studied at the Terminal vocal studio. After school, she went to Moscow and entered the Gnessin School to study jazz vocals.

After studying at Gnesinka, she organized her own musical group - "Los Girly tos"(in 2013 the team ceased to exist). With the group she participated in the show “STS Lights up a Superstar.” She was also a member of the Jazz Parking Band music project.

Anastasia Spiridonova and Jazz Parking Band - I will survive

In 2012, she became a participant in the show “The Voice”. As the singer said, at first she did not take the project seriously and even wanted to refuse to participate in it: “when the day came to sign the contract, I said: “Girls, I probably won’t go.” I was somehow lazy then.” But the girls persuaded her.

Her composition during the blind auditions from Tina Turner's repertoire Simply the best created a real sensation. She chose Leonid Agutin as a mentor.

Anastasia Spiridonova - Simply the best. Show "The Voice"

Anastasia Spiridonova reached the final of the first season of the show “The Voice” along with Dina Garipova, Elmira Kalimullina and Margarita Pozoyan, but according to the results of the audience voting she became only third.

From September 21, 2014 to August 14, 2015, she participated in the “Three Chords” project, aired on Channel One. And she became his winner.

“I knew that there would be numbers with a live orchestra, so I agreed immediately. At first no one took me seriously. But then I gradually began to communicate,” the artist recalled.

Despite intense competition and such eminent rivals as Alena Apina, Andrey Davidyan, and others, Nastya, unexpectedly for many, was able to win a very difficult fight. Although sometimes it came almost to the point of loss of consciousness.

“Yes, once I really had to drink valerian because I felt sick. I never take anything before performances. Because valerian can affect emotions and inhibit reactions. In “Three Chords” I had to sing several emotionally difficult songs. After the song “Blizzard,” I felt really bad – I thought I was going to faint. I was so nervous that I couldn’t even sit – I wanted to fall. The make-up artist brought me valerian, I drank it and gradually began to calm down,” she said.

Anastasia Spiridonova - Blizzard. Show "Three Chords"

“Do you know why chanson is so popular in our country? Because the most important thing there is the word. We recently talked about this topic with Irina Allegrova. She also believes that if a song reaches the listener’s heart, it is never forgotten!”, believes Anastasia.

Participated in the tenth season of the Big Race program.

Anastasia Spiridonova's height: 162 centimeters.

Personal life of Anastasia Spiridonova:


There were rumors that the singer had a rich patron who would help her get on the “Voice” project. However, the artist herself denied these rumors: “It’s not true - I live alone!”

She says about her ideal man: “He should be healthy! Both morally and physically! Money, of course, is also important... unfortunately, life shows that a man should earn at least no less than a woman. Otherwise, the couple will conflicts."

According to some reports, Anastasia has a lover who lives in the USA, where she spends a lot of time.

Discography of Anastasia Spiridonova:

Simply the Best
Give it up
All By Myself
Make a wish
I do not trust you
On the lilac moon
Happy New Year
To the only, tender...
I smoke