Justin Timberlake personal life children. Justin Timberlake - biography and personal life

Justin Timberlake is known primarily as an outstanding pop artist. In addition, the young man also has other talents, thanks to which he develops himself in such activities as acting, composing, producing, and so on. Justin's biography, despite his extremely young age, includes many musical projects, films with his participation, awards and prizes.

  • Real name: Justin Randall Timberley
  • Date of birth: 01/31/1981
  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Height: 181 centimeters
  • Weight: 75 kilograms
  • Shoe size: 45 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Blue, dark

Justin was born in the USA in the sunny state of Tennessee. It is known that the singer is of English and Circassian origin. However, there is unconfirmed evidence that Indian blood also flows in him.

The future singer grew up in a family that raised him in accordance with the Baptist faith, since his grandfather was an adherent of this religion and worked as a priest. Justin Timberlake himself often says that, despite the religious upbringing given by his parents, he considers himself not so much a religious Christian as a spiritual one.

As a child, when he was not yet 5 years old, he experienced his parents’ divorce. Soon they acquired soul mates. His mother married successfully, and his father found a wife, from whom Timberlake has 2 younger half-brothers. Justin could also have a sister on his father's side, who, unfortunately, died when she was still just a baby. He himself admits that his parents’ divorce at such an early age did not in any way affect his happy childhood and psyche. He was a very enthusiastic guy who dreamed of conquering Hollywood by any means necessary.

From his earliest years, Justin Timberlake was fascinated by the various aspects of art. To this day he dances wonderfully. The singer himself humorously admits that he started dancing before he even really learned to walk. As for his passion for music, our hero had a large number of idol performers, among whom are the King of Pop Michael Jackson, as well as soul singer Al Green. It was by watching Michael Jackson that our hero adopted his dancing abilities.

Interestingly, his childhood hobby was watching the television show “The Mickey Mouse Club,” and Justin Timberlake at first could not imagine that he would ever be invited to it. It turned out quite ironically when, while performing for this children's television show, he met his first love, whom he later married, and met a young man, Jesse Chasez, his future partner in the musical group.

Music career

Timberlake first tried himself as a singer on the stage of the TV show “Star Search”, where he was able to show his talents. After performing on the TV show “The Mickey Mouse Club,” and having already met Jesse Chasez, he offered to found him the boy band ‘N Sync. In just 5 years since the founding of the group 'N Sync, the guys managed to receive as many as 3 awards, and also sold several million copies of their albums.

And in 2002, Justin left the group, deciding to devote all his energy to solo performance. And he managed to position himself correctly, and now his musical biography includes a large number of duets and joint projects with leading Hollywood stars. Among them we can distinguish both rap artists, for example, Jay-Z, and pop singers.

Film career

Thanks to the fact that Timberlake managed to become famous for his musical achievements, it was not difficult for him to break into the film industry. Of course, the young man’s excellent appearance also played a role here. His filmography currently contains 17 films. And the actor began acting in them in 2000. Thus, given Justin Timberlake's age, he continues to act in films and receive worthy awards.

Personal life

Perhaps it is the personal life of the famous pop singer that worries his fans the most. They are especially disappointed with the latest news, since our hero has acquired a wife and child.

As noted earlier, he met his first love while on the children's show “The Mickey Mouse Club.” She became the famous pop singer Britney Spears. As Justin later said, it was love at first sight. The couple dated for 4 years, after which they announced the end of their relationship. The singer claims that to this day he and Britney remain excellent friends.

Justin Timberlake's next passion was Cameron Diaz, with whom Justin was also in a relationship for only 4 years.

Finally, he met Jessica Biel. Despite the fact that the couple was going through a separation, they subsequently managed to get back together and legitimize their relationship. Thanks to Jessica, Timberlake has a son, Silas.

Every week HELLO.RU talks about the most stylish celebrity children. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Noah and Bodhi - the sons of actors Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green, who are expecting the birth of their third child together, and today the hero of our column is Silas Randall - the son of singer Justin Timberlake and actress Jessica Biel.

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The first child of Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake was born on April 10, 2015. Journalists started talking about Biel’s pregnancy in the fall of 2014, when they noticed changes in her figure, but the couple made an official statement only in January, when Justin published a photo on a social network in which he kisses his wife’s rounded belly.

Justin Timberlake and pregnant Jessica Biel

Unlike many celebrities, the couple decided not to sell the first photo of their son to glossy publications, but showed it to the public themselves. Just two weeks after the birth of Silas, Randall appeared with his mother in front of Justin's followers on Instagram.

The Timberlake family is ready! Go Grizzlies!

Justin signed the photo, in which Bil posed with her son in her arms. It's funny that Silas Randall is already a fan of his father's favorite team, the Memphis Grizzlies. At least for the first photo shoot, he was dressed in the blue and white uniform of this particular basketball team. That day, by the way, the Timberlake family had something to rejoice at - the Memphis Grizzlies beat the Portland Trail Blazers with a score of 100-86.

Justin Timberlake and Silas

He is wonderful, our true joy. It allows us to have an absolutely amazing experience. Motherhood is an incredibly difficult task, the most difficult job in the world. I have never been so grateful and appreciative of my mother in my life as I am now. When Silas was born, I immediately called my mom and simply said, “Thank you.” What you have to do every day for your children is a huge responsibility and great joy that cannot be compared with anything,

Jessica said in an interview with NBC's Today after Timberlake took part in Jimmy Fallon's The Tonight Show, where he not only showed pictures of the grown-up Silas, but also talked about how his everyday life as a father goes.

This is the most crazy, amazing, beautiful, amazing and incredible thing that has ever happened in my life. My son has already said his first word and, what is pleasant for me, it was “dad”... Never in my life have I slept so little and dealt with so many “waste products”. But I'm still very happy about it all!

After Jimmy Fallon's broadcast, an even more desperate "hunt" began for the Timberlake family. The paparazzi followed the stars' every step, and their efforts were crowned with success: in November 2015, Jessica Biel was photographed for the first time on a walk with her son. Even then it became clear: Silas was growing up to be a real fashionista and had every chance of becoming the storm of girls’ hearts.

Justin Timberlake and SilasJessica Biel with son SilasJessica Biel and SilasJessica Biel and SilasSilas Randall Timberlake

Silas's parents dress him modestly, but not boringly, incorporating into his looks elements that they themselves love. For example, both Justin and Jessica love striped and checkered things, so their son has a huge amount of checkered and striped clothes in his wardrobe - overalls, bodysuits, shorts and shirts. Silas’s printed outfits are combined with plain ones so that the image is not overloaded: for example, a bright T-shirt or a colorful sweatshirt can be combined with neutral sweatpants, and a patterned jumpsuit can be combined with a knitted nude sweater or gray jacket.

Since Silas's parents are people with a great sense of humor, he does a lot of "funny" things. Just look at the collection of bodysuits with the words “I love mommy” and “I love daddy” written on the butt. Let's hope that the baby will inherit their parents' positive attitude and, when he dresses independently, will delight us with new images with a touch of humor.

Justin Timberlake and Silas
Jessica Biel with son SilasJustin Timberlake and SilasJessica Biel with son SilasJessica Biel with her son Silas and his nanny

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Justin Randall Timberlake was born on January 31, 1981 (6:30 pm) in Memphis, Tennessee. Justin's parents: Lynn Harless (Lynn Randall-Harless manager of the girl group Innosense) and Randy Timberlake. Timberlake has two half-brothers: Jonathan and Stephen. Justin's sister Laura Catherine died shortly after birth.

Having barely learned to walk, Justin showed ability to sing and dance. At the age of eleven, Timberlake first appeared on television - in the competition program Star Search (“Looking for a Star”). Then, under the name Justin Randall, he performed several country songs. As a result, in the same 1992, he was invited to the popular television show Disney's Mickey Mouse club, where the boy performed with young people and future N'SYNC bandmate Joshua Scott Chavez.

After two years of participating in the Mickey Mouse Club, Justin returned home, but the desire to become a star, sing and dance took its toll, and he left for Orlando.

At the age of fourteen, Timberlake becomes a member of a new project - a teenage boy band. The group consisted of five people: Timberlake, Chavez, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone and Lance Bass. At the suggestion of Timberlake's mother, the new group was named N"SYNC (the abbreviation was formed from the last letters of the members' names).

In 1997, N"SYNC's debut album was released, which was named after the name of the group. The team spent the first time in Germany, where they enjoyed enormous popularity, while at the same time remaining relatively unknown in their homeland, the United States of America. In 1998 year, the second edition of the band's debut album was released, prepared specifically for the American market. At this time, Timberlake said that he hated show business, where everyone lies to each other. However, very soon he himself became an organic part of the a well-oiled mechanism called “show business”.

Since 1998, massive promotion of N"SYNC began on the American channel DYSNEY. The dense rotation of N"SYNC songs on this channel attracts the attention of the teenage audience to the group, which immediately affects the position of the group's album in the American charts. Timberlake becomes the most popular member of N"SYNC, and in 1999 Teen People Magazine included him in the list of the most attractive stars under the age of 21.

When recording the 2001 N"SYNC album entitled "Celebrity", Timberlake participated in the songwriting. The success of the singles "Pop", "Gone", "Girlfriend", among the authors of which Justin himself was listed, clearly showed that he has a great potential as a solo artist and songwriter.

At the beginning of 2002, Timberlake began recording his first solo album, while simultaneously appearing on the new album Nelly. The young performer decides to continue collaborating with Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo, who successfully worked on several songs from the latest N'SYNC album, including the single "Girlfriend". According to the project participants, they were given creative freedom for the first time and allowed some spontaneity in the choice of musical and text solutions.

"I think it's a very sexy album," says Justin Timberlake. "The lyrics talk a lot about sex, but they say it sincerely. I wouldn't cross the line into vulgarity - because then it wouldn't be me."

In March of the same 2002, Justin broke up with (Britney Spears), this affair lasted for several years (Britney's future husband Kevin Federline worked as a backup dancer for N'SYNC). Already in the summer of 2002, Justin was recognized as the most attractive bachelor in America.

Interest in the future release was fueled by the yellow press, which with enviable consistency talked about Justin's real or imaginary romances either with Janet Jackson (Janet Jakson), who appeared as a backing vocalist during the recording of the album, or with actress Alyssa Milano () and even with Kylie Minogue () , with whom Justin performed together at the Brit Awards 2003.

Timberlake's debut album, Justified, was released in the summer of 2002. Stars such as Timbaland, Bubba Sparxxx and The Neptunes helped him record the album. The single Like A Love You was popular, but did not make a big splash (in February 2003 it appeared in second place in the English chart). However, the song that became the second single - Cry Me A River - became a turning point in the young artist's solo career.

The video for this song helped the composition take a leading position in the charts on both sides of the Atlantic. The song allowed the album to top the most prestigious British chart in Europe (February 2003), after which Justin began to consider the UK his second home. Subsequent singles Rock Your Body and Senorita also contributed to the success of the disc, which was recorded in several styles at once: rhythm and blues, pop and rock. Music critics reacted to the album with enviable interest and called it an interesting experimental work. In May 2003, “Justified” became double platinum in the United States, and Justin’s third single “Rock your Body” debuted at number two on the English chart.

Together with Seann William Scott, Justin hosted the MTV Movie awards in 2003. In the summer of 2003, Justin went on a joint tour with Christina Aguilera in the United States called the Justified -Stripped tour.

In 2003, at the annual MTV Video Music Awards, Timberlake was awarded three awards - the video for “Cry Me a River” received a prize in two categories: “Best Male Video” and “Best Pop Video,” and the video for the song “ Rock Your Body” won in the “Best Dance Video” category.

In the same year, at the MTV Europe Music Awards held in Edinburgh, Scotland, Timberlake became the only performer to receive 3 EMA awards in the categories: “Best Pop Artist”, “Best Artist” and “Best Album”.

In 2003, Timberlake took part in the recording of the album “Elephunk” by the rap group Black Eyed Peas. The result of the collaboration is the song “Where Is The Love”. Having become the main composition of the album, it is nominated for a Grammy award in the category “Best Rap Collaboration”.

On February 8, 2004, “Justified” was awarded a Grammy for Best Pop Album; the song “Cry Me A River” brought Justin an award for Best Pop Artist. In February of the same year, Justin's album went triple platinum.

In addition to singing, acting also plays an important role in Timberlake's life. He managed to star in such films as “On the Line” (2001) and “They Switched Places” (2000). In October 2004, filming began on Alpha Dog. Justin got the role of Frankie Ballkowski, a member of a criminal gang specializing in drugs.

Justin will also play the role of young Elton John in a still untitled biopic dedicated to him, the film is expected to be released on the wide screen in 2006. Sir Elton himself recommended Timberlake for this role. Once Justin already played the role of young Elton John in his video “This Train Don't Stop There Any More” (2001). It is curious that Justin insisted on revising the original script of the film, which seemed too sterile to him: “Knowing what an unbridled life he led "When I was a young Sir Elton, I was delighted with such an offer. But after reading the script, I was disappointed: all the fun was removed from it."

In the spring of 2005, Justin Timberlake received a role in Shrek 3. Justin will voice Artie, the restless nephew of King Harold, whom Shrek will introduce to the basics of royal etiquette. The release of the third part of the animated film about the adventures of Shrek is scheduled for 2007.

Justin Timberlake guested on Snoop Dogg's recent album and on the soundtrack to the animated film Shark Tale.

In August 2005, Justin began producing clothing under his own label, together with his best friend, Trace Ayala. The clothing line was named William Rast in honor of Justin and Trace's grandfathers. “We just found the two people who had the biggest impact on our lives, and they were grandfathers,” Timberlake explains. - William is my grandfather's name, and Rust is the surname of Trace's ancestor. Our clothes reflect our origins,” Justin continues. “It has something of country, a little bit of madness and chic.” And already in November of the same year, Timberlake launched his debut clothing line in the largest American department store Bloomingdales.

In the summer of 2005, Justin's mother Lynn decided to write a book about her son: "In my book, I will dot the i's once and for all. It is extremely unpleasant for me to read gossip and outright lies."

As for Justin’s personal life, many have heard about his latest romance with actress Cameron Diaz (). Cameron is 8 years older than his chosen one. However, the classic also argued that the age of love is not a hindrance...

Justin Timberlake

Justin Randall Timberlake. Born January 31, 1981 in Memphis, Tennessee. American pop and R&B singer, composer, producer, dancer, actor.

Justin Timberlake was born in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lynn Harless and Randall Timberlake.

He has English roots and unconfirmed Native American ancestry.

His paternal grandfather, Charles L. Timberlake, Bobby Joyce's husband, was a Baptist minister, and Justin was raised in the traditions of the Baptist faith, considering himself a Christian, but more "spiritual than religious."

His parents divorced in 1985, then both found their spouses. His mother, who now runs the entertainment company Just-in Time Entertainment, married Paul Harless when Justin was 5 years old. During this time, his father, a Baptist church choir director, also married, and his second wife Lisa gave birth to two sons: Jonathan (born 1993) and Stephen (born 1998).

Justin's half-sister Laura died in infancy, which he referred to in his confession as "My Angel in Heaven." Some time after the death of his sister, he moved to live in Ottawa (Canada), but he did not stay there for long and returned to his homeland - the USA.

Justin took his first steps in his musical career on the television show Star Search, performing country songs under the name Justin Randall. He loved to watch the show “The Mickey Mouse Club,” and his idols since childhood were Al Green and, whose dance moves he tried to imitate. Ironically, his first solo album was largely composed of material that Jackson had refused to record.

Another idol of Justin was, the performance of whose songs he fell in love with. Subsequently, Timberlake played the role of young Elton in the video for his song “This Train Don’t Stop Here Anymore.”

Since 1993, Justin performed in the children's show The Mickey Mouse Club, where he met his future bandmate, vocalist Jaycee Chasez, as well as Christina Aguilera and his future bride, Britney Spears. When the show ended in 1995, Justin invited Chasez to join a new musical group, which soon became famous as 'N Sync.

Timberlake's first film debut was as the possibly fictitious star Jason Sharpe, who fell in love with a waitress, like the Gone in 60 Seconds actor. This television movie was called Model Behavior and aired on the Disney Channel.

In 1995, Justin was brought into the group 'N Sync. In May 1997, the group released their debut album, which sold more than 11 million copies. 'N Sync's third studio album No Strings Attached, released in 2000, sold about 15 million copies. That same year, Timberlake's band won three awards at the MTV Video Music Awards.

In 2002, Timberlake announced his breakup with Britney Spears and began his solo career, recording the album Justified (two Grammy Awards). The following year he became the main laureate at the MTV Europe Awards, and a year later a huge scandal erupted around him.

While performing with Janet Jackson at the Super Bowl Half-Time Show in front of millions of television viewers, he - by accident, according to his own statement - tore off the part of the top that covered the superstar's right breast. By a curious coincidence, the song they sang included the words: “I will undress you before the end of this song.”

After the incident, Timberlake took a break from his career, during which he found time to work with rappers Snoop Dogg and Nelly.

He recorded his second album, FutureSex/LoveSounds (two more Grammy Awards), with the trendy hip-hop producer and songwriter Timbaland. The disc appeared on the shelves of music stores in 2006 and became one of the most popular releases of the year. Three hits from this album - "SexyBack", "My Love" and "What Goes Around..." - managed to climb to first place on the Billboard Hot 100.

Timberlake has been named "Sexiest Man Alive" by Teen People and Cosmopolitan magazines.

After this, Justin decided to take a break from his musical career to concentrate on being an actor.

In 2013, Timberlake returned to music in a collaboration with Jay-Z. He also recorded a single and video clip “Mirrors”, which promises to become another super hit. On March 15 of the same year, Justin's third album, The 20/20 Experience, was released, which was recorded in a new neo-soul genre for Justin and received high marks from both fans and critics. A follow-up album, The 20/20 Experience: 2 of 2, followed in September, which had a more dance-oriented feel. It received less than rave reviews from critics, but debuted at number one on the Billboard 200.

Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River

Justin Timberlake at the movies

In 2005, a film with Justin’s participation, “Edison,” was released. Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey and LL Cool J also starred.

In 2006, the film “Alpha Dog” was released in cinemas, in which Justin played one of the main roles. Reviews of Timberlake's performance were mostly positive.

In 2007, he voiced the young King Arthur in the cartoon Shrek the Third. This was his first collaboration with his ex-girlfriend Cameron Diaz.

In 2008 he starred in the film “Sex Guru”.

in 2009 he starred in the film “The Open Road Back.”

In 2010, Justin played Sean Parker in the Oscar-winning film The Social Network, about the creation of Facebook, and also voiced Boo Boo Bear in the film Yogi Bear based on the animated series of the same name.

In 2011, three films with Justin's participation were released: the comedy A Very Bad Teacher (a new collaboration with Cameron Diaz), the romantic comedy Friendship Sex (duet with) and the fantastic dystopian action movie Time (duet with Amanda Seyfried).

In 2012, he starred in the sports drama Curveball. In 2013, he starred alongside Ben Affleck and Gemma Arterton in the thriller Va-Bank, which received negative reviews. When Affleck was cast as Batman in Batman v Superman (the sequel to the Man of Steel), Justin spoke in support of him in an interview in September and also admitted that he dreams of playing the supervillain The Riddler from the Batman comics.

He founded his own record label, Tennman Records, and launched the William Rast clothing line.

Justin Timberlake's height: 182 centimeters.

Justin Timberlake's personal life:

In 1997-2002 he met with, after breaking up he released the song and video “Cry Me a River”. The song subsequently became a worldwide hit.

In 2003, Timberlake began dating Cameron Diaz. At the beginning of 2007, the couple announced the end of their relationship.

In February 2007, Justin began dating actress Jessica Biel. They separated in 2011, but reconciled a few months later and got married in Italy on October 19, 2012.

In April 2015, the couple had a son, Silas Randall Timberlake.

Justin Timberlake discography:

2002 - Justified
2006 - FutureSex/LoveSounds
2013 - The 20/20 Experience
2013 -The 20/20 Experience: 2 of 2

Filmography of Justin Timberlake:

2000 - They Traded Places (Model Behavior) - Jason Sharp
2001 - Will of Chance (Longshot) - parking attendant
2005 - Edison (Edison Force) - journalist Joshua Pollack
2006 - On the Line - make-up artist (uncredited)
2006 - Alpha Dog - Frankie Bollenbacker
2006 - Southland Tales - narrator
2006 - Black Snake Moan - Ronnie
2007 - m/f Shrek the Third - Arthur Pendragon (voice)
2008 - Sex Guru (The Love Guru) - Jacques Grand
2009 - The Open Road - Carlton Garrett
2010 - The Social Network - Sean Parker
2010 - m/f Yogi Bear - Boo-Boo (voice)
2011 - Very Bad Teacher (Bad Teacher) - Scott De Lacore
2011 - Friends with Benefits - Dylan Harper
2011 - In Time - Will Salas
2012 - Trouble with the Curve - Johnny Flanagan
2013 - Inside Llewyn Davis - Jim Berkey
2013 - Va-bank (Runner, Runner) - Richie Furst

Celebrity biographies


31.01.15 11:21

He was a kind of “musical prodigy”, and now he is improving as a film actor. Girls' hearts skipped a beat at the words "Justin Timberlake." The personal life of their beloved performer is now arranged, so the fans are sad.

Biography of Justin Timberlake

Following the example of idols

Eight Grammys and four Emmys – that’s what award-winning performer Justin Timberlake is! The biography of the singer and artist has been very successful since childhood.

He was born on the last day of January 1981. When his son was 4 years old, his parents, Randall and Lynn, separated, but very soon found new spouses. In his father’s second family, three more children were born - Jonathan, Stephen and Laura, who died very young. Randall was a conductor (in a Baptist choir), so his eldest son was very interested in music from an early age. Justin started with the “country” style, and Elton John, Michael Jackson and Al Green became his indisputable authorities.

Justin spent his childhood in Memphis. He loved watching the children's TV series "The Mickey Mouse Show" and had no idea that he would soon join its cast. Together with other young talents - the vocal Aguilera and Justin Timberlake's future girlfriend Britney Spears, they participated in this show. Timberlake joined it as a 12-year-old, and filming stopped two years later. Together with him, Jaycee Chases remained out of work, with whom Justin teamed up to work in the newborn group “N Sync”. The name consisted of the last letters of the names of these five guys.

On the musical Olympus

This “boyish” quintet released its very first album in the spring of 1997. The disc immediately became very popular - 11 million copies were sold out instantly. This record was surpassed by the third disc (2000) - 15 million. The triumph was supported by three MTV awards. The army of fans and admirers of the group grew rapidly. But soon Timberlake wanted creative independence.

The soloist’s “solo voyage” was very successful from the very start: his album “Justified” won two Grammys. A curious incident happened to Timberlake at one of the grand shows: the singer exposed the breasts of Janet Jackson, who was performing with him (as the culprit himself says, this did not happen on purpose). The scandal was serious.

The 2006 album (the vocalist was assisted in the recording by the hip-hop composer Timbaland) stormed the charts and took first place in them, our hero was included in the lists of the sexiest men on the planet. What more could Justin Timberlake want? The singer’s biography was already replete with many awards, and world recognition flattered his pride. But this was not enough for him - he wanted to become a movie star.

Drama, Comedy, Action

Now Justin has more than 20 works in TV series and films. He started modestly, with the drama “Edison,” which did not pay off, but after 5 years he starred in “The Social Network.” Fincher's film competed for several Oscars and won 3 (out of eight) and four Golden Globes to boot.

A year later, three films were released in which the performer had major roles: the comedies “Sex for Friendship” and “A Very Bad Teacher”, and the action movie “Time”. It was this last film that once again proved: Justin is not only a talented vocalist, but also a good actor. His duet with the unrecognizably brunette Amanda Seyfried impressed the audience.

But Timberlake’s latest work, “Va-Bank” (a crime thriller about scams in online casinos), was received more than coolly. In 2016, Justin Timberlake gave the voice to the main character of the full-length cartoon "Trolls" and recorded songs for the film. The 2017 Academy Awards ceremony started out unusually: Justin Timberlake burst into the hall performing a song from this cartoon. The singer made even the most sedate spectators dance and created a relaxed atmosphere.

Personal life of Justin Timberlake

Four-year romances

Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears seemed like a beautiful couple. This “youthful love” lasted almost four years. In 2001, Timberlake broke up with his colleague at the children's club, dedicating another hit (“Cry Me a River”) to his ex-lover. Fans perked up: Justin Timberlake’s personal life has always worried them very much.

The next four-year relationship began in 2003. Cameron Diaz became the chosen one of the singer and artist. The star looked absolutely happy, and her boyfriend didn’t seem to mind the eight-year age difference at all. But the guy’s strict mother was against it. After the breakup, they starred together in “A Very Bad Teacher”; this is not the first collaboration between former lovers (in 2007 they voiced the third part of the Shrek franchise).

We're expecting our first child

Immediately after the end of this affair, the paparazzi caught Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake together. The guy’s personal life seemed to be in full swing! But at first these two were considered just good acquaintances; only a year later they declared themselves a couple.

Thunder struck three years later: it turns out that Justin Timberlake and Jessica Bill have again switched to the status of “just friends.” But the feelings turned out to be stronger. In the fall of 2012, a beautiful wedding of stars took place in Italy. The bride was wearing a luxurious pink dress, the groom was glowing with happiness. In the spring of 2015, Justin became a father for the first time. The son was named Silas.