What is willpower? Secrets of a strong personality and examples of strong people

Books about strong personalities reveal the theory of basic psychological functions that help a person perceive the world: about the mind, feelings, intuitive data and internal perception. The very concept of “a strong personality of our time” helps to characterize a strong-willed and open individual with extraordinary thinking, creative abilities, care and ambition.


Who can be called a strong personality?

A characteristic feature of a strong-willed person is self-confidence. A strong and experienced person acts according to the only rational decision in the situation that arises. Awareness of one’s capabilities and the desire to expand them – character traits that a strong personality of our time possesses.

What kind of strong personality is she? The main character traits include a different perception of difficulties and doubts - she is attracted to everything that provokes fear and weakness in other people. She goes against stereotypes and rules.

She is characterized by setting goals and actions aimed at achieving them, regardless of obstacles. A strong personality strives to conquer heights that were previously inaccessible to others. She stands above material wealth and love whims.

– communication skills. Strong and brave man does not try to persuade anyone to his point of view or impose it. He correctly perceives the natural traits of people. A strong person changes himself to achieve a given goal. He is responsible for his own destiny.

IN labor activity, strong and enterprising person motivates himself not by the amount of payment, but by interest, the desire to demonstrate his abilities, and learn new things.

A strong person is an individual who discovers real feelings experienced in a specific situation ( weak people tend to hide them). A strong personality clearly expresses her emotions, if she is sad, she will directly report it.

A strong personality does not assert authority for itself - an unshakable nature is true to itself. All her actions are special while demonstrating her uniqueness. Strong and creative person often gives in to incredible ideas that are immediately implemented.

A strong personality is a person you don’t need to adapt to, he is open and sincere, he conquers good feeling humor and love of life. A strong and optimistic person will easily joke about himself, and this indicates mental balance and stability.

While studying the question of what a strong personality is, famous psychologists developed MBTI psychological testing tests. Its peculiarity is manifested in the measurement of human factors that a strong and brave man. With the help of these tests, it is easy to determine his inclination towards the type of activity, his style of action and decision-making that provides a feeling of comfort and confidence.

A strong person is determined by 4 scales:

  • consciousness (introversion and extraversion);
  • mastery of situations (reasoning and intuitive factors);
  • making decisions based on (logical and pathos);
  • preparation of decisions (wise and irrational).

A strong personality is a person in whom a pessimist, a realist and a realist live, which allows him to be prepared in advance for any outcome throughout the day. Such people are confident in everything, which gives them peace and stability.

Examples of outstanding personalities

  • Stephen Hawking (theoretical physicist);
  • Nick Vujicic (motivational speaker born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare inherited disorder that results in the absence of all four limbs);
  • Esther Verger (wheelchair tennis player);
  • Andrea Bocelli (singer, classical and popular music performer);
  • Charlize Theron (actress, model and producer);
  • Jason Statham (actor);
  • Alexey Maresyev (Soviet military pilot. Hero of the Soviet Union);
  • Luc Besson (film director, screenwriter and producer).

In fact there are many examples outstanding people, we’ll tell you more about just some of the representatives in the video below:

Strong personalities in history in Russia:

  • Speaking about strong personalities in the history of Russia, we can mention Alexander Nevsky (1220 - 1263) - the son of Prince Ya. Vsevolodovich. Being a talented commander, prudent politician, after the invasion of the Mongols, he abandoned calling the Pope to the general opposition to the Mongols. The strong personality of the governor manifested itself in courage and wisdom, realizing the weak state of Rus'. Many strong and powerful individuals can envy the political actions he developed, which influenced the reduction of the devastating raids of the Tatars. He strengthened laws and order in the country.
  • Speaking about strong and extraordinary personalities, False Dmitry I (circa 1580 - 1606) comes to mind - an impostor who introduced himself as the son of Ivan the Terrible - Tsarevich Dmitry. True name– Yu. B. Otrepyev (genus – small-scale Galician nobles). He became famous as a strong personality while serving as slaves for the Romanov boyars and crowning the kingdom. On May 8, 1606, he married Maria Mniszech, the daughter of a voivode from Poland.
  • Catherine II and Emelyan Pugachev. The Empress was strong in spirit, and her familiarity with the Russian environment allowed her to perfectly understand the interests of the state. It was the qualities that strong and intelligent individuals possess that allowed her to cope with all the “inherited” difficulties. The Empress terminated the alliance of Peter III with Frederick II, and the 7-year war ended without active participation Russia.

Catherine II behaved like a strong personality when canceling preparations for war with Denmark. Of the two decrees of her predecessors, she approved the right to enjoy noble benefits and abolished the confiscation of church property. As many strong people say historical figures, the first decision allowed her to receive support from the nobility, the second - from clergy. However, this did not stop Catherine from confiscating the church jewelry later.

  • Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev is a simple Cossack and strong man, being untrained in literacy and politics, raised the people against lawlessness and unbearable living conditions.
    Leafing through the history of a state, one can draw a conclusion about how a strong personality influences its development.

Books about outstanding personalities

Books about the strong and outstanding personalities indicate that each of us is influenced by television and radio alerts and strangers:

  • “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnegie. A strong person and an expert in human relationships answers all questions regarding life's troubles and self-knowledge. He explains how strong and sensible individuals reveal their inner potential and choose the right path to real life.
  • “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” - the strong and caring personalities of J. Gray (American psychologist and analyst). This book helps to understand the complexity of perception of the opposite sex. Presents simple and accessible information family psychologist– a strong person who helps strengthen relationships with loved ones.

The theory of the emergence of outstanding people

The theory about the “solar power of people of the 20th century” was put forward by the Russian scientist E. Samokhvalov. According to him, the strong and talented individuals appear in relation to sunspots. From his works it is known that people of the first two groups have great talents:

  • the most strong-willed and extraordinary individual in 1956 - 59;
  • people of strong spirit: 1936 - 37, 1947 - 50;
  • average: 1935 – 39;
  • weak: 1930 – 35

How to become an independent person

Character is a set of certain qualities that a person possesses - a strong and strong-willed personality. It is defined by courage, honesty, loyalty and integrity. By developing a strong spirit, strong and caring individuals strive to be productive within their interests or chosen activities. To develop it, you should know the basic definitions of unshakable people.

What influences strength of character:

  1. Strong and confident individuals know how to maintain control over their instincts and impulses.
  2. Control yourself and resist the temptations encountered in everyday life.
  3. Strong and sensible individuals have freedom from stereotypes.
  4. They learn to show love and respect for other individuals.

The role of unshakable people in public life

You should know why a strong personality is important to others:

  • Strong character helps in achieving goals and building resilience to failure.
  • Strong and wise individuals tend to analyze and investigate the causes of failures, instead of complaining.
  • Confident people know how to admit their shortcomings, frivolity and weakness.
  • Manifestation of strong character in constantly changing life situations, stands out in the ability to move forward, overcoming obstacles.
  • A strong personality knows how to empathize with weaker people and love them as themselves. You should carefully examine your motives - they must be selfless.
  • Strong and fair man always looking for the truth. Preferring reason to ordinary emotions avoids succumbing to prejudice. Strong and kind individuals resolve issues in a reasonable manner. The main guideline is facts and arguments.

A strong personality guards against irrational motives. Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas developed a basic list human feelings: love and hate, motivation and fear, happiness and sadness, anger. Strong and great individuals direct their actions to overcome intellectual obstacles in order to overcome their phobias, sadness or anger.

Strong and a positive person will always find an answer to any question, guided by life experience And good habits freed from emotions. An excessive and sensitive attitude towards the current situation is a sign of weakness of character, and resistance to temptation, on the contrary, indicates the characteristics that strong and rational individuals possess.

Classification of qualities of significant people

The uniqueness of people's activity is embodied in their volitional qualities. They act in the form of stable, independent psycho-formations and indicate conscious self-regulation of people’s behavior.

Strong-willed people manifest themselves in the form of perseverance, clear goal setting and endurance. Weakness of will is measured by unprincipled, lack of initiative, incontinent, timid and stubborn qualities.

Basic (primary) properties of will

According to the classification of V.K. Kalin, volitional qualities, manifested in the form of energy, patience, endurance and courage, are called basal (primary). Functional Features act as unidirectional regulators of the action of consciousness, manifested in the form of volitional efforts:

  • energy manifests itself in the form of the ability to quickly activate one’s energy through volitional effort;
  • patience is considered to be maintaining the intensity of work activity at a certain level and when internal discomfort manifests itself (fatigue, lack of mood, pain effects);
  • endurance is characterized by volitional efforts aimed at quickly slowing down actions, feelings and thoughts that impede the implementation of an idea;
  • courage is the ability to maintain the stability of mental functionality in a dangerous situation. A feature of the characteristic is an increase in activity. In other words, courage refers to confronting fear and taking justifiable risks for the sake of a goal.

Systemic volitional qualities

The remaining manifestations of volitional regulation appear in the form of combinations of unidirectional manifestations of consciousness. They are related to different areas(volitional, emotional, intellectual). Volitional properties are divided into secondary and systemic. For example, courage manifests itself in the form of courage, endurance, energy, and determination - in the form of endurance and courage.

System indicators are manifested in the form of perseverance, discipline and the ability to make decisions independently. They are characterized by determination, initiative and organization.

Basal (primary) properties are the basis for systemic (secondary) indicators, their core. With weak indicators of basal properties, difficulties arise in the manifestation of more complex characteristics.

Purposefulness, as a quality, is caused by the ability to use common and sustainable goals, determined by the firmness of convictions. Such people clearly see the goal and have a clear plan to achieve it.

Persistent characteristics are reflected in the ability to constantly and for a long time go towards a goal without losing energy when overcoming difficulties. A correct assessment of circumstances allows them to find what helps them achieve their goals. Negative qualities stubbornness and negativity appear.

The fundamental properties are the use of stable principles and norms to regulate human relations.

Willpower is determined by the level of manifestation of independence and initiative.

Independent actions are justified by the ability to implement one’s actions without outside help, the presence critical assessment other people’s actions from the height of one’s own views and prejudices.

Initiative is characterized by the ability non-standard approach to the matter and its implementation.

The systemic manifestation of positive primary and secondary volitional indicators affects the formation of people’s willpower. This determines high motivation in action. goes along with perseverance and swiftness.

Disorders of volitional actions

Pronounced disorders of secondary properties are displayed in the form of abulia and apraxia.

Abulia is characterized by the inability to make decisions and actions. The reason is disturbances in the dynamics of the relationships between the cerebral cortex and the subcortex.

The norm of volitional acts includes optimal impulsive actions. When the intensity of impulses is low, the manifestation of a volitional act is impossible. Exceeding the level affects instant discharge (as in a state of passion), that is, there is no justification for the goal and motivation. The action remains unconscious, without choice or will.

Aware of the existence of an obligation to carry out orders, patients with abulia are unable to implement it. They obey a random stimulus that appears in the visual field. For example, when they see a flower bed, they tear off the plants. At the same time, there are no intentions of forming a bouquet, and the person does not understand what to do with them next.

Apraxia is impaired goal setting when performing actions. The disease is caused by damage to the frontal region of the brain and is noticeable during voluntary movements, actions and behaviors.

The patient can stick out his tongue in order to moisten his dry lips, but he is not able to carry out such actions at the request of the doctor. Another patient may use a spoon and a glass while eating, but without specific circumstances, he cannot implement these actions. He does not close his eyes at the doctor’s request, and when asked to get ready for bed, he responds.
All volitional acts of sick people are based on a specific situation from which they cannot free themselves.

Some people can’t force themselves not to eat after six in the evening, while others overcome difficulties that would seem to break most people. Perhaps they really have an iron will, or maybe they simply have not asked themselves the question of how to develop willpower: sometimes difficult circumstances they simply leave no choice - a person either fights, or stops living, and begins to exist.

  • Bethany Hamilton. This girl is growing up Hawaiian Islands in a family of surfers and, it seems, could not help but connect her life with water - she has been surfing since childhood. However, at the age of 13 she lost left hand as a result of a shark attack. Within a month, Bethany was conquering the waves again, and two years later she won a prestigious competition among surfers. Today she is a professional surfer and an inspiration to millions of people. Her biography formed the basis of the film “Soul Surfer,” which was released in 2011.
  • Jason Lester. When twelve-year-old Jason Lester was hit by a car and paralyzed his arm, little did he think that within a couple of decades he would become a world-class triathlete. To date, he has completed the distances of the famous Ironman and Ultraman competitions. He swims, runs and rides a bike, although he still does not have full use of his right arm. In 2009, he was recognized as the best among athletes with disabilities. To questions about how to develop the willpower to achieve such heights, he answers simply: “If you don’t stop yourself, nothing will stop you.”
  • Melissa Stockwell. This woman served in the American army, and in 2004, as a result of a roadside bomb explosion, her leg was amputated above the knee. But a real fighter always remains a fighter. She started swimming while still in hospital as part of her physiotherapy course, and in 2008 she took part in the Paralympic Games, where she set two records in the 100m swimming. For her, too, there is no question of how to train willpower, everything is simpler: “I can do whatever I want, with or without a leg,” says Melissa Stockwell.
  • Anthony Robles was born without one leg, but this did not stop him from competing and winning national wrestling competitions as part of his school and university teams.
  • Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France seven times in a row and became one of the most... famous athletes in the world. This happened after he was diagnosed with testicular cancer at the age of 25 with metastases that had spread to the lungs and brain. There was a 40% chance he would survive, but after chemotherapy and brain surgery he went into remission. The athlete used the chance given by fate one hundred percent, and despite the lifelong disqualification, he remains a source of inspiration for those who are fighting cancer today.
  • Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous scientists on the planet, author of the bestseller “ Short story time", author of three children; he travels extensively and has even flown in zero gravity. At the same time, Stephen Hawking is almost completely paralyzed and can only speak with the help of a speech synthesizer.
  • Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing due to illness at the age of 19 months. Later she studied special program for children with special needs, received a bachelor's degree, wrote several books, and became an active activist for women's rights.

Essay on the text.

(1) For a long time, the Voronikhin boys were at enmity with those beyond the ravine.
(2) The short, sickly Yuli suffered from flying especially often.
(3) One day Yashka Krivonosy met him at the bridge with his unbridled gang.
(4) “Well, Caesar, let’s have a bite,” said Yashka. (b) He bent down and grabbed a handful of earth. (6) - Eat, Ancient Rome!
(7) Two guys twisted Yulia’s arms, and Krivonosy pressed a handful of earth to his tightly clenched mouth. (8) Yula twitched and fought back. (9) The earth creaked disgustingly in his teeth, and only a policeman who unexpectedly appeared saved him...
(Yu) A few days later, Yula again ran into Yashka’s company.
(11) - Hey! - said Yashka. (12) - Disorder! (13) Caesar was red-haired. (14) And Yula is black! (15) We’ll fix it now...
(16) He held Julius tightly while one of the boys ran home and brought a bucket and a brush. (17) Yashka, to the friendly laughter of the boys, splashed paint on Yulia’s head, so that his hair stuck together and stood up. (18) Both the forehead and ears were smeared with fiery bright paint...
(19) Yula looked at the tormentor with hatred. (20) If he could, he would wipe Yashka off the face of the earth. (21) But how? (22) Yashka was a head taller than him and, of course, much stronger.
(23)...Soon a circus tent arrived in the city, and Julius went to the show.
(24) A guy in black came into the arena and loudly announced:
(25) - World famous strongman Ali Mahmud!
(26) A real strongman stepped onto the carpet to thunderous applause. (27) A horse was brought into the arena, and Ali Mahmud lifted it as simply as if it were a toy horse, then just as easily carried a pole across the arena, with three men hanging on each end.
(28) Small, frail Yula enthusiastically followed Ali Mahmud’s every move.
(29) “I wish I were such a strong man!” - Yula dreamed, dying with happiness. (ZO) How many wonderful things he could have done then! (31) And the very first thing - then I would give Yashka some pepper!
(32) After the performance backstage, Yula asked Ali Mahmud:
(33) - Is it difficult to become a strongman?
(34) Ali Mahmud answered almost without thinking:
(35) - It's very simple, boy. (Zb) Fifteen pull-ups in the morning, fifteen in the evening - that’s all. (37) In a year you will become twice as strong.
(38) Summer is over, school has begun. (39) And on the very first day of classes, Yula again ran into Yashka Crooked-Nosed.
(40) - Why don’t you say hello, ancient one? - Yashka, out of habit, forcefully ran his palm from Yulia’s chin to his forehead, painfully lifting up the raised tip of his nose.
(41) - Stop! - the angry Yula ordered furiously. (42) - We are fighting. (43) One on one. (44) But not now, but exactly in a year. (45) Remember: next year, on the first of September, I will certainly beat you. (46) I swear!
(47) - What if you don’t beat me? - Yashka wedged in sarcastically.
(48) - If I don’t beat you, you’ll dye my hair with red lead, and I’ll walk like this all over the city for a whole week...
(49) There was so much anger and truthfulness in Yula’s voice that they believed him.
(50) - Okay! - Yashka said threateningly. (51) - Exactly a year later, I take you at your word. (52) Look, Caesar!..
(53) Yuli had to endure a lot of pain and torment, but after two months he was already doing fifteen pull-ups without a break...
(54) A year has passed. (55) On the first of September, Yula, together with his classmate Kolka Samokhin, went to the river. (56) A whole crowd of Voronikhin residents had already gathered there.
(57) “Well,” said Yashka, “let’s start, weakling?”
(58) His hands were itching to quickly paint his enemy’s head, so he jumped up to Yulia and hit him...
(59) They had been fighting for a long time. (bO) Many thought that Yula was about to fall down and give up, because they were used to defeating him. (61) But the audience did not notice that Yashka was already tired and was thrusting his fists almost at random, and Yula was still fresh.
(62) He hit Yashka in the chin, as it seemed to him, not at all hard, but suddenly his knees buckled and he softly sank to the ground.
(63) - Hurray! (64) Knockout! - Kolka Samokhin shouted joyfully.
(65) It seems that Yula himself was most surprised. (66) He
I didn’t expect his blow to be so powerful. (67) The spectators also became numb...
(68) This story was the beginning sports path European champion, weightlifter Yuli Petrovich Starov.
(69) Different paths lead people to sports...
(According to B. Raevsky)

Option 1
Willpower is a quality that allows a person not to stray from his chosen path and remain true to his goal.
In the story by B. Raevsky, willpower is demonstrated by a hero named Julius. He whole year(sentence 54) was preparing for a fight with Yashka, despite the pain and torment (sentence 53). It was thanks to this quality that he was able to defeat himself and his opponent.
We find another example of a person with a strong will in the same story. We are talking about Ali Mahmud, who taught Yula how to become strong (sentence 36).
Without willpower it is impossible to achieve your dream. This wonderful quality which helps you achieve a lot in life.

Option 2
I think that willpower is the ability to pull yourself together and continue to move towards your goal, despite hardships and inconveniences. Without willpower, you cannot achieve anything outstanding, because big goals always require great effort.
Thus, the weak boy Julius, the hero of the story by B. Raevsky, was able to train for a year (sentence 53) and ultimately defeat the strong Yashka Krivonosy thanks to his willpower.
Another great example of a person with an iron will is the famous surfer Bethany Hemilton. At the age of 13, a shark bit off her hand, but this did not break the girl: she became the winner of many competitions and teaches children to ride the waves all over the world.
Willpower is one of the mandatory conditions achieving any, especially difficult goal!

Option 3
I understand by willpower the ability to do everything that depends on you for as long as necessary to achieve a goal. Willpower is determination and strong character; it helps not to give up, even when you really want to give up.
The boy Julius from the story by B. Raevsky hardly wanted to train every day; he admits that the year of preparation for the fight with Yashka was full of torment (sentence 52), but he was able to defeat the enemy (sentence 62).
And in the life around us there are many examples of people with a strong will. My older sister, despite the fact that she is bad at exact sciences, within a year everything free time I prepared for the physics exam and passed it brilliantly. This brought her one step closer to her dream of becoming an engineer.
I believe that willpower is an excellent quality that requires concentration, and the reward for strength of character will always be the fulfillment of any intended desire.

Option 4
Willpower, in my opinion, is the ability to overcome oneself, to do something that seems impossible to achieve one’s goal. Without working on yourself, you cannot realize your dreams.
In the story of B. Raevsky, the frail Julius, being bullied by Yashka, at first does not understand how to fight back, because he is much weaker than his offender. But a conversation with a visiting strongman changes his life: he sets himself the goal of becoming strong and punishing the fighter (sentences 42-45). The torment and pain of training bore fruit: Yashka was finally defeated. This victory was won only thanks to Yula's willpower.
The same quality helped the ex circus artist Valentin Dikul begins to walk again after a severe injury and damage to the spinal cord. His work on himself is admirable.
Indeed, willpower aimed at achieving a goal produces amazing results.