How to quickly learn road signs and rules. Use mobile applications and web services

A little over a century ago, at the end of the 19th century, the first cars appeared, which were, of course, exotic for that time, and to some extent a luxury, but certainly not a mass means of transportation. But very little time passed, and the “iron horse” once and for all ousted its living brother from the roads. After society realized that the car was becoming a part of its life, it was decided to develop appropriate rules for its operation and movement, because chaos on the roads became the cause of many incomprehensible situations and the first casualties. This is how the first ones appeared Traffic Laws(SDA), which gradually, as the automotive industry developed, were supplemented, processed, and improved. It must be said that currently each individual country has its own traffic rules. In general, the main basic things of traffic rules are similar in all countries, but there are also significant differences, one of which is the direction of traffic - in most countries, vehicles drive on the right, but, for example, in countries such as the UK or Japan, traffic on roads is on the left .

The territory of the post-Soviet republics has its own traffic rules, which are very similar to each other and establish traffic rules on the roads, being the main regulatory document. This means that all other documents related to road traffic must comply with the requirements of the traffic rules and not contradict them.

It should be said that traffic rules undergo some minor changes and additions almost every year, but the basis of traffic rules has not changed for many decades.

In order to be able to drive a vehicle, a person must obtain the appropriate permit from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (State Inspectorate for Road Safety). This document is popularly called a driver's license, and officially - a driver's license for the right to operate a vehicle.

In order to obtain a “licence,” you must complete the appropriate training course at any certified driving school, where instructors will familiarize you with the structure of the car, tell you the traffic rules, and you will definitely drive a certain number of hours in the car, accompanied by an instructor. After completing the driving school course, you will have to pass exams at the traffic police, and only after successfully passing them will you be issued a license.

Having received a driver's license, you can safely get behind the wheel of a car and join the flow of your colleagues in the auto shop. Of course, in the first stages it will be very difficult and challenging, since quickly adapting to traffic (especially in a big city) is very, very difficult. But that’s not about that now.

Let's talk about the basis of the basics of behavior on the roads - the Rules of the Road (TRAF), knowledge of which, as a rule, leaves much to be desired for many drivers, even with experience.

It is necessary to know and understand that violation of traffic rules entails liability in accordance with current legislation.

Probably, no more than 1% of drivers (except for driving school instructors and traffic cops) know traffic rules thoroughly. Of course, they have learned the basic fundamentals and what drivers most often encounter quite well, but the vast majority of drivers do not remember or do not know many of the “small” aspects set out in the traffic rules. This cannot be said to be critical, since the amount of knowledge that the driver has in his head allows him to feel quite confident and safe on the roads. But, as for me, it wouldn’t hurt to make mandatory periodic testing certification for all drivers on their knowledge of traffic rules, not for the purpose of regular “extortions” or any punitive measures, but in order to refresh a person’s memory of some important aspects about which he I could have forgotten for objective reasons.

On the pages of this site, current traffic regulations will be described in detail and in accessible language. The presentation of the material will be based on an unprepared beginner, for whom some “obvious” things may be incomprehensible. In general, these are the traffic rules for “blondes” (in no way do we want to offend the fair half of humanity), which may well include some of the male population.

The ability to drive a car in the modern world is a necessity that not only simplifies life, but also expands horizons and provides additional opportunities. But how to master this skill and how to quickly learn traffic rules?

  • pedestrians and cyclists;
  • cars and trucks;
  • motorcyclists and horse-drawn vehicles.

All of them must be guided by them while on the roadway or sidewalk. It is important to know and understand traffic rules everywhere. The traffic rules include all the important and vital knowledge, terms and concepts that have been collected, tested, and systematized over many years. They are designed to ensure the safety of all road users, protect them from accidents, breakdowns, conflict situations and unpleasant encounters with representatives of the traffic police.

Is it possible to learn traffic rules in 1 day?

In order to obtain the coveted driver's license, you must pass an exam, which consists of a practical and theoretical part. While the first can still be dealt with somehow, the second evokes a feeling of fear in both experienced drivers and most driving school students.

Search engines often ask the question: is it possible to learn traffic rules in 1 day and, in general, how long does it take to learn a theoretical course for a young driver? You can learn it in order to simply pass it and forget it in a day, overnight, or even in 3 hours, as some online resources suggest. But will it be effective? Will such a driver be able to behave correctly on the road in a difficult or critical situation? Does he have enough experience and knowledge? It's up to you to decide whether to choose an easy and fast or an effective way to learn all 120 new traffic rules.

A simple and quick way is to memorize the rules, memorize them without delving into the essence, without understanding. In no case should we forget that the health and lives of many people and their safety depend on the behavior of all participants on the road and their knowledge.

You can learn traffic rules in 1 day, but in this case they will be of very little use and benefit (unless, of course, you have the ability to remember and digest large amounts of information in a minimum amount of time).

How to effectively learn traffic rules?

You can effectively learn the rules of the road using a combination of several methods:

  • understanding the importance of the information contained in the textbook;
  • constantly attending lectures at a driving school;
  • independent study of theoretical foundations;
  • application of theory in practice.

It is the observance of all these points that can guarantee that you will successfully pass the exams in 2017 and master all 120 tickets.


As for practical exercises, this is an integral part of studying the road regulations. You will do your first skills together with an instructor. This is the easiest way to feel confident on the road, analyze your actions and find the best solution in difficult situations. Important point: don't be afraid to ask. Even if the situation seems as simple as shelling pears to you, ask again, test your skills, make sure your judgment is correct.

Passive practice - observing the actions of an experienced driver - will also be useful for you. If you are still using public transport, then try to take a place from which the actions of the bus driver will be clearly visible. Don't be afraid to go for a ride with some of your family or friends, observe their actions and think about the different situations that may be in the new 2017 exam papers. Even when traveling by taxi, do not be afraid to ask the driver about the points that interest you. He is the one who will be able to explain even the most complex and lengthy theory in an abbreviated form in an accessible and simple manner.

How to quickly learn traffic tickets?

It is still possible to learn traffic tickets quickly and easily. The main thing is understanding the process, motivation and the ability to apply theory to practice.

Driving school teachers often hear questions: “I can’t learn all 120 tickets, what should I do?” “Is it difficult to remember such a volume of information?”, “How to easily and quickly cope with traffic rules?”, “What is the easiest way to pass a category B, C driver’s license?” To help in such situations, experienced teachers and drivers give some advice to beginners.

First of all, you need to understand the general provisions of the traffic rules and learn the main participants and objects on the road. This:

  • traffic inspector and driver;
  • traffic lights and road signs (there are permanent and temporary);
  • road markings;
  • pedestrians.

You can easily learn road signs in a playful way. To do this, you should buy special toy signs or make them yourself and place them around the house. Constantly stumbling upon them, you can easily remember the necessary information and simulate many different situations.

No less effective are computer programs that you can download for free or use online. They offer to answer many questions that are similar to those in the exam papers, resolve a traffic situation or find the culprit of an accident. Equally popular are simulators where you can try yourself as a driver and improve your practical skills. The advantages of such programs are that they are free and have several difficulty levels, which is perfect for an inexperienced driver.

Mnemonics or method of associations

Many people use this method of quickly and easily remembering information without even realizing what they are doing. The essence of the method is that in order to assimilate data, we need to build associative series, come up with abbreviations or rhymes that will lead us to the correct answer.


When studying the rules of the road to pass the exam, you can use the above methods and techniques and come up with your own approach to mastering knowledge. But you must remember one thing - not only your life and health or the condition of the car, but also the lives of other road users depend on the quality and effectiveness of what you have learned, so take this task very seriously. And even if it won’t be as fast as we would like, it will be safe and correct.

Traffic rules are the rules of the road, in case anyone has forgotten or didn’t know until now. Ask anyone if you need to know traffic rules, and they will answer that yes, of course. This is so important...

But in reality, they begin to learn traffic rules only when they are going to take a driver’s license. It seems like why should a pedestrian learn the rules if he is only crossing the road.

All that today's pedestrians know is that you need to cross the road when the traffic light is green, at a special zebra crossing, and most importantly, that a driver who does not allow a pedestrian to pass at the crossing may be fined.

Knowledge of the latter pushes some headless pedestrians to literally jump out onto the pedestrian crossing, forcing cars to brake sharply, which provokes accidents and often ends with them, and all because they don’t really know the rules, and they haven’t even seen paragraph 4.5 of the traffic rules. .

However, in addition to knowledge of the rules of the road, there must also be common sense. But a deeper knowledge of the duties of pedestrians would not hurt, but would help them better understand the traffic situation and not expose their lives to unnecessary danger.

The whole problem is that no one wants to learn the rules if they don't require it. If it weren’t for the traffic police exam, where you need to show your knowledge, no one would probably teach them at all.

No one wants to spend their time learning the rules just because they think that it takes a lot of time, that there are a lot of these rules and that they are very difficult to learn and it is impossible to do it quickly.

In fact, the rules of the road are a very thin book, which you can read very quickly - in just 1 hour, without having the speed reading technique.

For pedestrians, even this would be enough. Just read and focus on the section that describes the responsibilities of pedestrians.

Drivers need deeper knowledge, which is why the question arises of how to quickly learn traffic rules. And as was said earlier, this question usually arises before the traffic police exam.

It’s actually very easy to quickly learn traffic rules...

There are, of course, special memorization techniques, you can use computer programs, but there is also a more reliable, suitable for absolutely everyone way to quickly learn the rules, for which nothing special is needed.

You probably know that we all perceive and assimilate different types of information differently. Some people perceive better by ear, some remember images, some have a photographic memory.

And now you will learn how to quickly, and most importantly, easily and very reliably learn traffic rules, and you will understand why it is so easy - much easier than people think.

The thing is that for studying traffic rules there are ready-made materials for absolutely all types of memory.

All you need are the traffic rules themselves and the questions from the tickets for them. Buy a book like this with questions from traffic rules tickets, where these questions are divided into sections, just like the traffic rules themselves.

You can learn the rules quickly and easily if you skillfully combine different types of memory.

You will need to either read the rules of the road yourself, or ask someone to read them out loud to you, if this makes it easier for you to understand the material.

For example, take the section “Unregulated intersections” and read (or listen to) it. All sections in the traffic rules are small in volume, so it will take you only a few minutes to study the theory, quite quickly, you will agree.

After reading the section, try to mentally repeat what you read, check how well you managed to learn. It turned out well, nothing bad happened. You can re-read it again, or you can immediately move on to consolidating the material in the form of images.

As images we will use pictures that are available on almost all traffic tickets. There are, of course, questions without pictures, but they are usually very easy to remember. If not, draw a picture yourself (can be absolutely ugly) that will help capture the desired image.

In other words, after studying the theory from the traffic rules book, immediately move on to studying questions from the same topic. For this, we needed a special book with questions divided by topic.

That is, after studying the theory, we work through the acquired knowledge by answering questions that may appear on the tickets.

After studying the first section, we move on to the next and so on until the end of the rules, until all the material has been worked out. There is no need to return to sections already studied.

After the first pass, you will have mastered approximately 80% of the material.

In order to learn and consolidate the material 100%, you will need to repeat the procedure 1-2 more times, only this will take much less time.

Personally, all this took me 5 days, in each of which I studied for about two hours a day - 1 hour in the morning on the train, when I was going to work, and 1 hour in the evening, when I was coming from work.

After that, going through all the tickets, I didn’t make a single mistake, and there was still so much time before the exams. Then, before the exam, I went through all the tickets again, and during the exam there was not even a shadow of doubt that the theory would be passed.

I hope my experience of how to quickly learn traffic rules will be useful to you, and you will confidently press the buttons at the traffic police. Good luck! However, now that you know how to quickly learn the rules, and most importantly remember everything very reliably, there is little point in relying on luck. You can handle it anyway, quickly and correctly, answering all the questions.

There are various driving schools, where teaching methods can differ significantly from each other. But no matter how different these institutions are, at the final stage of training everyone takes an exam. This is, without any doubt, a very responsible and important step in the life of every future motorist. Traffic tickets change annually, so no one can just take them and cheat.

Although we can say that there is an alternative way - a bribe. And since a person always follows the path of least resistance, some do just that. But there are several significant nuances. Firstly, it is quite expensive, and secondly, such drivers are not encouraged on the roads.

Therefore, if you are one of those who are planning to pass your license on your own, then get ready for the fact that it will not be easy, very difficult.

From lows to highs

We are all human and we all have our shortcomings. Agree, even from school, some schoolchildren can be seen to have a penchant for mathematics, while others cope more easily with Russian, and still others are excellent athletes. All this means that it’s exactly the same with a car. Some people find it difficult to change gears, others find it difficult to park, others find it difficult to reverse, and so on. All this can be called a weakness.

It would seem, what are the actual tickets for? Yes, everything is quite simple, if you know how to park correctly, when and how to cross an uncontrolled intersection, and where to give way, then most likely you will pass the exam without any problems.

After all, it is much easier to pass the exam today than it was 10 years ago. Why, you ask? The answer is simply simple - you can use professional help. Now we are talking about a trial exam. There are a large number of sites providing such a service, one of the best is this. This resource has several significant advantages:

  • huge theoretical course;
  • the ability to pass tests of vehicle categories A and B;
  • current traffic rules with detailed explanations;
  • unlimited number of attempts.

It’s not for nothing that they say that in order to become a real specialist in any field, you need to constantly practice. This rule works 100%. The thing is that in driving school you are taught theory.

Naturally, you will find all this in the exam papers, but the question is, how well prepared will you be?

If you constantly train, your chances of success will increase significantly. But you need to understand that preparation will take precious time. Therefore, it is necessary to devote approximately a few hours a day to preparation. Undoubtedly, you will not be able to learn absolutely all traffic rules, but you will be ready for almost any question.

The night before the traffic rules exam

Each student lives from session to session. How many coursework and diploma projects were completed in one day, hundreds and even thousands. And, it would seem, who is stopping you from doing all this, but not overnight, but in a couple of months. This is exactly the same situation in our case. Most driving school students begin to move when it is too late to do so.

For this simple reason, the percentage of people who fail the first attempt is so high. Of course, many prepare more thoroughly for the second exam, but for such pleasure you will have to pay not only financially, but also morally.

One simple rule follows from all this - you need to prepare throughout your entire training, and not overnight. In this case, you will need to study, a little bit, 1-2 tickets per day. Although a lot depends on how many tickets there will be for the exam. Usually from 40 to 100 pieces. Approximately 20-40 minutes a day, and the norm is met, it’s simple and does not burden the psyche.

Of course, this does not mean that a ticket learned 3 months ago does not need to be repeated before. But you will quickly remember it, and it will not be difficult to give the correct answer.

If you still made it to the last exam tomorrow, and you have a lot to study, then get ready for the fact that it will be difficult.

First, it is necessary to sort out the most theoretical questions. Fortunately, today almost everyone has the Internet, so you can find answers to them without any problems. You need to understand that in fact, there are not many questions. Often they are repeated. In practice, many people have problems with signs, as well as traffic at uncontrolled intersections.

Give this your utmost attention. If you have tickets in hand, then it all comes down to the fact that you can simply memorize each of them. This will not give you understanding, but you will remember the correct answers.

Traffic test or it's time to prove yourself

In the traffic police, everything is simple, first you pass the theory, and then the practice. If the first stage has not been completed, then you are simply not allowed to go to the second. For this simple reason, we can say that theoretical knowledge is somewhat more important than practical knowledge. The logic here is quite simple - if you don’t know the rules, you have nothing to do on the road. In principle, such reasoning is quite logical.

Although we can say with 99% confidence that more than half of the drivers do not know all the rules by heart. However, they successfully move along the road, respecting themselves and other road users. But in our case, verbal persuasion will not help, and you will still have to give answers to the drawn ticket. The most important thing is not to worry.

You will definitely pass everything and go to take the internship. Sometimes there is no choice of ticket, the commission comes in, gives a ticket and a pen, and any other items on the desk are not allowed. Answers must be given in the form of testing, which is already good. Try:

  • to focus on;
  • give answers slowly, but do not delay;
  • try to simulate the situation and find the right solution;
  • forget that you have the right to make mistakes.

The last point looks especially interesting. The fact is that you can give 2 wrong answers out of 20. For this simple reason, test takers sometimes stop thinking at the final stage and put crosses for no reason. But you don't need to do this. If you spent your preparation time productively, then you will definitely pass the traffic rules exams.

Instead of a conclusion

Get a book with traffic rules for 2015, believe me, it will help you a lot in the process of finding answers. If the book still does not act as the main option, then today there is a huge amount of information on the Internet. The most useful are the illustrated pictures. As practice shows, this is the easiest way to remember and understand what’s what and why it’s this way. In the end, they will always help you. By constantly practicing, you will be able to prepare well and pass the theory, and then the practice.

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Studying the Rules of the Road is necessary not only for passing exams at a driving school and obtaining the coveted driver's license. This is a kind of etiquette of behavior on the road, knowledge of which is vital for safety, not only your own, but also that of everyone around you.

As a rule, the process of driving itself does not cause as many difficulties as studying a compendium of rules and regulations. Novice drivers often face the problem of memorizing a large amount of information and not understanding the complex language of the rules. Banal “memorization” of the material will not save you in a real situation on the road. And learning everything again, but while driving, is also not the best option.

In order to facilitate and significantly speed up the process of studying volumetric material, a number of time-tested methods are used. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective ones.

You will need:

1. Familiarize yourself with the material being studied by carefully reading the collection of rules.

2. Write down a detailed structure, dividing all the material into groups and subgroups according to individual criteria.

3. Establish semantic and logical connections within the material being studied.

If you understand the rule and can explain the process, it will be easier for you to remember it.

4. Note down all the main ideas and theses.

5. Repeat the studied material many times, pronounce important facts to yourself and out loud.

But repeat the information not in order, but randomly, choosing a question or rule at random.

6. Involve friends or family in the learning process. Share the information you receive with them, ask them to be your “examiner.”

7. Learn the material in small blocks and every day.

8. Alternate the study process with rest (for example, 40 minutes of study and 10 minutes of break).

9. Try to set aside hours for studying in the first half of the day. Morning is considered the best time to learn new information.

10. Don't limit yourself to just attending driving school classes. Learn and review traffic rules at home, during your lunch break, or any free minute.

11. Use all types of memory (visual, auditory and motor) by alternating between listening to lectures, viewing pictures, videos and taking notes.

Visualization method

Many of us have excellent visual memory, so the visual method is considered the best tool for remembering large amounts of information.

  • To easily and quickly learn various road situations, get an illustrated collection of rules.

Bright and demonstrative drawings are easier to reproduce in memory than simple text without pictures.

  • When taking notes on lectures or theses, make sketches and work out diagrams.
  • Watch the video with interesting and clear examples from real life.
  • When studying signs, focus on their shape, color, and semantic information.

Almost all prohibition signs are round in shape, with a white background and a red line around the circle, and may have a line through them. Mandatory signs are also round in shape, but have a blue background. Warning signs are usually triangular in shape, while information signs are usually square or rectangular.

Association method

The essence of this method is to attach a certain associative series to an unfamiliar situation (rule, phenomenon) and, thus, remember the information.

As a rule, the images that are best remembered are those that relate to you personally, evoke strong emotions, laughter, exaggeration, or something negative and terrible.

If you have developed imaginative thinking, then when studying the rules it will not be difficult for you to create individual associations that are understandable to you personally, which will be easy to remember when various kinds of situations arise on the road.

Mnemonic method

This method is similar to the previous one, but instead of personal associations and images, special mnemonics are used to better remember the rules - poems, sayings or abbreviations. On the Internet you can find a wide variety of collections of “memos”, so we will give only a few of them as examples.

  • To understand the “rule of interference on the right”, you should remember a simple saying “He who is on the right is right”.

It perfectly reflects the essence of the rule: when driving through a turn, at an intersection, the one who has everything clear on the right and there are no obstacles has the advantage.

  • To distinguish between the similar concepts “dividing strip and zone” and “dividing zone”, there are the following simple “reminders”: "Stripe - mow the braid" And “Our zone is without a lawn”.
  • To easily remember the list of road signs that are used outside populated areas, the following saying is useful: "Two pieces of iron, two waters, children and slaves".

  • To remember the procedure in case of an unexpected car stop at a railway crossing, read "Ave Maria Prayer" (AVM), where A – enable alarm, IN - drop people off from the vehicle, M – accept measures to free the crossing from the car.
  • To understand the procedure at the beginning of the movement, the abbreviation will help "THE USSR"– light – clutch – speed – handbrake.
  • A "three D rule"– “Give Way to the Fool” will save your nerves.

Driver's mindset

During the learning process, you should learn to think like a driver, even when driving on your own two feet.

  • When in areas of heavy traffic, at intersections and avenues, try to carefully observe the actions of drivers, assess the traffic situation and compare it with the learned rules, note errors or incomprehensible processes.
  • When riding on public transport or as a passenger in a car, watch the road, analyze the actions of the driver, and mentally put yourself in his place.

Then, during classes at a driving school, you will be able to ask questions of interest to your instructor and sort out an incomprehensible situation among your fellow students. And also adjust practical driving lessons in such a way as to drive in such places.

Exercise equipment

Today, there are many websites, computer programs and smartphone applications that allow you to practice passing traffic rules.

It is best to practice on the official websites of the State Traffic Inspectorate (,, where up-to-date information is presented. But any other site with similar tests can help you get an idea of ​​upcoming exams and identify gaps in knowledge.

You should train until the number of errors is reduced to a minimum or zero.

Please note that an online trainer cannot be a complete and only source of knowledge, but only an additional tool for better assimilation of the material.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    How to learn traffic rules quickly and effectively in one day?

    Conventionally, all methods of quickly and effectively memorizing and not only traffic rules can be divided into 5 main groups:
    - Memory and attention. Everything that doesn’t “catch” in any way passes by. An internal team on the need to record information and find a logical chain will help establish semantic relationships. Understanding the process will help you remember it. Interest and attentiveness are the key to engaging short-term memory.
    - Associative thinking. The main task is to link the necessary knowledge to existing knowledge. Build your own associative series to connect to the process of memorizing figurative memory.
    - Structuring. To memorize a large amount of information, it is necessary to divide it into groups and subgroups according to certain criteria. This can be a layout of permitting, prohibiting and informational road signs, and the shape of road signs. The structure will serve as a framework for remembering all the information.
    - Repetition. No matter how well you study the issue of a ticket, human memory is a dynamic process and it is necessary to “refresh” everything learned in order for the information to stick.
    - Mnemonic. Replacing abstract, dry legal terms with simple and understandable abbreviations, rhymes, and consonances helps memorize large amounts of information.

    How to learn traffic rules in 2 days?

    First, you need to remember the order of road signs according to their importance. So, commit this information to your memory:
    - inspector (appears if it is necessary to regulate the situation on the road; has an advantage over traffic lights);
    - traffic light (regulates the passage of cars; regulates the flow of traffic); - temporary signs (indicate repairs on a section of the road; indicate changes in the situation on the road);
    - permanent signs (establish a constant traffic order in the absence of a traffic light);
    - markings (establishes certain modes and order of movement of vehicles and pedestrians).
    Signs are the most difficult to remember, recognize and learn to perceive, especially if you don’t have driving practice yet. To get started, just learn the pictures in the manual and try to remember their designations. Long before you start driving, walking or riding in a car as a passenger, pay attention to various road signs. Say to yourself what each sign you encounter means, prescribes, requires, or prohibits. Make it a practice to recognize a sign by noticing it with your peripheral vision.

    What is the easiest way to learn traffic tickets?

    Try to understand what is easier for you to remember - the text or the picture. If it is text, then it is better for you to use the paper version of the tickets, reading each line carefully. In the second case, use educational versions of traffic rules programs, where tickets are accompanied by pictures, you can also use videos.
    Try not to cram every ticket - all traffic rules are logical, so they should not be taught, but understood. Try to imagine the situations described in the tickets, remember similar situations on the road, think logically. Of course, there are also moments that you just need to remember, but there are not many of them.
    To better remember tickets, you can use various services on the Internet. In many of them, after the question and answer there is a detailed commentary, so even if you answer at random, you can thoroughly understand the correct answer, and at the same time remember it.
    Chat with other drivers. More experienced drivers will explain the essence of incomprehensible moments that other motorists have had to deal with.

    Where to start learning traffic rules at home?

    Leisurely reading the traffic rules three times in order to understand the interrelations of the rules, their structure and logic - this alone can greatly help you pass the exam.
    The second thing you should pay special attention to is practice. Many students behave in practice at a driving school as if they were already passing a traffic police exam, they are afraid to show the instructor that they do not know something and ultimately lose all the usefulness of practical classes. Remember, practice is the same training sessions as the theoretical course. To get the maximum benefit from them, be vigilant, try to immediately understand all situations on the road that are unclear to you with an instructor on the spot.

    What is the easiest way to remember traffic tickets?

    Re-read the tickets several times. Say information out loud.

    How to study traffic rules in order to accurately pass the exam?

    How to quickly repeat traffic rules?

    It is best to repeat the rules in practice. Sit next to the driver so that he can name the road signs and tell you what each sign means. This way you can quickly recall information.

    How to learn intersections according to traffic rules?

    It is best to learn from pictures.

    Which textbook will help you learn the rules of the road?

    The current set includes two books - “Road Rules. Road Traffic Law" and "Road Signs and Designations", cover color - orange.

    Moments needed to learn traffic rules?

    Determination and good memory.

    What to teach in a traffic rules book?