The best New Year, Christmas and simply winter fairy tales. Winter tales for children Old Russian tales about the New Year

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 11 minutes


Cartoons from the Soviet period are still popular among Russian (and not only) viewers. The secret of success is simple - Soviet cartoons bring up in children that very “bright, kind, eternal” thing that is missing in modern animation and in the modern world as a whole.

New Year's fireworks will burst out very soon, and in order to be 100% prepared for the holidays, we invite you to remember cartoons from the USSR about the New Year and simply about a winter fairy tale.

After all, the New Year is, first of all, a children's holiday.

Year of release: 1984.

Everyone's favorite, familiar characters - Sharik, Matroskin and Uncle Fyodor celebrate the New Year in Prostokvashino. And even with dad! And maybe with mom, if she still manages to visit them in the village from the New Year's light.

It’s just a pity that the TV in Prostokvashino doesn’t work...

One of the kindest cartoons of the USSR, which both adults and children enjoy watching.

Year of release: 1969.

Touching, sweet old man Santa Claus lives alone at the North Pole, making gifts and dreaming of looking at the summer.

This is what Soviet animators helped him with, sending Grandfather into the summer to the song “About Summer,” which instantly became a hit.

Year of release: 1981.

Fantastic New Year's animated film by Ivan Aksenchuk.

The slacker Malasha plays the fool all day long, her sister, the needlewoman Dunyasha, works tirelessly. One day their grandmother is overcome by illness, and the entire household falls entirely on Dunyasha’s fragile shoulders.

Malasha would have been idle if it weren’t for Moroz Ivanovich peering through the window...

Year of release: 1966.

Are New Year holidays possible without a Christmas tree? Of course not!

So little Timoshka decided the same thing, after which he boldly rushed, in the company of his faithful puppy, into the forest behind the New Year’s tree...

Year of release: 1956.

Another wonderful (puppet) story about two sisters - lazy and hardworking.

One day, the sisters' bucket falls into the well. What to do - you’ll have to go down after him straight to the kingdom of Santa Claus...

Year of release: 1955.

One of the most amazing cartoons about the New Year from Soviet animators.

On the eve of the holiday, the boys make a snowman and send him to the forest with a letter to Grandfather Frost - the guys really want a Christmas tree and gifts.

The snowman boldly goes into the forest in the company of a dog named Druzhok. Interesting adventures and dangers await him, which he can easily cope with...

The traditional quality of Soviet animation, excellent musical accompaniment, the voices of the characters performed by your favorite actors - a great New Year's fairy tale for children of all ages.

Year of release: 1978.

Remake of the 1937 cartoon.

In this fairy tale, children will find Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, as well as their funny retinue. Together they will save the bunnies from the evil wolf and the cunning crow, and will not forget about the New Year tree.

A kind, fabulous cartoon that will certainly make you smile.

Year of release: 1959.

The boy Kolya is very worried that his father, a polar explorer, whiling away his days in Antarctica, will be left without a New Year's tree on the holiday. Falling asleep, Kolya goes on a trip - dad will have a Christmas tree, and that’s it!

But the dream ends, and with it the magic...

The animators did their best: this beautiful cartoon for the whole family has been included in the lists of the best New Year's stories for children for many years.

Year of release: 1956.

A frosty and snowy winter has covered the entire country. But while everyone is wrapping themselves in blankets and listening to the crackling of logs in the stoves, the evil stepmother pushes her stepdaughter out the door, demanding snowdrops for the holiday...

This fairy tale story is familiar to everyone from early childhood. And among the many film adaptations of it, this one is one of the best.

Classics of the genre!

Year of release: 1970.

A festive series from a short series of stories about the bear cub Umka.

A curious bear cub comes to the polar explorers' station to find his friend. In search of a boy, Umka, who ran away from his mother, studies the life of polar explorers, dances near the Christmas tree, eats cakes and finds himself in various comical situations.

Year of release: 1973.

A New Year's fairy tale-lesson about a nut cracking toy that comes to life and goes to war with the mouse king.

A beautiful cartoon with careful drawing of details and characters: an immortal story with classical music and unobtrusive instructions for young viewers.

A real gift for the New Year that will teach a child courage and kindness.

Year of release: 1951.

Vakula is deeply in love with the beautiful Oksana. His love is so strong that he is ready to fulfill any of her wishes - even to ride the devil himself in order to get to the Russian Empress, and to beg slippers from her for his beloved Oksana...

A high-quality, atmospheric, amazing cartoon based on Gogol's story of the same name - for older children and adults.

Year of release: 1948.

A wonderful Soviet cartoon about Santa Claus, who on the eve of the holiday was looking for a Christmas tree for the kids.

A cartoon in which the characters speak beautiful, pure Russian, which is so important for modern children, “learning on the Internet” from the cradle...

Year of release: 1975.

The face of every child who watches this cartoon invariably lights up with a smile. A simple, but such a wonderful, sweet and kind story about a bear cub and a hedgehog celebrating a holiday together.

They failed to find the Christmas tree, and the Hedgehog decided that he himself would become the Christmas tree...

Year of release: 1950.

Little Lucy asks Grandfather Frost for a bunny, and her brother asks for a bear cub. The Snow Maiden and Grandfather Frost are in a hurry to get to the children, but the evil wolves mix up all the plans.

The bunny and teddy bear who fell out of the bag are forced to get to the children on their own...

One of the favorite cartoons for many generations - the real magic of Soviet animation.

Year of release: 1957.

Everyone knows Andersen's story about the Snow Queen, Kaya and Gerda. This cartoon is one of the best adaptations of a wonderful fairy tale about the rescue of a boy from icy captivity, about Gerda’s loyalty, about the fact that kindness can melt even the iciest heart.

A marvelous, beautifully drawn story that Andersen himself would probably have liked.

A small masterpiece of animation, which is highly recommended for viewing for modern children.

Year of release: 1972.

In this charming puppet cartoon, little Grisha meets the Snowy Beast in the forest, which only favors polite children...

Year of release: 1952.

Another masterpiece of animation, which successfully combined opera and the artistic talent of the creators.

The heart of the Snow Maiden, who became the fruit of the love of Spring and Father Frost, does not know love - it is covered with ice, and human feelings are not familiar to it.

But what is the point of life if there is no love in it?

Year of release: 1979.

One day, forest animals invited a baby elephant from Africa to visit them for the New Year holiday.

Everyone is really looking forward to him, except for the bully wolf, who managed not only to offend everyone, but also to steal the gifts the baby elephant brought...

Year of release: 1981.

Not a single New Year can do without this cartoon. Tatarsky’s plasticine masterpiece is adored by both children and adults.

A humorous, surreal winter tale about a man whose wife sent him to pick up the Christmas tree on the eve of the holiday. A truly folk cartoon – atmospheric and instructive.

What cartoons about the New Year do you like and watch? We look forward to your feedback and advice!

> Tales about Winter and about Winter

This section presents a collection of tales about Winter in Russian. Enjoy reading!

  • In the kitchen there was a flat basket on a stool, a saucepan on the stove, and a large white dish on the table. There were black crayfish in the basket, there was boiling water with dill and salt in the pan, but there was nothing on the dish. The hostess came in and began: once, she lowered her hand into the basket and grabbed the black crayfish across the back; two - threw...

  • They say that a fat horse is considered good, and a rich man is considered wise... I don’t remember who came up with this proverb. And my father doesn’t remember. And my father's father doesn't remember. And my grandfather’s grandfather, they say, did not remember. One thing is clear - this proverb was invented by the rich people of Noyon. They say, look, we are rich because we were born smart...

    Having finished creating the world, God asked man: - What should I make longer - summer or winter? The man replied: “Ask my friends the horse and the bull.” Let it be as they say. The god of the horse was the first to ask: “Would you like winter to be longer than summer or summer to be longer than winter?” “I would like to,” replied...

  • Finally, real spring came: the sun was shining brightly, the snow had completely melted, and the first leaves appeared on the trees. The weather was beautiful: a light spring breeze was blowing, carrying the smells of fresh leaves and first flowers, rare clouds were running across the clear sky, the sun was playing its games in the clearing...

  • This year's winter was so snowy that Hedgehog almost never left his house. It was boring, of course, to sit alone at home like this and remember the fun summer days. It was sad not to see my friend, the Hare. But where will you go if the snow has covered not only the doors, but even the windows of the house? And to go out...

  • In winter, although the sun shines, it provides little warmth. It doesn't stay in the sky for long. Winter days are much shorter than summer days, and the nights are longer. In Russia, winters last a long time and are sometimes very cold. Rivers and lakes freeze so much that you can walk and drive on the ice. The ground is covered with a thick layer of snow. The snow is very...

  • The old woman winter got angry: she decided to snatch every breath from the world. First of all, she began to get to the birds: she was tired of them with their screaming and squeaking. Winter blew cold, tore leaves from forests and oak forests and scattered them along the roads. There was nowhere for the birds to go: they began to gather in flocks, thinking little thoughts. ...

  • After the wedding, Frost and Winter spared neither effort nor time, together they built an ice tower, covered it with a lush snowdrift, and decorated it with cheerful garlands of snowflakes and ice flowers. The rooms were filled with tables, cabinets, benches, cabinets with crystal dishes, silver ladles, heavy supplies of mugs and cups...

  • Once upon a time there lived a peasant Ivan, and he had a wife, Marya. Ivan and Marya lived in love and harmony, but they had no children. So they grew old alone. They greatly lamented their misfortune and were consoled only by looking at other people’s children. There’s nothing to do! So, apparently, they were destined. One day when...

  • Do you know how many months there are in a year? Twelve. What are their names? January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. As soon as one month ends, another begins immediately. And it has never happened before that February came before January left, and May overtook...

  • Once upon a time there lived a fox and a hare in the forest. They lived not far from each other. Autumn came. It became cold in the forest. They decided to build huts for the winter. The fox built herself a hut out of loose snow, and the bunny built herself out of loose sand. They spent the winter in new huts. Spring has come, the sun has warmed up. Chanterelles-on...

    In a certain kingdom there lived a merchant. He lived in marriage for twelve years and had only one daughter, Vasilisa the Beautiful. When her mother died, the girl was eight years old. Dying, the merchant's wife called her daughter to her, took out the doll from under the blanket, gave it to her and said: “Listen, Vasilisa!” Remember and fulfill the last...

    Once upon a time there was a man who had a lot of sheep. In winter, a huge sheep lambed, and he took it from the yard to the hut with the lamb. Evening is coming. A gentleman is coming and asked to spend the night with him. He walked up to the window and asked: “Man, will you let me spend the night?” - Aren’t you going to make mischief at night? - Have mercy! We just need somewhere...

    There lived a grandfather and a woman. The grandfather had a daughter, and the woman had a daughter; They were both already of age. The woman didn’t like her grandfather’s daughter: she used to scold and mock her, poor thing, and sometimes she would incite her grandfather to gnaw on his daughter. It used to be that both girls would go to a get-together, the old woman’s daughter would just...

    There lived a poor man in the world. He didn’t know what to do so as not to lose his family to hunger. - There is no better craft than sculpting new pots and tying broken ones with wire! - he once said to his wife and decided to become a potter. That's how they called him - Gorshkovyaz. In the summer he made pots from clay, fired them, took them to the city...

    There were two friends in the world who lived only by lies. One day the liar went to the master's kitchen, but the liar remained outside the door. The cook treated the liar to cabbage rolls. At first he ate so that his ears were cracking, and when he was full, he began to scatter the cabbage. - Is this cabbage? - says the liar. - Here we have cabbage -...

    A mower was mowing the meadow. I got tired and sat down under a bush to rest. He took out the bag, untied it and began to chew the bread. A hungry wolf comes out of the forest. He sees a mower sitting under a bush and eating something. The wolf approached him and asked: “What are you eating, man?” “Bread,” the mower answers. - Is it tasty? - And how delicious it is! ...

    A man was mowing hay. I got tired and sat down under a bush to rest. He took out his wallet and decided to have a snack. And then a wolf happened nearby. The wolf smelled food and left the forest. The wolf sees a mower sitting under a bush, eating. He approached him and asked: “What are you eating?” - Bread. - Is it tasty? - Very. -Let me try. ...

    A songbook walked around the world. And the storyteller walked around the world. Somehow they met and began to walk together. And so we agreed: one sings songs, the other tells fairy tales. Whoever earns what, divide it in half. We came to one village, turned into a tavern, where the men were walking. The songwriter began to sing songs. He'll sing a merry song...

    Once upon a time, they say, animals and cattle did not have tails. Only one animal king - the lion - had a tail. Life was bad for animals without tails. In winter it’s still a bit of a mess, but summer will come - there’s no escape from flies and midges. What will you use to drive them away? More than one has been eaten by gadflies and horseflies the summer before death. At least shout the guard...

    There lived a poor man with his wife. They had a daughter. He needs to celebrate his homeland, but he has no bread to eat. What should you treat your guests to? A poor man went to the river to fetch water. He collected buckets full and returned back. Lo and behold, a chick is lying in the bushes. Yes, so weak, so bad, that she won’t get up on her own. A poor man brought water home...

    Once upon a time there lived a musician. He started playing from an early age. He used to graze oxen, cut a vine, make himself a pipe, and as soon as he started playing, the oxen would stop nibbling the grass - they would prick up their ears and listen. The birds in the forest will become quiet, even the frogs in the swamps will not croak. He'll go at night - it's fun there: boys and girls...

    In the old days it was like this: when a father gets old, his son will take him to a remote Pushcha and abandon him there... So one day the son took his father to the Pushcha. He feels sorry for his father - he loved him very much, but what can you do! If you're unlucky, people will laugh, they'll say old customs don't hold up. They'll drive him out of the village... He's riding sadly, and his father...

    Do you know where the bear came from? Before, the bear was a person just like us. There were few people then, and they lived in the forests. They hunted animals and birds there. In the summer they collected mushrooms and berries, dug the roots of plants and stocked them for the winter. And most of all they stocked up on nuts and honey. There were a lot of bees. And there were...

  • The New Year was getting closer and closer to Prostokvashin. And everyone rejoiced - the dog, the cat, and Uncle Fyodor himself. And the postman Pechkin walked around sad. He once said to Uncle Fyodor: “You feel good.” There are many of you, three of you and you also have little jackdaws. And I live alone, as if thrown into the trash heap. Your parents will come to you, and to me...

  • Once upon a time, a grandfather lived with another wife. The grandfather had a daughter, and the woman had a daughter. Everyone knows how to live with a stepmother: if you turn over, it’s a bitch, and if you don’t turn over, it’s a bitch. And no matter what my own daughter does, she gets a pat on the head for everything: she’s smart. The stepdaughter watered and fed the cattle, carried firewood and water to the hut, stoked the stove, ...

    The mother had two daughters: one was her own, the other was her husband’s. She loved hers very much, but she couldn’t even look at her stepdaughter. And all because Marushka was more beautiful than her Olena. Marushka did not know about her beauty and still could not understand why her stepmother looked at her and furrowed her eyebrows. Olena knows how to dress up...

  • I once celebrated the New Year at the dacha, the needle was moving towards twelve... And suddenly something exploded outside the window! Isn’t there a bomb in my garden, I think?! I look: this is necessary!.. PLATE! And next to the plate there is a creature. I immediately realized: MARTIAN! He has four arms and seven eyes, Under each one he has a healthy bruise...

  • It was snowing, and Santa Clauses were walking in the snow. They walked slowly, chatting animatedly. Filling all the streets, Santa Clauses walked, and there was no end to them. The snow swirled and glittered; if you look closely, you can see shaggy eyebrows and long beards. Only the faces are not visible at all, no matter how closely you look. This...

  • Winter loves to visit everywhere - there is enough of her everywhere. This year I played a lot while visiting my beloved aunt, the Snow Queen. And she spoils her, allows her to do whatever her niece wants in Lapland. And then sister Autumn got worried, it’s already December, but Winter is still not here. I wrote together with Summer and Spring, they say, it’s time to go to Russia already. “Winter was waiting, nature was waiting,” they wrote and added a smiley emoticon.

  • In the same house lived two girls, the Needlewoman and Lenivitsa, and with them a nanny. The needlewoman was a smart girl: she got up early, dressed herself, without a nanny, and got out of bed and got to work: she lit the stove, kneaded bread, chalked the hut, fed the rooster, and then went to the well for water. And Sloth between...

  • Two frosts were walking across the field, two siblings - the Blue-nose frost and the Red-nose frost. They walk and walk in the cold, praising each other. And the night is bright, bright. There is plenty of room in the freezing cold. And it’s quiet, so quiet, as if there was no living soul left in the world. The frosts moved from the field to the forest. They run, click, from the tree...

    Once upon a time there lived an old Frost Blue Nose, and he had a young son - Frost the Red Nose. Well, young Frost the Red Nose loved to show off! Only, sometimes, he repeats: “Father is already old, he does his job poorly. But I am young and strong. As soon as I get down to business, I’ll immediately freeze everything around me.” Once he sees...

  • There lived an old man in our factory, nicknamed Kokovanya. Kokovani had no family left, so he came up with the idea of ​​taking an orphan as his child. I asked the neighbors if they knew anyone, and the neighbors said: “The family of Grigory Potopaev was recently orphaned on Glinka.” The clerk ordered the older girls to be taken to the master's needlework, and one...

Very soon it will snow, winter will cover it with snow, cold winds will blow and frosts will hit. We will watch the mischief of winter from the windows of the houses, and on fine days we will arrange winter photo sessions, sledding, sculpting snow women and organizing snow fights. But long winter evenings seem to be meant for reading winter fairy tales together, filled with adventures, miracles and magic. We have prepared a list of just such fairy tales to make reading truly interesting and exciting.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

List of winter tales for children

  1. V. Vitkovich, G. Jagdfeld “A Tale in Broad Daylight” (Labyrinth). The adventures of the boy Mitya, who met the unusual snow girl Lelya and now protects her from the evil Snow Women and the Old Year.
  2. M. Staroste "Winter's Tale" (Labyrinth). The Snow Maiden baked a gingerbread man - Khrustik. But the inquisitive Khrustik did not want to lie in the basket with other gifts, he got out... and decided to go to the guys under the Christmas tree ahead of time. On this path, many dangerous adventures awaited him, in which he almost disappeared. But Santa Claus saved the hero, and he, in turn, promised not to go anywhere without asking.
  3. N. Pavlova “Winter Tales” “Winter Feast” (Labyrinth). The hare fed the squirrel with a broken leg all summer, and when the time came to return kindness to the squirrel, he began to feel sorry for his supplies. She came up with all sorts of tasks to ward off the hare, but in the end her conscience tormented her and they had a real winter feast. A dynamic and child-friendly plot and N. Charushin’s illustrations will be a good reason for discussing with your child issues of generosity and mutual assistance.
  4. P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof” (Labyrinth). A good story about the orphan Darenka and Kokovan, who told the girl about an unusual goat with a silver hoof. And one day the fairy tale became reality, a goat ran to the booth, beat with its hoof, and precious stones fell out from under it.
  5. Yu. Yakovlev “Umka” (Labyrinth). A fairy tale about a little polar bear cub who discovers the huge world in all its diversity, about his mother, a polar bear, and their adventures.
  6. S. Nordkvist “Christmas in Petson’s house” (Labyrinth). Petson and his kitten Findus had big plans for this Christmas. But Petson twisted his ankle and can’t even go to the store or buy a Christmas tree. But is this an obstacle when there is ingenuity and friendly neighbors?
  7. N. Nosov “On the Hill” (Labyrinth). A story about a cunning but not very far-sighted boy Kotka Chizhov, who ruined the slide that the guys had been building all day by sprinkling it with snow.
  8. Odus Hilary "The Snowman and the Snow Dog" (Labyrinth, Ozone). The story is about a boy who recently lost his dog. And, having found “clothes” for the snowman, he decided to make both: the snowman and the dog. The snow sculptures came to life and a lot of amazing adventures awaited them together. But spring came, the snowman melted, and the dog... became real!
  9. Tove Jansson "Magic Winter" (Labyrinth). One day in winter, Moomintroll woke up and realized that he no longer wanted to sleep, which meant it was time for adventure. And there will be more than enough of them in this book, because this is the first Moomintroll who has not slept all year.
  10. W. Maslo “Christmas at the Godmother’s” (Labyrinth). Kind and magical tales about the adventures of Vika and her fairy godmother, who works miracles for her goddaughter with her own hands. Just like us, passionate mothers :-)
  11. V. Zotov “New Year’s Story” (Labyrinth). On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus visits the children to find out what they really want for the holiday. And so grandpa found himself visiting the boy Vitya, who was rude at home, quiet at school and at the same time dreamed of a real car. And he received a film projector that shows the boy’s behavior from the outside. Great teaching move!
  12. Peter Nikl "The True Story of the Good Wolf" (Labyrinth). A fairy tale about a wolf who decided to change his fate and stop being just a frightening and terrifying beast. The wolf became a doctor, but his previous glory did not allow him to fully reveal his talent until the animals were convinced of the wolf’s good intentions. A multi-layered, philosophical tale. I think that readers of different ages will find something of their own in it.
  13. (Labyrinth). A folk tale about a cunning fox and a short-sighted, gullible wolf, who suffered the most, was left without a tail, and never understood who was to blame for all his troubles.
  14. (Labyrinth). A folk tale about friendship and mutual assistance, in which animals built themselves a hut and together defended themselves from forest predators.
  15. (Labyrinth). A folk tale in which the grandfather lost his mitten and all the animals that were cold came to warm up in the mitten. As is usual in fairy tales, many animals fit into the mitten. And when the dog barked, the animals ran away, and the grandfather picked up an ordinary mitten from the ground.
  16. V. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich” (Labyrinth). The adventures of the Needlewoman, who dropped a bucket into a well and discovered at its bottom a completely different world, in which its owner, Moroz Ivanovich, gives everyone justice. For the needlewoman - silver patches and a diamond, and for Lenivitsa - an icicle and mercury.
  17. (Labyrinth). An original folk tale about Emel, who caught and released a magic pike and now strange and unexpected things are happening throughout the kingdom at his command.
  18. Sven Nordqvist "Christmas Porridge" (Labyrinth). A fairy tale by a Swedish writer about how people forgot traditions and decided not to serve porridge to their dwarf father before Christmas. This may anger the dwarves, and then people will face a whole year of trouble. The gnome decides to save the situation; she wants to remind people of herself and bring porridge for the gnome.
  19. S. Kozlov “Winter Tales” (Labyrinth). Kind and touching stories about Hedgehog and his friends, about their friendship and desire to help each other. The original decisions of the main characters and the author's kind humor make this book understandable for children and interesting for older children.
  20. Astrid Lindgren "The Jolly Cuckoo" (Labyrinth). Gunnar and Gunilla had been sick for a whole month and dad bought them a cuckoo clock so that the children would always know what time it was. But the cuckoo turned out to be not wooden, but alive. She made the kids laugh and helped with Christmas gifts for mom and dad.
  21. Valko "New Year's Trouble" (Labyrinth). Winter has come in the hare valley. Everyone is preparing for the New Year and making gifts for each other, but then there was a snowfall and Jacob the Hare’s house was completely destroyed. The animals helped build him a new house, saved the stranger and celebrated the New Year in a big friendly company.
  22. V. Suteev “Yolka”(a collection of winter tales in Labyrinth). The guys gathered to celebrate the New Year, but there was no Christmas tree. Then they decided to write a letter to Santa Claus and deliver it with the Snowman. The snowman faced danger on his way to Santa Claus, but with the help of his friends he coped with the task and the guys had a festive tree for the New Year.
  23. E. Uspensky “Winter in Prostokvashino” (Labyrinth). Uncle Fyodor and dad go to celebrate the New Year in Prostokvashino. The plot is slightly different from the film of the same name, but in the end the mother still joins the family, coming to them on skis.
  24. E. Rakitina “The Adventures of New Year’s Toys” (Labyrinth). Small adventures told on behalf of various toys that happened to them throughout their lives, most of which they spent on the Christmas tree. Different toys - different characters, desires, dreams and plans.
  25. A. Usachev “New Year at the Zoo” (Labyrinth). A fairy tale about how the zoo residents decided to celebrate the New Year. And near the zoo, Father Frost had an accident and his horses ran away in all directions. Zoo residents helped deliver gifts and celebrated the New Year with Grandfather Frost.
  26. A. Usachev “Miracles in Dedmorozovka” (Ozone). A fairy tale about Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and their assistants - snowmen and snowmen, who were sculpted from snow and brought to life at the beginning of winter. The snowmen have already helped Santa Claus with the delivery of gifts for the New Year and organized a holiday in their village. And now they continue to study at school, help the Snow Maiden in the greenhouse and play a little mischief, which is why they end up in funny situations.
  27. Levi Pinfold "Black Dog" (Labyrinth). “Fear has big eyes,” says popular wisdom. And this fairy tale shows how brave a little girl can be, and how humor and games can help cope with even great fear.
  28. "Old Frost and New Frost". A Lithuanian folk tale about how easily you can freeze in the cold, wrapped in warm blankets, and how the frost is not scary while actively working with an ax in your hands.
  29. V. Gorbachev “How Piggy spent the winter”(Labyrinth). The story is about Piggy the boaster, who, due to his inexperience and gullibility, went north with a fox and was left without provisions, ended up in a bear’s den and barely escaped with his feet from the wolves.
  30. Br. and S. Paterson “Adventures in the Fox Forest” (Labyrinth). Winter had come in the Fox Forest and everyone was preparing for the New Year. Hedgehog, Little Squirrel and Little Mouse were preparing gifts, but there was little pocket money and they decided to earn extra money. New Year's songs and collecting brushwood did not help them earn money, but helping a carriage that had an accident gave them an acquaintance with a new judge and a New Year's masquerade ball awaited them.
  31. S. Marshak “12 months” (Labyrinth). A fairy-tale play in which a kind and hardworking Stepdaughter received a whole basket of snowdrops in December from the month of April.

Let's tell you a secret that we decided not just to read fairy tales, but to read and play based on their plots in anticipation of the New Year 2018. Adventures, quests, games and creative tasks await us. If you want the same fabulous Advent that lasts all December, then we invite you to New Year's quest "The Dog Saves the New Year."

Remember the New Year holidays of our childhood? You wake up on a winter morning and a fairy tale film is playing on TV. Just one, just one channel! And you sit in a chair next to him, eat candy from a New Year's gift, and you don't need to rush anywhere, there is no hassle, no worries. And even though you’ve seen this fairy tale more than once, you still want to watch it again and again. And you feel so warm and comfortable that you think: “If only the holidays didn’t end longer!..”

What prevents us from returning to childhood? Never mind! Ahead of us all are waiting, and a selection of wonderful Soviet fairy tale films prepared for you by UfaMama! Let's study, download, watch and enjoy with the whole family!

Snow Tale, 1959

An amazing story about how the most ordinary clock can become magical on New Year’s Eve and can stop time. Who might benefit from this? Old Man Old Year, who so does not want to give way to the New Year. The boy Mitya and his friends and the watchmaker will come to the rescue. The holiday will be saved!

Evenings on a farm near Dikanka, 1961

A fairy tale film by the famous storyteller Alexander Rowe, an adaptation of the story by N.V. Gogol's "The Night Before Christmas". A beautiful and funny story about how the forge Vakula saddled the devil and went to St. Petersburg to give his beloved the royal “shoes.”

Morozko, 1964

A good old fairy tale about Nastenka, her evil stepmother and sister Marfushka, about the enchanted Ivan and the wizard Morozko. And, of course, about love, kindness and justice.

The Snow Queen, 1966

An old Soviet film based on Andersen's fairy tale of the same name. Everyone knows the story about Kai, Gerda, true friendship and love. Gerda's faithful heart will overcome all obstacles and melt the coldest ice.

Snow Maiden, 1968

A little sad, but very beautiful fairy tale about the Snow Maiden - the daughter of Father Frost and the Spring Beauty. A real Russian fairy tale with songs and round dances.

Spring Tale, 1971

Another fairy tale film based on A. Ostrovsky’s play about the Snow Maiden, filmed at the Belarusfilm film studio.

Twelve months, 1972

A fairy tale based on the play by S. Ya. Marshak. Another reminder of the New Year's miracle: on the eve of the holiday you can find not only snowdrops, but also true friends, love and justice.

New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya, 1975

My favorite New Year's tale. Mikhail Boyarsky as Matvey the Cat is very good. I've been in love with him since childhood! This is a magical story about how first-graders Masha and Vitya find themselves in a fairy tale and save the Snow Maiden from Kashchei the Immortal.

"Nut Krakatuk", 1977

Musical film based on Hoffmann's fairy tale "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King". The story, somewhat interpreted in a new way, will be more interesting to schoolchildren than to kids.

The Secret of the Snow Queen, 1986

Another film based on a fairy tale by H.H. Andersen with the brilliant Alisa Freundlich in the title role. Only Kai and Gerda have become a little more mature, and the Snow Queen has a terrible secret... What? Find out by watching the fairy tale.

A fairy tale for children 4-5 years old with visual impairments “The Titmouse and the Naughty Winter.”

expand and clarify children’s ideas about wintering and nomadic birds in central Russia.
Tasks: introduce children to wintering and nomadic birds and the peculiarities of their life in winter; develop children's speech: replenish their vocabulary with adjectives, verbs, adverbs, folk sayings;
form initial environmental ideas;
cultivate cognitive interest, a sense of kindness and mercy.
Description of material:
The author's fairy tale, for children of middle preschool age. Easy to understand. Can be used in the educational activity "Cognitive direction", in theatrical activities.

Titmouse and the naughty Winter

One day, the mischievous Winter flew into our forest on snowy horses. She waved her sleeve and fluffy white snow fell. It blew and big snowdrifts appeared. A blizzard whistled and arose, the forest began to hum.

A titmouse sits on a branch and cries: “I’m cold, I’m cold!”

The wise polar Owl hoots in response to her: " Uh-uh-uh! Don't cry, Titmouse! Fluff your feathers, shift from foot to foot, so you won’t freeze. I flew from the North; there are a lot of mice in your forest. I’m not hungry, that’s why I’m not cold.”

“Trrrrr!” the Woodpecker chatters. Insects hide under the bark of trees. I use my long tongue to get them out and eat them with pleasure. I’m full, I’m not cold.”

“Tut-tut-tut!” the Bullfinch sings quietly. I, like the polar Owl, flew from the North. I am your guest, a nomadic bird. It’s very cold here, there is no food. I like it here. I’ll peck the buds from the trees and eat delicious rowan berries, I’ll taste the seeds of ash and maple - and I’ll be full and won’t freeze.”

“And I,” squeaks Titmouse, “love seeds and unsalted lard, but I can’t find them in the forest.”
The Owl hoots: “Woo-hoo-hoo! - Fly to the city, to the kindergarten. There will be food for you there.”
Titmouse flew to the city, to the children. And there!
“Kar-kar-kar!” - the crows croak angrily.
“Ah-ah!” - the disheveled jackdaws cackle.
“Chick-chirp!” - the bully sparrows cry.
“Gurg-gul-gul!” - fearless pigeons gurgle.
Everyone is pushing; crows and jackdaws strive to grab larger pieces of bread.
And Winter just then crept up to our Titmouse and whispered angrily: “I’ll freeze it! I’ll freeze it!”
The titmouse quickly, quickly pecked at the seeds, swung on a swing with a piece of bacon, became cheerful and sang: “I’m not afraid of the cold, because I’m well-fed. The kind children came and brought a lot of food. And in the spring I’ll sing and eat the evil insects!”
Thank you.