Prokhorov musical literature of foreign countries. “Musical literature of foreign countries” I

Theory and methods of physical education and child development. Methodological, natural science, psychological and pedagogical foundations of physical education. Formation healthy image life by means of physical culture. Objectives and means of physical education. Development of voluntary movements of a child from birth to seven years. Basics of teaching a child motor actions. Motor skill, patterns of its formation. Multi-level motion control system. The relationship between the development of psychophysical qualities and the formation of motor skills. Gymnastics for preschoolers. Outdoor play is the main means and method of educating a child’s physical culture. Sports exercises for children preschool age. Development of independence and creativity in physical exercise. Organization and methodology for carrying out various types of motor activity of a child. Work as an instructor physical culture. Physical education in the family. Diagnosis of physical fitness and sensorimotor development of a child. Medical and pedagogical control of the physical development of children. Teaching the course “Methods of physical education and child development” in pedagogical schools and colleges.

Theory and methods of children's speech development. Theory and methodology of speech development in preschool children as scientific and academic discipline. The concept of professional training of students for work on the development of speech in preschoolers. Functional characteristics of the native language and its role in the development of the child. Scientific foundations of methods for developing children's speech: methodological, psychophysiological, psycholinguistic, linguodidactic. Analysis of methodological approaches to speech development and learning native language in the history of foreign and domestic pedagogy. Modern concepts of speech ontogenesis. Structural, functional and cognitive directions of research of children's speech. Regularities and features of children’s mastery of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, and coherent speech. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for developing programs for children’s speech development. Contents, methods and means of speech development. Child and speech environment. Speech communication as the main means of mastering social experience and mastering the native language. Methodological principles of teaching native speech and language. Methods for developing different aspects of speech in age groups. The problem of preparing children to learn to read and write. Literary education children. Peculiarities of perception by preschoolers literary works. Methodology for working with the book. Artistic and speech activity. Diagnosis of children's speech development as a means of optimizing the process of mastering their native language. Teaching methods of speech development in pedagogical colleges and schools.

Theory and methodology for the development of mathematical concepts in preschool children. Methodological, psychophysiological and psychological-pedagogical foundations of mathematical education for preschool children. Domestic and foreign concepts mathematical development preschool children. Contents of a child's mathematical development. The genesis of mathematical concepts in children. Implementation of the principles of amplification, a person-centered approach, developmental learning in the formation of mathematical concepts. Methodological systems for introducing preschoolers to number and computational activities, shape, size of objects and their measurement, spatial and temporal relationships. Pedagogical conditions mastering mathematical concepts. Teaching methods. Using simulation information technologies and other modern methods. Diagnostics of mathematical development as the basis for goal setting and design of work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Multi-level and correctional work with kids. Continuity in the work of preschool institutions with families and schools to implement the tasks of children’s mathematical development. Teaching the course “Theory and Methods of Development of Mathematical Concepts in Preschool Children” in pedagogical colleges and schools.

Theory and methodology environmental education children. Nature as its own value. Teaching and nurturing functions of nature. Environmental education of preschool children as a process of formation of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. Environmental education in the history of foreign and domestic pedagogy. Accumulation of emotionally positive experience of children’s communication with nature. Forming the child’s readiness to interact correctly with surrounding nature. The system of primary knowledge about nature as the basis for the development of elements of environmental consciousness. Modern programs environmental education. The essence of the axiological and activity approach in environmental education and its implementation in preschool institutions. Formation of the ecological orientation of the personality of a preschooler. Criteria for the development of environmental education. Pedagogical conditions of environmental education. Scientific development of problems environmental education children for modern stage. Teaching the course “Methods of environmental education of children” in pedagogical schools and colleges.

Theory and methodology of child development fine arts. The concept of children's fine art. Art history and psychological-pedagogical foundations of the theory and methodology for the development of children's visual creativity. Artistic and aesthetic developmental environment and the child. Works of art (painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture) as a factor in the development of a child’s personality and the basis of his independent artistic and creative activity. Children's perception of works of art, the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards them. Methods of introducing preschool children to works visual arts. Types and originality visual arts preschoolers. Development of children's visual creativity in design, modeling, appliqué, drawing, artistic work. Development of the child's creative abilities. Individual and differentiated approach to the development of creative abilities. Continuity in the development of creativity in preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. Features of methodological systems for the development of children's visual creativity in Russia and abroad. Modern programs for the development of children's visual creativity. Teaching the course “Methods for the development of children's visual creativity” at a pedagogical college and school.

Theory and methodology musical education preschool children. Theoretical basis musical education and development. Music as an art form, its influence on the harmonious development of a child. Tasks of musical education of children. The concept of musicality, its structure and development paths. Diagnostics and development musical abilities. Forming the Foundations musical culture in preschoolers. Principles, content, methods and forms of musical education. Kinds musical activity children. Children's perception of music musical performance. Creativity in various types musical activity of children. Forms of organizing children's musical activities. Types and types of activities. Music in Everyday life kindergarten and family. Functions and responsibilities of a teacher, music director, senior teacher and head of a preschool educational institution in implementing the tasks of music education. Teaching the course “Methodology musical development children" at the pedagogical college and school.

Preschool education management

1. Regulatory support education. Legislation regulating relations in the field of education. Rights of the child and forms of his legal protection in legislation Russian Federation. Features of legal support for professional pedagogical activity. Regulatory and organizational foundations activities educational institutions. Legal regulation relations in the system of continuing education and legal status participants educational process. Basic legal acts international educational legislation. The relationship between Russian and foreign legislation in the field of education. Regulatory and legal support for the modernization of teacher education in the Russian Federation. Development of a public preschool education system. Preschool like pedagogical system and control object. Management structure, legal framework, organization preschool, registration, licensing, certification, accreditation. The essence of managerial work of the head of a preschool educational institution. Managerial culture; management pedagogical process in the activities of a senior teacher. Prevention and elimination of conflict situations in activities head of preschool educational institution. Advanced training and certification of managers and teachers of preschool institutions.

Children have enormous intellectual and emotional potential. Many psychologists believe that if you purposefully work with a child, he will better assimilate information in kindergarten and school. For this purpose, famous teachers have developed effective educational methods that are successfully used throughout the world. Which one should you choose? Read our article and make your choice.

Glen Doman - raising from the cradle

American pediatrician created unique technique formation of mental abilities in children early age. He believed that the most rewarding time for learning is up to the age of seven, while the brain is actively developing. The method is based on confidence in truly limitless possibilities the child to absorb information obtained from pictures with words and images. Doman also attached great importance and physical development infants, linking it with intelligence. The author had an extremely negative attitude towards swaddling and everything that hinders movement and interferes with the motor activity of babies. Systematic exercises according to the Doman system stimulate early speech development, speed reading and children's curiosity, expand vocabulary. ()

Waldorf school - imitating an adult

The main thing in this method is not strict “cramming” and coercion, but imitation of adults through plot- role-playing games. Waldorf teachers have an extremely negative attitude towards early intellectual development. For example, learning to read and write begins only at age 12. Great attention is paid to revealing the individuality of children through folk culture And creative activity. The child is introduced into Magic world fairy tales (), music, dance and myths. Main activities: singing, theatrical performances, drawing, working with natural natural materials. But the attitude towards the achievements of civilization - television - is ambiguous. They are considered sources of unnecessary information for children.

Maria Montessori – comprehensive education

Leonid Bereslavsky - we educate every minute

Doctor of Philosophy, inventor Leonid Bereslavsky believes that children need to develop every minute, and adults are obliged to provide them with this opportunity. The author recommends working with a child using his own method from the age of one and a half years, so as not to miss a single important sensitive period intended for mastering a certain skill. So, at one and a half years of age, priority is given to development fine motor skills, attention, studying animal species. From the age of three, logic tasks are added, geometric figures and spatial representations. And by the time you enter school, it is necessary to train memory and logical thinking, gradually organizing previously acquired knowledge. Another highlight is early learning of chess, which begins at 3.5 years of age.

Cecile Lupan - learning to understand the baby

The author of the methodology is not a scientist or even a teacher, but, first of all, loving mother two daughters, who wanted to give them the necessary skills to understand the world. Having tested Glen Doman's system on her little ones, Cecile decided to rework it, rightly believing that it was necessary to take into account the interests of the baby and conduct developmental exercises on topics that concern him. If your baby is rattling pots, give him the opportunity to play the drums. If your baby is reaching for a knitted scarf, give him fabric samples for tactile experiments. In this program a large number of games to improve perception, as well as many sections devoted to music, history, geography, foreign language, reading, etc. There are even special exercises swimming () and horse riding!

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Jean Ledloff - natural education

Psychotherapist Jean Ledloff spent several years with the Yequana Indians and became imbued with their educational traditions. These people were truly happy, they did not experience negative emotions, and their children cried very rarely. Returning to her homeland, Jean discarded Western ideas about education and wrote an unusual and controversial book about natural development “How to raise a happy child.” Meaning this method is to be with the baby constantly in the first months, and in the future not to interfere with the formation of an independent personality: not to control, not to sink to his level, but to be a model of behavior for him.

Nikolay Zaitsev - read before you speak

The famous teacher, author of many scientific developments, created his own now popular method of teaching reading, used from an early age. Children sing, have fun, learn to build word towers and trains. Judging by the reviews of parents who use this technique, 4-year-old children begin to read after just a few lessons. The technique is based on special cubes on which syllables, rather than letters, are drawn. Children use them to form words. The cubes differ from each other in size, color, weight and sound (the filler makes ringing or dull sounds). By playing with such blocks, the child will master speech skills and gain initial presentations about the Russian language and will be significantly ahead of their peers in development.

Nikitins are healthy and smart children

The method of the classics of Russian pedagogy Boris and Elena Nikitin is based on their observations of their own children. To awaken a child’s thirst for knowledge, it is necessary to prepare a developmental environment - hang various tables, letters, geographic Maps. Physical education requires exercise equipment, sports equipment and health-improving exercises (even swimming in ice water and wiping with snow). Teachers have developed interesting educational aids - cubes, puzzles, main feature which is versatility and the ability to achieve goals different ways. This training system, developed several decades ago, is still relevant today, despite conflicting responses and mixed opinions.

Shalva Amonashvili – humane pedagogy

Doctor psychological sciences, Professor Amonashvili developed his own pedagogical concept based on a humane approach to preschoolers and schoolchildren. Main principle method - an adult must cooperate with the child on an equal basis, see him as an individual. This technique is finding more and more supporters, as it is truly special. The author does not offer a ready-made list of exercises for developing a separate ability or skill, but a list of rules that teachers and parents need to follow. According to the famous psychologist, a child will achieve better results if he is not forced or controlled. There are no bad children, there are adults who do not know how to communicate with them.

Dr. Suzuki - education with music

Shinichi Suzuki believed that all children are naturally talented and intelligent, which means that every child with early years can be taught to handle freely musical instruments. If you surround your baby with beautiful people from childhood classical music, he will learn to love art and receive a comprehensive and complete education. However, the goal of this technique is not to raise a great violinist or pianist, but to raise a good one, open person. (Reading:)

Each child is individual, which is why it is so difficult to stay within the framework of any one developmental methodology. The best way out is to take from them what seems important in the development of your children. In this case, you become an innovative teacher who has his own effective technique raising your child.

Every parent wants their child to grow up smart, talented and quick-witted.

Relatives often wonder how to make the process of learning about the world around them more exciting for their baby.

A variety of methods for the development of preschool children come to the rescue. To choose suitable education and upbringing systems for your child, you need to find out their features, as well as find out their advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular development methods for preschool children

To implement any of the systems, serious preparation is required. It is necessary not only to have knowledge, but also to provide an appropriate developmental environment: objects and gaming material.

Maria Montessori Method

The author is the 19th century Italian teacher Maria Montessori. According to this system, a child cannot be forced to study, he must be interested.

The kid is immersed in the situation natural development and training.

He is given complete freedom of choice. The child himself determines what, how and for how long to do it.

The environment should include everything that is necessary for full development: toys, objects, music, communication.

The technique provides for a whole system of exercises, as well as the availability of a variety of materials:

  • planks;
  • figures;
  • frames;
  • inserts and other aids.

The adult acts only as an intermediary between the child and the subject of the study. What the child is able to do on his own, he does without the participation of a teacher or parent. This develops independence and self-confidence.

Unfortunately, the methodology does not include fairy tales and role-playing games, so beloved by children. The system is quite difficult to apply to a hyperactive child.

Nikitin's technique

This is a system of educational games created by Russian teachers Elena and Boris Nikitin. Being parents of seven children, the authors tested the method in their family. The games are based on puzzles aimed at developing logical thinking. Each game represents a specific set of problems that the child needs to solve.

Many kindergartens and centers use such benefits as:

  • “Fold a square”;
  • “Fold the pattern”;
  • "Unicube";
  • "Dots";
  • "Seguin Box";
  • Montessori blocks, frames and inserts.

Nikitin's technique - fold a square

It is important that the games can be adapted to any child’s starting level.

The fundamental purpose of the methods is not to prepare a child for kindergarten or school; they are based on the goal of comprehensive harmonious development (thinking, analysis, attentiveness, logic).

Voskobovich's technique

Vyacheslav Voskobovich developed a technique that he called “Fairytale labyrinths of the game.” The main principles of this approach are: interest, knowledge, creativity. The author has created more than 50 games, which are multifunctional aids. Each of them can be used for children of different ages– from two to seven years.

The games offer a large number of tasks, ranging from manipulation to complex exercises. The technique develops creativity and imagination. The guys are showing big interest during classes and play with pleasure.

Voskobovich's game "Miracle Crosses-2"

Thanks to Voskobovich's system, the process of learning to read and count is easy and fun. Comes with many games Toolkit, which presents illustrations and a ready-made fairy tale plot.

Games are universal - they contribute to comprehensive development, allowing you to solve problems such as:

  • arouse curiosity and a desire to learn new things;
  • cultivate a desire to observe and study the world around us;
  • form ideas about the surrounding reality;
  • develop imagination and originality of thinking;
  • train mathematical concepts and skills;
  • improve speech skills;
  • promote emotional and mental development;
  • develop fine motor skills.

Education and development according to the Waldorf system

The technique comes from Germany. The author is Rudolf Steiner. According to this approach, logic exercises, as well as learning to count and read, should be postponed until the child turns seven years old. During preschool childhood, it is necessary to form moral qualities and develop Creative skills baby. Raising a child takes place in harmony with nature. The baby learns to draw, sculpt, feel music, sing and dance.

Zaitsev's technique

Teacher Nikolai Zaitsev has developed a unique aid for teaching reading - a set of cubes that differ in:
  • color;
  • size;
  • weight;
  • the sound of the filler.

According to this system, the unit of language is not a letter, but a syllable.

By playing with cubes, on the edges of which warehouses are depicted, the child quickly masters and learns to form words. This system requires regularity.

Glen Doman Method

American doctor Glen Doman created a reading system. The technique is intended for children from one to three years old. It is during this period that active brain development occurs. The adult shows the child a card with a printed word for one to two seconds, while simultaneously pronouncing it. Next to the word there is a corresponding image. The child remembers the entire word.

Doman cards

The technique has mixed reviews. Many parents and teachers note that, thanks to this system, children begin to read at the age of two or three. The technique promotes enrichment vocabulary, as well as the development of visual attention and memory. However, there is a tendency: a child, having memorized a word on a card well, finds it difficult to recognize it in another situation.

Doman cards are sold in stores or on the Internet, or you can make them yourself. The words should be printed on the card in red letters of the same height.

It is important not to interfere with the child’s harmonious development, but to help him in this, creating an environment for self-improvement. Excessive persistence and demands can tire him and cause loss of interest.

Methodology Cecile Lupan

Cecile Lupan is a follower of Glen Doman. In the book “Believe in Your Child,” she presented her own approach to the upbringing and development of a child.

Cécile Lupan points out that there is no need for a strict daily training program.

He recommends printing consonants in words in black, vowels in red, and letters that do not represent sounds in green. To make it easier to learn letters and numbers, you need to draw an image next to it. S. Lupan believes that in order to develop a child’s speech, it is necessary to read books to him often. Advises you to explain complex fairy tales and fables to your child.

  • music;
  • painting;
  • swimming;
  • horse riding.

There are many methods for raising and teaching preschoolers. Achieve comprehensive development possible only with a combination different systems. In this case, you need to proceed from the age and interests of the child. It is important to remember that childhood is great time. You should not overload your child with information or force him to study. Let the child develop in the most comfortable and natural situation for him - in play.