Dragoon chicken broth content quiz. Literary game based on Dragoon stories for elementary school

Class: 2

Purpose: to introduce the life and work of V. Dragunsky, his works.

  • promote the development of conscious reading skills;
  • develop interest in reading;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

Equipment: books for the exhibition, portrait of V. Dragunsky, sheets of assignments.

Preliminary preparation: for a month, class students read the works of V. Dragunsky and draw illustrations for them. The drawings are subsequently used to decorate the hall. 3 classes participate in the game. Before the event, participants come up with a team name, motto and emblem.

Progress of the event

The writer Viktor Dragunsky has a story “My Sister Ksenia” and has a daughter, Ksenia Dragunskaya. Here Ksenia Dragunskaya will tell us about her dad: “When I was little, I had a dad. Victor Dragunsky. Famous children's writer. I have two older brothers - Lenya and Denis. They are fat and quite hairless. But they know much more stories about dad than I do. But since it was not they who became writers, but me, they usually ask me to write something about dad.

My dad was born a long time ago. In 1913. And he was born not just anywhere, but in New York. This is how it happened - his mom and dad were very young, got married and left the Belarusian city of Gomel for America. They ate exclusively bananas, and in the house where they lived there were huge rats running around. And they returned back to Gomel, and after some time moved to Moscow. My dad, while at school, loved to read books. Then he worked at a factory, studied to be an actor, and worked in the Satire Theater, and also as a clown in a circus and wore a red wig. This is probably why my hair is red. And as a child, I also wanted to become a clown.”

IN 46 years old V. Dragunsky wrote his first book of 16 stories called “It’s alive and glowing.” The main character of all the stories is a boy whose name is Deniska. By the way, V. Dragunsky’s son is also called Deniska. According to those close to him, the real Deniska was close to the literary one. Anyone who read these stories could probably notice that Deniska looks like you, your friends. Deniska is inquisitive, he looks for answers to many questions and answers them in his own way, which leads to various funny situations.

He is constantly inventing something, making things. He loves to dream and all sorts of funny stories happen to him all the time. Dragunsky began to write down these stories.

Total was written about 90 very funny stories. These stories brought the writer well-deserved fame. His books are read not only here in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Norway, Finland, and even Japan.

The boy Deniska has long grown up and become quite serious. And children still read about his funny adventures.

So you have read many stories about Denis, you have become experts in the stories of V. Dragunsky, and today we will see how carefully you read.

Presentation of teams, selection of captains.
Presentation of the jury members.

We met the teams, the jury members, and now let's get acquainted with the heroes of V. Dragunsky's works.

Competition 1. “Whose portrait is this?”

You are offered a description of one of the characters, and you must guess who they are talking about.

2 points.

And if the team also names a piece, then they already receive 3 points.

Teams answer in turns.

“She is probably Thumbelina, she was so small, sweet and extraordinary” (Tanechka Vorontsova “Girl on a Ball”)

“Little, little white snowballs with shiny cranberry beaks and the size of half a finger.” (Birds at the exhibition “White Finches”)

“One hundred grams of freckles – that’s what it is...” (Denis “Tell me about Singapore”)

Deniska is a bright personality who evokes sympathy and respect. He is smart and naive, endowed with a sense of humor and, at the same time, serious. He realizes what he likes and what he doesn’t. Let's play together with Deniska the game “Young Code Talkers,” which our friend would probably like.

Competition 2. “Young cryptographers”

You have to decipher what is written on the pieces of paper.

The correct answer and who is rated faster in 3 points. (Captains choose envelopes with a task + 3 more people)

OLROGEONISUG (Goose throat)
IKEREYNVALG (Main rivers)
AUTSTEDGURD (Childhood friend)

We learned only a few titles of works by V. Dragunsky, but there are a great many of them. Let's remember a few more. You and I love our hometown Moscow. Deniska also lived in Moscow and loved his city very much. Let's find out Deniska's favorite places in Moscow.

Competition 3. “Deniskina Moscow”

Name the number, guess the product (3 points).

“I don’t know anything more beautiful than the Kremlin. I was there in the Chamber of Facets and in the Armory, I stood near the Tsar Cannon and I know where Ivan the Terrible was sitting.” (The secret becomes clear)

  1. “All Chistye Prudy are frozen. And Deniska and I are walking, we hear someone screaming from the ice hole. He flops around and grabs his hands. Well, Deniska and I crawled up, this boy by the hands, by the legs, and to the shore.” (Fire in the outbuilding, or feat in the ice)
  2. “When we arrived, dad said: “To the elephant,” because the elephant was dad’s favorite in the whole zoo. Dad always went to him first, as if he were a king.” (Elephant and radio)
  3. “Once our whole class went to the circus. I was very happy when I went there, because I’m almost eight years old, and I’ve only been to the circus once...” (Girl on the Ball)
  4. “A poster appeared near our house... Various birds were drawn on it and it was written: “Songbird Show.” Songbirds were shown at the Exhibition of Achievements, and I easily got there by metro.” (White finches)
  5. “One day Raisa Ivanovna said: “Tomorrow our class, first “A” and first “B”, all three classes will go together to the Khudozhestvenny cinema to watch the film “Scarlet Stars” ...” (Battle of the Clean River)

Deniska, traveling throughout Moscow, often finds something and often loses something. And the wonderful organization “Lost and Found” helps you find lost things. So we have this.

Competition 4. “Lost and Found”

Guess in which work these things are mentioned.

  1. The correct answer is worth 3 points.
  2. Bear, boxing gloves (Childhood friend)
  3. Hat, chess (Grandmaster Hat)
  4. Slingshot, pistol, pea shooting tube (Battle of the Clean River)
  5. Mirror, magnet, button (Spyglass)
  6. Tricycle (Motorcycle racing on a vertical wall)
  7. Transistor receiver (Elephant and radio)
  8. Christmas tree (Enchanted letter)
  9. Pincushion (Knights)
  10. Dump truck, firefly (It's alive and glowing)

And now a competition in which there is practically no time to think.

Competition 5. “Read carefully”

Answer the question as quickly as possible, without hesitation. Questions are asked one by one.

1 point for correct answer.

  1. What did Deniska exchange Firefly for? (on the dump truck “It’s alive and glowing”)
  2. The shortest title of a story by V. Dragunsky? ("Would")
  3. How many years did Deniska spend under his bed? (“20 years under the bed”)
  4. Last name Deniski? (Korablev)
  5. Mishka's last name? (Elephants)
  6. How much does Deniska weigh? (24.5 kg “Exactly 25 kilo”)
  7. What did the guys build from a pot-bellied barrel, an old samovar, a box with a lid, pieces of tin, nails, and strings? (rocket "Amazing Day")
  8. The name of the river that Deniska didn’t learn? (Mississippi "Main Rivers")
  9. How much does Mishka weigh? (25.5 kg with water, without water - 25 kg, “Exactly 25 kilos”)
  10. What did Deniska give to his friend for his birthday? (goose throat, candy, “Satellite” icon, “Goose throat”)
  11. How can you name in one word everything that Mishka loves? (Edible, a whole grocery store (said the teacher), “What does Bear like”)
  12. What did Deniska and dad decide to cook? ("Chicken bouillon")
  13. What color are Deniska's mother's eyes? (green, like gooseberries “The secret becomes apparent”)
  14. Which letter was enchanted and why? (Sh, teeth fell out, “Enchanted letter”)
  15. Which poet's poem did Deniska not memorize? (N. A. Nekrasova “Main Rivers”)

General results.

If you remember, we began our meeting with the words of Ksenia Dragunskaya about her father. Maybe it's worth getting to know her better.

So, Ksenia Dragunskaya is a brilliant children’s writer and playwright. Adults and children in Moscow, Kiev, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, and even in Germany laugh and cry at the performances staged based on her plays “Upside Down”, “Cucumbers and Other Cakes”, “All Boys Are Fools”, “The Apple Thief” and Sweden.

Congratulations to the winning team and see you next time!


1. Portrait of V. Dragunsky.

2. Exhibition of books by V. Dragunsky.

3. Illustrations from books:

For the story “Motorcycle racing along a sheer wall” (Denisa races on a bicycle);

To the stories “The Secret Becomes Revealed”, “Main Rivers”, “Chicken Soup”, “The Dog Thief”, “Pavel’s Englishman”.

4. Rubber toy “Chicken”.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment. Creating an emotional mood.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear book lovers! Today I want to invite you to a meeting in absentia with the wonderful children's writer Viktor Dragunsky and his “Deniska's Stories”. We will remember his cheerful and very kind heroes and listen to the writer’s advice and wish: “Be happy, children!”

II. A story about the life of Victor Dragunsky.

Victor Dragunsky was born a long time ago. Then even your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers did not have time to be born. And he was born in America, in the city of New York. This is how it happened. His father and mother were very young. They couldn’t sit still, and they decided to go to America. And let's go. But they didn’t like it in America, and they returned home. But not alone. They brought with them the writer Viktor Dragunsky. That is, then he was a very tiny baby, and then he grew up and became a writer.

When Viktor Dragunsky was at school, he was not an excellent student. He loved to play tricks, laugh, and come up with something naughty. They don’t give A’s for this, but write a comment in their diary. But all the school amateur activities depended on him, because he was a big entertainer.

By the way, most of all V. Dragunsky loved the book about Tom Sawyer. The restless Tom was his favorite hero - it was not for nothing that since childhood, Viktor Dragunsky could not stand sneaks and whiners.

After school, he worked at a factory as a turner and there, too, he made everyone laugh, made up incredible stories on the go, pranked everyone, then his factory friends decided that he should become an artist. And Viktor Dragunsky went to study “to be an artist,” and when he studied, he worked at the Moscow Satire Theater, where they perform only very funny performances.

And Dragunsky also worked as Santa Claus at the Christmas trees, he was the most cheerful and funny Santa Claus, and all the children, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers were simply bursting their bellies with laughter.

In addition, Victor Dragunsky worked as a clown in the circus! At the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard he was a red-haired clown and wore a shaggy bright orange wig.

When the war began, Dragunsky joined the people's militia (flat feet and asthma did not allow him to join the regular army) and defended Moscow from the Nazis: he dug defensive ditches against tanks. And during the war, Dragunsky went to the front to speak to the soldiers so that they would be in a good mood.

That's how many interesting things happened to Dragunsky before he became a writer! He probably never intended to become a writer. Why, if you can work great as a clown or Santa Claus?

But one day his son Denis was born. The real Denis was very similar to the book: he was ten years old, he was just as kind and attentive, he loved his mother very much, he had friendly relations with his father, there were never any quarrels or screams between them, they walked together, went to museums, to the circus.

And then all sorts of funny stories began to happen to the real Denis. Dragunsky began to write down these stories, and the result was “Deniska’s stories” in the amount of 90 pieces, at which they laughed until they dropped not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Norway, even in Japan they laughed! And the name Denis has become very popular in our country.

The boy Deniska has grown up a long time ago and has become quite serious and a little bald. And his younger sister, Ksyusha, who appears in only two stories - “My Sister Ksenia” and “Top in Behavior,” has also grown up a long time ago. Victor Dragunsky has not been with us for many years. And children still read Deniska’s Stories and watch films about Deniska: Funny Stories and A Secret to the Whole World. (The role of Deniska in the movie “Funny Stories” was played by the current governor of the Ivanovo region, Mikhail Men, when he was little.)

Deniska Korablev, although he does not always study his homework and is sometimes late for school, is a very good boy. He studies well. He has a wonderful dad and mom, he is not capricious. He is kind and honest. He never ceases to be surprised and delighted by the world in which he lives. He is a happy man.

Why are we all around the bush? Let's open Deniska's Stories and get to know Deniska better.

III. Quiz “Do you know the hero?”

Leading. From the stories “What I love...” and “...And what I don’t like!” we find out what Deniska likes and doesn’t like. I will start a sentence, and you must guess what word to end it with - “loves” or “does not love.”

Deniska loves

Doesn't like Deniska

Lie on your stomach on your dad's knee

To treat teeth

Watch TV

Walk around in a new suit

Sing loudly

Scrambled eggs

Play “Loaf” on your birthday


Apply iodine to a cut finger

Plane, saw

Semolina porridge

Give gifts

When mom gets angry

Nibble on a cracker

Quarrel with friends


Song "Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley"

Go to the zoo

Scary places in fairy tales


IV. Deniska - what is he like?

Leading. Deniska is like the sun. Deniska the sun is always in motion, and everything around him is also moving: events, people, place and time of action change...

Mom, dad, sister Ksenia, friends Mishka and Alenka, singing teacher Boris Sergeevich, teacher Raisa Ivanovna, girl on the ball, dog Chapka, canary Lemonchik, firefly.

We see Deniska at home, at school, visiting, at the pool, at the circus, at the water station, at the cinema, in the Hermitage, in the village.

Here Denis loudly sings his favorite song (“The Glory of Ivan Kozlovsky”), rides a bicycle with a motor (“Motor Racing

along a sheer wall"), launches a rocket ("Amazing Day"), jumps from a tower into the water ("Workers crushing stone"), dreams ("If..."), plays in a school play ("Death of the Spy Gadyukin" ), flies on a plane (“Adventure”), eats semolina porridge)” (“The secret becomes clear”), answers the lesson in the story “Main Rivers”.

Let's imagine how he does it.

V. Presentation of the story “Main Rivers”.

A scene is played out.

Deniska. Yesterday I didn’t have time to do my homework - learn Nekrasov’s poem and the main rivers of America. And, of course, when Raisa Ivanovna entered the class, she said as she walked:

Raisa Ivanovna. Korablev, to the board! Well?

Deniska. What?

Raisa Ivanovna. Stop talking! Read. By heart!

Deniska. What?

Raisa Ivanovna. Poems, of course!

Raisa Ivanovna. Well!

Deniska. What?

Raisa Ivanovna. Read it now! Now read, they tell you! Title!

Deniska. While she was screaming, Mishka managed to tell me the first word, and I understood it perfectly. So I boldly put my foot forward and recited: “Little man!” Everyone fell silent. Raisa Ivanovna looked at me carefully, and I looked at Mishka even more carefully. Mishka pointed to his thumb and for some reason clicked his nail. And somehow I immediately remembered the title and said: “With a marigold!” A little man with a nail!”

Raisa Ivanovna. Enough, Korablev! If you don’t know, don’t be ashamed. Have you learned the names of all the rivers in America?

Deniska. Of course I learned it. But of course!

Raisa Ivanovna. Well, correct the terrible impression you made by reading Nekrasov’s poems. Name the largest river in America and I'll let you go.

Deniska. That's when I felt bad. Even my stomach hurt. There was amazing silence in the class. Everyone was looking at me. At that second I saw that Petka Gorbushkin was showing me a long strip of newspaper, and letters were thickly scrawled in ink on it. I began to peer at these letters and read the first half.

Raisa Ivanovna. Well, Korablev? What is the main river in America?

Deniska. Misi-pisi... Raisa Ivanovna laughed until she cried, but she slapped me with a bad mark. And now I have sworn that I will always learn my lessons. To a ripe old age.

Leading. Raisa Ivanovna laughed. Do you understand what Deniska did wrong? Tell me the correct title of I. Nekrasov’s poem. (“A little man with a fingernail.”) What is the name of the main river of America. (Mississippi.)

VI. Presentation of the story “The Secret Becomes Revealed.”

Excerpt from the story (read by the presenter):

“One day my mother asked me:

Do you want us to go with you to the Kremlin?

Well, of course... I don’t know anything more beautiful than the Kremlin. I was there in the Faceted Chamber and in the Armory, I stood near the Tsar Cannon and I know where Ivan the Terrible was sitting. So I quickly answered my mother:

Of course, I want to go to the Kremlin! Even more!

Then mom smiled:

Well, eat some semolina porridge and let's go. In the meantime, I'll wash the dishes. Just remember - you have to eat it all!

And mom went into the kitchen.

And I was left alone with the porridge. I spanked her with a spoon. Then I added salt. I tried it - well, it’s impossible to eat! Then I thought that maybe there was not enough sugar? I sprinkled it with sand and tried it... It got even worse. I don't like porridge, I tell you.

And it was also very thick. If it were liquid, then it would be a different matter; I would close my eyes and drink it. Then I took it and added boiling water to the porridge. It was still slippery, sticky and disgusting. And then I remembered that we have horseradish. You can eat almost anything with horseradish! I took the whole jar and poured it into the porridge, and when I tried a little, my eyes widened and my breathing stopped, and I probably lost consciousness, because I took the plate, quickly ran to the window and threw the porridge out onto the street. Then he immediately returned and sat down at the table.

At this time my mother entered. She looked at the plate and was delighted:

What a guy Deniska is! I ate all the porridge to the bottom! Well, get up, get dressed, let's go for a walk to the Kremlin!

And she kissed me."

Leading. Do you think Deniska ended up in the Kremlin? What city does Deniska live in? (In Moscow.)

VII. Presentation of the story "Chicken Soup".

A scene is played out.

Deniska. Mom brought chicken from the store and told dad to cook it, while she went to work. I told dad: “You, dad, cook something as fast as possible.”

Dad. That's right, son! What is important to us? Eat quickly! What can you cook faster? The answer is simple and clear: broth!

Deniska. Do you know how to make broth?

Dad. What can you do here? Broth is simpler than steamed turnips: put it in water and wait for it to cook. Deniska, help!

Deniska. What should I do?

Dad. You see there are some hairs on the chicken. You should cut them off, because I don’t like shaggy broth.

Deniska. Doesn't cut very quickly.

Dad. Well, you and I are stupid, Deniska! Finish your haircut! She needs to be scorched in the fire! All hairs will burn, and no haircut is needed.

Deniska. We lit the burner and began to roast the chicken on the fire. It burned really well and smelled like burnt wool.

Dad. Oh, and good chicken! Now she will be all burnt and will become clean and white.

Deniska. But the chicken, on the contrary, became somehow black and charred.

Dad. In my opinion, it somehow suddenly became smoked.

Deniska. It's not smoked, it's just covered in soot. Come on, dad, I'll wash her.

Dad. Well done! You're smart. Come on, my friend, take this chicken and wash it thoroughly under the tap.

Deniska. I went to the sink, turned on the water, placed the chicken under it and began scrubbing it with my right hand as hard as I could. Dad, it doesn't wash off at all. There is a lot of soot.

Dad. No big deal, soot is only on top. You're wearing a piece of strawberry soap. Lather up!

Deniska. This damn rooster is just getting smeared with soap.

Dad. Here's a brush! Take it, rub it well! First the back, and then everything else. Three strong! More dexterous! Hold your wings! Oh you! Yes, I see you don’t know how to wash a chicken at all.

Deniska. Dad, try it yourself! I handed him the chicken. But he didn’t have time to take it, when suddenly she jumped out of my hands and galloped off under the farthest cabinet. But dad was not at a loss.

Dad. Give me the mop!

Deniska. Dad pulled the chicken out from under the cabinet, grabbed it by the legs and dragged it back under the tap. He rinsed it fairly clean and put it in the pan.

Leading. What did dad and Denis forget to do before starting to cook the chicken? (Gut it out.) Can you say that dad knows how to cook chicken? What advice can you give to dad and Denis? (Ask mom how to cook the broth.)

VIII. Presentation of the story "The Dog Thief".

Excerpt from the story (expressive reading by the teacher - as an option: there may be role-playing by trained students):

“When I lived with Uncle Volodya at the dacha, Boris Klimentievich lived not far from us. He had a dog called Chapka, black, shaggy, with a brick muzzle and a sticky tail. One day he asked me to take a walk with Chapka. Chapka and I are playing, and at this time Vanka Dykhov walks by with a fishing rod.

Deniska, let's go fishing!

I can’t, I’m guarding Chapka.

Put Chapka in the house. Grab your nonsense and catch up.

When I went out onto the road again, Vanka had already disappeared around the corner. I flew to catch up with him and suddenly I saw: my Chapka was sitting near the tent, sticking out her tongue and looking at me as if nothing had happened. That's it! This means I didn't close the door properly! But I have to hurry. There Vanka is carrying fish, and here I am fiddling with her. I grabbed her by the collar and dragged her home. This time Chapka rested on the ground with all four paws. I barely dragged her to the door. He opened a narrow crack, pushed it in and slammed the door. She growled and barked there, but I did not console her.

And although I was very tired from fussing with Chapka, I started running to the river. When I was already level with the booth, Chapka jumped out from behind it! I was even taken aback. I just couldn't believe my eyes. Chapka began to pretend that she was going to bite me because I left her at home. Growls and barks at me! I began to grab her by the collar, but she didn’t give in and barked all the time.

Then I took my nonsense - and bang! - covered Chapka. She literally howled with anger, but I quickly wrapped her up, threw the bag over my shoulder and dragged her home. There I shook it out of the window and secured it from the outside with a stick. She immediately barked and growled at different voices, and for the third time I ran after Vanka.

I met Vanka near the river. He walked cheerfully, and in his hand on a blade of grass there were two large bleaks strung together, about the size of a teaspoon each. I speak:

Wow! And I see you had a great time!

Vanka says:

I didn't have time to pull it out. Let's take the fish to mom's fish soup, and after lunch we'll go again. Maybe you'll catch something too.

And so, while talking, we quietly reached Boris Klimentievich’s house. And near his house there was a small crowd: an uncle, an aunt, a boy. They saw me and started shouting:

Grab him! It is he!

Give it to Bob now!

Where is my Lyuska? Where did you take her?

They all rushed towards me. I got a little scared and quickly ran away from them, gave up my nonsense, climbed onto the fence and shouted:

Move away from the fence. I don’t know any Bobka and I don’t know Lyuska either. I don't even know them!

Everything became clear when Boris Klimentievich came running. He opened the door and three dogs jumped out! Three Chapkas!

Leading. Why were three dogs locked up? (The dogs were very similar to each other.) What is delirium? (Small net, net, fishing rod.)

IX. Presentation of the story "Paul's Englishman".

A scene is played out.

Deniska. On August 31st, Pavel came to visit us. And just then my dad, on the occasion of the beginning of the new school year, suggested “slaughtering” a watermelon. Everyone started eating, ate for a long time and were silent. What to talk about when there is such deliciousness in your mouth! And when mom began to remove the crusts, dad said:

Dad. Why haven’t you been with us for so long, Pavel?

Deniska. Yes. Where have you been? What did you do?

Pavlya (puffed up). What did you do? What did you do?.. Studied English, that’s what I did.

Dad. Well done! I respect you!

Deniska. What, difficult English?

Pavel. Wow.

Dad. Still not difficult. The devil himself will break their legs there. Very difficult spelling. It's spelled Liverpool and pronounced Manchester.

Deniska. Well, yes! Right, Pavlya?

Pavel. It's just a disaster. I was completely exhausted from these activities, I lost two hundred grams.

Mother. Why don’t you use your knowledge, Pavlik? Why didn’t you say “hello” to us in English when you came in?

Pavel. I haven’t said “hello” yet.

Mother. Well, you ate watermelon, why didn’t you say “thank you”?

Pavel. I said.

Mother. Well, yes, you spoke Russian, but in English?

Pavel. We haven't gotten to the "thank you" point yet. Very difficult preaching.

Deniska. Pavel, teach me how to say “one, two, three” in English.

Pavel. I haven't studied this yet.

Deniska. What have you studied? Have you still learned anything in two months?

Pavel. I learned how to say “Petya” in English.

Deniska. Well, how?

Pavel. "Pete"! In English "Peter" will be "Pete". Tomorrow I’ll come to class and say to Petka Gorbushkin: “Pete, and Pete, give me an eraser!” Probably his mouth will open and he won’t understand anything. Is this going to be fun? Right, Denis?

Deniska. Right. Well, what else do you know in English?

Pavel. That's all for now."

Leading. What word is hidden behind the word that Pavlya pronounced as “sagging”, write it correctly on the board and say what this word means? (Spelling is spelling rules and the ability to write without errors.)

X. Summing up. Final words from the presenter.

Leading. Well... So our conversation about the heroes of V. Dragunsky has come to an end. But you always have the opportunity to organize a new meeting with them yourself. If suddenly someone becomes sad, bored and wants to whine, take it and read Deniska’s Stories. Don’t hesitate - this is a sure way to cheer yourself up and get vitamins of kindness, nobility, decency, and courage!

In conclusion, you can ask the children what stories by V. Dragunsky about Deniska they read. Let them name their favorite story.


1. Arzamastseva, I. N. V. Yu. Dragunsky [Text] / I. N. Arzamastseva, S. A. Nikolaeva // Children's literature: a textbook for students. - M.: Academy, 2002. - P. 383-385.

2. Arzamastseva, I. N. Dragunsky V. Yu. (1913-1972) [Text] / I. N. Arzamastseva, N. I. Kuznetsova, M. I. Meshcheryakova // Children's writers: a reference book for teachers and parents. - M.: Ballas: S-Info, 1995. - P. 38-40, 77

3. Konovalov, A. V. Dragunsky V. Yu. [Text] / A. V. Konovalov // Writers of our childhood. 100 names: biographical dictionary: in 3 parts. Part 3. - M.: Liberea, 2000. - P, 152-155.

4. Korf, O. B. V. Yu. Dragunsky [Text] / O. B. Korf // O. B. Korf. Children about writers: 20th century: from A to N: a book for teachers, educators, parents. - M.: Strelets, 2006. - P. 24-25.

5. Kuznetsova, N. I. Dragunsky V. Yu. (1913-1972) [Text] / N. I. Kuznetsova, M. I. Meshcheryakova // Russian writers of the 20th century: biobibliographer, dictionary. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Flinta, 1998.-S. 164-166.

6. Deniska Korablev’s dad: V. Yu. Dragunsky (1913-1972) // Once upon a time: a fairy tale. gas. - 1997. - P. 2-3. - (Storytellers).

7. Sivokon, S. I. Be happy, children!: V. Yu. Dragunsky (1913-1972) [Text] // S. I. Sivokon. Your cheerful friends: essays on humor in Soviet literature for children. - M.: Children's literature, 1980.-P. 160-188.

8. Sivokon, S.I. Be happy, children!: Victor Dragunsky and his “Deniska’s stories” [Text]: collection. stat. / S. I. Sivokon. -M. : Children's literature, 1979. - pp. 122-141.

9. Sivokon, S.I. Your cheerful friends [Text]: essays on humor in Soviet literature for children. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional -M. : Children's literature, 1986. - pp. 104-129.

10. Tikhomirova, I. I. Dragunsky V. Yu. (1913-1972) [Text] // Essays on children's writers: a reference book for teachers beginning. classes / I. I. Tikhomirov. - M.: Bapass, 1999. - P. 63-66.

11. Usacheva, E. Denis Korablev’s dad // Pionerskaya Pravda. - 1998. - No. 43. - P. 2.

We think that a quiz based on stories about Denis Korablev and his friend Mishka Slonov called “Denis’s Stories” by the writer Viktor Dragunsky will be interesting for both young readers and adults. After all, Deniska is one of the most popular literary childhood heroes.

Two words about the author of these amazing heroes. By the way, Victor Dragunsky was born in America, in 1913, into a family of emigrants from Gomel. But already in 1914 the family returned back to Gomel... After numerous ups and downs associated with the First World War and the revolution, Victor ended up in Moscow.

Our hero started working early. In 1935, he already performed as an actor in the Transport Theater (now the N.V. Gogol Theater). At the same time, Viktor Dragunsky writes feuilletons, humoresques, comes up with sideshows, pop monologues and circus clowneries. For some time he works in the circus. then, he was accepted into the Film Actor's Theater. In 1948, Victor Dragunsky initiated the creation of the Blue Bird ensemble, which existed until 1958.

Since 1959, Dragunsky has been writing funny stories about the boy Denis Korablev and his friend Mishka Slonov under the general title “Deniska’s Stories.” In the 1960s, books from this series were published in large numbers:

"Girl on the Ball",
"Enchanted Letter"
"Childhood Friend"
"Dog Thief"
"Twenty years under the bed"
"The magical power of art"
"Red ball in the blue sky"
"Colorful Stories"
"Adventure" etc.

Based on these stories, films are being made: “Funny Stories”, “Girl on a Ball”, “Deniska’s Stories”, “In Secret to the Whole World”, “The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablev”, short films “Where is it seen, where is it heard”, “Captain ", "Fire in the Outbuilding", "Spyglass", the plot of "Jumble" "The Glory of Ivan Kozlovsky".

Literary quiz based on the stories of Victor Dragunsky.

V. Dragunsky (1913-1972) famous writer, author of stories for children. Since 1959, he has been writing funny stories about the boy Denis Korablev and his friend Mishka Slonov under the general title “Deniska’s Stories.” Several children's films were released based on these stories. “Deniska’s stories” brought their author enormous popularity, and it was with them that his name became associated. The name Deniska was not chosen by chance - that was the name of the writer’s son, and in the image of his father it is easy to recognize the writer himself.

Captains competition

1. What did V Dragunsky write? Poems Fables Stories Fairy tales (choose the correct one)

2. Who did V. Dragunsky write about? About animals About nature About space About children


1. How many kilograms did Deniska have to weigh in order to receive the “annual subscription to the Murzilka magazine” bonus? (25 kilos)

2. What did Deniska give to Mishka for his birthday? (goose throat with peas, candy and badge)

3. Why did Deniska have to spend 20 years under the bed?

4. Who is a knight? How did Deniska answer? (on a horse and in an iron suit)

5. In which stories does Dragunsky address the theme of the circus? (“Girl on a Ball”, “No worse than you circus people”)

6. What poem did Deniska teach Nekrasov?

7. What food for Deniska was almost the same as semolina porridge? (milk noodles)

8. Remember the practical advice of one of Dragunsky’s heroes. How does he manage to fall asleep quickly? (repeat the multiplication table)

1 competition “With a smile”.

What stories are these lines taken from:

1. And some guy came in to us. As soon as I looked at him, I immediately realized that I would not go to the Kremlin. This guy had a hat on his head. And on the hat is our porridge.

(“The secret becomes clear”)

2. I stopped on the stairs and said clearly: “No detective work. No naked, but briefly and clear: Fyfki!

("The Enchanted Letter")

3. Kind people, how beautiful! The legs are just like those of a real Indian! Paint it quickly!

(“Top down, diagonally!”)

(“Where has this been seen, where has this been heard…”)

2 competition. "Artists".

Draw what Mishka likes.

Draw what Deniska loves.

Questions for fans:

    What animal did Deniska dream of? (dog)

    Who did the boys sculpt in the “Skillful Hands” circle from the story “Knights”? (devils)

    How did Deniska remake fairy tales as a child? (removed the scary)

    Deniska received first prize for the best costume. What kind of costume was this? (Puss in Boots)

    What did Marya Petrovna promise and fail to fulfill? (“The Old Mariner”, take to the dacha, give a saber)

    What kind of day was it when Deniska began cleaning the apartment without talking, and dad sang like a brass band?

3 competition. "The word is lost."

Insert the missing word in the title of the story.

    Death of a Spy...

    The secret becomes...

    Professor of sour…..

    Twenty years under…..

  1. What..... Bear.

    On Sadovaya there is a big......

    …….. to me about Singapore.

    They sing….. – waste.

    Man with blue…..

    Glory to Ivan.....

    Top down, ….!

    Exactly 25….

    Elephant and…..

    ...... crushing the stone.

    The girl on......

4 competition. "Who is this?"

1. Who and what did Deniska paint in the story “Top down, diagonally!

(Alyonka, linen, house manager Alexey Akimych)

2. One of Dragunsky’s stories is called “Childhood Friend.” Who was your childhood friend? (healthy teddy bear)

    Whom Deniska called “the professor of sour cabbage soup.”

(Vasily Vasilievich Sergeev, professor)

    Whose name was Shango Makhmudovich? (elephant)

    5 Crossword.

1. Deniska likes to play checkers, chess and...? (domino)

3. What did Deniska lose, but then find in his coat pocket? (call)

4. What word did Pavlik learn over the summer? (Pete)

5. How old was Deniska? (growing)

6. The hero of V. Dragunsky’s story “The Grandmaster’s Hat” (Korablev)

7. What did they treat Deniskin’s dad to on watermelon lane? (watermelon)

Bottom line: “The young reader needs all the vitamins, including all the moral vitamins. Vitamins of kindness, nobility, honesty, decency, courage. Viktor Dragunsky generously and talentedly gave all these vitamins to our children.”