Abdominal exercises for girls. Training program

In pursuit of an ideal figure, some girls choose sports exercises for the abs. When you don’t have enough money or time to exercise in the gym, you can exercise at home - the result will be the same, the main thing is to gather your willpower and not relax.

So that girls can get benefits and positive emotions from abdominal exercises at home, it is important to plan the exercises correctly. If you have never played sports, you need to study the exercise technique and choose the most comfortable ones for yourself.

Because the physiology of each person is completely different:

The quality of execution must also be high.

Each exercise has its own rules of execution, you need to follow them, otherwise the result will not be achieved:

It is better to allocate at least 60 minutes for full-fledged exercises: 25 minutes for warm-up and cardio, 20 minutes for squats and other exercises while standing, the remaining 15 minutes for lying exercises. Of these, at least 10 minutes should be devoted to the press. At the end of your workout, it is important to stretch.


Not every person is allowed to do abdominal exercises, this also needs to be taken into account.

You cannot pump up your abdominal muscles in cases where:

Effective exercises for the upper abdominal muscles

Abdominal exercises for girls at home include crunches that target the upper muscles. It is recommended to perform them at least 20 times in 2 approaches. If you stop at the highest point for a few seconds, you can feel your muscles “burning.” This enhances the effectiveness of the exercise.

Exercise #1:

  1. Lie with your stomach up.
  2. Place your hands behind your head and fasten your fingers with a lock; place your legs, bent at the knee joints, at a distance equal to shoulder width.
  3. Tighten your abs and lift your upper body, bringing it closer to your knees.
  4. After 4 seconds, slowly lower down.
  • The elbows should be turned to the sides, they should not be brought together.
  • The chin should be kept straight, without leaning it to the chest.
  • Feet should be firmly on the floor.
  • Breathing should be in rhythm with the exercises, exhale when rising, inhale when holding, and exhale when lowering.

Exercise #2:

Basic rules for performing the exercise:

  • It is forbidden to make sudden movements; the exercise must be performed smoothly.
  • The suspended leg should not be higher or lower than the entire body, it should be a continuation of it.
  • You should not allow any bends in your lower back; you should keep your back straight.
  • For greater load when lowering the pelvis, you cannot place it on the floor; you must leave it suspended.

Exercise #3:

  1. You need to sit on a hard horizontal surface.
  2. Hands should be placed on both sides and lean on them.
  3. Bend your legs and place your feet parallel, spreading them slightly wider than shoulder width.
  4. Raise your butt until it is parallel to the floor.
  5. Lower the pelvis.
  6. Repeat the exercise at a fast pace at least 20 times.

Basic rules of execution:

  • For greater load, you can put your feet on your heels, then not only the abs will be involved, but also the leg muscles, as well as the gluteal muscles.
  • The pelvis must be raised exactly to parallel with the floor, not higher and not lower.
  • The feet should be parallel to each other, they cannot be turned.

Exercise #4:

Basic rules of execution:

  • There is no need to try to raise your arms and legs high, you need to stretch.
  • Together with your arms, you can also lift your upper body, then the load will go not only to the abs, but also to the back muscles.

Oblique muscle workout

Abdominal exercises for girls at home will be most effective if you do them according to the rules. There are a number of exercises to work the oblique muscles.

Standing exercises:

  1. Stand on your feet, spread them shoulder-width apart, slightly bending your knees.
  2. The torso is kept straight, the arms are placed behind the head so that the elbows look to the sides.
  3. The stomach is pulled in and tensed, the pelvis is moved forward a little, and the buttocks are tensed.
  4. Bend left and right without moving your hips. The lower part should be completely motionless. Only the upper part moves, starting above the hips.


  • You cannot move your hips; they must be fixed in one place.
  • Your knees should always be bent.
  • The buttocks and abdominal muscles should always be tense.
  • The head must move with the body; it cannot be tilted in different directions separately from the body.

Lying exercise:

  1. Lie with your stomach up.
  2. Spread your legs apart from each other at a distance equal to the width of your shoulders and place them with your knees bent.
  3. Relax your arms, place them along your body, and move them slightly to the sides.
  4. Raise your upper body from the floor to the height of your shoulder blades.
  5. Bend left and right, reaching for your heels with your hands. 20 repetitions in one direction and the other.

Basic rules for performing exercises:

  • It is important to ensure that the exercise is comfortable to do; the neck should not strain. If she gets tense, then you need to relax her.
  • The lower body must be fixed. Only the part where the abs flexes moves.

Lower abs exercises

Abdominal exercises for girls at home can be designed for different muscle groups, all of them need to be worked out in combination, this way you can achieve an attractive belly.

Lying exercises:

Continuation of the exercise:

  1. Stay in the same position, hands under your buttocks.
  2. Leave one leg at the top, lower the other leg parallel to the floor, but do not put it on the floor, keep it in the air.
  3. Change the position of the legs so that first the right one is at the top, and the left one is at the bottom, then the left one is at the top, and the right one is at the bottom. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Continuation of the exercise:

  1. Without changing your position, you need to stretch both legs forward, parallel to the floor, and keep them hanging.
  2. Then they pull one leg towards themselves, bending it at the knee, then the other leg, then both legs. Alternately change the position of the legs for 30 times.

How to get six-pack

Where to start exercising for legs and buttocks at home

To start working on the muscles of the legs and buttocks, you need to study which muscles are important for the formation of a beautiful figure and in the future focus on improving them.

The main muscles are:

  1. Gluteus maximus muscle.
  2. Quadriceps (quadriceps muscle).
  3. Biceps femoris (biceps muscle).
  4. Calf muscle.

Before you start training, you need to do a good warm-up so that your muscles warm up, your joints soften, and your respiratory system is ready for the upcoming loads.


Exercise #1:

Exercise #2:

  1. The legs are placed much wider than the shoulders, the feet are spread to the sides.
  2. You can put your hands behind your head, or you can put them on your belt.
  3. Keeping your back straight, do a squat, straining your buttocks and moving them forward a little.
  4. When lifting, the legs are not fully straightened.
  5. Do 20 repetitions.

Squat chart for 30 days

30-day exercises in the form of squats are guaranteed to tighten the gluteal muscles and thigh muscles.

Thanks to such loads, you can get rid of cellulite, normalize blood circulation, gain stamina and health. Squats do not require special equipment or a large amount of space.

Standard squat program:

For a girl 165 cm tall and weighing 60 kg, five-minute squats can help her get rid of 44 kcal. The more you weigh, the more calories you burn. If you complicate the exercise by doing it on 1 leg or with weights, the result will be even better.


Thanks to lunges, you can form elastic buttocks and strong leg muscles:

Lunges are allowed to be done in different directions. In each case, different muscles will work. The number of repetitions is the same.


With the help of swings you can tighten the inner, outer and back surface of the thigh, as well as the gluteal muscle:

This exercise can be done backwards, forwards and sideways.. In all cases, different muscle groups are involved.


With the help of calf raises, you can form a graceful calf muscle and the back of the thigh.

  1. Place your feet next to each other, the toes and heels of your feet are aligned with each other.
  2. They rise on their toes and fall down.
  3. Repeat the exercise at least 50 times.

You can do this exercise on both legs and one.


Jumping jumps are most often used as a warm-up before starting strength training. Thanks to them, the muscles warm up well, the body prepares for future stress, and fat is burned through sweating.

  1. The legs are fixed at shoulder width, the feet should be equally straight.
  2. Hands are fixed on the belt.
  3. They push off with their feet from the floor surface and make low jumps at least 35-40 times.

During the exercise, you can bend one leg and jump on the other. On two legs you are allowed to turn 180 or 360 degrees around yourself, either in one direction or the other. You can jump forward-backward-right-left, thus adding variety to the exercise.

If desired, every girl can regularly perform effective abdominal exercises at home. All you need is desire and willpower so as not to quit classes ahead of time.

And in order to learn how to do training correctly, you need to become familiar with the technique, and then the results will be impressive.

Video about an easy way to pump up your abs

How to pump up your abs correctly:

Flat stomach in 2 weeks:

    Beautiful and sculpted abdominal muscles are the dream of almost every athlete, so the question of how to train the abdominal muscles at home is relevant for many. In today's article we will look at the most effective abdominal exercises that can be performed at home, without any additional equipment.

    If you have limited time, you don’t have to spend it going to the gym, to a section or to the sports ground; there are a lot of effective abdominal exercises that you can do at home; the entire workout can be done in 20-30 minutes. These exercises are performed with the athlete's own body weight and are equally suitable for men and women, beginners and more experienced athletes. Let's figure out how to quickly and correctly pump up your abs at home.

    Today we will cover the following topics:

  1. Abdominal exercises you can do at home;
  2. Recommendations for abdominal training for men;
  3. Recommendations for abdominal training for women.

Effective abdominal exercises at home

Below will be listed exercises for the press at home, which I recommend paying attention to as part of your training process. Some of them are a little simpler, others are a little more difficult; by trial and error, choose for yourself those in which you are most comfortable with the correct technique for performing the exercise, and in which you feel the contraction of the target muscle group well.

I recommend performing 4 to 6 exercises in three approaches, with a rest interval of 30-60 seconds, this way you will get maximum benefit and efficiency, work out all parts of the abdominal muscles and with each workout you will become one step closer to your cherished goal.

Combine static (plank, vacuum, corner) and dynamic (various types of twisting, leg lifts, “clip”) exercises within one workout to increase training volume and intensity.


is a powerful static exercise in which the athlete focuses on the forearms and toes while maintaining natural lordosis in the lower back. Excellent for working the rectus abdominis muscle, the plank should be done for the maximum amount of time until you are able to maintain the correct body position. As soon as you lose stability and start to shake a little, the effectiveness of the exercise drops, the load shifts to the calf and deltoid muscles.

More experienced athletes can try a plank variation with a higher stance, placing them on a hill or against a wall.

Saw plank

A more complicated version of the plank, in which you swing a little back and forth due to the tension of the calf muscles. It is important to maintain static tension in the abdominal muscles, without relaxing them at any point in the amplitude.

Side plank

An exercise similar to the classic plank, the difference lies in the position of the torso - we lie on our side, leaning on the floor with our elbow and the outer side of our foot. Performed alternately for each side. Unlike the classic plank, the load is focused on the oblique abdominal muscles.


- a unique static exercise, due to which you will not only work the entire target muscle group, but also reduce the volume of your abdomen and waist. It represents the maximum retraction of the abdomen and holding it in this position for the maximum time, while maintaining calm and measured breathing. Can be performed standing, sitting, lying down or on all fours, all of these options are equally effective, but slightly involve different stabilizer muscles. This is perhaps the only exercise with which you can give sufficient training stress to the transverse abdominal muscle, which is responsible for the volume of your abdominal cavity.


is a classic abdominal exercise with which you can start your workout, as it engages all the fibers of the rectus abdominis muscle along its entire length. When performing crunches while lying on the floor, press your buttocks and feet firmly to the floor, hold your hands at your temples or behind your head, without creating a load on the cervical spine, your gaze should be directed straight. Flex your torso by contracting your abdominal muscles, while bending slightly at the thoracic spine. Choose the optimal range of motion for yourself; you should not try to reach your knees with your elbows, as they do in physical education classes at school; it is important to keep the muscles under constant tension and work without stopping at the lower or upper point of the amplitude.


An effective and fairly common abdominal exercise in which the athlete lies on his back with his legs raised, simulating the movement of riding a bicycle. You can complicate the task - join your hands at the back of your head, raise your body, lifting your upper back off the floor, and during the movement, bend your right elbow towards your left knee and your left elbow towards your right knee - this way you additionally use the oblique abdominal muscles and emphasize the load on the upper press department


An exercise similar to a bicycle, but here we make cross movements with our legs, moving one over the other, and raise our legs a little lower, trying to include the lower abs as much as possible. Do not raise your legs too high; experiment and select the optimal angle for your anatomical features, at which you will feel the contraction of the abdominal muscles well.

Crunches with legs raised

A type of twist in which the athlete raises his legs bent at the knees almost at a right angle to the body. It is necessary to bend, as if trying to reach your knees with your forehead, you can put your hands behind your head or keep them straight in front of you - this will have practically no effect on the biomechanics of movement. It is important to keep your legs in the same position throughout the entire approach, without lifting your lower back from the floor.

Oblique crunches lying on the floor

A type of crunch in which the largest share of the load is focused on the oblique abdominal muscles. When you lie down on the floor, bend your legs at almost a right angle, resting your feet on the floor. Now we place the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other, cross our arms at the back of our heads, press our lower back tightly to the floor and begin to lift our body using the force of our abdominal muscles. Our task is to try to reach the knee of the right leg with the elbow of the left hand and vice versa, the movement itself is carried out with a slightly rounded back.

Paperclip (folding bed, booklet)

A more explosive and high-speed exercise, in which the athlete’s task is to simultaneously lift his legs and body up, trying to reach his feet with his fingers. The movement should be synchronous, the legs and body should rise at the same speed and “meet” in the middle of the amplitude. It is important to keep your lower back firmly pressed to the floor and not bend your legs at the knee joints when lifting - this way you will not only increase the productivity of the exercise, but also reduce the risk of injury from the movement to zero.

Lying leg raise

An excellent exercise for the lower abs, you need to lift your legs from a lying position on your back and bring the movement to a right angle relative to the body. Lying leg raises can be performed with either bent or straight legs, but the first option is much easier and is more suitable for beginner athletes. Throughout the entire approach, it is important to keep your lower back firmly pressed to the floor. If you have a crossbar or wall bars at home, try doing hanging leg raises; this makes the task much more difficult, since a large number of stabilizer muscles are involved, which are responsible for the position of our body.

Alternate leg raises while lying down

This variation differs in that we first raise one leg at a right angle, and then put the second one to it. Alternating leg raises are more difficult than the classic version, since here the abdominal muscles are under tension twice as long, so don’t be alarmed if you manage to perform fewer repetitions than with both legs raised.

Pulling the legs while sitting to the stomach

To comfortably perform this exercise, we will need a chair, bed, sofa or any other elevated position. You need to sit on the edge of the apparatus on which you will do the leg pull-ups, press your buttocks tightly against it, leaning back a little and stretching your legs straight in front of you. Hold the edges of the projectile with your hands. Now you need to pull your legs towards your stomach, while at the same time bending your knees and tilting your body forward. If you feel the movement correctly, your upper abs will get a great workout.

Boat pose (boat pose)

Common in yoga and Pilates, but extremely effective for people interested in fitness. Lying on your back, we gradually begin to simultaneously raise our legs and torso, bringing the movement to a right angle between the legs and torso, while the buttocks are pressed tightly to the floor, and the back and legs are straight. We stay in this position for the maximum amount of time. Due to inexperience, your muscles will simply tear from the monstrous static load. It is important to maintain a smooth movement throughout the entire approach; here we do 6-10 repetitions with the longest possible delay in a bent state; you should not suddenly lower your legs or body down, as you can easily injure your lower back.

"Six Inches"

An exercise that the legendary basketball player Michael Jordan actively used in his training. It consists of statically holding straight, raised legs while lying on your back. Unlike the corner, the angle of elevation is much smaller and is approximately 15 cm (six inches), hence the name of the exercise.

Running while lying down

- a unique exercise that perfectly develops the endurance of the abdominal muscles. It is necessary to rest your hands on a reliable support (table, sofa, bed, etc.), while resting your toes on the floor. We take alternate steps with each foot towards our support, keeping our back straight. When stepping, the knee of the front leg should be positioned at chest level, the exercise is done in a fairly fast and explosive manner - we try to move the front leg back and pull the back leg under the chest at the same time.

Corner lying on the floor

A static exercise for the press, in which we raise our bent legs towards the chest, resting our buttocks and palms on the floor. It is important to catch the right angle at which you will feel the maximum burning sensation in the abdominal muscles, so you should not raise your legs too high - this will reduce the load on the lower section and create unwanted compression of the lumbar vertebrae. If you have a wall bars or horizontal bar at home, try doing a hanging corner; here we don’t need to be distracted by the position of our torso and arms, and we can completely mentally concentrate on contracting our abs.


A universal abdominal exercise that evenly engages all parts of the abdominal muscles. Take a position lying on your back, then raise your legs up at right angles to the body - this will be our starting position, while keeping our arms straight, stretching them along the body, or moving them up, you can grab some support for greater control over the movement . We need to lift our pelvis from the floor using the force of our abs and try to stretch our feet up as much as possible, as if trying to reach the ceiling with our toes, lock in this position for a second or two and lower our pelvis down. The exercise should be performed smoothly; we do not make any sudden movements either when we lift the pelvis or when we return to the starting position.

We have already figured out how to properly pump up the abs at home, but are there any specific training features for men? Let's imagine the following situation: You are an adult man in good physical shape, you have been training your abs regularly for several months, but still have not achieved the desired result. What needs to be done in such a situation?

There can be quite a lot of factors due to which abs are still not showing off on your stomach. Let's look at the most common of them.

There can be two possible scenarios here: either you train your abs too rarely, and this load is not enough to create the stress necessary for hypertrophy of the abdominal muscles, or you train your abs too often, “killing” them with each workout, and your muscles simply do not manage to recover.

It's no secret that the male hormonal background is more suitable for gaining muscle mass, so we need less time and resources to develop the muscle group that interests us. But this does not mean that we should do dozens of abdominal exercises every day, working to failure in each approach, without giving them proper rest and recovery. Therefore, it is necessary to select the intensity frequency at which the muscles will best respond to the load. In my coaching and personal experience, the optimal frequency of abdominal training is no more than twice a week, and in most cases, once a week will be more than enough.

The main thing is to approach this issue wisely. Select 3-5 exercises in which you will best feel the contraction of the abdominal muscles, and try to progress in them, increasing the number of repetitions and decreasing the rest time between approaches. If the exercise no longer “works” or the neuromuscular connection has worsened, replace the exercise with a similar one. It is important to evenly work all sections of the abdominal muscles, not forgetting the transverse and oblique abdominal muscles.


You will never see abs if your percentage of subcutaneous fat is high enough. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly create a diet and stick to it for quite a long time, then you will certainly see the results of your labors. The basis of your diet should be protein foods, the consumption of carbohydrates and fats must be reduced, and it is better to completely abandon the consumption of simple carbohydrates and trans fats, since by consuming them you not only receive a large number of “empty” calories, but also harm your liver and stomach and pancreas.

In addition, many men often sin by drinking alcohol, forgetting that almost all alcoholic products are damn high in calories. Here we should mention a common phenomenon among many men who lead a sedentary lifestyle and abuse alcohol - a “beer belly”. Advice to fragile minds: there is nothing brutal or masculine about drinking beer, it does not make you a man. What makes you a man is your steely character, willpower, courage and responsibility, which you can cultivate in yourself through physical activity, but not through drinking alcohol.

Training process

If you regularly work out in the gym and perform exercises such as squats, deadlifts and bench presses, your upper abs are already receiving quite a load. Therefore, as part of your abdominal training, it is more advisable to give priority to the development of the lower abs by performing exercises such as lying or hanging leg raises, scissors, leg pull-ups and others.

Men who have accumulated a large amount of visceral fat need to pay no less attention to training the transverse abdominal muscle by performing a vacuum exercise, in this way you can reduce the size of your waist, and visually your stomach will appear smaller and smaller.

Don't forget about cardio exercises: the more calories you burn during training, the sooner you will achieve relief in your abdominal muscles.

A simple set of exercises to strengthen your abs that you can do at home:

I think most girls have understood how to quickly pump up their abs at home. Now let's take a closer look at other aspects on which the achievement of your cherished goal - an elastic and sculpted abdomen - depends.

Frequency and intensity of training

It is much more difficult for women to gain muscle mass, including abdominal muscle mass, but achieving good relief and muscle development is quite possible. But, of course, it is unlikely that any girl will be able to boast the same “meaty” and hypertrophied abs as an experienced male athlete.

I am a proponent that girls should exercise their abs more often than men, but do it less intensely and hard. By training your abs 2-3 times a week, you will maintain your abdominal muscles in constant tone, and also increase the consumption of burned calories and fat cells, which will have a beneficial effect on weight loss. However, it is important to observe moderation; do not perform more than three exercises in one workout. No approaches to failure, rest between approaches until breathing is completely restored.


The principles of a proper diet for a woman are practically the same - more protein, less carbohydrates and fats, giving up bad habits, sweets, flour, fatty foods, etc. However, the diet aspect is somewhat complicated by the fact that girls still need to maintain a certain level of fat consumption (including saturated fats) to maintain stable functioning of the reproductive system. If you give up fats completely, expect problems with your menstrual cycle.

The bottom line is this: It is more important for women to stick to the total daily caloric intake needed for weight loss (usually about 1300-1800 calories per day) than to limit their fat intake.

Training process

In medicine there is such a term as gynoid type of obesity. It means that the female body is more inclined to accumulate fat cells in the hips, buttocks, waist and lower abdomen. At the same time, visceral (on internal organs) fat is practically not deposited in women. This means that girls should pay more attention to the oblique abdominal muscles, upper and lower abdominals, since fat deposits in these places are larger than in other parts of the body, and the relief here will be less noticeable. Therefore, I recommend that girls reading this article do exercises such as side plank, crunches in various variations, pump, corner, etc.

But women don’t have to worry too much about training the transverse abdominal muscle (performing a vacuum exercise), since due to the lack of visceral fat, waist size will decrease as you lose weight overall.

In conclusion, another video with a set of exercises that will help you start abs at home:

Every woman has probably thought at least once that it would be nice to take care of her body, and in particular her stomach. You can pump up your abs with cubes, or you can simply tighten all the abdominal muscles so that it looks flat or add some beautiful relief. You'll probably ask how long it takes to pump up a girl's abs? It all depends on the current state of your stomach.

Each exercise affects a specific muscle group and each exercise requires several approaches per session, so calculate your strength. At each lesson you need to touch all groups of abdominal muscles and since I still think that it is very easy to pump up beautiful abs for a girl, I will have to disappoint you, because in order to put your stomach in order and consolidate these results, it takes 2-4 weeks and of course time From time to time you will need to do comprehensive exercises for your abs to keep them in shape.

How to properly pump up a girl's abs

Now, after a little theory, we move on to the process itself. For classes we will need: sneakers, a mat, a ball, water and time. Spread the mat on a smooth, level surface and prepare water, you will need to drink it after each exercise, drink as much as you want. To know how to properly pump up a girl’s abs, you need to learn the technique of doing the exercises. Together with the abdomen, you can pump up other related muscles, for example, read our article on how to make it more elastic, because some exercises overlap with exercises for the abdomen.

We pump up the upper part of the press

Body Twisting

We lie down on the floor and, bending our knees, holding our hands behind our heads, bend in half, lifting our upper torso off the floor and stopping ourselves in this position for a few seconds and returning to the starting position. Do 8-16 times in two approaches. If you have a ball in your inventory, you can hold it under your knees for maximum load.


We lie on our stomachs and clasp our hands behind our backs. Now we raise our torso, while trying to press our legs to the floor and not lift them, and we also freeze for a few seconds. These exercises can be done 1-2 sets of 5-10 times. Thus, it will not be difficult to pump up abs for a girl at home using this exercise, but it only affects the upper part, and for complete happiness we also need to pump up the lower part.

Leg raise while lying on your back

Lie on your back and slowly raise your straight legs up at an angle of 90 degrees. Due to the fact that the exercise is performed slowly, the muscles have time to tense, unlike
from fast exercises, when everything is done by the inertia of a jerk.

You should not engage in physical activity during menstruation, as this can have a negative impact on women's health. Wait one or two days after the end of the cycle and start exercising to finally find out how to quickly pump up a girl’s abs and not be embarrassed about her body on the beach.

We pump up the lower part of the press

In order to pump up the lower abs, home conditions are also suitable, but it will still require much more effort and time, because it is in the lower abdomen that all the fats are deposited, which is difficult to fight.

Exercise harmonica

We sit down and lean back, leaning on our elbows, while stretching our legs forward. We raise our legs up and begin to bend them at the knees, not very quickly. Having done this 10-15 times, we slowly lower our legs. And such exercises need to be performed in two approaches. How do you think about how to quickly pump up a girl’s abs? That's right, hard training. Don't stop with just this exercise.

Steps in the air

Lying on your back, raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees and emulate fast walking. This exercise will help both to remove the belly and pump up the girl’s abs, and to tone the leg muscles, thanks to which we affect two muscle groups at once.

Pelvic lift

Lie down on the floor and bend your knees (you can bend them alternately) and use your back muscles and leg muscles to lift your torso in the pelvic area. Do this exercise about 20 times.

Plan your workouts in advance. If you know how to remove belly fat and pump up beautiful abs for a girl, then you remember from your own experience that this takes a lot of time and you won’t be able to get away with it for a week.

We pump up the lateral abdominal muscles

Leg stretching

Sitting on your butt, bend your legs at the knees, lift them off the floor and in this position, alternately and slowly straighten your legs forward, while you can twist your torso, which will give an additional effect


Body position is the same as in the previous exercise. Bend your legs and press them to your chest, then from this position turn them slowly to the left, then slowly to the right without lifting your upper body from the floor, since strict adherence to the exercise technique will help a girl to pump up her abs correctly. For this lesson, about 2 sets of 20 crunches will be enough.

Air shears

We maintain a lying position, raise our straight legs up and begin crossing movements with our legs.

Don't exhaust yourself with exercise. Large loads are harmful to the body as a whole, especially if you are not used to it. Take breaks between exercises and drink enough fluids.

These are all the exercises that we wanted to recommend to you and now you will know how to pump up beautiful abs for a girl and will be able to do all these exercises at home. You shouldn’t neglect your body, because it’s much easier to keep it in a beautiful and healthy state.

How to quickly pump up a girl's abs: video

Main goal - Fat burning

Target muscle group - abdominals

Level of training - Beginner

Days per week - 2

Required equipment - Dumbbells

Designed for females

Description of abs training for girls

It's time to work on your flat stomach! Add the following diet and cardio tips to this 8-week six-pack workout plan and you can help your body build abdominal muscles and lose belly fat.

Training frequency

Perform these exercises 2-3 times a week after weight training. They can also be performed on days when there are no other workouts, or combined with cardio training.


Perform 3-4 cardio workouts per week lasting 20-30 minutes. Choose any type of exercise you prefer, from walking and long-distance running to swimming and cycling. It is important to remember that cardio training should be enjoyable. If you don’t like something, then you will most likely skip classes. It doesn't really matter what exactly you do because you'll burn calories either way. We only work on a flat stomach in the kitchen: diet does most of the work.

You can do cardio first thing in the morning, on weekends, or after weight training.

The right diet for a flat stomach

Simply eating less is not enough. To look healthy, it is important to eat the right types of food and not starve yourself. Many women don't get enough protein and healthy fats and tend to end up thin and their muscles remaining weak.


If you want to lose fat, reduce your daily calories to 1800. Your goal is to lose 0.75-1.0 kg of fat per week. If you lose weight faster, you will also lose muscle mass. The result is a thin but flabby body. So don't lose weight too quickly!

If you are not losing weight at this calorie level, reduce your calories to 1650 per day and review your progress after 2 weeks.


Make sure you eat at least 100 grams of protein per day. Protein helps you maintain, repair, and build muscle tissue. Many women underestimate the amount of protein consumed per day, so it is worth monitoring the intake of this vital macronutrient.

If you find it difficult to consume 100 grams of protein per day, consider protein supplements.

Useful tips– A healthy diet is much more important than just the amount of calories and protein. Follow these tips to enrich your diet:

Healthy Fats - Make sure 20% of your calories come from healthy fats. Healthy fats are essential for proper functioning of the endocrine system, brain, fat loss, and much more.

Carbohydrates - Try to avoid the white poison - white sugar and white flour. Instead, choose nutritious sources of carbohydrates such as oatmeal, rice, quinoa, fruits and vegetables.

Abs training program for girls

Exercise Number of approaches Number of repetitions or duration
Weeks 1-4
Crunches on a block 2-3 15-25
Plank 2-3 30-60 seconds
Hanging Knee Raise 2-3 10-20
Lateral bends with dumbbells 2-3 10-20
Weeks 5-8
Crunches with legs on a bench (reps on each side) 3-4 20-30
Plank with feet on a bench 3-4 60 seconds
Raising the torso from a lying position (with a dumbbell on the chest) 3-4 20-30
Wood chopping exercise (repetitions on each side) 3-4 10-20

Ab exercises that women should not do

We all want toned and defined abs. But did you know that there is an exercise that makes your waist bigger? Let's see how this happens.

We women spend a lot of time creating a training program to properly target muscle groups. We pay close attention to the selection of exercises, their periodization, frequency, intensity and tempo. But when it comes to ab training, we usually just do 1 or 2 exercises at the end of the workout and think we're doing it right. However, this is not always the case.

Make the following changes to your program and you can pump up ripped abs while maintaining a lean figure. Start now, because summer and beach season are just around the corner!

Ab exercises you shouldn't do

I'm guessing you wouldn't want your waist to get wider. If so, then do not perform side bends with weights.

The “problem” with this exercise is that it targets the obliques directly. To understand why it is not suitable for us, we need to know the anatomy of the abdominal cavity and how its muscles function.

The oblique muscles of the abdomen are divided into 2 groups: internal and external. They originate from the lateral (side) part of the lower ribs and are attached to the crest of the pubis and the anterior aspect of the iliac crest. The oblique muscles are located on the sides of the body and help us rotate and bend it, and also support the spine.

Abdominal muscle anatomy

Typically, the oblique muscles are only visible when you start losing fat. If you work them with weights, they will get bigger. And since they are located along the sides, the waist will appear wider. You probably wouldn't want that.

It's important to note that dumbbell side bends are not a bad exercise in and of themselves. Many people love them because they strengthen the core, and some athletes specifically want to increase their waist size. But if you are striving for an hourglass figure, then it is better to avoid this exercise.

Exercises to work on a slim waist

You can still do weight training exercises for your rectus abdominis (to get that coveted 6-pack), but don't do the same for your obliques. When working on the latter, it's best to stick to higher volume (i.e. reps) that doesn't add muscle mass.

Here are a few of my favorite exercises that will strengthen your core without making your waist look bigger:

  • Leg raise while lying on your back
  • Raising the torso on an inclined bench with turns to the sides
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Elbow rotation supported by a fitball

How often should you train your abs?

If you regularly perform compound exercises such as lunges, squats, and deadlifts, you are doing the bulk of the work on your abs, as they actively engage your core and require stabilization of the body. But if you want to pump up a truly sculpted stomach, then perform one or two exercises from the list above a couple of times a week.

The presented complex includes effective exercises for abdominal muscles. With regular training at home, you will certainly be able to achieve the desired result.

The most effective abdominal exercises at home

The abdominal area for girls and women is considered the most problematic, not counting the buttocks. To pump up the abs and make the stomach toned and beautiful, it is not enough for the fair sex to perform simple crunches. It is necessary to perform a set of abdominal exercises in combination with a diet. You should adhere to a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. Next, we will talk about one of the effective abdominal workouts for girls and women, which can be performed both at home and in the gym. The set of exercises was developed by a professional trainer and is aimed at working both the upper and lower abdominal muscles, as well as the oblique abdominal muscles. The workout doesn't require much equipment. A mat and dumbbells are enough.

Abdominal training program for girls at home

Exercises for the upper abs for girls

Crunches on the floor


  1. Take a lying position.
  2. Bend your legs at the knees and place them on a bench, chair or bed. Keep your hands near your head.
  3. Inhale and twist, partially lifting your body. At the top point you should linger for a few seconds.
  4. Exhale and lower your torso.

Number of repetitions: 4 sets of 15 times.

Boat on the back


  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Straighten your arms along your body. Press your legs together.
  3. Pull your stomach in, inhale, lift your body and legs at the same time. Use only your buttocks and sacrum as support. Hold for 30-60 seconds.

How many: 5 reps.

The Best Exercises to Work Your Lower Abs


  1. Lie down on a flat surface, press your lower back against it. Straighten your arms behind your head.
  2. As you exhale, lift your body and legs, reaching for your feet with your hands. If possible, stay in this position for a couple of seconds.
  3. Then return to your original state. Take a breath and repeat what you did.

Option with alternately raising one leg

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 16 repetitions.

Ab scissors on the floor


  1. Lie down on a hard, flat surface. Press your back tightly. Place your arms along your body.
  2. Raise your straightened legs. Cross with each other, making swings. Imitate the work of scissors.

Number of repetitions: 3 times 20 repetitions.

Effective exercises for the obliques


  1. Sit down on the floor. Bend your knees. Straighten your arms with the dumbbell in front of you.
  2. Exhale and lift your legs off the floor. Start turning your body and arms with the load, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Fix the position at the end points.

Number of repetitions: 4 sets of 20 reps for each side.

Exercise "Bicycle"

Pictured: personal trainer Tamara Shengelia.

  1. Lie on your back. Lift the top of the body. Bend your arms and hold them behind your head.
  2. Lift your legs off the floor, begin to pull them one by one towards your sternum, turning your body. Try to touch your opposite elbow to your knee.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 30 seconds.

  • Adjust your diet if possible. Try to eat 5-6 times a day. Pay attention to foods containing protein. Drink as much water as possible.
  • Don't forget to warm up at the beginning of your workout. Follow the technique of performing each exercise.
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle.