"The Enchanted Wanderer" - analysis of Leskov's story. by academic discipline

Option 1.

1. Determine the genre of N. S. Leskov’s work “The Enchanted Wanderer”:

A. novel;
B. tragedy;
V. story;
G. story.

2. “The Enchanted Wanderer” is a work composed of individual episodes. How the parts come together single work?

V. heroine (Pear);
G. wandering hero.

3. Determine the nature of the narrative in the work “The Enchanted Wanderer”:

A. objective - narrative;
B. memoirs;
V. fantastic, in the first person;
D. third person.

4. The main idea of ​​the work “The Enchanted Wanderer” is as follows:
A. a Russian person can handle everything;
B. Russian people always strive for danger;

V. only in extreme situations does a person reveal himself;
D. Russian people cope with all troubles alone.

5. Which hero from the work of N. S. Leskov can be called “the enchanted wanderer”:

A. Gypsy Grusha;
B. prince;
V. Ivan Flyagin;
G. Savakiria.

6. Which epic hero does the author compare I. S. Flyagina to:

A. with Alyosha Popovich;
B. with Dobrynya Nikitich;

V. with Ilya Muromets;
G. with Saveliy - the hero of Starorussky.

7. What was Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin’s name in childhood:

A. Ishmael;

B. Monomakh;

V. Golovan;

G. Cossack.

8. What reward did you ask for? main character for saving the count's family:

And money;
B. liberation from serfdom;
V. horse;
G. accordion.

9. Other reasons why I. S. Flyagin fled to the steppe from the city:

A. in search of adventure;
B. following his beloved;
V. was captured;
G. because of the murder of Savakirei.

10. How they kept the main character in the steppe:
A. rich gifts;
B. the most beautiful girl was given as the wife of I. S. Flyagin;
V. was kept in a hole in stocks;
G. “bristled” the heels.

11. How long was I. Flyagin in captivity:

A. 1 year;

B. 3 months;

At 10;

G. 5 years.

12. Why Ivan Flyagin killed the gypsy Grusha:
A. because of jealousy;
B. trying to save her from the sin of murder;
V. because of unrequited love;
G. it happened by accident.

13. How did the main character’s wanderings end:
A. returned to his homeland to his landowner;
B. started his own family;
V. became a monk;
G. is going to go to war.

Test on creativity by N. S. Leskova

Option 2.

1. What genre?The story “The Enchanted Wanderer” is similar:

A. Apocrypha
B. Walking
B. Life
G. Teaching

2. What is Ivan Flyagin’s middle name:

A. Larionich

B. Severyanych

V. Stepanych
G. Maksimych

3. With what epic hero Leskov compares Ivan Flyagin:

A. Dobrynya Nikitich
B. Ilya Muromets
V. Nikita Kozhemyaka
G. Alyosha Popovich

4. What Ivan Flyagin asked for the salvation of the count’s family:

A. Freedom
B. Money
V. Garmon
G. Horse

5. After parting with the gypsy, Flyagin started working:

A. Doctor
B. Horse breeder
V. Nanny
G. Shepherd

6. Why Ivan Flyagin fled to the steppe:
A. Hid from Khan Dzhangar
B. In search of a new life
B. Because of the murder of Sawakirei
G. Following my beloved

7. How much time did the hero spend in the steppe:

A. Ten years
B. Three years
Per month
G. One year

8. How Ivan Flyagin was held in the steppe:
A. Kept in stocks in a pit
B. Heels bristled
B. They gave the most beautiful girl as a wife
D. Rich gifts

9. Why did Ivan Flyagin kill Grusha:
A. Because of unrequited love
B. It happened by accident
B. So that Grusha does not return to the prince
D. To save her soul from sin - murder

10. After the murder of Grusha, Ivan Flyagin:

A. Joined the recruits
B. Ended up in prison
V. Went to a monastery
G. Fled to the steppe

11. How did the main character’s wanderings end:
A. Started his own family
B. Took monastic vows
V. Returned to his homeland
G. Going to war

12. What does not apply to the biography of Ivan Flyagin:

A. Nanny for a master's child
B. Actor in a booth
V. Soldier
G. Serf blacksmith

13. Which name does not belong to the main character:

A. Golovan

B. Petr Serdyukov

V. Father Ishmael
G. brother Diomede

Option 1

1. Answer B. story
2. Answer G. wandering hero
3.V.’s answer is fantastic, in the first person.
4.Answer A. Russian people can handle everything
5.Answer from V. Ivan Flyagin
6. Answer V. with Ilya Muromets
7. Answer V. Golovan
8. Answer G. accordion.
9. G.’s answer because of the murder of Savakirei
10.Answer G. The heels “bristled.”
11.Answer B. 10 years
12.Answer B. trying to save her from the sin of murder
13.Answer G. is going to go to war

Option 2

ANSWERS: 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10A, 11B, 12D, 13G

Many are familiar with Nikolai Leskov’s work “The Enchanted Wanderer”. Indeed, this story is one of the most famous in Leskov’s work. Let's do it now brief analysis story "The Enchanted Wanderer", look at the history of writing the work, discuss the main characters and draw conclusions.

So, Leskov wrote the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” in the period from 1872 to 1973. The fact is that the idea appeared during the author’s journey through the waters of Karelia, when he went in 1872 to the island of Valaam, a famous refuge for monks. At the end of that year, the story was almost finished and was even being prepared for publication under the title “Black Earth Telemachus.” But the publishing house refused to publish the work, considering it raw and unfinished. Leskov did not back down, turning to the editors of the magazine for help." New world", where the story was accepted and published. Before we directly analyze the story "The Enchanted Wanderer", we will briefly consider the essence of the plot.

Analysis of "The Enchanted Wanderer", the main character

The events of the story take place on Lake Ladoga, where travelers met, whose goal was Valaam. Let's get acquainted with one of them - horseman Ivan Severyanich, who is dressed in a cassock; he told the others that since his youth he has had a wonderful gift, thanks to which he can tame any horse. The interlocutors are interested in listening to the life story of Ivan Severyanych.

The hero of "The Enchanted Wanderer" Ivan Severyanych Flyagin begins the story by saying that his homeland is the Oryol province, he comes from the family of Count K. As a child, he fell terribly in love with horses. Once, for fun, he beat one monk so much that he died, which shows the main character’s attitude towards human life, which is important in The Enchanted Wanderer, which we are now analyzing. Next, the main character talks about other events in his life - amazing and strange.

It is very interesting to note in general the consistent organization of the story. Why can you define it as a tale? Because Leskov constructed the narrative as oral speech, which imitates an improvisational story. At the same time, not only the manner of the main character-narrator Ivan Flyagin is reproduced, but also the peculiarity of the speech of other characters is reflected.

In total, “The Enchanted Wanderer” has 20 chapters, the first chapter is a kind of exposition or prologue, and other chapters directly tell the story of the life of the main character, and each of them is a complete story. If we talk about the logic of the tale, it is clear that the key role here is played not by the chronological sequence of events, but by the memories and associations of the narrator. The story resembles the canon of life, as some literary scholars say: that is, first we learn about the hero’s childhood years, then his life is consistently described, and we can also see how he struggles with temptations and temptations.


The main character in the analysis of "The Enchanted Wanderer" typically represents the people, and his strength, as well as abilities, reflect the qualities inherent in the Russian person. You can see how the hero develops spiritually - initially he is just a dashing, careless and hot guy, but at the end of the story he is an experienced and mature for years monk. However, his self-improvement became possible only thanks to the trials that were his lot, because without these difficulties and troubles he would not have learned to sacrifice himself and try to atone for his own sins.

In general, thanks to this, albeit brief, analysis of the story “The Enchanted Wanderer,” it becomes clear what the development of Russian society was like. And Leskov managed to show this in the fate of just one of his main characters.

Note for yourself that the Russian person, according to Leskov, is capable of sacrifice, and not only the strength of a hero is inherent in him, but also the spirit of generosity. In this article we have made a brief analysis of The Enchanted Wanderer, we hope you find it useful.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE MOSCOW REGION State budgetary professional educational institution Moscow region “Stupinsky Technical School named after. A.T. Tumanova"


director of the technical school

V. A. Danish

"____" _________ 20___


By academic discipline


basic professional educational program (OPEP)

in vocational education specialties

01/15/05 “Welder (electric welding and gas welding work)” 140407.03 “Electrician for repairing electrical networks” 190631.01 “Auto mechanic” 260807.01 “Cook, confectioner”

basic training

A set of assessment tools for the academic discipline was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) for the specialty(s) of secondary vocational education(hereinafter - SPO) 01/15/05 “Welder (electric welding and gas welding work)”, 140407.03 “Electrician for repairing electrical networks”, 190631.01 “Auto mechanic”, 260807.01 “Cook, confectioner”.

Organization-developer: GBPOU MO “Stupinsky Technical School named after. A.T. Tumanova"

Developers: Olga Aleksandrovna Poznyak, teacher of Russian language and literature, Stupinsky Technical School named after. A. T. Tumanova"

I. Passport for a set of assessment tools

1. Scope of application of the set of assessment tools

A set of assessment tools is intended for assessing the results of mastering the discipline “Literature”

Development results

(objects of assessment)

Main indicators for assessing the result and their criteria

Job type;


Certification form

(according to the curriculum)


1. the figurative nature of verbal art;

Systematization of knowledge on vocabulary, the use of words in literal and figurative meanings, the use of artistic means and language tropes.

oral survey

practical exercises

2. content of studied literary works

Reproduction of text, excerpts from the text of read works.

oral survey

written survey


3. basic facts of the life and work of classical writers of the 19th–20th centuries.

Reproduction of the text of a lecture, textbook or other source.

oral survey

4. basic patterns of the historical and literary process and features of literary movements

Definition and analysis of the stages of development of the literary process, presentation of the main features of literary movements and trends

oral survey

5. basic theoretical and literary concepts.

Formulation and definition of basic literary concepts

oral survey

written survey

Be able to:

1. reproduce the content of a literary work

Presentation of the plot line of the work, observing the chronology and structure of the composition

characterize features artistic images in the work.

oral survey

2. analyze and interpret a work of art, using information on the history and theory of literature (topics, problems, moral pathos, system of images, compositional features, figurative and expressive means of language, artistic detail); analyze an episode (scene) of the studied work, explain its connection with the problems of the work

Analysis of the compositional parts of the work, determination of the theme (topics), ideas, problems (problems) of the work of art

oral survey

practical tasks

3. relate fiction to social life and culture; reveal the specific historical and universal content of the studied literary works; identify “cross-cutting” themes and key problems of Russian literature; correlate the work with the literary direction of the era

Analysis of the historical and social situation of a specific time period, systematization of knowledge on the history of Russia of the 19th-20th centuries, comparison of social and literary processes, finding reflections social problems in literature and art

oral survey

Differentiated credit

4. determine the type and genre of a work

Analysis of the characteristics of each type of literature, as well as genre characteristics of the work

oral survey

5. compare literary works

Comparing literary works, establishing differences in the presentation of one and the same problem, analyzing the features of artistic speech and descriptions of literary characters

oral survey

practical tasks

Establishing a connection historical situation, personal events in the life of the author, his political and public views and literary work

oral survey

practical tasks

Possession of usage skills literary norms in artistic speech

practical tasks

8. reasonedly formulate your attitude to the work you read

Analysis of the problem of a work of art, its relevance for its time, analysis of artistic images and their role in revealing the problem of the work

practical tasks

9. write reviews of the works you read and

essays of different genres on literary topics

Drawing up a plan for writing an essay, isolating the main parts of the work, giving examples from the text, arguing your own position

practical tasks

2. Set of assessment tools.

2.1. Assignments for testing for the 1st year of the academic year


1. “Little Man” by Gogol:

A) an insignificant creature B) a person oppressed by social injustice and circumstances C) a person closed in his rich spiritual world

2. Determine the plot basis of the novel “Oblomov”:

A. The history of Oblomov’s relationship with the serfs

B. Relations between Oblomov and Stolz

V. Love story of Oblomov and Olga

G. The love story of Oblomov and Pshenitsyna

3. Name the main motives in the works of M. Yu. Lermontov. A) envy B) freedom C) loneliness D) fatigue

4. The main idea of ​​the work “The Enchanted Wanderer” is as follows: B) Russian people always strive for danger

5. Which poem is considered the beginning? creative activity Nekrasova A. “Motherland” B. "On the Road" V. “Who lives well in Rus'” G. "Troika"

6. Who from the animal world helped the men in the “Prologue” of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” and gave them a self-assembled tablecloth? A) fox B) wolf C) warbler D) titmouse

7. Ostrovsky was nicknamed A) “Columbus of Zamoskvorechye” B) “a man without a spleen” C) “Comrade Konstantin” D) “a ray of light in dark kingdom»

8. Determine the climax of the drama "The Thunderstorm" A) Tikhon and Katerina’s farewell before his trip B) scene with the key C) Katerina’s meeting with Boris at the gate D) Katerina’s repentance to the residents of the city

9. At what time of year does the novel “Crime and Punishment” take place: A) autumn B) winter C) spring D) summer

10. Correlate the periods of Pushkin’s creativity with the years:

A) Lyceum 1. 1830

B) Petersburg 2.1811-1817

D) Mikhailovskoe 4. 1818-1820

D) Boldino autumn 5. 1821-1823 (1824)

11.Where does the main character of “The Bronze Horseman” return from on the evening before the flood?

A) from guests B) from work C) from the village D) from the army

12.From which fairy tales does M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin provides excerpts:

A) “(They) served in some kind of registry, were born there, raised and grew old, therefore, they did not understand anything. They didn’t even know any words except: “Accept the assurance of my complete respect and devotion.”

B) “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived..., he lived and, looking at the light, he rejoiced. He had enough of everything: peasants, bread, livestock, land, and gardens. And he was... stupid, he read the newspaper “Vest” and his body was soft, white and crumbly.”

B) “And suddenly he disappeared. What happened here! “Whether a pike swallowed him, crushed a crayfish with a claw, or died of his own death and floated to the surface, there were no witnesses to him. Most likely he died himself..."

1. “The story of how one man fed two generals”

2. " Wild landowner»

3. “The Wise Minnow”

13. The novel “War and Peace” begins with: A) descriptions of the Battle of ShengrabenB) name day in the Rostovs’ houseC) evenings at A.P. SchererD) descriptions of the meeting between father and son BolkonskyD) descriptions of the review in Braunau

14. What event is the climax of the epic novel “War and Peace”? A) the first ball of Natasha RostovaB) The Patriotic War of 1812C) The Peace of TilsitD) the council in FiliD) the military events of 1805

15. Indicate a problem that was not discussed in the novel “Fathers and Sons”? A) the position of the working class B) the system of human behavior, moral principles C) public duty, education D) attitude towards the nobility and cultural heritage

16. Define the opening love conflict in the novel "Fathers and Sons"? A) scene with Fenechka in the gazebo B) Odintsova’s visit to the dying Bazarov C) Bazarov’s declaration of love to Odintsova D) meeting of Bazarov and Odintsova at the governor’s ball

17. Indicate the name of the first collection of poems by A. A. Fet. A. “Lyrical Pantheon” B. “Evening Lights” C. “Poems by A. Fet” D. “Snow”

18.Indicate the traditional name of the cycle of love lyrics by F.I. Tyutchev. A. “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” B. “Denisevsky cycle” C. “Russian women” D. “Flowers of Evil”


1 . Which of the heroes of “Nevsky Prospect” was “... a young man, ... shy, timid, but in his soul he carried sparks of feeling, ready to turn into flame at the right opportunity.”

A) Piskarev B) Pirogov C) Hoffmann

2. In which episode does the main storyline of the novel “Oblomov” begin?

A. Oblomov’s confession of love for Olga

B. Meeting of Oblomov and Stolz

V. Meeting of Oblomov and Olga

G. Oblomov’s move to the Vyborg side

3. The sail in the poem of the same name by M. Yu. Lermontov is ... A) a symbol of distant wanderings B) a symbol of a lonely person thirsting for storms C) a detail of a landscape D) a symbol of endless movement in the world

4. What epic hero does the author compare I. S. Flyagina to in the story “The Enchanted Wanderer”? A) with Alyosha Popovich B) with Dobrynya Nikitich C) with Ilya Muromets D) with Savely - the hero of Svyatorussky

5. Nekrasov’s love lyrics include a poem A. “Troika” B. “You and I are stupid people” C. “Schoolboy” D. “Gardener”

6. Which of the heroes of “Who Lives Well in Rus'” was a convict in the past? A) Saveliy B) Ermila Girin C) Yakim Nagoy D) Grisha Dobrosklonov

7. Determine the main conflict of the drama “The Thunderstorm” A) the love story of Katerina and Boris B) the clash between tyrants and their victims C) the love story of Tikhon and Katerina D) a description of the friendly relations between Kabanikha and Dikoy

8. Who said: “ Cruel morals, sir, in our city, they are cruel! In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and stark poverty. And we, sir, will never get out of this crust” in the drama “The Thunderstorm”. A) Kudryash B) Kuligin C) Boris Grigorievich D) Dikoy

9. Which of the following events occurred after Raskolnikov committed a crime in Dostoevsky’s novel: A) a conversation between two officers in a tavern about a useless old money-lender B) a meeting with Semyon Marmeladov C) Raskolnikov receiving a letter from his mother about Dunya’s impending marriage D) meeting Sonya Marmeladova

10. Determine the theme of the poem “Village” by N. A. Nekrasov: A) limitation of the power of the monarch B) hatred of autocracy C) overthrow of serfdom D) the relationship between man and nature

11.What did Evgeny dream about on the eve of the flood? A) about a dizzying career B) about a happy one family life C) about a scientific discovery D) about untold wealth

12. Select the missing words from the right column so that the names of fairy tales by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin were restored: A) “... in the voivodeship” eagle ___B) “…-philanthropist” bear ___C) “…-idealist” hare ___ D) “…-petitioner” crucian ___ D) “Selfless …” raven ___

13. In the novel “War and Peace,” the marriage of Andrei Bolkonsky and Natasha was upset due to: A) the disagreement of Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky B) the unkind attitude of Count and Countess Rostov towards the groom C) Natasha’s lack of dowry D) secret relationship Natasha with B. DrubetskyD) Natasha’s fleeting infatuation with Anatoly Kuragin

14. What was the true reason for Bezukhov’s duel with Dolokhov in the novel “War and Peace”? A) envy of Dolokhov B) betrayal of Helen C) random coincidence D) the insult that Dolokhov inflicted on Rostov

15. Which of the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons” could be a “little man”? A) Vasily Ivanovich Bazarov B) Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov C) Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov D) Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

16. How did the duel between Pavel Kirsanov and Yevgeny Bazarov end in the novel “Fathers and Sons”? A) the duel did not take place B) Bazarov was wounded C) Kirsanov was wounded D) Bazarov was killed

17. Indicate the leading theme in the works of A. A. Fet. A. Poet and poetry B. Love and nature C. Civil service D. Human purpose

18. Indicate the poem by F.I. Tyutchev, to whose words the romance was written. A. “What are you saying over the waters...” B. “K. B. (I met you...)" B. "The earth still looks sad..." D. "How good you are, O night sea..."


1 . About which of the heroes of the story “Nevsky Prospekt” is it said: “He had many talents that actually belonged to him..., he had a special art of blowing smoke rings from his pipe... He knew how to pleasantly tell a joke”?

A) Pirogov B) Piskarev C) Bashmachkin

2. The chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” is included in the novel “Oblomov” in order to

A. Expand the idea of ​​lordly life

B. Explain the origin of the hero

B. Explain the reasons for the hero’s apathy and inactivity

3. The lyrics of M. Yu. Lermontov form the most important part of his literary heritage. Match specified works and topics.

A. “Poet”, “No, I’m not Byron...”, “Death of the Poet”, “Dagger”, “Prophet”.

B. “Complaints of a Turk”, “Prediction”, “Two Giants”, “Borodino”, “Motherland”, “Farewell, unwashed Russia...”.

V. “Prayer”, “Loneliness”, “Sail”, “Duma”, “How often surrounded by a motley crowd...”, “Both boring and sad”, “Testament”, “Clouds”, “Leaf”, “Dream” , “Cliff”, “In the wild north it stands alone...”.

G. “Caucasus”, “I love the chains of blue mountains...”.

D. “Monologue”, “Beggar”, “Angel”, “Cup of Life”, “I will not humiliate myself before you...”, “Prayer”, “Valerik”.

E. “Neighbor”, “Prisoner”, “Neighbor”.

1. the theme of love 2. the theme of the poet and poetry 3. the theme of the Motherland 4. the theme of loneliness 5. the theme of prisonership 6. the theme of nature

4. Why did I. Flyagin, in the story “The Enchanted Wanderer,” flee to the steppe from the city? A) in search of adventure B) following his beloved C) because of the murder of Savakirei D) was captured

5. What is the main theme of Nekrasov’s work? A) folk B) Russian theme C) autocracy D) nobility

6. What is the share of a Russian woman presented in the poem “To whom in Rus'...” A) female share is as heavy as a man’s B) a woman’s share is heavier than a man’s C) a woman’s share is lighter than a man’s D) a woman has no share at all

7. Which work does not belong to Ostrovsky: A) “The Snow Maiden” B) “Wolves and Sheep” C) “Oblomov” D) “Our people - we will be numbered”

8. What invention did the self-taught mechanic Kuligin want to introduce into the life of his city? A) telegraph B) printing press C) lightning rod D) microscope

9. Explain why Raskolnikov makes an attempt on the life of the old pawnbroker: A) he wants to quickly get rich and improve his social status B) he wants to test his theory: to what category does he belong (to the “Napoleons” or to the “material”) C) he wants to take revenge on the pawnbroker for the humiliating position in which he finds himself D) he wants to get money and help his suffering mother and sister

10. Match the poems with the topic: A) landscape lyrics 1. “In the depths of the Siberian ores” B) philosophical 2. “Monument” C) freedom-loving 3. “To Chaadaev” D) the purpose of the poet and poetry 4. “Prophet” 5. “I remember a wonderful moment” 6. "Winter morning"

11.What does Pushkin compare the raging Neva to? A) with the beastB) with thievesC) with the universal floodD) with fire

12. What dream does the central character of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s fairy tale “The Wise Minnow” see twice? A) Won 200 thousand rubles. B) Became free and happy. B) Became very sick. D) Became wise.

13. To what general idea, according to L.N. Tolstoy, is the entire action of the novel “War and Peace” subordinated? A) “family thought” B) historical event C) “folk thought” D) L. N. Tolstoy did not have a general idea

14. In “War and Peace” various social groups of Russian society are presented. To which of them does one of the key images of the novel Platon Karataev belong? A) nobility B) merchants C) peasantry D) burghers

15. What in the image of Bazarov was alien to the author of the novel “Fathers and Sons”? A) separation from any practical activity B) a nihilistic attitude towards the cultural heritage of Russia C) misunderstanding of the role of the people in the liberation movement D) exaggeration of the role of the intelligentsia in the liberation movement

16. What moment in the biography of the hero of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by E. Bazarov was a turning point in the awareness of his personality? A) love for OdintsovaB) dispute with Pavel Petrovich KirsanovC) breakup with Arkady KirsanovD) visiting parents

17.Name the motive that covers the entire work of F.I. Tyutchev.

A) love of freedom B) loneliness C) creative inspiration D) man’s place in the world

18. Which prose work belongs to Fet? A. “Notes on free labor” B. “Bread and Freedom” C. “Phenomenology of the Spirit” D. “Belkin’s Stories”


1. “Everything is a deception, everything is a dream, everything is not what it seems! ...He lies at all times, this one..., but most of all when the night falls like a condensed mass on him and separates the white and fawn walls of the houses, when the whole city turns into thunder and brilliance, myriads of carriages fall from the bridges, postilions scream and jump on horses and when the demon himself lights the lamps just to show everything not in its real form.” Who is this “he” in Gogol’s “Petersburg Tales”? A) St. Petersburg B) Hermitage C) Nevsky Prospekt

2. The images of Oblomov and Stolz are introduced into the novel “Oblomov” according to the principle:

A. Comparisons B. Additions C. Antitheses D. Mutual exclusion

3. What is central theme lyrics by M. Yu. Lermontov?

A. Theme of loneliness B. Theme of love

B. Theme of the poet and poetry D. Theme of nature

4. In what style is the main part of “The Enchanted Wanderer” written? A. In the style of epic B. In the style of lifeV. In the style of a historical story. In the style of a sentimental story.

5. The idea that moral values ​​are more expensive than material ones, Nekrasov showed in the image of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”: A. Ermila Girin B. Yakim Nagoy C. Saveliy G. Dobrosklonov

6. What character are we talking about in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”? A dignified woman, broad and dense, about thirty-eight years old. Beautiful; gray hair, large, stern eyes: A) nimble Orefyevna, the burgher's godfather B) Nenila Vlasyevna C) Princess Peremetyeva D) Matryona Timofeevna

7. The title of the poem “Thunderstorm” is symbolic: it is a natural phenomenon, and divine punishment, and the personification of the oppression of tyrants, and the protest of the oppressed. Which statement about the thunderstorm belongs to Katerina? A) “It’s not so scary that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are...” B) “For two weeks there won’t be any thunderstorm over me, there are no shackles on my legs.” C) “Thunderstorm- then it is sent to us as punishment.” D) “Now every grass, every flower rejoices, but we are hiding, afraid, as if some kind of misfortune!”

8. Who in the play “The Thunderstorm” talks about Moscow with its miracles? A) Boris. B) Crazy lady. C) Kuligin. D) Feklusha.

9. What is the role of St. Petersburg in the novel “Crime and Punishment”: A) psychological background B) decorative background C) does not play any role D) accomplice in crimes, hero of the novel

10.Where the flood caught the main character of the poem “ Bronze Horseman»? A) riding on a marble lionB) at the foot of the Bronze HorsemanC) at homeD) at a partyD) on Nevsky Prospekt

11. How does the king react to the flood in the poem “The Bronze Horseman”? A) declares an emergency B) does not try to resist C) urgently leaves the city D) rushes into the Neva

12. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in “The History of a City” proves the hostility of state power to the people. The submissiveness of the people in the work is most clearly manifested: A) in the psychological depiction of the peasant’s personality B) in the depiction crowd scenes C) in depicting scenes of popular riots

13. What event prompted Prince Andrei to leave public service for the second time in the novel “War and Peace”? A) death of his wife B) official reprimand C) Speransky’s dissatisfaction D) love for Natasha D) Request from his father, Prince Nikolai

14. What attracted Pierre to Freemasonry in the novel “War and Peace”? A) the opportunity to communicate with those in power B) the idea of ​​unity and brotherhood of people C) the opportunity to escape from an unhappy marriage

15. Why did A. S. Odintsova not reciprocate Bazarov’s feelings in the novel “Fathers and Sons”?

A) she did not feel a feeling of love for Bazarov B) she despised Bazarov, since he was of low birth C) she was afraid of Bazarov’s love and decided that “peace is still better than anything in the world” D) Bazarov was just curious to her

16. What is the fate of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov after the duel and death of Bazarov in the novel “Fathers and Sons”?

A) continues to live on the estate with his brother B) goes abroad C) returned to St. Petersburg and leads a secular lifestyle

D) took up farming and improvement of the estate and became a good owner

17. Poems “All day she lay in oblivion”, “Oh, how murderously we love”, “ last love"were dedicated to:

A) Pauline Viardot B) Avdotya Panayeva

C) Elena Denisyeva D) Maria Lizich

18. What themes predominate in Fet’s poems? A. Religion and faithB. Nature and loveV. Revolution and freedomG. Glorification of autocracy and great Russia


1. Gogol’s “Petersburg Tales” reflected... A) life big city, full of contrasts and turmoil; B) the interests of the nobility and the townspeople's trade and craft layers of the population; C) a person’s spiritual quest.

2. What everyday detail in the novel “Oblomov” is the most important means of characterizing the main character?

A. Books B. Desk C. Royal D. Robe

3. When Tamara first saw the Demon in the poem “Demon,” he was A) like a celestial angel B) like a “terrible spirit of hell” C) “like a clear evening” D) like a “breathless horseman”

4. How did Flyagin manage to force the Tatars to accept the Christian faith in the story “The Enchanted Wanderer”? A. Flyagin killed the khan, began to rule the tribes and establish his own rules; B. The Tatars were inspired by his preaching speeches, and they themselves wanted to become Christians; V. Flyagin pretended to be the fire god Talafa; G. Ivan Severyanych, together with other Russians, forced the Tatars to convert to Christianity by force.

5. What striking technique does Nekrasov use to characterize the images of men in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”? A) portrait characteristics B) “talking” names and titles C) speech characteristics D) comparisons

6. To whom are the lines addressed: “For him fate was preparing / A glorious path, a loud name / The people’s protector / Consumption and Siberia” in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” A) Grigory Dobrosklonov B) Yermil Girin C) Yakim Nagy D) grandfather Savely

7. What is the main remedy psychological characteristics hero in the works of A. N. Ostrovsky? A) Speaking surname. B) Self-recognition of the hero. B) Author's description. D) Action, deed.

8. The work of A. N. Ostrovsky laid the foundation for the further development of this genre. A) Psychological drama. B) Historical tragedy. B) Historical and everyday comedy. D) Chronicle.

9. After committing a crime in the novel “Crime and Punishment,” Raskolnikov seeks sympathy from Sonya because: A) she also “transgressed” the norms of human morality B) he has no one else to go to C) she will be able to understand Raskolnikov D) she will not betray him his

10. How did the flood turn out for Evgeniy?

A. He died B. He became a hero C. His house was damaged

D. He went crazy D. His parents died

11.Who does Eugene blame for the trouble in the poem “The Bronze Horseman”?

A. God B. Tsar Nicholas I C. Peter I

G. blames no one D. himself

12.Each image of the mayor from the novel “The History of a City” is a generalized image of its era and social structure. The barracks ideal of which of the mayors absorbs the most striking signs of reactionary political regimes different countries and eras:

A) Wartkin B) Grustilov C) Gloomy-Burcheev D) Brudasty

13. What time period does the novel “War and Peace” cover:

A) The period of preparation and conduct of the Decembrist uprising.

B) The period of the war of 1805-1812.

B) Time between the Great French revolution and the fire of Moscow in the War of 1812.

D) 1812-1825.

14. The struggle between the spiritual and the sensual lies at the basis of internal development:

A) Pierre Bezukhov. B) Anatoly Kuragin. B) Boris Drubetsky.

15. In the novel “Fathers and Sons,” Arkady Kirsanov tells E. Bazarov the life story of his uncle, P. P. Kirsanov, in order to:

A) satisfy Bazarov’s curiosity B) occupy a bored friend C) win Bazarov’s favor in favor of his uncle D) justify the snobbery of P. P. Kirsanov

A) I. S. Turgenev believed that people like Bazarov were useless B) I. S. Turgenev believed that people like Bazarov were premature, ahead of their time C) I. S. Turgenev believed that such people like Bazarov, they will bring nothing to Russia but harm

D) I. S. Turgenev believed that people like Bazarov are unique, not typical for Russia

17. To which literary direction should the work of F. I. Tyutchev be classified?

A) to realism B) to romanticism C) to sentimentalism D) to classicism

18. What poem did Fet dedicated to the death of his beloved Maria Kozminichna Lazic? A. Old lettersB. Whisper, timid breathing. Moskvitian

2.2. Assignments for differentiated assessment for the entire course academic subject

Theoretical questions for differentiated assessment

1. general characteristics literature of the 1st half of the 19th century. Literary movements. Methods. Techniques.

2. The works of A. S. Pushkin.

3. Creativity of M. Yu. Lermontov.

4. The works of N.V. Gogol.

5. Features of the development of literature of the 2nd half of the 19th century. Literary movements.

6. Creativity of A. N. Ostrovsky. Ostrovsky is a playwright. Theme of the works.

7. Artistic originality of the drama “The Thunderstorm”. The history of the play.

8. The system of artistic images in the drama “The Thunderstorm”. Katerina's image.

9. The image of Kabanikha. The image of Tikhon (in the play “The Thunderstorm”).

10. Life and work of I. A. Goncharov. Theme of the works.

11. Artistic originality of I. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. The problem of the work.

12. The image of Ilya Oblomov in novel of the same name I. Goncharova.

13. Life and work of I. S. Turgenev.

14. Novel “Fathers and Sons.” Artistic originality. Subject.

15. Evgeny Bazarov - new type literary hero(in the novel “Fathers and Sons”).

16. E. V. Bazarov and P. P. Kirsanov in I. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.”

17. Life and work of F. I. Tyutchev. Theme of the works.

18. Life and work of A. A. Fet. Theme of the works.

19. Life and work of N. A. Nekrasov. Theme of the works.

20. Artistic originality and system of images in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.”

21. Life and work of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The artistic originality of the novel “The History of a City.”

22. Life and work of F. M. Dostoevsky. The theme of the novel is “Crime and Punishment.”

23. The image of Rodion Raskolnikov in the novel “Crime and Punishment.” Theme of crime and punishment.

24. Life and work of L. N. Tolstoy. The significance of Tolstoy’s work in Russian literature and the development of education.

25. Epic novel “War and Peace.” Subject. System of images.

26. Women's images in the novel “War and Peace” (Natasha Rostova and Helen Kuragina).

27. Images of commanders in the novel “War and Peace” (Kutuzov and Napoleon).

28. Images of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov in the novel “War and Peace.”

29. Life and creativity of A.P. Chekhov. Taganrog period.

30. Play " The Cherry Orchard" Artistic originality. The theme of Russia in the play.

31. General characteristics of literature of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. Literary movements. Methods. Techniques.

32. I. A. Bunin. Life. Main directions of creativity.

33. Poems by I. Bunin. Subject. Issues.

34. The originality of I. A. Bunin’s stories (using the example of the stories “Antonov Apples”, “The Gentleman from San Francisco”).

35. A. I. Kuprin. Life. Creation.

36. The originality of A. Kuprin’s stories (using the example of the stories “Olesya”, “ Garnet bracelet»).

37. Poetry " silver age" Innovation. Search for new artistic means. Topics (using the example of the works of N. Gumilyov, O. Mandelstam, M. Tsvetaeva).

38. M. Gorky. Life. Creation. Theme of the works.

39. Artistic originality of the play “At the Bottom”.

40. A. A. Blok. Life. Creation. Theme of the works.

41. The place of Russia in the work of A. Blok. Theme of love.

42. V. V. Mayakovsky. Life. Creation. Theme of the works.

43. S.A. Yesenin. Life. Creation. Theme of the works.

44. The theme of Russia in the works of S. Yesenin.

45. A. A. Akhmatova. Life. Creation. Theme of the works.

46. ​​The poem “Requiem” is the tragedy of the Russian people of the 30s.

47. M. A. Sholokhov. Life. Creation.

48. Epic novel " Quiet Don" The theme of the tragedy of the Cossacks in the novel.

49. The system of images in the novel “Quiet Don”. Image of Grigory Melekhov.

50. M. A. Bulgakov. Life. Creation. Theme of the works.

51. Novel “The Master and Margarita”. Subject. Issues. The originality of the plot.

52. Novel “The Master and Margarita”. Character system. Images of Yeshua, Margarita, Woland.

53. B. L. Pasternak. Life. Creation. Poems. Subject.

54. Literature of the Second World War and about the war.

55. Life and work of A. T. Tvardovsky. Theme of the works.

56. Poem “Vasily Terkin”. Artistic originality.

57. Features of the development of literature in the 1950-1990s.

58. Creativity of A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Theme of the works.

59. " Village prose» 20th century.

60. Features of the development of literature at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries.

Conditions for passing the differentiated test: 1. Place (time) of completion: classroom, differentiated test is taken during the test lesson 2. Maximum time for completing the task by the study group: 90 minutes. 3. You can use works of fiction.

Criteria for evaluation.


The answer is incomplete, 1-2 mistakes or 2-3 omissions were made, examples are given.


The answer is incomplete, 3-4 errors or 4-5 omissions were made, no examples were given.


The student did not answer the question or made more than 4 mistakes. Didn't give any examples.

Assignments for differentiated assessment in literature

Option 1.

Part 1

1.Which literary movement dominated the literature of the second halfXIX V.

A) romanticism B) classicism C) sentimentalism D) realism

2. Which of the Russian writers was called “Columbus of Zamoskvorechye”.

3. The hero of which work was promised to God at birth, “died many times and did not die”?

D) N. S. Leskov “The Enchanted Wanderer” Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin

4. In which work of Russian literature of the second halfXIX

A) A. N. Ostrovsky “Forest”

D) I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

A) A.A. Fet B) N.A. Nekrasov

B) Full name Tyutchev G) A.K. Tolstoy

7. Indicate to whom the novel by I.S. was dedicated. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

A) N. G. Chernyshevsky B) N. A. Nekrasov

C) V. G. Belinsky D) A. A. Grigoriev

9. Which of the characters in the novel by I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov” is given the following author's description: “A simple, that is, direct, real view of life - that was his constant task, and, gradually reaching its solution, he understood all the difficulty and was inwardly proud and happy whenever he happened to notice a crookedness in his path and take a direct step"? A) Alekseev B) Oblomov C) Stoltz D) Tarantiev

11. To which genre variety Does the novel include the work of I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”? A) autobiographical novel B) educational novel

C) socio-psychological novel D) adventure novel

12. Below is a statement from one of the characters in the drama A.N. Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm”: “Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel! In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and stark poverty. And we, sir, will never escape this crust.” Who owns these words? A) Kudryash B) Shapkin C) Kuligin D) Boris Grigorievich

13. What prevents Oblomov from being an active person?

A) poverty

B) illness

B) lack of purpose

D) education and patterns of life

14. Following Gogol, Goncharov uses an object-everyday item as important tool characteristics character. In the novel “Oblomov” such a detail is:

A) misunderstanding of the role of the people in the liberation movement

B) a nihilistic attitude towards the cultural heritage of Russia

C) exaggeration of the role of the intelligentsia in the liberation movement

D) separation from any practical activity

16. Name the main motive of M.Yu. Lermontov’s creativity:

A) loneliness B) envy C) betrayal

D) freedom D) fatigue

17. Raskolnikov makes an attempt on the life of an old pawnbroker because

A) desire to get rich B) desire to take revenge on Alena Ivanovna

C) the desire to test the theory D) the need to help loved ones

18. Distinctive Features works of A.P. Chekhov are (find the odd one out)

A) objectivity of the depicted B) brevity of the works

C) moralization, edification D) contrast in the depiction of heroes.

19. During what battle did the meeting between Prince Andrei and Napoleon take place, which was of great importance in the fate of the hero:

20. The main theme of I.A. Bunin’s work (exclude unnecessary things):

A) Love B) Death C) Revolution D) Memory of Russia

21. Romanticism presupposes the affirmation of an exceptional personality. Which of A. M. Gorky’s works does not correspond to this position:

A) “Old Woman Izergil.” B) "Chelkash".

B) “Makar Chudra”. D) “At the bottom.”

22. Which of the characters in the play “At the Lower Depths” expresses the author’s position?

23. Which literary movement was S. Yesenin close to:

A) Symbolism. B) Acmeism. B) Imagism. D) Futurism.


25. Marina Tsvetaeva ended up in exile:

B) For other reasons.

26. To whom is A.A. Blok’s poetic cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” dedicated:

27. What tragic event does Baron inform the night shelters about in the finale of M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”? A) Anna’s death B) Kostylev’s murder C) Actor’s suicide D) Vasilisa’s reprisal against Natasha

28. Beautiful Lady, Stranger, Carmen - these are images of poetry A) S. Yesenin B) N. Gumilyov C) A. Akhmatova D) A. Blok

29. To which literary movement did A. Akhmatova’s work belong?

A) Acmeism B) Symbolism C) Imagism D) Futurism

30. Which of the 20th century writers, fearing suicide, was called by Stalin himself and

A) M. Bulgakov; B) A. Tvardovsky; B) N. Gumilyov; D) S. Yesenin; D) V. Mayakovsky.

31. Which of the poetsXX century, being the editor of the popular magazine "New World"
helped A. Solzhenitsyn publish the story “Shch - 854”?

A) Pasternak; B) Tvardovsky; B) Zabolotsky; D) Rasputin;

Part 2

I came to you with greetings,

Tell me that the sun has risen

What is it with hot light

The sheets began to flutter;

Tell me that the forest has woken up,

All woke up, every branch,

Every bird was startled

And full of thirst in spring;

Tell me that with the same passion,

Like yesterday, I came again,

That the soul is still the same happiness

And I’m ready to serve you;

Tell me that from everywhere

It blows over me with joy,

That I don’t know myself that I will

Sing - but only the song is ripening. A. A. Fet, 1843.

1. Three stanzas of the poem begin with the same word. What is the name of this artistic medium?

2. Indicate the term that denotes the animation of nature, its “humanization” in work of art(“...the forest woke up...”).

3. What is it called? stylistic device, enhancing the sound expressiveness of the verse and associated with the use of identical consonant sounds (“it blows over me with joy”)?

4. Indicate the name of the consonance of the poetic lines that plays important role in the organization of the verse (passion - happiness; again - ready, etc.).

Option 2

Part 1

1. List the writers of the second halfXIX V. in the title of the work there is a contrast.

A) A.N. Ostrovsky, I.S. Turgenev, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

B) I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy

B) I.A. Goncharov, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov

D) L.N. Tolstoy, N.S. Leskov, I.S. Turgenev

2. Determine from which work the following passage is taken:

No matter how passionate, sinful, rebellious the heart may be hidden in the grave, the flowers growing on it serenely look at us with their innocent eyes: they tell us not only about eternal peace, about that great peace of “indifferent” nature; they also talk about eternal reconciliation and endless life...

A) L.N. Tolstoy " Sevastopol stories»

B) F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”

B) I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”

D) I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

3. What literary type is depicted in the image of the Wild (A.N. Ostrovsky, “The Thunderstorm”)?

A) “little man” type B) “” type extra person»

C) tyrant D) romantic hero

A) I. A. Goncharov B) N. A. Nekrasov

C) M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin D) A. P. Chekhov

5. Indicate which of the Russian writers wrote the words: “You can’t understand Russia with your mind, you can’t measure it with a common yardstick...”

A) A. K. Tolstoy B) A. S. Pushkin C) A. A. Fet D) F. I. Tyutchev

6. Indicate which of the Russian poets wrote the words: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen...”

A) A. A. Fet B) N. A. Nekrasov C) F. I. Tyutchev D) A. K. Tolstoy

7. Indicate to whom the novel by I.S. was dedicated. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

A) N. G. Chernyshevsky B) N. G. Belinsky D) A. A. Grigoriev

8. Which of the heroes of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Who lives well in Rus'?” said about himself: “Branded, but not a slave”?

Savely, Holy Russian hero B) Yakim Nagoy C) Ermil Girin D) Grisha Dobrosklonov

9. What is E. Bazarov’s future specialty?

A) engineer B) teacher C) scientist-researcher

D) doctor D) uncertain

10. The main idea of ​​“The Enchanted Wanderer” is as follows:

A) Russian people can handle everything

C) only in extreme situations does a person reveal himself

11. Saltykov - Shchedrin used the fairy tale genre because:

12. The chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” is included in the novel in order to:

A) expand the idea of ​​lordly life

B) explain the origin of the hero

C) explain the reasons for the hero’s apathy and inactivity.

13. The images of Oblomov and Stolz are introduced into the novel according to the principle:

A) comparison B) antithesis C) complement D) mutual exclusion

14. I. Turgenev wrote:

A) “Doctor’s Notes” B) “Notes on Cuffs”

C) “Notes of a Hunter” D) “Notes from dead house».

15. What epic hero does the author compare I. S. Flyagin to?

A) Alyosha Popovich B) Dobrynya Nikitich

C) Ilya Muromets D) Savely - the hero of Svyatorussky

16. During what battle did the meeting between Prince Andrei and Napoleon take place, which was of great importance in the fate of the hero:

A) Battle of Austerlitz B) Battle of Shengraben

IN) battle of Borodino D) Battle of Krasnenskoye

17. At what point does Raskolnikov’s punishment begin?

A) Before the murder B) After the murder C) At hard labor

18. The theme of A.P. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard” is:

A) The fate of Russia, its future.

B) The fate of Ranevskaya and Gaev

19. Which writer was awarded the Nobel Prize?

20. Which hero of the play “At the Bottom” owns the phrase: “Man – that sounds proud!”

A) Satin B) Luke C) Actor

21. Which direction does it belong to? early work Blok?

22. The image of Christ in A. Blok’s poem “The Twelve” was interpreted in different ways. What is the poet’s symbolist idea:

A) Jesus Christ as a symbol of revolution.

B) Jesus Christ as a symbol of the future, the “pagan” Christ.

C) Jesus Christ as Superman.

D) Jesus Christ as a symbol of the Supreme Justice

23. Marina Tsvetaeva ended up in exile:

A) For political reasons.

B) Due to the irresistible desire to meet my husband and the impossibility of his coming to post-revolutionary Russia.

B) For other reasons.

24. Which literary movement did you join?XX century V. Mayakovsky considered himself:

A) Symbolism. B) Acmeism. B) Futurism. D) Imagism

25. What work did M. Bulgakov call a “sunset novel”?

A) “Theatrical novel” B) “Running”

C) “The Life of Monsieur de Molière” D) “The Master and Margarita”

26. The genre of “Quiet Don” is:

27. Name the author of these lines:"Melo,chalkByallearth/ InAlllimits,/ The candle was burningon the table,/ The candle was burning."

A) A.A.Blok; B) B.L. Pasternak; B) S.A. Yesenin; D) I.A.Bunin.

28. In Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” Woland utters the words: “... - the most

30. Who was the first Russian writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize forliterature?

A) Sholokhov; B) Solzhenitsyn; B) Pasternak; D) Bunin; D) Brodsky.

31. What a poetessXX century, forced during the Great Patriotic War evacuate first to Chistopol, then to Elabuga, August 31, 1941

A) M. Tsvetaeva; B) A. Akhmatova; B) B. Akhmadulina; D)Z. Gippius.

Part 2

Read the poem below by F. I. Tyutchev “SILENTIUM ! and complete the tasks

Be silent, hide and conceal -

And your feelings and dreams -

Let it be in the depths of your soul

They get up and go in

Silently, like stars in the night, -

Admire them - and be silent.

How can the heart express itself?

How can someone else understand you?

Will he understand what you live for?

A spoken thought is a lie.

Exploding, you will disturb the keys, -

Feed on them - and be silent.

Just know how to live within yourself -

There is a whole world in your soul

Mysteriously magical thoughts;

They will be deafened by the outside noise,

Daylight rays will disperse, -

Listen to their singing - and be silent!.. F.I. Tyutchev, 1830

1. Which classical genre of poetry is close to F. I. Tyutchev’s poem “Silentium”?

2. F. I. Tyutchev’s poem “Silentium” in terms of its themes and issues relates to lyric poetry: friendly, love, philosophical or civil?

3. In the second stanza, the poet sharpens the problem by using a question that does not require an answer. (How can someone else understand you?). What is this type of question called?

4. Name the type of statement in which a thought is expressed in a condensed and figurative form (“A thought expressed is a lie”).

Option 3

Part 1

1. The hero of which work was promised to God at birth, “died many times and did not die”?

A) L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Prince Andrei

B) A.N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm” Katerina Kabanova

B) I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" Bazarov

D) N. S. Leskov “The Enchanted Wanderer” Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin

A) A.N. Ostrovsky B) F.M. Dostoevsky

B) M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin G) L.N. Tolstoy

3. Indicate to whom the novel by I.S. was dedicated. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

A) N.G. Chernyshevsky B) N.A. Nekrasov V) V.G. Belinsky G) A.A. Grigoriev

4. Which of the characters in the novel by I.A. Goncharov’s “Oblomov” the following author’s description is given: “A simple, that is, a direct, real view of life - that was his constant task, and, gradually reaching its solution, he understood all the difficulty and was internally proud and happy whenever “Has he ever noticed a crooked path in his path and taken a straight step?” A) Alekseev B) Oblomov C) Stoltz D) Tarantiev

5. Below is a statement from one of the heroes of the drama A.N. Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm”: “Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel! In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and stark poverty. And we, sir, will never escape this crust.” Who owns these words? A) Kudryash B) Shapkin C) Kuligin D) Boris Grigorievich

6. Raskolnikov makes an attempt on the life of an old pawnbroker because

A) desire to get rich

B) desires to take revenge on Alena Ivanovna

B) desire to test the theory

D) the need to help loved ones

7. Which of the characters in the play “At the Lower Depths” expresses the author’s position? A) Bubnov B) Satin C) Klesch D) Luka

8. Which literary movement did you join?XX century V. Mayakovsky considered himself:

A) Symbolism. B) Acmeism. B) Futurism. D) Imagism

9. To whom is A.A. Blok’s poetic cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” dedicated:

A) N.N. Volokhova. B) L. D. Mendeleeva.

B) L. A. Delmas. D) Another woman.

10. Which of the 20th century writers, fearing suicide, was called by Stalin himself and
offered to work at the Art Theater?

A) M. Bulgakov; B) A. Tvardovsky; B) N. Gumilyov; D) S. Yesenin; D) V. Mayakovsky.

11. The genre of “Quiet Don” is:

1. story 2. epic novel 3. novel 4. historical novel

1. A.A.Blok; 2. B.L. Pasternak; 3. S.A. Yesenin; 4. I.A.Bunin.

13. Who is the author of the poem about the repressions of the 30s and Stalin’s “cult of personality”, in

14. Who was the first Russian writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize for

1. Sholokhov; 2.Solzhenitsyn; 3. Pasternak; 4.Bunin; 5. Brodsky.

15.Whose lines are these:“You can’t understand Russia with your mind, /A common arshin cannot be measured..."

1. Tyutchev; 2. Fet; 3. Nekrasov

1. V. Bykov; 2. Yu. Bondarev; 3. B. Vasiliev; 4. V. Rasputin;

17. In Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” Woland utters the words: “... - the most
grave vice." Which human quality he considered the most difficult?

1. Theft; 2.Cowardice; 3. Murder; 4. Adultery.

18. At which university did A. Akhmatova receive an honorary doctorate degree?

    Moscow State University

    Leningrad State University

    University of Cambridge

    university in oxford

19. . Which Russian writer was called “Columbus of Zamoskvorechye”.

A) I. S. Turgenev B) A. N. Ostrovsky

C) L. N. Tolstoy D) F. M. Dostoevsky

20. Marina Tsvetaeva ended up in exile:

A).For political reasons.

B) Due to the irresistible desire to meet my husband and the impossibility of his coming to post-revolutionary Russia.

B) For other reasons.


“Love to the point of self-denial” is the main theme of the story by A.I. Kuprina:

a) “Olesya”; b) “Garnet bracelet”;

c) “Emerald”; d) “Holy lie.”

22. Establish the poet's affiliation

literary movement:

1) A.A.Blok; 2) O.E. Mandelstam; 3) V.V. Mayakovsky; 4) S.A. Yesenin.

a) new peasant poetry; b) futurism; c) symbolism; d) Acmeism.

23. Choose the correct answer.

The main theme of A. Blok’s lyrics:

a) the theme of love; b) the theme of revolution; c) the theme of Russia; d) theme of nature.

24. Choose the correct answer.The creative debut of A.P. Platonov

became the work:

a) “Epifanskie locks”; b) " Hidden Man»;

c) “Jan”; d) "pit".

25.Choose the correct answer.

Name of the heroine they talk about:"What a vicious beauty"

a) Natalya; b) Daria; c) Dunyashka; d) Aksinya.

26. Choose the correct answer.

Name the poem by N.A. Zabolotsky:

Oh, it was not for nothing that I lived in this world!

And it’s sweet for me to strive from the darkness,

So that, taking in the palm of your hand, you, my distant descendant,

Finished what I didn't finish

a) “Cranes”, b) “Don’t let your soul be lazy...”,

c) “About beauty human faces", d) "Will".

27. Restore the chronological sequence of A.A. Akhmatova’s poetry collections:

A) “Plantain”; B) “White flock”; B) “Rosary beads”; D) "Evening".

28. Choose the correct answer. The most important problem creativity of B. Pasternak:

a) the poet’s place in the working class; b) intelligentsia and revolution;

c) man and history; d) love in a person’s life.

“I don’t know how to deceive. Hide something I I can't do anything"- speaks

a) Varvara; b) Katerina; c) Kabanikha; d) Boris.

30. Establish a correspondence between the title of the work and the author.

1. A. N. Ostrovsky; a) “Demon;

2. I.A. Goncharov; b) “Thunderstorm”;

3.A.S. Pushkin; c) “Oblomov”;

4. M.Yu.Lermontov. d) “The Bronze Horseman.”

31. Establish a correspondence between the title of the work and its main character.

1.Bazarov; a) “The day before”;

2. Lavretsky; b) “Fathers and Sons”;

3. Ferret; c) “Noble Nest”;

4. Insarov. d) “Notes of a Hunter.”

Part 2

2. Read the poem below and complete the tasks.

“The feather grass is sleeping. Plain..."

The feather grass is sleeping. Plain dear,

And the leaden freshness of wormwood.

No other homeland

It will not pour my warmth into my chest.

Know that we all have such a fate,

And, perhaps, ask everyone -

Rejoicing, raging and suffering,

Life is good in Rus'.

The light of the moon, mysterious and long,

The willows are crying, the poplars are whispering.

But no one listens to the crane's cry

He will not stop loving his father's fields.

And now, when the new light

And my life was touched by fate,

I still remain a poet

Golden log hut.

At night, huddled against the headboard,

I see him as a strong enemy

How someone else's youth splashes at night

To my glades and meadows.

But still, pressed by that newness,

I can sing with feeling:

Give me in my beloved homeland,

Loving everything, he will die in peace! Sergey Yesenin. 1925

1. Indicate the name of the poetic movement of the early 20th century, one of the leaders of which was S.A. Yesenin.

2. Name compositional technique, based on a sharp contrast between various phenomena (for example, old patriarchal Russia and new Russian reality).

3. What is the name of a figurative definition that has a special artistic expression, creating an idea of ​​the author’s attitude towards the depicted object (“mysterious light”, “golden hut”, etc.)?

4. In the poem “The feather grass is sleeping. “Dear Plain” uses a technique that involves animating and humanizing natural phenomena. What is the name of this artistic technique?

Option 4

Part 1

1. Following Gogol, Goncharov uses everyday objects as an important means of characterizing a character. In the novel “Oblomov” such a detail is:

A) book B) piano C) desk D) robe

2. Indicate to whom the novel by I.S. was dedicated. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

A) N.G. Chernyshevsky B) N.A. Nekrasov

B) V.G. Belinsky G) A.A. Grigoriev

3. Which of the heroes of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Who lives well in Rus'?” said about himself: “Branded, but not a slave”?

Savely, Holy Russian hero B) Yakim Nagoy C) Ermil Girin D) Grisha Dobrosklonov

4. The main idea of ​​“The Enchanted Wanderer” is as follows:

A) Russian people can handle everything

B) Russian people always strive for danger

C) only in extreme situations does a person reveal himself

5. The images of Oblomov and Stolz are introduced into the novel according to the principle: A) comparison B) antithesis C) complement D) mutual exclusion

6. During what battle did the meeting between Prince Andrei and Napoleon take place, which was of great importance in the fate of the hero:

A) Battle of Austerlitz B) Battle of Shengraben

C) Battle of Borodino D) Battle of Krasnenskoye

7. The theme of A.P. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard” is:

A) The fate of Russia, its future.

B) The fate of Ranevskaya and Gaev

B) Invasion of life landed nobility capitalist Lopakhin.

8. Which direction does Blok’s early work belong to?

A) Futurism B) Acmeism C) Symbolism

9. Saltykov - Shchedrin used the fairy tale genre because:

A) sought to bring literature closer to the people

B) essay, feuilleton, story have exhausted their possibilities

C) a fairy tale is an allegorical genre that allows you to pose and solve the most complex and forbidden problems in a concise, laconic form

10. At the beginning of the poem “The Bronze Horseman,” its hero Eugene dreams of: A) happy family life B) high social career C) fame as a poet D) wealth and power

11. Marina Tsvetaeva ended up in exile:

A) For political reasons.

B) Due to the irresistible desire to meet my husband and the impossibility of his arrival C) post-revolutionary Russia.

D) For other reasons.

12. The genre of “Quiet Don” is: A) Tale B) Epic novel C) Novel D) Historical novel

13. In Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” Woland utters the words: “... - the most
grave vice." What human quality did he consider the most difficult?

A) Theft; B) Cowardice; B) Murder; D) Adultery.

14. Who is the author of the poem about the repressions of the 30s and Stalin’s “cult of personality”, in
which is used famous phrase Stalin: “The son is not responsible for his father” in
as a title for the second part of the poem?

A) Solzhenitsyn; B) Shalamov; B) Tvardovsky; D) Okudzhava; D) Mayakovsky.

15. What a poetessXX century, forced during the Great Patriotic War
evacuate first to Chistopol, then to Elabuga, August 31, 1941
committed suicide?

A) M. Tsvetaeva; B) A. Akhmatova; B) B. Akhmadulina; D) Z. Gippius.

16. Which writer was awarded the Nobel Prize?

A) I.A. Bunin B) A.I. Kuprin C) M. Gorky

17. In which work of Russian literature of the second halfXIX V. a nihilist hero appears?

A) A. N. Ostrovsky “Forest”

B) I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”

B) F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

D) I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

18. Indicate which Russian writer owns the statement “There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.”

A) M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin B) L.N. Tolstoy

B) F.M. Dostoevsky G) A.P. Chekhov

19. Indicate which of the Russian poets wrote the words: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen...”

A) A.A. Fet B) N.A. Nekrasov V) F.I. Tyutchev G) A.K. Tolstoy

20. Which of the Silver Age poets considered themselves an artist, “mobilized and called upon by the revolution”? a) A. Blok b) S. Yesenin c) V. Mayakovsky d) N. Gumilev

21. Determine the sequence of the first circle life trials Bazarova.

A) Nikolskoye, Maryino, parental home;

b) Maryino, parental home, Nikolskoye;

c) Parental home, Nikolskoye, Maryino;

d) Maryino, Nikolskoye, parental home.

22.Choose the correct answer.The name of Bazarov's beloved woman

a) Lisa Kalitina; b) Natalya Lasunskaya;

c) Anna Sergeevna Odintsova; d) Asya.

23. Choose the correct answer.A.A. Fet returned inheritance rights

a) for services to military service;

b) for merits in the poetic field;

c) for merits in public service;

d) having received a huge inheritance.

24. Choose the correct answer.

“He lived and trembled, and he died and trembled,” the hero of the fairy tale by M. E. Saltykov - Shchedrin:

a) “Eagle is a philanthropist”; b) " The wise minnow»;

c) “Bear in the Voivodeship”; d) "Wild landowner."

25. Restore the sequence of events in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.”

a) the murder of an old pawnbroker, a meeting with Marmeladov, a letter to his mother;

b) meeting with Marmeladov, letter to mother,

murder of an old pawnbroker;

c) a letter to his mother, a meeting with Marmeladov, the murder of an old pawnbroker;

d) the murder of an old pawnbroker, a letter to his mother, a meeting with Marmeladov.

26. Establish a correspondence between the name of the hero and the work.

1) Natasha Rostova; a) “Anna Karenina”;

2) Konstantin Levin; b) “Resurrection”;

3) Katyusha Maslova; c) “Childhood”;

4) Nikolenka Irtenev. d) "War and Peace."

27.Choose the correct answer.

Euro-tripfor the hero of the story by I.A. Bunin"Mr. from San Francisco" ends:

a) death; b) wedding;

c) returning home alive and healthy; d) illness.

28. Establish a correspondence between the hero and his occupation before the overnight stay:

    locksmith; 2) telegraph operator; 3) a watchman at the dacha; 4) artist.

a) Actor; b) Luke; c) Tick; d) Satin.

29. Choose the correct answer.The first collection of poems by S. Yesenin was called:

a) “Soviet Rus'”; b) “Radunitsa”;

c) “Moscow Tavern” d) “Persian Motifs.”

30. Choose the correct answer.The first book of poems by M. Tsvetaeva was called:

a) “Versts”; b) “Evening Album”

c) “Youth Poems.” G) " Magic lantern».

31. Restore the sequence of events

in the life of Grigory Melekhov.

A) In Fomin’s gang; B) in Yagodnoye; B) commander of the rebel division;

D) in the Red Army. D) on the battlefields of the 1914 war.

Part 2

Read the poem below and complete the tasks

I enter dark temples,

I perform a poor ritual.

There I am waiting for the Beautiful Lady

In the flickering red lamps.

In the shadow of a tall column

I'm shaking from the creaking of the doors.

And he looks into my face, illuminated,

Only an image, only a dream about Her.

Oh, I'm used to these robes

Majestic Eternal Wife!

They run high along the cornices

Smiles, fairy tales and dreams.

Oh, Holy One, how tender the candles are,

How pleasing are Your features!

I can't hear neither sighs nor speeches,

1. To which direction does A. Blok’s earlier work belong?

2. To whom did A. Blok dedicated “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”?

3.What theme unites A. Blok’s poems “I Enter Dark Temples” and “About Valor, About Deeds, About Glory...”: the purpose of the poet, love, Motherland, nature?

4. What techniques does A. Blok use in the following examples?

A) “Spring and pernicious spirit.”

B) “And blue, bottomless eyes bloom on the far shore”

C) “How long should the mother push? How long will the kite circle?

1. Metaphor. 2. Anaphora. 3. Oxymoron

2.3. Primary (incoming) control

Option 1.

1. Poet who was the creator of the Russian literary language. a) A. S. Pushkin b) M. Yu. Lermontov c) N. A. Nekrasov

3. Artistic method, the main features of which are civil themes, strict adherence to norms and rules, and the creation of ideal images and heroes. a) classicism b) romanticism c) realism

4. Genre of N. V. Gogol’s work “Dead Souls” a) novel b) story c) poem

5. The main artistic means when writing a fable is a) allegory b) hyperbole c) litotes

6. Epic, lyricism, drama are A) literary genres b) types of literature c) types of literature

7. G. R. Derzhavin is a) poet b) playwright c) writer

8. Vladimir Lensky is the hero of which work? a) “Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov b) “The Inspector General” by N. V. Gogol c) “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin

10. M. V. Lomonosov - poet a) 18th century b) 19th century c) 20th century

Option 2.

1. A poet whose main genre of creativity is fable A) A. S. Pushkin B) M. Yu. Lermontov C) I. A. Krylov

3. Genre of A. S. Pushkin’s work “Eugene Onegin” A) Novel B) Poem C) Tale

4. An artistic method, the main feature of which is the image of a lyrical hero, who is characterized by a feeling of loneliness, and the death of the hero at the end of the work. A) Classicism B) Romanticism C) Realism

5. A type of trope, a figurative meaning of a word, based on the likening of one object or phenomenon to another by similarity or contrast - this is A) Metaphor B) Epithet C) Simile

6. A genre of narrative literature that reveals the story of several or many human destinies over a long period of time, sometimes entire generations, this is A) Story B) Tale C) Novel

8. What work is Pechorin the hero of? A) “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin B) “Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov C) “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboyedov

9. The work of A. S. Pushkin belongs to A) literature of the 18th century B) literature of the 19th century C) literature of the 20th century

10. The three-syllable meter of the verse refers to A) iambic B) trochee C) anapest

Option 3.

1. Poet of the 1st half of the 19th century, whose work belongs to the artistic method - romanticism A) A. S. Griboyedov B) S. A. Yesenin C) M. Yu. Lermontov

2. The work of N.V. Gogol is the story A) " Captain's daughter"B) "Overcoat" C) "Hero of Our Time"

3. A.P. Chekhov was born into a family A) merchant B) employee of a Greek trading office C) clergyman

4. The hero of A. S. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” A) Lensky B) Chatsky C) Pechorin

5. The genre of A. S. Pushkin’s work “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is A) Fairy tale B) Poem C) Novel in verse

6. Genre of prose literature, small form a narrative that depicts an episode from the life of a hero is A) A story B) A poem C) A novel

7. The two-syllable verse size refers to A) Horea B) Dactyl C) Amphibrachium

8. Comedy is a genre of what type of literature? A) Epic B) Lyrics C) Dramas

9. To which poem do the following lines refer: “Tell me, uncle, it’s not for nothing that Moscow, burned by fire, was given to the French?..” A) M. Yu. Lermontov “Mtsyri” B) A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” B) M. Yu. Lermontov “Borodino”

10. Which of the following writers was a literary critic? A) G. R. Derzhavin B) V. G. Belinsky C) A. S. Griboedov

Option 4.

1. An artistic method that involves true picture reality, typical characters in typical circumstances - this is A) classicism B) romanticism C) realism

3. To whom is M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Death of a Poet” (“The Poet, a Slave of Honor) is dedicated?” A) A. S. Griboyedov B) G. R. Derzhavin C) A. S. Pushkin

4. What type of literature does the genre of the poem belong to? A) epic B) lyrics C) drama

6. Which literary work begins with the words “My uncle, the most fair rules, when he seriously fell ill, he forced himself to be respected and could not have come up with a better idea”? A) A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” B) M. Yu. Lermontov “Mtsyri” C) A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”

7. The genre of literature to which A. S. Griboyedov’s work “Woe from Wit” belongs is A) drama B) tragedy C) comedy

8. A definition that gives the expression figurativeness and emotionality, emphasizing one of the characteristics of the subject - this is A) epithet B) comparison C) metaphor

9. 18th century poet who wrote in “high calm” A) A. S. Pushkin B) D. I. Fonvizin C) G. R. Derzhavin

10. Which of the following genres is not dramatic? A) comedy B) poem C) tragedy

Criteria for evaluation:


the student correctly answered 7-8 questions out of 10.


the student answered 5-6 questions out of 10 correctly.


The student correctly answered 4 or fewer questions out of 10.

2.4. Questions for current control in the academic discipline


Topic 1.1 Introduction.

1. Historical process in Russia in the beginning 19th century.

2. Features of Western European literature of the early 19th century.

3. Interaction of Russian and Western European literature in the 19th century.

4. Historical and cultural process and periodization of Russian literature.

Topic 1.2 Russian literature first half of the 19th century century.

1. Culture overview. Literary struggle.

2. Romanticism is the leading direction of Russian literature of the 1st half of the 19th century. The originality of Russian romanticism.

Topic 1.3 Creativity A.S. Pushkin.

2. The main themes and motives of A.S.’s lyrics. Pushkin (civil motives, the theme of the poet and poetry, love lyrics).

3. Poem “The Bronze Horseman”. The problem of personality and state in the poem.

Topic 1.4 Creativity M.Yu. Lermontov

1. Information from the biography. Stages of creativity.

2. The main motives of the lyrics. Motives for loneliness.

Topic 1.5 The works of N.V. Gogol.

1. Life and work of Gogol.

2. “Petersburg Tales”: “Portrait”. Composition. Plot. Heroes. Ideological plan.

3. The significance of N.V.’s creativity Gogol in Russian literature.

Topic 1.6 Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century.

1. The cultural and historical development of Russia in the mid-19th century, its reflection in the literary process.

2. Life-affirming and critical realism. Moral quest of heroes.

3. Literary criticism. Aesthetic controversy. Journal controversy.

Topic 1.7 Works of A.N. Ostrovsky.

1. Life and creative path.

2. "Thunderstorm" . The originality of the plan, the originality of the main character, the power of the tragic outcome in the fate of the drama's heroes.

3. The system of images in the drama “The Thunderstorm”.

4. The image of Katerina is the embodiment of the best qualities of female nature.

Topic 1.8 Creativity of I.A. Goncharov.

1. Life and work of I.A. Goncharov

2. Novel “Oblomov”. Topic, idea.

3. The image of Ilya Oblomov in the novel.

Topic 1.9 Creativity of I.S. Turgenev.

1. Life and work of I.S. Turgenev

2. Novel “Fathers and Sons”. Topic, idea. 3. The system of images in the novel “Fathers and Sons.”

4. The image of Evgeny Bazarov. The concept of nihilism.

Topic 1.10 Creativity of N.G. Chernyshevsky.

1. Life and work of N.G. Chernyshevsky.

2. Novel “What to do?” Topic, idea.

Topic 1.11 Creativity of F.I. Tyutchev.

1. Life and work of F.I. Tyutchev.

2. Themes of poems by F.I. Tyutchev

Topic 1.12 Creativity of A.A. Fet

1. Life and work of A.A. Fet.

2. Themes of A.A. Fet’s poems.

Topic 1.13 The work of A.K. Tolstoy.

1. The artistic originality of the poems.

Topic 1.14 Creativity of N.A. Nekrasov.

1. Life and work of N.A. Nekrasov.

2. Theme of the poems.

3. Poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” Subject. Artistic originality.

Topic 1.15 Creativity of N.S. Leskov.

1. Life and work of N.S. Leskov

2. The story “The Enchanted Wanderer.” Features of the plot of the story. The theme of the road and the depiction of the stages of a person’s spiritual path (the meaning of the protagonist’s wanderings).

Topic 1.16 Creativity of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

1. Life and work of Saltykov-Shchedrin.

2. “The history of one city.” Artistic originality.

Topic 1.17 Works of F.M. Dostoevsky.

1. Life and work of F.M. Dostoevsky.

2. Novel “Crime and Punishment”. Theme, idea of ​​the work.

3. The image of Rodion Raskolnikov.

Topic 1.18 The work of Leo Tolstoy.

1. Life and work of Leo Tolstoy.

2. The genre of the epic novel. Features of the genre.

3. Themes and problems of the epic novel “War and Peace”. History of the creation of the work.

4. The system of images in the novel “War and Peace”.

5. Images of commanders (Kutuzov and Napoleon).

6. Female images in the novel (using the example of Natasha Rostova and Helen).

7 The image of Andrei Bolkonsky.

8. Image of Pierre Bezukhov.

Topic 1.19 Works of A.P. Chekhov

1. Life and work of A.P. Chekhov. Taganrog period.

2. The play “The Cherry Orchard”. Subject. Idea.

3. The system of images in the play “The Cherry Orchard”.


Topic 2.1 Russian literature at the turn of the century.

1. General characteristics of the cultural-historical process turn of the XIX century and XX centuries and its reflection in literature.

2. Innovation in literature at the beginning of the 20th century. The variety of literary movements (symbolism, acmeism, futurism), their reflection of the ideological and political struggle of the first post-revolutionary years.

Topic 2.2 Creativity of I.A. Bunin

1. Life and work of I.A. Bunin. 2. The story “Antonov apples”. Subject. Idea.

3. The story “Mr. from San Francisco.” Subject. Idea.

4. Philosophical nature of Bunin’s lyrics. Subtlety of perception of human psychology and the natural world; poeticization of the historical past.

Topic 2.3 Creativity of A.I. Kuprin

1. Life and work of A.I. Kuprin.

2. Poetic depiction of nature, wealth spiritual world heroes. Moral and social problems in the stories of A.I. Kuprin. Condemnation of the vices of modern society (using the example of the story “Olesya”).

3. The story “Garnet Bracelet”. The meaning of the title of the story, a dispute about a strong, selfless love, the theme of inequality in the story. Tragic meaning works.

Topic 2.4 Poetry of the early 20th century.

1. Review of Russian poetry and the poetry of the peoples of Russia late XIX– beginning of the 20th century

2. The Silver Age as a kind of “Russian Renaissance”. Literary movements of the poetry of Russian modernism: symbolism, acmeism, futurism.

3. Life and work of V.Ya.Bryusov

4. Life and work of K. Balmont

5. Life and work of O. Mandelstam

6. Life and work of M. Tsvetaeva

7.Life and work of N. Gumilyov

Topic 2.5 Symbolism.

1. The origins of Russian symbolism. The influence of Western European philosophy and poetry on the work of Russian symbolists.

Topic 2.6 The work of M. Gorky.

1. Life and work of M. Gorky

2. The play “At the Bottom”. Depiction of the truth of life in the play and its philosophical meaning. Heroes of the play.

Topic 2.7 Creativity of A. Blok.

1. Life and work of A. Blok.

2. The theme of Blok’s poems.

3. Poem “The Twelve” - The complexity of Blok’s perception of the social nature of the revolution. The plot of the poem and its characters.

Topic 2.8 Literature of the 20s XX century.

1. The contradictory development of culture in the 20s. Literary process 20s. Literary groups and magazines

2. Peasant poetry of the 20s.

3. Objects of satirical depiction in prose of the 20s (works of M. Zoshchenko, I. Ilf and E. Petrov, M. Bulgakov, A. Averchenko, etc.)

4. The formation of the dystopian novel genre in the 20s - the formation of growing anxiety for the future (“We” by E. Zamyatin, “Chevengur” by A. Platonov).

Topic 2.9 Works of V. Mayakovsky 1. Life and work of V. Mayakovsky.

2. Theme of the poems. Poetic novelty of early lyrics: unusual content, hyperbolicity and plasticity of images, brightness of metaphors, contrasts and contradictions.

Topic 2.10 Creativity of S. Yesenin

1. Life and work of S. Yesenin.

2. Theme of the poems. The image of Russia in the works of Yesenin.

Topic 2.11 Literature of the 30-40s

1. Becoming new culture in the 30s. Turn to patriotism in the mid-30s (in culture, art and literature). Unity and diversity of Russian literature.

Topic 2.12 Creativity of M. Tsvetaeva

1. Life and work of M. Tsvetaeva.

2. Theme of the poems.

Topic 2.13 The work of O. Mandelstam

1. Life and work of O. Mandelstam.

2. Theme of the poems.

Topic 2.14 Creativity of A. Platonov.

1. Life and work of A. Platonov.

2. The writer’s search for a positive hero. Unity of the moral and aesthetic. Labor as the basis of human morality. Principles of character creation. (Using the example of the story “The Pit” or the story “In the Beautiful and furious world»).

Topic 2.15 Creativity of I.E. Babel.

1. Life and work of I. Babel.

2. Picture of events civil war in the book of stories "Cavalry".

3. Problems and features of the poetics of Babel’s prose. The combination of tragic and comic, beautiful and ugly in Babel’s stories (using the example of the stories “My First Goose”, “Salt”).

Topic 2.16 Works of M.A. Bulgakov

1. Life and work of M.A. Bulgakov.

2. The novel “The Master and Margarita”. The originality of the genre. The novel's versatility. System of images.

Topic 2.17 Creativity of M.A. Sholokhov.

1. Life and work of M.A. Sholokhov.

2. Novel "Quiet Don". An epic novel about the fate of the Russian people and Cossacks during the Civil War. The originality of the genre. Features of the composition.

Topic 2.18 Literature of the Great Patriotic War and the first post-war years.

1. Literary and artistic figures in defense of the Fatherland. Lyrical hero in the poems of front-line poets (using the example of poems by O. Berggolts, K. Simonov, A. Tvardovsky, A. Surkov, M. Isakovsky, M. Aliger, Yu. Drunina, M. Jalil, etc.).

2. Journalism of the war years: M. Sholokhov, I. Ehrenburg, A. Tolstoy.

3. Stories, novels and plays about the war (using the example of the works of B. Gorbatov, A. Bek, A. Fadeev. Plays: “Russian People” by K. Simonov, “Front” by A. Korneichuk, etc.).

4. Works of the first post-war years. Problems human existence, good and evil, selfishness and feat of life, confrontation between creative and destructive forces in the works of E. Kazakevich, V. Nekrasov, A. Bek, V. Azhaev and others.

Topic 2.19 Creativity of A. Akhmatova.

1. Life and creative path of A.A. Akhmatova.

2. Akhmatova’s early lyrics: the depth, brightness of the poet’s experiences, his joy, sorrow, anxiety.

3. Personal and social themes in poems of the revolutionary and first post-revolutionary years. Themes of love for native land, to the Motherland, to Russia. Pushkin's themes in Akhmatova's works.

4. Poem "Requiem". The historical scale and tragedy of the poem. The tragedy of the life and fate of the lyrical heroine and poetess.

Topic 2.20 The work of B.L. Pasternak.

1.The life and creative path of B.L. Pasternak.

2. Aesthetic searches and experiments in early lyrics. Philosophical lyrics. The theme of the path is the leading one in Pasternak’s poetry.

Topic 2.21 Creativity of A.T. Tvardovsky.

1. The life and creative path of A.T. Tvardovsky.

2. The theme of war and memory in the lyrics of A. Tvardovsky. Statement moral values

Topic 2.22 Literature of the 50-80s

1. Changes in social and cultural life countries. New trends in literature. Topics and problems, traditions and innovations in the works of writers and poets.

Topic 2.23 Poetry, prose and drama of the 60s.

1. Looking for something new poetic language, form, genre in the poetry of B. Akhmadullina, E. Vinokurov, R. Rozhdestvensky, A. Voznesensky, E. Evtushenko, B. Okudzhava and others.

2. Development of the traditions of Russian classics in the poetry of N. Fedorov, N. Rubtsov, S. Narovchatov, D. Samoilov, L. Martynov, E. Vinokurov, N. Starshinov, Yu. Drunina, B. Slutsky, S. Orlov, I. Brodsky, R. Gamzatov and others.

3. " Urban prose" Theme, moral issues, artistic features works by V. Aksenov, D. Granin, Y. Trifonov, V. Dudintsev and others.

4. “Village prose.” A depiction of life in a Soviet village. The depth and integrity of the spiritual world of man, connected by his life with the earth, in the works of F. Abramov, M. Alekseev, S. Belov, S. Zalygin, V. Krupin, P. Proskurin, B. Mozhaev, V. Shukshin, etc.

5. Drama. Moral issues of the plays by A. Volodin “Five Evenings”, A. Arbuzov “Irkutsk History”, “Cruel Intentions”, V. Rozov “In Good Hour”, “The Wood Grouse’s Nest”, A. Vampilov “Last Summer in Chulimsk”, “Senior son", " Duck hunting" and etc.

Topic 2.24 Works of A.I. Solzhenitsyn

1. The life and creative path of A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

2. “One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich.” A new approach to depicting the past. The problem of generational responsibility.

Topic 2.25 Creativity of V.T. Shalamov.

1. The life and creative path of V.T. Shalamov. 2. " Kolyma stories" The artistic originality of Shalamov's prose: absence of declarations, simplicity, clarity.

Topic 2.26 Creativity of V. Shukshin.

1. The life and creative path of V. Shukshin.

2. Depiction of the life of a Russian village: the depth and integrity of the spiritual world of the Russian person (Using the example of one of the stories: “Freak”, “I choose a village to live in”, “Cut”, “Microscope”, “Oratorical reception”).

Topic 2.27 Creativity of N. Rubtsov.

1. Life and creative path of N. Rubtsov.

2. The theme of the homeland in the poet’s lyrics, acute pain for its fate, faith in its inexhaustible spiritual powers. Harmony of man and nature. Yesenin traditions in Rubtsov’s lyrics.

Topic 2.28 Creativity of R. Gamzatov.

1. Life and creative path of R. Gamzatov.

2. The soulful sound of the theme of the homeland in Gamzatov’s lyrics. A technique of parallelism that enhances the semantic meaning of eight lines. The relationship between the national and the universal in Gamzatov’s works.

Topic 2.29 Creativity of A.V. Vampilov

1. Life and creative path of A.V. Vampilov.

2. The image of an eternal, indestructible bureaucrat. Affirmation of goodness, love and mercy. Gogolian traditions in the dramaturgy of A.V. Vampilov.

Topic 2.30 Russian literature of recent years (review).

1. Disputes about the ways of cultural development.

2. The main genres of modern literature.

3. The position of modern magazines.

Criteria for evaluation:


The student gave a complete answer to the question, but had 1-2 shortcomings or found it difficult to give examples.


The student gave an incomplete answer to the question, had 3-4 shortcomings and found it difficult to give examples.


The student provided less than 50% of the answer to the question, had 5 or more shortcomings and did not support the answer with examples or did not answer the question at all.

2.5. Topics of abstracts, reports.

1. Russia at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries: culture, art, literature.

2. A.S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin": genre, theme, idea.

3. Pushkin - playwright. “Little tragedies” is an artistic originality.

4. M.Yu.Lermontov. “Hero of our time”: genre, theme, idea.

5. N.V.Gogol. “Dead Souls”: genre, theme, idea.

6. Russia of the 1st half of the 19th century: culture, art, literature.

7. A.N. Ostrovsky. The artistic originality of the plays (“Dowry”, “Our people - we will be numbered”, “They cut down the forest - the chips fly”, etc. to choose from).

8. A.I. Goncharov. The artistic originality of the novel “The Cliff” or “ An ordinary story"(optional).

9. Russia 2 half of the 19th century: culture, art, literature.

10. I.S. Turgenev. The artistic originality of the novel “The Noble Nest”, “Rudin” (optional).

11. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tales. Artistic originality.

12. F.M. Dostoevsky. The artistic originality of the novel “The Idiot”, “Humiliated and Insulted”, “The Brothers Karamazov” (optional).

13. L.N. Tolstoy. The artistic originality of the novel "Resurrection".

14. A.P. Chekhov. Stories. Artistic originality (using example 1-2).

15. Russia at the beginning of the 20th century: culture, art, literature.

16. I.A.Bunin. Stories. Artistic originality (using example 1-2).

17. A.I. Kuprin. Stories. Artistic originality (using the example of the story “The Duel” or “Moloch”).

18. Poets of the “Silver Age”. N. Gumilev. Creation.

19. Poets of the “Silver Age”. V. Bryusov. Creation.

20. Poets of the “Silver Age”. O. Mandelstam. Creation.

21. M. Gorky. Gorky's romanticism (using the example of the work “Old Woman Izergil”).

22. M. Gorky - prose writer. The artistic originality of novels (using the example of the works “The Life of Klim Samgin”, “Mother”).

23. Symbolism in Blok’s works (using the example of 3-4 poems).

24. A. Blok. Poem "Twelve". Artistic originality.

25. Satire of the 20s of the 20th century. M. Zoshchenko. Creation.

26. Satire of the 20s of the 20th century. I. Ilf and E. Petrov. Creation.

27. Satire of the 20s of the 20th century. Creativity of A. Averchenko.

28. The genre of the dystopian novel. Creativity of E. Zamyatin. Artistic originality (using the example of the story “We”).

29. S. Yesenin. The image of Russia in the poet’s work.

31. Russia of the 30s of the 20th century: culture, art, literature.

32. I. Babel. Depiction of the events of the Civil War (using the example of the story “Cavalry”).

33. M. Bulgakov. Satire in the writer’s work (using the example of the story “Heart of a Dog”, the story “ Fatal eggs" and etc.)

34. M. Sholokhov. The theme of war in the writer’s work (using the example of the story “The Fate of Man”).

35. M. Sholokhov. Works for children (using the example of the story “Nakhalenok”).

36. Literature of the Second World War period. Creativity of Yu. Drunina.

37. Literature of the Second World War period. Creativity O. Berggolts.

38. Literature of the Second World War period. Creativity of K. Simonov.

39. Literature of the Second World War period. Creativity of A. Surkov.

40. Literature of the Second World War period. Creativity of M. Isakovsky.

41. Literature of the Second World War period. Creativity of M. Jalil.

42. Literature of the post-war years about the war. Creativity of V. Bykov.

43. Literature of the post-war years about the war. Creativity of B. Vasiliev.

44. Literature of the post-war years about the war. Creativity of Yu. Bondarev.

45. Literature of the post-war years about the war. Creativity of V. Nekrasov.

46. ​​Russia 50-60s 20th century: culture, art, literature.

47. Creativity of B. Akhmadulina.

48. Creativity of N. Rubtsov.

49. The works of I. Brodsky.

50. “Village prose” (using the example of the works of B. Mozhaev, M. Alekseev, V. Shukshin, F. Abramov).

51. Russia 70-80s 20th century: culture, art, literature.

52. “Urban prose” (using the example of the works of V. Aksenov, D. Granin, Y. Trifonov, V. Dudintsev).

53. Russia of the late 20th and early 21st centuries: culture, art, literature.

54. Features of modern literature.

Criteria for evaluation






The abstract (report) corresponds to the topic. The topic is not fully covered. Examples from texts are given. The narrative is logical. No more than 2 allowed factual errors. The abstract is formatted according to the requirements.


The abstract (report) corresponds to the topic. The topic is not fully covered. No examples from texts are given. The narrative is logical. 3-4 factual errors were made. The abstract is not formatted in accordance with the requirements.


The abstract (report) does not correspond to the topic. More than 4 factual errors were made. The narrative is not consistent. The design is not in accordance with the requirements.

Option 1.

1. Determine the genre of the work “The Enchanted Wanderer”:

A. novel;
B. tragedy;
V. story;
G. story.

2. “The Enchanted Wanderer” is a work composed of individual episodes. How are the parts combined into a single work?

V. heroine (Pear);
G. wandering hero.

3. Determine the nature of the narrative in the work “The Enchanted Wanderer”:

A. objective - narrative;
B. memoirs;
V. fantastic, in the first person;
D. third person.

4. The main idea of ​​the work “The Enchanted Wanderer” is as follows:

A. a Russian person can handle everything;
B. Russian people always strive for danger;

V. only in extreme situations does a person reveal himself;
D. Russian people cope with all troubles alone.

5. Which character from the work can be called “the enchanted wanderer”:

A. Gypsy Grusha;
B. prince;
V. Ivan Flyagin;
G. Savakiria.

6. Which epic hero does he compare with?

A. with Alyosha Popovich;
B. with Dobrynya Nikitich;

V. with Ilya Muromets;
G. with Saveliy - the hero of Starorussky.

7. What was Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin’s name in childhood:

A. Ishmael;

B. Monomakh;

V. Golovan;

G. Cossack.

8. What reward did the main character ask for for saving the count’s family:

And money;
B. liberation from serfdom;
V. horse;
G. accordion.

9. Why did he flee to the steppe from the city:

A. in search of adventure;
B. following his beloved;
V. was captured;
G. because of the murder of Savakirei.

10. How they kept the main character in the steppe:

A. rich gifts;
B. the most beautiful girl was given as a wife;
V. was kept in a hole in stocks;
G. “bristled” the heels.

11. How long was I. Flyagin in captivity:

B. 3 months;

12. killed the gypsy Grusha:

A. because of jealousy;
B. trying to save her from the sin of murder;
V. because of unrequited love;
G. it happened by accident.

13. How did the main character’s wanderings end:

A. returned to his homeland to his landowner;
B. started his own family;
V. became a monk;
G. is going to go to war.

Creativity test

Option 2.

1. What genre of ancient Russian literature is the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” close to?

A. Apocrypha
B. Walking
B. Life
G. Teaching

2. What is Ivan Flyagin’s middle name:

A. Larionich

B. Severyanych

V. Stepanych
G. Maksimych

3. Which epic hero does he compare with:

A. Dobrynya Nikitich
B. Ilya Muromets
V. Nikita Kozhemyaka
G. Alyosha Popovich

4. What Ivan Flyagin asked for the salvation of the count’s family:

A. Freedom
B. Money
V. Garmon
G. Horse

5. After parting with the gypsy, Flyagin started working:

A. Doctor
B. Horse breeder
V. Nanny
G. Shepherd

6. fled to the steppe:

A. Hid from Khan Dzhangar
B. In search of a new life
B. Because of the murder of Sawakirei
G. Following my beloved

7. How much time did the hero spend in the steppe:

A. Ten years
B. Three years
Per month
G. One year

8. How Ivan Flyagin was held in the steppe:

A. Kept in stocks in a pit
B. Heels bristled
B. They gave the most beautiful girl as a wife
D. Rich gifts

9. killed Grusha:

A. Because of unrequited love
B. It happened by accident
B. So that Grusha does not return to the prince
D. To save her soul from sin - murder

10. After the murder:

A. Joined the recruits
B. Ended up in prison
V. Went to a monastery
G. Fled to the steppe

11. How did the main character’s wanderings end:

A. Started his own family
B. Took monastic vows
V. Returned to his homeland
G. Going to war

12. What does not apply to the biography of Ivan Flyagin:

A. Nanny for a master's child
Actor in a booth
G. Serf blacksmith

13. Which name does not belong to the main character:

A. Golovan

B. Petr Serdyukov

IN. father Ishmael
G. brother Diomede

Option 1

1. Answer B. story
2. Answer G. wandering hero
3.V.’s answer is fantastic, in the first person.
4.Answer A. Russian people can handle everything
5.Answer from V. Ivan Flyagin
6. Answer V. with Ilya Muromets
7. Answer V. Golovan
8. Answer G. accordion.
9. G.’s answer because of the murder of Savakirei
10.Answer G. The heels “bristled.”
11.Answer B. 10 years
12.Answer B. trying to save her from the sin of murder
13.Answer G. is going to go to war

Option 2

ANSWERS: 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10A, 11B, 12D, 13G