Life values ​​of Andrei Sokolov. Fiction as a source of moral values

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M. Sholokhov's story “The Fate of a Man” is one of top works writer. At its center is the confession of a simple Russian man who went through two wars, survived the inhuman torments of captivity and not only preserved his moral principles, but also turned out to be able to give love and care to the orphan Vanyushka. Andrei Sokolov's life path was a path of trials. He lived in dramatic times: the story mentions the civil war, famine, the years of recovery from devastation, the first five-year plans. But it is characteristic that in the story these times are only mentioned, without the usual ideological labels and political assessments, simply as conditions of existence. The main character's attention is focused on something completely different. He speaks in detail, with undisguised admiration, about his wife, about his children, about the work that he liked (“I was attracted by cars”), about this other wealth (“the children eat porridge with milk, there is a roof over their heads, they are dressed, be okay"). These simple earthly values ​​are the main moral achievements of Andrei Sokolov in the pre-war period, these are his moral basis.

There are no political, ideological, or religious guidelines, but there are eternal, universal, national concepts (wife, children, home, work), filled with the warmth of cordiality. They became the spiritual supports of Andrei Sokolov for the rest of his life, and he entered the apocalyptic trials of the Great Patriotic War as a fully formed person. All subsequent events in the life of Andrei Sokolov represent a test of these moral foundations “to the breaking point.” The culmination of the story is the escape from captivity and a direct confrontation with the Nazis. It is very important that Andrei Sokolov treats them with some kind of epic calm. This calmness comes from the respectful understanding of the original essence of man brought up in him. This is the reason for Andrei Sokolov’s naive, at first glance, surprise when confronted with the barbaric cruelty of the Nazis and stunned at the fall of a personality corrupted by the ideology of fascism.

Andrei's clash with the Nazis is a struggle between healthy morality, based on the world experience of the people, and the world of antimorality. The essence of Andrei Sokolov’s victory lies not only in the fact that he forced Muller himself to capitulate to the human dignity of the Russian soldier, but also in the fact that with his proud behavior, at least for a moment, he awakened something human in Muller and his drinking companions (“they also laughed ", "they seem to look more softly"). The test of Andrei Sokolov's moral principles does not end with the mortal pangs of fascist captivity. The news of the death of his wife and daughter, the death of his son on the last day of the war, and the orphanhood of someone else’s child, Vanyushka, are also trials. And if in clashes with the Nazis Andrei retained his human dignity, his resistance to evil, then in the trials of his own and others’ misfortune he reveals unspent sensitivity, an uncorroded need to give warmth and care to others. Important feature life path Andrei Sokolov is that he constantly judges himself: “Until my death, until my last hour, I will die, and I will not forgive myself for pushing her away!” This is the voice of conscience, elevating a person above the circumstances of life. In addition, every turn in the hero’s fate is marked by his heartfelt reaction to his own and other people’s actions, events, the course of life: “My heart is still, as I remember, as if it were being cut with a dull knife...”, “When you remember the inhuman torment... the heart is no longer in the chest , and there is a beating in my throat, and it becomes difficult to breathe,” “my heart broke…” At the end of Andrei Sokolov’s confession, an image of a large human heart appears, which has accepted all the troubles of the world, a heart spent on love for people, on the defense of life.

M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” convinces us that the meaning of history, its driving “engine” is the struggle between humanity, nurtured through centuries of experience folk life, and everything that is hostile to “simple moral laws.” And only the one who absorbed these organic human values into his flesh and blood, “hearted” them, can, with the power of his soul, resist the nightmare of dehumanization, save life, protect the meaning and truth of human existence itself.

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The work of Mikhail Sholokhov is closely connected with the fate of our people. Sholokhov himself assessed his story “The Fate of a Man” as a step towards creating a book about the war.

Andrey Sokolov - typical representative people according to their life behavior and character. He and his country go through civil war, devastation, industrialization and a new war.
Andrey Sokolov “born in one thousand nine hundred.”

In his story, Sholokhov focuses on the roots of mass heroism, going back to national traditions. Sokolov has “his own, Russian dignity”: “So that I, a Russian soldier, would drink German weapons for the victory?!”

The life of Andrei Sokolov constantly required strong-willed efforts from him. He even had to work as a laborer. The first time he was left alone was when the whole family died of hunger. But he fought and really wanted to survive, not for himself, but for the sake of his family. Andrey Sokolov is a part of his people. This is how the camp episode is described: “I said goodbye to my comrades, they all knew that I was going to death, I sighed and went. I’m walking through the camp yard, looking at the stars, saying goodbye to them, thinking: “So you’ve suffered, Andrei Sokolov, and in the camp, number three hundred and thirty-one.” I somehow felt sorry for Irinka and the kids, and then this sadness subsided, and I began to gather my courage to look into the hole of the pistol fearlessly, as befits a soldier, so that the enemies would not see at my last minute that I had to give up my life after all. difficult…"

Millions of people died during the war in concentration camps. Sholokhov draws attention to the solidarity of the prisoners when the Germans took away “people harmful to them” from the church. Out of two hundred superfluous person no one betrayed the commanders and communists.

Sokolov is a brave man who does not lose his composure. Morally, he outplays his opponent. At the first meeting of the wounded Andrei with the Germans, he mockingly hands the marauder his boots and footcloth.

Sholokhov portrays Sokolov as an extraordinary person, noble and humane. His son has the same originality. Even the national newspaper wrote about his natural mathematical talent.

Sokolov’s humanity was also evident in the adoption of the orphan Vanyusha.
After all, even after civil war Andrei marries an orphan raised in orphanage. Heartbroken at the news of the death of his family, Sokolov, having received news from his son, dreams of marrying his son and living with the young, working as a carpenter and babysitting his grandchildren.

Sokolov’s life feat is long-term, not one-time. This feat is the most difficult. Andrey is constantly aware of his responsibility for the fate of his Motherland.

M. Sholokhov’s story highlights two aspects of the war: the grief of a soldier who lost his home and family, and the soldier’s courage in German captivity. The trials did not break Sokolov. The optimism of the hero of the story leaves a deep imprint on the reader’s soul for life and serves as a moral example.

Based on the story by Sholokhov, directed by S. Bondarchuk (who is also the performer leading role) a wonderful film was produced.

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  • THE LIFE PATH OF ANDREY SOKOLOV (based on the story “The Fate of a Man” by M. A. Sholokhov)

    M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man” is one of the writer’s pinnacle works. At its center is the confession of a simple Russian man who went through two wars, survived the inhuman torment of captivity and not only preserved his moral principles, but also turned out to be able to give love and care to the orphan Vanyushka.

    Andrei Sokolov's life path was a path of trials. He lived in dramatic times: the story mentions the civil war, famine, the years of recovery from devastation, the first five-year plans. But it is characteristic that in the story these times are only mentioned, without the usual ideological labels and political assessments, simply as conditions of existence. The main character's attention is focused on something completely different. He speaks in detail, with undisguised admiration, about his wife, about his children, about the work that he liked (“I was attracted by cars”), about family wealth (“the children eat porridge with milk, there is a roof over their heads, they are dressed, they have shoes, therefore everything in order"). These simple earthly values ​​are the main moral achievements of Andrei Sokolov in the pre-war period; this is his moral basis. There are no political, ideological, or religious guidelines, but there are eternal, universal, national concepts (wife, children, home, work), filled with the warmth of cordiality. They became the spiritual supports of Andrei Sokolov for the rest of his life, and he entered the apocalyptic trials of the Great Patriotic War as a fully formed person.

    All subsequent events in the life of Andrei Sokolov represent a test of these moral foundations “to the breaking point.” The culmination of the story is the escape from captivity and a direct confrontation with the Nazis. It is very important that Andrei Sokolov treats them with some kind of epic calm. This calmness comes from the respectful understanding of the original essence of man brought up in him. This is the reason for Andrei Sokolov’s naive, at first glance, surprise when confronted with the barbaric cruelty of the Nazis and stunned at the fall of a personality corrupted by the ideology of fascism.

    Andrei's clash with the Nazis is a struggle between healthy morality, based on the world experience of the people, and the world of antimorality. The essence of Andrei Sokolov’s victory lies not only in the fact that he forced Muller himself to capitulate to the human dignity of the Russian soldier, but also in the fact that with his proud behavior, at least for a moment, he awakened something human in Muller and his drinking companions (“they also laughed ”, “they seem to look more softly”).

    The test of Andrei Sokolov's moral principles does not end with the mortal pangs of fascist captivity. The news of the death of his wife and daughter, the death of his son on the last day of the war, and the orphanhood of someone else’s child, Vanyushka, are also trials. And if in clashes with the Nazis Andrei retained his human dignity, his resistance to evil, then in the trials of his own and others’ misfortune he reveals unspent sensitivity, an uncorroded need to give warmth and care to others.

    An important feature of Andrei Sokolov’s life path is that he constantly judges himself: “Until my death, until my last hour, I will die, and I will not forgive myself for pushing her away!” This is the voice of conscience, elevating a person above the circumstances of life. In addition, every turn in the hero’s fate is marked by his heartfelt reaction to his own and other people’s actions, events, the course of life: “My heart is still, as I remember, like being cut with a dull knife...”, “When you remember the inhuman torment... the heart is no longer in the chest , and there is a beating in my throat, and it becomes difficult to breathe,” “my heart broke…” At the end of Andrei Sokolov’s confession, an image of a large human heart appears, which has accepted all the troubles of the world, a heart spent on love for people, on the defense of life.

    M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” convinces us that the meaning of history, its driving “engine” is the struggle between humanity, nurtured through the centuries-old experience of people’s life, and everything that is hostile to the “simple laws of morality.” And only those who have absorbed these organic human values ​​into their flesh and blood, “heartened” them, can, with the strength of their soul, resist the nightmare of dehumanization, save life, protect the meaning and truth of human existence itself.

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    THE LIFE PATH OF ANDREY SOKOLOV (based on the story “The Fate of Man” by M. Sholokhov)

    1M. Sholokhov- outstanding Russian writer, Nobel Prize laureate in literature. (An honorary prize in the world was awarded in 1965 to the Russian writer M. Sholokhov, the author of the story “The Fate of Man” and other works about the life of working people.)
    II. The fate of the main character of the story.
    1. The life of Andrei Sokolov before the war. (Andrei Sokolov had an ordinary life: he served in the Red Army, worked, raised children, built a house, was glad that his family did not live worse than people. I haven’t really thought about what I live for.)
    2. Separation from children and wife in the first days of the war. (Only after parting with Irina and the children did Andrei feel how much they meant in his life.)
    3. The trials that befell Sokolov during the war. (Participation in hostilities, captivity, the first attempt to break free, forced labor in captivity, escape from captivity, the news of the death of Irina and her daughters, the funeral of Anatoly’s son on the last day of the war.)
    4. A sense of human dignity, the will to live, love for the Motherland of the main character of the story. (Ani, under what circumstances, even in the terrible conditions of captivity, the hero of the story did not lose his sense of human dignity, the will to live, love for his native land. Thinking that Muller called him to shoot, Sokolov behaves with dignity, does not lose his sense of human dignity. And when he was back in his homeland, Andrei began to kiss his native land. For the sake of this moment, he endured all the bullying in fascist captivity.)
    5. The life of Andrei Sokolov after the war. (Andrei’s life after the war became colorless, without loved ones it lost its meaning. And only with the appearance of Vanyusha did Sokolov’s heart begin to thaw and fill with feelings.)
    III. Reflections on the meaning of life in the story. (By depicting the events in the story, the author prompts the reader to think: a person lives in order to do good on earth, to warm those around him with the warmth of his heart. A person cannot live his life alone. Life acquires meaning when a person lives on native land and she has someone to live for.)


    Gazizova K., Akhtaeva N.S.,

    Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

    Literature is the teacher of life...

    Solzhenitsyn A. I.

    Probably, sooner or later there comes a certain time in the life of every person when he begins to wonder about the meaning of his existence. We live in an age when there is no time left for thinking. XX I century is the century of information technology, fundamental discoveries and market economy, and “modern man” is a prototype of a robot, ready to receive a flow of information around the clock. Informatization of society, as the main driving factor of progress, and the market economy dictate " modern society" own rules. The word "life" has lost its meaning true meaning in the process of “evolution” of society, and, most likely, the life of a person living in the twentieth I century is an acute struggle for existence and an endless search for a “place in the Sun.” Over the last century, humanity has made a significant step forward: the creation of computers and mobile phones, the advent of television and the Internet. But, in pursuit of better life and prosperity, society exchanged moral and spiritual values ​​for material ones.

    A lot of discoveries have been made, laws have been revealed and theorems have been proven, but over the course of centuries of history one of the most interesting, but at the same time, remains open. controversial issues humanity: “What is the meaning of life?” Some find the meaning of their lives in creating a family, others in a career, money and power, and some do not find it at all. In fact, the answer to the question about the meaning of life is quite subjective. Every person looks at life, first of all, through the prism of his past experience, his values, interests, etc. And it was this question that from time immemorial worried ancient philosophers and thinkers, gave writers and poets “food” for thought, and psychologists an inexhaustible topic for research. And, of course, understanding the meaning of “the meaning of life” depends on the point of view from which we look at it.

    The concept of the meaning of life is present in any developed ideological system, justifying and interpreting the moral norms and values ​​inherent in this system, demonstrating goals that justify the activities they prescribe.

    The topic of “meaning in life” began to be studied at the beginning of the twentieth century by psychologists such as Alfred Adler and Carl Rogers, but the Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist Viktor Frankl explored this topic most fully in his works. However, psychological works are not the only source of knowledge about the essence of existence. Long before the emergence of psychological science, one of the sources of searching for the meaning of existence for people was, and to this day is, fiction, and we rightfully classify many classics as psychologists.

    Thus, fiction is not only special kind art, but also an emotional and aesthetic type of communication, implying communication between the author, characters and reader.

    Fiction is also a subject of study for psychologists, as it is directly related to the human psyche and is its subjective reflection of individuals. And a number of works by Soviet psychologists are devoted to fiction: “Psychology of Art” by L.S. Vygotsky, and “Methodological notebooks” by A.N. Leontyev, and “L.N. Tolstoy as a psychologist" I.V. Strakhov, and “Notes of a psychologist when reading fiction” by B. M. Teplov.

    V.P. Zinchenko in the Great Psychological Dictionary evaluates art as “living knowledge”: “The main signs of living knowledge are openness and understatement. It is built on the connection between science and art. Art is centuries ahead of science in the knowledge of inanimate and especially living things. Art generates different knowledge. Science dismembers, anatomizes, crushes the world into small fragments that do not stick together and are not assembled into a coherent picture. She was especially successful in her disintegrative activities while studying man. Art keeps the world intact. It constantly reminds science of the existence of an integral, non-fragmentary world.”

    S.L. Rubinstein in his book “Man and the World” wrote that “the meaning of each person’s life is determined only in relation to the content of his entire life with other people. All questions that affect the worldview, the answer to which determines how a person should live and where to look for the meaning of life... coincide in one question - about the nature of man and his place in the world.”

    According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky’s definition: “Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.” Indeed, reading requires us to have the skills to analyze, synthesize, and memorize information, and at the same time requires focused attention. Reading not only contributes to the development of memory and thinking, but is also an invaluable source of vital information. Karl Marx wrote that: “Reading works of art is an invaluable source of knowledge of life and the laws of its struggle.” Every classic is a good psychologist. Reading the works of L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, F.M. Dostoevsky, C. Dickens and other classics, both Russian and foreign fiction, each of us is immersed in the special world of the work, gets acquainted with its heroes, their lives, morals, values. A person’s horizons broaden significantly with each reading, and he looks at the surrounding reality differently, through the prism of new acquired experience; by reading the work, in a word, his worldview changes. One of the most significant works of world classics is undoubtedly the epic novel by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy “War and Peace”. Written in the second half of the twentieth century I century, the novel by L.N. Tolstoy is considered a cultural heritage not only of the Russian people, but of all humanity. In this work, the author touches not only, as is commonly assumed, historical issues, but also reveals the theme of “the meaning of life” within the framework of individuals, as representatives of the entire human race. Indeed, if you approach the work c more philosophical side, you can see that L.N. Tolstoy, being an “expert in human souls,” reveals the topic moral values and the search for the meaning of existence using such a vivid example as Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. Prince Andrei is one of central characters, in constant search for the meaning of his existence, which we can observe throughout the novel. At first we see: Prince Andrei himself dreams of glory, which was a certain driving force, the reason for his participation in military battles. But, as we remember, the turning point was Battle of Austerlitz, after which Andrey radically changes his life values and understands that he was mistaken, and there is something much higher and more significant in the world than “war for the sake of glory”: “How quiet, calm and solemn, not at all like how I ran... Not like we ran, shouted and fought; It’s not at all like how the Frenchman and the artilleryman pulled each other’s banners with embittered faces - not at all like how the clouds crawl across this high, endless sky. How come I haven’t seen this high sky before? And how happy I am that I finally recognized him. Yes! Everything is empty, everything is deception, except this endless sky.” And now, after the fall of all previous ideals and beliefs, grief awaits Bolkonsky: the death of his wife and son. Having reconsidered his views, Prince Andrei decides that the “most important thing” on the path of life is family and “life for the sake of family.” But in Bolkonsky, unlike many other heroes of the novel, there was a certain strength, an inner fervor that did not allow him to stop and be content with little. Second turning point Andrei's fate was his meeting with Natasha Rostova, which radically changed his worldview and the concept of “the meaning of being.” For every person in love, the meaning of existence is undoubtedly love. L.N. Tolstoy undoubtedly managed to fully reveal the image of a person who is in the eternal search for the meaning of life, the struggle between the way of life of that time and his interests. “Fame”, “family”, “love” are some of the most common visions of this “meaning” . Prince Bolkonsky, again participating in the battle, dies, but he dies as a completely different person.

    “Fame”, “family”, “love” are some of the most common visions of this “meaning”, but few people think about it in Everyday life, as was the case with the hero of another work by the no less talented writer Mikhail Sholokhov. Andrei Sokolov, the main character of M. Sholokhov’s work “The Fate of Man”, an ordinary citizen of his country, good husband and father. The image of Sokolov is a collective image of many ordinary people: husbands and fathers who went to war. And Andrei’s fate is a reflection of the fate of hundreds of warriors, soldiers who fought for the peaceful sky above our heads. When reading the work, we see that the meaning of Sokolov’s life was family and work. But, like any other person, Andrei did not realize the full significance and value of everything that he had before the war, did not realize that this was the meaning of his life. However, during the war he understood and realized how important home, family, work and a peaceful sky are for him. Also, the author points out that the image of Sokolov is an image of courageous and brave, honest and kind person with high moral values. Unlike Prince Bolkonsky, Sokolov does not think about the “meaning of life”; he simply lives, honestly fulfills his duty to the Motherland, and helps people. And the meaning of his existence is to help people who need him to do good deeds.

    And, based on the analysis of two works that rightfully belong to the heritage of Russian fiction, we can say that the answer to the question about the “meaning of being” is quite subjective and nothing can be said unambiguously. But, in my opinion, the “meaning of existence” lies in its endless search throughout life, and the time spent in search is “life”.

    Thus, the theme of “the meaning of life and its search”, moral values ​​is the main driving force behind the writing of all works of art. And it is works of art that help especially young people who have minor life experience, reconsider your priorities, your interests and life values. And we can consider these works an inexhaustible source of knowledge about life, because as long as there is a society capable of reading and analyzing what is read, the meaning of what is written will exist.

    Today we see that there are much fewer readers, just as the number of writers has decreased significantly, and there are practically no classical writers. This is one of the serious global problems society. U modern people There is not enough free time for self-development. The bustle and routine of the city leaves no time for reflection, but sometimes it is necessary to stop and think about: “Who am I? Am I living or am I just existing? And if I live, then for what purpose?”


    1. The meaning of life (human). "Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary", M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1989.

    2. Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-Eurosign. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003.

    3. “Man and the World”, S.L. Rubinstein, 1973, p. 382.

    4. “War and Peace”, L.N. Tolstoy, volume I, part 3, chapter XVI.